<?php require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../bootstrap/unit.php'; if (!checkMysql()) { return true; } $t = new lime_test(3); $t->comment('Mysql Drop Command'); // Setup createAdminUser($mysqlAdminUsername, $mysqlAdminPassword, $tempAdminUsername, $tempAdminPassword); createDb($mysqlAdminUsername, $mysqlAdminPassword, $dbName); $t->comment('MysqlDropCommand executed by admin user with password'); $cmd = new nbMysqlDropCommand(); $commandLine = sprintf('%s %s %s', $dbName, $tempAdminUsername, $tempAdminPassword); $t->ok($cmd->run(new nbCommandLineParser(), $commandLine), 'MysqlDrop executed successfully'); //TearDown dropDatabaseUser($mysqlAdminUsername, $mysqlAdminPassword, $tempAdminUsername); // Setup createAdminUser($mysqlAdminUsername, $mysqlAdminPassword, $tempAdminUsernameWithNoPassword); createDb($mysqlAdminUsername, $mysqlAdminPassword, $dbName); $t->comment('MysqlDropCommand executed by admin user without password'); $cmd = new nbMysqlDropCommand(); $commandLine = sprintf('%s %s', $dbName, $tempAdminUsernameWithNoPassword); $t->ok($cmd->run(new nbCommandLineParser(), $commandLine), 'MysqlDrop executed successfully'); //TearDown dropDatabaseUser($mysqlAdminUsername, $mysqlAdminPassword, $tempAdminUsernameWithNoPassword); // Setup createDb($mysqlAdminUsername, $mysqlAdminPassword, $dbName); $cmd = new nbMysqlDropCommand(); $parser = new nbCommandLineParser(); $parser->setDefaultConfigurationDirs(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../data/config');
function installMain(&$s) { global $lll; global $hostName, $dbUser, $dbUserPw, $dbName, $dbPort, $dbSocket; global $scriptName; global $cookiePath; global $phpVersionMin, $mySqlVersionMin; $s = ""; showInstallHeader($s1); $s .= $s1; // Ezt azert kommentezem ki, mert gyakran ujrainstallalok ugy hogy elozoleg // john-kent be voltam jelentkezve. Ilyen esetben mindig john // id-jevel hozta letre eloszor az admint, majd amikor john // letrehozasara kerult a sor, akkor hibat adott az install mondvan, // hogy ilyen id-ju juzer mar letezik: //if (!isset($_COOKIE["globalUserId"])) //{ mt_srand((double) microtime() * 1000000); global $randIdMax, $randIdMin; if (!isset($randIdMin)) { $randIdMin = 0; } if (!isset($randIdMax)) { $randIdMax = getrandmax(); } $randomId = (int) mt_rand($randIdMin, $randIdMax); setcookie("globalUserId", $randomId, Loginlib_ExpirationDate, $cookiePath); $_COOKIE["globalUserId"] = $randomId; //} if (isset($_POST["edit"])) { $s .= showEditForm(TRUE); return; } //if( isset($_POST["submit"]) && // $_POST["submit"]==$lll["install"] ) //{ //check file creation $ret = checkFileCreate(); if ($ret == ok) { iPrint($lll["create_file_ok"], "ok", $sp); $s .= $sp; $createconf = TRUE; } else { if (!isset($_POST["confirm"])) { iPrint($lll["create_file_nok_ext"], "warn", $sp); } else { iPrint($lll["create_file_nok"], "warn", $sp); } $s .= $sp; $createconf = FALSE; } //check mysql connection $db->hostName = $hostName; $db->user = $dbUser; $db->password = $dbUserPw; $db->port = $dbPort; $db->socket = $dbSocket; $connectRet = checkMysql($db, $s1); $s .= $s1; if ($connectRet == ok) { iPrint($lll["mysql_found"], "ok", $sp); $s .= $sp; $connectok = TRUE; $pwok = TRUE; } elseif ($connectRet == mysql_access_denied) { iPrint($lll["mysql_found"], "ok", $sp); $s .