Exemplo n.º 1
function CalendarPost()
    global $context, $txt, $db_prefix, $user_info, $sourcedir, $scripturl;
    global $modSettings, $topic, $ID_MEMBER, $func;
    // Well - can they?
    // Cast this for safety...
    if (isset($_REQUEST['eventid'])) {
        $_REQUEST['eventid'] = (int) $_REQUEST['eventid'];
    // Submitting?
    if (isset($_POST['sc'], $_REQUEST['eventid'])) {
        // Validate the post...
        if (!isset($_POST['link_to_board'])) {
            require_once $sourcedir . '/Subs-Post.php';
        // If you're not allowed to edit any events, you have to be the poster.
        if ($_REQUEST['eventid'] > 0 && !allowedTo('calendar_edit_any')) {
            // Get the event's poster.
            $request = db_query("\n\t\t\t\tSELECT ID_MEMBER\n\t\t\t\tFROM {$db_prefix}calendar\n\t\t\t\tWHERE ID_EVENT = {$_REQUEST['eventid']}\n\t\t\t\tLIMIT 1", __FILE__, __LINE__);
            list($poster) = mysql_fetch_row($request);
            // Finally, test if they can either edit ANY, or just their own...
            if (!allowedTo('calendar_edit_any')) {
                isAllowedTo('calendar_edit_' . ($poster == $ID_MEMBER ? 'own' : 'any'));
        // New - and directing?
        if ($_REQUEST['eventid'] == -1 && isset($_POST['link_to_board'])) {
            $_REQUEST['calendar'] = 1;
            require_once $sourcedir . '/Post.php';
            return Post();
        } elseif ($_REQUEST['eventid'] == -1) {
            calendarInsertEvent(0, 0, $_POST['evtitle'], $ID_MEMBER, $_POST['month'], $_POST['day'], $_POST['year'], isset($_POST['span']) ? $_POST['span'] : null);
        } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['deleteevent'])) {
            db_query("\n\t\t\t\tDELETE FROM {$db_prefix}calendar\n\t\t\t\tWHERE ID_EVENT = {$_REQUEST['eventid']}\n\t\t\t\tLIMIT 1", __FILE__, __LINE__);
        } else {
            // Calculate the eventDate depending on span.
            $span = empty($modSettings['cal_allowspan']) || empty($_POST['span']) || $_POST['span'] == 1 || empty($modSettings['cal_maxspan']) || $_POST['span'] > $modSettings['cal_maxspan'] ? 0 : min((int) $modSettings['cal_maxspan'], (int) $_POST['span'] - 1);
            $start_time = mktime(0, 0, 0, (int) $_REQUEST['month'], (int) $_REQUEST['day'], (int) $_REQUEST['year']);
            db_query("\n\t\t\t\tUPDATE {$db_prefix}calendar\n\t\t\t\tSET \n\t\t\t\t\tstartDate = '" . strftime('%Y-%m-%d', $start_time) . "',\n\t\t\t\t\tendDate = '" . strftime('%Y-%m-%d', $start_time + $span * 86400) . "', \n\t\t\t\t\ttitle = '" . $func['htmlspecialchars']($_REQUEST['evtitle'], ENT_QUOTES) . "'\n\t\t\t\tWHERE ID_EVENT = {$_REQUEST['eventid']}\n\t\t\t\tLIMIT 1", __FILE__, __LINE__);
        // No point hanging around here now...
        redirectexit($scripturl . '?action=calendar;month=' . $_POST['month'] . ';year=' . $_POST['year']);
    // If we are not enabled... we are not enabled.
    if (empty($modSettings['cal_allow_unlinked']) && empty($_REQUEST['eventid'])) {
        $_REQUEST['calendar'] = 1;
        require_once $sourcedir . '/Post.php';
        return Post();
    // New?
    if (!isset($_REQUEST['eventid'])) {
        $today = getdate();
        $context['event'] = array('boards' => array(), 'board' => !empty($modSettings['cal_defaultboard']) ? $modSettings['cal_defaultboard'] : 0, 'new' => 1, 'eventid' => -1, 'year' => isset($_REQUEST['year']) ? $_REQUEST['year'] : $today['year'], 'month' => isset($_REQUEST['month']) ? $_REQUEST['month'] : $today['mon'], 'day' => isset($_REQUEST['day']) ? $_REQUEST['day'] : $today['mday'], 'title' => '', 'span' => 1);
        // Get list of boards that can be posted in.
