Exemplo n.º 1
  * The main admin handling function.
  * What it does:
  * - It initialises all the basic context required for the admin center.
  * - It passes execution onto the relevant admin section.
  * - If the passed section is not found it shows the admin home page.
  * - Accessed by ?action=admin.
 public function action_index()
     global $txt, $context, $scripturl, $modSettings, $settings;
     // Make sure the administrator has a valid session...
     // Load the language and templates....
     loadTemplate('Admin', 'admin');
     loadJavascriptFile('admin.js', array(), 'admin_script');
     // The Admin functions require Jquery UI ....
     $modSettings['jquery_include_ui'] = true;
     // No indexing evil stuff.
     $context['robot_no_index'] = true;
     // Need these to do much
     require_once SUBSDIR . '/Menu.subs.php';
     require_once SUBSDIR . '/Action.class.php';
     // Define the menu structure - see subs/Menu.subs.php for details!
     $admin_areas = array('forum' => array('title' => $txt['admin_main'], 'permission' => array('admin_forum', 'manage_permissions', 'moderate_forum', 'manage_membergroups', 'manage_bans', 'send_mail', 'edit_news', 'manage_boards', 'manage_smileys', 'manage_attachments'), 'areas' => array('index' => array('label' => $txt['admin_center'], 'controller' => 'Admin_Controller', 'function' => 'action_home', 'icon' => 'transparent.png', 'class' => 'admin_img_administration'), 'credits' => array('label' => $txt['support_credits_title'], 'controller' => 'Admin_Controller', 'function' => 'action_credits', 'icon' => 'transparent.png', 'class' => 'admin_img_support'), 'maillist' => array('label' => $txt['mail_center'], 'file' => 'ManageMaillist.controller.php', 'controller' => 'ManageMaillist_Controller', 'function' => 'action_index', 'icon' => 'mail.png', 'class' => 'admin_img_mail', 'permission' => array('approve_emails', 'admin_forum'), 'enabled' => in_array('pe', $context['admin_features']), 'subsections' => array('emaillist' => array($txt['mm_emailerror'], 'approve_emails'), 'emailfilters' => array($txt['mm_emailfilters'], 'admin_forum'), 'emailparser' => array($txt['mm_emailparsers'], 'admin_forum'), 'emailtemplates' => array($txt['mm_emailtemplates'], 'approve_emails'), 'emailsettings' => array($txt['mm_emailsettings'], 'admin_forum'))), 'news' => array('label' => $txt['news_title'], 'file' => 'ManageNews.controller.php', 'controller' => 'ManageNews_Controller', 'function' => 'action_index', 'icon' => 'transparent.png', 'class' => 'admin_img_news', 'permission' => array('edit_news', 'send_mail', 'admin_forum'), 'subsections' => array('editnews' => array($txt['admin_edit_news'], 'edit_news'), 'mailingmembers' => array($txt['admin_newsletters'], 'send_mail'), 'settings' => array($txt['settings'], 'admin_forum'))), 'packages' => array('label' => $txt['package'], 'file' => 'Packages.controller.php', 'controller' => 'Packages_Controller', 'function' => 'action_index', 'permission' => array('admin_forum'), 'icon' => 'transparent.png', 'class' => 'admin_img_packages', 'subsections' => array('browse' => array($txt['browse_packages']), 'installed' => array($txt['installed_packages']), 'perms' => array($txt['package_file_perms']), 'options' => array($txt['package_settings']), 'servers' => array($txt['download_packages']), 'upload' => array($txt['upload_packages']))), 'packageservers' => array('label' => $txt['package_servers'], 'file' => 'PackageServers.controller.php', 'controller' => 'PackageServers_Controller', 'function' => 'action_index', 'permission' => array('admin_forum'), 'icon' => 'transparent.png', 'class' => 'admin_img_packages', 'hidden' => true), 'search' => array('controller' => 'Admin_Controller', 'function' => 'action_search', 'permission' => array('admin_forum'), 'select' => 'index'), 'adminlogoff' => array('controller' => 'Admin_Controller', 'function' => 'action_endsession', 'label' => $txt['admin_logoff'], 'enabled' => empty($modSettings['securityDisable']), 'icon' => 'transparent.png', 'class' => 'admin_img_exit'))), 'config' => array('title' => $txt['admin_config'], 'permission' => array('admin_forum'), 'areas' => array('corefeatures' => array('label' => $txt['core_settings_title'], 'file' => 'CoreFeatures.controller.php', 'controller' => 'CoreFeatures_Controller', 'function' => 'action_index', 'icon' => 'transparent.png', 'class' => 'admin_img_corefeatures'), 'featuresettings' => array('label' => $txt['modSettings_title'], 'file' => 'ManageFeatures.controller.php', 'controller' => 'ManageFeatures_Controller', 'function' => 'action_index', 'icon' => 'transparent.png', 'class' => 'admin_img_features', 'subsections' => array('basic' => array($txt['mods_cat_features']), 'layout' => array($txt['mods_cat_layout']), 'pmsettings' => array($txt['personal_messages']), 'karma' => array($txt['karma'], 'enabled' => in_array('k', $context['admin_features'])), 'likes' => array($txt['likes'], 'enabled' => in_array('l', $context['admin_features'])), 'mention' => array($txt['mention']), 'sig' => array($txt['signature_settings_short']), 'profile' => array($txt['custom_profile_shorttitle'], 'enabled' => in_array('cp', $context['admin_features'])))), 'serversettings' => array('label' => $txt['admin_server_settings'], 'file' => 'ManageServer.controller.php', 'controller' => 'ManageServer_Controller', 'function' => 'action_index', 'icon' => 'transparent.png', 'class' => 'admin_img_server', 'subsections' => array('general' => array($txt['general_settings']), 'database' => array($txt['database_paths_settings']), 'cookie' => array($txt['cookies_sessions_settings']), 'cache' => array($txt['caching_settings']), 'loads' => array($txt['load_balancing_settings']), 'phpinfo' => array($txt['phpinfo_settings']))), 'securitysettings' => array('label' => $txt['admin_security_moderation'], 'file' => 'ManageSecurity.controller.php', 'controller' => 'ManageSecurity_Controller', 'function' => 'action_index', 'icon' => 'transparent.png', 'class' => 'admin_img_security', 'subsections' => array('general' => array($txt['mods_cat_security_general']), 'spam' => array($txt['antispam_title']), 'badbehavior' => array($txt['badbehavior_title']), 'moderation' => array($txt['moderation_settings_short'], 'enabled' => !empty($modSettings['warning_enable'])))), 