public function point_ranking_month($year = 0, $month = 0, $limit = 0) { $year = (int) $year; if ($year < 1000 or $year > 2999) { $year = cdate('Y'); } $month = (int) $month; if ($month < 1 or $month > 12) { $month = (int) cdate('m'); } $month = sprintf("%02d", $month); $start_datetime = $year . '-' . $month . '-01 00:00:00'; $end_datetime = $year . '-' . $month . '-31 23:59:59'; if (empty($limit)) { $limit = 100; } $this->db->select_sum('poi_point'); $this->db->select('member.mem_id, member.mem_userid, member.mem_nickname, member.mem_is_admin, member.mem_icon'); $this->db->join('member', 'point.mem_id = member.mem_id', 'inner'); $this->db->where('member.mem_denied', 0); $this->db->where('member.mem_is_admin', 0); $this->db->where('point.poi_datetime >=', $start_datetime); $this->db->where('point.poi_datetime <=', $end_datetime); $this->db->where('poi_point >', 0); $this->db->group_by('member.mem_id'); $this->db->order_by('poi_point', 'DESC'); $this->db->limit($limit); $qry = $this->db->get('point'); $result = $qry->result_array(); return $result; }
public function add_visit_date() { $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . $this->db->dbprefix($this->_table); $sql .= " (scd_date, scd_count) VALUES ('" . cdate('Y-m-d') . "', 1) "; $sql .= " ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE scd_count= scd_count + 1 "; return $this->db->query($sql); }
public function add_visit_board($brd_id = 0) { $brd_id = (int) $brd_id; if (empty($brd_id) or $brd_id < 1) { return false; } $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . $this->db->dbprefix($this->_table); $sql .= " (scb_date, brd_id, scb_count) VALUES ('" . cdate('Y-m-d') . "', '" . $brd_id . "', 1) "; $sql .= " ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE scb_count= scb_count + 1 "; return $this->db->query($sql); }
public function get_current_count($curdatetime = '') { if (empty($curdatetime)) { $curdatetime = cdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', ctimestamp() - 600); } $this->db->select('count(*) as rownum'); $this->db->join('member', 'currentvisitor.mem_id = member.mem_id', 'left'); $this->db->where(array('cur_datetime >' => $curdatetime)); $this->db->group_start(); $this->db->where(array('member.mem_is_admin' => 0)); $this->db->or_where(array('member.mem_is_admin' => null)); $this->db->group_end(); $qry = $this->db->get($this->_table); $rows = $qry->row_array(); return $rows['rownum']; }
public function get_id($ip) { $this->db->query('LOCK TABLE ' . $this->db->dbprefix . $this->_table . ' WRITE'); while (true) { $key = cdate('YmdHis') . str_pad((int) (microtime() * 100), 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT); $insertdata = array('unq_id' => $key, 'unq_ip' => $ip); $result = $this->db->insert($this->_table, $insertdata); if ($result) { break; // 쿼리가 정상이면 빠진다. } usleep(10000); // 100분의 1초를 쉰다 } $this->db->query('UNLOCK TABLES'); return $key; }
/** * 포인트를 추가합니다 */ public function insert_point($mem_id = 0, $point = 0, $content = '', $poi_type = '', $poi_related_id = '', $poi_action = '') { // 포인트 사용을 하지 않는다면 return if (!$this->CI->cbconfig->item('use_point')) { return false; } // 포인트가 없다면 업데이트 할 필요 없음 $point = (int) $point; if (empty($point)) { return false; } // 회원아이디가 없다면 업데이트 할 필요 없음 $mem_id = (int) $mem_id; if (empty($mem_id) or $mem_id < 1) { return false; } if (empty($content)) { return false; } if (empty($poi_type) && empty($poi_related_id) && empty($poi_action)) { return false; } $member = $this->CI->Member_model->get_by_memid($mem_id, 'mem_id'); if (!element('mem_id', $member)) { return false; } $this->CI->load->model('Point_model'); // 이미 등록된 내역이라면 건너뜀 if ($poi_type or $poi_related_id or $poi_action) { $where = array('mem_id' => $mem_id, 'poi_type' => $poi_type, 'poi_related_id' => $poi_related_id, 'poi_action' => $poi_action); $cnt = $this->CI->Point_model->count_by($where); if ($cnt > 0) { return false; } } $insertdata = array('mem_id' => $mem_id, 'poi_datetime' => cdate('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'poi_content' => $content, 'poi_point' => $point, 'poi_type' => $poi_type, 'poi_related_id' => $poi_related_id, 'poi_action' => $poi_action); $this->CI->Point_model->insert($insertdata); $sum = $this->CI->Point_model->get_point_sum($mem_id); $updatedata = array('mem_point' => $sum); $this->CI->Member_model->update($mem_id, $updatedata); return $sum; }
function listGuests($rGuests, $noMsg) { global $showIPs; if (!NumRows($rGuests)) { return "<tr class=\"cell0\"><td colspan=\"6\">{$noMsg}</td></tr>"; } $i = 1; while ($guest = Fetch($rGuests)) { $cellClass = ($cellClass + 1) % 2; if ($guest['date']) { $lastUrl = "<a href=\"" . FilterURL($guest['lasturl']) . "\">" . FilterURL($guest['lasturl']) . "</a>"; } else { $lastUrl = __("None"); } $guestList .= "\n\t\t<tr class=\"cell{$cellClass}\">\n\t\t\t<td>{$i}</td>\n\t\t\t<td colspan=\"2\" title=\"" . htmlspecialchars($guest['useragent']) . "\">" . htmlspecialchars(substr($guest['useragent'], 0, 65)) . "</td>\n\t\t\t<td>" . cdate("d-m-y G:i:s", $guest['date']) . "</td>\n\t\t\t<td>{$lastUrl}</td>"; if ($showIPs) { $guestList .= "<td>" . formatIP($guest['ip']) . "</td>"; } $guestList .= "</tr>"; $i++; } return $guestList; }
public function get_banner($position = '', $type = '', $limit = '') { if (empty($position)) { return; } if (strtolower($type) !== 'order') { $type = 'random'; } $cachename = 'banner-' . $position . '-' . cdate('Y-m-d'); if (!($result = $this->cache->get($cachename))) { $this->db->from($this->_table); $this->db->where('bng_name', $position); $this->db->where('ban_activated', 1); $this->db->group_start(); $this->db->where(array('ban_start_date <=' => cdate('Y-m-d'))); $this->db->or_where(array('ban_start_date' => null)); $this->db->group_end(); $this->db->group_start(); $this->db->where('ban_end_date >=', cdate('Y-m-d')); $this->db->or_where('ban_end_date', '0000-00-00'); $this->db->or_where(array('ban_end_date' => '')); $this->db->or_where(array('ban_end_date' => null)); $this->db->group_end(); $this->db->order_by('ban_order', 'DESC'); $res = $this->db->get(); $result = $res->result_array(); $this->cache->save($cachename, $result, $this->cache_time); } if ($type === 'random') { shuffle($result); } if ($limit) { $result = array_slice($result, 0, $limit); } return $result; }
function listGuests($rGuests) { global $showIPs; $guestList = array(); $i = 1; while ($guest = Fetch($rGuests)) { $gdata = array(); $gdata['num'] = $i++; if ($showIPs) { $gdata['userAgent'] = '<span title="' . htmlspecialchars($guest['useragent']) . '">' . htmlspecialchars(substr($guest['useragent'], 0, 65)) . '</span>'; } $gdata['lastView'] = cdate("d-m-y G:i:s", $guest['date']); if ($guest['date']) { $gdata['lastURL'] = "<a href=\"" . FilterURL($guest['lasturl']) . "\">" . FilterURL($guest['lasturl']) . "</a>"; } else { $gdata['lastURL'] = __("None"); } if ($showIPs) { $gdata['ip'] = formatIP($guest['ip']); } $guestList[] = $gdata; } return $guestList; }
for ($i = 1; $i < $n; $i++) { $pl .= " <a href=\"thread.php?id=" . $thread['id'] . "&from=" . $i * $ppp . "\">" . ($i + 1) . "</a>"; } $pl .= " … "; for ($i = $numpages - $n + 1; $i <= $numpages; $i++) { $pl .= " <a href=\"thread.php?id=" . $thread['id'] . "&from=" . $i * $ppp . "\">" . ($i + 1) . "</a>"; } } if ($pl) { $pl = " <span class=\"smallFonts\">[<a href=\"thread.php?id=" . $thread['id'] . "\">1</a>" . $pl . "]</span>"; } $lastLink = ""; if ($thread['lastpostid']) { $lastLink = " <a href=\"thread.php?pid=" . $thread['lastpostid'] . "#" . $thread['lastpostid'] . "\">»</a>"; } $forumList .= Format("\n\t\t<tr class=\"cell{0}\">\n\t\t\t<td class=\"cell2 threadIcon\">{1}</td>\n\t\t\t<td class=\"threadIcon\" style=\"border-right: 0px none;\">\n\t\t\t\t{2}\n\t\t\t</td>\n\t\t\t<td style=\"border-left: 0px none;\">\n\t\t\t\t{3}\n\t\t\t\t<a href=\"thread.php?id={4}\">\n\t\t\t\t\t{5}\n\t\t\t\t</a>\n\t\t\t\t{6}\n\t\t\t\t{7}\n\t\t\t</td>\n\t\t\t<td class=\"center\">\n\t\t\t\t{8}\n\t\t\t</td>\n\t\t\t<td class=\"center\">\n\t\t\t\t{9}\n\t\t\t</td>\n\t\t\t<td class=\"center\">\n\t\t\t\t{10}\n\t\t\t</td>\n\t\t\t<td class=\"smallFonts center\">\n\t\t\t\t{11}<br />\n\t\t\t\t" . __("by") . " {12} {13}</td>\n\t\t</tr>\n", $cellClass, $NewIcon, $ThreadIcon, $poll, $thread['id'], strip_tags($thread['title']), $pl, $tags, UserLink($starter), $thread['replies'], $thread['views'], cdate($dateformat, $thread['lastpostdate']), UserLink($last), $lastLink); } Write("\n\t<table class=\"outline margin width100\">\n\t\t<tr class=\"header1\">\n\t\t\t<th style=\"width: 20px;\"> </th>\n\t\t\t<th style=\"width: 16px;\"> </th>\n\t\t\t<th style=\"width: 60%;\">" . __("Title") . "</th>\n\t\t\t<th>" . __("Started by") . "</th>\n\t\t\t<th>" . __("Replies") . "</th>\n\t\t\t<th>" . __("Views") . "</th>\n\t\t\t<th>" . __("Last post") . "</th>\n\t\t</tr>\n\t\t{0}\n\t</table>\n", $forumList); } else { if ($forum['minpowerthread'] > $loguser['powerlevel']) { Alert(__("You cannot start any threads here."), __("Empty forum")); } elseif ($loguserid) { Alert(format(__("Would you like to {0}post something{1}?"), "<a href=\"newthread.php?id=" . $fid . "\">", "</a>"), __("Empty forum")); } else { Alert(format(__("{0}Log in{1} so you can post something."), "<a href=\"login.php\">", "</a>"), __("Empty forum")); } } if ($pagelinks) { Write("<div class=\"smallFonts pages\">" . __("Pages:") . " {0}</div>", $pagelinks); } MakeCrumbs(array(__("Main") => "./", $forum['title'] => "forum.php?id=" . $fid), $links);
} if (IsAllowed("viewOnline")) { print "<li><a href=\"online.php\">" . __("Online users") . "</a></li>"; } if (IsAllowed("search")) { print "<li><a href=\"search.php\">" . __("Search") . "</a></li>"; } print "<li><a href=\"lastposts.php\">" . __("Last posts") . "</a></li>"; $bucket = "topMenu"; include "./lib/pluginloader.php"; ?> </ul> </td> <td rowspan="2" class="smallFonts" style="text-align: center; width: 10%;"> <?php print cdate($dateformat) . "\n"; ?> </td> </tr> <tr class="cell2"> <td class="smallFonts" style="text-align: center"> <?php if ($loguserid) { print UserLink($loguser) . ": "; print "<ul class=\"pipemenu\">"; print "<li><a href=\"#\" onclick=\"if(confirm('" . __("Are you sure you want to log out?") . "')) document.forms[0].submit();\">" . __("Log out") . "</a></li>"; if (IsAllowed("editProfile")) { print "<li><a href=\"editprofile.php\">" . __("Edit profile") . "</a></li>"; } if (IsAllowed("viewPM")) { print "<li><a href=\"private.php\">" . __("Private messages") . "</a></li>";
/** * Given some details, generate a printable packing slip. * * @param string $title Title of the packing slip. * @param array $details Array of details about the packing slip. * @param array $products Array of products for the packing slip. * @return string Generated HTML packing slip. */ function generatePrintablePackingSlip($title, $details, $products) { $db = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']; $template = new TEMPLATE('ISC_LANG'); $template->frontEnd(); $template->setTemplateBase(ISC_BASE_PATH . "/templates"); $template->panelPHPDir = ISC_BASE_PATH . "/includes/display/"; $template->templateExt = "html"; $template->setTemplate(getConfig("template")); $template->assign('PackingSlipTitle', $title); $template->assign('OrderId', $details['shiporderid']); $template->assign('OrderDate', cdate($details['shiporderdate'])); if(!empty($details['shipmethod'])) { $template->assign('ShippingMethod', isc_html_escape($details['shipmethod'])); } else { $template->assign('HideShippingMethod', 'display: none'); } if(!empty($details['shiptrackno'])) { $template->assign('TrackingNo', isc_html_escape($details['shiptrackno'])); } else { $template->assign('HideTrackingNo', 'display: none'); } if(!empty($details['shipcomments'])) { $template->assign('Comments', nl2br(isc_html_escape($details['shipcomments']))); $template->assign('HideComments', ''); } else { $template->assign('Comments', ''); $template->assign('HideComments', 'display: none'); } if(!empty($details['shipdate'])) { $template->assign('DateShipped', cDate($details['shipdate'])); } else { $template->assign('HideShippingDate', 'display: none'); } if(empty($products)) { return false; } $query = " SELECT customerid, CONCAT(custconfirstname, ' ', custconlastname) AS ordcustname, custconemail AS ordcustemail, custconphone AS ordcustphone FROM [|PREFIX|]customers WHERE customerid = '".$db->Quote($details['shipcustid'])."' "; $query .= $db->AddLimit(0, 1); $result = $db->Query($query); $template->assign('CustomerName', ''); $template->assign('CustomerEmail', ''); $template->assign('CustomerPhone', ''); if($customer = $db->Fetch($result)) { // Format the customer details $template->assign('CustomerName', isc_html_escape($customer['ordcustname'])); $template->assign('CustomerEmail', isc_html_escape($customer['ordcustemail'])); $template->assign('CuastomerPhone', isc_html_escape($customer['ordcustphone'])); $template->assign('CustomerId', $customer['customerid']); } else { $template->assign('HideCustomerDetails', 'display: none'); } $template->assign('StoreAddressFormatted', nl2br(GetConfig('StoreAddress'))); $addressDetails = array( 'shipfirstname' => $details['shipbillfirstname'], 'shiplastname' => $details['shipbilllastname'], 'shipcompany' => $details['shipbillcompany'], 'shipaddress1' => $details['shipbillstreet1'], 'shipaddress2' => $details['shipbillstreet2'], 'shipcity' => $details['shipbillsuburb'], 'shipstate' => $details['shipbillstate'], 'shipzip' => $details['shipbillzip'], 'shipcountry' => $details['shipbillcountry'], 'countrycode' => $details['shipbillcountrycode'], ); $template->assign('BillingAddress', ISC_ADMIN_ORDERS::buildOrderAddressDetails($addressDetails, false)); $template->assign('BillingPhone', isc_html_escape($details['shipbillphone'])); if(!$details['shipbillphone']) { $template->assign('HideBillingPhone', 'display: none'); } $template->assign('BillingEmail', isc_html_escape($details['shipbillemail'])); if(!$details['shipbillemail']) { $template->assign('HideBillingEmail', 'display: none'); } $addressDetails = array( 'shipfirstname' => $details['shipshipfirstname'], 'shiplastname' => $details['shipshiplastname'], 'shipcompany' => $details['shipshipcompany'], 'shipaddress1' => $details['shipshipstreet1'], 'shipaddress2' => $details['shipshipstreet2'], 'shipcity' => $details['shipshipsuburb'], 'shipstate' => $details['shipshipstate'], 'shipzip' => $details['shipshipzip'], 'shipcountry' => $details['shipshipcountry'], 'countrycode' => $details['shipshipcountrycode'], ); $template->assign('ShippingAddress', ISC_ADMIN_ORDERS::buildOrderAddressDetails($addressDetails, false)); $template->assign('ShippingPhone', isc_html_escape($details['shipshipphone'])); if(!$details['shipshipphone']) { $template->assign('HideShippingPhone', 'display: none'); } $template->assign('ShippingEmail', isc_html_escape($details['shipshipemail'])); if(!$details['shipshipemail']) { $template->assign('HideShippingEmail', 'display: none'); } $fieldsArray = array(); $query = " SELECT o.