    			return 870; 
    $ci_defaults['featured_full_height'] = intval($fullwidth_width / 3);
    $ci_defaults['featured_full_use_full'] = 'full';
    if (ci_setting('featured_full_use_full') == 'full') {
        add_image_size('ci_featured_full', $fullwidth_width, intval(ci_setting('featured_full_height')), true);
} else {

	<fieldset id="ci-panel-featured-image-fullwidth" class="set">
    _e('Featured Image - Full Width', 'ci_theme');
		<p class="guide"><?php 
    _e('You can select whether the full width page template (if applicable) will use it\'s own image size, or the same configuration as normal posts and pages. If you select its own size, you can only configure the height of the image, as the width will match the width of the page by default. Please note that if you choose the full width and/or change its height, you will need to regenerate your thumbnails.', 'ci_theme');
    $fullwidth_options = array('full' => __('Full width image', 'ci_theme'), 'single' => __('The same as posts/pages', 'ci_theme'), 'disabled' => _x('Disabled', 'featured image is disabled', 'ci_theme'));
    ci_panel_dropdown('featured_full_use_full', $fullwidth_options, __('Featured image for Full Width template is', 'ci_theme'));
    ci_panel_input('featured_full_height', __('Full Width featured image height', 'ci_theme'));

    ci_panel_checkbox('slider_autoslide', 'enabled', __('Enable auto-slide', 'ci_theme'));
    ci_panel_input('slider_timeout', __('Auto-slide timeout (milliseconds)', 'ci_theme'));
    $slider_effects = array('none' => _x('None', 'slider effect', 'ci_theme'), 'cover' => _x('Cover', 'slider effect', 'ci_theme'), 'uncover' => _x('Uncover', 'slider effect', 'ci_theme'), 'fade' => _x('Fade', 'slider effect', 'ci_theme'), 'fadeZoom' => _x('Fade Zoom', 'slider effect', 'ci_theme'), 'shuffle' => _x('Shuffle', 'slider effect', 'ci_theme'), 'toss' => _x('Toss', 'slider effect', 'ci_theme'), 'wipe' => _x('Wipe', 'slider effect', 'ci_theme'), 'zoom' => _x('Zoom', 'slider effect', 'ci_theme'), 'scrollVert' => _x('Scroll Vertically', 'slider effect', 'ci_theme'), 'scrollHorz' => _x('Scroll Horizontally', 'slider effect', 'ci_theme'), 'scrollLeft' => _x('Scroll Left', 'slider effect', 'ci_theme'), 'scrollRight' => _x('Scroll Right', 'slider effect', 'ci_theme'), 'scrollUp' => _x('Scroll Up', 'slider effect', 'ci_theme'), 'scrollDown' => _x('Scroll Down', 'slider effect', 'ci_theme'), 'blindX' => _x('Blind X', 'slider effect', 'ci_theme'), 'blindY' => _x('Blind Y', 'slider effect', 'ci_theme'), 'blindZ' => _x('Blind Z', 'slider effect', 'ci_theme'), 'curtainX' => _x('Curtain X', 'slider effect', 'ci_theme'), 'curtainY' => _x('Curtain Y', 'slider effect', 'ci_theme'), 'growX' => _x('Grow X', 'slider effect', 'ci_theme'), 'growY' => _x('Grow Y', 'slider effect', 'ci_theme'), 'slideX' => _x('Slide X', 'slider effect', 'ci_theme'), 'slideY' => _x('Slide Y', 'slider effect', 'ci_theme'), 'turnUp' => _x('Turn Up', 'slider effect', 'ci_theme'), 'turnDown' => _x('Turn Down', 'slider effect', 'ci_theme'), 'turnLeft' => _x('Turn Left', 'slider effect', 'ci_theme'), 'turnRight' => _x('Turn Right', 'slider effect', 'ci_theme'));
