public function setup() { clearstatcache(); $fs = new Adapter\Local(__DIR__ . '/'); $fs->deleteDir('files'); $fs->createDir('files'); }
public function testCloseStream() { //ensure all basic stream stuff works $sourceFile = OC::$SERVERROOT . '/tests/data/lorem.txt'; $tmpFile = \OC::$server->getTempManager()->getTemporaryFile('.txt'); $file = 'close://' . $tmpFile; $this->assertTrue(file_exists($file)); file_put_contents($file, file_get_contents($sourceFile)); $this->assertEquals(file_get_contents($sourceFile), file_get_contents($file)); unlink($file); clearstatcache(); $this->assertFalse(file_exists($file)); //test callback $tmpFile = \OC::$server->getTempManager()->getTemporaryFile('.txt'); $file = 'close://' . $tmpFile; $actual = false; $callback = function ($path) use(&$actual) { $actual = $path; }; \OC\Files\Stream\Close::registerCallback($tmpFile, $callback); $fh = fopen($file, 'w'); fwrite($fh, 'asd'); fclose($fh); $this->assertSame($tmpFile, $actual); }
public function __construct() { $defaults = array('chuser' => false, 'uid' => 99, 'gid' => 99, 'maxTimes' => 0, 'maxMemory' => 0, 'limitMemory' => 0, 'log' => '/tmp/' . get_class($this) . '.log', 'pid' => '/tmp/' . get_class($this) . '.pid', 'help' => "Usage:\n\n{$_SERVER['_']} " . __FILE__ . " start|stop|restart|status|help\n\n"); $this->_options += $defaults; ini_set('memory_limit', $this->_options['limitMemory']); clearstatcache(); }
/** * Generate doctrine proxy classes for extended entities for the given entity manager * * @param EntityManager $em */ protected function generateEntityManagerProxies(EntityManager $em) { $isAutoGenerated = $em->getConfiguration()->getAutoGenerateProxyClasses(); if (!$isAutoGenerated) { $proxyDir = $em->getConfiguration()->getProxyDir(); if (!empty($this->cacheDir) && $this->kernelCacheDir !== $this->cacheDir && strpos($proxyDir, $this->kernelCacheDir) === 0) { $proxyDir = $this->cacheDir . substr($proxyDir, strlen($this->kernelCacheDir)); } $metadataFactory = $em->getMetadataFactory(); $proxyFactory = $em->getProxyFactory(); $extendConfigs = $this->extendConfigProvider->getConfigs(null, true); foreach ($extendConfigs as $extendConfig) { if (!$extendConfig->is('is_extend')) { continue; } if ($extendConfig->in('state', [ExtendScope::STATE_NEW])) { continue; } $entityClass = $extendConfig->getId()->getClassName(); $proxyFileName = $proxyDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '__CG__' . str_replace('\\', '', $entityClass) . '.php'; $metadata = $metadataFactory->getMetadataFor($entityClass); $proxyFactory->generateProxyClasses([$metadata], $proxyDir); clearstatcache(true, $proxyFileName); } } }
/** * Tests a simple composer install without core, but adding core later. */ public function testComposerInstallAndUpdate() { $exampleScaffoldFile = $this->tmpDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'index.php'; $this->assertFileNotExists($exampleScaffoldFile, 'Scaffold file should not be exist.'); $this->composer('install'); $this->assertFileExists($this->tmpDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'core', 'Drupal core is installed.'); $this->assertFileExists($exampleScaffoldFile, 'Scaffold file should be automatically installed.'); $this->fs->remove($exampleScaffoldFile); $this->assertFileNotExists($exampleScaffoldFile, 'Scaffold file should not be exist.'); $this->composer('drupal-scaffold'); $this->assertFileExists($exampleScaffoldFile, 'Scaffold file should be installed by "drupal-scaffold" command.'); foreach (['8.0.1', '8.1.x-dev'] as $version) { // We touch a scaffold file, so we can check the file was modified after // the scaffold update. touch($exampleScaffoldFile); $mtime_touched = filemtime($exampleScaffoldFile); // Requiring a newer version triggers "composer update" $this->composer('require --update-with-dependencies drupal/core:"' . $version . '"'); clearstatcache(); $mtime_after = filemtime($exampleScaffoldFile); $this->assertNotEquals($mtime_after, $mtime_touched, 'Scaffold file was modified by composer update. (' . $version . ')'); } // We touch a scaffold file, so we can check the file was modified after // the custom commandscaffold update. touch($exampleScaffoldFile); clearstatcache(); $mtime_touched = filemtime($exampleScaffoldFile); $this->composer('drupal-scaffold'); clearstatcache(); $mtime_after = filemtime($exampleScaffoldFile); $this->assertNotEquals($mtime_after, $mtime_touched, 'Scaffold file was modified by custom command.'); }
public function initRunFolder() { clearstatcache(); if (!File::exists($this->tmpRunFolder) && !is_dir($this->tmpRunFolder)) { $this->filesystem->mkdir($this->tmpRunFolder); } }
function is_page($page, $clearcache = FALSE) { if ($clearcache) { clearstatcache(); } return file_exists(get_filename($page)); }
/** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function write($key, $content) { $dir = dirname($key); if (!is_dir($dir)) { if (false === @mkdir($dir, 0777, true)) { clearstatcache(false, $dir); if (!is_dir($dir)) { throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Unable to create the cache directory (%s).', $dir)); } } } elseif (!is_writable($dir)) { throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Unable to write in the cache directory (%s).', $dir)); } $tmpFile = tempnam($dir, basename($key)); if (false !== @file_put_contents($tmpFile, $content) && @rename($tmpFile, $key)) { @chmod($key, 0666 & ~umask()); if (self::FORCE_BYTECODE_INVALIDATION == ($this->options & self::FORCE_BYTECODE_INVALIDATION)) { // Compile cached file into bytecode cache if (function_exists('opcache_invalidate')) { opcache_invalidate($key, true); } elseif (function_exists('apc_compile_file')) { apc_compile_file($key); } } return; } throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Failed to write cache file "%s".', $key)); }
public function testExecute() { $application = $this->getApplication(); $application->add(new ListCommand()); $command = $this->getApplication()->find('dev:module:create'); $root = getcwd(); // delete old module if (is_dir($root . '/N98Magerun_UnitTest')) { $filesystem = new Filesystem(); $filesystem->recursiveRemoveDirectory($root . '/N98Magerun_UnitTest'); clearstatcache(); } $commandTester = new CommandTester($command); $commandTester->execute(array('command' => $command->getName(), '--add-all' => true, '--add-setup' => true, '--add-readme' => true, '--add-composer' => true, '--modman' => true, '--description' => 'Unit Test Description', '--author-name' => 'Unit Test', '--author-email' => '*****@*****.**', 'vendorNamespace' => 'N98Magerun', 'moduleName' => 'UnitTest')); $this->assertFileExists($root . '/N98Magerun_UnitTest/composer.json'); $this->assertFileExists($root . '/N98Magerun_UnitTest/'); $moduleBaseFolder = $root . '/N98Magerun_UnitTest/src/app/code/local/N98Magerun/UnitTest/'; $this->assertFileExists($moduleBaseFolder . 'etc/config.xml'); $this->assertFileExists($moduleBaseFolder . 'Block'); $this->assertFileExists($moduleBaseFolder . 'Model'); $this->assertFileExists($moduleBaseFolder . 'Helper'); $this->assertFileExists($moduleBaseFolder . 'data/n98magerun_unittest_setup'); $this->assertFileExists($moduleBaseFolder . 'sql/n98magerun_unittest_setup'); // delete old module if (is_dir($root . '/N98Magerun_UnitTest')) { $filesystem = new Filesystem(); $filesystem->recursiveRemoveDirectory($root . '/N98Magerun_UnitTest'); clearstatcache(); } }