* FROM [|PREFIX|]order_configurable_fields o JOIN [|PREFIX|]product_configurable_fields p ON o.fieldid = p.productfieldid WHERE o.orderid=".(int)$details['shiporderid']." ORDER BY p.fieldsortorder ASC "; $result = $db->Query($query); $fields = array(); while ($row = $db->Fetch($result)) { $fieldsArray[$row['ordprodid']][] = $row; } // Build the list of products that are being shipped $productsTable = ''; foreach($products as $product) { $template->assign('ProductName', isc_html_escape($product['prodname'])); if($product['prodcode']) { $template->assign('ProductSku', isc_html_escape($product['prodcode'])); } else { $template->assign('ProductSku', getLang('NA')); } $template->assign('ProductQuantity', $product['prodqty']); $pOptions = ''; if($product['prodoptions'] != '') { $options = @unserialize($product['prodoptions']); if(!empty($options)) { foreach($options as $name => $value) { $template->assign('FieldName', isc_html_escape($name)); $template->assign('FieldValue', isc_html_escape($value)); $pOptions .= $template->GetSnippet('PrintableInvoiceItemConfigurableField'); } } } if($pOptions) { $template->assign('ProductOptions', $pOptions); $template->assign('HideVariationOptions', ''); } else { $template->assign('HideVariationOptions', 'display: none'); } $productFields = ''; if(!empty($fieldsArray[$product['prodordprodid']])) { $fields = $fieldsArray[$product['prodordprodid']]; foreach($fields as $field) { if(empty($field['textcontents']) && empty($field['filename'])) { continue; } $fieldValue = '-'; $template->assign('FieldName', isc_html_escape($field['fieldname'])); if($field['fieldtype'] == 'file') { $fieldValue = '<a href="'.GetConfig('ShopPath').'/'.GetConfig('ImageDirectory').'/configured_products/'.urlencode($field['originalfilename']).'">'.isc_html_escape($field['originalfilename']).'</a>'; } else { $fieldValue = isc_html_escape($field['textcontents']); } $template->assign('FieldValue', $fieldValue); $productFields .= $template->getSnippet('PrintableInvoiceItemConfigurableField'); } } $template->assign('ProductConfigurableFields', $productFields); if(!$productFields) { $template->assign('HideConfigurableFields', 'display: none'); } else { $template->assign('HideConfigurableFields', ''); } if($product['prodeventdatename']) { $template->assign('FieldName', isc_html_escape($product['prodeventdatename'])); $template->assign('FieldValue', isc_date('dS M Y', $product['prodeventdate'])); $template->assign('ProductEventDate', $template->getSnippet('PrintableInvoiceItemConfigurableField')); $template->assign('HideEventDate', ''); } else { $template->assign('ProductEventDate', ''); $template->assign('HideEventDate', 'display: none'); } $productsTable .= $template->GetSnippet('PrintablePackingSlipItem'); } $template->assign('ProductsTable', $productsTable); $template->setTemplate('packing_slip_print'); return $template->parseTemplate(true); }
write("\n\t\t<tr class=\"cell2 smallFonts\">\n\t\t\t<td colspan=\"2\">\n\t\t\t\t" . __("Sort by") . "\n\t\t\t</td>\n\t\t\t<td colspan=\"6\">\n\t\t\t\t<ul class=\"pipemenu\">\n\t\t\t\t\t<li>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t{1}\n\t\t\t\t\t</li>\n\t\t\t\t\t<li>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t{2}\n\t\t\t\t\t</li>\n\t\t\t\t\t<li>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t{3}\n\t\t\t\t\t</li>\n\t\t\t\t\t<li>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t{4}\n\t\t\t\t\t</li>\n\t\t\t\t\t<li>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t{5}\n\t\t\t\t\t</li>\n\t\t\t\t</ul>\n\t\t\t</td>\n\t\t</tr>\n\t\t<tr class=\"cell2 smallFonts\">\n\t\t\t<td colspan=\"2\">\n\t\t\t\t" . __("Order") . "\n\t\t\t</td>\n\t\t\t<td colspan=\"6\">\n\t\t\t\t<ul class=\"pipemenu\">\n\t\t\t\t\t<li>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t{6}\n\t\t\t\t\t</li>\n\t\t\t\t\t<li>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t{7}\n\t\t\t\t\t</li>\n\t\t\t\t</ul>\n\t\t\t</td>\n\t\t</tr>\n\t\t<tr class=\"cell2 smallFonts\">\n\t\t\t<td colspan=\"2\">\n\t\t\t\t" . __("Sex") . "\n\t\t\t</td>\n\t\t\t<td colspan=\"6\">\n\t\t\t\t<ul class=\"pipemenu\">\n\t\t\t\t\t<li>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t{8}\n\t\t\t\t\t</li>\n\t\t\t\t\t<li>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t{9}\n\t\t\t\t\t</li>\n\t\t\t\t\t<li>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t{10}\n\t\t\t\t\t</li>\n\t\t\t\t\t<li>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t{11}\n\t\t\t\t\t</li>\n\t\t\t\t</ul>\n\t\t\t</td>\n\t\t</tr>\n\t\t<tr class=\"cell2 smallFonts\">\n\t\t\t<td colspan=\"2\">\n\t\t\t\t" . __("Power") . "\n\t\t\t</td>\n\t\t\t<td colspan=\"6\">\n\t\t\t\t<ul class=\"pipemenu\">\n\t\t\t\t\t<li>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t{12}\n\t\t\t\t\t</li>\n\t\t\t\t\t<li>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t{13}\n\t\t\t\t\t</li>\n\t\t\t\t\t<li>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t{14}\n\t\t\t\t\t</li>\n\t\t\t\t\t<li>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t{15}\n\t\t\t\t\t</li>\n\t\t\t\t\t<li>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t{16}\n\t\t\t\t\t</li>\n\t\t\t\t\t<li>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t{17}\n\t\t\t\t\t</li>\n\t\t\t\t\t<li>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t{18}\n\t\t\t\t\t</li>\n\t\t\t\t</ul>\n\t\t\t</td>\n\t\t</tr>\n\t\t<tr class=\"cell2 smallFonts\">\n\t\t\t<td colspan=\"2\">\n\t\t\t\t" . __("Name") . "\n\t\t\t</td>\n\t\t\t<td colspan=\"6\">\n\t\t\t\t<ul class=\"pipemenu\">\n\t\t\t\t\t{19}\n\t\t\t\t</ul>\n\t\t\t</td>\n\t\t</tr>\n", null, mlink("", $sex, $pow, $tpp, $letter, $dir) . __("Posts") . "</a>", mlink("id", $sex, $pow, $tpp, $letter) . __("ID") . "</a>", mlink("name", $sex, $pow, $tpp, $letter, $dir) . __("Username") . "</a>", mlink("karma", $sex, $pow, $tpp, $letter, $dir) . __("Karma") . "</a>", mlink("reg", $sex, $pow, $tpp, $letter, $dir) . __("Registration date") . "</a>", mlink($sort, $sex, $pow, $tpp, $letter, "asc") . __("Ascending") . "</a>", mlink($sort, $sex, $pow, $tpp, $letter, "desc") . __("Descending") . "</a>", mlink($sort, "m", $pow, $tpp, $letter, $dir) . __("Male") . "</a>", mlink($sort, "f", $pow, $tpp, $letter, $dir) . __("Female") . "</a>", mlink($sort, "n", $pow, $tpp, $letter, $dir) . __("N/A") . "</a>", mlink($sort, "", $pow, $tpp, $letter, $dir) . __("All") . "</a>", mlink($sort, $sex, "-1", $tpp, $letter, $dir) . __("Banned") . "</a>", mlink($sort, $sex, "0", $tpp, $letter, $dir) . __("Normal") . "</a>", mlink($sort, $sex, "1", $tpp, $letter, $dir) . __("Local moderator") . "</a>", mlink($sort, $sex, "2", $tpp, $letter, $dir) . __("Full moderator") . "</a>", mlink($sort, $sex, "3", $tpp, $letter, $dir) . __("Administrator") . "</a>", mlink($sort, $sex, "4", $tpp, $letter, $dir) . __("Root") . "</a>", mlink($sort, $sex, "", $tpp, $letter, $dir) . __("All") . "</a>", $alphabet); } if ($pagelinks) { write("\n\t\t<tr class=\"cell2 smallFonts\">\n\t\t\t<td colspan=\"2\">\n\t\t\t\t" . __("Page") . "\n\t\t\t</td>\n\t\t\t<td colspan=\"6\">\n\t\t\t\t{0}\n\t\t\t</td>\n\t\t</tr>\n", $pagelinks); } $memberList = ""; if ($numUsers) { while ($user = Fetch($rUsers)) { $bucket = "userMangler"; include "./lib/pluginloader.php"; $daysKnown = (time() - $user['regdate']) / 86400; $user['average'] = sprintf("%1.02f", $user['posts'] / $daysKnown); $userPic = ""; if ($user['picture'] && $hacks['themenames'] != 3) { $userPic = "<img src=\"" . str_replace("img/avatars/", "img/avatars/", $user['picture']) . "\" alt=\"\" style=\"width: 60px;\" />"; } $cellClass = ($cellClass + 1) % 2; $memberList .= format("\n\t\t<tr class=\"cell{0}\">\n\t\t\t<td>{1}</td>\n\t\t\t<td>{2}</td>\n\t\t\t<td>{3}</td>\n\t\t\t<td>{4}</td>\n\t\t\t<td>{5}</td>\n\t\t\t<td>{6}</td>\n\t\t\t<td>{7}</td>\n\t\t\t<td>{8}</td>\n\t\t</tr>\n", $cellClass, $user['id'], $userPic, UserLink($user), $user['posts'], $user['average'], $user['karma'], $user['birthday'] ? cdate("M jS", $user['birthday']) : " ", cdate("M jS Y", $user['regdate'])); } } else { $memberList = format("\n\t\t<tr class=\"cell0\">\n\t\t\t<td colspan=\"8\">\n\t\t\t\t" . __("Nothing here.") . "\n\t\t\t</td>\n\t\t</tr>\n"); } write("\n\t\t<tr class=\"header1\">\n\t\t\t<th style=\"width: 30px; \">#</th>\n\t\t\t<th style=\"width: 62px; \">" . __("Picture") . "</th>\n\t\t\t<th>" . __("Name") . "</th>\n\t\t\t<th style=\"width: 50px; \">" . __("Posts") . "</th>\n\t\t\t<th style=\"width: 50px; \">" . __("Average") . "</th>\n\t\t\t<th style=\"width: 50px; \">" . __("Karma") . "</th>\n\t\t\t<th style=\"width: 80px; \">" . __("Birthday") . "</th>\n\t\t\t<th style=\"width: 130px; \">" . __("Registered on") . "</th>\n\t\t</tr>\n\t\t{0}\n", $memberList); if ($pagelinks) { write("\n\t\t<tr class=\"cell2 smallFonts\">\n\t\t\t<td colspan=\"2\">\n\t\t\t\t" . __("Page") . "\n\t\t\t</td>\n\t\t\t<td colspan=\"6\">\n\t\t\t\t{0}\n\t\t\t</td>\n\t\t</tr>\n", $pagelinks); } write("\n\t</table>\n"); function mlink($sort, $sex, $pow, $tpp, $letter = "", $dir = "", $from = 1) { return "<a href=\"memberlist.php?" . ($sort ? "sort={$sort}" : "") . ($sex ? "&sex={$sex}" : "") . (isset($pow) ? "&pow={$pow}" : "") . ($letter != "" ? "&letter={$letter}" : "") . ($dir ? "&dir={$dir}" : "") . ($from != 1 ? "&from={$from}" : "") . "\" rel=\"nofollow\">"; }
CheckPermission('admin.ipsearch'); $ip = $_GET["id"]; if (!filter_var($ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP)) { Kill("Invalid IP"); } $links = array(); $links[] = "<a href=\"{$ip}\" target=\"_blank\">Whois Query</a>"; $links[] = "<a onclick=\"if(confirm('Are you sure you want to IP-ban {$ip}?')) {document.getElementById('banform').submit();} return false;\" href=\"#\">IP Ban</a>"; MakeCrumbs(array(actionLink("admin") => __("Admin"), actionLink("ipbans") => __("IP ban manager"), '' => $ip), $links); $rUsers = Query("select * from {users} where lastip={0}", $ip); echo "<h3>Users with this IP</h3>"; $userList = ""; $ipBanComment = ""; $i = 1; if (NumRows($rUsers)) { while ($user = Fetch($rUsers)) { $ipBanComment .= $user["name"] . " "; $cellClass = ($cellClass + 1) % 2; if ($user['lasturl']) { $lastUrl = "<a href=\"" . $user['lasturl'] . "\">" . $user['lasturl'] . "</a>"; } else { $lastUrl = __("None"); } $userList .= format("\n\t\t<tr class=\"cell{0}\">\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t\t{1}\n\t\t\t</td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t\t{2}\n\t\t\t</td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t\t{3}\n\t\t\t</td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t\t{4}\n\t\t\t</td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t\t{5}\n\t\t\t</td>\n\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t\t{6}\n\t\t\t</td>\n\t\t</tr>\n\t", $cellClass, $i, UserLink($user), cdate("d-m-y G:i:s", $user['lastactivity']), $user['lastposttime'] ? cdate("d-m-y G:i:s", $user['lastposttime']) : __("Never"), $lastUrl, formatIP($user['lastip'])); $i++; } } else { $userList = "<tr class=\"cell0\"><td colspan=\"6\">" . __("No users") . "</td></tr>"; } echo "<form id=\"banform\" action=\"" . htmlentities(actionLink('ipbans')) . "\" method=\"post\">\n\t<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"ip\" value=\"{$ip}\">\n\t<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"reason\" value=\"" . htmlentities($ipBanComment) . "\">\n\t<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"days\" value=\"0\">\n\t<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"actionadd\" value=\"yes, do it!\">\n</form>"; echo "\n\t<table class=\"outline margin\">\n\t\t<tr class=\"header1\">\n\t\t\t<th style=\"width: 30px;\">\n\t\t\t\t#\n\t\t\t</th>\n\t\t\t<th>\n\t\t\t\t" . __("Name") . "\n\t\t\t</th>\n\t\t\t<th style=\"width: 140px;\">\n\t\t\t\t" . __("Last view") . "\n\t\t\t</th>\n\t\t\t<th style=\"width: 140px;\">\n\t\t\t\t" . __("Last post") . "\n\t\t\t</th>\n\t\t\t<th>\n\t\t\t\t" . __("URL") . "\n\t\t\t</th>\n\t\t\t<th style=\"width: 140px;\">\n\t\t\t\t" . __("IP") . "\n\t\t\t</th>\n\t\t</tr>\n\t\t{$userList}\n\t</table>";
function formatdatenow() { return cdate(getdateformat()); }
/** * 게시판 글쓰기 또는 수정 페이지를 가져오는 메소드입니다 */ public function write($pid = 0) { // 이벤트 라이브러리를 로딩합니다 $eventname = 'event_admin_page_faq_write'; $this->load->event($eventname); $view = array(); $view['view'] = array(); // 이벤트가 존재하면 실행합니다 $view['view']['event']['before'] = Events::trigger('before', $eventname); /** * 프라이머리키에 숫자형이 입력되지 않으면 에러처리합니다 */ if ($pid) { $pid = (int) $pid; if (empty($pid) or $pid < 1) { show_404(); } } $fgr_id = (int) $this->input->get('fgr_id'); if (empty($fgr_id) or $fgr_id < 1) { show_404(); } $primary_key = $this->{$this->modelname}->primary_key; /** * 수정 페이지일 경우 기존 데이터를 가져옵니다 */ if ($pid) { $getdata = $this->{$this->modelname}->get_one($pid); } /** * Validation 라이브러리를 가져옵니다 */ $this->load->library('form_validation'); /** * 전송된 데이터의 유효성을 체크합니다 */ $config = array(array('field' => 'fgr_id', 'label' => 'FAQ그룹', 'rules' => 'trim|required|numeric'), array('field' => 'faq_order', 'label' => '정렬순서', 'rules' => 'trim|required|numeric'), array('field' => 'faq_title', 'label' => '질문', 'rules' => 'trim|required'), array('field' => 'faq_content', 'label' => '답변', 'rules' => 'trim|required'), array('field' => 'faq_mobile_content', 'label' => '모바일답변', 'rules' => 'trim')); $this->form_validation->set_rules($config); /** * 유효성 검사를 하지 않는 경우, 또는 유효성 검사에 실패한 경우입니다. * 즉 글쓰기나 수정 페이지를 보고 있는 경우입니다 */ if ($this->form_validation->run() === false) { // 이벤트가 존재하면 실행합니다 $view['view']['event']['formrunfalse'] = Events::trigger('formrunfalse', $eventname); if ($pid) { $view['view']['data'] = $getdata; } $view['view']['data']['faqgroup'] = $this->Faq_group_model->get_one($fgr_id); /** * primary key 정보를 저장합니다 */ $view['view']['primary_key'] = $primary_key; // 이벤트가 존재하면 실행합니다 $view['view']['event']['before_layout'] = Events::trigger('before_layout', $eventname); /** * 어드민 레이아웃을 정의합니다 */ $layoutconfig = array('layout' => 'layout', 'skin' => 'write'); $view['layout'] = $this->managelayout->admin($layoutconfig, $this->cbconfig->get_device_view_type()); $this->data = $view; $this->layout = element('layout_skin_file', element('layout', $view)); $this->view = element('view_skin_file', element('layout', $view)); } else { /** * 유효성 검사를 통과한 경우입니다. * 즉 데이터의 insert 나 update 의 process 처리가 필요한 상황입니다 */ // 이벤트가 존재하면 실행합니다 $view['view']['event']['formruntrue'] = Events::trigger('formruntrue', $eventname); $content_type = $this->cbconfig->item('use_faq_dhtml') ? 1 : 0; $faq_order = $this->input->post('faq_order') ? $this->input->post('faq_order') : 0; $updatedata = array('fgr_id' => $this->input->post('fgr_id', null, 0), 'faq_title' => $this->input->post('faq_title', null, ''), 'faq_content' => $this->input->post('faq_content', null, ''), 'faq_mobile_content' => $this->input->post('faq_mobile_content', null, ''), 'faq_content_html_type' => $content_type, 'faq_order' => $faq_order); /** * 게시물을 수정하는 경우입니다 */ if ($this->input->post($primary_key)) { $this->{$this->modelname}->update($this->input->post($primary_key), $updatedata); $this->session->set_flashdata('message', '정상적으로 수정되었습니다'); } else { /** * 게시물을 새로 입력하는 경우입니다 */ $updatedata['faq_datetime'] = cdate('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $updatedata['faq_ip'] = $this->input->ip_address(); $updatedata['mem_id'] = $this->member->item('mem_id'); $this->{$this->modelname}->insert($updatedata); $this->session->set_flashdata('message', '정상적으로 입력되었습니다'); } // 이벤트가 존재하면 실행합니다 Events::trigger('after', $eventname); /** * 게시물의 신규입력 또는 수정작업이 끝난 후 목록 페이지로 이동합니다 */ $param =& $this->querystring; $redirecturl = admin_url($this->pagedir . '?' . $param->output()); redirect($redirecturl); } }
