function respond_to_error($obj, $redirect_to_params, $options = array()) { $extra_api_params = isset($options['api']) ? $options['api'] : array(); $status = isset($options['status']) ? $options['status'] : 500; if (is_object($obj) && is_subclass_of($obj, 'ActiveRecord')) { $obj = implode(', ', $obj->record_errors->full_messages()); $status = 420; } if ($status == 420) { $status = '420 Invalid Record'; } elseif ($status == 421) { $status = '421 User Throttled'; } elseif ($status == 422) { $status = '422 Locked'; } elseif ($status == 423) { $status = '423 Already Exists'; } elseif ($status == 424) { $status = '424 Invalid Parameters'; } switch (Request::$format) { case 'html': notice('Error: ' . $obj); check_array($redirect_to_params); call_user_func_array('redirect_to', $redirect_to_params); case 'json': render('json', to_json(array_merge($extra_api_params, array('success' => false, 'reason' => $obj))), array('status' => $status)); case 'xml': // fmt.xml {render :xml => extra_api_params.merge(:success => false, :reason => obj).to_xml(:root => "response"), :status => status} break; } }
/** * Set variables in Request::$params automatically * * This simple checks if variables exist in the $params object, * and if they don't, they will be created automatically, avoiding * things like: * <input type="text" value="<?php echo !empty(Request::$params->query) ? Request::$params->query : null ?>" /> * and just echo the parameter. * <input type="text" value="<?php echo Request::$params->query ?>" /> * * By default the value is null. To give a custom value for a param, * make the param the key and the value its value. * * Example: * auto_create_params(array('query', 'tags' => 'none', 'users->foo->id')); * $params->query will be null while $params->tags will be 'none' and * $params->users->foo->id will also be null. */ function auto_set_params($params, $default_value = null) { check_array($params); foreach ($params as $key => $param) { if (is_int($key)) { $value = $default_value; } else { $value = $param; $param = $key; } if (property_exists(Request::$params, $param)) { continue; } if (is_int(strpos($param, '->'))) { $subs = explode('->', $param); $param_sub =& Request::$params; $i = 0; foreach ($subs as $sub) { if (!property_exists($param_sub, $sub)) { if ($i == count($subs) - 1) { $param_sub->{$sub} = $value; } else { $param_sub->{$sub} = new stdClass(); } } $param_sub =& $param_sub->{$sub}; $i++; } } else { Request::$params->{$param} = $value; } } }
function render_partial($part, $locals = array()) { check_array($locals); # Will automatically make global vars with names of # the active controller and part. $locals[] = $part; $locals[] = Request::$controller; foreach ($locals as $key => $var) { if (is_int($key)) { global ${$var}; } else { global ${$key}; ${$key} = $var; } } if (is_int(strpos($part, '/'))) { $pos = strrpos($part, '/'); $part = substr_replace($part, '/_', $pos, 1) . '.php'; $file = VIEWPATH . $part; } else { $file = VIEWPATH . Request::$controller . '/_' . $part . '.php'; } if (false === (include $file)) { echo "Partial ({$part}) could not be found."; } }
static function to_aliased($tags) { check_array($tags); $aliased_tags = array(); foreach ($tags as $tag_name) { $aliased_tags[] = self::to_aliased_helper($tag_name); } return $aliased_tags; }
/** * Check required parameters * * Checks if a parameter is missing in the $params object * and exits with a 400 status if it is missing. * * This is useful in post methods, if the user tries to post with empty * parameters. * * Example: required_params(array('id', 'pool' => 'name'), 'only', 'post', 'put'); * This will check for $params->id and for $params->pool->name. * * Created to be used at the first lines of an action file. */ static function required_params($args) { $params = array_shift($args); check_array($params); if (!empty($args)) { $type = array_shift($args); $methods = $args; unset($args); if (($type == 'only' && in_array(strtolower(self::$method), $methods) || $type == 'except' && !in_array(strtolower(self::$method), $methods)) && !self::check_required_params($params)) { exit_with_status(400); } } else { if (!self::check_required_params($params)) { exit_with_status(400); } } }
