function simpleSelect($select, $tableNames, $joinTypes, $joins, $where, $having, $order, $conn) { if (!checkConnection($conn)) { return NULL; } if (!empty($joins) and (count($tableNames) != count($joins) + 1 or count($joins) != count($joinTypes))) { debugMessages("Incorrect sql query parameters." . mysqli_error($conn), "debugSQL"); return NULL; } $tableName = $tableNames[0]; $sqlQuery = "SELECT " . arrToQueryString($select, false) . " FROM " . $tableName; if (count($joins)) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($joins); $i++) { $sqlQuery .= " " . $joinTypes[$i] . " " . $tableNames[$i + 1] . " ON " . $joins[$i]; } } if (!empty($where)) { $sqlQuery .= " WHERE " . $where; } if (!empty($having)) { $sqlQuery .= " HAVING " . $having; } if (!empty($order)) { $sqlQuery .= " ORDER BY" . $order; } $sqlQuery .= ";"; $conn->real_escape_string($sqlQuery); debugMessages($sqlQuery, "debugSQL"); $res = $conn->query($sqlQuery); if (!empty(mysqli_error($conn))) { debugMessages(mysqli_error($conn), "debugSQL"); } return $res; }
function getManifest() { global $bundle; if (checkConnection() === FALSE) { return FALSE; } $dir = exec('echo $HOME') . "/Library/Application Support/Alfred 2/Workflow Data/{$bundle}" . "/manifest.xml"; file_put_contents("{$dir}", file_get_contents('')); return TRUE; }
function sqlConnectDB($dbname) { $servername = "localhost"; $username = "******"; $password = "******"; $conn = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password, $dbname); if (checkConnection($conn)) { return $conn; } }
$sth = dbQuery($sql, ':id', $auth_session->domain_id) or die(htmlsafe(end($dbh->errorInfo()))); while ($this_extension = $sth->fetch()) { $DB_extensions[$this_extension['name']] = $this_extension; } $config->extension = $DB_extensions; } } // If no extension loaded, load Core if (!$config->extension) { $extension_core = new Zend_Config(array('core' => array('id' => 1, 'domain_id' => 1, 'name' => 'core', 'description' => 'Core part of Simple Invoices - always enabled', 'enabled' => 1))); $config->extension = $extension_core; } include_once './include/language.php'; include_once './include/functions.php'; //add class files for extensions checkConnection(); include './include/include_auth.php'; include_once './include/manageCustomFields.php'; include_once "./include/validation.php"; //if authentication enabled then do acl check etc.. if ($config->authentication->enabled == 1) { include_once "./include/acl.php"; include_once "./include/check_permission.php"; } /* Array: Early_exit - Pages that don't need header or exit prior to adding the template add in here */ $early_exit = array(); $early_exit[] = "auth_login"; $early_exit[] = "api_cron";
<!DOCTYPE html> <?php $error = false; $dbhost = ""; $dbuser = ""; $dbpass = ""; $db = ""; if (file_exists("../../config.php")) { die("<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"0; url=../../\" />"); } if (isset($_REQUEST['dbhost'])) { if (checkConnection()) { writeConfig(); die("<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"0; url=../create/\" />"); } else { $error = true; } } function checkConnection() { global $db, $dbuser, $dbpass, $dbhost; $db = $_REQUEST['db']; $dbuser = $_REQUEST['dbuser']; $dbpass = $_REQUEST['dbpass']; $dbhost = $_REQUEST['dbhost']; $connection = mysqli_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass, $db); if (!$connection) { return false; } return true; }