?> "; var cb_cookie_domain = "<?php echo config_item('cookie_domain'); ?> "; var cb_charset = "<?php echo config_item('charset'); ?> "; var cb_time_ymd = "<?php echo cdate('Y-m-d'); ?> "; var cb_time_ymdhis = "<?php echo cdate('Y-m-d H:i:s'); ?> "; var layout_skin_path = "<?php echo element('layout_skin_path', $layout); ?> "; var view_skin_path = "<?php echo element('view_skin_path', $layout); ?> "; var is_member = "<?php echo $this->member->is_member() ? '1' : ''; ?> "; var is_admin = "<?php
/** * 게시판 목록페이지입니다. */ public function _get_list($brd_key, $from_view = '') { // 이벤트 라이브러리를 로딩합니다 $eventname = 'event_board_post_get_list'; $this->load->event($eventname); $view = array(); $view['view'] = array(); // 이벤트가 존재하면 실행합니다 $view['view']['event']['before'] = Events::trigger('before', $eventname); $return = array(); $board = $this->_get_board($brd_key); $mem_id = (int) $this->member->item('mem_id'); $alertmessage = $this->member->is_member() ? '회원님은 이 게시판 목록을 볼 수 있는 권한이 없습니다' : '비회원은 이 게시판에 접근할 권한이 없습니다.\\n\\n회원이시라면 로그인 후 이용해 보십시오'; $check = array('group_id' => element('bgr_id', $board), 'board_id' => element('brd_id', $board)); $this->accesslevel->check(element('access_list', $board), element('access_list_level', $board), element('access_list_group', $board), $alertmessage, $check); if (element('use_personal', $board) && $this->member->is_member() === false) { alert('이 게시판은 1:1 게시판입니다. 비회원은 접근할 수 없습니다'); return false; } $skindir = $this->cbconfig->get_device_view_type() === 'mobile' ? element('board_mobile_skin', $board) ? element('board_mobile_skin', $board) : element('board_skin', $board) : element('board_skin', $board); $skinurl = base_url(VIEW_DIR . 'board/' . $skindir); $view['view']['is_admin'] = $is_admin = $this->member->is_admin(array('board_id' => element('brd_id', $board), 'group_id' => element('bgr_id', $board))); /** * 페이지에 숫자가 아닌 문자가 입력되거나 1보다 작은 숫자가 입력되면 에러 페이지를 보여줍니다. */ $param =& $this->querystring; $page = (int) $this->input->get('page') > 0 ? (int) $this->input->get('page') : 1; $order_by_field = element('order_by_field', $board) ? element('order_by_field', $board) : 'post_num, post_reply'; $findex = $this->input->get('findex', null, $order_by_field); $sfield = $sfieldchk = $this->input->get('sfield', null, ''); if ($sfield === 'post_both') { $sfield = array('post_title', 'post_content'); } $skeyword = $this->input->get('skeyword', null, ''); if ($this->cbconfig->get_device_view_type() === 'mobile') { $per_page = element('mobile_list_count', $board) ? (int) element('mobile_list_count', $board) : 10; } else { $per_page = element('list_count', $board) ? (int) element('list_count', $board) : 20; } $offset = ($page - 1) * $per_page; $this->Post_model->allow_search_field = array('post_id', 'post_title', 'post_content', 'post_both', 'post_category', 'post_userid', 'post_nickname'); // 검색이 가능한 필드 $this->Post_model->search_field_equal = array('post_id', 'post_userid', 'post_nickname'); // 검색중 like 가 아닌 = 검색을 하는 필드 // 이벤트가 존재하면 실행합니다 $view['view']['event']['step1'] = Events::trigger('step1', $eventname); /** * 상단에 공지사항 부분에 필요한 정보를 가져옵니다. */ $except_all_notice = false; if (element('except_all_notice', $board) && $this->cbconfig->get_device_view_type() !== 'mobile') { $except_all_notice = true; } if (element('mobile_except_all_notice', $board) && $this->cbconfig->get_device_view_type() === 'mobile') { $except_all_notice = true; } $use_sideview = $this->cbconfig->get_device_view_type() === 'mobile' ? element('use_mobile_sideview', $board) : element('use_sideview', $board); $list_date_style = $this->cbconfig->get_device_view_type() === 'mobile' ? element('mobile_list_date_style', $board) : element('list_date_style', $board); $list_date_style_manual = $this->cbconfig->get_device_view_type() === 'mobile' ? element('mobile_list_date_style_manual', $board) : element('list_date_style_manual', $board); if (element('use_gallery_list', $board)) { $this->load->model('Post_file_model'); $board['gallery_cols'] = $gallery_cols = $this->cbconfig->get_device_view_type() === 'mobile' ? element('mobile_gallery_cols', $board) : element('gallery_cols', $board); $board['gallery_image_width'] = $gallery_image_width = $this->cbconfig->get_device_view_type() === 'mobile' ? element('mobile_gallery_image_width', $board) : element('gallery_image_width', $board); $board['gallery_image_height'] = $gallery_image_height = $this->cbconfig->get_device_view_type() === 'mobile' ? element('mobile_gallery_image_height', $board) : element('gallery_image_height', $board); $board['gallery_percent'] = floor(102 / $board['gallery_cols']) - 2; } if (element('use_category', $board)) { $this->load->model('Board_category_model'); $board['category'] = $this->Board_category_model->get_all_category(element('brd_id', $board)); } $noticeresult = $this->Post_model->get_notice_list(element('brd_id', $board), $except_all_notice, $sfield, $skeyword); if ($noticeresult) { foreach ($noticeresult as $key => $val) { $notice_brd_key = $this->board->item_id('brd_key', element('brd_id', $val)); $noticeresult[$key]['post_url'] = post_url($notice_brd_key, element('post_id', $val)); $noticeresult[$key]['meta'] = $meta = $this->Post_meta_model->get_all_meta(element('post_id', $val)); if ($this->cbconfig->get_device_view_type() === 'mobile') { $noticeresult[$key]['title'] = element('mobile_subject_length', $board) ? cut_str(element('post_title', $val), element('mobile_subject_length', $board)) : element('post_title', $val); } else { $noticeresult[$key]['title'] = element('subject_length', $board) ? cut_str(element('post_title', $val), element('subject_length', $board)) : element('post_title', $val); } if (element('post_del', $val)) { $noticeresult[$key]['title'] = '게시물이 삭제 되었습니다'; } $noticeresult[$key]['display_name'] = display_username(element('post_userid', $val), element('post_nickname', $val), element('mem_icon', $val), $use_sideview ? 'Y' : 'N'); $noticeresult[$key]['display_datetime'] = display_datetime(element('post_datetime', $val), $list_date_style, $list_date_style_manual); $noticeresult[$key]['category'] = ''; if (element('use_category', $board) && element('post_category', $val)) { $noticeresult[$key]['category'] = $this->Board_category_model->get_category_info(element('brd_id', $val), element('post_category', $val)); } if ($param->output()) { $noticeresult[$key]['post_url'] .= '?' . $param->output(); } $noticeresult[$key]['is_mobile'] = element('post_device', $val) === 'mobile' ? true : false; } } /** * 게시판 목록에 필요한 정보를 가져옵니다. */ $where = array('brd_id' => $this->board->item_key('brd_id', $brd_key)); $where['post_del <>'] = 2; if (element('except_notice', $board) && $this->cbconfig->get_device_view_type() !== 'mobile') { $where['post_notice'] = 0; } if (element('mobile_except_notice', $board) && $this->cbconfig->get_device_view_type() === 'mobile') { $where['post_notice'] = 0; } if (element('use_personal', $board) && $is_admin === false) { $where['post.mem_id'] = $mem_id; } $category_id = (int) $this->input->get('category_id'); if (empty($category_id) or $category < 1) { $category_id = ''; } $result = $this->Post_model->get_post_list($per_page, $offset, $where, $category_id, $findex, $sfield, $skeyword); $list_num = $result['total_rows'] - ($page - 1) * $per_page; if (element('list', $result)) { foreach (element('list', $result) as $key => $val) { $result['list'][$key]['post_url'] = post_url(element('brd_key', $board), element('post_id', $val)); $result['list'][$key]['meta'] = $meta = $this->Post_meta_model->get_all_meta(element('post_id', $val)); if ($this->cbconfig->get_device_view_type() === 'mobile') { $result['list'][$key]['title'] = element('mobile_subject_length', $board) ? cut_str(element('post_title', $val), element('mobile_subject_length', $board)) : element('post_title', $val); } else { $result['list'][$key]['title'] = element('subject_length', $board) ? cut_str(element('post_title', $val), element('subject_length', $board)) : element('post_title', $val); } if (element('post_del', $val)) { $result['list'][$key]['title'] = '게시물이 삭제 되었습니다'; } $is_blind = element('blame_blind_count', $board) > 0 && element('post_blame', $val) >= element('blame_blind_count', $board) ? true : false; if ($is_blind) { $result['list'][$key]['title'] = '신고가 접수된 게시글입니다.'; } $result['list'][$key]['display_name'] = display_username(element('post_userid', $val), element('post_nickname', $val), element('mem_icon', $val), $use_sideview ? 'Y' : 'N'); $result['list'][$key]['display_datetime'] = display_datetime(element('post_datetime', $val), $list_date_style, $list_date_style_manual); $result['list'][$key]['category'] = ''; if (element('use_category', $board) && element('post_category', $val)) { $result['list'][$key]['category'] = $this->Board_category_model->get_category_info(element('brd_id', $val), element('post_category', $val)); } if ($param->output()) { $result['list'][$key]['post_url'] .= '?' . $param->output(); } $result['list'][$key]['num'] = $list_num--; $result['list'][$key]['is_hot'] = false; $hot_icon_day = $this->cbconfig->get_device_view_type() === 'mobile' ? element('mobile_hot_icon_day', $board) : element('hot_icon_day', $board); $hot_icon_hit = $this->cbconfig->get_device_view_type() === 'mobile' ? element('mobile_hot_icon_hit', $board) : element('hot_icon_hit', $board); if ($hot_icon_day && ctimestamp() - strtotime(element('post_datetime', $val)) <= $hot_icon_day * 86400) { if ($hot_icon_hit && $hot_icon_hit <= element('post_hit', $val)) { $result['list'][$key]['is_hot'] = true; } } $result['list'][$key]['is_new'] = false; $new_icon_hour = $this->cbconfig->get_device_view_type() === 'mobile' ? element('mobile_new_icon_hour', $board) : element('new_icon_hour', $board); if ($new_icon_hour && ctimestamp() - strtotime(element('post_datetime', $val)) <= $new_icon_hour * 3600) { $result['list'][$key]['is_new'] = true; } $result['list'][$key]['is_mobile'] = element('post_device', $val) === 'mobile' ? true : false; $result['list'][$key]['thumb_url'] = ''; $result['list'][$key]['origin_image_url'] = ''; if (element('use_gallery_list', $board)) { if (element('post_image', $val)) { $filewhere = array('post_id' => element('post_id', $val), 'pfi_is_image' => 1); $file = $this->Post_file_model->get_one('', '', $filewhere, '', '', 'pfi_id', 'ASC'); $result['list'][$key]['thumb_url'] = thumb_url('post', element('pfi_filename', $file), $gallery_image_width, $gallery_image_height); $result['list'][$key]['origin_image_url'] = thumb_url('post', element('pfi_filename', $file)); } else { $thumb_url = get_post_image_url(element('post_content', $val), $gallery_image_width, $gallery_image_height); $result['list'][$key]['thumb_url'] = $thumb_url ? $thumb_url : thumb_url('', '', $gallery_image_width, $gallery_image_height); $result['list'][$key]['origin_image_url'] = $thumb_url; } } } } $return['data'] = $result; $return['notice_list'] = $noticeresult; if (empty($from_view)) { $board['headercontent'] = $this->cbconfig->get_device_view_type() === 'mobile' ? element('mobile_header_content', $board) : element('header_content', $board); } $board['footercontent'] = $this->cbconfig->get_device_view_type() === 'mobile' ? element('mobile_footer_content', $board) : element('footer_content', $board); $board['cat_display_style'] = $this->cbconfig->get_device_view_type() === 'mobile' ? element('mobile_category_display_style', $board) : element('category_display_style', $board); $return['board'] = $board; $return['point_info'] = ''; if ($this->cbconfig->item('use_point') && element('use_point', $board) && element('use_point_info', $board)) { $point_info = ''; if (element('point_write', $board)) { $point_info .= '원글작성 : ' . element('point_write', $board) . '<br />'; } if (element('point_comment', $board)) { $point_info .= '댓글작성 : ' . element('point_comment', $board) . '<br />'; } if (element('point_fileupload', $board)) { $point_info .= '파일업로드 : ' . element('point_fileupload', $board) . '<br />'; } if (element('point_filedownload', $board)) { $point_info .= '파일다운로드 : ' . element('point_filedownload', $board) . '<br />'; } if (element('point_filedownload_uploader', $board)) { $point_info .= '파일다운로드시업로더에게 : ' . element('point_filedownload_uploader', $board) . '<br />'; } if (element('point_read', $board)) { $point_info .= '게시글조회 : ' . element('point_read', $board) . '<br />'; } if (element('point_post_like', $board)) { $point_info .= '원글추천함 : ' . element('point_post_like', $board) . '<br />'; } if (element('point_post_dislike', $board)) { $point_info .= '원글비추천함 : ' . element('point_post_dislike', $board) . '<br />'; } if (element('point_post_liked', $board)) { $point_info .= '원글추천받음 : ' . element('point_post_liked', $board) . '<br />'; } if (element('point_post_disliked', $board)) { $point_info .= '원글비추천받음 : ' . element('point_post_disliked', $board) . '<br />'; } if (element('point_comment_like', $board)) { $point_info .= '댓글추천함 : ' . element('point_comment_like', $board) . '<br />'; } if (element('point_comment_dislike', $board)) { $point_info .= '댓글비추천함 : ' . element('point_comment_dislike', $board) . '<br />'; } if (element('point_comment_liked', $board)) { $point_info .= '댓글추천받음 : ' . element('point_comment_liked', $board) . '<br />'; } if (element('point_comment_disliked', $board)) { $point_info .= '댓글비추천받음 : ' . element('point_comment_disliked', $board) . '<br />'; } $return['point_info'] = $point_info; } // 이벤트가 존재하면 실행합니다 $view['view']['event']['step2'] = Events::trigger('step2', $eventname); /** * primary key 정보를 저장합니다 */ $return['primary_key'] = $this->Post_model->primary_key; $highlight_keyword = ''; if ($skeyword) { if (!$this->session->userdata('skeyword_' . $skeyword)) { $sfieldarray = array('post_title', 'post_content', 'post_both'); if (in_array($sfieldchk, $sfieldarray)) { $this->load->model('Search_keyword_model'); $searchinsert = array('sek_keyword' => $skeyword, 'sek_datetime' => cdate('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'sek_ip' => $this->input->ip_address(), 'mem_id' => $mem_id); $this->Search_keyword_model->insert($searchinsert); $this->session->set_userdata('skeyword_' . $skeyword, 1); } } $key_explode = explode(' ', $skeyword); if ($key_explode) { foreach ($key_explode as $seval) { if ($highlight_keyword) { $highlight_keyword .= ','; } $highlight_keyword .= '\'' . html_escape($seval) . '\''; } } } $return['highlight_keyword'] = $highlight_keyword; /** * 페이지네이션을 생성합니다 */ $config['base_url'] = board_url($brd_key) . '?' . $param->replace('page'); $config['total_rows'] = $result['total_rows']; $config['per_page'] = $per_page; if ($this->cbconfig->get_device_view_type() === 'mobile') { $config['num_links'] = element('mobile_page_count', $board) ? element('mobile_page_count', $board) : 3; } else { $config['num_links'] = element('page_count', $board) ? element('page_count', $board) : 5; } $this->pagination->initialize($config); $return['paging'] = $this->pagination->create_links(); $return['page'] = $page; /** * 쓰기 주소, 삭제 주소등 필요한 주소를 구합니다 */ $search_option = array('post_title' => '제목', 'post_content' => '내용'); $return['search_option'] = search_option($search_option, $sfield); if ($skeyword) { $return['list_url'] = board_url(element('brd_key', $board)); $return['search_list_url'] = board_url(element('brd_key', $board) . '?' . $param->output()); } else { $return['list_url'] = board_url(element('brd_key', $board) . '?' . $param->output()); $return['search_list_url'] = ''; } $check = array('group_id' => element('bgr_id', $board), 'board_id' => element('brd_id', $board)); $can_write = $this->accesslevel->is_accessable(element('access_write', $board), element('access_write_level', $board), element('access_write_group', $board), $check); $return['write_url'] = ''; if ($can_write === true) { $return['write_url'] = write_url($brd_key); } elseif ($this->cbconfig->get_device_view_type() !== 'mobile' && element('always_show_write_button', $board)) { $return['write_url'] = 'javascript:alert(\'비회원은 글쓰기 권한이 없습니다.\\n\\n회원이시라면 로그인 후 이용해 보십시오.\');'; } elseif ($this->cbconfig->get_device_view_type() === 'mobile' && element('mobile_always_show_write_button', $board)) { $return['write_url'] = 'javascript:alert(\'비회원은 글쓰기 권한이 없습니다.\\n\\n회원이시라면 로그인 후 이용해 보십시오.\');'; } $return['list_delete_url'] = site_url('postact/listdelete/' . $brd_key . '?' . $param->output()); return $return; }