function after_filter($functions, $filter = null, $actions = null) { if ($filter) { $actions = explode(',', str_replace(' ', '', $actions)); if (!filter_actions($filter, $actions)) { return; } } check_array($functions); foreach ($functions as $func => $params) { if (is_numeric($func)) { $func = $params; $params = array(); } else { check_array($params); } ActionController::$after_filters[] = array($func, $params); } }
function check_array($array, $arr_key) { global $config, $new_config, $level; global $check_good, $check_bad, $check_empty, $check_element; foreach ($array as $key => $value) { $check_b = "<font color='{$check_empty}'>"; $check_e = "</font>"; if (!is_array($value)) { if (!empty($arr_key)) { if (in_array($value, $config[$arr_key])) { $check_b = "<font color='{$check_good}'>"; $check_e = "</font>"; } } else { if (isset($config[$key])) { if ($config[$key] === $new_config[$key]) { $check_b = "<font color='{$check_good}'>"; $check_e = "</font>"; } else { $check_b = "<font color='{$check_bad}'>"; $check_e = "</font>"; } } } for ($i = 0; $i < $level + 1; $i++) { echo " "; } if ($level) { $ccf = ''; } else { $ccf = "<font color='{$check_element}'>\$config</font>"; } echo $ccf . "['<font color='{$check_element}'>" . $key . "</font>'] => " . $check_b . $value . " " . $check_e . "<br />\n"; } else { if (array_key_exists($key, $config)) { $check_b = "<font color='#00CC00'>"; $check_e = "</font>"; } for ($i = 0; $i < $level + 1; $i++) { echo " "; } echo "<font color='{$check_element}'>\$config</font>['<font color='{$check_element}'>" . $key . "</font>'] => " . $check_b . "Array" . $check_e . "<br />\n"; for ($i = 0; $i < $level + 1; $i++) { echo " "; } echo " (<br />\n"; $level++; check_array($value, $key); $level--; for ($i = 0; $i < $level + 1; $i++) { echo " "; } echo " )<br />\n"; } } }
<?php //input array $clg1 = array(12, 11, 5, 2, 7, 5, 11); $clg2 = array(5, 11, 5, 7, 11, 2, 11); if (is_equal($clg1, $clg2)) { if (is_negative_value($clg1) && is_negative_value($clg2)) { if (check_array($clg1, $clg2)) { echo "Equal"; } else { echo "Unequal"; } } else { echo "Invalid"; } } else { echo "Unequal"; } //if array are equal in length function is_equal($array1, $array2) { $len1 = count($array1); $len2 = count($array2); if ($len1 == $len2) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } //checking if array has any negative value function is_negative_value($array1)
protected static function parse_find_params(&$select_type, &$params = array()) { $select_types = array('first', 'last', 'all'); if (is_string($select_type) && in_array($select_type, $select_types)) { // if (!$params) // $params['select'] // return false; $find_params['select_type'] = $select_type; } else { $params = $select_type; $find_params['select_type'] = 'first'; } if (!is_array($params) && (is_int($params) || ctype_digit($params))) { # single ID. $params = array('conditions' => array(self::t() . '.id = ?', $params)); } elseif (is_array($params) && is_indexed_arr($params)) { # array of IDs. $params = array('conditions' => array(self::t() . '.id IN (??)', $params)); } check_array($params); if (!empty($params['return_array'])) { $find_params['return_array'] = true; unset($params['return_array']); } else { $find_params['return_array'] = false; } if (!empty($params['return_value'])) { $find_params['return_value'] = $params['return_value']; $find_params['return_array'] = true; unset($params['return_value']); } else { $find_params['return_value'] = false; } # for collection if (isset($params['model_name'])) { $find_params['model_name'] = $params['model_name']; unset($params['model_name']); } else { $find_params['model_name'] = self::cn(); } if ($find_params['select_type'] == 'all' && isset($params['select'])) { $find_params['return_array'] = true; } if (!empty($params['return'])) { switch ($params['return']) { case 'model': $find_params['return_array'] = false; break; } unset($params['return']); } return $find_params; }
