function AESDecrypt($ciphertext, $key, $IV) { $aes = new Crypt_AES(CRYPT_MODE_ECB); $aes->setKey(characet($key)); $aes->setIV(characet($IV)); return $aes->decrypt(hex2bin($ciphertext)); }
function writeLog($text) { // $text=iconv("GBK", "UTF-8//IGNORE", $text); $text = characet($text); //file_put_contents ( dirname ( __FILE__ ) . "/log/log.txt", date ( "Y-m-d H:i:s" ) . " " . $text . "\r\n", FILE_APPEND ); file_put_contents("./Wxin_V10C_150513/Doc/log/alipay.txt", date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . " " . $text . "\r\n", FILE_APPEND); }
/** * 插入数据库 * @param [type] $data [description] * @return [type] $inser_num [返回成功插入的数量] */ function insert_db($data) { echo "开始写入数据库\n"; $insert_num = 0; //成功插入的数量 $con = new mysqli("localhost", "root", "", "collection"); if (!$con) { die('连接数据库失败:' . $con->error() . "\n\n"); } $con->query('SET NAMES UTF8'); foreach ($data as $v) { $sql = 'INSERT INTO hejian (skuId, name, url, price, martPrice, category_1, category_2) VALUES ("' . $v['skuId'] . '", "' . characet($v['name']) . '", "' . $v['url'] . '", "' . $v['price'] . '", "' . $v['martPrice'] . '", "' . characet($v['category_1']) . '", "' . characet($v['category_2']) . '")'; $res = $con->query($sql); if (!$res) { echo "插入失败!商品地址:" . $v[1] . "\n"; echo iconv("UTF-8", "gb2312", $sql) . "\n"; } else { echo "."; $insert_num++; } } echo "\n"; echo "成功插入" . $insert_num . "条数据\n\n"; $con->close(); return $insert_num; }
<?php $page = 1; //当前页码; $totalPage = 0; //总页码; do { $s = ($page - 1) * 95; $url = "" . $s . "&atype=b&cat=50107919&style=list&at=4673%2C11138&as=0&viewIndex=1&spm=a2106.2206569.0.0.klNaSh&same_info=1&isnew=2&pSize=95&_ksTS=1405255051526_27"; //获取json数据 $json = HttpGet($url); //处理编码问题 $utf8_json = characet($json); //json解析为数组 $arr = json_decode($utf8_json, true); //获取页码 $page = $arr['page']['currentPage']; //获取总页码 $totalPage = $arr['page']['totalPage']; //获取商品列表 $lists = $arr['itemList']; //计算总共商品数 $count = count($lists); //向终端输出信息 echo "获取....第" . $page . "页,共" . $count . "条信息\n"; //开始插入数据库 $insert_num = insert_db($lists); //向终端输出信息 echo "\n"; echo "成功" . $insert_num . "条 失败" . ($count - $insert_num) . "条\n\n"; $page++;
// | Author: 百家威信 <> // +---------------------------------------------------------------------- defined('SYSTEM_IN') or exit('Access Denied'); $alipaythirdlogin = mysqld_select("SELECT * FROM " . table('thirdlogin') . " WHERE enabled=1 and `code`='alipay'"); if (!empty($alipaythirdlogin) && !empty($alipaythirdlogin['id'])) { require_once WEB_ROOT . '/includes/lib/alipaySDK/config.php'; require_once WEB_ROOT . '/includes/lib/alipaySDK/AopSdk.php'; if (!empty($_GP["auth_code"])) { $auth_code = $_GP["auth_code"]; require_once WEB_ROOT . '/includes/lib/alipaySDK/UserInfo.php'; $userinfo = new UserInfo(); $alipay_user = $userinfo->getUserInfo($auth_code); if (!empty($alipay_user)) { $alipay_openid = $user_info_resp->user_id; if (!empty($alipay_openid) && (!empty($_SESSION[MOBILE_ALIPAY_OPENID]) && $_SESSION[MOBILE_ALIPAY_OPENID] != $alipay_openid) || empty($_SESSION[MOBILE_ALIPAY_OPENID])) { $nickname = characet($user_info_resp->deliver_fullname); $follow = 1; $avatar = $user_info_resp->avatar; $gender = $user_info_resp->gender; $gender = $gender == 'F' ? 2 : ($gender == 'M' ? 1 : 0); $fans = mysqld_select("SELECT * FROM " . table('alipay_alifans') . " WHERE alipay_openid=:alipay_openid ", array(':alipay_openid' => $alipay_openid)); if (empty($fans['alipay_openid'])) { $row = array('nickname' => $nickname, 'follow' => $follow, 'gender' => intval($gender), 'alipay_openid' => $alipay_openid, 'avatar' => '', 'createtime' => TIMESTAMP); mysqld_insert('alipay_alifans', $row); if (!empty($avatar)) { mysqld_update('alipay_alifans', array('avatar' => $avatar), array('alipay_openid' => $alipay_openid)); } } else { $row = array('nickname' => $nickname, 'follow' => $follow, 'gender' => intval($gender), 'avatar' => ''); mysqld_update('alipay_alifans', $row, array('alipay_openid' => $alipay_openid)); if (!empty($avatar)) {