function doRewrite() { clearstatcache(); if (!($file = fopen($this->path, "r"))) { $this->error = true; return false; } $content = fread($file, filesize($this->path)); fclose($file); foreach ($this->rewrite as $key => $val) { $val = str_replace('$', '\\$', $val); if (is_int($val) && preg_match("/(define\\()([\"'])(" . $key . ")\\2,\\s*([0-9]+)\\s*\\)/", $content)) { $content = preg_replace("/(define\\()([\"'])(" . $key . ")\\2,\\s*([0-9]+)\\s*\\)/", "define('" . $key . "', " . $val . ")", $content); $this->report .= _OKIMG . sprintf(_INSTALL_L121, "<b>{$key}</b>", $val) . "<br />\n"; } elseif (preg_match("/(define\\()([\"'])(" . $key . ")\\2,\\s*([\"'])(.*?)\\4\\s*\\)/", $content)) { $content = preg_replace("/(define\\()([\"'])(" . $key . ")\\2,\\s*([\"'])(.*?)\\4\\s*\\)/", "define('" . $key . "', '" . $val . "')", $content); $this->report .= _OKIMG . sprintf(_INSTALL_L121, "<b>{$key}</b>", $val) . "<br />\n"; } else { $this->error = true; $this->report .= _NGIMG . sprintf(_INSTALL_L122, "<b>{$key}</b>", $val) . "<br />\n"; } } if (!($file = fopen($this->path, "w"))) { $this->error = true; return false; } if (fwrite($file, $content) == -1) { fclose($file); $this->error = true; return false; } fclose($file); return true; }
/** * Handle a single request * * @param string method request method * @param string query query string * @param [:string] headers request headers * @param string data post data * @param peer.Socket socket * @return int */ public function handleRequest($method, $query, array $headers, $data, Socket $socket) { $url = parse_url($query); $f = new File($this->docroot, strtr(preg_replace('#\\.\\./?#', '/', urldecode($url['path'])), '/', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR)); if (!is_file($f->getURI())) { return call_user_func($this->notFound, $this, $socket, $url['path']); } // Implement If-Modified-Since/304 Not modified $lastModified = $f->lastModified(); if ($mod = $this->header($headers, 'If-Modified-Since')) { $d = strtotime($mod); if ($lastModified <= $d) { $this->sendHeader($socket, 304, 'Not modified', []); return 304; } } clearstatcache(); try { $f->open(File::READ); } catch (IOException $e) { $this->sendErrorMessage($socket, 500, 'Internal server error', $e->getMessage()); $f->close(); return 500; } // Send OK header and data in 8192 byte chunks $this->sendHeader($socket, 200, 'OK', ['Last-Modified: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s T', $lastModified), 'Content-Type: ' . MimeType::getByFileName($f->getFilename()), 'Content-Length: ' . $f->size()]); while (!$f->eof()) { $socket->write($f->read(8192)); } $f->close(); return 200; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function boot() { // Register an autoloader for proxies to avoid issues when unserializing them // when the ORM is used. if ($this->container->hasParameter('doctrine.orm.proxy_namespace')) { $namespace = $this->container->getParameter('doctrine.orm.proxy_namespace'); $dir = $this->container->getParameter('doctrine.orm.proxy_dir'); $proxyGenerator = null; if ($this->container->getParameter('doctrine.orm.auto_generate_proxy_classes')) { // See for usage of references $container =& $this->container; $proxyGenerator = function ($proxyDir, $proxyNamespace, $class) use(&$container) { $originalClassName = ClassUtils::getRealClass($class); /** @var $registry Registry */ $registry = $container->get('doctrine'); // Tries to auto-generate the proxy file /** @var $em \Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager */ foreach ($registry->getManagers() as $em) { if (!$em->getConfiguration()->getAutoGenerateProxyClasses()) { continue; } $metadataFactory = $em->getMetadataFactory(); if ($metadataFactory->isTransient($originalClassName)) { continue; } $classMetadata = $metadataFactory->getMetadataFor($originalClassName); $em->getProxyFactory()->generateProxyClasses(array($classMetadata)); clearstatcache(true, Autoloader::resolveFile($proxyDir, $proxyNamespace, $class)); break; } }; } $this->autoloader = Autoloader::register($dir, $namespace, $proxyGenerator); } }