/** * Function for parsing XML file of repository * * This function parses XML file and creates initial database used for searching. * It may work on both online and offline modes. If internet connection is not * available then XML file attached in the module is used. * */ function parse() { //create object of class XMLReader for reading XML file $xml = new XMLReader(); //Parsing may take a few minutes because OL repository is quite large. @set_time_limit(0); global $db; $connS = false; //Find internet connection's status $conn = checkConnection(); $op = ''; if ($conn) { //internet connection is available so we can directly parse using URL $connS = true; $xml->open(""); $op = '1'; } else { $connS = false; //internet connection is unavailable so we need to use repository's offline version $xml->open("../../ol_search_open_learn/oai2.php.xml"); $op = '2'; } $members = array(); //main array which will contain all entries of repo. $flag = false; $resumption = 'dummy'; //resumption token of repository //parse while resumption token is not null. while ($resumption != '') { if ($resumption == 'dummy' && $connS) { //if this is first iteration then use following URL $xml->open(''); $resumption = ''; } else { if ($connS) { //if this is not first URL then use resumption token of last page $xml->open('' . $resumption); } } //main logic of parsing while ($xml->read()) { if ($xml->nodeType == XMLReader::ELEMENT && $xml->localName == 'record') { //starting of a new record $member = array(); $flag = false; //$member['uni']=''; } //starting tag of identifier if ($xml->nodeType == XMLReader::ELEMENT && $xml->localName == 'identifier' && !isset($member['identifier'])) { $member['identifier'] = addslashes(trim($xml->readString())); } //starting tag of datestamp if ($xml->nodeType == XMLReader::ELEMENT && $xml->localName == 'datestamp' && !isset($member['datestamp'])) { $member['datestamp'] = addslashes(trim($xml->readString())); } //starting tag of entry if ($xml->nodeType == XMLReader::ELEMENT && $xml->localName == 'entry' && !isset($member['entry'])) { $member['entry'] = trim($xml->readString()); } //starting tag of catalog if ($xml->nodeType == XMLReader::ELEMENT && $xml->localName == 'catalog' && !isset($member['catalog'])) { $member['catalog'] = addslashes(trim($xml->readString())); } //starting tag of description if ($xml->nodeType == XMLReader::ELEMENT && $xml->localName == 'description' && !isset($member['description'])) { $tag1 = ''; while ($tag1 != 'title') { $xml->read(); $tag1 = $xml->localName; } $member['title'] = addslashes(trim($xml->readString())); while ($tag1 != 'description') { $xml->read(); $tag1 = $xml->localName; } $member['description'] = addslashes(trim($xml->readString())); $member['keywords'] = ''; } //starting tag of keywords if ($xml->nodeType == XMLReader::ELEMENT && $xml->localName == 'keyword' && !$flag) { $member['keywords'] .= addslashes(trim($xml->readString())) . ", "; } if ($xml->nodeType == XMLReader::END_ELEMENT && $xml->localName == 'general') { $flag = true; rtrim($member['keywords']); $member['keywords'] = substr($member['keywords'], 0, strlen($member['keywords']) - 2); } if ($xml->nodeType == XMLReader::ELEMENT && $xml->localName == 'manifestation') { $data = $xml->readString(); $tag = ''; if (strpos($data, 'web site') > 0) { //echo 'case 1<br/>'; while ($tag != 'location') { $xml->read(); $tag = $xml->localName; } $member['website'] = trim($xml->readString()); } else { if (strpos($data, 'Common Cartridge') > 0) { //echo 'case 2<br/>'; while ($tag != 'location') { $xml->read(); $tag = $xml->localName; } $member['common'] = trim($xml->readString()); } else { if (strpos($data, 'Content Package') > 0) { //echo 'case 3<br/>'; while ($tag != 'location') { $xml->read(); $tag = $xml->localName; } $member['package'] = trim($xml->readString()); } } } } //record ends insert record to the main array if ($xml->nodeType == XMLReader::END_ELEMENT && $xml->localName == 'record') { $members[] = $member; } //read resumption token if ($connS && $xml->nodeType == XMLReader::ELEMENT && $xml->localName == 'resumptionToken') { $resumption = $xml->readString(); } } if (!