public function getUserInfo($auth_code) { $token = $this->requestToken($auth_code); // echo "token: " .var_export($token); // print_r($token); if (isset($token->alipay_system_oauth_token_response)) { // 成功返回 // 示例:array( // 'access_token' => 'publicpBfd7aa055c4c34120949e287f84eee84a', // 'expires_in' => 500, // 're_expires_in' => 300, // 'refresh_token' => 'publicpB343643c1f58b415ab9add66c0ea91fd3', // ) $token_str = $token->alipay_system_oauth_token_response->access_token; // echo $token_str; $user_info = $this->requestUserInfo($token_str); // var_dump ( $user_info ); if (isset($user_info->alipay_user_userinfo_share_response)) { $user_info_resp = $user_info->alipay_user_userinfo_share_response; // 以下每个字段都需要申请权限,才会返回。 // 支付宝返回的是GBK编码,所以中文会有乱码 // 'phone' => '', // 'deliver_fullname' => '濞村嘲', // 'user_type_value' => '2', // 'is_mobile_auth' => 'T', // 'user_id' => 'BM7PjM8f8-v6VFqeTlFUqo97w0QKRHRl-OmymTOxsGHnKDWiwQekMHiEi06tEbjgbb', // 'gender' => 'm', // 'zip' => '', // 'cert_type_value' => '0', // 'is_licence_auth' => 'F', // 'deliver_province' => '瀹?, // 'deliver_city' => '钘?, // 'is_certified' => 'T', // 'deliver_area' => '濮濇笟', // 'is_bank_auth' => 'T', // 'deliver_mobile' => '1234', // 'email' => '*****@*****.**', // 'address' => '娑撶痪鐠?99宄般亯鎼存潪娴犺泛D4B鎼?F', // 'user_status' => 'T', // 'cert_no' => '32142134', // 'real_name' => '濞村嘲', // 'is_id_auth' => 'T', // 'deliver_address_list' => $user_id = $user_info_resp->user_id; // $deliver_fullname = iconv("GBK", "UTF-8//IGNORE", $user_info_resp->deliver_fullname); $deliver_fullname = characet($user_info_resp->deliver_fullname); $deliver_mobile = $user_info_resp->deliver_mobile; echo $deliver_fullname; writeLog($deliver_fullname); return $user_info_resp; } // print_r($user_info); writeLog("user_info" . var_export($user_info, true)); } elseif (isset($token->error_response)) { // 返回了错误信息 // 如:[code] => 40002 // [msg] => Invalid Arguments // [sub_code] => isv.code-invalid // [sub_msg] => 授权码code无效 // 记录错误返回信息 writeLog($token->error_response->sub_msg); } writeLog(var_export($token, true)); }
/** * 插入数据库 * @param [type] $data [description] * @return [type] $inser_num [返回成功插入的数量] */ function insert_db($data, $category) { echo "开始写入数据库\n"; $insert_num = 0; //成功插入的数量 $con = new mysqli("localhost", "root", "", "collection"); if (!$con) { die('连接数据库失败:' . $con->error() . "\n\n"); } $con->query('SET NAMES UTF8'); foreach ($data as $v) { $sql = 'INSERT INTO yiyao_2 (skuId, title, url, price, one_price, category_1, category_2) VALUES ("' . $v['3'] . '", "' . characet($v['2']) . '", "' . $v['1'] . '", "' . $v['price'] . '", "' . $v['one_price'] . '", "' . characet($category['name_1']) . '", "' . characet($category['name_2']) . '")'; $res = $con->query($sql); //echo iconv("UTF-8","gb2312",$sql)."\n"; if (!$res) { echo "插入失败!商品地址:" . $v[1] . "\n"; echo iconv("UTF-8", "gb2312", $sql) . "\n"; } else { echo "."; $insert_num++; } } echo "\n"; $con->close(); return $insert_num; }
protected function checkLog($text) { // $text=iconv("GBK", "UTF-8//IGNORE", $text); $text = characet($text); file_put_contents("./Wxin_V10C_150513/Doc/log/log.txt", date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . " " . $text . "\r\n", FILE_APPEND); }
die('api num use end\\n'); } $product_base = $data['jingdong_ware_baseproduct_get_responce']['product_base']; $brand_name = $product_base[0]['brand_name']; $name = $product_base[0]['name']; $value_weight = $product_base[0]['value_weight']; if (empty($product_base[0]['product_area'])) { $product_area = ''; print_r("skuId: " . $value['skuId'] . "dont't have 'product_area'\n"); // print_r($product_base); // die; } else { $product_area = $product_base[0]['product_area']; } //组装数组 $datas = array('skuId' => $value['skuId'], 'name' => $name, 'adword' => $adword, 'jdPrice' => $jdPrice, 'marketPrice' => $marketPrice, 'good' => $good, 'good_num' => $good_num, 'url' => '' . $value['skuId'] . '.html', 'category_1' => characet('营养保健'), 'category_2' => $category[$cids[$i]]['name_2'], 'category_3' => $category[$cids[$i]]['name_3'], 'brand_name' => $brand_name, 'sale_time' => $sale_time, 'value_weight' => $value_weight, 'product_area' => $product_area); //插入数据库 insert_db($datas); } $panduan = $wareCount - $page * 100; echo "{$panduan} = " . $panduan . "\n"; } while ($panduan >= 0); } function select_db() { $con = new mysqli("localhost", "root", "", "collection"); if (!$con) { die('连接数据库失败:' . $con->error() . "\n\n"); } $con->query('SET NAMES UTF8'); $sql = "SELECT skuId FROM jd GROUP BY skuId";