function handle_submit() { global $selected_id, $Mode; $ok = true; if ($selected_id != -1) { // make from_date start of month and to_date a year minus one day later $_POST['from_date'] = start_month($_POST['from_date']); $_POST['to_date'] = end_month(add_months($_POST['from_date'], 11)); if ($_POST['closed'] == 1) { if (check_years_before($_POST['from_date'], false)) { display_error(_("Cannot CLOSE this year because there are open fiscal years before")); set_focus('closed'); return false; } $ok = close_year($selected_id); } else { open_year($selected_id); } if ($ok) { update_fiscalyear($selected_id, $_POST['from_date'], $_POST['to_date'], $_POST['closed']); display_notification(_('Selected fiscal year has been updated')); } } else { if (!check_data()) { return false; } add_fiscalyear($_POST['from_date'], $_POST['to_date'], $_POST['closed']); display_notification(_('New fiscal year has been added')); } $Mode = 'RESET'; }
function stampa($cf, $scoid) { $query = "SELECT *\n\t\t\tFROM jos_comprofiler_2011\n\t\t\tWHERE cb_codicefiscale='" . $cf . "'\n\t\t\tLIMIT 1\n\t\t\t"; $db_query = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); $riga = mysql_fetch_array($db_query); //$riga=$riga[0]; $firstname = $riga['firstname']; $lastname = $riga['lastname']; $nome = $lastname . " " . $firstname; $professione = $riga['cb_professionedisciplina']; $datanascita = substr($riga['cb_datadinascita'], 8, 2) . "-" . substr($riga['cb_datadinascita'], 5, 2) . "-" . substr($riga['cb_datadinascita'], 0, 4); $luogonascita = $riga['cb_luogodinascita']; $pdf =& new Cezpdf('a4'); $pdf->ezImage("header.jpg", -3, 500, 20, 'left'); $pdf->selectFont('./fonts/Helvetica.afm'); $pdf->ezSetCmMargins(2, 2, 2, 2); //stampo il titolo $text = "\n <b>Programma nazionale per la formazione continua degli operatori della Sanita'</b> \n \n"; $pdf->ezText($text, 12, array('justification' => 'center', 'spacing' => '1.5')); //stampo l'introduzione $text = "Premesso che la <b>Commissione Nazionale per la Formazione Continua</b> ha accreditato provvisoriamente il Provider <b>GGALLERY SRL</b> accreditamento n. <b>39</b> valido fino al 22/04/2012 Premesso che il Provider ha organizzato l'evento formativo n. <b>39-1012</b>, edizione n. 0 denominato \n <b>LA COMUNICAZIONE EFFICACE IN FARMACIA PER UN CORRETTO APPROCCIO RELAZIONALE CON IL PAZIENTE</b> e tenutosi dal <b>15/01/2011</b> al <b>31/12/2011</b>, avente come obiettivi didattico/formativo generali: <i>ASPETTI RELAZIONALI (COMUNICAZIONE INTERNA, ESTERNA, CON PAZIENTE) E UMANIZZAZIONE CURE</i>, assegnando all'evento stesso N.<b> 10</b> (dieci) Crediti Formativi E.C.M."; $pdf->ezText($text, 11, array('justification' => 'centre', 'spacing' => '1.5')); $text = "\n \n \n\tIl sottoscritto <b>PAOLO MACRI'</b> \n \n\tRappresentate Legale dell'organizzatore \n\n\tVerificato l'apprendimento del partecipante \n\n\t<b> ATTESTA CHE </b> \n\n\til Dott./la Dott.ssa \n\n\t<b> {$nome} </b> \n\n\tin qualita' di {$professione} \n \n\tnato a {$luogonascita} \n\n\til {$datanascita} \n\n\tha conseguito \n \n\tN. 10 (dieci) Crediti formativi per l'anno 2011\n\t\n "; $pdf->ezText($text, 11, array('justification' => 'centre', 'spacing' => '1')); //stampo la data $data = check_data($scoid, $idutente); $text = " Genova, li {$data} \n \n"; $pdf->ezText($text, 11, array('justification' => 'left', 'spacing' => '1.5')); //stampo la firma $text = "IL RAPPRESENTANTE LEGALE DELL'ORGANIZZATORE \n Dott. Paolo Macri' \n \n "; $pdf->ezText($text, 11, array('justification' => 'centre', 'spacing' => '1')); $pdf->ezImage("firma.jpg", -5, 90, 20, 'center'); // echo "non stampo"; $pdf->ezStream(); }