'theme' => array('label' => $txt['theme_admin'], 'file' => 'ManageThemes.controller.php', 'controller' => 'ManageThemes_Controller', 'function' => 'action_index', 'custom_url' => $scripturl . '?action=admin;area=theme', 'icon' => 'transparent.png', 'class' => 'admin_img_themes', 'subsections' => array('admin' => array($txt['themeadmin_admin_title']), 'list' => array($txt['themeadmin_list_title']), 'reset' => array($txt['themeadmin_reset_title']), 'themelist' => array($txt['themeadmin_edit_title'], 'active' => array('edit', 'browse')), 'edit' => array($txt['themeadmin_edit_title'], 'enabled' => false), 'browse' => array($txt['themeadmin_edit_title'], 'enabled' => false))), 'current_theme' => array('label' => $txt['theme_current_settings'], 'file' => 'ManageThemes.controller.php', 'controller' => 'ManageThemes_Controller', 'function' => 'action_index', 'custom_url' => $scripturl . '?action=admin;area=theme;sa=list;th=' . $settings['theme_id'], 'icon' => 'transparent.png', 'class' => 'admin_img_current_theme'), 'languages' => array('label' => $txt['language_configuration'], 'file' => 'ManageLanguages.controller.php', 'controller' => 'ManageLanguages_Controller', 'function' => 'action_index', 'icon' => 'transparent.png', 'class' => 'admin_img_languages', 'subsections' => array('edit' => array($txt['language_edit']), 'settings' => array($txt['language_settings']))), 'addonsettings' => array('label' => $txt['admin_modifications'], 'file' => 'AddonSettings.controller.php', 'controller' => 'AddonSettings_Controller', 'function' => 'action_index', 'icon' => 'transparent.png', 'class' => 'admin_img_modifications', 'subsections' => array('general' => array($txt['mods_cat_modifications_misc']))))), 'layout' => array('title' => $txt['layout_controls'], 'permission' => array('manage_boards', 'admin_forum', 'manage_smileys', 'manage_attachments', 'moderate_forum'), 'areas' => array('manageboards' => array('label' => $txt['admin_boards'], 'file' => 'ManageBoards.controller.php', 'controller' => 'ManageBoards_Controller', 'function' => 'action_index', 'icon' => 'transparent.png', 'class' => 'admin_img_boards', 'permission' => array('manage_boards'), 'subsections' => array('main' => array($txt['boardsEdit']), 'newcat' => array($txt['mboards_new_cat']), 'settings' => array($txt['settings'], 'admin_forum'))), 'postsettings' => array('label' => $txt['manageposts'], 'file' => 'ManagePosts.controller.php', 'controller' => 'ManagePosts_Controller', 'function' => 'action_index', 'permission' => array('admin_forum'), 'icon' => 'transparent.png', 'class' => 'admin_img_posts', 'subsections' => array('posts' => array($txt['manageposts_settings']), 'bbc' => array($txt['manageposts_bbc_settings']), 'censor' => array($txt['admin_censored_words']), 'topics' => array($txt['manageposts_topic_settings']))), 'smileys' => array('label' => $txt['smileys_manage'], 'file' => 'ManageSmileys.controller.php', 'controller' => 'ManageSmileys_Controller', 'function' => 'action_index', 'icon' => 'transparent.png', 'class' => 'admin_img_smiley', 'permission' => array('manage_smileys'), 'subsections' => array('editsets' => array($txt['smiley_sets']), 'addsmiley' => array($txt['smileys_add'], 'enabled' => !empty($modSettings['smiley_enable'])), 'editsmileys' => array($txt['smileys_edit'], 'enabled' => !empty($modSettings['smiley_enable'])), 'setorder' => array($txt['smileys_set_order'], 'enabled' => !empty($modSettings['smiley_enable'])), 'editicons' => array($txt['icons_edit_message_icons'], 'enabled' => !empty($modSettings['messageIcons_enable'])), 'settings' => array($txt['settings']))), 'manageattachments' => array('label' => $txt['attachments_avatars'], 'file' => 'ManageAttachments.controller.php', 'controller' => 'ManageAttachments_Controller', 'function' => 'action_index', 'icon' => 'transparent.png', 'class' => 'admin_img_attachment', 'permission' => array('manage_attachments'), 'subsections' => array('browse' => array($txt['attachment_manager_browse']), 'attachments' => array($txt['attachment_manager_settings']), 'avatars' => array($txt['attachment_manager_avatar_settings']), 'attachpaths' => array($txt['attach_directories']), 'maintenance' => array($txt['attachment_manager_maintenance']))), 'managesearch' => array('label' => $txt['manage_search'], 'file' => 'ManageSearch.controller.php', 'controller' => 'ManageSearch_Controller', 'function' => 'action_index', 'icon' => 'transparent.png', 'class' => 'admin_img_search', 'permission' => array('admin_forum'), 'subsections' => array('weights' => array($txt['search_weights']), 'method' => array($txt['search_method']), 'managesphinx' => array($txt['search_sphinx']), 'settings' => array($txt['settings']))), 'managecalendar' => array('label' => $txt['manage_calendar'], 'file' => 'ManageCalendar.controller.php', 'controller' => 'ManageCalendar_Controller', 'function' => 'action_index', 'icon' => 'transparent.png', 'class' => 'admin_img_calendar', 'permission' => array('admin_forum'), 'enabled' => in_array('cd', $context['admin_features']), 'subsections' => array('holidays' => array($txt['manage_holidays'], 'admin_forum', 'enabled' => !empty($modSettings['cal_enabled'])), 'settings' => array($txt['calendar_settings'], 'admin_forum'))), 'managedrafts' => array('label' => $txt['manage_drafts'], 'file' => 'ManageDrafts.controller.php', 'controller' => 'ManageDrafts_Controller', 'function' => 'action_index', 'icon' => 'transparent.png', 'class' => 'admin_img_logs', 'permission' => array('admin_forum'), 'enabled' => in_array('dr', $context['admin_features'])))), 'members' => array('title' => $txt['admin_manage_members'], 'permission' => array('moderate_forum', 'manage_membergroups', 'manage_bans', 'manage_permissions', 'admin_forum'), 'areas' => array('viewmembers' => array('label' => $txt['admin_users'], 'file' => 'ManageMembers.controller.php', 'controller' => 'ManageMembers_Controller', 'function' => 'action_index', 'icon' => 'transparent.png', 'class' => 'admin_img_members', 'permission' => array('moderate_forum'), 'subsections' => array('all' => array($txt['view_all_members']), 'search' => array($txt['mlist_search']))), 'membergroups' => array('label' => $txt['admin_groups'], 'file' => 'ManageMembergroups.controller.php', 'controller' => 