/** * 오래된로그 삭제>자동로그인로그삭제 페이지입니다 */ public function autologin() { // 이벤트 라이브러리를 로딩합니다 $eventname = 'event_admin_config_cleanlog_autologin'; $this->load->event($eventname); $view = array(); $view['view'] = array(); // 이벤트가 존재하면 실행합니다 $view['view']['event']['before'] = Events::trigger('before', $eventname); /** * Validation 라이브러리를 가져옵니다 */ $this->load->library('form_validation'); /** * 전송된 데이터의 유효성을 체크합니다 */ $config = array(array('field' => 'day', 'label' => '기간', 'rules' => 'trim|required|numeric|is_natural')); $this->form_validation->set_rules($config); /** * 유효성 검사를 하지 않는 경우, 또는 유효성 검사에 실패한 경우입니다. * 즉 글쓰기나 수정 페이지를 보고 있는 경우입니다 */ if ($this->form_validation->run() === false) { // 이벤트가 존재하면 실행합니다 $view['view']['event']['formrunfalse'] = Events::trigger('formrunfalse', $eventname); } else { /** * 유효성 검사를 통과한 경우입니다. * 즉 데이터의 insert 나 update 의 process 처리가 필요한 상황입니다 */ // 이벤트가 존재하면 실행합니다 $view['view']['event']['formruntrue'] = Events::trigger('formruntrue', $eventname); if ($this->input->post('criterion') && $this->input->post('day')) { $deletewhere = array('aul_datetime <=' => $this->input->post('criterion')); $this->Autologin_model->delete_where($deletewhere); $view['view']['alert_message'] = '총 ' . number_format($this->input->post('log_count')) . ' 건의 ' . $this->input->post('day') . '일 이상된 자동로그인로그가 모두 삭제되었습니다'; } else { $criterion = cdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', ctimestamp() - $this->input->post('day') * 24 * 60 * 60); $countwhere = array('aul_datetime <=' => $criterion); $log_count = $this->Autologin_model->count_by($countwhere); $view['view']['criterion'] = $criterion; $view['view']['day'] = $this->input->post('day'); $view['view']['log_count'] = $log_count; if ($log_count > 0) { $view['view']['msg'] = '총 ' . number_format($log_count) . ' 건의 ' . $this->input->post('day') . '일 이상된 자동로그인로그가 발견되었습니다. 이를 모두 삭제하시겠습니까?'; } else { $view['view']['alert_message'] = $this->input->post('day') . '일 이상된 자동로그인로그가 발견되지 않았습니다'; } } } // 이벤트가 존재하면 실행합니다 $view['view']['event']['before_layout'] = Events::trigger('before_layout', $eventname); /** * 어드민 레이아웃을 정의합니다 */ $layoutconfig = array('layout' => 'layout', 'skin' => 'autologin'); $view['layout'] = $this->managelayout->admin($layoutconfig, $this->cbconfig->get_device_view_type()); $this->data = $view; $this->layout = element('layout_skin_file', element('layout', $view)); $this->view = element('view_skin_file', element('layout', $view)); }
/** * 아이디/패스워드찾기 페이지입니다 */ public function index() { // 이벤트 라이브러리를 로딩합니다 $eventname = 'event_findaccount_index'; $this->load->event($eventname); if ($this->member->is_member() !== false && !($this->member->is_admin() === 'super' && $this->uri->segment(1) === config_item('uri_segment_admin'))) { redirect(); } $view = array(); $view['view'] = array(); // 이벤트가 존재하면 실행합니다 $view['view']['event']['before'] = Events::trigger('before', $eventname); $this->load->library(array('form_validation')); if (!function_exists('password_hash')) { $this->load->helper('password'); } /** * 전송된 데이터의 유효성을 체크합니다 */ $config = array(); if ($this->input->post('findtype') === 'findidpw') { $config[] = array('field' => 'idpw_email', 'label' => '이메일', 'rules' => 'trim|required|valid_email|callback__existemail'); } elseif ($this->input->post('findtype') === 'verifyemail') { $config[] = array('field' => 'verify_email', 'label' => '이메일', 'rules' => 'trim|required|valid_email|callback__verifyemail'); } elseif ($this->input->post('findtype') === 'changeemail') { $config[] = array('field' => 'change_userid', 'label' => '아이디', 'rules' => 'trim|required|alphanumunder|min_length[3]|max_length[20]'); $config[] = array('field' => 'change_password', 'label' => '패스워드', 'rules' => 'trim|required|callback__check_id_pw[' . $this->input->post('change_userid') . ']'); $config[] = array('field' => 'change_email', 'label' => '이메일', 'rules' => 'trim|required|valid_email|callback__change_email'); } $this->form_validation->set_rules($config); /** * 유효성 검사를 하지 않는 경우, 또는 유효성 검사에 실패한 경우입니다. * 즉 글쓰기나 수정 페이지를 보고 있는 경우입니다 */ if ($this->form_validation->run() === false) { // 이벤트가 존재하면 실행합니다 $view['view']['event']['formrunfalse'] = Events::trigger('formrunfalse', $eventname); } else { // 이벤트가 존재하면 실행합니다 $view['view']['event']['formruntrue'] = Events::trigger('formruntrue', $eventname); if ($this->input->post('findtype') === 'findidpw') { // 이벤트가 존재하면 실행합니다 $view['view']['event']['findidpw_before'] = Events::trigger('findidpw_before', $eventname); $mb = $this->Member_model->get_by_email($this->input->post('idpw_email')); $mem_id = (int) element('mem_id', $mb); $mae_type = 3; $vericode = array('$', '/', '.'); $verificationcode = str_replace($vericode, '', password_hash($mem_id . '-' . $this->input->post('idpw_email') . '-' . random_string('alnum', 10), PASSWORD_BCRYPT)); $beforeauthdata = array('mem_id' => $mem_id, 'mae_type' => $mae_type); $this->Member_auth_email_model->delete_where($beforeauthdata); $authdata = array('mem_id' => $mem_id, 'mae_key' => $verificationcode, 'mae_type' => $mae_type, 'mae_generate_datetime' => cdate('Y-m-d H:i:s')); $this->Member_auth_email_model->insert($authdata); $verify_url = site_url('verify/resetpassword?user='******'mem_userid', $mb) . '&code=' . $verificationcode); $searchconfig = array('{홈페이지명}', '{회사명}', '{홈페이지주소}', '{회원아이디}', '{회원닉네임}', '{회원실명}', '{회원이메일}', '{메일수신여부}', '{쪽지수신여부}', '{문자수신여부}', '{회원아이피}', '{패스워드변경주소}'); $receive_email = element('mem_receive_email', $mb) ? '동의' : '거부'; $receive_note = element('mem_use_note', $mb) ? '동의' : '거부'; $receive_sms = element('mem_receive_sms', $mb) ? '동의' : '거부'; $replaceconfig = array($this->cbconfig->item('site_title'), $this->cbconfig->item('company_name'), site_url(), element('mem_userid', $mb), element('mem_nickname', $mb), element('mem_username', $mb), element('mem_email', $mb), $receive_email, $receive_note, $receive_sms, $this->input->ip_address(), $verify_url); $replaceconfig_escape = array(html_escape($this->cbconfig->item('site_title')), html_escape($this->cbconfig->item('company_name')), site_url(), element('mem_userid', $mb), html_escape(element('mem_nickname', $mb)), html_escape(element('mem_username', $mb)), html_escape(element('mem_email', $mb)), $receive_email, $receive_note, $receive_sms, $this->input->ip_address(), $verify_url); $title = str_replace($searchconfig, $replaceconfig, $this->cbconfig->item('send_email_findaccount_user_title')); $content = str_replace($searchconfig, $replaceconfig_escape, $this->cbconfig->item('send_email_findaccount_user_content')); $this->email->clear(true); $this->email->from($this->cbconfig->item('webmaster_email'), $this->cbconfig->item('webmaster_name')); $this->email->to($this->input->post('idpw_email')); $this->email->subject($title); $this->email->message($content); $this->email->send(); $view['view']['message'] = $this->input->post('idpw_email') . '로 인증메일이 발송되었습니다. <br />발송된 인증메일을 확인하신 후에 회원님의 정보 확인이 가능합니다'; // 이벤트가 존재하면 실행합니다 $view['view']['event']['findidpw_after'] = Events::trigger('findidpw_after', $eventname); } elseif ($this->input->post('findtype') === 'verifyemail') { // 이벤트가 존재하면 실행합니다 $view['view']['event']['verifyemail_before'] = Events::trigger('verifyemail_before', $eventname); $mb = $this->Member_model->get_by_email($this->input->post('verify_email')); $mem_id = (int) element('mem_id', $mb); $mae_type = 2; $vericode = array('$', '/', '.'); $verificationcode = str_replace($vericode, '', password_hash($mem_id . '-' . $this->input->post('verify_email') . '-' . random_string('alnum', 10), PASSWORD_BCRYPT)); $beforeauthdata = array('mem_id' => $mem_id, 'mae_type' => $mae_type); $this->Member_auth_email_model->delete_where($beforeauthdata); $authdata = array('mem_id' => $mem_id, 'mae_key' => $verificationcode, 'mae_type' => $mae_type, 'mae_generate_datetime' => cdate('Y-m-d H:i:s')); $this->Member_auth_email_model->insert($authdata); $verify_url = site_url('verify/confirmemail?user='******'mem_userid', $mb) . '&code=' . $verificationcode); $searchconfig = array('{홈페이지명}', '{회사명}', '{홈페이지주소}', '{회원아이디}', '{회원닉네임}', '{회원실명}', '{회원이메일}', '{메일수신여부}', '{쪽지수신여부}', '{문자수신여부}', '{회원아이피}', '{메일인증주소}'); $receive_email = element('mem_receive_email', $mb) ? '동의' : '거부'; $receive_note = element('mem_use_note', $mb) ? '동의' : '거부'; $receive_sms = element('mem_receive_sms', $mb) ? '동의' : '거부'; $replaceconfig = array($this->cbconfig->item('site_title'), $this->cbconfig->item('company_name'), site_url(), element('mem_userid', $mb), element('mem_nickname', $mb), element('mem_username', $mb), element('mem_email', $mb), $receive_email, $receive_note, $receive_sms, $this->input->ip_address(), $verify_url); $replaceconfig_escape = array(html_escape($this->cbconfig->item('site_title')), html_escape($this->cbconfig->item('company_name')), site_url(), element('mem_userid', $mb), html_escape(element('mem_nickname', $mb)), html_escape(element('mem_username', $mb)), html_escape(element('mem_email', $mb)), $receive_email, $receive_note, $receive_sms, $this->input->ip_address(), $verify_url); $title = str_replace($searchconfig, $replaceconfig, $this->cbconfig->item('send_email_resendverify_user_title')); $content = str_replace($searchconfig, $replaceconfig_escape, $this->cbconfig->item('send_email_resendverify_user_content')); $this->email->clear(true); $this->email->from($this->cbconfig->item('webmaster_email'), $this->cbconfig->item('webmaster_name')); $this->email->to($this->input->post('verify_email')); $this->email->subject($title); $this->email->message($content); $this->email->send(); $view['view']['message'] = $this->input->post('verify_email') . '로 인증메일이 발송되었습니다. <br />발송된 인증메일을 확인하신 후에 사이트 이용이 가능합니다'; // 이벤트가 존재하면 실행합니다 $view['view']['event']['verifyemail_after'] = Events::trigger('verifyemail_after', $eventname); } elseif ($this->input->post('findtype') === 'changeemail') { // 이벤트가 존재하면 실행합니다 $view['view']['event']['changeemail_before'] = Events::trigger('changeemail_before', $eventname); $mb = $this->Member_model->get_by_userid($this->input->post('change_userid')); $mem_id = (int) element('mem_id', $mb); $mae_type = 2; $vericode = array('$', '/', '.'); $verificationcode = str_replace($vericode, '', password_hash($mem_id . '-' . $this->input->post('change_email') . '-' . random_string('alnum', 10), PASSWORD_BCRYPT)); $beforeauthdata = array('mem_id' => $mem_id, 'mae_type' => $mae_type); $this->Member_auth_email_model->delete_where($beforeauthdata); $authdata = array('mem_id' => $mem_id, 'mae_key' => $verificationcode, 'mae_type' => $mae_type, 'mae_generate_datetime' => cdate('Y-m-d H:i:s')); $this->Member_auth_email_model->insert($authdata); $searchconfig = array('{홈페이지명}', '{회사명}', '{홈페이지주소}', '{회원아이디}', '{회원닉네임}', '{회원실명}', '{회원이메일}', '{메일수신여부}', '{쪽지수신여부}', '{문자수신여부}', '{회원아이피}', '{패스워드변경주소}'); $receive_email = element('mem_receive_email', $mb) ? '동의' : '거부'; $receive_note = element('mem_use_note', $mb) ? '동의' : '거부'; $receive_sms = element('mem_receive_sms', $mb) ? '동의' : '거부'; $replaceconfig = array($this->cbconfig->item('site_title'), $this->cbconfig->item('company_name'), site_url(), element('mem_userid', $mb), element('mem_nickname', $mb), element('mem_username', $mb), element('mem_email', $mb), $receive_email, $receive_note, $receive_sms, $this->input->ip_address(), $verify_url); $replaceconfig_escape = array(html_escape($this->cbconfig->item('site_title')), html_escape($this->cbconfig->item('company_name')), site_url(), element('mem_userid', $mb), html_escape(element('mem_nickname', $mb)), html_escape(element('mem_username', $mb)), html_escape(element('mem_email', $mb)), $receive_email, $receive_note, $receive_sms, $this->input->ip_address(), $verify_url); $title = str_replace($searchconfig, $replaceconfig, $this->cbconfig->item('send_email_findaccount_user_title')); $content = str_replace($searchconfig, $replaceconfig_escape, $this->cbconfig->item('send_email_findaccount_user_content')); $this->email->clear(true); $this->email->from($this->cbconfig->item('webmaster_email'), $this->cbconfig->item('webmaster_name')); $this->email->to($this->input->post('change_email')); $this->email->subject($title); $this->email->message($content); $this->email->send(); $view['view']['message'] = $this->input->post('change_email') . '로 인증메일이 발송되었습니다. <br />발송된 인증메일을 확인하신 후에 사이트 이용이 가능합니다'; // 이벤트가 존재하면 실행합니다 $view['view']['event']['changeemail_after'] = Events::trigger('changeemail_after', $eventname); } } $view['view']['canonical'] = site_url('findaccount'); // 이벤트가 존재하면 실행합니다 $view['view']['event']['before_layout'] = Events::trigger('before_layout', $eventname); /** * 레이아웃을 정의합니다 */ $page_title = $this->cbconfig->item('site_meta_title_findaccount'); $meta_description = $this->cbconfig->item('site_meta_description_findaccount'); $meta_keywords = $this->cbconfig->item('site_meta_keywords_findaccount'); $meta_author = $this->cbconfig->item('site_meta_author_findaccount'); $page_name = $this->cbconfig->item('site_page_name_findaccount'); $layoutconfig = array('path' => 'findaccount', 'layout' => 'layout', 'skin' => 'findaccount', 'layout_dir' => $this->cbconfig->item('layout_findaccount'), 'mobile_layout_dir' => $this->cbconfig->item('mobile_layout_findaccount'), 'use_sidebar' => $this->cbconfig->item('sidebar_findaccount'), 'use_mobile_sidebar' => $this->cbconfig->item('mobile_sidebar_findaccount'), 'skin_dir' => $this->cbconfig->item('skin_findaccount'), 'mobile_skin_dir' => $this->cbconfig->item('mobile_skin_findaccount'), 'page_title' => $page_title, 'meta_description' => $meta_description, 'meta_keywords' => $meta_keywords, 'meta_author' => $meta_author, 'page_name' => $page_name); $view['layout'] = $this->managelayout->front($layoutconfig, $this->cbconfig->get_device_view_type()); $this->data = $view; $this->layout = element('layout_skin_file', element('layout', $view)); $this->view = element('view_skin_file', element('layout', $view)); }