function step($is_submit) { if ($is_submit) { return check_data(); } $result = array('html' => render('step_site', array())); return $result; }
function handle_submit() { if (!check_data()) { return; } $trans = add_exchange_variation_all($_POST['date'], $_POST['ref'], $_POST['memo_']); meta_forward($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], "AddedID=" . $trans[0] . "&JE=" . $trans[1]); //clear_data(); }
function update_bank_account($id, $bank_name, $account_number, $account_type, $routing_number, $first_name, $last_name, $address_line1, $city, $state, $zip, $country, $default) { global $_TABLES; $error = check_data($bank_name, $account_number, $account_type, $routing_number, $first_name, $last_name, $address_line1, $city, $state, $zip, $country); if ($error == "") { if (isset($_POST['default'])) { clear_default_bank(); } DB_query("UPDATE {$_TABLES['ecom_user_bank']} SET ecom_bank_name = '" . $bank_name . "', ecom_bank_accountnumber = '" . $account_number . "', ecom_bank_accounttype = '" . $account_type . "', ecom_bank_routingnumber = '" . $routing_number . "', ecom_bank_first_name = '" . $first_name . "', ecom_bank_last_name = '" . $last_name . "', ecom_bank_address_line1 = '" . $address_line1 . "', ecom_bank_city = '" . $city . "', ecom_bank_state = '" . $state . "', ecom_bank_zip = '" . $zip . "', ecom_bank_country = '" . $country . "', ecom_bank_default = '" . $default . "' WHERE ecom_bankid = " . $id . ""); } return $error; }
function handle_submit() { global $selected_id; if (!check_data()) { return false; } if ($selected_id != "") { update_exchange_rate($_POST['curr_abrev'], $_POST['date_'], input_num('BuyRate'), input_num('BuyRate')); } else { add_exchange_rate($_POST['curr_abrev'], $_POST['date_'], input_num('BuyRate'), input_num('BuyRate')); } return true; }
function update_credit_card($id, $first_name, $middle_name, $last_name, $company, $address_line1, $address_line2, $city, $state, $zip, $country, $card_number, $card_exp_month, $card_exp_year, $card_type, $issue_number, $start_month, $start_year, $default) { global $_TABLES; $error = check_data($first_name, $middle_name, $last_name, $company, $address_line1, $address_line2, $city, $state, $zip, $country, $card_number, $card_exp_month, $card_exp_year, $card_type, $issue_number, $start_month, $start_year, $default); if ($error == "") { //Clear all default credit cards if new default card. if ($default != "") { clear_default(); } DB_query("UPDATE {$_TABLES['ecom_user_creditcard']} SET ecom_card_firstname = '" . $first_name . "', ecom_card_middlename = '" . $middle_name . "', ecom_card_lastname = '" . $last_name . "', ecom_card_company = '" . $company . "', ecom_card_street1 = '" . $address_line1 . "', ecom_card_street2 = '" . $address_line2 . "', ecom_card_city = '" . $city . "', ecom_card_state = '" . $state . "', ecom_card_postalcode = '" . $zip . "', ecom_card_country = '" . $country . "', ecom_card_accountnumber = '" . $card_number . "', ecom_card_experationmonth = '" . $card_exp_month . "', ecom_card_experationyear = '" . $card_exp_year . "', ecom_card_cardtype = '" . $card_type . "', ecom_card_issuenumber = '" . $issue_number . "', ecom_card_startmonth = '" . $start_month . "', ecom_card_startyear = '" . $start_year . "', ecom_card_default = '" . ($default != "" ? true : false) . "' WHERE ecom_cardid = " . $id . ""); } return $error; }
function handle_submit() { global $selected_id; if (!check_data()) { return false; } if (isset($selected_id)) { update_fiscalyear($_POST['from_date'], $_POST['closed']); } else { add_fiscalyear($_POST['from_date'], $_POST['to_date'], $_POST['closed']); } return true; }