        $boards = boardsAllowedTo('post_new');
        if (empty($boards)) {
        $request = db_query("\n\t\t\tSELECT c.name AS catName, c.ID_CAT, b.ID_BOARD, b.name AS boardName, b.childLevel\n\t\t\tFROM {$db_prefix}boards AS b\n\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN {$db_prefix}categories AS c ON (c.ID_CAT = b.ID_CAT)\n\t\t\tWHERE {$user_info['query_see_board']}" . (in_array(0, $boards) ? '' : "\n\t\t\t\tAND b.ID_BOARD IN (" . implode(', ', $boards) . ")"), __FILE__, __LINE__);
        while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($request)) {
            $context['event']['boards'][] = array('id' => $row['ID_BOARD'], 'name' => $row['boardName'], 'childLevel' => $row['childLevel'], 'prefix' => str_repeat(' ', $row['childLevel'] * 3), 'cat' => array('id' => $row['ID_CAT'], 'name' => $row['catName']));
    } else {
        $request = db_query("\n\t\t\tSELECT\n\t\t\t\tc.ID_EVENT, c.ID_BOARD, c.ID_TOPIC, MONTH(c.startDate) AS month,\n\t\t\t\tDAYOFMONTH(c.startDate) AS day, YEAR(c.startDate) AS year,\n\t\t\t\t(TO_DAYS(c.endDate) - TO_DAYS(c.startDate)) AS span, c.ID_MEMBER, c.title,\n\t\t\t\tt.ID_FIRST_MSG, t.ID_MEMBER_STARTED\n\t\t\tFROM {$db_prefix}calendar AS c\n\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN {$db_prefix}topics AS t ON (t.ID_TOPIC = c.ID_TOPIC)\n\t\t\tWHERE c.ID_EVENT = {$_REQUEST['eventid']}", __FILE__, __LINE__);
        // If nothing returned, we are in poo, poo.
        if (mysql_num_rows($request) == 0) {
        $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($request);
        // If it has a board, then they should be editing it within the topic.
        if ($row['ID_TOPIC'] && $row['ID_FIRST_MSG']) {
            // We load the board up, for a check on the board access rights...
            $topic = $row['ID_TOPIC'];
        // Make sure the user is allowed to edit this event.
        if ($row['ID_MEMBER'] != $ID_MEMBER) {
        } elseif (!allowedTo('calendar_edit_any')) {
        $context['event'] = array('boards' => array(), 'board' => $row['ID_BOARD'], 'new' => 0, 'eventid' => $_REQUEST['eventid'], 'year' => $row['year'], 'month' => $row['month'], 'day' => $row['day'], 'title' => $row['title'], 'span' => 1 + $row['span']);
    $context['event']['last_day'] = (int) strftime('%d', mktime(0, 0, 0, $context['event']['month'] == 12 ? 1 : $context['event']['month'] + 1, 0, $context['event']['month'] == 12 ? $context['event']['year'] + 1 : $context['event']['year']));
    // Template, sub template, etc.
    $context['sub_template'] = 'event_post';
    $context['page_title'] = isset($_REQUEST['eventid']) ? $txt['calendar20'] : $txt['calendar23'];
    $context['linktree'][] = array('name' => $context['page_title']);
Exemplo n.º 2
function Post2()
    global $board, $topic, $txt, $db_prefix, $modSettings, $sourcedir, $context;
    global $ID_MEMBER, $user_info, $board_info, $options, $func;
    // Previewing? Go back to start.
    if (isset($_REQUEST['preview'])) {
        return Post();
    // Prevent double submission of this form.
    // No errors as yet.
    $post_errors = array();
    // If the session has timed out, let the user re-submit their form.
    if (checkSession('post', '', false) != '') {
        $post_errors[] = 'session_timeout';
    require_once $sourcedir . '/Subs-Post.php';
    // Replying to a topic?
    if (!empty($topic) && !isset($_REQUEST['msg'])) {
        $request = db_query("\n\t\t\tSELECT t.locked, t.isSticky, t.ID_POLL, t.numReplies, m.ID_MEMBER\n\t\t\tFROM ({$db_prefix}topics AS t, {$db_prefix}messages AS m)\n\t\t\tWHERE t.ID_TOPIC = {$topic}\n\t\t\t\tAND m.ID_MSG = t.ID_FIRST_MSG\n\t\t\tLIMIT 1", __FILE__, __LINE__);
        list($tmplocked, $tmpstickied, $pollID, $numReplies, $ID_MEMBER_POSTER) = mysql_fetch_row($request);
        // Don't allow a post if it's locked.
