Exemplo n.º 1
    echo gettext("In Use");
    $i = 0;
    foreach ($a_cert as $cert) {
        $name = htmlspecialchars($cert['descr']);
        $purpose = null;
        if (!empty($cert['crt'])) {
            $subj = cert_get_subject($cert['crt']);
            $issuer = cert_get_issuer($cert['crt']);
            $purpose = cert_get_purpose($cert['crt']);
            list($startdate, $enddate) = cert_get_dates($cert['crt']);
            if ($subj == $issuer) {
                $caname = "<em>" . gettext("self-signed") . "</em>";
            } else {
                $caname = "<em>" . gettext("external") . "</em>";
            $subj = htmlspecialchars($subj);
        if (isset($cert['csr'])) {
            $subj = htmlspecialchars(csr_get_subject($cert['csr']));
            $caname = "<em>" . gettext("external - signature pending") . "</em>";
        if (isset($cert['caref'])) {
            $ca = lookup_ca($cert['caref']);
            if ($ca) {
Exemplo n.º 2
         $list[$ca['refid']] = $ca['descr'];
     $section->addInput(new Form_Select('caref', 'Peer Certificate Authority', $pconfig['caref'], $list));
 } else {
     $section->addInput(new Form_StaticText('Peer Certificate Authority', sprintf('No Certificate Authorities defined. You may create one here: %s', '<a href="system_camanager.php">System &gt; Cert Manager</a>')));
 if (count($a_crl)) {
     $section->addInput(new Form_Select('crlref', 'Peer Certificate Revocation list', $pconfig['crlref'], openvpn_build_crl_list()));
 } else {
     $section->addInput(new Form_StaticText('Peer Certificate Revocation list', sprintf('No Certificate Revocation Lists defined. You may create one here: %s', '<a href="system_camanager.php">System &gt; Cert Manager</a>')));
 $certhelp = '<span id="certtype"></span>';
 if (count($a_cert)) {
     if (!empty(trim($pconfig['certref']))) {
         $thiscert = lookup_cert($pconfig['certref']);
         $purpose = cert_get_purpose($thiscert['crt'], true);
         if ($purpose['server'] != "Yes") {
             $certhelp = '<span id="certtype" class="text-danger">' . gettext("Warning: The selected server certificate was not created as an SSL Server certificate and may not work as expected") . ' </span>';
 } else {
     $certhelp = sprintf('%s%s%s$s', '<span id="certtype">', gettext('No Certificates defined. You may create one here: '), '<a href="system_camanager.php">' . gettext("System &gt; Cert Manager") . '</a>', '</span>');
 $cl = openvpn_build_cert_list(false, true);
 //Save the number of server certs for use at run-time
 $servercerts = count($cl['server']);
 $section->addInput(new Form_Select('certref', 'Server certificate', $pconfig['certref'], $cl['server'] + $cl['non-server']))->setHelp($certhelp);
 $section->addInput(new Form_Select('dh_length', 'DH Parameter length (bits)', $pconfig['dh_length'], array_combine($openvpn_dh_lengths, $openvpn_dh_lengths)))->setHelp(count($a_cert) ? '' : sprintf('No Certificates defined. You may create one here: %s', '<a href="system_camanager.php">System &gt; Cert Manager</a>'));
 if (!$pconfig['shared_key']) {
     $section->addInput(new Form_Checkbox('autokey_enable', 'Shared key', 'Automatically generate a shared key', $pconfig['autokey_enable']));