function handle_submit() { global $selected_id; if (!check_data()) { return false; } if ($selected_id != "") { update_currency($_POST['Abbreviation'], $_POST['Symbol'], $_POST['CurrencyName'], $_POST['country'], $_POST['hundreds_name']); } else { add_currency($_POST['Abbreviation'], $_POST['Symbol'], $_POST['CurrencyName'], $_POST['country'], $_POST['hundreds_name']); } return true; }
function check_data($arr,$v) { foreach($arr as $key=>$value) { if(!is_array($key)) { check($key,$v);} else { check_data($key,$v);} if(!is_array($value)) { check($value,$v);} else { check_data($value,$v);} } }
function handle_submit() { global $selected_id, $Mode; if (!check_data()) { return false; } if ($selected_id != "") { update_currency($_POST['Abbreviation'], $_POST['Symbol'], $_POST['CurrencyName'], $_POST['country'], $_POST['hundreds_name'], check_value('auto_update')); display_notification(_('Selected currency settings has been updated')); } else { add_currency($_POST['Abbreviation'], $_POST['Symbol'], $_POST['CurrencyName'], $_POST['country'], $_POST['hundreds_name'], check_value('auto_update')); display_notification(_('New currency has been added')); } $Mode = 'RESET'; }
function check_data($arr, $v) { $url = $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]; //排除后台管理 if (!is_int(strpos($url, 'stourtravel'))) { foreach ($arr as $key => $value) { if (!is_array($key)) { check($key, $v); } else { check_data($key, $v); } if (!is_array($value)) { check($value, $v); } else { check_data($value, $v); } } } }
<?php //fdix defined("ZHANGXUAN") or die("no hacker."); session_start(); $logincheck = 0; $loginerrorid = -1; if (!check_data('letters_code') || md5(strtolower($_POST['letters_code'])) != $_SESSION['letters_code']) { $loginerrorid = 2; } else { if (check_data("username") && check_data("password")) { $user = db_iconv('username', 'post', true, true); $password = db_iconv('password'); $result = check_post_password($password, $user); if (!$result) { $logincheck = 0; $loginerrorid = 1; } else { $sql = "SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `user_name`='{$user}'"; $rowtemp = queryRow($sql); $user_id = $rowtemp['user_id']; $user_right = $rowtemp['user_right']; $user_thistimelogin_ip = $rowtemp['user_thistimelogin_ip']; $user_thislogin_time = $rowtemp['user_thislogin_time']; if ($user_right == 1) { if (time() - strtotime($user_thislogin_time) < 1800) { $logincheck = 2; } else { $sql = "DELETE FROM `cookiedata` WHERE `user_name`='{$user}'"; delete($sql); $logincheck = 1;
die(json_encode($ret)); } foreach ($attendees_data as $key => $attendee_data) { //处理firstname & lastname $attendee_data['name']['en']['firstname'] = trim($attendee_data['name']['en']['firstname']); $attendee_data['name']['en']['lastname'] = trim($attendee_data['name']['en']['lastname']); //检查firstname & lastname if ($attendee_data['name']['en']['firstname'] == '' || $attendee_data['name']['en']['lastname'] == '') { $ret['r'] = 'error'; $ret['msg'] = '10001:' . $texts['required_field_empty']; die(json_encode($ret)); } else { $attendees_data[$key]['name']['en'] = json_encode($attendees_data[$key]['name']['en']); } //检查attendee数据 $check_ret = check_data($attendees_data[$key], $attendee_config); if ($check_ret['r'] == 'error') { die(json_encode($check_ret)); } else { $attendees_data[$key] = $check_ret['msg']; } ##检查email // foreach ($attendees_data as $k => $v) { // if ( ($attendee_data['email'] == $v['email']) // && ($key != $k) ) { // $ret['r'] = 'error'; // $ret['msg'] = '40002:'.$texts['email_repeat_error_1']; // die(json_encode($ret)); // } // } // $check_ret = Attendee::check_email_exists($activity_id, $attendee_data['email']);