$uname = $user['name']; if ($user['displayname']) { $uname = $user['displayname']; } $title = __('Edit profile'); makeCrumbs(array(actionLink("profile", $userid, "", $user['name']) => htmlspecialchars($uname), '' => __("Edit profile"))); loadRanksets(); $ranksets = $ranksetNames; $ranksets = array_reverse($ranksets); $ranksets[''] = __("None"); $ranksets = array_reverse($ranksets); foreach ($dateformats as $format) { $datelist[$format] = $format ? $format . ' (' . cdate($format) . ')' : ''; } foreach ($timeformats as $format) { $timelist[$format] = $format ? $format . ' (' . cdate($format) . ')' : ''; } $sexes = array(__("Male"), __("Female"), __("N/A")); $groups = array(); $r = Query("SELECT id,title FROM {usergroups} WHERE type=0 AND rank<={0} ORDER BY rank", $loguserGroup['rank']); while ($g = Fetch($r)) { $groups[$g['id']] = htmlspecialchars($g['title']); } $pltype = Settings::get('postLayoutType'); $epPages = array(); $epCategories = array(); $epFields = array(); // EDITPROFILE TAB -- GENERAL ------------------------------------------------- AddPage('general', __('General')); AddCategory('general', 'appearance', __('Appearance')); if ($editUserMode || HasPermission('user.editdisplayname')) {
</tr>'; $today = cdate($mydatefmt, time()); $yesterday = cdate($mydatefmt, time() - 86400); $lastts = 'lol'; $c = 1; $mindate = time() - $time; $changes = Query("\tSELECT\n\t\t\t\t\t\tpt.*,\n\t\t\t\t\t\tu.(_userfields)\n\t\t\t\t\tFROM\n\t\t\t\t\t\t{wiki_pages_text} pt\n\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN {users} u ON\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\t\t\t\ > {0}\n\t\t\t\t\tORDER BY DESC", $mindate); if (!NumRows($changes)) { echo ' <tr class="cell1"> <td colspan="2">No changes to display.</td> </tr>'; } else { while ($change = Fetch($changes)) { $date = $change['date']; $ts = cdate($mydatefmt, $date); if ($ts == $today) { $ts = 'Today'; } else { if ($ts == $yesterday) { $ts = 'Yesterday'; } } if ($ts != $lastts) { $lastts = $ts; echo ' <tr class="header0"> <th colspan="2">' . $ts . '</th> </tr>'; } $user = getDataPrefix($change, 'u_');
public function update($primary_value = '', $updatedata = '', $where = '') { $result = parent::update($primary_value, $updatedata); $this->cache->delete('popup-info-' . cdate('Y-m-d')); return $result; }
/** * 회원가입 폼 페이지입니다 */ public function form() { // 이벤트 라이브러리를 로딩합니다 $eventname = 'event_register_form'; $this->load->event($eventname); if ($this->member->is_member() && !($this->member->is_admin() === 'super' && $this->uri->segment(1) === config_item('uri_segment_admin'))) { redirect(); } $view = array(); $view['view'] = array(); // 이벤트가 존재하면 실행합니다 $view['view']['event']['before'] = Events::trigger('before', $eventname); if ($this->cbconfig->item('use_register_block')) { // 이벤트가 존재하면 실행합니다 $view['view']['event']['before_block_layout'] = Events::trigger('before_block_layout', $eventname); /** * 레이아웃을 정의합니다 */ $page_title = $this->cbconfig->item('site_meta_title_register_form'); $meta_description = $this->cbconfig->item('site_meta_description_register_form'); $meta_keywords = $this->cbconfig->item('site_meta_keywords_register_form'); $meta_author = $this->cbconfig->item('site_meta_author_register_form'); $page_name = $this->cbconfig->item('site_page_name_register_form'); $layoutconfig = array('path' => 'register', 'layout' => 'layout', 'skin' => 'register_block', 'layout_dir' => $this->cbconfig->item('layout_register'), 'mobile_layout_dir' => $this->cbconfig->item('mobile_layout_register'), 'use_sidebar' => $this->cbconfig->item('sidebar_register'), 'use_mobile_sidebar' => $this->cbconfig->item('mobile_sidebar_register'), 'skin_dir' => $this->cbconfig->item('skin_register'), 'mobile_skin_dir' => $this->cbconfig->item('mobile_skin_register'), 'page_title' => $page_title, 'meta_description' => $meta_description, 'meta_keywords' => $meta_keywords, 'meta_author' => $meta_author, 'page_name' => $page_name); $view['layout'] = $this->managelayout->front($layoutconfig, $this->cbconfig->get_device_view_type()); $this->data = $view; $this->layout = element('layout_skin_file', element('layout', $view)); $this->view = element('view_skin_file', element('layout', $view)); return false; } $password_length = $this->cbconfig->item('password_length'); $email_description = ''; if ($this->cbconfig->item('use_register_email_auth')) { $email_description = '회원가입 후 인증메일이 발송됩니다. 인증메일을 확인하신 후에 사이트 이용이 가능합니다'; } $configbasic = array(); $nickname_description = ''; if ($this->cbconfig->item('change_nickname_date')) { $nickname_description = '<br />닉네임을 입력하시면 앞으로 ' . $this->cbconfig->item('change_nickname_date') . '일 이내에는 변경할 수 없습니다'; } $configbasic['mem_userid'] = array('field' => 'mem_userid', 'label' => '아이디', 'rules' => 'trim|required|alphanumunder|min_length[3]|max_length[20]|is_unique[member.mem_userid]|callback__mem_userid_check', 'description' => '영문자, 숫자, _ 만 입력 가능. 최소 3자이상 입력하세요'); $password_description = '비밀번호는 ' . $password_length . '자리 이상이어야 '; if ($this->cbconfig->item('password_uppercase_length') or $this->cbconfig->item('password_numbers_length') or $this->cbconfig->item('password_specialchars_length')) { $password_description .= '하며 '; if ($this->cbconfig->item('password_uppercase_length')) { $password_description .= ', ' . $this->cbconfig->item('password_uppercase_length') . '개의 대문자'; } if ($this->cbconfig->item('password_numbers_length')) { $password_description .= ', ' . $this->cbconfig->item('password_numbers_length') . '개의 숫자'; } if ($this->cbconfig->item('password_specialchars_length')) { $password_description .= ', ' . $this->cbconfig->item('password_specialchars_length') . '개의 특수문자'; } $password_description .= '를 포함해야 '; } $password_description .= '합니다'; $configbasic['mem_password'] = array('field' => 'mem_password', 'label' => '패스워드', 'rules' => 'trim|required|min_length[' . $password_length . ']|callback__mem_password_check', 'description' => $password_description); $configbasic['mem_password_re'] = array('field' => 'mem_password_re', 'label' => '패스워드 확인', 'rules' => 'trim|required|min_length[' . $password_length . ']|matches[mem_password]'); $configbasic['mem_username'] = array('field' => 'mem_username', 'label' => '이름', 'rules' => 'trim|min_length[2]|max_length[20]'); $configbasic['mem_nickname'] = array('field' => 'mem_nickname', 'label' => '닉네임', 'rules' => 'trim|required|min_length[2]|max_length[20]|callback__mem_nickname_check', 'description' => '공백없이 한글, 영문, 숫자만 입력 가능 2글자 이상' . $nickname_description); $configbasic['mem_email'] = array('field' => 'mem_email', 'label' => '이메일', 'rules' => 'trim|required|valid_email|max_length[50]|is_unique[member.mem_email]|callback__mem_email_check', 'description' => $email_description); $configbasic['mem_homepage'] = array('field' => 'mem_homepage', 'label' => '홈페이지', 'rules' => 'prep_url|valid_url'); $configbasic['mem_phone'] = array('field' => 'mem_phone', 'label' => '전화번호', 'rules' => 'trim|valid_phone'); $configbasic['mem_birthday'] = array('field' => 'mem_birthday', 'label' => '생년월일', 'rules' => 'trim|exact_length[10]'); $configbasic['mem_sex'] = array('field' => 'mem_sex', 'label' => '성별', 'rules' => 'trim|exact_length[1]'); $configbasic['mem_zipcode'] = array('field' => 'mem_zipcode', 'label' => '우편번호', 'rules' => 'trim|exact_length[7]'); $configbasic['mem_address1'] = array('field' => 'mem_address1', 'label' => '기본주소', 'rules' => 'trim'); $configbasic['mem_address2'] = array('field' => 'mem_address2', 'label' => '상세주소', 'rules' => 'trim'); $configbasic['mem_address3'] = array('field' => 'mem_address3', 'label' => '참고항목', 'rules' => 'trim'); $configbasic['mem_address4'] = array('field' => 'mem_address4', 'label' => '지번', 'rules' => 'trim'); $configbasic['mem_profile_content'] = array('field' => 'mem_profile_content', 'label' => '자기소개', 'rules' => 'trim'); $configbasic['mem_open_profile'] = array('field' => 'mem_open_profile', 'label' => '정보공개', 'rules' => 'trim|exact_length[1]'); if ($this->cbconfig->item('use_note')) { $configbasic['mem_use_note'] = array('field' => 'mem_use_note', 'label' => '쪽지사용', 'rules' => 'trim|exact_length[1]'); } $configbasic['mem_receive_email'] = array('field' => 'mem_receive_email', 'label' => '이메일수신여부', 'rules' => 'trim|exact_length[1]'); $configbasic['mem_receive_sms'] = array('field' => 'mem_receive_sms', 'label' => 'SMS 문자수신여부', 'rules' => 'trim|exact_length[1]'); $configbasic['mem_recommend'] = array('field' => 'mem_recommend', 'label' => '추천인아이디', 'rules' => 'trim|alphanumunder|min_length[3]|max_length[20]|callback__mem_recommend_check'); if ($this->member->is_admin() === false && !$this->session->userdata('registeragree')) { $this->session->set_flashdata('message', '회원가입약관동의와 개인정보취급방침동의후 회원가입이 가능합니다'); redirect('register'); } $registerform = $this->cbconfig->item('registerform'); $form = json_decode($registerform, true); $config = array(); if ($form && is_array($form)) { foreach ($form as $key => $value) { if (!element('use', $value)) { continue; } if (element('func', $value) === 'basic') { if ($key === 'mem_address') { if (element('required', $value) === '1') { $configbasic['mem_zipcode']['rules'] = $configbasic['mem_zipcode']['rules'] . '|required'; } $config[] = $configbasic['mem_zipcode']; if (element('required', $value) === '1') { $configbasic['mem_address1']['rules'] = $configbasic['mem_address1']['rules'] . '|required'; } $config[] = $configbasic['mem_address1']; if (element('required', $value) === '1') { $configbasic['mem_address2']['rules'] = $configbasic['mem_address2']['rules'] . '|required'; } $config[] = $configbasic['mem_address2']; } else { if (element('required', $value) === '1') { $configbasic[$value['field_name']]['rules'] = $configbasic[$value['field_name']]['rules'] . '|required'; } if (element('field_type', $value) === 'phone') { $configbasic[$value['field_name']]['rules'] = $configbasic[$value['field_name']]['rules'] . '|valid_phone'; } $config[] = $configbasic[$value['field_name']]; if ($key === 'mem_password') { $config[] = $configbasic['mem_password_re']; } } } else { $required = element('required', $value) ? '|required' : ''; if (element('field_type', $value) === 'checkbox') { $config[] = array('field' => element('field_name', $value) . '[]', 'label' => element('display_name', $value), 'rules' => 'trim' . $required); } else { $config[] = array('field' => element('field_name', $value), 'label' => element('display_name', $value), 'rules' => 'trim' . $required); } } } } if ($this->cbconfig->item('use_recaptcha')) { $config[] = array('field' => 'g-recaptcha-response', 'label' => '자동등록방지문자', 'rules' => 'trim|required|callback__check_recaptcha'); } else { $config[] = array('field' => 'captcha_key', 'label' => '자동등록방지문자', 'rules' => 'trim|required|callback__check_captcha'); } $this->form_validation->set_rules($config); $form_validation = $this->form_validation->run(); $file_error = ''; $updatephoto = ''; $file_error2 = ''; $updateicon = ''; if ($form_validation) { $this->load->library('upload'); if ($this->cbconfig->item('use_member_photo') && $this->cbconfig->item('member_photo_width') > 0 && $this->cbconfig->item('member_photo_height') > 0) { if (isset($_FILES) && isset($_FILES['mem_photo']) && isset($_FILES['mem_photo']['name']) && $_FILES['mem_photo']['name']) { $upload_path = './uploads/member_photo/'; if (is_dir($upload_path) === false) { mkdir($upload_path, 0707); $file = $upload_path . 'index.php'; $f = @fopen($file, 'w'); @fwrite($f, ''); @fclose($f); @chmod($file, 0644); } $upload_path .= cdate('Y') . '/'; if (is_dir($upload_path) === false) { mkdir($upload_path, 0707); $file = $upload_path . 'index.php'; $f = @fopen($file, 'w'); @fwrite($f, ''); @fclose($f); @chmod($file, 0644); } $upload_path .= cdate('m') . '/'; if (is_dir($upload_path) === false) { mkdir($upload_path, 0707); $file = $upload_path . 'index.php'; $f = @fopen($file, 'w'); @fwrite($f, ''); @fclose($f); @chmod($file, 0644); } $uploadconfig = ''; $uploadconfig['upload_path'] = $upload_path; $uploadconfig['allowed_types'] = 'jpg|jpeg|png|gif'; $uploadconfig['max_size'] = '2000'; $uploadconfig['max_width'] = '1000'; $uploadconfig['max_height'] = '1000'; $uploadconfig['encrypt_name'] = true; $this->upload->initialize($uploadconfig); if ($this->upload->do_upload('mem_photo')) { $img = $this->upload->data(); $updatephoto = cdate('Y') . '/' . cdate('m') . '/' . $img['file_name']; } else { $file_error = $this->upload->display_errors(); } } } if ($this->cbconfig->item('use_member_icon') && $this->cbconfig->item('member_icon_width') > 0 && $this->cbconfig->item('member_icon_height') > 0) { if (isset($_FILES) && isset($_FILES['mem_icon']) && isset($_FILES['mem_icon']['name']) && $_FILES['mem_icon']['name']) { $upload_path = './uploads/member_icon/'; if (is_dir($upload_path) === false) { mkdir($upload_path, 0707); $file = $upload_path . 'index.php'; $f = @fopen($file, 'w'); @fwrite($f, ''); @fclose($f); @chmod($file, 0644); } $upload_path .= cdate('Y') . '/'; if (is_dir($upload_path) === false) { mkdir($upload_path, 0707); $file = $upload_path . 'index.php'; $f = @fopen($file, 'w'); @fwrite($f, ''); @fclose($f); @chmod($file, 0644); } $upload_path .= cdate('m') . '/'; if (is_dir($upload_path) === false) { mkdir($upload_path, 0707); $file = $upload_path . 'index.php'; $f = @fopen($file, 'w'); @fwrite($f, ''); @fclose($f); @chmod($file, 0644); } $uploadconfig = ''; $uploadconfig['upload_path'] = $upload_path; $uploadconfig['allowed_types'] = 'jpg|jpeg|png|gif'; $uploadconfig['max_size'] = '2000'; $uploadconfig['max_width'] = '1000'; $uploadconfig['max_height'] = '1000'; $uploadconfig['encrypt_name'] = true; $this->upload->initialize($uploadconfig); if ($this->upload->do_upload('mem_icon')) { $img = $this->upload->data(); $updateicon = cdate('Y') . '/' . cdate('m') . '/' . $img['file_name']; } else { $file_error2 = $this->upload->display_errors(); } } } } /** * 유효성 검사를 하지 않는 경우, 또는 유효성 검사에 실패한 경우입니다. * 즉 글쓰기나 수정 페이지를 보고 있는 경우입니다 */ if ($form_validation === false or $file_error !== '' or $file_error2 !== '') { // 이벤트가 존재하면 실행합니다 $view['view']['event']['formrunfalse'] = Events::trigger('formrunfalse', $eventname); $html_content = array(); $k = 0; if ($form && is_array($form)) { foreach ($form as $key => $value) { if (!element('use', $value)) { continue; } $required = element('required', $value) ? 