function gold_admin_main() { //Gold administration entry view global $locale, $aidlink; include GOLD_INC . "version_checker/version_checker.php"; opentable($locale['urg_a_global_100'], ''); echo "<div align='left' style='float: left; width: 50%;'>\n"; echo $locale['urg_a_global_105']; /*if (gold_table_exists(DB_PREFIX."users_points")) {//Check if usergold 2 is installed or not $rows = dbcount("(*)", DB_UG3); if ($rows < 2) { echo "<br /><br />".$locale['urg_a_global_110']."<a href='install.php".$aidlink."'><strong>".$locale['urg_a_global_111']."</strong></a>".$locale['urg_a_global_112']; } }*/ echo "</div><div align='right' style='float: right; width: 50%;'>\n"; echo checkversion(GOLD_VERSION); echo "</div><div style='clear:both;'></div>\n"; closetable(); }
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. */ #Brak limitów czasu wykonania kodu set_time_limit(0); #Podłączanie ts3admin.class.php require 'class/ts3admin.class.php'; #Podłączanie config.php require 'config.php'; #Podłączanie functions.php require 'functions.php'; echo "\n"; logo(); echo "Checking version...\n"; $version = str_replace(array("\t", "\n"), "", checkversion()); if ($version != $config['bot']['version']) { echo "[0;33mWarning![0m\nLatest version: [0;32m" . $version . "[0m\nYour version: [0;31m" . $config['bot']['version'] . "[0m\nWe recommend update\n\n"; } else { echo "[0;32mOK![0m - Version up to date\n\n"; } #Budowanie nowego obiektu $tsAdmin = new ts3admin($config['server']['ip'], $config['server']['queryport']); #Sprawdzanie połączenia z serwerem if ($tsAdmin->getElement('success', $tsAdmin->connect())) { #Logowanie się na użytkownika Query $tsAdmin->login($config['query']['login'], $config['query']['password']); #Wybieranie serwera $tsAdmin->selectServer($config['server']['port']); #Ustawianie nazwy bota $tsAdmin->setName($config['bot']['nickname']);
ob_end_clean(); ob_implicit_flush(true); require_once "admin_conn.php"; require_once "version.php"; chkLogin(); $action = be("get", "action"); $updateserver = ""; $updatelog = "bak/update.xml"; $verstr = getPage($updateserver . "?v=" . version, "utf-8"); $adpath = $_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"]; $adpath = substring($adpath, strripos($adpath, "/")); $n = strripos($adpath, "/"); $adpath = substring($adpath, strlen($adpath) - $n, $n + 1) . "/"; switch ($action) { case "checkversion": checkversion(); break; case "showfilelist": headAdmin("更新列表"); showfilelist(); break; case "showfile": headAdmin("更新列表"); showfile(); break; } dispseObj(); function checkversion() { global $verstr; if (strpos($verstr, "</joyplus>") > 0) {
echo "</td>\n"; echo "</tr>\n<tr>\n"; echo "<td> </td>\n"; echo "<td><img src='" . INFUSIONS . "sf_gift_system/choose.gif' name='giftimage' width='64' height='64' alt='' /></td>\n"; echo "</tr>\n<tr>\n"; echo "<td>" . $locale['sfgift213'] . ":</td>\n"; echo "<td><input type='text' name='gift_price' class='textbox' style='width:225px;' value='500' /></td>\n"; echo "</tr>\n<tr>\n"; echo "<td>" . $locale['sfgift218'] . ":</td>\n"; echo "<td><input type='text' name='gift_stock' class='textbox' style='width:225px;' value='50' /></td>\n"; echo "</tr>\n<tr>\n"; echo "<td> </td>\n"; echo "<td><input type='submit' class='button' name='add_gift' value='" . $locale['sfgift204'] . "' /></td>\n"; echo "</tr>\n</table>\n</form>\n"; echo "</td>\n<td valign='top' align='left' width='50%'>\n"; echo checkversion($version['gift_version']); echo "</td>\n</tr>\n</table>\n"; closetable(); } if ($_GET['status'] == "sm") { echo "<table width='100%' align='center'><tr><td align='center'><b>" . $locale['sfgift221'] . "</b><br /><br /></td></tr></table>"; } if ($_GET['status'] == "dm") { echo "<table width='100%' align='center'><tr><td align='center'><b>" . $locale['sfgift220'] . "</b><br /><br /></td></tr></table>"; } if ($_GET['status'] == "um") { echo "<table width='100%' align='center'><tr><td align='center'><b>" . $locale['sfgift223'] . "</b><br /><br /></td></tr></table>"; } if ($_GET['status'] == "ni") { echo "<table width='100%' align='center'><tr><td align='center'><b>" . $locale['sfgift224'] . "</b><br /><br /></td></tr></table>"; }