function isValid($id, $group = 'default', $doNotTestCacheValidity = false) { $this->_id = $id; $this->_group = $group; if ($this->_caching) { $this->_setRefreshTime(); $this->_setFileName($id, $group); clearstatcache(); if ($this->_memoryCaching) { if (isset($this->_memoryCachingArray[$this->_file])) { return true; } if ($this->_onlyMemoryCaching) { return false; } } if ($doNotTestCacheValidity || is_null($this->_refreshTime)) { if (file_exists($this->_file)) { return true; } } else { if (file_exists($this->_file) && @filemtime($this->_file) > $this->_refreshTime) { return true; } } } return false; }
function cron_auto_del_temp_download() { $dir = NV_ROOTDIR . '/' . NV_TEMP_DIR; $result = true; if ($dh = opendir($dir)) { while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) { if (preg_match('/^(' . nv_preg_quote(NV_TEMPNAM_PREFIX) . ')[a-zA-Z0-9\\_\\.]+$/', $file)) { if (filemtime($dir . '/' . $file) + 600 < NV_CURRENTTIME) { if (is_file($dir . '/' . $file)) { if (!@unlink($dir . '/' . $file)) { $result = false; } } else { $rt = nv_deletefile($dir . '/' . $file, true); if ($rt[0] == 0) { $result = false; } } } } } closedir($dh); clearstatcache(); } return $result; }
function debug($data) { global $timezone; if (function_exists("date_default_timezone_set")) { // php 5.1.x @date_default_timezone_set($timezone); } $debug_file = "./tfu.log"; $debug_string = date("m.d.Y G:i:s") . " - " . $data . "\n\n"; if (file_exists($debug_file)) { if (filesize($debug_file) > 1000000) { // debug file max = 1MB ! $debug_file_local = fopen($debug_file, 'w'); } else { $debug_file_local = fopen($debug_file, 'a'); } fputs($debug_file_local, $debug_string); fclose($debug_file_local); } else { if (is_writeable(dirname(__FILE__))) { $debug_file_local = fopen($debug_file, 'w'); fputs($debug_file_local, $debug_string); fclose($debug_file_local); clearstatcache(); } else { error_log($debug_string, 0); } } }
public function testCloseStream() { //ensure all basic stream stuff works $sourceFile = OC::$SERVERROOT . '/tests/data/lorem.txt'; $tmpFile = OC_Helper::TmpFile('.txt'); $file = 'close://' . $tmpFile; $this->assertTrue(file_exists($file)); file_put_contents($file, file_get_contents($sourceFile)); $this->assertEquals(file_get_contents($sourceFile), file_get_contents($file)); unlink($file); clearstatcache(); $this->assertFalse(file_exists($file)); //test callback $tmpFile = OC_Helper::TmpFile('.txt'); $file = 'close://' . $tmpFile; \OC\Files\Stream\Close::registerCallback($tmpFile, array('Test_StreamWrappers', 'closeCallBack')); $fh = fopen($file, 'w'); fwrite($fh, 'asd'); try { fclose($fh); $this->fail('Expected exception'); } catch (Exception $e) { $path = $e->getMessage(); $this->assertEquals($path, $tmpFile); } }
private function renameFile() { clearstatcache(); if (file_exists($this->filePath)) { $size = filesize($this->filePath); if ($size >= $this->limitSize) { $dir = opendir($this->path); $ar = array(); while ($file = readdir($dir)) { if ($this->isFileLog($file)) { $number = $this->getNumberFile($file); array_push($ar, $number); } } sort($ar); $n = count($ar); for ($i = $n - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) { $oldName = $this->path . $this->fileName . $this->fileSeparatorVersion . $ar[$i] . $this->fileExtension; $newName = $this->path . $this->fileName . $this->fileSeparatorVersion . ($i + 2) . $this->fileExtension; if ($i + 1 >= $this->limitFile) { unlink($oldName); } else { rename($oldName, $newName); } } rename($this->filePath, $this->path . $this->fileName . $this->fileSeparatorVersion . 1 . $this->fileExtension); } } }
