Exemplo n.º 1
$swiftdata['smtp'] = array();
$swiftdata['smtp']['host'] = 'mail.example.com';
$swiftdata['smtp']['port'] = '25';
$swiftdata['smtp']['username'] = '******';
$swiftdata['smtp']['password'] = '******';
$swiftdata['from'] = array('name' => 'Absender', 'email' => '*****@*****.**');
$swiftdata['to'] = array('name' => 'Empfänger', 'email' => '*****@*****.**');
## end Configuration swiftmailer ##
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../src/Robo47/DirectoryHasher/Autoloader.php';
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/swiftmailer/lib/swift_required.php';
if (!file_exists($outputdirectory)) {
create_new_resultfile($directory, $outputdirectory);
$differences = check_differences($outputdirectory . '/old.xml', $outputdirectory . '/new.xml');
if (count($differences) > 0) {
    dh_send_info_mail($swiftdata, $differences);
 * @param string $directory
 * @param string $outputfile
function create_new_resultfile($directory, $outputdirectory)
    $writer = new Robo47_DirectoryHasher_Writer_File_Xml();
    if (file_exists($outputdirectory . '/new.xml')) {
        if (file_exists($outputdirectory . '/old.xml')) {
            rename($outputdirectory . '/old.xml', $outputdirectory . '/old-' . date('m.d.Y-h-i') . '.xml');
        rename($outputdirectory . '/new.xml', $outputdirectory . '/old.xml');
Exemplo n.º 2
        // --------------- Testing presence of file
        if (authorized_key_exist($identity_name, $account_name, $hostname, "{$homedir}/.ssh/authorized_keys") == 0) {
            archive_authorized_key_file($identity_name, $account_name, $hostname, "{$homedir}/.ssh/authorized_keys");
            get_local_copy_authorized_key_file($identity_name, $account_name, $hostname, "{$homedir}/.ssh/authorized_keys");
        } else {
            // We create an empty file so check_differences will have 2 files to compare.
            $command = "touch /tmp/authorized_keys-{$hostname}-{$account_name}";
            exec($command, $output, $exit_status);
        // ------------------- Construction authorized_keys_file ------------------
        echo "<fieldset class=cmdok><legend class=cmdok>Constructing securities for {$account_name} on host {$hostname}</legend>\n";
        $output = prepare_authorizedkey_file($id, $id_account);
        echo "{$output}\n";
        echo "</fieldset>";
        push_authorized_key_file($identity_name, $account_name, $hostname, "{$homedir}/.ssh/authorized_keys");
        $diff_result = check_differences($account_name, $hostname);
echo "</fieldset>";
echo "<a href='host-view.php?id_hostgroup={$id_group}#{$id}'><img src='images/arrowbright.gif> Return to {$hostname}</a>\n";
// We send an email to all users who have an account
$mailheader = "From: SKM <" . $admin_email . ">\nX-Mailer: Reminder\nContent-Type: text/html";
$emailuser = $admin_email;
$message = "Deploying {$account_name} to {$hostname}";
$message = "User " . $_SESSION['SESS_FIRST_NAME'] . " " . $_SESSION['SESS_LAST_NAME'] . " has deployed account {$account_name} to host {$hostname}\nHere is what was changed :\n{$diff_result}";
#mail("$emailuser","SKM: Deploying SSH-Key from $account_name to $hostname.","$message","$mailheader") or die("Could not send mail...");
// ------------------- Removing private key from filesystems ------------------
unlink("/tmp/{$identity_name}-id") or die("ATTENTION : Private key file /tmp/" . $identity_name . "-id could not be deleted");
unlink("/tmp/authorized_keys-{$hostname}-{$account_name}") or die("ATTENTION : file /tmp/" . $identity_name . "-" . $hostname . "-" . $account_name . " could not be deleted");
unlink("/tmp/authorized_keys") or die("ATTENTION : Private key file /tmp/authorized_keys could not be deleted");