'required' : ''; $html_content[$k]['field_name'] = element('field_name', $value); $html_content[$k]['display_name'] = element('display_name', $value); $html_content[$k]['input'] = ''; //field_type : text, url, email, phone, textarea, radio, select, checkbox, date if (element('field_type', $value) === 'text' or element('field_type', $value) === 'url' or element('field_type', $value) === 'email' or element('field_type', $value) === 'phone' or element('field_type', $value) === 'date') { if (element('field_type', $value) === 'date') { $html_content[$k]['input'] .= '<input type="text" id="' . element('field_name', $value) . '" name="' . element('field_name', $value) . '" class="form-control input datepicker" value="' . set_value(element('field_name', $value)) . '" readonly="readonly" ' . $required . ' />'; } elseif (element('field_type', $value) === 'phone') { $html_content[$k]['input'] .= '<input type="text" id="' . element('field_name', $value) . '" name="' . element('field_name', $value) . '" class="form-control input validphone" value="' . set_value(element('field_name', $value)) . '" ' . $required . ' />'; } else { $html_content[$k]['input'] .= '<input type="' . element('field_type', $value) . '" id="' . element('field_name', $value) . '" name="' . element('field_name', $value) . '" class="form-control input" value="' . set_value(element('field_name', $value)) . '" ' . $required . '/>'; } } elseif (element('field_type', $value) === 'textarea') { $html_content[$k]['input'] .= '<textarea id="' . element('field_name', $value) . '" name="' . element('field_name', $value) . '" class="form-control input" ' . $required . '>' . set_value(element('field_name', $value)) . 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' </label> '; $i++; } } $html_content[$k]['input'] .= '</div>'; } elseif (element('field_type', $value) === 'checkbox') { $html_content[$k]['input'] .= '<div class="checkbox">'; $options = explode("\n", element('options', $value)); $i = 1; if ($options) { foreach ($options as $okey => $oval) { $html_content[$k]['input'] .= '<label for="' . element('field_name', $value) . '_' . $i . '"><input type="checkbox" name="' . element('field_name', $value) . '[]" id="' . element('field_name', $value) . '_' . $i . '" value="' . $oval . '" ' . set_checkbox(element('field_name', $value), $oval) . ' /> ' . $oval . ' </label> '; $i++; } } $html_content[$k]['input'] .= '</div>'; } elseif (element('field_type', $value) === 'select') { $html_content[$k]['input'] .= '<div class="input-group">'; $html_content[$k]['input'] .= '<select name="' . element('field_name', $value) . '" class="form-control input" ' . $required . '>'; $html_content[$k]['input'] .= '<option value="" >선택하세요</option> '; $options = explode("\n", element('options', $value)); if ($options) { foreach ($options as $okey => $oval) { $html_content[$k]['input'] .= '<option value="' . $oval . '" ' . set_select(element('field_name', $value), $oval) . ' >' . $oval . '</option> '; } } $html_content[$k]['input'] .= '</select>'; $html_content[$k]['input'] .= '</div>'; } elseif (element('field_name', $value) === 'mem_address') { $html_content[$k]['input'] .= ' <label for="mem_zipcode">우편번호</label> <label> <input type="text" name="mem_zipcode" value="' . set_value('mem_zipcode') . '" id="mem_zipcode" class="form-control input" size="7" maxlength="7" ' . $required . '/> </label> <label> <button type="button" class="btn btn-black btn-sm" style="margin-top:0px;" onclick="win_zip(\'fregisterform\', \'mem_zipcode\', \'mem_address1\', \'mem_address2\', \'mem_address3\', \'mem_address4\');">주소 검색</button> </label> <div class="addr-line mt10"> <label for="mem_address1">기본주소</label> <input type="text" name="mem_address1" value="' . set_value('mem_address1') . '" id="mem_address1" class="form-control input" placeholder="기본주소" ' . $required . ' /> </div> <div class="addr-line mt10"> <label for="mem_address2">상세주소</label> <input type="text" name="mem_address2" value="' . set_value('mem_address2') . '" id="mem_address2" class="form-control input" placeholder="상세주소" ' . $required . ' /> </div> <div class="addr-line mt10"> <label for="mem_address3">참고항목</label> <input type="text" name="mem_address3" value="' . set_value('mem_address3') . '" id="mem_address3" class="form-control input" readonly="readonly" placeholder="참고항목" /> </div> <input type="hidden" name="mem_address4" value="' . set_value('mem_address4') . '" /> '; } elseif (element('field_name', $value) === 'mem_password') { $html_content[$k]['input'] .= '<input type="' . element('field_type', $value) . '" id="' . element('field_name', $value) . '" name="' . element('field_name', $value) . '" class="form-control input" minlength="' . $password_length . '" />'; } $html_content[$k]['description'] = ''; if (isset($configbasic[$value['field_name']]['description']) && $configbasic[$value['field_name']]['description']) { $html_content[$k]['description'] = $configbasic[$value['field_name']]['description']; } if (element('field_name', $value) === 'mem_password') { $k++; $html_content[$k]['field_name'] = 'mem_password_re'; $html_content[$k]['display_name'] = '비밀번호 확인'; $html_content[$k]['input'] = '<input type="password" id="mem_password_re" name="mem_password_re" class="form-control input" minlength="' . $password_length . '" />'; } $k++; } } $view['view']['html_content'] = $html_content; $view['view']['open_profile_description'] = ''; if ($this->cbconfig->item('change_open_profile_date')) { $view['view']['open_profile_description'] = '정보공개 설정은 ' . $this->cbconfig->item('change_open_profile_date') . '일 이내에는 변경할 수 없습니다'; } $view['view']['use_note_description'] = ''; if ($this->cbconfig->item('change_use_note_date')) { $view['view']['use_note_description'] = '쪽지 기능 사용 설정은 ' . $this->cbconfig->item('change_use_note_date') . '일 이내에는 변경할 수 없습니다'; } $view['view']['canonical'] = site_url('register/form'); // 이벤트가 존재하면 실행합니다 $view['view']['event']['before_layout'] = Events::trigger('before_layout', $eventname); /** * 레이아웃을 정의합니다 */ $page_title = $this->cbconfig->item('site_meta_title_register_form'); $meta_description = $this->cbconfig->item('site_meta_description_register_form'); $meta_keywords = $this->cbconfig->item('site_meta_keywords_register_form'); $meta_author = $this->cbconfig->item('site_meta_author_register_form'); $page_name = $this->cbconfig->item('site_page_name_register_form'); $layoutconfig = array('path' => 'register', 'layout' => 'layout', 'skin' => 'register_form', 'layout_dir' => $this->cbconfig->item('layout_register'), 'mobile_layout_dir' => $this->cbconfig->item('mobile_layout_register'), 'use_sidebar' => $this->cbconfig->item('sidebar_register'), 'use_mobile_sidebar' => $this->cbconfig->item('mobile_sidebar_register'), 'skin_dir' => $this->cbconfig->item('skin_register'), 'mobile_skin_dir' => $this->cbconfig->item('mobile_skin_register'), 'page_title' => $page_title, 'meta_description' => $meta_description, 'meta_keywords' => $meta_keywords, 'meta_author' => $meta_author, 'page_name' => $page_name); $view['layout'] = $this->managelayout->front($layoutconfig, $this->cbconfig->get_device_view_type()); $this->data = $view; $this->layout = element('layout_skin_file', element('layout', $view)); $this->view = element('view_skin_file', element('layout', $view)); } else { /** * 유효성 검사를 통과한 경우입니다. * 즉 데이터의 insert 나 update 의 process 처리가 필요한 상황입니다 */ // 이벤트가 존재하면 실행합니다 $view['view']['event']['formruntrue'] = Events::trigger('formruntrue', $eventname); $mem_level = (int) $this->cbconfig->item('register_level'); $insertdata = array(); $metadata = array(); $insertdata['mem_userid'] = $this->input->post('mem_userid'); $insertdata['mem_email'] = $this->input->post('mem_email'); $insertdata['mem_password'] = password_hash($this->input->post('mem_password'), PASSWORD_BCRYPT); $insertdata['mem_nickname'] = $this->input->post('mem_nickname'); $metadata['meta_nickname_datetime'] = cdate('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $insertdata['mem_level'] = $mem_level; if (isset($form['mem_username']['use']) && $form['mem_username']['use']) { $insertdata['mem_username'] = $this->input->post('mem_username', null, ''); } if (isset($form['mem_homepage']['use']) && $form['mem_homepage']['use']) { $insertdata['mem_homepage'] = $this->input->post('mem_homepage', null, ''); } if (isset($form['mem_phone']['use']) && $form['mem_phone']['use']) { $insertdata['mem_phone'] = $this->input->post('mem_phone', null, ''); } if (isset($form['mem_birthday']['use']) && $form['mem_birthday']['use']) { $insertdata['mem_birthday'] = $this->input->post('mem_birthday', null, ''); } if (isset($form['mem_sex']['use']) && $form['mem_sex']['use']) { $insertdata['mem_sex'] = $this->input->post('mem_sex', null, ''); } if (isset($form['mem_address']['use']) && $form['mem_address']['use']) { $insertdata['mem_zipcode'] = $this->input->post('mem_zipcode', null, ''); $insertdata['mem_address1'] = $this->input->post('mem_address1', null, ''); $insertdata['mem_address2'] = $this->input->post('mem_address2', null, ''); $insertdata['mem_address3'] = $this->input->post('mem_address3', null, ''); $insertdata['mem_address4'] = $this->input->post('mem_address4', null, ''); } $insertdata['mem_receive_email'] = $this->input->post('mem_receive_email') ? 1 : 0; if ($this->cbconfig->item('use_note')) { $insertdata['mem_use_note'] = $this->input->post('mem_use_note') ? 1 : 0; $metadata['meta_use_note_datetime'] = cdate('Y-m-d H:i:s'); } $insertdata['mem_receive_sms'] = $this->input->post('mem_receive_sms') ? 1 : 0; $insertdata['mem_open_profile'] = $this->input->post('mem_open_profile') ? 1 : 0; $metadata['meta_open_profile_datetime'] = cdate('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $insertdata['mem_register_datetime'] = cdate('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $insertdata['mem_register_ip'] = $this->input->ip_address(); $metadata['meta_change_pw_datetime'] = cdate('Y-m-d H:i:s'); if (isset($form['mem_profile_content']['use']) && $form['mem_profile_content']['use']) { $insertdata['mem_profile_content'] = $this->input->post('mem_profile_content', null, ''); } if ($this->cbconfig->item('use_register_email_auth')) { $insertdata['mem_email_cert'] = 0; $metadata['meta_email_cert_datetime'] = ''; } else { $insertdata['mem_email_cert'] = 1; $metadata['meta_email_cert_datetime'] = cdate('Y-m-d H:i:s'); } if ($updatephoto) { $insertdata['mem_photo'] = $updatephoto; } if ($updateicon) { $insertdata['mem_icon'] = $updateicon; } $mem_id = $this->Member_model->insert($insertdata); $this->Member_meta_model->save($mem_id, $metadata); $nickinsert = array('mem_id' => $mem_id, 'mni_nickname' => $this->input->post('mem_nickname'), 'mni_start_datetime' => cdate('Y-m-d H:i:s')); $this->Member_nickname_model->insert($nickinsert); $extradata = array(); if ($form && is_array($form)) { foreach ($form as $key => $value) { if (!element('use', $value)) { continue; } if (element('func', $value) === 'basic') { continue; } $extradata[element('field_name', $value)] = $this->input->post(element('field_name', $value), null, ''); } $this->Member_extra_vars_model->save($mem_id, $extradata); } $this->point->insert_point($mem_id, $this->cbconfig->item('point_register'), '회원가입을 축하합니다', 'member', $mem_id, '회원가입'); $searchconfig = array('{홈페이지명}', '{회사명}', '{홈페이지주소}', '{회원아이디}', '{회원닉네임}', '{회원실명}', '{회원이메일}', '{메일수신여부}', '{쪽지수신여부}', '{문자수신여부}', '{회원아이피}'); $mem_userid = $this->input->post('mem_userid', null, ''); $mem_nickname = $this->input->post('mem_nickname', null, ''); $mem_username = $this->input->post('mem_username', null, ''); $mem_email = $this->input->post('mem_email', null, ''); $receive_email = $this->input->post('mem_receive_email') ? 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'동의' : '거부'; $replaceconfig = array($this->cbconfig->item('site_title'), $this->cbconfig->item('company_name'), site_url(), $mem_userid, $mem_nickname, $mem_username, $mem_email, $receive_email, $receive_note, $receive_sms, $this->input->ip_address()); $replaceconfig_escape = array(html_escape($this->cbconfig->item('site_title')), html_escape($this->cbconfig->item('company_name')), site_url(), html_escape($mem_userid), html_escape($mem_nickname), html_escape($mem_username), html_escape($mem_email), $receive_email, $receive_note, $receive_sms, $this->input->ip_address()); if (!$this->cbconfig->item('use_register_email_auth')) { if ($this->cbconfig->item('send_email_register_user') && $this->input->post('mem_receive_email') or $this->cbconfig->item('send_email_register_alluser')) { $title = str_replace($searchconfig, $replaceconfig, $this->cbconfig->item('send_email_register_user_title')); $content = str_replace($searchconfig, $replaceconfig_escape, $this->cbconfig->item('send_email_register_user_content')); $this->email->from($this->cbconfig->item('webmaster_email'), $this->cbconfig->item('webmaster_name')); $this->email->to($this->input->post('mem_email')); $this->email->subject($title); $this->email->message($content); $this->email->send(); } } else { $vericode = array('$', '/', '.'); $verificationcode = str_replace($vericode, '', password_hash($mem_id . '-' . $this->input->post('mem_email') . '-' . random_string('alnum', 10), PASSWORD_BCRYPT)); $beforeauthdata = array('mem_id' => $mem_id, 'mae_type' => 1); $this->Member_auth_email_model->delete_where($beforeauthdata); $authdata = array('mem_id' => $mem_id, 'mae_key' => $verificationcode, 'mae_type' => 1, 'mae_generate_datetime' => cdate('Y-m-d H:i:s')); $this->Member_auth_email_model->insert($authdata); $verify_url = site_url('verify/confirmemail?user='******'mem_userid') . '&code=' . $verificationcode); $title = str_replace($searchconfig, $replaceconfig, $this->cbconfig->item('send_email_register_user_verifytitle')); $content = str_replace($searchconfig, $replaceconfig_escape, $this->cbconfig->item('send_email_register_user_verifycontent')); $title = str_replace('{메일인증주소}', $verify_url, $title); $content = str_replace('{메일인증주소}', $verify_url, $content); $this->email->from($this->cbconfig->item('webmaster_email'), $this->cbconfig->item('webmaster_name')); $this->email->to($this->input->post('mem_email')); $this->email->subject($title); $this->email->message($content); $this->email->send(); $email_auth_message = $this->input->post('mem_email') . '로 인증메일이 발송되었습니다. <br />발송된 인증메일을 확인하신 후에 사이트 이용이 가능합니다'; $this->session->set_flashdata('email_auth_message', $email_auth_message); } $emailsendlistadmin = array(); $notesendlistadmin = array(); $notesendlistuser = array(); $superadminlist = ''; if ($this->cbconfig->item('send_email_register_admin') or $this->cbconfig->item('send_note_register_admin')) { $mselect = 'mem_id, mem_email, mem_nickname, mem_phone'; $superadminlist = $this->Member_model->get_superadmin_list($mselect); } if ($this->cbconfig->item('send_email_register_admin') && $superadminlist) { foreach ($superadminlist as $key => $value) { $emailsendlistadmin[$value['mem_id']] = $value; } } if ($this->cbconfig->item('send_note_register_admin') && $superadminlist) { foreach ($superadminlist as $key => $value) { $notesendlistadmin[$value['mem_id']] = $value; } } if ($this->cbconfig->item('send_note_register_user') && $this->input->post('mem_use_note')) { $notesendlistuser['mem_id'] = $mem_id; } if ($this->cbconfig->item('send_email_register_admin') or $this->cbconfig->item('send_note_register_admin')) { $mselect = 'mem_id, mem_email, mem_nickname, mem_phone'; $adminlist = $this->Member_model->get_superadmin_list($mselect); } if ($emailsendlistadmin) { $title = str_replace($searchconfig, $replaceconfig, $this->cbconfig->item('send_email_register_admin_title')); $content = str_replace($searchconfig, $replaceconfig_escape, $this->cbconfig->item('send_email_register_admin_content')); foreach ($emailsendlistadmin as $akey => $aval) { $this->email->clear(true); $this->email->from($this->cbconfig->item('webmaster_email'), $this->cbconfig->item('webmaster_name')); $this->email->to(element('mem_email', $aval)); $this->email->subject($title); $this->email->message($content); $this->email->send(); } } if ($notesendlistadmin) { $title = str_replace($searchconfig, $replaceconfig, $this->cbconfig->item('send_note_register_admin_title')); $content = str_replace($searchconfig, $replaceconfig_escape, $this->cbconfig->item('send_note_register_admin_content')); foreach ($notesendlistadmin as $akey => $aval) { $note_result = $this->notelib->send_note($sender = 0, $receiver = element('mem_id', $aval), $title, $content, 1); } } if ($notesendlistuser && element('mem_id', $notesendlistuser)) { $title = str_replace($searchconfig, $replaceconfig, $this->cbconfig->item('send_note_register_user_title')); $content = str_replace($searchconfig, $replaceconfig_escape, $this->cbconfig->item('send_note_register_user_content')); $note_result = $this->notelib->send_note($sender = 0, $receiver = element('mem_id', $notesendlistuser), $title, $content, 1); } $member_register_data = array('mem_id' => $mem_id, 'mrg_ip' => $this->input->ip_address(), 'mrg_datetime' => cdate('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'mrg_useragent' => $this->agent->agent_string(), 'mrg_referer' => $this->session->userdata('site_referer')); $recommended = ''; if ($this->input->post('mem_recommend')) { $recommended = $this->Member_model->get_by_userid($this->input->post('mem_recommend'), 'mem_id'); if (element('mem_id', $recommended)) { $member_register_data['mrg_recommend_mem_id'] = element('mem_id', $recommended); } else { $recommended['mem_id'] = 0; } } $this->Member_register_model->insert($member_register_data); if ($this->input->post('mem_recommend')) { if ($this->cbconfig->item('point_recommended')) { // 추천인이 존재할 경우 추천된 사람 $this->point->insert_point(element('mem_id', $recommended), $this->cbconfig->item('point_recommended'), $this->input->post('mem_nickname') . ' 님이 회원가입시 추천함', 'member_recommended', $mem_id, '회원가입추천'); } if ($this->cbconfig->item('point_recommender')) { // 추천인이 존재할 경우 가입자에게 $this->point->insert_point($mem_id, $this->cbconfig->item('point_recommender'), '회원가입 추천인존재', 'member_recommender', $mem_id, '회원가입추천인존재'); } } $this->session->set_flashdata('nickname', $this->input->post('mem_nickname')); if (!$this->cbconfig->item('use_register_email_auth')) { $this->session->set_userdata('mem_id', $mem_id); } redirect('register/result'); } }
function makePost($post, $type, $params = array()) { global $loguser, $loguserid, $usergroups, $isBot, $blocklayouts; $poster = getDataPrefix($post, 'u_'); $post['userlink'] = UserLink($poster); LoadBlockLayouts(); $pltype = Settings::get('postLayoutType'); $isBlocked = $poster['globalblock'] || $loguser['blocklayouts'] || $post['options'] & 1 || isset($blocklayouts[$poster['id']]); $post['type'] = $type; $post['formattedDate'] = formatdate($post['date']); if (!HasPermission('admin.viewips')) { $post['ip'] = ''; } else { $post['ip'] = htmlspecialchars($post['ip']); } // TODO IP formatting? if ($post['deleted'] && $type == POST_NORMAL) { $post['deluserlink'] = UserLink(getDataPrefix($post, 'du_')); $post['delreason'] = htmlspecialchars($post['reason']); $links = array(); if (HasPermission('mod.deleteposts', $params['fid'])) { $links['undelete'] = actionLinkTag(__("Undelete"), "editpost", $post['id'], "delete=2&key=" . $loguser['token']); $links['view'] = "<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"replacePost(" . $post['id'] . ",true); return false;\">" . __("View") . "</a>"; } $post['links'] = $links; RenderTemplate('postbox_deleted', array('post' => $post)); return; } $links = array(); if ($type != POST_SAMPLE) { $forum = $params['fid']; $thread = $params['tid']; $notclosed = !$post['closed'] || HasPermission('mod.closethreads', $forum); $extraLinks = array(); if (!$isBot) { if ($type == POST_DELETED_SNOOP) { if ($notclosed && HasPermission('mod.deleteposts', $forum)) { $links['undelete'] = actionLinkTag(__("Undelete"), "editpost", $post['id'], "delete=2&key=" . $loguser['token']); } $links['close'] = "<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"replacePost(" . $post['id'] . ",false); return false;\">" . __("Close") . "</a>"; } else { if ($type == POST_NORMAL) { if ($notclosed) { if ($loguserid && HasPermission('forum.postreplies', $forum) && !$params['noreplylinks']) { $links['quote'] = actionLinkTag(__("Quote"), "newreply", $thread, "quote=" . $post['id']); } $editrights = 0; if ($poster['id'] == $loguserid && HasPermission('user.editownposts') || HasPermission('mod.editposts', $forum)) { $links['edit'] = actionLinkTag(__("Edit"), "editpost", $post['id']); $editrights++; } if ($poster['id'] == $loguserid && HasPermission('user.deleteownposts') || HasPermission('mod.deleteposts', $forum)) { if ($post['id'] != $post['firstpostid']) { $link = htmlspecialchars(actionLink('editpost', $post['id'], 'delete=1&key=' . $loguser['token'])); $onclick = HasPermission('mod.deleteposts', $forum) ? " onclick=\"deletePost(this);return false;\"" : ' onclick="if(!confirm(\'Really delete this post?\'))return false;"'; $links['delete'] = "<a href=\"{$link}\"{$onclick}>" . __('Delete') . "</a>"; } $editrights++; } if ($editrights < 2 && HasPermission('user.reportposts')) { $links['report'] = actionLinkTag(__('Report'), 'reportpost', $post['id']); } } // plugins should add to $extraLinks $bucket = "topbar"; include __DIR__ . "/pluginloader.php"; } } $links['extra'] = $extraLinks; } //Threadlinks for listpost.php if ($params['threadlink']) { $thread = array(); $thread['id'] = $post['thread']; $thread['title'] = $post['threadname']; $thread['forum'] = $post['fid']; $post['threadlink'] = makeThreadLink($thread); } else { $post['threadlink'] = ''; } //Revisions if ($post['revision']) { $ru_link = UserLink(getDataPrefix($post, "ru_")); $revdetail = ' ' . format(__('by {0} on {1}'), $ru_link, formatdate($post['revdate'])); if (HasPermission('mod.editposts', $forum)) { $post['revdetail'] = "<a href=\"javascript:void(0);\" onclick=\"showRevisions(" . $post['id'] . ")\">" . Format(__('rev. {0}'), $post['revision']) . "</a>" . $revdetail; } else { $post['revdetail'] = Format(__('rev. {0}'), $post['revision']) . $revdetail; } } //</revisions> } $post['links'] = $links; // POST SIDEBAR $sidebar = array(); // quit abusing custom syndromes you unoriginal fuckers $poster['title'] = preg_replace('@Affected by \'?.*?Syndrome\'?@si', '', $poster['title']); $sidebar['rank'] = GetRank($poster['rankset'], $poster['posts']); if ($poster['title']) { $sidebar['title'] = strip_tags(CleanUpPost($poster['title'], '', true), '<b><strong><i><em><span><s><del><img><a><br/><br><small>'); } else { $sidebar['title'] = htmlspecialchars($usergroups[$poster['primarygroup']]['title']); } $sidebar['syndrome'] = GetSyndrome(getActivity($poster['id'])); if ($post['mood'] > 0) { if (file_exists(DATA_DIR . "avatars/" . $poster['id'] . "_" . $post['mood'])) { $sidebar['avatar'] = "<img src=\"" . DATA_URL . "avatars/" . $poster['id'] . "_" . $post['mood'] . "\" alt=\"\">"; } } else { if ($poster['picture']) { $pic = str_replace('$root/', DATA_URL, $poster['picture']); $sidebar['avatar'] = "<img src=\"" . htmlspecialchars($pic) . "\" alt=\"\">"; } } $lastpost = $poster['lastposttime'] ? timeunits(time() - $poster['lastposttime']) : "none"; $lastview = timeunits(time() - $poster['lastactivity']); if (!$post['num']) { $sidebar['posts'] = $poster['posts']; } else { $sidebar['posts'] = $post['num'] . '/' . $poster['posts']; } $sidebar['since'] = cdate($loguser['dateformat'], $poster['regdate']); $sidebar['lastpost'] = $lastpost; $sidebar['lastview'] = $lastview; if ($poster['lastactivity'] > time() - 300) { $sidebar['isonline'] = __("User is <strong>online</strong>"); } $sidebarExtra = array(); $bucket = "sidebar"; include __DIR__ . "/pluginloader.php"; $sidebar['extra'] = $sidebarExtra; $post['sidebar'] = $sidebar; // OTHER STUFF $post['haslayout'] = false; $post['fulllayout'] = false; if (!$isBlocked) { $poster['postheader'] = $pltype ? trim($poster['postheader']) : ''; $poster['signature'] = trim($poster['signature']); $post['haslayout'] = $poster['postheader'] ? 1 : 0; $post['fulllayout'] = $poster['fulllayout'] && $post['haslayout'] && $pltype == 2; if (!$post['haslayout'] && $poster['signature']) { $poster['signature'] = '<div class="signature">' . $poster['signature'] . '</div>'; } } else { $poster['postheader'] = ''; $poster['signature'] = ''; } $post['contents'] = makePostText($post, $poster); //PRINT THE POST! RenderTemplate('postbox', array('post' => $post)); }
$foo[__("Homepage")] = CleanUpPost($homepage); } $profileParts[__("Contact information")] = $foo; $foo = array(); $foo[__("Theme")] = $themes[$user['theme']]; $foo[__("Items per page")] = Plural($user['postsperpage'], __("post")) . ", " . Plural($user['threadsperpage'], __("thread")); $profileParts[__("Presentation")] = $foo; $foo = array(); if ($user['realname']) { $foo[__("Real name")] = strip_tags($user['realname']); } if ($user['location']) { $foo[__("Location")] = strip_tags($user['location']); } if ($user['birthday']) { $foo[__("Birthday")] = format("{0} ({1} old)", cdate("F j, Y", $user['birthday']), Plural(floor((time() - $user['birthday']) / 86400 / 365.2425), "year")); } if ($user['bio']) { $foo[__("Bio")] = CleanUpPost($user['bio']); } if (count($foo)) { $profileParts[__("Personal information")] = $foo; } $prepend = ""; $bucket = "profileTable"; include "./lib/pluginloader.php"; write("\n\t<table>\n\t\t<tr>\n\t\t\t<td style=\"width: 60%; border: 0px none; vertical-align: top; padding-right: 1em; padding-bottom: 1em;\">\n\t\t\t\t{0}\n\t\t\t\t<table class=\"outline margin\">\n", $prepend); $cc = 0; foreach ($profileParts as $partName => $fields) { write("\n\t\t\t\t\t<tr class=\"header0\">\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<th colspan=\"2\">{0}</th>\n\t\t\t\t\t</tr>\n", $partName); foreach ($fields as $label => $value) {
/** * 게시물 복사 밎 이동 */ public function post_copy($type = 'copy', $post_id = '') { // 이벤트 라이브러리를 로딩합니다 $eventname = 'event_helptool_post_copy'; $this->load->event($eventname); $is_admin = $this->member->is_admin(); if ($is_admin !== 'super') { alert('접근권한이 없습니다'); return false; } $view = array(); $view['view'] = array(); // 이벤트가 존재하면 실행합니다 $view['view']['event']['before'] = Events::trigger('before', $eventname); $this->load->model(array('Blame_model', 'Board_model', 'Board_group_model', 'Comment_model', 'Like_model', 'Post_extra_vars_model', 'Post_file_model', 'Post_link_model', 'Post_meta_model', 'Scrap_model')); $post_id_list = ''; if ($this->input->post('chk_post_id')) { $post_id_list = ''; $chk_post_id = $this->input->post('chk_post_id'); foreach ($chk_post_id as $val) { if (empty($post_id)) { $post_id = $val; } $post_id_list .= $val . ','; } } elseif ($post_id) { $post_id_list = $post_id; } if ($this->input->post('post_id_list')) { $post_id_list = $this->input->post('post_id_list'); } $view['view']['post_id_list'] = $post_id_list; $post = $this->Post_model->get_one($post_id); $board = $this->board->item_all(element('brd_id', $post)); if ($type !== 'move') { $type = 'copy'; } $view['view']['post'] = $post; $view['view']['board'] = $board; $view['view']['typetext'] = $typetext = $type === 'copy' ? '복사' : '이동'; $config = array(array('field' => 'is_submit', 'label' => '체크', 'rules' => 'trim')); $this->load->library('form_validation'); $this->form_validation->set_rules($config); $form_validation = $this->form_validation->run(); /** * 유효성 검사를 하지 않는 경우, 또는 유효성 검사에 실패한 경우입니다. * 즉 글쓰기나 수정 페이지를 보고 있는 경우입니다 */ if ($form_validation === false or !$this->input->post('is_submit')) { // 이벤트가 존재하면 실행합니다 $view['view']['event']['formrunfalse'] = Events::trigger('formrunfalse', $eventname); $result = $this->Board_model->get_board_list(); if ($result && is_array($result)) { foreach ($result as $key => $value) { $result[$key]['group'] = $this->Board_group_model->get_one(element('bgr_id', $value)); } } $view['view']['list'] = $result; // 이벤트가 존재하면 실행합니다 $view['view']['event']['before_layout'] = Events::trigger('before_layout', $eventname); /** * 레이아웃을 정의합니다 */ $page_title = element('post_title', $post) . ' > 게시물 ' . $typetext; $layoutconfig = array('path' => 'helptool', 'layout' => 'layout_popup', 'skin' => 'post_copy', 'layout_dir' => $this->cbconfig->item('layout_helptool'), 'mobile_layout_dir' => $this->cbconfig->item('mobile_layout_helptool'), 'skin_dir' => $this->cbconfig->item('skin_helptool'), 'mobile_skin_dir' => $this->cbconfig->item('mobile_skin_helptool'), 'page_title' => $page_title); $view['layout'] = $this->managelayout->front($layoutconfig, $this->cbconfig->get_device_view_type()); $this->data = $view; $this->layout = element('layout_skin_file', element('layout', $view)); $this->view = element('view_skin_file', element('layout', $view)); } else { // 이벤트가 존재하면 실행합니다 $view['view']['event']['formruntrue'] = Events::trigger('formruntrue', $eventname); $old_brd_id = element('brd_id', $board); $new_brd_id = (int) $this->input->post('chk_brd_id'); if ($post_id_list) { $arr = explode(',', $post_id_list); if ($arr) { $arrsize = count($arr); for ($k = $arrsize - 1; $k >= 0; $k--) { $post_id = element($k, $arr); if (empty($post_id)) { continue; } $post = $this->Post_model->get_one($post_id); $board = $this->board->item_all(element('brd_id', $post)); if ($type === 'copy') { // 게시글 복사 // 이벤트가 존재하면 실행합니다 $view['view']['event']['copy_before'] = Events::trigger('copy_before', $eventname); $post_num = $this->Post_model->next_post_num(); $post_content = $post['post_content']; if ($this->cbconfig->item('use_copy_log')) { $br = $post['post_html'] ? '<br /><br />' : "\n"; $post_content .