<?php defined("ZHANGXUAN") or die("no hacker."); $resetmod = -1; //1开始输入,2确认中 if (check_data('userid', 'get') && check_data('token', 'get')) { $resetmod = 1; } else { if (check_data('user_id') && check_data('user_token') && check_data('oldPassword') && check_data('newPassword') && check_data('newPasswordVerify')) { $resetmod = 2; } else { $resetmod = 0; } }
function handle_add_new_item() { $allow_update = check_data(); if ($allow_update == true) { if (count($_SESSION['PO']->line_items) > 0) { foreach ($_SESSION['PO']->line_items as $order_item) { /* do a loop round the items on the order to see that the item is not already on this order */ if ($order_item->stock_id == $_POST['stock_id']) { display_warning(_("The selected item is already on this order.")); } } /* end of the foreach loop to look for pre-existing items of the same code */ } if ($allow_update == true) { $result = get_short_info($_POST['stock_id']); if (db_num_rows($result) == 0) { $allow_update = false; } if ($allow_update) { $myrow = db_fetch($result); $_SESSION['PO']->add_to_order(count($_SESSION['PO']->line_items), $_POST['stock_id'], input_num('qty'), get_post('stock_id_text'), input_num('price'), '', $_SESSION['PO']->trans_type == ST_PURCHORDER ? $_POST['req_del_date'] : '', 0, 0); unset_form_variables(); $_POST['stock_id'] = ""; } else { display_error(_("The selected item does not exist or it is a kit part and therefore cannot be purchased.")); } } /* end of if not already on the order and allow input was true*/ } line_start_focus(); }
function handle_add_new_item() { $allow_update = check_data(); if ($allow_update == true) { if (count($_SESSION['PO']->line_items) > 0) { foreach ($_SESSION['PO']->line_items as $order_item) { /* do a loop round the items on the order to see that the item is not already on this order */ if ($order_item->stock_id == $_POST['stock_id'] && $order_item->Deleted == False) { $allow_update = False; display_error(tr("The selected item is already on this order.")); } } /* end of the foreach loop to look for pre-existing items of the same code */ } if ($allow_update == true) { $sql = "SELECT description, units, mb_flag\n\t\t\t\tFROM stock_master WHERE stock_id = '" . $_POST['stock_id'] . "'"; $result = db_query($sql, "The stock details for " . $_POST['stock_id'] . " could not be retrieved"); if (db_num_rows($result) == 0) { $allow_update = False; } if ($allow_update) { $myrow = db_fetch($result); $_SESSION['PO']->add_to_order($_POST['line_no'], $_POST['stock_id'], input_num('qty'), $myrow["description"], input_num('price'), $myrow["units"], $_POST['req_del_date'], 0, 0); unset_form_variables(); $_POST['StockID2'] = $_POST['stock_id'] = ""; } else { display_error(tr("The selected item does not exist or it is a kit part and therefore cannot be purchased.")); } } /* end of if not already on the order and allow input was true*/ } }
<a style="background: transparent url(data/security.png) left top no-repeat; display: block; width:380px; height:73px; border:none; clear:both;" target="_blank" href=""></a> </div> <div style="float: left; width: 58%;"> <?php if (!(check_functions() && check_permissions())) { echo '<p>' . $lang['i_problems'] . '</p>'; print_errors(); print_retry(); } elseif (!check_configs()) { echo '<p>' . $lang['i_modified'] . '</p>'; print_errors(); } elseif (check_data($_REQUEST['d'])) { // check_data has sanitized all input parameters if (!store_data($_REQUEST['d'])) { echo '<p>' . $lang['i_failure'] . '</p>'; print_errors(); } else { echo '<p>' . $lang['i_success'] . '</p>'; } } else { print_errors(); print_form($_REQUEST['d']); } ?> </div>