'ManageMembergroups_Controller', 'function' => 'action_index', 'icon' => 'transparent.png', 'class' => 'admin_img_membergroups', 'permission' => array('manage_membergroups'), 'subsections' => array('index' => array($txt['membergroups_edit_groups'], 'manage_membergroups'), 'add' => array($txt['membergroups_new_group'], 'manage_membergroups'), 'settings' => array($txt['settings'], 'admin_forum'))), 'permissions' => array('label' => $txt['edit_permissions'], 'file' => 'ManagePermissions.controller.php', 'controller' => 'ManagePermissions_Controller', 'function' => 'action_index', 'icon' => 'transparent.png', 'class' => 'admin_img_permissions', 'permission' => array('manage_permissions'), 'subsections' => array('index' => array($txt['permissions_groups'], 'manage_permissions'), 'board' => array($txt['permissions_boards'], 'manage_permissions'), 'profiles' => array($txt['permissions_profiles'], 'manage_permissions'), 'postmod' => array($txt['permissions_post_moderation'], 'manage_permissions', 'enabled' => $modSettings['postmod_active']), 'settings' => array($txt['settings'], 'admin_forum'))), 'ban' => array('label' => $txt['ban_title'], 'file' => 'ManageBans.controller.php', 'controller' => 'ManageBans_Controller', 'function' => 'action_index', 'icon' => 'transparent.png', 'class' => 'admin_img_ban', 'permission' => 'manage_bans', 'subsections' => array('list' => array($txt['ban_edit_list']), 'add' => array($txt['ban_add_new']), 'browse' => array($txt['ban_trigger_browse']), 'log' => array($txt['ban_log']))), 'regcenter' => array('label' => $txt['registration_center'], 'file' => 'ManageRegistration.controller.php', 'controller' => 'ManageRegistration_Controller', 'function' => 'action_index', 'icon' => 'transparent.png', 'class' => 'admin_img_regcenter', 'permission' => array('admin_forum', 'moderate_forum'), 'subsections' => array('register' => array($txt['admin_browse_register_new'], 'moderate_forum'), 'agreement' => array($txt['registration_agreement'], 'admin_forum'), 'reservednames' => array($txt['admin_reserved_set'], 'admin_forum'), 'settings' => array($txt['settings'], 'admin_forum'))), 'sengines' => array('label' => $txt['search_engines'], 'enabled' => in_array('sp', $context['admin_features']), 'file' => 'ManageSearchEngines.controller.php', 'controller' => 'ManageSearchEngines_Controller', 'function' => 'action_index', 'icon' => 'transparent.png', 'class' => 'admin_img_engines', 'permission' => 'admin_forum', 'subsections' => array('stats' => array($txt['spider_stats']), 'logs' => array($txt['spider_logs']), 'spiders' => array($txt['spiders']), 'settings' => array($txt['settings']))), 'paidsubscribe' => array('label' => $txt['paid_subscriptions'], 'enabled' => in_array('ps', $context['admin_features']), 'file' => 'ManagePaid.controller.php', 'controller' => 'ManagePaid_Controller', 'icon' => 'transparent.png', 'class' => 'admin_img_paid', 'function' => 'action_index', 'permission' => 'admin_forum', 'subsections' => array('view' => array($txt['paid_subs_view']), 'settings' => array($txt['settings']))))), 'maintenance' => array('title' => $txt['admin_maintenance'], 'permission' => array('admin_forum'), 'areas' => array('maintain' => array('label' => $txt['maintain_title'], 'file' => 'Maintenance.controller.php', 'controller' => 'Maintenance_Controller', 'function' => 'action_index', 'icon' => 'transparent.png', 'class' => 'admin_img_maintain', 'subsections' => array('routine' => array($txt['maintain_sub_routine'], 'admin_forum'), 'database' => array($txt['maintain_sub_database'], 'admin_forum'), 'members' => array($txt['maintain_sub_members'], 'admin_forum'), 'topics' => array($txt['maintain_sub_topics'], 'admin_forum'), 'hooks' => array($txt['maintain_sub_hooks_list'], 'admin_forum'), 'attachments' => array($txt['maintain_sub_attachments'], 'admin_forum'))), 'logs' => array('label' => $txt['logs'], 'file' => 'AdminLog.controller.php', 'controller' => 'AdminLog_Controller', 'function' => 'action_index', 'icon' => 'transparent.png', 'class' => 'admin_img_logs', 'subsections' => array('errorlog' => array($txt['errlog'], 'admin_forum', 'enabled' => !empty($modSettings['enableErrorLogging']), 'url' => $scripturl . '?action=admin;area=logs;sa=errorlog;desc'), 'adminlog' => array($txt['admin_log'], 'admin_forum', 'enabled' => in_array('ml', $context['admin_features'])), 'modlog' => array($txt['moderation_log'], 'admin_forum', 'enabled' => in_array('ml', $context['admin_features'])), 'banlog' => array($txt['ban_log'], 'manage_bans'), 'spiderlog' => array($txt['spider_logs'], 'admin_forum', 'enabled' => in_array('sp', $context['admin_features'])), 'tasklog' => array($txt['scheduled_log'], 'admin_forum'), 'badbehaviorlog' => array($txt['badbehavior_log'], 'admin_forum', 'enabled' => !empty($modSettings['badbehavior_enabled']), 'url' => $scripturl . '?action=admin;area=logs;sa=badbehaviorlog;desc'), 'pruning' => array($txt['pruning_title'], 'admin_forum'))), 'scheduledtasks' => array('label' => $txt['maintain_tasks'], 'file' => 'ManageScheduledTasks.controller.php', 'controller' => 'ManageScheduledTasks_Controller', 'function' => 'action_index', 'icon' => 'transparent.png', 'class' => 'admin_img_scheduled', 'subsections' => array('tasks' => array($txt['maintain_tasks'], 'admin_forum'), 'tasklog' => array($txt['scheduled_log'], 'admin_forum'))), 'mailqueue' => array('label' => $txt['mailqueue_title'], 'file' => 'ManageMail.controller.php', 'controller' => 'ManageMail_Controller', 'function' => 'action_index', 'icon' => 'transparent.png', 'class' => 'admin_img_mail', 'subsections' => array('browse' => array($txt['mailqueue_browse'], 'admin_forum'), 'settings' => array($txt['mailqueue_settings'], 'admin_forum'))), 'reports' => array('enabled' => in_array('rg', $context['admin_features']), 'label' => $txt['generate_reports'], 'file' => 'Reports.controller.php', 'controller' => 'Reports_Controller', 'function' => 'action_index', 'icon' => 'transparent.png', 'class' => 'admin_img_reports'), 'repairboards' => array('label' => $txt['admin_repair'], 'file' => 'RepairBoards.controller.php', 'controller' => 'RepairBoards_Controller', 'function' => 'action_repairboards', 'select' => 'maintain', 'hidden' => true))));
     // Any files to include for administration?