/** * @medium */ function testWatcher() { $storage = $this->getTestStorage(); $cache = $storage->getCache(); $updater = $storage->getWatcher(); //set the mtime to the past so it can detect an mtime change $cache->put('', array('storage_mtime' => 10)); $this->assertTrue($cache->inCache('folder/bar.txt')); $this->assertTrue($cache->inCache('folder/bar2.txt')); $this->assertFalse($cache->inCache('bar.test')); $storage->file_put_contents('bar.test', 'foo'); $updater->checkUpdate(''); $this->assertTrue($cache->inCache('bar.test')); $cachedData = $cache->get('bar.test'); $this->assertEquals(3, $cachedData['size']); $cache->put('bar.test', array('storage_mtime' => 10)); $storage->file_put_contents('bar.test', 'test data'); // make sure that PHP can read the new size correctly clearstatcache(); $updater->checkUpdate('bar.test'); $cachedData = $cache->get('bar.test'); $this->assertEquals(9, $cachedData['size']); $cache->put('folder', array('storage_mtime' => 10)); $storage->unlink('folder/bar2.txt'); $updater->checkUpdate('folder'); $this->assertTrue($cache->inCache('folder/bar.txt')); $this->assertFalse($cache->inCache('folder/bar2.txt')); }
/** * Extract a frame from a movie file. Valid movie_options are start_time (in seconds), * input_args (extra ffmpeg input args) and output_args (extra ffmpeg output args). Extra args * are added at the end of the list, so they can override any prior args. * * @param string $input_file * @param string $output_file * @param array $movie_options (optional) */ static function extract_frame($input_file, $output_file, $movie_options = null) { $ffmpeg = movie::find_ffmpeg(); if (empty($ffmpeg)) { throw new Exception("@todo MISSING_FFMPEG"); } list($width, $height, $mime_type, $extension, $duration) = movie::get_file_metadata($input_file); if (isset($movie_options["start_time"]) && is_numeric($movie_options["start_time"])) { $start_time = max(0, $movie_options["start_time"]); // ensure it's non-negative } else { $start_time = module::get_var("gallery", "movie_extract_frame_time", 3); // use default } // extract frame at start_time, unless movie is too short $start_time_arg = $duration >= $start_time + 0.1 ? "-ss " . movie::seconds_to_hhmmssdd($start_time) : ""; $input_args = isset($movie_options["input_args"]) ? $movie_options["input_args"] : ""; $output_args = isset($movie_options["output_args"]) ? $movie_options["output_args"] : ""; $cmd = escapeshellcmd($ffmpeg) . " {$input_args} -i " . escapeshellarg($input_file) . " -an {$start_time_arg} -an -r 1 -vframes 1" . " -s {$width}x{$height}" . " -y -f mjpeg {$output_args} " . escapeshellarg($output_file) . " 2>&1"; exec($cmd, $exec_output, $exec_return); clearstatcache(); // use $filename parameter when PHP_version is 5.3+ if (filesize($output_file) == 0 || $exec_return) { // Maybe the movie needs the "-threads 1" argument added // (see $cmd = escapeshellcmd($ffmpeg) . " -threads 1 {$input_args} -i " . escapeshellarg($input_file) . " -an {$start_time_arg} -an -r 1 -vframes 1" . " -s {$width}x{$height}" . " -y -f mjpeg {$output_args} " . escapeshellarg($output_file) . " 2>&1"; exec($cmd, $exec_output, $exec_return); clearstatcache(); if (filesize($output_file) == 0 || $exec_return) { throw new Exception("@todo FFMPEG_FAILED"); } } }