        if ($tmplocked != 0 && !allowedTo('moderate_board')) {
            fatal_lang_error(90, false);
        // Sorry, multiple polls aren't allowed... yet.  You should stop giving me ideas :P.
        if (isset($_REQUEST['poll']) && $pollID > 0) {
        if ($ID_MEMBER_POSTER != $ID_MEMBER) {
        } elseif (!allowedTo('post_reply_any')) {
        if (isset($_POST['lock'])) {
            // Nothing is changed to the lock.
            if (empty($tmplocked) && empty($_POST['lock']) || !empty($_POST['lock']) && !empty($tmplocked)) {
            } elseif (!allowedTo(array('lock_any', 'lock_own')) || !allowedTo('lock_any') && $ID_MEMBER != $ID_MEMBER_POSTER) {
            } elseif (!allowedTo('lock_any')) {
                // You cannot override a moderator lock.
                if ($tmplocked == 1) {
                } else {
                    $_POST['lock'] = empty($_POST['lock']) ? 0 : 2;
            } else {
                $_POST['lock'] = empty($_POST['lock']) ? 0 : 1;
        // So you wanna (un)sticky this...let's see.
        if (isset($_POST['sticky']) && (empty($modSettings['enableStickyTopics']) || $_POST['sticky'] == $tmpstickied || !allowedTo('make_sticky'))) {
        // If the number of replies has changed, if the setting is enabled, go back to Post() - which handles the error.
        $newReplies = isset($_POST['num_replies']) && $numReplies > $_POST['num_replies'] ? $numReplies - $_POST['num_replies'] : 0;
        if (empty($options['no_new_reply_warning']) && !empty($newReplies)) {
            $_REQUEST['preview'] = true;
            return Post();
        $posterIsGuest = $user_info['is_guest'];
    } elseif (empty($topic)) {
        if (!isset($_REQUEST['poll']) || $modSettings['pollMode'] != '1') {
        if (isset($_POST['lock'])) {
            // New topics are by default not locked.
            if (empty($_POST['lock'])) {
            } elseif (!allowedTo(array('lock_any', 'lock_own'))) {
            } else {
                $_POST['lock'] = allowedTo('lock_any') ? 1 : 2;
        if (isset($_POST['sticky']) && (empty($modSettings['enableStickyTopics']) || empty($_POST['sticky']) || !allowedTo('make_sticky'))) {
        $posterIsGuest = $user_info['is_guest'];
    } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['msg']) && !empty($topic)) {
        $_REQUEST['msg'] = (int) $_REQUEST['msg'];
        $request = db_query("\n\t\t\tSELECT\n\t\t\t\tm.ID_MEMBER, m.posterName, m.posterEmail, m.posterTime, \n\t\t\t\tt.ID_FIRST_MSG, t.locked, t.isSticky, t.ID_MEMBER_STARTED AS ID_MEMBER_POSTER\n\t\t\tFROM ({$db_prefix}messages AS m, {$db_prefix}topics AS t)\n\t\t\tWHERE m.ID_MSG = {$_REQUEST['msg']}\n\t\t\t\tAND t.ID_TOPIC = {$topic}\n\t\t\tLIMIT 1", __FILE__, __LINE__);
        if (mysql_num_rows($request) == 0) {
            fatal_lang_error('smf272', false);
        $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($request);
        if (!empty($row['locked']) && !allowedTo('moderate_board')) {
            fatal_lang_error(90, false);
        if (isset($_POST['lock'])) {
            // Nothing changes to the lock status.
            if (empty($_POST['lock']) && empty($row['locked']) || !empty($_POST['lock']) && !empty($row['locked'])) {
            } elseif (!allowedTo(array('lock_any', 'lock_own')) || !allowedTo('lock_any') && $ID_MEMBER != $row['ID_MEMBER_POSTER']) {
            } elseif (!allowedTo('lock_any')) {
                // You're not allowed to break a moderator's lock.
                if ($row['locked'] == 1) {
                } else {
                    $_POST['lock'] = empty($_POST['lock']) ? 0 : 2;
            } else {
                $_POST['lock'] = empty($_POST['lock']) ? 0 : 1;
        // Change the sticky status of this topic?