    ci_panel_dropdown('slider_effect', $slider_effects, __('Slider Effect', 'ci_theme'));
    ci_panel_input('slider_speed', __('Slideshow speed in milliseconds (smaller number means faster)', 'ci_theme'));
    ci_panel_checkbox('slider_sync', 'enabled', __('Enable synchronized sliding', 'ci_theme'));
		<fieldset id="flexslider-slider-autoslide">
    ci_panel_checkbox('slider_autoslide', 'enabled', __('Enable auto-slide', 'ci_theme'));
		<fieldset id="flexslider-slider-effect">
    $slider_effects = array('fade' => _x('Fade', 'slider effect', 'ci_theme'), 'slide' => _x('Slide', 'slider effect', 'ci_theme'));
    ci_panel_dropdown('slider_effect', $slider_effects, __('Slider Effect', 'ci_theme'));
		<fieldset id="flexslider-slider-direction">
    $slider_direction = array('horizontal' => _x('Horizontal', 'slider direction', 'ci_theme'), 'vertical' => _x('Vertical', 'slider direction', 'ci_theme'));
    ci_panel_dropdown('slider_direction', $slider_direction, __('Slide Direction (only for <b>Slide</b> effect)', 'ci_theme'));
		<fieldset id="flexslider-slider-speed">
    ci_panel_input('slider_speed', __('Slideshow speed in milliseconds (smaller number means faster)', 'ci_theme'));
		<fieldset id="flexslider-slider-duration">
    ci_panel_input('slider_duration', __('Animation duration in milliseconds (smaller number means faster)', 'ci_theme'));
		<p class="guide">
    echo sprintf(__('Control whether you want the featured image of each post to be displayed when viewing that post\'s page. The featured image can be shown/hidden on each individual post type, with common dimensions. You can define its width and height <em>(defaults to the content width, currently: %d pixels)</em>, and whether you want it aligned on the left, right or middle of the page.', 'ci_theme'), $content_width);
    echo " ";
    _e('Note that if you change the width and/or the height of the featured images, you will need to regenerate all your thumbnails using an appropriate plugin, such as the <a href="https://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/regenerate-thumbnails/" target="_blank">Regenerate Thumbnails</a> plugin, otherwise your images may appear distorted.', 'ci_theme');
    $thumb_types = ci_cpt_with_featured_image();
    foreach ($thumb_types as $post_type) {
        $obj = get_post_type_object($post_type);
        ci_panel_checkbox('featured_single_' . $post_type . '_show', 'enabled', sprintf(__('Show featured images on <em>%s</em>', 'ci_theme'), $obj->labels->name));
		<fieldset class="mt10">
    ci_panel_input('featured_single_width', __('Featured image Width', 'ci_theme'));
    ci_panel_input('featured_single_height', __('Featured image Height', 'ci_theme'));
    $align_options = array('alignnone' => __('None', 'ci_theme'), 'alignleft' => __('Left', 'ci_theme'), 'aligncenter' => __('Center', 'ci_theme'), 'alignright' => __('Right', 'ci_theme'));
    ci_panel_dropdown('featured_single_align', $align_options, __('Featured image alignment', 'ci_theme'));
Exemplo n.º 5