= $br . '[이 게시물은 ' . $this->member->item('mem_nickname') . ' 님에 의해 ' . cdate('Y-m-d H:i:s') . ' ' . element('brd_name', $board) . ' 에서 복사됨]'; } $insertdata = array('post_num' => $post_num, 'post_reply' => $post['post_reply'], 'brd_id' => $new_brd_id, 'post_title' => $post['post_title'], 'post_content' => $post_content, 'mem_id' => $post['mem_id'], 'post_userid' => $post['post_userid'], 'post_username' => $post['post_username'], 'post_nickname' => $post['post_nickname'], 'post_email' => $post['post_email'], 'post_homepage' => $post['post_homepage'], 'post_datetime' => $post['post_datetime'], 'post_password' => $post['post_password'], 'post_updated_datetime' => $post['post_updated_datetime'], 'post_update_mem_id' => $post['post_update_mem_id'], 'post_link_count' => $post['post_link_count'], 'post_secret' => $post['post_secret'], 'post_html' => $post['post_html'], 'post_notice' => $post['post_notice'], 'post_receive_email' => $post['post_receive_email'], 'post_hit' => $post['post_hit'], 'post_ip' => $post['post_ip'], 'post_device' => $post['post_device'], 'post_file' => $post['post_file'], 'post_image' => $post['post_image'], 'post_del' => $post['post_del']); $new_post_id = $this->Post_model->insert($insertdata); $postwhere = array('post_id' => $post_id); $filedata = $this->Post_file_model->get('', '', $postwhere); if ($filedata) { foreach ($filedata as $data) { $exp = explode('/', $data['pfi_filename']); $new_file_name = $exp[0] . '/' . $exp['1'] . '/' . random_string('alnum', 30) . '.' . $data['pfi_type']; $fileinsert = array('post_id' => $new_post_id, 'brd_id' => $new_brd_id, 'mem_id' => $data['mem_id'], 'pfi_originname' => $data['pfi_originname'], 'pfi_filename' => $new_file_name, 'pfi_filesize' => $data['pfi_filesize'], 'pfi_width' => $data['pfi_width'], 'pfi_height' => $data['pfi_height'], 'pfi_type' => $data['pfi_type'], 'pfi_is_image' => $data['pfi_is_image'], 'pfi_datetime' => $data['pfi_datetime'], 'pfi_ip' => $data['pfi_ip']); $this->Post_file_model->insert($fileinsert); copy('./uploads/post/' . $data['pfi_filename'], './uploads/post/' . $new_file_name); } } $postwhere = array('post_id' => $post_id); $linkdata = $this->Post_link_model->get('', '', $postwhere); if ($linkdata) { foreach ($linkdata as $data) { $linkinsert = array('post_id' => $new_post_id, 'brd_id' => $new_brd_id, 'pln_url' => $data['pln_url']); $this->Post_link_model->insert($linkinsert); } } $postwhere = array('post_id' => $post_id); $metadata = $this->Post_meta_model->get('', '', $postwhere); if ($metadata) { foreach ($metadata as $data) { $metainsert = array('post_id' => $new_post_id, 'brd_id' => $new_brd_id, 'pmt_key' => $data['pmt_key'], 'pmt_value' => $data['pmt_value']); $this->Post_meta_model->insert($metainsert); } } // 이벤트가 존재하면 실행합니다 $view['view']['event']['copy_after'] = Events::trigger('copy_after', $eventname); } if ($type === 'move') { // 이벤트가 존재하면 실행합니다 $view['view']['event']['move_before'] = Events::trigger('move_before', $eventname); // post table update $postupdate = array('brd_id' => $new_brd_id); if ($this->cbconfig->item('use_copy_log')) { $post_content = $post['post_content']; $br = $post['post_html'] ? '<br /><br />' : "\n"; $post_content .= $br . '[이 게시물은 ' . $this->member->item('mem_nickname') . ' 님에 의해 ' . cdate('Y-m-d H:i:s') . ' ' . element('brd_name', $board) . ' 에서 이동됨]'; $postupdate['post_content'] = $post_content; } $this->Post_model->update($post_id, $postupdate); $dataupdate = array('brd_id' => $new_brd_id); $where = array('target_id' => $post_id, 'target_type' => 1); $this->Blame_model->update('', $dataupdate, $where); $this->Like_model->update('', $dataupdate, $where); $where = array('post_id' => $post_id); $this->Comment_model->update('', $dataupdate, $where); $this->Post_extra_vars_model->update('', $dataupdate, $where); $this->Post_file_model->update('', $dataupdate, $where); $this->Post_link_model->update('', $dataupdate, $where); $this->Post_meta_model->update('', $dataupdate, $where); $this->Scrap_model->update('', $dataupdate, $where); // 이벤트가 존재하면 실행합니다 $view['view']['event']['move_after'] = Events::trigger('move_after', $eventname); } } } } // 이벤트가 존재하면 실행합니다 $view['view']['event']['after'] = Events::trigger('after', $eventname); $alert = $type === 'copy' ? '게시글 복사가 완료되었습니다' : '게시글 이동이 완료되었습니다'; alert_close($alert); } }
$rForum = Query($qForum); $forum = Fetch($rForum); if ($forum['minpower'] > $loguser['powerlevel']) { $post['text'] = __("No."); } LoadBlockLayouts(); $isBlocked = $blocklayouts[$post['uid']] | $post['globalblock'] | $loguser['blocklayouts'] | $post['options'] & 1; $noSmilies = $post['options'] & 2; $tags = array(); $rankHax = $post['posts']; if ($post['num'] == "???") { $post['num'] = $post['posts']; } $post['posts'] = $post['num']; //Disable tags by commenting/removing this part. $tags = array("numposts" => $post['num'], "numdays" => floor((time() - $post['regdate']) / 86400), "date" => cdate($dateformat, $post['date']), "rank" => GetRank($post)); $bucket = "amperTags"; include "./lib/pluginloader.php"; $post['posts'] = $rankHax; if ($post['postheader'] && !$isBlocked) { $postHeader = str_replace('$theme', $theme, ApplyTags(CleanUpPost($post['postheader']), $tags)); } $postText = ApplyTags(CleanUpPost($post['text'], $post['name'], $noSmilies), $tags); $bucket = "postMangler"; include "./lib/pluginloader.php"; if ($post['signature'] && !$isBlocked) { $postFooter = ApplyTags(CleanUpPost($post['signature']), $tags); if (!$post['signsep']) { $separator = "<br />_________________________<br />"; } else { $separator = "<br />";
/** * 파일 업로드 현황을 그래프 형식으로 페이지입니다 */ public function graph() { // 이벤트 라이브러리를 로딩합니다 $eventname = 'event_admin_board_fileupload_graph'; $this->load->event($eventname); $view = array(); $view['view'] = array(); // 이벤트가 존재하면 실행합니다 $view['view']['event']['before'] = Events::trigger('before', $eventname); $param =& $this->querystring; $datetype = $this->input->get('datetype', null, 'd'); if ($datetype !== 'm' && $datetype !== 'y') { $datetype = 'd'; } $start_date = $this->input->get('start_date') ? $this->input->get('start_date') : cdate('Y-m-01'); $end_date = $this->input->get('end_date') ? $this->input->get('end_date') : cdate('Y-m-') . cdate('t'); $brd_id = $this->input->get('brd_id', null, ''); $result = $this->{$this->modelname}->get_post_file_by_date($datetype, $start_date, $end_date, $brd_id); $sum_count = 0; $arr = array(); $max = 0; if ($result && is_array($result)) { foreach ($result as $key => $value) { $s = element('day', $value); if (!isset($arr[$s])) { $arr[$s] = 0; } $arr[$s] += element('cnt', $value); if ($arr[$s] > $max) { $max = $arr[$s]; } $sum_count += element('cnt', $value); } } $view['view']['list'] = array(); $i = 0; $k = 0; $save_count = -1; $tot_count = 0; if (count($arr)) { foreach ($arr as $key => $value) { $count = (int) $arr[$key]; $view['view']['list'][$k]['count'] = $count; $i++; if ($save_count !== $count) { $no = $i; $save_count = $count; } $view['view']['list'][$k]['no'] = $no; $view['view']['list'][$k]['key'] = $key; $rate = $count / $sum_count * 100; $view['view']['list'][$k]['rate'] = $rate; $s_rate = number_format($rate, 1); $view['view']['list'][$k]['s_rate'] = $s_rate; $bar = (int) ($count / $max * 100); $view['view']['list'][$k]['bar'] = $bar; $k++; } $view['view']['max_value'] = $max; $view['view']['sum_count'] = $sum_count; } $view['view']['start_date'] = $start_date; $view['view']['end_date'] = $end_date; $view['view']['boardlist'] = $this->Board_model->get_board_list(); // 이벤트가 존재하면 실행합니다 $view['view']['event']['before_layout'] = Events::trigger('before_layout', $eventname); /** * 어드민 레이아웃을 정의합니다 */ $layoutconfig = array('layout' => 'layout', 'skin' => 'graph'); $view['layout'] = $this->managelayout->admin($layoutconfig, $this->cbconfig->get_device_view_type()); $this->data = $view; $this->layout = element('layout_skin_file', element('layout', $view)); $this->view = element('view_skin_file', element('layout', $view)); }
/** * 검색 페이지 함수입니다 */ public function index() { // 이벤트 라이브러리를 로딩합니다 $eventname = 'event_search_index'; $this->load->event($eventname); $view = array(); $view['view'] = array(); // 이벤트가 존재하면 실행합니다 $view['view']['event']['before'] = Events::trigger('before', $eventname); /** * 페이지에 숫자가 아닌 문자가 입력되거나 1보다 작은 숫자가 입력되면 에러 페이지를 보여줍니다. */ $param =& $this->querystring; $page = (int) $this->input->get('page') > 0 ? (int) $this->input->get('page') : 1; $findex = 'post_num, post_reply'; $sfield = $sfield2 = $this->input->get('sfield', null, ''); $sop = $this->input->get('sop', null, ''); if ($sfield === 'post_both') { $sfield = array('post_title', 'post_content'); } $mem_id = (int) $this->member->item('mem_id'); $skeyword = $this->input->get('skeyword', null, ''); if (empty($skeyword)) { // 이벤트가 존재하면 실행합니다 $view['view']['event']['before_nokeyword_layout'] = Events::trigger('before_nokeyword_layout', $eventname); /** * 레이아웃을 정의합니다 */ $page_title = $this->cbconfig->item('site_meta_title_search'); $meta_description = $this->cbconfig->item('site_meta_description_search'); $meta_keywords = $this->cbconfig->item('site_meta_keywords_search'); $meta_author = $this->cbconfig->item('site_meta_author_search'); $page_name = $this->cbconfig->item('site_page_name_search'); $layoutconfig = array('path' => 'search', 'layout' => 'layout', 'skin' => 'search', 'layout_dir' => $this->cbconfig->item('layout_search'), 'mobile_layout_dir' => $this->cbconfig->item('mobile_layout_search'), 'use_sidebar' => $this->cbconfig->item('sidebar_search'), 'use_mobile_sidebar' => $this->cbconfig->item('mobile_sidebar_search'), 'skin_dir' => $this->cbconfig->item('skin_search'), 'mobile_skin_dir' => $this->cbconfig->item('mobile_skin_search'), 'page_title' => $page_title, 'meta_description' => $meta_description, 'meta_keywords' => $meta_keywords, 'meta_author' => $meta_author, 'page_name' => $page_name); $view['layout'] = $this->managelayout->front($layoutconfig, $this->cbconfig->get_device_view_type()); $this->data = $view; $this->layout = element('layout_skin_file', element('layout', $view)); $this->view = element('view_skin_file', element('layout', $view)); return false; } /** * 게시판 목록에 필요한 정보를 가져옵니다. */ $this->Post_model->allow_search_field = array('post_title', 'post_content', 'post_userid', 'post_nickname'); // 검색이 가능한 필드 $this->Post_model->search_field_equal = array('post_userid'); // 검색중 like 가 아닌 = 검색을 하는 필드 $per_page = 15; $offset = ($page - 1) * $per_page; $group_id = (int) $this->input->get('group_id') ? (int) $this->input->get('group_id') : ''; $board_id = (int) $this->input->get('board_id') ? (int) $this->input->get('board_id') : ''; $where = array(); $boardwhere = array('brd_search' => 1); if ($group_id) { $where['board.bgr_id'] = $group_id; $boardwhere['board.bgr_id'] = $group_id; } $boardlisttmp = $this->Board_model->get_board_list($boardwhere); $boardlist = array(); if (is_array($boardlisttmp)) { foreach ($boardlisttmp as $key => $value) { $boardlist[$value['brd_id']] = $value; } } $grouplisttmp = $this->Board_group_model->get('', '', '', '', 0, 'bgr_order', 'ASC'); if (is_array($grouplisttmp)) { foreach ($grouplisttmp as $key => $value) { $grouplist[$value['bgr_id']] = $value; } } $where['post.post_secret'] = 0; $where['post.post_del'] = 0; $like = ''; $result = $this->Post_model->get_search_list($per_page, $offset, $where, $like, $board_id, $findex, $sfield, $skeyword, $sop); $list_num = $result['total_rows'] - ($page - 1) * $per_page; if (element('list', $result)) { foreach (element('list', $result) as $key => $val) { $images = ''; if (element('post_image', $val)) { $imagewhere = array('post_id' => element('post_id', $val), 'pfi_is_image' => 1); $images = $this->Post_file_model->get_one('', '', $imagewhere, '', '', 'pfi_id', 'ASC'); } $result['list'][$key]['images'] = $images; $result['list'][$key]['post_url'] = post_url(element('brd_key', $val), element('post_id', $val)); $result['list'][$key]['display_name'] = display_username(element('post_userid', $val), element('post_nickname', $val), element('mem_icon', $val), 'Y'); $result['list'][$key]['display_datetime'] = display_datetime(element('post_datetime', $val), 'user', 'Y-m-d H:i'); $result['list'][$key]['content'] = cut_str(strip_tags(element('post_content', $val)), 200); $result['list'][$key]['is_mobile'] = element('post_device', $val) === 'mobile' ? true : false; } } $view['view']['data'] = $result; $view['view']['boardlist'] = $boardlist; $view['view']['grouplist'] = $grouplist; if (!$this->session->userdata('skeyword_' . urlencode($skeyword))) { $sfieldarray = array('post_title', 'post_content', 'post_both'); if (in_array($sfield2, $sfieldarray)) { $searchinsert = array('sek_keyword' => $skeyword, 'sek_datetime' => cdate('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'sek_ip' => $this->input->ip_address(), 'mem_id' => $mem_id); $this->Search_keyword_model->insert($searchinsert); $this->session->set_userdata('skeyword_' . urlencode($skeyword), 1); } } $highlight_keyword = ''; if ($skeyword) { $key_explode = explode(' ', $skeyword); if ($key_explode) { foreach ($key_explode as $seval) { if ($highlight_keyword) { $highlight_keyword .= ','; } $highlight_keyword .= '\'' . html_escape($seval) . '\''; } } } $view['view']['highlight_keyword'] = $highlight_keyword; /** * primary key 정보를 저장합니다 */ $view['view']['primary_key'] = $this->Post_model->primary_key; /** * 페이지네이션을 생성합니다 */ $config['base_url'] = site_url('search/') . '?' . $param->replace('page'); $view['view']['tab_url'] = site_url('search/') . '?' . $param->replace('page, board_id'); $config['total_rows'] = $result['total_rows']; $config['per_page'] = $per_page; if ($this->cbconfig->get_device_view_type() === 'mobile') { $config['num_links'] = 3; } else { $config['num_links'] = 5; } $this->pagination->initialize($config); $view['view']['paging'] = $this->pagination->create_links(); $view['view']['page'] = $page; // 이벤트가 존재하면 실행합니다 $view['view']['event']['before_layout'] = Events::trigger('before_layout', $eventname); /** * 레이아웃을 정의합니다 */ $page_title = $this->cbconfig->item('site_meta_title_search'); $meta_description = $this->cbconfig->item('site_meta_description_search'); $meta_keywords = $this->cbconfig->item('site_meta_keywords_search'); $meta_author = $this->cbconfig->item('site_meta_author_search'); $page_name = $this->cbconfig->item('site_page_name_search'); $searchconfig = array('{검색어}'); $replaceconfig = array($skeyword); $page_title = str_replace($searchconfig, $replaceconfig, $page_title); $meta_description = str_replace($searchconfig, $replaceconfig, $meta_description); $meta_keywords = str_replace($searchconfig, $replaceconfig, $meta_keywords); $meta_author = str_replace($searchconfig, $replaceconfig, $meta_author); $page_name = str_replace($searchconfig, $replaceconfig, $page_name); $layoutconfig = array('path' => 'search', 'layout' => 'layout', 'skin' => 'search', 'layout_dir' => $this->cbconfig->item('layout_search'), 'mobile_layout_dir' => $this->cbconfig->item('mobile_layout_search'), 'use_sidebar' => $this->cbconfig->item('sidebar_search'), 'use_mobile_sidebar' => $this->cbconfig->item('mobile_sidebar_search'), 'skin_dir' => $this->cbconfig->item('skin_search'), 'mobile_skin_dir' => $this->cbconfig->item('mobile_skin_search'), 'page_title' => $page_title, 'meta_description' => $meta_description, 'meta_keywords' => $meta_keywords, 'meta_author' => $meta_author, 'page_name' => $page_name); $view['layout'] = $this->managelayout->front($layoutconfig, $this->cbconfig->get_device_view_type()); $this->data = $view; $this->layout = element('layout_skin_file', element('layout', $view)); $this->view = element('view_skin_file', element('layout', $view)); }