= $sp; if ($dbUserPw == "") { iPrint(sprintf($lll["need_pw"], $dbUser), "warn", $sp); $s .= $sp; $s .= showEditForm(TRUE); return ok; } else { iPrint(sprintf($lll["incorr_pw"], $dbUser), "warn", $sp); $s .= $sp; $s .= showEditForm(TRUE); return ok; } } else { iPrint($lll["mysql_not_found"] . " (" . mysql_error() . ")", "warn", $sp); $s .= $sp; $s .= showEditForm(TRUE); return ok; } if (!DbInstall::checkComponentVersions($mySqlVersion, $phpVersion)) { iPrint(sprintf($lll["versionTooLow"], $mySqlVersionMin, $mySqlVersion, $phpVersionMin, $phpVersion), "err", $sp); $s .= $sp; return ok; } if (!isset($_POST["confirm"])) { $s .= showAskConfirm(); return ok; } if (isset($_COOKIE["globalUserId"])) { iPrint($lll["cookieok"], "ok", $sp); $s .= $sp; } else { iPrint($lll["cookienok"], "err", $sp); $s .= $sp; return; } //check if db exists $ret = mysql_select_db($dbName); if ($ret) { iPrint(sprintf($lll["db_installed"], $dbName), "ok", $sp); $s .= $sp; } else { $ret = createDb(); if ($ret != ok) { $s1 = sprintf($lll["cantcreatedb"], $dbUser); iPrint($s1, "warn", $sp); $s .= $sp; return ok; } else { iPrint(sprintf($lll["db_created"], $dbName), "ok", $sp); $s .= $sp; //select db $ret = mysql_select_db($dbName); } } $ret = DbInstall::installCreateTables(); if ($ret != ok) { iPrint($lll["inst_create_table_err"], "err", $sp); $s .= $sp; return $ret; } else { iPrint($lll["tables_installed"], "ok", $sp); $s .= $sp; } createFirstAdmin(); appFillTables(); iPrint($lll["tables_filled"], "ok", $sp); $s .= $sp; if ($createconf) { //config file can be generated $ret = writeConfigFile($s1); if ($ret != ok) { $s .= $s1; return; } } else { //config can't be created iPrint($lll["compare_conf"], "warn", $sp); $s .= $sp; showConfFileHtml($s1); $s .= $s1; iPrint($lll["afterwrconf"], "warn", $s1); $s .= $s1; } iPrint($lll["move_inst_file"], "warn", $s1); $s .= $s1; iPrint(sprintf($lll["congrat"], "Noah's Classifieds"), "hurra", $s1); $s .= $s1; iPrint($lll["inst_ch_pw"], "warn", $s1); $s .= $s1; //send him to the application: $s .= "<a href='{$scriptName}'>" . sprintf($lll["inst_click"], "Noah's Classifieds") . "</a>"; return ok; }
function getRequirements() { return $requirements = array(array(t('bugfree', 'PHP version'), version_compare(PHP_VERSION, "5.1.0", ">="), PHP_VERSION, '5.1.0+'), array(t('bugfree', 'MySQL version'), ($message = checkMysql()) !== t('bugfree', 'Not Install') && $message, $message !== t('bugfree', 'Not Install') ? mysql_get_client_info() : $message, '5.0+'), array(t('bugfree', '$_SERVER variable'), ($message = checkServerVar()) === t('bugfree', 'Supported'), $message, t('bugfree', 'Supported')), array(t('bugfree', 'Reflection extension'), ($flag = class_exists('Reflection', false)) === true, $flag ? t('bugfree', 'Supported') : t('bugfree', 'Not Install'), t('bugfree', 'Supported')), array(t('bugfree', 'PCRE extension'), ($flag = extension_loaded("pcre")) === true, $flag ? t('bugfree', 'Supported') : t('bugfree', 'Not Install'), t('bugfree', 'Supported')), array(t('bugfree', 'SPL extension'), ($flag = extension_loaded("SPL")) === true, $flag ? t('bugfree', 'Supported') : t('bugfree', 'Not Install'), t('bugfree', 'Supported')), array(t('bugfree', 'PDO extension'), ($flag = extension_loaded('pdo')) === true, $flag ? t('bugfree', 'Supported') : t('bugfree', 'Not Install'), t('bugfree', 'Supported')), array(t('bugfree', 'JSON extension'), ($flag = extension_loaded('json')) === true, $flag ? t('bugfree', 'Supported') : t('bugfree', 'Not Install'), t('bugfree', 'Supported')), array(t('bugfree', 'PDO MySQL extension'), ($flag = extension_loaded('pdo_mysql')) === true, $flag ? t('bugfree', 'Supported') : t('bugfree', 'Not Install'), t('bugfree', 'Supported'))); }
