} else { /* first check all the variables */ $subnet = getSubnetDetailsById($request['subnetId']); $subnet['subnet'] = Transform2long($subnet['subnet']); $subnet = $subnet['subnet'] . "/" . $subnet['mask']; /* verify IP address and subnet */ $validIP = VerifyIpAddress($request['ip_addr'], $subnet); if (!empty($validIP)) { die('<div class="alert alert alert-danger">' . $validIP . '</div>'); } /* verify that it is not yet used */ if (checkDuplicate($request['ip_addr'], $subnet)) { die('<div class="alert alert alert-danger">' . _('IP address') . ' ' . $request['ip_addr'] . ' ' . _('already in use') . '!<br>* ' . _('First available IP address is') . ' <b>' . Transform2long(getFirstAvailableIPAddress($request['subnet'])) . '</a>!</div>'); } /* verify that it is not yet used */ if (checkDuplicate($request['ip_addr'], $request['subnetId'])) { die('<div class="alert alert alert-danger">' . _('IP address') . ' ' . $request['ip_addr'] . ' ' . _('already in use') . '!<br>* ' . _('First available IP address is') . ' <b>' . Transform2long(getFirstAvailableIPAddress($request['subnetId'])) . '</a>!</div>'); } /* transform IP address */ $request['ip_addr'] = Transform2decimal($request['ip_addr']); if (!acceptIPrequest($request)) { die('<div class="alert alert alert-danger">' . _('Cannot confirm IP address') . '!</div>'); updateLogTable('Cannot confirm IP address!', 'Cannot accept IP request for request id ' . Transform2long($request['requestId']) . '!', 2); } else { print '<div class="alert alert-success">' . _('IP address request confirmed and added to database') . '!</div>'; updateLogTable('IP address request confirmed and added to database!', 'IP request id ' . $request['requestId'] . ' (' . Transform2long($request['ip_addr']) . ') has been accepted!', 0); } } /* send email */ $subnet = getSubnetDetailsById($request['subnetId']); $subnet['subnet'] = Transform2long($subnet['subnet']);
# verify post CheckReferrer(); # ok, lets get results form post array! foreach ($_POST as $key => $line) { // IP address if (substr($key, 0, 2) == "ip") { $res[substr($key, 2)]['ip_addr'] = $line; } // description if (substr($key, 0, 11) == "description") { $res[substr($key, 11)]['description'] = $line; } // dns name if (substr($key, 0, 8) == "dns_name") { $res[substr($key, 8)]['dns_name'] = $line; } //verify that it is not already in table! if (substr($key, 0, 2) == "ip") { if (checkDuplicate($line, $_POST['subnetId']) == true) { die("<div class='alert alert-danger'>IP address {$line} already exists!</div>"); } } } # insert entries if (sizeof($res) > 0) { if (insertScanResults($res, $_POST['subnetId'])) { print "<div class='alert alert-success'>" . _("Scan results added to database") . "!</div>"; } } else { print "<div class='alert alert-danger'>" . _("Error") . "</div>"; }
// { // $rptrOrg = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['rptrOrgPri']); // } $rptrState = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['rptrState']); $rptrOrg = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['rptrOrg']); $rptrAddrs = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['rptrAddrs']); $rptrDept = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['rptrDept']); $rptrCntct = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['rptrCntct']); $rptrEmail = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['rptrEmail']); $rptrDateofRpt = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['rptrDateofRpt']); $rptrDateofRpt = dateConverter($rptrDateofRpt); $rptVerName = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['rptVerName']); $rptrVerDesig = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['rptrVerDesig']); $rptrCmt = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['rptrCmt']); $delQuery = "DELETE FROM adrdata WHERE adrFormID = {$formID}"; $query = "INSERT INTO