$connS) { //if in offline mode then only one iteration is needed break; } } $res = ''; $index = 1; //enter records in database if (count($members) > 0) { foreach ($members as $member) { $qry = 'INSERT INTO ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'ol_search_open_learn VALUES (' . $index . ',"' . $member['identifier'] . '","' . $member['datestamp'] . '","' . $member['catalog'] . '","' . $member['entry'] . '","' . $member['title'] . '","' . $member['description'] . '","' . $member['keywords'] . '","' . $member['website'] . '","' . $member['common'] . '","' . $member['package'] . '")'; $index++; if (mysql_query($qry, $db)) { $tmp = "Success"; } else { $tmp = "Failed"; } } } //enter date when database last updated in config table which will be used by admin later on if ($connS) { //online mode $qry = "UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "config SET value=CURDATE() WHERE name='ol_last_updation'"; } else { //offline mode $qry = "UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "config SET value='2011-06-28' WHERE name='ol_last_updation'"; } mysql_query($qry, $db); //insert current time of installation in database $qry = "INSERT INTO " . TABLE_PREFIX . "config VALUES ('ol_last_time','" . time() . "')"; mysql_query($qry, $db); }
// If the data directory doesn't exist, then we'll just wait for another time. if (!file_exists($data)) { die; } // If the config file doesn't exist, then we'll just wait for another time. if (!file_exists("{$data}/config/config.xml")) { die; } // Load the config $config = simplexml_load_file("{$data}/config/config.xml"); // Check if workflow reporting is enabled. If not. Die. if (!(isset($config->workflowReporting) && (string) $config->workflowReporting == '1')) { die; } // Make sure that we have an Internet connection before continuing. if (checkConnection() == FALSE) { die; } // Check if the usage directory exists; make it if it doesn't. if (!file_exists("{$data}/usage")) { mkdir("{$data}/usage"); } // This is your unique identifier. If you're reading this, just run the command and see what's up. $unique = hash("sha256", exec('ioreg -rd1 -c IOPlatformExpertDevice | awk \'/IOPlatformUUID/ { split($0, line, "\\""); printf("%s\\n", line[4]); }\'')); $unique = utf8_encode($unique); // Create the filename $date = date('Y-W', time()); $file = $data . '/usage/' . $date . "-data-{$unique}.json"; // This means that we've already generated and sent the file. So, let's just stop now. if (file_exists($file)) { echo "Already submitted this week.";
<?php session_start(); require_once 'src/includes/config.php'; require_once 'src/includes/functions.php'; $return = ''; if (!empty($_POST)) { $return = checkConnection($_POST); } if (!empty($_SESSION['login'])) { header('Location:chat.php'); } ?> <!doctype html> <html lang="fr-FR"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Miaou</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="src/css/reset.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="src/css/bootstrap.min.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="src/css/custom.css"> </head> <body> <div class="container"> <div> <?php if (!empty($return)) { ?> <div class="return"> <?php echo $return;