     $menuOptions = array('hook' => 'admin', 'default_include_dir' => ADMINDIR);
     // Actually create the menu!
     $admin_include_data = createMenu($admin_areas, $menuOptions);
     // Nothing valid?
     if ($admin_include_data == false) {
         fatal_lang_error('no_access', false);
     // Build the link tree.
     $context['linktree'][] = array('url' => $scripturl . '?action=admin', 'name' => $txt['admin_center']);
     if (isset($admin_include_data['current_area']) && $admin_include_data['current_area'] != 'index') {
         $context['linktree'][] = array('url' => $scripturl . '?action=admin;area=' . $admin_include_data['current_area'] . ';' . $context['session_var'] . '=' . $context['session_id'], 'name' => $admin_include_data['label']);
     if (!empty($admin_include_data['current_subsection']) && $admin_include_data['subsections'][$admin_include_data['current_subsection']][0] != $admin_include_data['label']) {
         $context['linktree'][] = array('url' => $scripturl . '?action=admin;area=' . $admin_include_data['current_area'] . ';sa=' . $admin_include_data['current_subsection'] . ';' . $context['session_var'] . '=' . $context['session_id'], 'name' => $admin_include_data['subsections'][$admin_include_data['current_subsection']][0]);
     // Make a note of the Unique ID for this menu.
     $context['admin_menu_id'] = $context['max_menu_id'];
     $context['admin_menu_name'] = 'menu_data_' . $context['admin_menu_id'];
     // Where in the admin are we?
     $context['admin_area'] = $admin_include_data['current_area'];
     // Now - finally - call the right place!
     if (isset($admin_include_data['file'])) {
         require_once $admin_include_data['file'];
     * List all the scheduled task in place on the forum.
     * @uses ManageScheduledTasks template, view_scheduled_tasks sub-template
    public function action_tasks()
        global $context, $txt, $scripturl;
        // We'll need to recalculate dates and stuff like that.
        require_once SUBSDIR . '/ScheduledTasks.subs.php';
        // Mama, setup the template first - cause it's like the most important bit, like pickle in a sandwich.
        // ... ironically I don't like pickle. </grudge>
        $context['sub_template'] = 'view_scheduled_tasks';
        $context['page_title'] = $txt['maintain_tasks'];
        // Saving changes?
        if (isset($_REQUEST['save']) && isset($_POST['enable_task'])) {
            // Enable and disable as required.
            $enablers = array(0);
            foreach ($_POST['enable_task'] as $id => $enabled) {
                if ($enabled) {
                    $enablers[] = (int) $id;
            // Do the update!
            // Pop along...
        // Want to run any of the tasks?
        if (isset($_REQUEST['run']) && isset($_POST['run_task'])) {
            // Lets figure out which ones they want to run.
            $tasks = array();
            foreach ($_POST['run_task'] as $task => $dummy) {
                $tasks[] = (int) $task;
            // Load up the tasks.
            $nextTasks = loadTasks($tasks);
            // Lets get it on!
            require_once SUBSDIR . '/ScheduledTask.class.php';
            foreach ($nextTasks as $task_id => $taskname) {
                run_this_task($task_id, $taskname);
            // Things go as expected?  If not save the error in session
            if (!empty($context['scheduled_errors'])) {
                $_SESSION['st_error'] = $context['scheduled_errors'];
        // Build the list so we can see the tasks
        $listOptions = array('id' => 'scheduled_tasks', 'title' => $txt['maintain_tasks'], 'base_href' => $scripturl . '?action=admin;area=scheduledtasks', 'get_items' => array('function' => array($this, 'list_getScheduledTasks')), 'columns' => array('name' => array('header' => array('value' => $txt['scheduled_tasks_name'], 'style' => 'width: 40%;'), 'data' => array('sprintf' => array('format' => '
								<a class="linkbutton" href="' . $scripturl . '?action=admin;area=scheduledtasks;sa=taskedit;tid=%1$d" title="' . $txt['scheduled_task_edit'] . ' %2$s"><i class="fa fa-pencil-square-o"></i> %2$s</a><br /><span class="smalltext">%3$s</span>', 'params' => array('id' => false, 'name' => false, 'desc' => false)))), 'next_due' => array('header' => array('value' => $txt['scheduled_tasks_next_time']), 'data' => array('db' => 'next_time', 'class' => 'smalltext')), 'regularity' => array('header' => array('value' => $txt['scheduled_tasks_regularity']), 'data' => array('db' => 'regularity', 'class' => 'smalltext')), 'enabled' => array('header' => array('value' => $txt['scheduled_tasks_enabled'], 'style' => 'width: 6%;text-align: center;'), 'data' => array('sprintf' => array('format' => '
								<input type="hidden" name="enable_task[%1$d]" id="task_%1$d" value="0" /><input type="checkbox" name="enable_task[%1$d]" id="task_check_%1$d" %2$s class="input_check" />', 'params' => array('id' => false, 'checked_state' => false)), 'class' => 'centertext')), 'run_now' => array('header' => array('value' => $txt['scheduled_tasks_run_now'], 'style' => 'width: 12%;text-align: center;'), 'data' => array('sprintf' => array('format' => '
								<input type="checkbox" name="run_task[%1$d]" id="run_task_%1$d" class="input_check" />', 'params' => array('id' => false)), 'class' => 'centertext'))), 'form' => array('href' => $scripturl . '?action=admin;area=scheduledtasks'), 'additional_rows' => array(array('class' => 'submitbutton', 'position' => 'below_table_data', 'value' => '
						<input type="submit" name="run" value="' . $txt['scheduled_tasks_run_now'] . '" class="right_submit" />
						<input type="submit" name="save" value="' . $txt['scheduled_tasks_save_changes'] . '" class="right_submit" />'), array('position' => 'after_title', 'value' => $txt['scheduled_tasks_time_offset'], 'class' => 'windowbg2')));
        require_once SUBSDIR . '/GenericList.class.php';
        $context['sub_template'] = 'view_scheduled_tasks';
        $context['tasks_were_run'] = isset($_GET['done']);
        // If we had any errors, place them in context as well
        if (isset($_SESSION['st_error'])) {
            $context['scheduled_errors'] = $_SESSION['st_error'];
Exemplo n.º 3
  * Turns on or off a core forum feature via ajax
 public function action_corefeatures()
     global $context, $txt;
     $context['xml_data'] = array();
     // Just in case, maybe we don't need it
     // We need (at least) this to ensure that mod files are included
     $errors = array();
     $returns = array();
     $tokens = array();
     // You have to be allowed to do this of course
     $validation = validateSession();
     if (empty($validation)) {
         require_once ADMINDIR . '/CoreFeatures.controller.php';
         $controller = new CoreFeatures_Controller();
         $result = $controller->action_index();
         // Load up the core features of the system
         if (empty($result)) {
             $id = isset($_POST['feature_id']) ? $_POST['feature_id'] : '';
             // The feature being enabled does exist, no messing about
             if (!empty($id) && isset($context['features'][$id])) {
                 $feature = $context['features'][$id];
                 $returns[] = array('value' => !empty($_POST['feature_' . $id]) && $feature['url'] ? '<a href="' . $feature['url'] . '">' . $feature['title'] . '</a>' : $feature['title']);
                 createToken('admin-core', 'post');
                 $tokens = array(array('value' => $context['admin-core_token'], 'attributes' => array('type' => 'token_var')), array('value' => $context['admin-core_token_var'], 'attributes' => array('type' => 'token')));
             } else {
                 $errors[] = array('value' => $txt['feature_no_exists']);
         } else {
             $errors[] = array('value' => $txt[$result]);
     } else {
         $errors[] = array('value' => $txt[$validation]);
     // Return the response to the calling program
     $context['sub_template'] = 'generic_xml';
     $context['xml_data'] = array('corefeatures' => array('identifier' => 'corefeature', 'children' => $returns), 'tokens' => array('identifier' => 'token', 'children' => $tokens), 'errors' => array('identifier' => 'error', 'children' => $errors));
Exemplo n.º 4
 * Load a theme, by ID.