} require_once './config.php'; require_once './functions.php'; $con = mysqli_connect(HOST, USER, PASSWORD, DATABASE); if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "POST") { if (!empty($_POST["pin"])) { $pin = check_data($_POST["pin"]); $pin = intval($pin); if (is_int($pin) && strlen($_POST['pin']) === 6) { mysqli_query($con, "UPDATE donars SET pin='{$pin}' WHERE pid=" . $_SESSION['sess_user_pid']); } else { echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\"> alert(\"Please Enter Valid PinCode\")</script>"; } } if (!empty($_POST["password"])) { $password = check_data($_POST["password"]); $password = password_hash($password, PASSWORD_BCRYPT); mysqli_query($con, "UPDATE donars SET password='******' WHERE pid=" . $_SESSION['sess_user_pid']); } if (!empty($_POST["date"])) { $date = $_POST['date']; $date = date("Y-m-d", strtotime($date . "+90 days")); mysqli_query($con, "UPDATE donars SET nextsmsdate='{$date}' WHERE pid=" . $_SESSION["sess_user_pid"]); //echo "UPDATE donars SET nextsmsdate=".$date." WHERE pid=".$_SESSION["sess_user_pid"]; //echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\"> alert($q)</script>"; } } ?> <head> <link href='./css/bootstrap.min.css' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>
function handle_submit() { global $db_connections, $def_coy, $tb_pref_counter, $db, $comp_subdirs, $path_to_root, $selected_id; $error = false; if (!check_data()) { return false; } if ($selected_id == -1) { $selected_id = count($db_connections); } $new = !isset($db_connections[$selected_id]); if ((bool) $_POST['def'] == true) { $def_coy = $selected_id; } $db_connections[$selected_id]['name'] = $_POST['name']; if ($new) { $db_connections[$selected_id]['host'] = $_POST['host']; $db_connections[$selected_id]['dbuser'] = $_POST['dbuser']; $db_connections[$selected_id]['dbpassword'] = $_POST['dbpassword']; $db_connections[$selected_id]['dbname'] = $_POST['dbname']; if (is_numeric($_POST['tbpref'])) { $db_connections[$selected_id]['tbpref'] = $_POST['tbpref'] == 1 ? $tb_pref_counter . "_" : ''; } else { if ($_POST['tbpref'] != "") { $db_connections[$selected_id]['tbpref'] = $_POST['tbpref']; } else { $db_connections[$selected_id]['tbpref'] = ""; } } $conn = $db_connections[$selected_id]; if (($db = db_create_db($conn)) == 0) { display_error(_("Error creating Database: ") . $conn['dbname'] . _(", Please create it manually")); $error = true; } else { if (!db_import($path_to_root . '/sql/' . get_post('coa'), $conn, $selected_id)) { display_error(_('Cannot create new company due to bugs in sql file.')); $error = true; } else { if (!isset($_POST['admpassword']) || $_POST['admpassword'] == "") { $_POST['admpassword'] = "******"; } update_admin_password($conn, md5($_POST['admpassword'])); } } set_global_connection(); if ($error) { remove_connection($selected_id); return false; } } $error = write_config_db($new); if ($error == -1) { display_error(_("Cannot open the configuration file - ") . $path_to_root . "/config_db.php"); } else { if ($error == -2) { display_error(_("Cannot write to the configuration file - ") . $path_to_root . "/config_db.php"); } else { if ($error == -3) { display_error(_("The configuration file ") . $path_to_root . "/config_db.php" . _(" is not writable. Change its permissions so it is, then re-run the operation.")); } } } if ($error != 0) { return false; } if ($new) { create_comp_dirs(company_path($selected_id), $comp_subdirs); } $exts = get_company_extensions(); write_extensions($exts, $selected_id); display_notification($new ? _('New company has been created.') : _('Company has been updated.')); return true; }
