Exemplo n.º 1
function printEvWepInfRow($Wep, $slot, $xp, $cash)
    echo "<tr align=center>";
    echo "<td width=\"195\">{$Wep['name']}</td>";
    echo "<td width=\"80\">" . number_format($Wep[atk]) . "</td>";
    echo "<td width=\"30\">{$Wep['hit']}</td>";
    echo "<td width=\"30\">{$Wep['rd']}</td>";
    echo "<td width=\"40\">{$Wep['enc']}</td>";
    printf("<td width=\"80\">%s</td>", getRangeAttrb($Wep['range'], $Wep['attrb'], $Wep['equip']));
    printf("<td width=\"120\">%s</td>", ReturnSpecs($Wep['spec']));
    echo "<td width=\"85\">" . expToStatus($Wep['ev_xp']) . "</td>";
    echo "<td width=\"85\">" . number_format($Wep['ev_cost']) . "</td>";
    $BtnLabel = '確認改造';
    $DisableFlag = false;
    if ($Wep['ev_xp'] > $xp || $Wep['ev_cost'] > $cash) {
        $BtnLabel = '未可改造';
        $DisableFlag = true;
    } elseif (!canEquipAsWep($Wep, true) && $slot == 'wepa') {
        $DisableFlag = true;
    echo "<td width=\"85\"><input type=button value='{$BtnLabel}' onClick=\"cfmev('{$slot}','{$Wep['ev_id']}');\"";
    if ($DisableFlag) {
        echo " disabled";
    echo "></td></tr>";
    return 1;
Exemplo n.º 2
     return $CoordinatesSt;
 $tTier = floor($tLevel / 15);
 if ($tTier > 6) {
     $tTier = 6;
 if ($tTier > 0) {
     $sql = "SELECT `id`,`spec`,`equip` FROM `" . $GLOBALS['DBPrefix'] . "phpeb_sys_wep` WHERE `tier` = {$tTier} AND `id` != '0'; ";
 } else {
     $sql = "SELECT `id`,`spec`,`equip` FROM `" . $GLOBALS['DBPrefix'] . "phpeb_sys_wep` WHERE `buy` = 1 AND `equip` = '0'; ";
 $query = mysql_query($sql);
 $Wep = array();
 $i = 0;
 while ($liWep = mysql_fetch_array($query)) {
     if (!canEquipAsWep($liWep)) {
     $Wep[$i] = $liWep['id'];
 function getHpModifier($Lv)
     if ($Lv < 50) {
         return 300;
     } elseif ($Lv < 100) {
         return 400;
     } else {
         return 500;
Exemplo n.º 3
$W_Inf = array('A' => '', 'B' => '', 'C' => '', 'D' => '', 'E' => '');
$Count_Eq = 0;
// Functions
include_once 'includes/gmscrn.eq_tips.inc.php';
// Begin Transversing through List
foreach ($Eq_Listing as $I => $V) {
    // Prepare Basic Information
    prepBasixEqInfoString($Pl, $I, $W_Inf);
    // Print name phrase, starts <div> tag
    printQuickEquipNamePhrase($I, $Pl->Eq[$I]['id'], $Pl->Eq[$I]['name'], $W_Inf);
    // Print Condition Level / Exp
    printCondLevel($Pl, $I);
    // Print Controls
    if ($I == 'B' || $I == 'C') {
        echo "<br>";
        $tmpBool = $Pl->Eq[$I]['id'] != '0' && canEquipAsWep($Pl->Eq[$I]);
        printQuickEquipSpanTag($V, $I, 'W', 'E', 'equip', $tmpBool, '(裝備此武器)');
        echo "&nbsp;";
        $tmpBool = $Pl->Eq[$I]['id'] != '0' && $Pl->Eq[$I]['equip'];
        printQuickEquipSpanTag($V, $I, 'E', 'W', 'equipdef', $tmpBool, '(裝上輔助裝備)');
    } elseif ($I == 'D') {
        echo "<br>";
        $tmpBool = $Pl->Eq[$I]['id'] != '0' && ($Pl->Eq['B']['id'] == '0' || $Pl->Eq['C']['id'] == '0');
        printQuickEquipSpanTag('eqwep', 'D', 'R', false, 'equipdef', $tmpBool, '(卸下此裝備)');
    // End Div Tag
    echo "</div>";
if (!$Count_Eq) {
    echo "沒有任何裝備";
Exemplo n.º 4
     echo "parent.document.getElementById('Eqm_D').style.position = 'absolute';";
     echo "parent.document.getElementById('EqmL_D').style.visibility = 'hidden';";
     echo "parent.document.getElementById('EqmL_D').style.position = 'absolute';";
     echo "parent.document.getElementById('Eqm_" . $s . "').style.visibility = 'visible';";
     echo "parent.document.getElementById('Eqm_" . $s . "').style.position = 'relative';";
     echo "parent.document.getElementById('EqmL_" . $s . "').style.visibility = 'visible';";
     echo "parent.document.getElementById('EqmL_" . $s . "').style.position = 'relative';";
 echo "parent.document.getElementById('current_hp').innerHTML = " . $GameVal['hp'] . ";";
 echo "parent.document.getElementById('max_hp').innerHTML = " . $GameVal['hpmax'] . ";";
 echo "parent.document.getElementById('current_en').innerHTML = " . $GameVal['en'] . ";";
 echo "parent.document.getElementById('max_en').innerHTML = " . $GameVal['enmax'] . ";";
 if ($Equ_Id[0] && ($GameVal['wepb'][0] == '0' || $GameVal['wepc'][0] == '0')) {
     echo "parent.document.getElementById('EqR_btn_D').innerHTML = \"(卸下此裝備)\";";
 if (canEquipAsWep($Eq)) {
     echo "parent.document.getElementById('EqW_btn_" . $s . "').innerHTML = \"(裝備此武器)\";";
 } else {
     echo "parent.document.getElementById('EqW_btn_" . $s . "').innerHTML = '';";
 if ($Eq['equip']) {
     echo "parent.document.getElementById('EqE_btn_" . $s . "').innerHTML = \"(裝上輔助裝備)\";";
 } else {
     echo "parent.document.getElementById('EqE_btn_" . $s . "').innerHTML = '';";
 echo "</script>";
 if ($actionc == 'rt_equip') {
 echo "<form action=equip.php?action=equip method=post name=frmeq target={$SecTarget}>";
 echo "<input type=hidden value='{$Pl_Value['USERNAME']}' name=Pl_Value[USERNAME]>";