	<fieldset class="set">
    _e('Galleries', 'ci_theme');
		<p class="guide"><?php 
    _e('These settings affect the behaviour of the taxonomy listing pages (i.e. NOT listings created with a page template).', 'ci_theme');
    $options = array();
    for ($i = 1; $i <= 4; $i++) {
        $options[$i] = sprintf(_n('1 Column', '%s Columns', $i, 'ci_theme'), $i);
    ci_panel_dropdown('galleries_columns', $options, __('Galleries listing columns:', 'ci_theme'));
		<fieldset class="mt20 mb20">
    ci_panel_checkbox('galleries_isotope', 'on', __('Enable category filters (isotope effect).', 'ci_theme'));
    ci_panel_checkbox('galleries_masonry', 'on', __('Enable masonry layout.', 'ci_theme'));
    ci_panel_input('galleries_per_page', __('Number of galleries per page:', 'ci_theme'));

Exemplo n.º 6
    // Default values for options go here.
    // $ci_defaults['option_name'] = 'default_value';
    // or
    // load_panel_snippet( 'snippet_name' );
    $ci_defaults['layout_blog'] = '';
    $ci_defaults['layout_blog_columns'] = '';
} else {

	<fieldset class="set">
		<p class="guide"><?php 
    _e('Set the default layout of the Blog Section. This applies to the primary blog section, i.e. the default installation, as well as to the page that you set as the blog page from <em>Settings -> Reading -> Front page displays -> A static page -> Post page</em>.', 'ci_theme');
    $options = array('' => __('Default - With sidebar', 'ci_theme'), 'fullwidth' => __('Full width - No sidebar', 'ci_theme'));
    ci_panel_dropdown('layout_blog', $options, __('Blog layout', 'ci_theme'));
    $options = array('' => __('1 Column', 'ci_theme'), 'col-sm-6' => __('2 Columns', 'ci_theme'), 'col-md-4 col-sm-6' => __('3 Columns', 'ci_theme'), 'col-lg-3 col-md-4 col-sm-6' => __('4 Columns', 'ci_theme'));
    ci_panel_dropdown('layout_blog_columns', $options, __('Blog Columns (only when Blog layout is Full width)', 'ci_theme'));

Exemplo n.º 7
				<fieldset class="set">
					<p class="guide"><?php 
        _e("You can select the placement of your image in the footer's background.", 'ci_theme');
        $options = array('left' => __('Left', 'ci_theme'), 'center' => __('Center', 'ci_theme'), 'right' => __('Right', 'ci_theme'));
        ci_panel_dropdown('bg_f_image_horizontal', $options, __("Footer's Background Horizontal Placement", 'ci_theme'));
        $options = array('top' => __('Top', 'ci_theme'), 'center' => __('Center', 'ci_theme'), 'bottom' => __('Bottom', 'ci_theme'));
        ci_panel_dropdown('bg_f_image_vertical', $options, __("Footer's Background Vertical Placement", 'ci_theme'));

				<fieldset class="set">
					<p class="guide"><?php 
        echo sprintf(__('You can select the size of your image in the footer\'s background. For an explanation of the values, please read <a href="%s">this article</a>.', 'ci_theme'), 'http://www.css3.info/preview/background-size/');
        ci_panel_radio('bg_f_image_size', 'bg_f_image_size_none', '', __('Default', 'ci_theme'));
        ci_panel_radio('bg_f_image_size', 'bg_f_image_size_cover', 'cover', __('Cover', 'ci_theme'));
        ci_panel_radio('bg_f_image_size', 'bg_f_image_size_contain', 'contain', __('Contain', 'ci_theme'));
        ci_panel_radio('bg_f_image_size', 'bg_f_image_size_custom', 'custom', __('Custom size (e.g. <em>200px 150px</em>)', 'ci_theme'));
Exemplo n.º 8
		<input type="hidden" class="uploaded-id" name="<?php 
[default_header_bg_hidden]" value="<?php 
    echo esc_attr($ci['default_header_bg_hidden']);

	<fieldset class="set">
    _e('Surrounding border', 'ci_theme');
		<p class="guide"><?php 
    _e('You can enable/disable the thick border that surrounds the website.', 'ci_theme');
    $options = array('' => __('Show border', 'ci_theme'), 'noborder' => __("Don't show border", 'ci_theme'));
    ci_panel_dropdown('thick_border', $options, __('Surrounding border:', 'ci_theme'));



	<fieldset id="ci-panel-color-scheme" class="set">
    _e('Color Scheme', 'ci_theme');
		<p class="guide"><?php 
    _e('Select your color scheme. This affects the overall look and feel of your website.', 'ci_theme');
    // Try to retain old settings where the stylesheet didn't include the extension .css
    if (!empty($ci['stylesheet'])) {
        $color = $ci['stylesheet'];
        if (substr_right($ci['stylesheet'], 4) != '.css') {
            $ci['stylesheet'] = $ci['stylesheet'] . '.css';
    ci_panel_dropdown('stylesheet', $schemes, __('Color scheme', 'ci_theme'));

Exemplo n.º 10
    ci_panel_upload_image('logo', __('Upload your logo', 'ci_theme'));

    if (apply_filters('ci_panel_option_show_site_slogan', true)) {
			<p class="guide"><?php 
        _e("By default, the site tagline appears near the logo (either image or textual). You can choose to show or hide it. This doesn't affect any other usages of the tagline.", 'ci_theme');
        $options = array('' => __('Show tagline', 'ci_theme'), 'off' => __('Hide tagline', 'ci_theme'));
        ci_panel_dropdown('show_site_slogan', $options, __('Tagline near the logo:', 'ci_theme'));

    if (apply_filters('ci_retina_logo', true)) {
		<fieldset id="ci-panel-logo-hires" class="set">
        _e('Hi-Res Logo', 'ci_theme');
				<p class="guide"><?php