 * What it does:
 * - identify the theme to be loaded.
 * - validate that the theme is valid and that the user has permission to use it
 * - load the users theme settings and site setttings into $options.
 * - prepares the list of folders to search for template loading.
 * - identify what smiley set to use.
 * - sets up $context['user']
 * - detects the users browser and sets a mobile friendly enviroment if needed
 * - loads default JS variables for use in every theme
 * - loads default JS scripts for use in every theme
 * @param int $id_theme = 0
 * @param bool $initialize = true
function loadTheme($id_theme = 0, $initialize = true)
    global $user_info, $user_settings, $board_info;
    global $txt, $boardurl, $scripturl, $mbname, $modSettings;
    global $context, $settings, $options, $ssi_theme;
    $db = database();
    // The theme was specified by parameter.
    if (!empty($id_theme)) {
        $id_theme = (int) $id_theme;
    } elseif (!empty($_REQUEST['theme']) && (!empty($modSettings['theme_allow']) || allowedTo('admin_forum'))) {
        $id_theme = (int) $_REQUEST['theme'];
        $_SESSION['id_theme'] = $id_theme;
    } elseif (!empty($_SESSION['id_theme']) && (!empty($modSettings['theme_allow']) || allowedTo('admin_forum'))) {
        $id_theme = (int) $_SESSION['id_theme'];
    } elseif (!empty($user_info['theme']) && !isset($_REQUEST['theme']) && (!empty($modSettings['theme_allow']) || allowedTo('admin_forum'))) {
        $id_theme = $user_info['theme'];
    } elseif (!empty($board_info['theme'])) {
        $id_theme = $board_info['theme'];
    } else {
        $id_theme = $modSettings['theme_guests'];
    // Verify the id_theme... no foul play.
    // Always allow the board specific theme, if they are overriding.
    if (!empty($board_info['theme']) && $board_info['override_theme']) {
        $id_theme = $board_info['theme'];
    } elseif (!empty($ssi_theme) && $id_theme == $ssi_theme) {
        $id_theme = (int) $id_theme;
    } elseif (!empty($modSettings['knownThemes']) && !allowedTo('admin_forum')) {
        $themes = explode(',', $modSettings['knownThemes']);
        if (!in_array($id_theme, $themes)) {
            $id_theme = $modSettings['theme_guests'];
        } else {
            $id_theme = (int) $id_theme;
    } else {
        $id_theme = (int) $id_theme;
    $member = empty($user_info['id']) ? -1 : $user_info['id'];
    // Do we already have this members theme data and specific options loaded (for agressive cache settings)
    if (!empty($modSettings['cache_enable']) && $modSettings['cache_enable'] >= 2 && ($temp = cache_get_data('theme_settings-' . $id_theme . ':' . $member, 60)) != null && time() - 60 > $modSettings['settings_updated']) {
        $themeData = $temp;
        $flag = true;
    } elseif (($temp = cache_get_data('theme_settings-' . $id_theme, 90)) != null && time() - 60 > $modSettings['settings_updated']) {
        $themeData = $temp + array($member => array());
    } else {
        $themeData = array(-1 => array(), 0 => array(), $member => array());
    if (empty($flag)) {
        // Load variables from the current or default theme, global or this user's.
        $result = $db->query('', '
			SELECT variable, value, id_member, id_theme
			FROM {db_prefix}themes
			WHERE id_member' . (empty($themeData[0]) ? ' IN (-1, 0, {int:id_member})' : ' = {int:id_member}') . '
				AND id_theme' . ($id_theme == 1 ? ' = {int:id_theme}' : ' IN ({int:id_theme}, 1)'), array('id_theme' => $id_theme, 'id_member' => $member));
        // Pick between $settings and $options depending on whose data it is.
        while ($row = $db->fetch_assoc($result)) {
            // There are just things we shouldn't be able to change as members.
            if ($row['id_member'] != 0 && in_array($row['variable'], array('actual_theme_url', 'actual_images_url', 'base_theme_dir', 'base_theme_url', 'default_images_url', 'default_theme_dir', 'default_theme_url', 'default_template', 'images_url', 'number_recent_posts', 'smiley_sets_default', 'theme_dir', 'theme_id', 'theme_layers', 'theme_templates', 'theme_url'))) {
            // If this is the theme_dir of the default theme, store it.
            if (in_array($row['variable'], array('theme_dir', 'theme_url', 'images_url')) && $row['id_theme'] == '1' && empty($row['id_member'])) {
                $themeData[0]['default_' . $row['variable']] = $row['value'];
            // If this isn't set yet, is a theme option, or is not the default theme..
            if (!isset($themeData[$row['id_member']][$row['variable']]) || $row['id_theme'] != '1') {
                $themeData[$row['id_member']][$row['variable']] = substr($row['variable'], 0, 5) == 'show_' ? $row['value'] == '1' : $row['value'];
        // Set the defaults if the user has not chosen on their own
        if (!empty($themeData[-1])) {
            foreach ($themeData[-1] as $k => $v) {
                if (!isset($themeData[$member][$k])) {
                    $themeData[$member][$k] = $v;
        // If being aggressive we save the site wide and member theme settings
        if (!empty($modSettings['cache_enable']) && $modSettings['cache_enable'] >= 2) {
            cache_put_data('theme_settings-' . $id_theme . ':' . $member, $themeData, 60);
        } elseif (!isset($temp)) {
            cache_put_data('theme_settings-' . $id_theme, array(-1 => $themeData[-1], 0 => $themeData[0]), 90);
    $settings = $themeData[0];
    $options = $themeData[$member];
    $settings['theme_id'] = $id_theme;
    $settings['actual_theme_url'] = $settings['theme_url'];
    $settings['actual_images_url'] = $settings['images_url'];
    $settings['actual_theme_dir'] = $settings['theme_dir'];
    $settings['template_dirs'] = array();
    // This theme first.