        if (isset($_POST['sticky']) && (!allowedTo('make_sticky') || $_POST['sticky'] == $row['isSticky'])) {
        if ($row['ID_MEMBER'] == $ID_MEMBER && !allowedTo('modify_any')) {
            if (!empty($modSettings['edit_disable_time']) && $row['posterTime'] + ($modSettings['edit_disable_time'] + 5) * 60 < time()) {
                fatal_lang_error('modify_post_time_passed', false);
            } elseif ($row['ID_MEMBER_POSTER'] == $ID_MEMBER && !allowedTo('modify_own')) {
            } else {
        } elseif ($row['ID_MEMBER_POSTER'] == $ID_MEMBER && !allowedTo('modify_any')) {
            // If you're modifying a reply, I say it better be logged...
            $moderationAction = true;
        } else {
            // Log it, assuming you're not modifying your own post.
            if ($row['ID_MEMBER'] != $ID_MEMBER) {
                $moderationAction = true;
        $posterIsGuest = empty($row['ID_MEMBER']);
        if (!allowedTo('moderate_forum') || !$posterIsGuest) {
            $_POST['guestname'] = addslashes($row['posterName']);
            $_POST['email'] = addslashes($row['posterEmail']);
    // If the poster is a guest evaluate the legality of name and email.
    if ($posterIsGuest) {
        $_POST['guestname'] = !isset($_POST['guestname']) ? '' : trim($_POST['guestname']);
        $_POST['email'] = !isset($_POST['email']) ? '' : trim($_POST['email']);
        if ($_POST['guestname'] == '' || $_POST['guestname'] == '_') {
            $post_errors[] = 'no_name';
        if ($func['strlen']($_POST['guestname']) > 25) {
            $post_errors[] = 'long_name';
        if (empty($modSettings['guest_post_no_email'])) {
            // Only check if they changed it!
            if (!isset($row) || $row['posterEmail'] != $_POST['email']) {
                if (!allowedTo('moderate_forum') && (!isset($_POST['email']) || $_POST['email'] == '')) {
                    $post_errors[] = 'no_email';
                if (!allowedTo('moderate_forum') && preg_match('~^[0-9A-Za-z=_+\\-/][0-9A-Za-z=_\'+\\-/\\.]*@[\\w\\-]+(\\.[\\w\\-]+)*(\\.[\\w]{2,6})$~', stripslashes($_POST['email'])) == 0) {
                    $post_errors[] = 'bad_email';
            // Now make sure this email address is not banned from posting.
            isBannedEmail($_POST['email'], 'cannot_post', sprintf($txt['you_are_post_banned'], $txt[28]));
    // Check the subject and message.
    if (!isset($_POST['subject']) || $func['htmltrim']($_POST['subject']) === '') {
        $post_errors[] = 'no_subject';
    if (!isset($_POST['message']) || $func['htmltrim']($_POST['message']) === '') {
        $post_errors[] = 'no_message';
    } elseif (!empty($modSettings['max_messageLength']) && $func['strlen']($_POST['message']) > $modSettings['max_messageLength']) {
        $post_errors[] = 'long_message';
    } else {
        // Prepare the message a bit for some additional testing.
        $_POST['message'] = $func['htmlspecialchars']($_POST['message'], ENT_QUOTES);
        // Preparse code. (Zef)
        if ($user_info['is_guest']) {
            $user_info['name'] = $_POST['guestname'];
        // Let's see if there's still some content left without the tags.
        if ($func['htmltrim'](strip_tags(parse_bbc($_POST['message'], false), '<img>')) === '') {
            $post_errors[] = 'no_message';
    if (isset($_POST['calendar']) && !isset($_REQUEST['deleteevent']) && $func['htmltrim']($_POST['evtitle']) === '') {
        $post_errors[] = 'no_event';
    // You are not!
    if (isset($_POST['message']) && strtolower($_POST['message']) == 'i am the administrator.' && !$user_info['is_admin']) {
        fatal_error('Knave! Masquerader! Charlatan!', false);
    // Validate the poll...
    if (isset($_REQUEST['poll']) && $modSettings['pollMode'] == '1') {
        if (!empty($topic) && !isset($_REQUEST['msg'])) {
            fatal_lang_error(1, false);
        // This is a new topic... so it's a new poll.