function GAL_getImageInfo($folder, $file) { $thumbFolder = $folder . $GLOBALS['GAL_thumbnail_folder']; $fileName = $file . '.meta'; $ret = array(); $ret['dateLastModified'] = -1; clearstatcache(); if (!file_exists($thumbFolder . $fileName)) { $dateLastModified = @filemtime($folder . $file); $f = @fopen($thumbFolder . $fileName, 'wb'); if (is_resource($f)) { fwrite($f, $dateLastModified); fclose($f); } $ret['dateLastModified'] = $dateLastModified; } else { $f = @fopen($thumbFolder . $fileName, 'rb'); if (is_resource($f)) { $dateLastModified = trim(@fread($f, filesize($thumbFolder . $fileName))); fclose($f); } $ret['dateLastModified'] = $dateLastModified; } flush(); return $ret; }
/** * Return array of filenames to convert * @param string $dirName * @return mixed */ function getFileList($dirName = null) { if (!is_string($dirName)) { return false; } if (!is_dir($dirName)) { return false; } if (!is_readable($dirName)) { return false; } clearstatcache(); $ret_ar = array(); if (!($dh = opendir($dirName))) { return false; } while (false !== ($file = readdir($dh))) { if ($file == '..' or $file == '.') { continue; } $cur_file = $dirName . '/' . $file; if (is_dir($cur_file)) { $tmp_ar = getFileList($cur_file); if (is_array($tmp_ar)) { $ret_ar = array_merge($ret_ar, $tmp_ar); } } $ret_ar[] = $cur_file; } closedir($dh); natcasesort($ret_ar); return $ret_ar; }
function initConfig($db_host, $db_user, $db_pass, $db_prefix, $db_name) { $code = "return array(\n\t 'VAR_PAGE'=>'p',\n\t 'PAGE_SIZE'=>15,\n\t\t'DB_TYPE'=>'mysql',\n\t 'DB_HOST'=>'" . $db_host . "',\n\t 'DB_NAME'=>'" . $db_name . "',\n\t 'DB_USER'=>'" . $db_user . "',\n\t 'DB_PWD'=>'" . $db_pass . "',\n\t 'DB_PREFIX'=>'" . $db_prefix . "',\n\t 'DEFAULT_C_LAYER' => 'Action',\n\t 'DEFAULT_CITY' => '440100',\n\t 'DATA_CACHE_SUBDIR'=>true,\n 'DATA_PATH_LEVEL'=>2, \n\t 'SESSION_PREFIX' => 'WSTMALL',\n 'COOKIE_PREFIX' => 'WSTMALL',\n\t\t'LOAD_EXT_CONFIG' => 'wst_config'\n\t)"; $code = "<?php\n " . $code . ";\n?>"; file_put_contents(INSTALL_ROOT . "/Apps/Common/Conf/config.php", $code); clearstatcache(); }
public function postflight($type, $parent) { // Clear Joomla system cache. /** @var JCache|JCacheController $cache */ $cache = JFactory::getCache(); $cache->clean('_system'); // Clear Gantry5 cache. $path = JFactory::getConfig()->get('cache_path', JPATH_SITE . '/cache') . '/gantry5'; if (is_dir($path)) { JFolder::delete($path); } // Make sure that PHP has the latest data of the files. clearstatcache(); // Remove all compiled files from opcode cache. if (function_exists('opcache_reset')) { @opcache_reset(); } elseif (function_exists('apc_clear_cache')) { @apc_clear_cache(); } if ($type == 'uninstall') { return true; } /** @var JInstallerAdapter $parent */ $manifest = $parent->getManifest(); // Enable and lock extensions to prevent uninstalling them individually. $this->prepareExtensions($manifest, 1); // Make sure that all file formats used by Gantry 5 are editable from template manager. $this->adjustTemplateSettings(); return true; }
/** * Read the contents of a file * * @param string $filename The full file path * @param boolean $incpath Use include path * @param int $amount Amount of file to read * @param int $chunksize Size of chunks to read * @param int $offset Offset of the file * @return mixed Returns file contents or boolean False if failed * @since 1.5 */ function read($filename, $incpath = false, $amount = 0, $chunksize = 8192, $offset = 0) { // Initialize variables $data = null; if ($amount && $chunksize > $amount) { $chunksize = $amount; } if (false === ($fh = fopen($filename, 'rb', $incpath))) { JError::raiseWarning(21, 'extFile::read: ' . JText::_('Unable to open file') . ": '{$filename}'"); return false; } clearstatcache(); if ($offset) { fseek($fh, $offset); } if ($fsize = @filesize($filename)) { if ($amount && $fsize > $amount) { $data = fread($fh, $amount); } else { $data = fread($fh, $fsize); } } else { $data = ''; $x = 0; // While its: // 1: Not the end of the file AND // 2a: No Max Amount set OR // 2b: The length of the data is less than the max amount we want while (!feof($fh) && (!$amount || strlen($data) < $amount)) { $data .= fread($fh, $chunksize); } } fclose($fh); return $data; }