function calculate_related($tags) { if (!$tags) { return array(); } check_array($tags); $from = array("posts_tags pt0"); $cond = array("pt0.post_id = pt1.post_id"); $sql = ""; # Ignore deleted posts in pt0, so the count excludes them. $cond[] = "(SELECT TRUE FROM posts p0 WHERE = pt0.post_id AND p0.status <> 'deleted')"; foreach (range(1, count($tags)) as $i) { $from[] = "posts_tags pt{$i}"; } if (count($tags) > 1) { foreach (range(2, count($tags)) as $i) { $cond[] = "pt1.post_id = pt{$i}.post_id"; } } foreach (range(1, count($tags)) as $i) { $cond[] = "pt{$i}.tag_id = (SELECT id FROM tags WHERE name = ?)"; } $sql .= "(SELECT name FROM tags WHERE id = pt0.tag_id) AS tag, COUNT(*) AS tag_count"; $sql .= " FROM " . implode(', ', $from); $sql .= " WHERE " . implode(' AND ', $cond); $sql .= " GROUP BY pt0.tag_id"; $sql .= " ORDER BY tag_count DESC LIMIT 25"; $params = array_merge(array($sql), $tags); $tags = call_user_func_array('DB::select', $params); if (!$tags) { return array(); } $calc = array(); foreach ($tags as $tag) { $calc[] = array($tag['tag'], $tag['tag_count']); } return $calc; }
function validate_data($data, $callbacks, $return_messages = false) { check_array($callbacks); foreach ($callbacks as $key => $val) { $func = $args = null; if (!is_int($key)) { if ($data === null) { if (empty($callbacks['accept_null'])) { return false; } else { unset($callbacks['accept_null']); } } if (is_array($val) && isset($val['message'])) { $message = $val['message']; unset($val['message']); } switch ($key) { case '%callback%': $func = $val; $args = array($data); break; # Checks a string's length. # Checks a string's length. case 'length': check_array($val); $compare_to = array_shift($val); // $messages = $val; // future messages. $r = compare_num(strlen($data), $compare_to, $return_messages, true); return $r; break; case 'format': is_array($val) && ($val = array_shift($val)); if (!preg_match($val, $data)) { return false; } break; /** * Number: * ($data, array('number' => array(true, 'odd', 'even', '>=90'))) * Note: By default the param will be passed to compare_num. */ /** * Number: * ($data, array('number' => array(true, 'odd', 'even', '>=90'))) * Note: By default the param will be passed to compare_num. */ case 'number': check_array($val); foreach ($val as $param) { switch ($param) { case $param === true: if (!ctype_digit((string) $data)) { return false; } break; case 'odd': if (!($data & 1)) { return false; } break; case 'even': if (!($data & 2)) { return false; } break; default: $r = compare_num(strlen($data), $compare_to, $return_messages, false); return $r; break; } } break; case 'in': if (!in_array($data, $val)) { return false; } break; } } else { $func = $val; $args = array($data); } if (!empty($func)) { if (!call_user_func_array($func, $args)) { return false; } } } return true; }
function check_array($array, $arr_key) { global $config, $new_config, $level; // расцветка для подсветки элементов $check_good = "#33AA33"; $check_bad = "#FF3333"; $check_empty = "#666666"; $check_element = "#FF7F00"; //GLOBAL $check_good,$check_bad,$check_empty,$check_element; $chcontent = ""; foreach ($array as $key => $value) { $check_b = "<font color='{$check_empty}'>"; $check_e = "</font>"; if (!is_array($value)) { if (!empty($arr_key)) { if (in_array($value, $config[$arr_key])) { $check_b = "<font color='{$check_good}'>"; $check_e = "</font>"; } } else { if (isset($config[$key])) { if ($config[$key] == $new_config[$key]) { $check_b = "<font color='{$check_good}'>"; $check_e = "</font>"; } else { $check_b = "<font color='{$check_bad}'>"; $check_e = "</font>"; } } } for ($i = 0; $i < $level + 1; $i++) { $chcontent .= " "; } if ($level) { $ccf = ''; } else { $ccf = "<font color='{$check_element}'>\$config</font>"; } $chcontent .= $ccf . "['<font color='{$check_element}'>" . $key . "</font>'] => " . $check_b . $value . " " . $check_e . "<br />\n"; } else { if (array_key_exists($key, $config)) { $check_b = "<font color='#00CC00'>"; $check_e = "</font>"; } for ($i = 0; $i < $level + 1; $i++) { $chcontent .= " "; } $chcontent .= "<font color='{$check_element}'>\$config</font>['<font color='{$check_element}'>" . $key . "</font>'] => " . $check_b . "Array" . $check_e . "<br />\n"; for ($i = 0; $i < $level + 1; $i++) { $chcontent .= " "; } $chcontent .= " (<br />\n"; $level++; $chcontent .= check_array($value, $key); $level--; for ($i = 0; $i < $level + 1; $i++) { $chcontent .= " "; } $chcontent .= " )<br />\n"; } } return $chcontent; }