die("Cannot be used in web server mode\n\n"); } include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/ressources/class.mysql.inc'; include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/ressources/class.ldap.inc'; include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/framework/class.unix.inc'; include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/framework/frame.class.inc'; if (is_array($argv)) { if (preg_match("#--verbose#", implode(" ", $argv))) { $GLOBALS["VERBOSE"] = true; ini_set('html_errors', 0); ini_set('display_errors', 1); ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL); } } if ($argv[1] == "--mysql") { checkMysql(); exit; } if ($argv[1] == "--poweradmin") { poweradmin(); exit; } if ($argv[1] == "--dnsseck") { dnsseck(); exit; } function poweradmin() { if (!is_file("/usr/share/poweradmin/index.php")) { echo "Starting......: PowerAdmin is not installed\n"; return;
<?php if(posix_getuid()<>0){die("Cannot be used in web server mode\n\n");} include_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/ressources/class.mysql.inc'); include_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/ressources/class.ldap.inc'); include_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/framework/class.unix.inc'); include_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/framework/frame.class.inc'); if(is_array($argv)){if(preg_match("#--verbose#",implode(" ",$argv))){$GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]=true; ini_set('html_errors',0);ini_set('display_errors', 1);ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL);}} if($argv[1]=="--mysql"){checkMysql();exit;} if($argv[1]=="--poweradmin"){poweradmin();exit;} function poweradmin(){ if(!is_file("/usr/share/poweradmin/index.php")){ echo "Starting......: PowerAdmin is not installed\n"; return; } $q=new mysql(); $f[]="<?php"; $f[]="\$db_host = '$q->mysql_server';"; $f[]="\$db_user = '******';"; $f[]="\$db_pass = '******';"; $f[]="\$db_name = 'powerdns';"; $f[]="\$db_port = '$q->mysql_port';"; $f[]="\$db_type = 'mysql';";
function start_recursor() { $sock = new sockets(); $unix = new unix(); $DisablePowerDnsManagement = $sock->GET_INFO("DisablePowerDnsManagement"); $PowerDNSRecursorQuerLocalAddr = $sock->GET_INFO("PowerDNSRecursorQuerLocalAddr"); $EnablePDNS = $sock->GET_INFO("EnablePDNS"); if (!is_numeric($DisablePowerDnsManagement)) { $DisablePowerDnsManagement = 0; } $EnableChilli = 0; $chilli = $unix->find_program("chilli"); if (is_file($chilli)) { $EnableChilli = $sock->GET_INFO("EnableChilli"); if (!is_numeric($EnableChilli)) { $EnableChilli = 0; } } if ($EnableChilli == 1) { echo "Stopping......: " . date("H:i:s") . "PowerDNS Recursor HotSpot is enabled...