    $settings['template_dirs'][] = $settings['theme_dir'];
    // Based on theme (if there is one).
    if (!empty($settings['base_theme_dir'])) {
        $settings['template_dirs'][] = $settings['base_theme_dir'];
    // Lastly the default theme.
    if ($settings['theme_dir'] != $settings['default_theme_dir']) {
        $settings['template_dirs'][] = $settings['default_theme_dir'];
    if (!$initialize) {
    // Check to see if they're accessing it from the wrong place.
    if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) || isset($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])) {
        $detected_url = isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && strtolower($_SERVER['HTTPS']) == 'on' ? 'https://' : 'http://';
        $detected_url .= empty($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . (empty($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']) || $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] == '80' ? '' : ':' . $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']) : $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
        $temp = preg_replace('~/' . basename($scripturl) . '(/.+)?$~', '', strtr(dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']), '\\', '/'));
        if ($temp != '/') {
            $detected_url .= $temp;
    if (isset($detected_url) && $detected_url != $boardurl) {
        // Try #1 - check if it's in a list of alias addresses.
        if (!empty($modSettings['forum_alias_urls'])) {
            $aliases = explode(',', $modSettings['forum_alias_urls']);
            foreach ($aliases as $alias) {
                // Rip off all the boring parts, spaces, etc.
                if ($detected_url == trim($alias) || strtr($detected_url, array('http://' => '', 'https://' => '')) == trim($alias)) {
                    $do_fix = true;
        // Hmm... check #2 - is it just different by a www?  Send them to the correct place!!
        if (empty($do_fix) && strtr($detected_url, array('://' => '://www.')) == $boardurl && (empty($_GET) || count($_GET) == 1) && ELK != 'SSI') {
            // Okay, this seems weird, but we don't want an endless loop - this will make $_GET not empty ;).
            if (empty($_GET)) {
            } else {
                list($k, $v) = each($_GET);
                if ($k != 'wwwRedirect') {
                    redirectexit('wwwRedirect;' . $k . '=' . $v);
        // #3 is just a check for SSL...
        if (strtr($detected_url, array('https://' => 'http://')) == $boardurl) {
            $do_fix = true;
        // Okay, #4 - perhaps it's an IP address?  We're gonna want to use that one, then. (assuming it's the IP or something...)
        if (!empty($do_fix) || preg_match('~^http[s]?://(?:[\\d\\.:]+|\\[[\\d:]+\\](?::\\d+)?)(?:$|/)~', $detected_url) == 1) {
            // Caching is good ;).
            $oldurl = $boardurl;
            // Fix $boardurl and $scripturl.
            $boardurl = $detected_url;
            $scripturl = strtr($scripturl, array($oldurl => $boardurl));
            $_SERVER['REQUEST_URL'] = strtr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URL'], array($oldurl => $boardurl));
            // Fix the theme urls...
            $settings['theme_url'] = strtr($settings['theme_url'], array($oldurl => $boardurl));
            $settings['default_theme_url'] = strtr($settings['default_theme_url'], array($oldurl => $boardurl));
            $settings['actual_theme_url'] = strtr($settings['actual_theme_url'], array($oldurl => $boardurl));
            $settings['images_url'] = strtr($settings['images_url'], array($oldurl => $boardurl));
            $settings['default_images_url'] = strtr($settings['default_images_url'], array($oldurl => $boardurl));
            $settings['actual_images_url'] = strtr($settings['actual_images_url'], array($oldurl => $boardurl));
            // And just a few mod settings :).
            $modSettings['smileys_url'] = strtr($modSettings['smileys_url'], array($oldurl => $boardurl));
            $modSettings['avatar_url'] = strtr($modSettings['avatar_url'], array($oldurl => $boardurl));
            // Clean up after loadBoard().
            if (isset($board_info['moderators'])) {
                foreach ($board_info['moderators'] as $k => $dummy) {
                    $board_info['moderators'][$k]['href'] = strtr($dummy['href'], array($oldurl => $boardurl));
                    $board_info['moderators'][$k]['link'] = strtr($dummy['link'], array('"' . $oldurl => '"' . $boardurl));
            foreach ($context['linktree'] as $k => $dummy) {
                $context['linktree'][$k]['url'] = strtr($dummy['url'], array($oldurl => $boardurl));
    // Set up the contextual user array.
    $context['user'] = array('id' => $user_info['id'], 'is_logged' => !$user_info['is_guest'], 'is_guest' => &$user_info['is_guest'], 'is_admin' => &$user_info['is_admin'], 'is_mod' => &$user_info['is_mod'], 'is_moderator' => &$user_info['is_moderator'], 'can_mod' => allowedTo('access_mod_center') || !$user_info['is_guest'] && ($user_info['mod_cache']['gq'] != '0=1' || $user_info['mod_cache']['bq'] != '0=1' || $modSettings['postmod_active'] && !empty($user_info['mod_cache']['ap'])), 'username' => $user_info['username'], 'language' => $user_info['language'], 'email' => $user_info['email'], 'ignoreusers' => $user_info['ignoreusers']);
    // Something for the guests
    if (!$context['user']['is_guest']) {
        $context['user']['name'] = $user_info['name'];
    } elseif ($context['user']['is_guest'] && !empty($txt['guest_title'])) {
        $context['user']['name'] = $txt['guest_title'];
    // Set up some additional interface preference context
    $context['admin_preferences'] = !empty($options['admin_preferences']) ? unserialize($options['admin_preferences']) : array();
    if (!$user_info['is_guest']) {
        $context['minmax_preferences'] = !empty($options['minmax_preferences']) ? unserialize($options['minmax_preferences']) : array();
    } elseif ($user_info['is_guest'] && isset($_COOKIE['upshrink'])) {
        $context['minmax_preferences'] = array('upshrink' => $_COOKIE['upshrink']);
    // Determine the current smiley set.