if (strlen($data['password']) > 30) { $errors['password'] = '******'; } } } if ($data['password'] != $data['password_repeat']) { $errors['password'] = '******'; } return $errors; } if (isset($_SESSION['auth']) && $_SESSION['auth'] == true) { header('Location:index.php'); } else { if (!empty($_POST['form_inscription'])) { $data = clean_data($_POST); $errors = check_data($data); require_once 'config.php'; $req = $pdo->prepare('SELECT * FROM users WHERE pseudo = ?'); $req->execute(array($data['pseudo'])); $nb_rows = $req->rowCount(); if ($nb_rows > 0) { $errors['pseudo_used'] = 'Erreur : Pseudo déjà utilisé.'; } if (empty($errors)) { $password = sha1($data['password']); $pseudo = $data['pseudo']; $sexe = $data['sexe']; $color = $data['color']; $req = 'INSERT INTO users (login,password,sexe, color, role) VALUES (:login, :password, :sexe, :color, :role)'; $insert = $pdo->prepare($req); $insert->execute(array('login' => $pseudo, 'password' => $password, 'sexe' => $sexe, 'color' => $color, 'role' => "user"));
| | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ */ chdir('../../'); include_once './include/auth.php'; include_once $config['library_path'] . '/rrd.php'; include_once $config['base_path'] . '/plugins/thold/thold_functions.php'; input_validate_input_number(get_request_var('view_rrd')); /* modify for multi user */ input_validate_input_number(get_request_var('hostid')); input_validate_input_number(get_request_var('rra')); input_validate_input_number(get_request_var('id')); $hostid = ''; if (isset($_REQUEST['rra'])) { /* modify for multi user start */ if (!check_data($_REQUEST['rra'])) { access_denied(); } /* modify for multi user end */ $rra = $_REQUEST['rra']; $hostid = db_fetch_assoc('select host_id from thold_data where rra_id=' . $rra); if (isset($hostid[0]['host_id'])) { $hostid = $hostid[0]['host_id']; } else { $hostid = db_fetch_assoc('select host_id from poller_item where local_data_id=' . $rra); if (isset($hostid[0]['host_id'])) { $hostid = $hostid[0]['host_id']; } } if (is_array($hostid)) { $hostid = '';
display: block; width:380px; height:73px; border:none; clear:both;" target="_blank" href=""></a> </div> <div style="float: left; width: 58%;"> <?php if (!(check_functions() && check_permissions())) { echo '<p>' . $lang['i_problems'] . '</p>'; print_errors(); print_retry(); } elseif (!check_configs()) { echo '<p>' . $lang['i_modified'] . '</p>'; print_errors(); } elseif ($_REQUEST['submit']) { if (!check_data($_REQUEST['d'])) { print_errors(); print_form($_REQUEST['d']); } elseif (!store_data($_REQUEST['d'])) { echo '<p>' . $lang['i_failure'] . '</p>'; print_errors(); } else { echo '<p>' . $lang['i_success'] . '</p>'; } } else { print_form($_REQUEST['d']); } ?> </div>
display_error(_("The entered shipping value is not numeric.")); set_focus('ChargeFreightCost'); return false; } if ($_SESSION['Items']->has_items_dispatch() == 0 && input_num('ChargeFreightCost') == 0) { display_error(_("There are no item quantities on this invoice.")); return false; } if (!check_quantities()) { display_error(_("Selected quantity cannot be less than quantity credited nor more than quantity not invoiced yet.")); return false; } return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (isset($_POST['process_invoice']) && check_data()) { $newinvoice = $_SESSION['Items']->trans_no == 0; copy_to_cart(); if ($newinvoice) { new_doc_date($_SESSION['Items']->document_date); } $invoice_no = $_SESSION['Items']->write(); if ($invoice_no == -1) { display_error(_("The entered reference is already in use.")); set_focus('ref'); } else { processing_end(); if ($newinvoice) { meta_forward($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], "AddedID={$invoice_no}"); } else { meta_forward($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], "UpdatedID={$invoice_no}");
