Exemplo n.º 1
/* File Name: index.php                                                     */
/* Last Updated: March 25th, 2004                                           */
/* Author: Lee Babin <www.leebabin.com><*****@*****.**>              */
/* Copyright {TheCodeShoppe}. All Rights Reserved.                          */
/* www.thecodeshoppe.com <403.255.9767>                                     */
//Explode the page var to get us the folder name.
$expdir = explode("/", $_GET['page']);
//Then dynamically build the path to the class building file.
$theinc = $expdir[0] . "/" . "catconfig.php";
//And then include the class.
require $theinc;
//First things first, set up security.
if ($thepage->getenforcesecurity()) {
    //Check for a valid security match.
    $areweclear = checkthesecurity($_SESSION['cookie_id'], $thepage->getlevelcheck(), $thepage->getlevelsallowed());
} else {
    $areweclear = true;
if ($areweclear) {
    $indid = $_GET['indid'];
    if ($yesno != "full") {
        DoError(0, "You must be logged in to view this page.", "");
    } else {
        //Validate for a match.
        $thecatid = $thepage->gettablename() . "id";
        $matchquery = "SELECT * FROM " . $thepage->gettablename() . " WHERE " . $thecatid . "='" . $indid . "'";
        if ($validquery = mysql_query($matchquery)) {
            if (mysql_num_rows($validquery) == 0) {
                DoError(0, "Sorry, no match found.", "");
            } else {
Exemplo n.º 2
				//Check how to order the page.
				if ($thepage->getshoworder() == "true"){
					//If we are allowing the client to order themselves:
					$orderby = "displayorder";
				} else {
					//Else we order by the default.
					$orderby = $thepage->getorderby();
				//Now, we go through and output all of the listings from this table.
				if ($thepage->getnumperpage() != ""){
					//If we are limiting the query, then include the limit statement.
					//Check if we are limiting which items can be seen.
					if ($showonlyyours){
						//Check if the current security level its into the "see all" category.
						$secclear = checkthesecurity ($_SESSION['cookie_id'],$thepage->getlevelcheck(),$thepage->getcanseeall());
						if ($secclear){
							if (isset ($_GET['searchq'])){
								$buildquery = "SELECT * FROM " . $thepage->gettablename() . " WHERE " . $thepage->getsearchby() . " LIKE '%" . trim($_GET['searchq'])  . "%'" . " ORDER BY " . $orderby . " " . $thepage->getascdesc() . " LIMIT $startfrom, $endat";
							} else {
								$buildquery = "SELECT * FROM " . $thepage->gettablename() . " ORDER BY " . $orderby . " " . $thepage->getascdesc() . " LIMIT $startfrom, $endat";
						} else {
							//Show only the records belonging to this account.
							$tempid = $_SESSION['cookie_id'];
							if (isset ($_GET['searchq'])){
								$thequery = $buildquery = "SELECT * FROM " . $thepage->gettablename() . " WHERE staffloginid='$tempid' AND " . $thepage->getsearchby() . " LIKE '%" . trim($_GET['searchq'])  . "%' ORDER BY " . $orderby . " " . $thepage->getascdesc() . " LIMIT $startfrom, $endat";;
							} else {
								$thequery = $buildquery = "SELECT * FROM " . $thepage->gettablename() . " WHERE staffloginid='$tempid' ORDER BY " . $orderby . " " . $thepage->getascdesc() . " LIMIT $startfrom, $endat";;