adrdata\n\t(adrDataIDAI, adrFormID, Adrno, Madracno, CCIN, Source, \n\t\tState, Inst, report_type, age, age_unit, age_group, \n\t\twt, sex, ethnic, race, onset_date, date_end_reaction, \n\t\tonset_time, onset_time_unit, extent, notes, atccode, outcome, \n\t\treaction_subsided, reaction_reappeared, reaction_treatment, date_of_death, death_code, reaction_relation, \n\t\tlab_data, history, historyCont, `status`, \n\t\treporter_name, reporter_dept, report_date, reporter_faxno, reporter_comment, reporter_org, \n\t\treporter_telno, reporter_email, reporter_address, reporter_state, madrac_action, total_drugs, \n\t\tdechall, rechall, causality1, causality2, pred_code, add_info, \n\t\trep_who, adr_type, icdcode, adr_desc, initial, madrac, \n\t\tweb_hosp, desig, partbody, literature_ref, study_name, lastMenDate, \n\t\tgesPer, gesPerUnit, weight, height, seriousness, seriousnessCrit, \n\t\trt1stTime, rt1stTimeUnit, rtLastTime, rtLastTimeUnit, causeOfDeath, autopsyYesNo, \n\t\tautopsyText, report_comment, ADR_ORIGIN, ADR_CURRENTSTAT, senderIden, dateRcv, \n\t\tstudy_type, study_type_otr, reportInit, pregnancyStat, allergyStat, allergyText,\n\t\tcaseType, ptDOB, rptVerName, rptrVerDesig,\n\t\tchInitial, chAge, chAgeUnit, chAgeGrp, chSex,\n\t\tprimRptrQuali, primRptrName, primRptrDesig, primRptrState, primRptrOrg, primRptrDept, primRptrAddrs,\n\t\tinitRptNum, log_id)\nVALUES (NULL, {$formID}, '{$adrNo}', '{$madracno}', '', {$primSource}, \n\t\t'', '', {$typeOfReport}, {$ptAge}, {$ptageUnit}, {$ptAgeGrp}, \n\t\t'', '{$sex}', '{$ethnic}', '', '', '', \n\t\t0, 0, '', '{$refNo}', '', '', \n\t\t'', '', '', '', '', '', \n\t\t'{$relInves}', '{$history}', {$historyCont}, '{$status}', \n\t\t'{$rptrName}', '{$rptrDept}', '{$rptrDateofRpt}', '', '', '{$rptrOrg}', \n\t\t'{$rptrCntct}', '{$rptrEmail}', '{$rptrAddrs}', '{$rptrState}', '', 0, \n\t\t'', '', '', '', '', '', \n\t\t'', '', '', '{$adrDesc}', '{$ptInitial}', '', \n\t\t'', '{$rptrDesig}', '', '{$litrRef}', '{$stdName}', '{$lastMenDate}', \n\t\t{$gesPer}, {$gesPerUnit}, {$weight}, {$height}, NULL, '', \n\t\t0, 0, 0, 0, '', 0, \n\t\t'', '{$rptrCmt}', '', '', '{$senderIden}', '{$dateRptRcv}', \n\t\t'{$studyType}', '{$studyTypeOtr}', {$reportInit}, {$pregnancyStat}, {$allergyStat}, '{$allergyText}',\n\t\t{$caseType}, '{$ptDOB}', '{$rptVerName}', '{$rptrVerDesig}',\n\t\t'{$chInitial}', {$chAge}, {$chAgeUnit}, {$chAgeGrp}, '{$chSex}',\n\t\t{$primRptrQuali}, '{$primRptrName}', '{$primRptrDesig}', '{$primRptrState}', '{$primRptrOrg}', '{$primRptrDept}', '{$primRptrAddrs}',\n\t\t'{$initRptNum}', '{$staff_id}')"; // $log = " $query ".time().PHP_EOL; // file_put_contents('log.txt', $log, FILE_APPEND); $dupStat = checkDuplicate($formID); $delRes = mysqli_query($con, $delQuery); $res = mysqli_query($con, $query); if ($res) { $log = "Form: {$formID} submitted " . time() . PHP_EOL; file_put_contents('log.txt', $log, FILE_APPEND); header("Location: submit_adr_view_res.php?vtype={$retURLParam}"); } else { echo "Error Submitting Form: " . mysqli_error($con); $log = " {$query} " . PHP_EOL . $query; file_put_contents('log.txt', $log, FILE_APPEND); } }
/** * CSV import IP address * * provided input is CSV line! */ function importCSVline($line, $subnetId) { global $database; /* get subnet details by Id */ $subnetDetails = getSubnetDetailsById($subnetId); $subnet = Transform2long($subnetDetails['subnet']) . "/" . $subnetDetails['mask']; /* verify! */ $err = VerifyIpAddress($line[0], $subnet); if ($err) { return _('Wrong IP address') . ' - ' . $err . ' - ' . $line[0]; } /* check for duplicates */ if (checkDuplicate($line[0], $subnetId)) { return _('IP address already exists') . ' - ' . $line[0]; } /* get custom fields */ $myFields = getCustomFields('ipaddresses'); if (sizeof($myFields) > 0) { $import['fieldName'] = ""; $import['fieldValue'] = ""; $m = 9; foreach ($myFields as $field) { //escape chars $line[$m] = mysqli_real_escape_string($database, $line[$m]); $import['fieldName'] .