function installData() { global $connection; $db = $_POST['database']; $prefix = $_POST['prefix']; $sql = <<<SQL USE {$db}; INSERT INTO {$prefix}settings (`variable`, `value`) VALUES ('showPgaeLoadTime', '0'); INSERT INTO {$prefix}settings (`variable`, `value`) VALUES ('maxSubmitWithOutApproval', '10'); INSERT INTO {$prefix}settings (`variable`, `value`) VALUES ('imgurUploadOn', '1'); INSERT INTO {$prefix}settings (`variable`, `value`) VALUES ('imgurClientID', '7f0764588452050'); INSERT INTO {$prefix}settings (`variable`, `value`) VALUES ('imgurClientSecret', '0061179a2f436175dc84e83deabc23aa12ef255a'); INSERT INTO {$prefix}settings (`variable`, `value`) VALUES ('addonSubmissionOn', '1'); INSERT INTO {$prefix}settings (`variable`, `value`) VALUES ('paypalDonationLink', ''); INSERT INTO {$prefix}settings (`variable`, `value`) VALUES ('twitterLink', ''); INSERT INTO {$prefix}settings (`variable`, `value`) VALUES ('wikiaLink', ''); INSERT INTO {$prefix}settings (`variable`, `value`) VALUES ('wishlistLink', ''); INSERT INTO {$prefix}settings (`variable`, `value`) VALUES ('websiteBugLink', ''); INSERT INTO {$prefix}settings (`variable`, `value`) VALUES ('musicbeeBugLink', ''); INSERT INTO {$prefix}settings (`variable`, `value`) VALUES ('eliteRequirement', '8'); INSERT INTO {$prefix}settings (`variable`, `value`) VALUES ('selfApprovalRequirement', '3'); INSERT INTO {$prefix}settings (`variable`, `value`) VALUES ('maximumAddonSubmissionPerDay', '20'); INSERT INTO {$prefix}help (`variable`, `data_type`, `data`) VALUES ('help_links', 'json', ''); INSERT INTO {$prefix}help (`variable`, `data_type`, `data`) VALUES ('help_api_link', 'link', ''); INSERT INTO {$prefix}help (`variable`, `data_type`, `data`) VALUES ('api_md', 'markdown', ''); INSERT INTO {$prefix}help (`variable`, `data_type`, `data`) VALUES ('api_html', 'html', ''); INSERT INTO {$prefix}help (`variable`, `data_type`, `data`) VALUES ('press_md', 'markdown', ''); INSERT INTO {$prefix}help (`variable`, `data_type`, `data`) VALUES ('press_html', 'html', ''); SQL; if (checkConnection()) { try { $statement = $connection->prepare($sql); $statement->execute(); return true; } catch (Exception $e) { return false; } } return false; }
ini_set('date.timezone', $tz); } // Get the version of OSX; if we aren't using Mavericks, then they don't get access to the GUI. $osx = exec("sw_vers | grep 'ProductVersion:' | grep -o '10\\.[0-9]*'"); // So, they can use the GUI if they're using Mavericks or Yosemite. if ($osx == '10.9' || $osx == '10.10') { $gui = TRUE; } firstRun(); $bundle = 'com.packal'; $q = $argv; $w = new Workflows(); $HOME = exec('echo $HOME'); $data = "{$HOME}/Library/Application Support/Alfred 2/Workflow Data/{$bundle}"; $cache = "{$HOME}/Library/Caches/com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred-2/Workflow Data/{$bundle}"; $connection = checkConnection(); if ($connection === FALSE) { $w->result('', '', 'Warning: no viable Internet connection', 'Some features of this workflow will be unavailable without a solid Internet connection', 'assets/icons/task-attention.png', 'no', ''); } if (!file_exists($data)) { mkdir("{$data}"); } if (!file_exists($cache)) { mkdir("{$cache}"); } if (!file_exists("{$data}/config")) { mkdir("{$data}/config"); } if (!file_exists("{$data}/endpoints")) { mkdir("{$data}/endpoints"); }
<?php require_once __DIR__ . "/../utils.php"; $endpoint = "http://localhost/repo/learninglocker/public/data/xAPI/"; $username = "******"; $password = "******"; $res = checkConnection($endpoint, $username, $password); print_r($res); // testing /*if (array_key_exists("statements",$decoded)) echo "works..."; else echo "fails..";*/