\n"; stop_recursor(); return; } if ($PowerDNSRecursorQuerLocalAddr == null) { $net = new networking(); $net->ifconfig("eth0"); if ($net->tcp_addr != null) { if ($net->tcp_addr != "") { $PowerDNSRecursorQuerLocalAddr = $net->tcp_addr; } } } if (!is_numeric($EnablePDNS)) { $EnablePDNS = 0; } $nohup = $unix->find_program("nohup"); $recursorbin = $unix->find_program("pdns_recursor"); if (!is_file($recursorbin)) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " PowerDNS Recursor Not installed, aborting task\n"; } $pid = pdns_recursor_pid(); if ($unix->process_exists($pid)) { $pidtime = $unix->PROCCESS_TIME_MIN($pid); echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " PowerDNS Recursor Already running PID {$pid} since {$pidtime}mn\n"; return; } if ($DisablePowerDnsManagement == 1) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " PowerDNS Recursor DisablePowerDnsManagement={$DisablePowerDnsManagement}, aborting task\n"; return; } if ($EnablePDNS == 0) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " PowerDNS Recursor service is disabled, aborting task\n"; stop_recursor(); return; } $trace = null; $quiet = "yes"; $PowerDNSLogLevel = $sock->GET_INFO("PowerDNSLogLevel"); $PowerDNSLogsQueries = $sock->GET_INFO("PowerDNSLogsQueries"); if (!is_numeric($PowerDNSLogLevel)) { $PowerDNSLogLevel = 1; } $query_local_address = " --query-local-address={$PowerDNSRecursorQuerLocalAddr}"; if ($PowerDNSLogLevel > 8) { $trace = ' --trace'; } if ($PowerDNSLogsQueries == 1) { $quiet = 'no'; } echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " PowerDNS Recursor Network card to send queries {$PowerDNSRecursorQuerLocalAddr}\n"; echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " PowerDNS Recursor Log level [{$PowerDNSLogLevel}]\n"; echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " PowerDNS Recursor Verify MySQL DB...\n"; checkMysql(); @mkdir("/var/run/pdns", 0755, true); $cmdline = "{$nohup} {$recursorbin} --daemon --export-etc-hosts --socket-dir=/var/run/pdns --quiet={$quiet} --config-dir=/etc/powerdns{$trace} {$query_local_address} >/dev/null 2>&1 &"; shell_exec($cmdline); sleep(1); $pid = pdns_recursor_pid(); if (!$unix->process_exists($pid)) { for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " PowerDNS Recursor waiting " . ($i + 1) . "/5\n"; $pid = pdns_recursor_pid(); if ($unix->process_exists($pid)) { break; } } } $pid = pdns_recursor_pid(); if (!$unix->process_exists($pid)) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " PowerDNS Recursor failed\n"; echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " PowerDNS Recursor \"{$cmdline}\"\n"; } else { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " PowerDNS Recursor success PID {$pid}\n"; } }
$type = $dom->getElementsByTagName('response')->item(0)->getAttribute('type'); if ($type=='ok') { $step=1; } } if ($step==1 && isset($ini['DB']['port']) && strlen($ini['DB']['port'])>0) { $ini['DB']['host'] .= ':' . $ini['DB']['port']; } // Проверяем предустановленные параметры подключения к базе if ($step==1 && isset($ini['DB']['host']) && strlen($ini['DB']['host'])>0 && isset($ini['DB']['dbname']) && strlen($ini['DB']['dbname'])>0 && isset($ini['DB']['user']) && strlen($ini['DB']['user'])>0 && isset($ini['DB']['password']) && strlen($ini['DB']['password'])>0 ) { $xml = checkMysql($ini['DB']); $dom = new DOMDocument(); $dom->loadXML($xml); $type = $dom->getElementsByTagName('response')->item(0)->getAttribute('type'); if ($type=='ok') { $step=2; } } // Предустановленный демосайт if (isset($ini['DEMOSITE']['name']) && strlen($ini['DEMOSITE']['name'])>0) { $demosite = $ini['DEMOSITE']['name']; } }