= ",`{$field['name']}`"; $import['fieldValue'] .= ",'{$line[$m]}'"; $m++; } } /* escape chars */ foreach ($line as $k => $l) { $line[$k] = mysqli_real_escape_string($database, $l); } /* all ok, set query */ $query = "insert into ipaddresses "; $query .= "(`subnetId`, `ip_addr`, `state`, `description`, `dns_name`, `mac`, `owner`, `switch`, `port`, `note` {$import['fieldName']} ) "; $query .= "values "; $query .= "('{$subnetId}','" . Transform2decimal($line[0]) . "', '{$line['1']}','{$line['2']}','{$line['3']}','{$line['4']}','{$line['5']}','{$line['6']}','{$line['7']}','{$line['8']}' {$import['fieldValue']});"; /* print "<pre>"; print_r($line); die('alert alert-danger'); */ /* set log details */ $log = prepareLogFromArray($line); /* execute */ try { $database->executeQuery($query); } catch (Exception $e) { $error = $e->getMessage(); } if (!isset($e)) { updateLogTable('CSV import of IP address ' . $line[1] . ' succeeded', $log, 0); return true; } else { updateLogTable('CSV import of IP address ' . $line[1] . ' failed', $log, 2); return $error; } }
if ($subnetPerm < 2) { die('<div class="alert alert-error">' . _('You do not have permissions to modify hosts in this subnet') . '!</div>'); } # verify post */ CheckReferrer(); # get subnet details $subnet = getSubnetDetailsById($_POST['subnetId']); # get all existing IP addresses $addresses = getIpAddressesBySubnetId($_POST['subnetId']); # set start and end IP address $calc = calculateSubnetDetailsNew($subnet['subnet'], $subnet['mask'], 0, 0, 0, 0); $max = $calc['maxhosts']; # loop and get all IP addresses for ping for ($m = 1; $m <= $max; $m++) { // create array of IP addresses (if they do not already exist!) if (!checkDuplicate(transform2long($subnet['subnet'] + $m), $_POST['subnetId'])) { $ip[] = $subnet['subnet'] + $m; } } # create 1 line for $argv // <eNovance> // Print a message if no host is found then exit if (count($ip) == 0) { print "<div class='alert alert-info'>All host already listed</div>"; exit; } // </eNovance> $ip = implode(";", $ip); # get php exec path $phpPath = getPHPExecutableFromPath(); # set script
if (isset($_POST['csv_format_column'])) { $validate = true; switch ($_POST['csv_format_type_id']) { case 1: $validate = $validate && checkNecessity($_POST['csv_format_column'], $ProductCSV->getFormatColumns($_POST['csv_format_type_id'])); $validate = $validate && checkDuplicate($_POST['csv_format_column'], $ProductCSV->getFormatColumns($_POST['csv_format_type_id']), $ProductCSV->getFormatColumnIgnore($_POST['csv_format_type_id'])); break; case 2: $validate = $validate && checkNecessity($_POST['csv_format_column'], $ProductCSV->getFormatColumns($_POST['csv_format_type_id'])); $validate = $validate && checkDuplicate($_POST['csv_format_column'], $ProductCSV->getFormatColumns($_POST['csv_format_type_id']), $ProductCSV->getFormatColumnIgnore($_POST['csv_format_type_id'])); $validate = $validate && checkSequential($_POST['csv_format_column'], $ProductCSV->getFormatColumns($_POST['csv_format_type_id'])); $validate = $validate && checkDepth($_POST['csv_format_column'], $ProductCSV->getFormatColumns($_POST['csv_format_type_id'])); break; case 3: $validate = $validate && checkNecessityOption($_POST['csv_format_column'], $ProductCSV->getFormatColumns($_POST['csv_format_type_id'])); $validate = $validate && checkDuplicate($_POST['csv_format_column'], $ProductCSV->getFormatColumns($_POST['csv_format_type_id']), $ProductCSV->getFormatColumnIgnore($_POST['csv_format_type_id'])); break; } } if (!isset($_POST['csv_format_column']) || $validate) { if (isset($_POST['fID'])) { $csv_format_id = $_POST['fID']; } else { $csv_format_id = false; } $ProductCSV->setFormat($_POST['csv_format_type_id'], $_POST['csv_format_name'], $_POST['csv_format_column'], $csv_format_id); if (isset($_SESSION['product_csv']['upfile'])) { unlink($_SESSION['product_csv']['upfile']); unset($_SESSION['product_csv']['upfile']); } zen_redirect(zen_href_link(FILENAME_ADDON_MODULES_ADMIN, 'module=product_csv/csv_format'));