        if (empty($topic)) {
        } elseif ($ID_MEMBER == $row['ID_MEMBER_POSTER'] && !allowedTo('poll_add_any')) {
        } else {
        if (!isset($_POST['question']) || trim($_POST['question']) == '') {
            $post_errors[] = 'no_question';
        $_POST['options'] = empty($_POST['options']) ? array() : htmltrim__recursive($_POST['options']);
        // Get rid of empty ones.
        foreach ($_POST['options'] as $k => $option) {
            if ($option == '') {
                unset($_POST['options'][$k], $_POST['options'][$k]);
        // What are you going to vote between with one choice?!?
        if (count($_POST['options']) < 2) {
            $post_errors[] = 'poll_few';
    if ($posterIsGuest) {
        // If user is a guest, make sure the chosen name isn't taken.
        require_once $sourcedir . '/Subs-Members.php';
        if (isReservedName($_POST['guestname'], 0, true, false) && (!isset($row['posterName']) || $_POST['guestname'] != $row['posterName'])) {
            $post_errors[] = 'bad_name';
    } elseif (!isset($_REQUEST['msg'])) {
        $_POST['guestname'] = addslashes($user_info['username']);
        $_POST['email'] = addslashes($user_info['email']);
    // Any mistakes?
    if (!empty($post_errors)) {
        // Previewing.
        $_REQUEST['preview'] = true;
        $context['post_error'] = array('messages' => array());
        foreach ($post_errors as $post_error) {
            $context['post_error'][$post_error] = true;
            $context['post_error']['messages'][] = $txt['error_' . $post_error];
        return Post();
    // Make sure the user isn't spamming the board.
    if (!isset($_REQUEST['msg'])) {
    // At about this point, we're posting and that's that.
    // Add special html entities to the subject, name, and email.
    $_POST['subject'] = strtr($func['htmlspecialchars']($_POST['subject']), array("\r" => '', "\n" => '', "\t" => ''));
    $_POST['guestname'] = htmlspecialchars($_POST['guestname']);
    $_POST['email'] = htmlspecialchars($_POST['email']);
    // At this point, we want to make sure the subject isn't too long.
    if ($func['strlen']($_POST['subject']) > 100) {
        $_POST['subject'] = addslashes($func['substr'](stripslashes($_POST['subject']), 0, 100));
    // Make the poll...
    if (isset($_REQUEST['poll'])) {
        // Make sure that the user has not entered a ridiculous number of options..
        if (empty($_POST['poll_max_votes']) || $_POST['poll_max_votes'] <= 0) {
            $_POST['poll_max_votes'] = 1;
        } elseif ($_POST['poll_max_votes'] > count($_POST['options'])) {
            $_POST['poll_max_votes'] = count($_POST['options']);
        } else {
            $_POST['poll_max_votes'] = (int) $_POST['poll_max_votes'];
        // Just set it to zero if it's not there..
        if (!isset($_POST['poll_hide'])) {
            $_POST['poll_hide'] = 0;
        } else {
            $_POST['poll_hide'] = (int) $_POST['poll_hide'];
        $_POST['poll_change_vote'] = isset($_POST['poll_change_vote']) ? 1 : 0;
        // If the user tries to set the poll too far in advance, don't let them.
        if (!empty($_POST['poll_expire']) && $_POST['poll_expire'] < 1) {
            fatal_lang_error('poll_range_error', false);
        } elseif (empty($_POST['poll_expire']) && $_POST['poll_hide'] == 2) {
            $_POST['poll_hide'] = 1;
        // Clean up the question and answers.
        $_POST['question'] = $func['htmlspecialchars']($_POST['question']);
        $_POST['options'] = htmlspecialchars__recursive($_POST['options']);
    // Check if they are trying to delete any current attachments....
    if (isset($_REQUEST['msg'], $_POST['attach_del']) && allowedTo('post_attachment')) {
        $del_temp = array();
        foreach ($_POST['attach_del'] as $i => $dummy) {
            $del_temp[$i] = (int) $dummy;
        require_once $sourcedir . '/ManageAttachments.php';
        removeAttachments('a.attachmentType = 0 AND a.ID_MSG = ' . (int) $_REQUEST['msg'] . ' AND a.ID_ATTACH NOT IN (' . implode(', ', $del_temp) . ')');
    // ...or attach a new file...
    if (isset($_FILES['attachment']['name']) || !empty($_SESSION['temp_attachments'])) {
        // If this isn't a new post, check the current attachments.