function w_rmdir_recursive_inner($path) { # avoid opening a handle on the dir in case that impacts # delete latency on windows if (@rmdir($path) || @unlink($path)) { return true; } clearstatcache(); if (is_dir($path)) { # most likely failure reason is that the dir is not empty $kids = @scandir($path); if (is_array($kids)) { foreach ($kids as $kid) { if ($kid == '.' || $kid == '..') { continue; } w_rmdir_recursive($path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $kid); } } if (is_dir($path)) { return @rmdir($path); } } if (is_file($path)) { return unlink($path); } return !file_exists($path); }
/** * Called when we think the caches are getting messy **/ function clean_dir() { clearstatcache(); // Clean the activity stream $cache = ABSPATH . 'wp-content/uploads/activity/'; if (is_dir($cache)) { $d = dir($cache); while ($entry = $d->read()) { if ($entry != "." && $entry != "..") { unlink($cache . $entry); } } $d->close(); } // Clean the WiPi cache $cache = TEMPLATEPATH . '/app/cache/'; if (is_dir($cache)) { $d = dir($cache); while ($entry = $d->read()) { if ($entry != "." && $entry != "..") { unlink($cache . $entry); } } $d->close(); } }
/** * @group internet * @group slow */ public function test_recache() { global $conf; $conf['fetchsize'] = 500 * 1024; //500kb $local = media_get_from_URL('', 'png', 5); $this->assertTrue($local !== false); $this->assertFileExists($local); // remember time stamp $time = filemtime($local); clearstatcache(false, $local); sleep(1); // fetch again and make sure we got a cache file $local = media_get_from_URL('', 'png', 5); clearstatcache(false, $local); $this->assertTrue($local !== false); $this->assertFileExists($local); $this->assertEquals($time, filemtime($local)); clearstatcache(false, $local); sleep(6); // fetch again and make sure we got a new file $local = media_get_from_URL('', 'png', 5); clearstatcache(false, $local); $this->assertTrue($local !== false); $this->assertFileExists($local); $this->assertNotEquals($time, filemtime($local)); unlink($local); }
/** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function exists($key) { $this->initialize(); $url = $this->sftp->getUrl($this->computePath($key)); clearstatcache(); return file_exists($url); }
/** * 写入缓存 * @access public * @param string $name 缓存变量名 * @param mixed $value 存储数据 * @param int $expire 有效时间 0为永久 * @return boolean */ public function set($name, $value, $expire = null) { if (is_null($expire)) { $expire = $this->options['expire']; } $filename = $this->getFileName($name); $data = serialize($value); //是否数据压缩 if ($this->options['compress'] && function_exists('gzcompress')) { //数据压缩 $data = gzcompress($data, 3); } //是否数据校验 if ($this->options['check']) { $check = md5($data); } else { $check = ''; } $data = "<?php\n//" . sprintf('%012d', $expire) . $check . $data . "\n?>"; $result = file_put_contents($filename, $data); if ($result) { // if($this->options['length']>0) { // // 记录缓存队列 // $this->queue($name); // } clearstatcache(); return true; } else { return false; } }
protected function get_file_size($file_path, $clear_stat_cache = false) { if ($clear_stat_cache) { clearstatcache(); } return $this->fix_integer_overflow(filesize($file_path)); }