if ($ip['action'] == "add") { if (checkDuplicate($ip['ip_addr'], $ip['subnetId'])) { die('<div class="alert alert-danger">' . _('IP address') . ' ' . $ip['ip_addr'] . ' ' . _('already existing in database') . '!</div>'); } } /* check for duplicate entry on edit! */ if ($ip['action'] == "edit") { # if IP is the same than it can already exist! if ($ip['ip_addr'] != $_REQUEST['ip_addr_old']) { if (checkDuplicate($ip['ip_addr'], $ip['subnetId'])) { die('<div class="alert alert-danger">' . _('IP address') . ' ' . $ip['ip_addr'] . ' ' . _('already existing in database') . '!</div>'); } } } /* move checks */ if ($ip['action'] == "move") { # check if not already used in new subnet if (checkDuplicate($ip['ip_addr'], $ip['newSubnet'])) { die('<div class="alert alert-danger">' . _('Duplicate IP address') . ' ' . $ip['ip_addr'] . ' ' . _('already existing in selected network') . '!</div>'); } } /* execute insert / update / delete query */ if (!modifyIpAddress($ip)) { print '<div class="alert alert-danger">' . _('Error inserting IP address') . '!</div>'; updateLogTable('Error ' . $ip['action'] . ' IP address ' . $ip['ip_addr'], 'Error ' . $ip['action'] . ' IP address ' . $ip['ip_addr'] . '<br>SubnetId: ' . $ip['subnetId'], 2); } else { print '<div class="alert alert-success">' . _("IP {$ip['action']} successful") . '!</div>'; updateLogTable($ip['action'] . ' of IP address ' . $ip['ip_addr'] . ' succesfull!', $ip['action'] . ' of IP address ' . $ip['ip_addr'] . ' succesfull!<br>SubnetId: ' . $ip['subnetId'], 0); } } }
function updateRadioSection($section, $columnNo, $inpName, $row, $edit_kredi_id, $property, $property_id) { $db2 =& JFactory::getDBO(); $query2 = 'SELECT * FROM #__property_types where section="' . $section . '" order by id asc; '; $db2->setQuery($query2); $propTypes = $db2->loadObjectList(); $propertyStartId = $propTypes[0]->id; $textArray = array("Görünüs", "Performans", "Fiyat", "Hiz", "Dayaniklilik", "Hatasizlik", "Erisim Maliyeti", "Erisim Kolayligi", "Bakim Maliyeti", "Bakim Kolayligi", "Kalitesi", "Termin", "CE Uyumlulugu"); for ($i = 0; $i < count($textArray); $i++) { $duplicates = checkDuplicate($db2, $row->id, $property_id, $i + 1, $edit_kredi_id); if (!$duplicates) { // add new row $property->id = 0; // to insert a new row $property->kredi_id = $row->id; $property->lineNo = $i + 1; $property->property_value = $textArray[$i]; $property->property_id = $property_id; $property->store(); } else { // change only value $property =& JTable::getInstance('property_values', 'Table'); $property->id = $duplicates[0]->id; $property->property_value = $textArray[$i]; $property->store(); } } if (isset($_POST['input' . $inpName])) { $manualFieldCount = count($_POST['input' . $inpName]); } else { $manualFieldCount = 0; } /*if(isset($_POST['input'.$inpName])){ $inputArray=$_POST['input'.$inpName]; for($i=0; $i<count($inputArray); $i++) { $duplicates = checkDuplicate($db2, $row->id, $property_id, $i+1, $edit_kredi_id); if(!$duplicates){// add new row $property->id = 0; // to insert a new row $property->kredi_id = $row->id; $property->lineNo=($i+1+count($textArray)); $property->property_value=$inputArray[$i]; $property->property_id = $property_id; $property->store(); } else{// change only value $property =& JTable::getInstance('property_values', 'Table'); $property->id = $duplicates[0]->id; $property->property_value=$array[$i]; $property->store(); } } }*/ //BURADA 2. ve 3. kolonu tamamen alıyor for ($col = 1; $col < $columnNo; $col++) { //$array=$_POST['input'.$inpName.'-'.