        if (isset($_REQUEST['msg'])) {
            $request = db_query("\n\t\t\t\tSELECT COUNT(*), SUM(size)\n\t\t\t\tFROM {$db_prefix}attachments\n\t\t\t\tWHERE ID_MSG = " . (int) $_REQUEST['msg'] . "\n\t\t\t\t\tAND attachmentType = 0", __FILE__, __LINE__);
            list($quantity, $total_size) = mysql_fetch_row($request);
        } else {
            $quantity = 0;
            $total_size = 0;
        if (!empty($_SESSION['temp_attachments'])) {
            foreach ($_SESSION['temp_attachments'] as $attachID => $name) {
                if (preg_match('~^post_tmp_' . $ID_MEMBER . '_\\d+$~', $attachID) == 0) {
                if (!empty($_POST['attach_del']) && !in_array($attachID, $_POST['attach_del'])) {
                    @unlink($modSettings['attachmentUploadDir'] . '/' . $attachID);
                $_FILES['attachment']['tmp_name'][] = $attachID;
                $_FILES['attachment']['name'][] = addslashes($name);
                $_FILES['attachment']['size'][] = filesize($modSettings['attachmentUploadDir'] . '/' . $attachID);
                list($_FILES['attachment']['width'][], $_FILES['attachment']['height'][]) = @getimagesize($modSettings['attachmentUploadDir'] . '/' . $attachID);
        if (!isset($_FILES['attachment']['name'])) {
            $_FILES['attachment']['tmp_name'] = array();
        $attachIDs = array();
        foreach ($_FILES['attachment']['tmp_name'] as $n => $dummy) {
            if ($_FILES['attachment']['name'][$n] == '') {
            // Have we reached the maximum number of files we are allowed?
            if (!empty($modSettings['attachmentNumPerPostLimit']) && $quantity > $modSettings['attachmentNumPerPostLimit']) {
                fatal_lang_error('attachments_limit_per_post', false, array($modSettings['attachmentNumPerPostLimit']));
            // Check the total upload size for this post...
            $total_size += $_FILES['attachment']['size'][$n];
            if (!empty($modSettings['attachmentPostLimit']) && $total_size > $modSettings['attachmentPostLimit'] * 1024) {
                fatal_lang_error('smf122', false, array($modSettings['attachmentPostLimit']));
            $attachmentOptions = array('post' => isset($_REQUEST['msg']) ? $_REQUEST['msg'] : 0, 'poster' => $ID_MEMBER, 'name' => $_FILES['attachment']['name'][$n], 'tmp_name' => $_FILES['attachment']['tmp_name'][$n], 'size' => $_FILES['attachment']['size'][$n]);
            if (createAttachment($attachmentOptions)) {
                $attachIDs[] = $attachmentOptions['id'];
                if (!empty($attachmentOptions['thumb'])) {
                    $attachIDs[] = $attachmentOptions['thumb'];
            } else {
                if (in_array('could_not_upload', $attachmentOptions['errors'])) {
                if (in_array('too_large', $attachmentOptions['errors'])) {
                    fatal_lang_error('smf122', false, array($modSettings['attachmentSizeLimit']));
                if (in_array('bad_extension', $attachmentOptions['errors'])) {
                    fatal_error($attachmentOptions['name'] . '.<br />' . $txt['smf123'] . ' ' . $modSettings['attachmentExtensions'] . '.', false);
                if (in_array('directory_full', $attachmentOptions['errors'])) {
                if (in_array('bad_filename', $attachmentOptions['errors'])) {
                    fatal_error(basename($attachmentOptions['name']) . '.<br />' . $txt['smf130b'] . '.');
                if (in_array('taken_filename', $attachmentOptions['errors'])) {
    // Make the poll...
    if (isset($_REQUEST['poll'])) {
        // Create the poll.
        db_query("\n\t\t\tINSERT INTO {$db_prefix}polls\n\t\t\t\t(question, hideResults, maxVotes, expireTime, ID_MEMBER, posterName, changeVote)\n\t\t\tVALUES (SUBSTRING('{$_POST['question']}', 1, 255), {$_POST['poll_hide']}, {$_POST['poll_max_votes']},\n\t\t\t\t" . (empty($_POST['poll_expire']) ? '0' : time() + $_POST['poll_expire'] * 3600 * 24) . ", {$ID_MEMBER}, SUBSTRING('{$_POST['guestname']}', 1, 255), {$_POST['poll_change_vote']})", __FILE__, __LINE__);
        $ID_POLL = db_insert_id();
        // Create each answer choice.
