// $image_size = getimagesize($data['files'][$INDEX]['path']); // FS READ $file_size = filesize($data['files'][$INDEX]['path']); // FS READ // optionally fetch exifer data // if ($CFG_use_exifer) { include_once 'exif.php'; $exif_data = read_exif_data_raw($data['files'][$INDEX]['path'], 0); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // assign, display templates // $T['current'] =& $data['files'][$INDEX]; $T['current']['image_size'] =& $image_size; $T['current']['view_size'] = calculate_resize($image_size[0], $image_size[1], $CFG_image_width, $CFG_image_height); $T['current']['file_size'] = round($file_size / 1024, 0) . ' KB'; if ($CFG_use_exifer) { $T['current']['exif_data'] =& $exif_data; } $T['next'] =& $data['files'][$INDEX + 1]; $T['prev'] =& $data['files'][$INDEX - 1]; $T['path'] = path_list($IMAGE_DIR); debug('T', $T); include "{$CFG_path_template}/header.tpl"; // FS READ include "{$CFG_path_template}/view.tpl"; // FS READ include "{$CFG_path_template}/footer.tpl"; // FS READ
if ('0' == $INDEX || $x == $image_props[0] && $y == $image_props[1]) { // show raw image via readfile or redirect // if ($CFG_images_outside_docroot) { header('Content-Type: image/jpeg'); readfile("{$CFG_path_images}/{$IMAGE_DIR}/{$IMAGE_FILE}"); } else { header("Location: {$CFG_url_images}{$IMAGE_DIR}/{$IMAGE_FILE}"); } // if image outside docroot exit; } // if raw image display // calculate resize, bounded by $INDEX resolution // list($resize_x, $resize_y) = calculate_resize($image_props[0], $image_props[1], $x, $y); // if caching enabled and file exists, redirect // $cache = cache_test("{$IMAGE_DIR}/{$IMAGE_FILE}", $resize_x, $resize_y); // FS SEE FUNCTION if (!$CFG_debug_image) { // redirect to or load image inline if cache hit // if ($cache['is_cached']) { if ($CFG_cache_outside_docroot) { header('Content-Type: image/jpeg'); readfile($cache['path']); // FS READ exit; } else { header('Location: ' . $cache['cache_url']);