($col)]; for ($i = 0; $i < count($textArray) + $manualFieldCount; $i++) { $duplicates = checkDuplicate($db2, $row->id, $propertyStartId + $col, $i + 1, $edit_kredi_id); if (!$duplicates) { // add new row $property->id = 0; // to insert a new row $property->kredi_id = $row->id; $property->lineNo = $i + 1; //$property->property_value=$array[$i]; $property->property_value = $_POST['input' . $inpName . '-' . $col . '-' . ($i + 1)]; $property->property_id = $propertyStartId + $col; if ($property->property_value != null) { if (isset($_POST['input' . $inpName]) && $i >= count($textArray)) { if ($_POST['input' . $inpName][$i - count($textArray)] != null) { $property->store(); } } else { $property->store(); } } } else { // change only value $property =& JTable::getInstance('property_values', 'Table'); $property->id = $duplicates[0]->id; $property->property_value = $_POST['input' . $inpName . '-' . $col . '-' . ($i + 1)]; $property->store(); } } } $lastLineNo = getLastLine($db2, $row->id, $propertyStartId); for ($i = 0; $i < $manualFieldCount; $i++) { $duplicates = checkDuplicate($db2, $row->id, $propertyStartId, count($textArray) + $i + 1, $edit_kredi_id); if (!$duplicates) { // add new row if ($_POST['input' . $inpName][$i] == null) { continue; } $property->id = 0; // to insert a new row $property->kredi_id = $row->id; $property->lineNo = ++$lastLineNo; //$property->property_value=$array[$i]; $property->property_value = $_POST['input' . $inpName][$i]; $property->property_id = $propertyStartId; $property->store(); } else { // change only value $property =& JTable::getInstance('property_values', 'Table'); $property->id = $duplicates[0]->id; $property->property_value = $_POST['input' . $inpName][$i]; $property->store(); } } }
/** * CSV import IP address * * provided input is CSV line! */ function importCSVline($line, $subnetId) { /* array */ $line = explode(",", $line); global $db; # get variables from config file $database = new database($db['host'], $db['user'], $db['pass'], $db['name']); /* get subnet details by Id */ $subnetDetails = getSubnetDetailsById($subnetId); $subnet = Transform2long($subnetDetails['subnet']) . "/" . $subnetDetails['mask']; /* verify! */ if (VerifyIpAddress($line[0], $subnet)) { return _('Wrong IP address') . ' - ' . $line[0]; } /* check for duplicates */ if (checkDuplicate($line[0], $subnetId)) { return _('IP address already exists') . ' - ' . $line[0]; } /* reformat state */ switch ($line[5]) { case "Active": $line[5] = "1"; break; case "active": $line[5] = "1"; break; case "Reserved": $line[5] = "2"; break; case "reserved": $line[5] = "2"; break; case "Offline": $line[5] = "0"; break; case "offline": $line[5] = "0"; break; } /* reformat switch! */ $switch = getSwitchDetailsByHostname($line[7]); /* get custom fields */ $myFields = getCustomIPaddrFields(); if (sizeof($myFields) > 0) { $import['fieldName'] = ""; $import['fieldValue'] = ""; $m = 9; foreach ($myFields as $field) { $import['fieldName'] .= ",`{$field['name']}`"; $import['fieldValue'] .= ",'{$line[$m]}'"; $m++; } } /* all ok, set query */ $query = "insert into ipaddresses "; $query .= "(`subnetId`, `ip_addr`, `state`, `description`, `dns_name`, `mac`, `owner`, `switch`, `port`, `note` {$import['fieldName']} ) "; $query .= "values "; $query .= "('{$subnetId}','" . Transform2decimal($line[0]) . "', '{$line['1']}','{$line['2']}','{$line['3']}','{$line['4']}','{$line['5']}','{$line['6']}','{$switch['id']}','{$line['8']}' {$import['fieldValue']});"; /* set log details */ $log = prepareLogFromArray($line); /* execute */ try { $database->executeQuery($query); } catch (Exception $e) { $error = $e->getMessage(); } if (!isset($e)) { updateLogTable('CSV import of IP address ' . $line[1] . ' succeeded', $log, 0); return true; } else { updateLogTable('CSV import of IP address ' . $line[1] . ' failed', $log, 2); return $error; } }