Exemplo n.º 1
 * Returns the path components after /reason_package/
 * @param string full_path - absolute path
 * @param string suffix - extension to strip
 * @return string
function reason_basename($full_path, $suffix = '.php')
    // if the pathname does not appear to be in the reason include we do some symlink hocus pocus.
    if (carl_strpos($full_path, REASON_INC) === FALSE) {
        // first try local
        $local_path = reason_get_local_path("");
        $real_local_path = realpath($local_path);
        if (carl_substr($real_local_path, -1) != '/') {
            $real_local_path = $real_local_path . "/";
        // add trailing slash.
        if (carl_strpos($full_path, $real_local_path) !== FALSE) {
            return carl_basename($local_path . carl_substr($full_path, carl_strlen($real_local_path)), $suffix, '/reason_package/');
        // now try core
        $core_path = reason_get_core_path("");
        $real_core_path = realpath($core_path);
        if (carl_substr($real_core_path, -1) != '/') {
            $real_core_path = $real_core_path . "/";
        // add trailing slash.
        if (carl_strpos($full_path, $real_core_path) !== FALSE) {
            return carl_basename($local_path . carl_substr($full_path, carl_strlen($real_core_path)), $suffix, '/reason_package/');
    return carl_basename($full_path, $suffix, '/reason_package/');
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Returns the path components after some directory in the path.
  * @author Nathan White
  * @param string full_path - absolute path
  * @param string suffix - extension to strip
  * @param string dir - some directory
  * @return string
 function carl_basename($full_path, $suffix, $dir)
     $strlength = carl_strlen($dir);
     $strpos = carl_strpos($full_path, $dir);
     if (is_numeric($strpos)) {
         $partial_path = carl_substr($full_path, $strpos + $strlength);
         $filebasename = basename($partial_path, $suffix);
         $dirname = dirname($partial_path);
         return $dirname . '/' . $filebasename;
     } else {
         trigger_error('The directory ' . $dir . ' was not found in the full path string ' . $full_path . ' - returning just the file basename');
         return basename($full_path, $suffix);
Exemplo n.º 3
  * Encode a multibyte string as a MIME header
  * mb_encode_mimeheader is naive and therefore unusable (it splits multibyte characters) so this is a more robust replacement.
  * This function uses base64 encoding, which is slightly heftier than quoted printable in many settings,
  * but has the advantage of being a predictable length (which is important in this case!)
  * @param string $string
  * @param string $encoding the encoding of the string; pass a null value to use the current mb_internal_encoding
  * @param string $linefeed the chars to be placed at the end of lines in the encoding
  * @return string The encoded string
 function mb_mime_header_encode($string, $encoding = 'UTF-8', $linefeed = "\r\n ")
     if (!$encoding) {
         $encoding = function_exists('mb_internal_encoding') ? mb_internal_encoding() : 'UTF-8';
     $encoded = '';
     while ($length = carl_strlen($string, $encoding)) {
         $encoded .= '=?' . $encoding . '?B?' . base64_encode(carl_substr($string, 0, 24, $encoding)) . '?=' . $linefeed;
         $string = carl_substr($string, 24, $length, $encoding);
     return trim($encoded);
Exemplo n.º 4
  * Parses a module identifier string - returns an array.
  * Note that no validation is done - the array could reference non existent classes, locations, or invalid params.
 private static function parse_identifier($module_identifier)
     $key_map = self::get_identifier_key_map();
     $cla_start = carl_strpos($module_identifier, $key_map['module_class']);
     $loc_start = carl_strpos($module_identifier, $key_map['module_location']);
     $par_start = carl_strpos($module_identifier, $key_map['module_params']);
     if ($cla_start !== false && $loc_start !== false && $par_start !== false) {
         $cla_len = carl_strlen($key_map['module_class']);
         $cla = carl_substr($module_identifier, $cla_start + $cla_len, $loc_start - $cla_start - $cla_len);
         $loc_len = carl_strlen($key_map['module_location']);
         $loc = carl_substr($module_identifier, $loc_start + $loc_len, $par_start - $loc_start - $loc_len);
         $par_len = carl_strlen($key_map['module_params']);
         $par = carl_substr($module_identifier, $par_start + $par_len, carl_strlen($module_identifier) - $par_start - $par_len);
         if (!empty($cla) && !empty($loc) && !empty($par)) {
             return array('module_class' => $cla, 'module_location' => $loc, 'module_params' => $par);
     return false;