$newGroups = array(); foreach (explode(',', $_POST['icn_active']) as $icon) { if (is_numeric($icon)) { $newGroups[] = $icon; } } if (!writeConfig(IP, QUERYPORT, SERVERPORT, QUERYUSER, QUERYPASS, QUERYDISPLAYNAME, ADMINPANEL_PASS, MAXGROUPS, RULESACCEPTGROUP, GROUPSDISALLOW, RULES, RULESACTIVATE, json_encode($newGroups))) { $error[] = array('danger', 'Error while writing Config File! Check Write Permissions!'); } else { header("Refresh:0"); die; } break; case 'editTS3Config': if (!empty($_POST['ts_ip']) and !empty($_POST['ts_qport']) and !empty($_POST['ts_sport']) and !empty($_POST['ts_user']) and !empty($_POST['ts_pass'])) { $ts3_conn_status = checkConnection($_POST['ts_ip'], $_POST['ts_qport'], $_POST['ts_sport'], $_POST['ts_user'], $_POST['ts_pass'], $_POST['ts_displayname']); if ($ts3_conn_status === TRUE) { if (!writeConfig(IP, QUERYPORT, SERVERPORT, QUERYUSER, QUERYPASS, QUERYDISPLAYNAME, ADMINPANEL_PASS, MAXGROUPS, RULESACCEPTGROUP, GROUPSDISALLOW, RULES, RULESACTIVATE, GROUPS)) { $error[] = array('danger', 'Error while writing Config File! Check Write Permissions!'); } else { header("Refresh:0"); die; } } else { $error[] = array('danger', $ts3_conn_status); } } else { $error[] = array('info', 'Please Fill out all required Fields!'); } break; case 'addrule':
function status() { global $wf, $config, $workflows, $blacklist, $manifestBundles, $me, $data, $workflowsDir; $endpoints = json_decode(file_get_contents("{$data}/endpoints/endpoints.json"), TRUE); $updates = FALSE; foreach ($endpoints as $k => $v) { if (file_exists("{$v}/packal/package.xml")) { $w = simplexml_load_file("{$v}/packal/package.xml"); if (in_array($k, $manifestBundles)) { if ($wf["{$k}"]['version'] != (string) $w->version) { if (!in_array($k, $blacklist)) { $updates = TRUE; break; } } } } } $meta = array(); $meta['mineOnPackal'] = array(); $meta['myWorkflows'] = array(); if (isset($config->username) && $config->username) { foreach ($wf as $bundle => $value) { if ($value['author'] == "{$config->username}") { $meta['mineOnPackal'][] = $bundle; } } } foreach ($workflows as $bundle => $dir) { $dir = substr($dir, strrpos($dir, '/') + 1); $workflows[$bundle] = $dir; // Installed workflows $meta['installedWorkflows'][] = $bundle; if (isset($config->authorName) && $config->authorName) { // Look here only if the user has set authorName value. if (exec("/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c \"Print :createdby\" '{$workflowsDir}/{$dir}/info.plist' &2> /dev/null") == $config->authorName) { $meta['myWorkflows'][] = $bundle; } } if (file_exists("{$workflowsDir}/{$dir}/packal/package.xml") && in_array($bundle, $manifestBundles)) { $meta['fromPackal'][] = $bundle; } else { if (in_array($bundle, $manifestBundles)) { if (isset($config->username) && $config->username) { if (!in_array("{$bundle}", $meta['mineOnPackal'])) { $meta['availableOnPackal'][] = $bundle; } } else { $meta['availableOnPackal'][] = $bundle; } } } } $time = getManifestModTime(); foreach ($workflows as $k => $v) { if (file_exists("{$workflowsDir}/{$v}/packal/package.xml") && in_array($k, $manifestBundles)) { $packal[] = $k; } } $connection = checkConnection(); ?> <h1>Status</h1> <div class='status-body'> <?php if ($connection !== FALSE) { ?> <div id="fusion_ad"> <a href="" class='hijack'>Powered by Fusion</a> </div> <?php } if ($updates) { ?> <div class='updates-available'> <p><h4>Updates are available.</h4></p> <p class='clearfix'> </p> </div> <?php } ?> <div> <p id='manifest-status'> The manifest was last updated <strong><?php echo "{$time}"; ?> </strong> <?php if ($connection !== FALSE) { echo "<span class='update-manifest'>(Update)</span>"; } ?> </p> </div> <p class='clearfix'> </p> <div><p>You have <strong><?php echo count($workflows); ?> </strong> workflows installed with Bundle IDs.</p></div> <p class='clearfix'> </p> <?php if (count($meta['myWorkflows']) > 0) { ?> <div><p>Of those, <strong><?php echo count($meta['myWorkflows']); ?> </strong> are ones that you wrote.</p> <div id='myworkflows' class='detail-accordion'> <h3>Details</h3> <div class='detail-accordion'> <?php foreach ($meta['myWorkflows'] as $m) { if (isset($wf[$m]['name'])) { $name = $wf[$m]['name']; } else { $dir = $workflows[$m]; $name = exec("/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c \"Print :name\" '{$workflowsDir}/{$dir}/info.plist' &2> /dev/null"); } echo '<p><strong>' . $name . '</strong> (' . $m . ")</p>"; } ?