function install($argv) { $checkOnly = false; $helpOnly = false; $quiet = false; $installDir = getcwd(); $version = 'stable'; $skipNextArg = false; foreach ($argv as $i => $arg) { if ($skipNextArg) { $skipNextArg = false; continue; } if ($arg == '--check') { $checkOnly = true; } elseif ($arg == '--quiet') { $quiet = true; } elseif ($arg == '--help' or $arg == '-h') { $helpOnly = true; } elseif ($arg == '--install-dir') { $skipNextArg = true; $installDir = trim($argv[$i + 1]); } elseif ($arg == '--version') { $skipNextArg = true; $version = trim($argv[$i + 1]); if ($version == 'master') { $version = 'default'; } } } if ($helpOnly) { showHelp(); exit(0); } $checkResult = checkEnvironment($installDir); reportProblems($checkResult, $checkOnly && !$quiet); if ($checkOnly || !$checkResult->isOk()) { exit($checkResult->getExitCode()); } $exitCode = installPieCrust($version, $installDir, $quiet); exit($exitCode); }
* development * testing * production * * NOTE: If you change these, also change the error_reporting() code below */ function checkEnvironment() { $ENVIRONMENT = $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]; if (substr($ENVIRONMENT, 0, 9) === "localhost") { return 'development'; } else { return 'production'; } } define('ENVIRONMENT', checkEnvironment()); /* *--------------------------------------------------------------- * ERROR REPORTING *--------------------------------------------------------------- * * Different environments will require different levels of error reporting. * By default development will show errors but testing and live will hide them. */ switch (ENVIRONMENT) { case 'development': error_reporting(-1); ini_set('display_errors', 1); break; case 'testing': case 'production':