    $user_info['smiley_set'] = !in_array($user_info['smiley_set'], explode(',', $modSettings['smiley_sets_known'])) && $user_info['smiley_set'] != 'none' || empty($modSettings['smiley_sets_enable']) ? !empty($settings['smiley_sets_default']) ? $settings['smiley_sets_default'] : $modSettings['smiley_sets_default'] : $user_info['smiley_set'];
    $context['user']['smiley_set'] = $user_info['smiley_set'];
    // Some basic information...
    if (!isset($context['html_headers'])) {
        $context['html_headers'] = '';
    if (!isset($context['links'])) {
        $context['links'] = array();
    if (!isset($context['javascript_files'])) {
        $context['javascript_files'] = array();
    if (!isset($context['css_files'])) {
        $context['css_files'] = array();
    if (!isset($context['javascript_inline'])) {
        $context['javascript_inline'] = array('standard' => array(), 'defer' => array());
    if (!isset($context['javascript_vars'])) {
        $context['javascript_vars'] = array();
    $context['menu_separator'] = !empty($settings['use_image_buttons']) ? ' ' : ' | ';
    $context['session_var'] = $_SESSION['session_var'];
    $context['session_id'] = $_SESSION['session_value'];
    $context['forum_name'] = $mbname;
    $context['forum_name_html_safe'] = $context['forum_name'];
    $context['current_action'] = isset($_REQUEST['action']) ? $_REQUEST['action'] : null;
    $context['current_subaction'] = isset($_REQUEST['sa']) ? $_REQUEST['sa'] : null;
    $context['can_register'] = empty($modSettings['registration_method']) || $modSettings['registration_method'] != 3;
    foreach (array('theme_header', 'upper_content') as $call) {
        if (!isset($context[$call . '_callbacks'])) {
            $context[$call . '_callbacks'] = array();
    // Set some permission related settings.
    if ($user_info['is_guest'] && !empty($modSettings['enableVBStyleLogin'])) {
        $context['show_login_bar'] = true;
        $context['theme_header_callbacks'][] = 'login_bar';
        loadJavascriptFile('sha256.js', array('defer' => true));
    // This determines the server... not used in many places, except for login fixing.
    // Detect the browser. This is separated out because it's also used in attachment downloads
    // Set the top level linktree up.
    array_unshift($context['linktree'], array('url' => $scripturl, 'name' => $context['forum_name']));
    // This allows sticking some HTML on the page output - useful for controls.
    $context['insert_after_template'] = '';
    // Just some mobile-friendly settings
    if ($context['browser_body_id'] == 'mobile') {
        // Disable the preview text.
        $modSettings['message_index_preview'] = 0;
        // Force the usage of click menu instead of a hover menu.
        $options['use_click_menu'] = 1;
        // No space left for a sidebar
        $options['use_sidebar_menu'] = false;
        // Disable the search dropdown.
        $modSettings['search_dropdown'] = false;
    if (!isset($txt)) {
        $txt = array();
    $simpleActions = array('findmember', 'quickhelp', 'printpage', 'quotefast', 'spellcheck');
    call_integration_hook('integrate_simple_actions', array(&$simpleActions));
    // Output is fully XML, so no need for the index template.
    if (isset($_REQUEST['xml'])) {
        // @todo added because some $settings in template_init are necessary even in xml mode. Maybe move template_init to a settings file?
    } elseif (!empty($_REQUEST['action']) && in_array($_REQUEST['action'], $simpleActions)) {
    } else {
        // Custom templates to load, or just default?
        if (isset($settings['theme_templates'])) {
            $templates = explode(',', $settings['theme_templates']);
        } else {
            $templates = array('index');
        // Load each template...
        foreach ($templates as $template) {
        // ...and attempt to load their associated language files.
        $required_files = implode('+', array_merge($templates, array('Addons')));
        loadLanguage($required_files, '', false);
        // Custom template layers?
        if (isset($settings['theme_layers'])) {
            $layers = explode(',', $settings['theme_layers']);
        } else {
            $layers = array('html', 'body');
        $template_layers = Template_Layers::getInstance(true);
        foreach ($layers as $layer) {
    // Initialize the theme.
    if (function_exists('template_init')) {
        $settings = array_merge($settings, template_init());
    // Call initialization theme integration functions.
    call_integration_hook('integrate_init_theme', array($id_theme, &$settings));
    // Guests may still need a name.
    if ($context['user']['is_guest'] && empty($context['user']['name'])) {
        $context['user']['name'] = $txt['guest_title'];
    // Any theme-related strings that need to be loaded?
    if (!empty($settings['require_theme_strings'])) {
        loadLanguage('ThemeStrings', '', false);
    // Load font Awesome fonts
    // We allow theme variants, because we're cool.
    $context['theme_variant'] = '';
    $context['theme_variant_url'] = '';
    if (!empty($settings['theme_variants'])) {
        // Overriding - for previews and that ilk.
        if (!empty($_REQUEST['variant'])) {
            $_SESSION['id_variant'] = $_REQUEST['variant'];
        // User selection?
        if (empty($settings['disable_user_variant']) || allowedTo('admin_forum')) {
            $context['theme_variant'] = !empty($_SESSION['id_variant']) ? $_SESSION['id_variant'] : (!empty($options['theme_variant']) ? $options['theme_variant'] : '');
        // If not a user variant, select the default.
        if ($context['theme_variant'] == '' || !in_array($context['theme_variant'], $settings['theme_variants'])) {
            $context['theme_variant'] = !empty($settings['default_variant']) && in_array($settings['default_variant'], $settings['theme_variants']) ? $settings['default_variant'] : $settings['theme_variants'][0];
        // Do this to keep things easier in the templates.
        $context['theme_variant'] = '_' . $context['theme_variant'];
        $context['theme_variant_url'] = $context['theme_variant'] . '/';
        // The most efficient way of writing multi themes is to use a master index.css plus variant.css files.
        if (!empty($context['theme_variant'])) {
            loadCSSFile($context['theme_variant'] . '/index' . $context['theme_variant'] . '.css');
    // A bit lonely maybe, though I think it should be set up *after* teh theme variants detection
    $context['header_logo_url_html_safe'] = empty($settings['header_logo_url']) ? $settings['images_url'] . '/' . $context['theme_variant_url'] . 'logo_elk.png' : Util::htmlspecialchars($settings['header_logo_url']);
    // Allow overriding the board wide time/number formats.
    if (empty($user_settings['time_format']) && !empty($txt['time_format'])) {
        $user_info['time_format'] = $txt['time_format'];
    if (isset($settings['use_default_images']) && $settings['use_default_images'] == 'always') {
        $settings['theme_url'] = $settings['default_theme_url'];
        $settings['images_url'] = $settings['default_images_url'];
        $settings['theme_dir'] = $settings['default_theme_dir'];
    // Make a special URL for the language.