} } if (isset($_POST['Line' . $line . 'Desc'])) { $line_desc = $_POST['Line' . $line . 'Desc']; if (strlen($line_desc) > 0) { $_SESSION['Items']->line_items[$line]->item_description = $line_desc; } } } // ... // else // $_SESSION['Items']->freight_cost = input_num('ChargeFreightCost'); return $ok; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if (isset($_POST['process_delivery']) && check_data()) { $dn =& $_SESSION['Items']; if ($_POST['bo_policy']) { $bo_policy = 0; } else { $bo_policy = 1; } $newdelivery = $dn->trans_no == 0; if ($newdelivery) { new_doc_date($dn->document_date); } $delivery_no = $dn->write($bo_policy); if ($delivery_no == -1) { display_error(_("The entered reference is already in use.")); set_focus('ref'); } else {
function update_item($picture_small, $picture_large) { global $_TABLES; global $_CONF; $error = check_data(); if ($error == "") { //Upload file check to see if a file needs to be deleted $picture_res = DB_query("SELECT ecom_item_picture_small, ecom_item_picture_large FROM {$_TABLES['ecom_item']} WHERE ecom_item_id = " . $_GET['id'] . ""); $picture_row = DB_fetchArray($picture_res); //Small picture if ($picture_row['ecom_item_picture_small'] != "" && $picture_small != "") { $old_picture = $_CONF['path_html'] . "ecommerce/images/item/" . $picture_row['ecom_item_picture_small']; unlink($old_picture); //delete old picture } if ($picture_small != "") { $error .= upload_picture(&$picture_small, false); //Update database DB_query("UPDATE {$_TABLES['ecom_item']} SET ecom_item_picture_small = '" . $picture_small . "' WHERE ecom_item_id = " . $_GET['id'] . ""); } //Large Picture if ($picture_row['ecom_item_picture_large'] != "" && $picture_large != "") { $old_picture = $_CONF['path_html'] . "ecommerce/images/item/" . $picture_row['ecom_item_picture_large']; unlink($old_picture); //delete old picture } if ($picture_large != "") { $error .= upload_picture(&$picture_large, true); //Update database DB_query("UPDATE {$_TABLES['ecom_item']} SET ecom_item_picture_large = '" . $picture_large . "' WHERE ecom_item_id = " . $_GET['id'] . ""); } if ($_POST['fixxedPrice'] == "") { $fPrice = false; } else { $fPrice = true; } if ($_POST['ship_printed'] == "") { $ship_printed = false; } else { $ship_printed = true; } if ($_POST['ship_media'] == "") { $ship_media = false; } else { $ship_media = true; } if ($_POST['ship_library'] == "") { $ship_library = false; } else { $ship_library = true; } if ($_POST['free_shipping'] == "") { $free_shipping = false; } else { $free_shipping = true; } DB_query("UPDATE {$_TABLES['ecom_item']} SET ecom_item_name = '" . $_POST['name'] . "', ecom_item_description_short = '" . $_POST['description_short'] . "', ecom_item_description_long = '" . $_POST['description_long'] . "', ecom_item_ship_printed = '" . $ship_printed . "', ecom_ship_media = '" . $ship_media . "', ecom_ship_library = '" . $ship_library . "', ecom_item_url = '" . $_POST['item_url'] . "', ecom_item_price = '" . $_POST['price'] . "', ecom_item_instock = '" . $_POST['inStock'] . "', ecom_item_priceFixxed = '" . $fPrice . "', ecom_item_weight_ounces = '" . $_POST['weight_ounces'] . "', ecom_item_weight_pounds = '" . $_POST['weight_pounds'] . "', ecom_item_width = '" . $_POST['dem_width'] . "', ecom_item_height = '" . $_POST['dem_height'] . "', ecom_item_length = '" . $_POST['dem_length'] . "', ecom_free_shipping = '" . $free_shipping . "' WHERE ecom_item_id = " . $_GET['id'] . ""); echo "<SCRIPT language=\"JavaScript\"> window.location='?op=item&view=list' </SCRIPT>"; } return $error; }
function handle_commit_invoice() { copy_to_trans($_SESSION['supp_trans']); if (!check_data()) { return; } $invoice_no = add_supp_invoice($_SESSION['supp_trans']); $_SESSION['supp_trans']->clear_items(); unset($_SESSION['supp_trans']); meta_forward($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], "AddedID={$invoice_no}"); }