> </div> </div> </div> <p class='clearfix'> </p> <?php } ?> <div><p>You have installed <strong><?php echo count($meta['fromPackal']); ?> </strong> from Packal.</p> <div id='frompackal' class='detail-accordion'> <h3>Details</h3> <div class='detail-accordion'> <?php foreach ($meta['fromPackal'] as $m) { echo '<p><strong>' . $wf[$m]['name'] . '</strong> (' . $m . ")</p>"; } ?> </div> </div> </div> <?php if (isset($meta['availableOnPackal']) && count($meta['availableOnPackal']) > 0) { ?> <p class='clearfix'> </p> <div> <p> Of the others, <strong><?php echo count($meta['availableOnPackal']); ?> </strong> can be downloaded and updated from Packal. </p> <div id='availableOnPackal' class='detail-accordion'> <h3>Details</h3> <div class='detail-accordion2'> <?php foreach ($meta['availableOnPackal'] as $m) { if (!empty($m)) { echo '<div><p><strong>' . $wf[$m]['name'] . '</strong>'; echo " ({$m})" . "</p><div id='" . $wf[$m]['url'] . "' class='url-open'>View on Packal</div></div>"; } } ?> </div> </div> </div> <?php } ?> <p class='clearfix'> </p> <div> <p> There are <strong><?php echo count($wf); ?> </strong> workflows available on Packal. </p> </div> <p class='clearfix'> </p> <?php if (count($meta['mineOnPackal']) > 0) { ?> <div> <p> You've written <strong><?php echo count($meta['mineOnPackal']); ?> </strong> of the ones on Packal. </p> </div> <?php } ?> </div> <?php if ($connection !== FALSE) { ?> <script type="text/javascript"> (function(){ var fusion = document.createElement('script'); fusion.src = window.location.protocol + '//' + Math.floor(Math.random()*9999999); fusion.async = true; (document.head || document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]).appendChild(fusion); })(); // function tag() { // // // console.log( 'hello' ); // } </script> <script> myVar = setTimeout( function() { $( '.fusionentire' ).find( 'a' ).each( function() { $( this ).addClass( 'hijack' ); }); $( '.hijack' ).click( function() { event.preventDefault(); link = $( this ).attr( 'href' ); $.get( "packal.php", { action: 'openDirectory', 'directory': link } ); }); // console.log( document.getElementsByClassName( 'fusionentire' ).querySelectorAll( 'a' ) ); }, 1500); </script> <script> </script> <?php } ?> <script type='text/javascript'> $( "#myworkflows" ).accordion({ active: false, collapsible: true }); $( "#frompackal" ).accordion({ active: false, collapsible: true }); $( "#availableOnPackal" ).accordion({ active: false, collapsible: true }); $( '.url-open' ).click( function() { dir = $( this ).attr( 'id' ); $.get( "packal.php", { action: 'openDirectory', 'directory': dir } ); }); $( '.update-manifest' ).click( function() { $.ajax({ url: 'packal.php', beforeSend: function( xhr ) { $( '#updating-overlay' ).show(); }, data: { action: 'updateManifest' }, }).done(function( data ) { $( '#updating-overlay' ).hide(); $( '#manifest-status' ).html( data ); }); }); $( '.updates-available' ).click( function() { $( '.pane' ).html("<div class='preloader'><h2>Loading...</h2><img alt='preloader' src='assets/images/preloader.gif' /></div>"); setTimeout(function() { $( '.pane' ).load( 'packal.php', { 'page': 'updates' } ); }, 1000); }); $( document ).ready( function() { if ( <?php echo date('U', mktime()) - date('U', filemtime("{$data}/manifest.xml")); ?> > 86400 ) { console.log( 'test' ); $.ajax({ url: 'packal.php', beforeSend: function( xhr ) { $( '#updating-overlay' ).show(); }, data: { action: 'updateManifest' }, }).done(function( data ) { $( '#updating-overlay' ).hide(); $( '#manifest-status' ).html( data ); }); } }); </script> <?php }