        $i = 0;
        $setString = '';
        foreach ($_POST['options'] as $option) {
            $setString .= "\n\t\t\t\t\t({$ID_POLL}, {$i}, SUBSTRING('{$option}', 1, 255)),";
        db_query("\n\t\t\tINSERT INTO {$db_prefix}poll_choices\n\t\t\t\t(ID_POLL, ID_CHOICE, label)\n\t\t\tVALUES" . substr($setString, 0, -1), __FILE__, __LINE__);
    } else {
        $ID_POLL = 0;
    // Creating a new topic?
    $newTopic = empty($_REQUEST['msg']) && empty($topic);
    // Collect all parameters for the creation or modification of a post.
    $msgOptions = array('id' => empty($_REQUEST['msg']) ? 0 : (int) $_REQUEST['msg'], 'subject' => $_POST['subject'], 'body' => $_POST['message'], 'icon' => preg_replace('~[\\./\\\\*\':"<>]~', '', $_POST['icon']), 'smileys_enabled' => !isset($_POST['ns']), 'attachments' => empty($attachIDs) ? array() : $attachIDs);
    $topicOptions = array('id' => empty($topic) ? 0 : $topic, 'board' => $board, 'poll' => isset($_REQUEST['poll']) ? $ID_POLL : null, 'lock_mode' => isset($_POST['lock']) ? (int) $_POST['lock'] : null, 'sticky_mode' => isset($_POST['sticky']) && !empty($modSettings['enableStickyTopics']) ? (int) $_POST['sticky'] : null, 'mark_as_read' => true);
    $posterOptions = array('id' => $ID_MEMBER, 'name' => $_POST['guestname'], 'email' => $_POST['email'], 'update_post_count' => !$user_info['is_guest'] && !isset($_REQUEST['msg']) && $board_info['posts_count']);
    // This is an already existing message. Edit it.
    if (!empty($_REQUEST['msg'])) {
        // Have admins allowed people to hide their screwups?
        if (time() - $row['posterTime'] > $modSettings['edit_wait_time'] || $ID_MEMBER != $row['ID_MEMBER']) {
            $msgOptions['modify_time'] = time();
            $msgOptions['modify_name'] = addslashes($user_info['name']);
        modifyPost($msgOptions, $topicOptions, $posterOptions);
    } else {
        createPost($msgOptions, $topicOptions, $posterOptions);
        if (isset($topicOptions['id'])) {
            $topic = $topicOptions['id'];
    // Editing or posting an event?
    if (isset($_POST['calendar']) && (!isset($_REQUEST['eventid']) || $_REQUEST['eventid'] == -1)) {
        require_once $sourcedir . '/Calendar.php';
        calendarInsertEvent($board, $topic, $_POST['evtitle'], $ID_MEMBER, $_POST['month'], $_POST['day'], $_POST['year'], isset($_POST['span']) ? $_POST['span'] : null);
    } elseif (isset($_POST['calendar'])) {
        $_REQUEST['eventid'] = (int) $_REQUEST['eventid'];
        // Validate the post...
        require_once $sourcedir . '/Subs-Post.php';
        // If you're not allowed to edit any events, you have to be the poster.
        if (!allowedTo('calendar_edit_any')) {
            // Get the event's poster.
            $request = db_query("\n\t\t\t\tSELECT ID_MEMBER\n\t\t\t\tFROM {$db_prefix}calendar\n\t\t\t\tWHERE ID_EVENT = {$_REQUEST['eventid']}", __FILE__, __LINE__);
            $row2 = mysql_fetch_assoc($request);
            // Silly hacker, Trix are for kids. ...probably trademarked somewhere, this is FAIR USE! (parody...)
            isAllowedTo('calendar_edit_' . ($row2['ID_MEMBER'] == $ID_MEMBER ? 'own' : 'any'));
        // Delete it?