echo "<tr><td>"; echo $locale['ugly_905'] . ":</td><td>"; echo "<select name='jtype' class='textbox'>"; echo "<option value='cash' selected='selected'>" . UGLD_GOLDTEXT . "</option>"; echo "<option value='karma'>" . $locale['ugly_906'] . "</option>"; echo "<option value='chips'>" . $locale['ugly_907'] . "</option>"; echo "<option value='ribbon'>" . $locale['ugly_908'] . "</option>"; echo "</select></td></tr>"; echo "<tr><td>"; echo $locale['ugly_909'] . "</td><td>"; echo "<select name='endtime' class='textbox'>"; echo "<option value='60'>1 " . $locale['ugly_910'] . "</option>"; echo "<option value='1800'>30 " . $locale['ugly_910'] . "</option>"; echo "<option value='3600'>1 " . $locale['ugly_911'] . "</option>"; echo "<option value='21600'>6 " . $locale['ugly_911'] . "</option>"; echo "<option value='43200'>12 " . $locale['ugly_911'] . "</option>"; echo "<option value='86400'>1 " . $locale['ugly_912'] . "</option>"; echo "<option value='129600'>36 " . $locale['ugly_911'] . "</option>"; echo "<option value='172800'>2 " . $locale['ugly_912'] . "</option>"; echo "<option value='604800'>7 " . $locale['ugly_912'] . "</option>"; echo "<option value='2419200'>28 " . $locale['ugly_912'] . "</option>"; echo "</select></td></tr></table>"; echo " <br /><input type='submit' name='add' value='" . $locale['ugly_913'] . "' class='button' /></form></div>"; closetable(); //Start Copywrite Link removal is NOT ALLOWED. echo "<div align='center' class='small'>" . $locale['ugly_title'] . " " . $locale['ugly_version'] . " © 2008 <a href=''>Stars Heaven</a>\n"; echo "<br />\n"; echo checkversion($locale['ugly_version']); echo "</div>\n"; //END Copywrite Link removal is NOT ALLOWED. require_once THEMES . "templates/footer.php";
<!DOCTYPE html> <?php if (file_exists("config.php")) { require "config.php"; } else { header("Location:install/"); exit; } require "includes/settings.php"; require "functions/cmum.php"; require "functions/login.php"; if (file_exists("install/") && !file_exists("cmum.override")) { errorpage("INSTALLATION INCOMPLETE", "Please delete the install dir from your www-root after you completed the installation!", "utf-8", CMUM_TITLE, $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], CMUM_VERSION, CMUM_BUILD, CMUM_MOD); exit; } if (checkversion(CMUM_VERSION) == "0" && !file_exists("cmum.override")) { errorpage("VERSION MISMATCH", "Please run the upgrade tool to upgrade your installation!<br><br>Click <a href=\"upgrade/\">here</a> to run the upgrade tool", "utf-8", CMUM_TITLE, $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], CMUM_VERSION, CMUM_BUILD, CMUM_MOD); exit; } if (file_exists("upgrade/") && !file_exists("cmum.override")) { errorpage("UPGRADE INCOMPLETE", "Please delete the upgrade dir from your www-root after you completed the upgrade!", "utf-8", CMUM_TITLE, $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], CMUM_VERSION, CMUM_BUILD, CMUM_MOD); exit; } if ($dbhost == "" || $dbname == "" || $dbuser == "" || $dbpass == "" || $charset == "" || $secretkey == "") { errorpage("CONFIGURATION INCOMPLETE", "Please check your configuration file and make sure no values are empty!", $charset, CMUM_TITLE, $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], CMUM_VERSION, CMUM_BUILD, CMUM_MOD); exit; } $mysqli = new mysqli($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass, $dbname); if (mysqli_connect_errno()) { errorpage("MYSQL DATABASE ERROR", mysqli_connect_error(), $charset, CMUM_TITLE, $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], CMUM_VERSION, CMUM_BUILD, CMUM_MOD); exit;