<?php include 'class.ezpdf.php'; include 'db_connection.php'; $v = base64_decode($_REQUEST['v']); $v = explode("-", $v); if ($v[2] == md5(date("mdy")) && check_data($v[3], $v[0])) { $datatest = check_data($v[3], $v[0]); $userdata = userdata($v[0]); $coursedata = coursedata($v[1]); stampa($userdata, $coursedata, $datatest); } else { echo "Stampa non permessa"; } function idelemento_to_idcorso($idelemento) { $query = "\n\tSELECT\n\t\ as result\n\tFROM\n\t\tjos_tt_corsi\n\tLEFT JOIN jos_tt_moduli ON jos_tt_moduli.id_corso =\n\tLEFT JOIN jos_tt_elementi ON jos_tt_elementi.id_modulo =\n\tWHERE\n\t\ = '" . $idelemento . "'\n\tLIMIT 1\n\t"; $db_query = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); $riga = mysql_fetch_array($db_query); return $riga['result']; } function check_data($id_elemento, $id_utente) { $query = "SELECT\njos_quiz_r_student_quiz.c_date_time,\nDATE_FORMAT(jos_quiz_r_student_quiz.c_date_time, '%d/%m/%Y') as timemodified\nFROM\njos_quiz_r_student_quiz\nWHERE\njos_quiz_r_student_quiz.c_quiz_id = '" . $id_elemento . "' AND\njos_quiz_r_student_quiz.c_student_id = '" . $id_utente . "' AND\njos_quiz_r_student_quiz.c_passed = 1\n"; /* $query=" SELECT DATE_FORMAT(, '%d/%m/%Y') as timemodified FROM jos_tt_track WHERE
return false; } } } if ($check_qty_charged_vs_del_qty == True) { if (input_num('this_quantity_inv') / ($_POST['qty_recd'] - $_POST['prev_quantity_inv']) > 1 + sys_prefs::over_charge_allowance() / 100) { display_error(tr("The quantity being invoiced is more than the outstanding quantity by more than the allowed over-charge percentage. The system is set up to prohibit this. See the system administrator to modify the set up parameters if necessary.") . tr("The over-charge percentage allowance is :") . sys_prefs::over_charge_allowance() . "%"); set_focus('this_quantity_inv'); return false; } } return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (isset($_POST['AddGRNToTrans'])) { if (check_data()) { if (input_num('this_quantity_inv') >= $_POST['qty_recd'] - $_POST['prev_quantity_inv']) { $complete = True; } else { $complete = False; } $_SESSION['supp_trans']->add_grn_to_trans($_POST['GRNNumber'], $_POST['po_detail_item'], $_POST['item_code'], $_POST['item_description'], $_POST['qty_recd'], $_POST['prev_quantity_inv'], input_num('this_quantity_inv'), $_POST['order_price'], input_num('ChgPrice'), $complete, $_POST['std_cost_unit'], ""); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (isset($_GET['Delete'])) { $_SESSION['supp_trans']->remove_grn_from_trans($_GET['Delete']); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- display_grn_items($_SESSION['supp_trans'], 1); echo "<br>";
$sql = "DELETE FROM `cookiedata` WHERE `user_name`='{$usertmp}' AND `user_cookie` ='{$cookievalue}'"; delete($sql); setcookie("loginname", "", time() - 3600, "/"); setcookie("loginid", "", time() - 3600, "/"); $logincheck = 0; } } } else { die(""); } } if (!is_null($user)) { $sql = "SELECT `user_id` FROM `users` WHERE `user_name`='{$user}'"; $user_id = queryValue($sql); } if (check_data('authid', 'get') && ctype_digit($_GET['authid'])) { $authid = $_GET['authid']; } if (!is_null($user_id) && !is_null($authid)) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM `authdata` WHERE `user_id`='{$user_id}' AND `auth_id`='{$authid}'"; $row = queryRow($sql); } if ($row) { $time = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $region = $row['region']; if ($region != "CN" && $region != "EU") { $region = "US"; } $sql = "SELECT * FROM `synctime` WHERE `region`='{$region}'"; $rowSYNC = queryRow($sql); if (strtotime($time) - strtotime($rowSYNC['last_sync']) > 86400) {