function doInit() { if (Config::$pass == null) { Config::$pass = trim(file_get_contents(getenv("HOME") . '/.cluebotng.password.only')); } API::init(); API::$a->login(Config::$user, Config::$pass); Globals::$mysql = false; checkMySQL(); Globals::$tfas = 0; Globals::$stdin = fopen('php://stdin', 'r'); Globals::$run = API::$q->getpage('User:'******'/Run'); Globals::$wl = API::$q->getpage('Wikipedia:Huggle/Whitelist'); Globals::$optin = API::$q->getpage('User:'******'/Optin'); Globals::$aoptin = API::$q->getpage('User:'******'/AngryOptin'); Globals::$stalk = array(); Globals::$edit = array(); $tmp = explode("\n", API::$q->getpage('User:'******'/CBAutostalk.js')); foreach ($tmp as $tmp2) { if (substr($tmp2, 0, 1) != '#') { $tmp3 = explode('|', $tmp2, 2); Globals::$stalk[$tmp3[0]] = trim($tmp3[1]); } } $tmp = explode("\n", API::$q->getpage('User:'******'/CBAutoedit.js')); foreach ($tmp as $tmp2) { if (substr($tmp2, 0, 1) != '#') { $tmp3 = explode('|', $tmp2, 2); Globals::$edit[$tmp3[0]] = trim($tmp3[1]); } } }
<?php require_once 'wp-config.php'; require_once 'testlib/testlib.php'; // Get DB_NAME if (MULTISITE === true) { $dbname = DB_NAME; } else { $dbname = DB_NAME . '_global'; } // Get DB_HOST and DB_PORT if (strrpos(DB_HOST, ':') > 0) { $dbhost = substr(DB_HOST, 0, strrpos(DB_HOST, ':')); $dbport = substr(DB_HOST, strrpos(DB_HOST, ':') + 1); } else { $dbhost = DB_HOST; $dbport = 3306; } checkMySQL($dbhost, $dbport, $dbname, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, 'wp_users'); test_mail('XTECBLOCS', false, ENVIRONMENT, get_site_option('xtec_mail_logpath')); test_ldap(false, ENVIRONMENT); test_proxy(''); test_server('UTC');
* This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. * To view a copy of this license, visit * * @link * @author EasySCP Team */ require 'easyscp-setup-lib.php'; # Es soll unsere eigene Fehlerbehandlung genutzt werden set_error_handler("errorHandler"); $tpl = EasySCP_TemplateEngine::getInstance(); $template = 'index.tpl'; $xml = simplexml_load_file("config.xml"); if (isset($_POST['uaction']) && $_POST['uaction'] != '') { switch ($_POST['uaction']) { case 'step1': if (checkMySQL($xml)) { $template = 'index2.tpl'; } break; case 'step2': if (checkData($xml)) { $template = 'index_finisch.tpl'; } else { $template = 'index2.tpl'; } break; default: $template = 'index.tpl'; } } // static page messages
<td class="content_key top c"><strong>PHP</strong></td> <td class="content_value top c"><strong>Version</strong></td> <td class="content_desc top r" colspan="2"><strong>Summary</strong></td> </tr> <?php checkPHP(); ?> <tr> <td class="content_key top c"><strong>Database</strong></td> <td class="content_value top c"><strong>Version</strong></td> <td class="content_desc top r" colspan="2"><strong>Summary</strong></td> </tr> <?php // Database Checks checkSQLite3(); checkMySQL(); checkPostgreSQL(); ?> </table> </div> <div class="spacer"></div> <div class="diag_header"><h1>Utilities</h1></div> <div class="content_wrap"> <table class="content_table" cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'> <?php // Database Utilities utilSQLite3(); utilMySQL(); //utilPostgreSQL(); ?> </table>
public static function processEditThread($change) { $change['edit_status'] = 'not_reverted'; if (!isset($s)) { $change['edit_score'] = 'N/A'; } else { $change['edit_score'] = $s; } if (!isVandalism($change['all'], $s)) { Feed::bail($change, 'Below threshold', $s); return; } echo 'Is ' . $change['user'] . ' whitelisted ?' . "\n"; if (Action::isWhitelisted($change['user'])) { Feed::bail($change, 'Whitelisted', $s); return; } echo 'No.' . "\n"; $reason = 'ANN scored at ' . $s; $heuristic = ''; $log = null; $diff = '' . '?title=' . urlencode($change['title']) . '&diff=' . urlencode($change['revid']) . '&oldid=' . urlencode($change['old_revid']); $report = '[[' . str_replace('File:', ':File:', $change['title']) . ']] was ' . '[' . $diff . ' changed] by ' . '[[Special:Contributions/' . $change['user'] . '|' . $change['user'] . ']] ' . '[[User:'******'user'] . '|(u)]] ' . '[[User talk:' . $change['user'] . '|(t)]] ' . $reason . ' on ' . gmdate('c'); $oftVand = unserialize(file_get_contents('oftenvandalized.txt')); if (rand(1, 50) == 2) { foreach ($oftVand as $art => $artVands) { foreach ($artVands as $key => $time) { if (time() - $time > 2 * 24 * 60 * 60) { unset($oftVand[$art][$key]); } } } } $oftVand[$change['title']][] = time(); if (count($oftVand[$change['title']]) >= 30) { IRC::say('reportchannel', '!admin [[' . $change['title'] . ']] has been vandalized ' . count($oftVand[$change['title']]) . ' times in the last 2 days.'); } file_put_contents('oftenvandalized.txt', serialize($oftVand)); //IRC::say( 'debugchannel', 'Possible vandalism: ' . $change[ 'title' ] . ' changed by ' . $change[ 'user' ] . ' ' . $reason . '(' . $s . ')' ); //IRC::say( 'debugchannel', '(' . urlencode( $change[ 'title' ] ) . '&action=history | ' . $change[ 'url' ] . ' )' ); $ircreport = "15[[07" . $change['title'] . "15]] by \"03" . $change['user'] . "15\" (12 " . $change['url'] . " 15) 06" . $s . "15 ("; checkMySQL(); $query = 'INSERT INTO `vandalism` ' . '(`id`,`user`,`article`,`heuristic`' . (is_array($log) ? ',`regex`' : '') . ',`reason`,`diff`,`old_id`,`new_id`,`reverted`) ' . 'VALUES ' . '(NULL,\'' . mysql_real_escape_string($change['user']) . '\',' . '\'' . mysql_real_escape_string($change['title']) . '\',' . '\'' . mysql_real_escape_string($heuristic) . '\',' . (is_array($log) ? '\'' . mysql_real_escape_string($logt) . '\',' : '') . '\'' . mysql_real_escape_string($reason) . '\',' . '\'' . mysql_real_escape_string($change['url']) . '\',' . '\'' . mysql_real_escape_string($change['old_revid']) . '\',' . '\'' . mysql_real_escape_string($change['revid']) . '\',0)'; mysql_query($query, Globals::$mysql); $change['mysqlid'] = mysql_insert_id(); echo 'Should revert?' . "\n"; list($shouldRevert, $revertReason) = Action::shouldRevert($change); $change['revert_reason'] = $revertReason; if ($shouldRevert) { echo 'Yes.' . "\n"; $rbret = Action::doRevert($change); if ($rbret !== false) { $change['edit_status'] = 'reverted'; RedisProxy::send($change); //IRC::say( 'debugchannel', 'Reverted. (' . ( microtime( true ) - $change[ 'startTime' ] ) . ' s)' ); IRC::say('debugchannel', $ircreport . "04Reverted15) (13" . $revertReason . "15) (02" . (microtime(true) - $change['startTime']) . " 15s)"); Action::doWarn($change, $report); checkMySQL(); mysql_query('UPDATE `vandalism` SET `reverted` = 1 WHERE `id` = \'' . mysql_real_escape_string($change['mysqlid']) . '\'', Globals::$mysql); Feed::bail($change, $revertReason, $s, true); } else { $change['edit_status'] = 'beaten'; $rv2 = API::$a->revisions($change['title'], 1); if ($change['user'] != $rv2[0]['user']) { //IRC::say( 'debugchannel', 'Grr! Beaten by ' . $rv2[ 0 ][ 'user' ] ); RedisProxy::send($change); IRC::say('debugchannel', $ircreport . "03Not Reverted15) (13Beaten by " . $rv2[0]['user'] . "15) (02" . (microtime(true) - $change['startTime']) . " 15s)"); checkMySQL(); mysql_query('INSERT INTO `beaten` (`id`,`article`,`diff`,`user`) VALUES (NULL,\'' . mysql_real_escape_string($change['title']) . '\',\'' . mysql_real_escape_string($change['url']) . '\',\'' . mysql_real_escape_string($rv2[0]['user']) . '\')', Globals::$mysql); Feed::bail($change, 'Beaten by ' . $rv2[0]['user'], $s); } } } else { RedisProxy::send($change); IRC::say('debugchannel', $ircreport . "03Not Reverted15) (13" . $revertReason . "15) (02" . (microtime(true) - $change['startTime']) . " 15s)"); Feed::bail($change, $revertReason, $s); } }