    $settings['lang_images_url'] = $settings['images_url'] . '/' . (!empty($txt['image_lang']) ? $txt['image_lang'] : $user_info['language']);
    // Set a couple of bits for the template.
    $context['right_to_left'] = !empty($txt['lang_rtl']);
    $context['tabindex'] = 1;
    // RTL languages require an additional stylesheet.
    if ($context['right_to_left']) {
    if (!empty($context['theme_variant']) && $context['right_to_left']) {
        loadCSSFile($context['theme_variant'] . '/rtl' . $context['theme_variant'] . '.css');
    // Compatibility.
    if (!isset($settings['theme_version'])) {
        $modSettings['memberCount'] = $modSettings['totalMembers'];
    // This allows us to change the way things look for the admin.
    $context['admin_features'] = isset($modSettings['admin_features']) ? explode(',', $modSettings['admin_features']) : array('cd,cp,k,w,rg,ml,pm');
    if (!empty($modSettings['xmlnews_enable']) && (!empty($modSettings['allow_guestAccess']) || $context['user']['is_logged'])) {
        $context['newsfeed_urls'] = array('rss' => $scripturl . '?action=.xml;type=rss2;limit=' . (!empty($modSettings['xmlnews_limit']) ? $modSettings['xmlnews_limit'] : 5), 'atom' => $scripturl . '?action=.xml;type=atom;limit=' . (!empty($modSettings['xmlnews_limit']) ? $modSettings['xmlnews_limit'] : 5));
    // Default JS variables for use in every theme
    addJavascriptVar(array('elk_theme_url' => JavaScriptEscape($settings['theme_url']), 'elk_default_theme_url' => JavaScriptEscape($settings['default_theme_url']), 'elk_images_url' => JavaScriptEscape($settings['images_url']), 'elk_smiley_url' => JavaScriptEscape($modSettings['smileys_url']), 'elk_scripturl' => '\'' . $scripturl . '\'', 'elk_iso_case_folding' => $context['server']['iso_case_folding'] ? 'true' : 'false', 'elk_charset' => '"UTF-8"', 'elk_session_id' => JavaScriptEscape($context['session_id']), 'elk_session_var' => JavaScriptEscape($context['session_var']), 'elk_member_id' => $context['user']['id'], 'ajax_notification_text' => JavaScriptEscape($txt['ajax_in_progress']), 'ajax_notification_cancel_text' => JavaScriptEscape($txt['modify_cancel']), 'help_popup_heading_text' => JavaScriptEscape($txt['help_popup']), 'use_click_menu' => !empty($options['use_click_menu']) ? 'true' : 'false', 'todayMod' => !empty($modSettings['todayMod']) ? (int) $modSettings['todayMod'] : 0));
    // Auto video embeding enabled, then load the needed JS
    if (!empty($modSettings['enableVideoEmbeding'])) {
		var oEmbedtext = ({
			preview_image : ' . JavaScriptEscape($txt['preview_image']) . ',
			ctp_video : ' . JavaScriptEscape($txt['ctp_video']) . ',
			hide_video : ' . JavaScriptEscape($txt['hide_video']) . ',
			youtube : ' . JavaScriptEscape($txt['youtube']) . ',
			vimeo : ' . JavaScriptEscape($txt['vimeo']) . ',
			dailymotion : ' . JavaScriptEscape($txt['dailymotion']) . '
		});', true);
        loadJavascriptFile('elk_jquery_embed.js', array('defer' => true));
    // Prettify code tags? Load the needed JS and CSS.
    if (!empty($modSettings['enableCodePrettify'])) {
        loadJavascriptFile('prettify.min.js', array('defer' => true));
		});', true);
    // Relative times?
    if (!empty($modSettings['todayMod']) && $modSettings['todayMod'] > 2) {
		var oRttime = ({
			referenceTime : ' . forum_time() * 1000 . ',
			now : ' . JavaScriptEscape($txt['rt_now']) . ',
			minute : ' . JavaScriptEscape($txt['rt_minute']) . ',
			minutes : ' . JavaScriptEscape($txt['rt_minutes']) . ',
			hour : ' . JavaScriptEscape($txt['rt_hour']) . ',
			hours : ' . JavaScriptEscape($txt['rt_hours']) . ',
			day : ' . JavaScriptEscape($txt['rt_day']) . ',
			days : ' . JavaScriptEscape($txt['rt_days']) . ',
			week : ' . JavaScriptEscape($txt['rt_week']) . ',
			weeks : ' . JavaScriptEscape($txt['rt_weeks']) . ',
			month : ' . JavaScriptEscape($txt['rt_month']) . ',
			months : ' . JavaScriptEscape($txt['rt_months']) . ',
			year : ' . JavaScriptEscape($txt['rt_year']) . ',
			years : ' . JavaScriptEscape($txt['rt_years']) . ',
		updateRelativeTime();', true);
        $context['using_relative_time'] = true;
    // Queue our Javascript
    loadJavascriptFile(array('elk_jquery_plugins.js', 'script.js', 'script_elk.js', 'theme.js'));
    // If we think we have mail to send, let's offer up some possibilities... robots get pain (Now with scheduled task support!)
    if (!empty($modSettings['mail_next_send']) && $modSettings['mail_next_send'] < time() && empty($modSettings['mail_queue_use_cron']) || empty($modSettings['next_task_time']) || $modSettings['next_task_time'] < time()) {
        if (isBrowser('possibly_robot')) {
            // @todo Maybe move this somewhere better?!
            require_once CONTROLLERDIR . '/ScheduledTasks.controller.php';
            $controller = new ScheduledTasks_Controller();
            // What to do, what to do?!
            if (empty($modSettings['next_task_time']) || $modSettings['next_task_time'] < time()) {
            } else {
        } else {
            $type = empty($modSettings['next_task_time']) || $modSettings['next_task_time'] < time() ? 'task' : 'mailq';
            $ts = $type == 'mailq' ? $modSettings['mail_next_send'] : $modSettings['next_task_time'];
		function elkAutoTask()
			var tempImage = new Image();
			tempImage.src = elk_scripturl + "?scheduled=' . $type . ';ts=' . $ts . '";
		window.setTimeout("elkAutoTask();", 1);', true);
    // Any files to include at this point?
    // Call load theme integration functions.
    // We are ready to go.
    $context['theme_loaded'] = true;