        if (isset($_REQUEST['deleteevent'])) {
            db_query("\n\t\t\t\tDELETE FROM {$db_prefix}calendar\n\t\t\t\tWHERE ID_EVENT = {$_REQUEST['eventid']}\n\t\t\t\tLIMIT 1", __FILE__, __LINE__);
        } else {
            $span = !empty($modSettings['cal_allowspan']) && !empty($_REQUEST['span']) ? min((int) $modSettings['cal_maxspan'], (int) $_REQUEST['span'] - 1) : 0;
            $start_time = mktime(0, 0, 0, (int) $_REQUEST['month'], (int) $_REQUEST['day'], (int) $_REQUEST['year']);
            db_query("\n\t\t\t\tUPDATE {$db_prefix}calendar\n\t\t\t\tSET endDate = '" . strftime('%Y-%m-%d', $start_time + $span * 86400) . "',\n\t\t\t\t\tstartDate = '" . strftime('%Y-%m-%d', $start_time) . "',\n\t\t\t\t\ttitle = '" . $func['htmlspecialchars']($_REQUEST['evtitle'], ENT_QUOTES) . "'\n\t\t\t\tWHERE ID_EVENT = {$_REQUEST['eventid']}\n\t\t\t\tLIMIT 1", __FILE__, __LINE__);
    // Marking read should be done even for editing messages....
    if (!$user_info['is_guest']) {
        // Mark all the parents read.  (since you just posted and they will be unread.)
        if (!empty($board_info['parent_boards'])) {
            db_query("\n\t\t\t\tUPDATE {$db_prefix}log_boards\n\t\t\t\tSET ID_MSG = {$modSettings['maxMsgID']}\n\t\t\t\tWHERE ID_MEMBER = {$ID_MEMBER}\n\t\t\t\t\tAND ID_BOARD IN (" . implode(',', array_keys($board_info['parent_boards'])) . ")", __FILE__, __LINE__);
    // Turn notification on or off.  (note this just blows smoke if it's already on or off.)
    if (!empty($_POST['notify'])) {
        if (allowedTo('mark_any_notify')) {
            db_query("\n\t\t\t\tINSERT IGNORE INTO {$db_prefix}log_notify\n\t\t\t\t\t(ID_MEMBER, ID_TOPIC, ID_BOARD)\n\t\t\t\tVALUES ({$ID_MEMBER}, {$topic}, 0)", __FILE__, __LINE__);
    } elseif (!$newTopic) {
        db_query("\n\t\t\tDELETE FROM {$db_prefix}log_notify\n\t\t\tWHERE ID_MEMBER = {$ID_MEMBER}\n\t\t\t\tAND ID_TOPIC = {$topic}\n\t\t\tLIMIT 1", __FILE__, __LINE__);
    // Log an act of moderation - modifying.
    if (!empty($moderationAction)) {
        logAction('modify', array('topic' => $topic, 'message' => (int) $_REQUEST['msg'], 'member' => $row['ID_MEMBER']));
    if (isset($_POST['lock']) && $_POST['lock'] != 2) {
        logAction('lock', array('topic' => $topicOptions['id']));
    if (isset($_POST['sticky']) && !empty($modSettings['enableStickyTopics'])) {
        logAction('sticky', array('topic' => $topicOptions['id']));
    // Notify any members who have notification turned on for this topic.
    if ($newTopic) {
    } elseif (empty($_REQUEST['msg'])) {
        sendNotifications($topic, 'reply');
    // Returning to the topic?
    if (!empty($_REQUEST['goback'])) {
        // Mark the board as read.... because it might get confusing otherwise.
        db_query("\n\t\t\tUPDATE {$db_prefix}log_boards\n\t\t\tSET ID_MSG = {$modSettings['maxMsgID']}\n\t\t\tWHERE ID_MEMBER = {$ID_MEMBER}\n\t\t\t\tAND ID_BOARD = {$board}", __FILE__, __LINE__);
    if (!empty($_POST['announce_topic'])) {
        redirectexit('action=announce;sa=selectgroup;topic=' . $topic . (!empty($_POST['move']) && allowedTo('move_any') ? ';move' : '') . (empty($_REQUEST['goback']) ? '' : ';goback'));
    if (!empty($_POST['move']) && allowedTo('move_any')) {
        redirectexit('action=movetopic;topic=' . $topic . '.0' . (empty($_REQUEST['goback']) ? '' : ';goback'));
    // Return to post if the mod is on.
    if (isset($_REQUEST['msg']) && !empty($_REQUEST['goback'])) {
        redirectexit('topic=' . $topic . '.msg' . $_REQUEST['msg'] . '#msg' . $_REQUEST['msg'], $context['browser']['is_ie']);
    } elseif (!empty($_REQUEST['goback'])) {
        redirectexit('topic=' . $topic . '.new#new', $context['browser']['is_ie']);
    } else {
        redirectexit('board=' . $board . '.0');