Exemplo n.º 1
  * oik plugins settings page 
  * Processing depends on the button that was pressed. There should only be one!
  * Selection                     |  Validate? | Perform action         | Display check | Display add  | Display edit | Display select list
  * ----------------------------- | --------   |-------------------     |-------------  | ------------ | ------------ | -------------------
  * check_plugin                  |  No        | n/a                    | Yes           | -            | -            | -
  * delete_plugin                 |  No        | delete selected plugin | -             | -            | -            | Yes
  * edit_plugin                   |  No        | n/a                    | -             | -            | Yes          | Yes
  * _oik_plugins_edit_settings    |  Yes       | update selected plugin | -             | -            | Yes          | Yes
  * _oik_plugins_add_plugin			 |	No				| n/a										 | -						 | Yes          | - 					 | ?
  * _oik_plugins_add_settings		 |	Yes				| add selected plugin		 | -						 | -						| - 					 | ?
 function oik_lazy_plugins_server_settings()
     oik_menu_header("plugin server settings", "w100pc");
     $validated = false;
     $check_plugin = bw_array_get($_REQUEST, "check_plugin", null);
     $delete_plugin = bw_array_get($_REQUEST, "delete_plugin", null);
     $edit_plugin = bw_array_get($_REQUEST, "edit_plugin", null);
     /** These plugins override the ones from the list... but why do we need to do it? 
      * Do we have to receive the others in the $_REQUEST **?**
     $oik_plugins_edit_settings = bw_array_get($_REQUEST, "_oik_plugins_edit_settings", null);
     $oik_plugins_add_settings = bw_array_get($_REQUEST, "_oik_plugins_add_settings", null);
     $oik_plugins_add_plugin = bw_array_get($_REQUEST, "_oik_plugins_add_plugin", null);
     if ($oik_plugins_add_plugin || $oik_plugins_add_settings) {
         $check_plugin = null;
         $delete_plugin = null;
         $edit_plugin = null;
     if ($check_plugin) {
         oik_box(NULL, NULL, "Check", "oik_plugins_check");
     if ($delete_plugin) {
     if ($edit_plugin) {
         global $bw_plugin;
         $bw_plugins = get_option("bw_plugins");
         $bw_plugin = bw_array_get($bw_plugins, $edit_plugin, null);
         if ($bw_plugin == null) {
             $bw_plugin['server'] = null;
             $bw_plugin['apikey'] = null;
         $bw_plugin['plugin'] = $edit_plugin;
     if ($oik_plugins_edit_settings) {
         $validated = _oik_plugins_settings_validate(false);
     if ($oik_plugins_add_settings) {
         $validated = _oik_plugins_settings_validate(true);
     if ($oik_plugins_add_plugin || $oik_plugins_add_settings && !$validated) {
         oik_box(NULL, NULL, "Add new", "oik_plugins_add_settings");
     if ($edit_plugin || $oik_plugins_edit_settings || $validated) {
         oik_box(null, null, "Edit plugin", "oik_plugins_edit_settings");
     oik_box(NULL, NULL, "Settings", "oik_plugins_settings");
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Return the array[index] or build the result by calling $callback, passing the $default as the arg.
  * Notes: dcb = deferred callback
  * Use this function when applying the default might take some time but would be unnecessary if the $array[$index] is already set.
  * You can also use this function when the default value is a string that you want to be translated.
  * 2012/10/23 - When the parameter was passed as a null value e.g. "" then it was being treated as NULL
  * hence the default processing took effect. 
  * In this new verision we replace the NULLs in the code body with $default
  * So bw_array_get() can return a given NULL value which will then override the default.
  * In this case, if the parameter that is passed turns out to be the default value then this will also be translated.
  * Note: It could could still match a default null value
  * Also: We don't expect a null value for the default callback function __()
  * 2012/12/04 - we have to allow for the value being set as 0 which differs from a default value of NULL
  * so the comparison needs to be identical ( === ) rather than equal ( == )
  * 2014/02/27 - In cases where value found may be the same as the default and the dcb function could mess this up
  * then it's advisable to NOT use this function.
  * @param array $array array from which to obtain the value
  * @param string $index - index of value to obtain]
  * @param mixed $default - parameter to the $callback function 
  * @param string $callback - function name to invoke - defaults to invoking __()
 static function bw_array_get_dcb($array = array(), $index, $default = NULL, $callback = '__', $text_domain = "oik")
     $value = bw_array_get($array, $index, $default);
     if ($value === $default) {
         if (is_callable($callback)) {
             $value = call_user_func($callback, $default, $text_domain);
         } else {
     return $value;
  * Get a list of columns. The format is:
  * 'internal-name' => 'Title'
  * @since 3.1.0
  * @access public
  * @abstract
  * @return array
 public function get_columns()
     $columns = array();
     $columns['cb'] = '<input type="checkbox" />';
     $columns['code'] = __("Code", "schunter");
     $columns['help'] = __("Help", "schunter");
     $columns['status'] = __("Status", "schunter");
     $columns['function'] = __('Function', 'schunter');
     $columns['total_references'] = __('References', 'schunter');
     bw_trace2($columns, "columns", false);
     return $columns;
Exemplo n.º 4
  * Query the need to shorten a select field's options
  * Get the value of '#length' if available. If this is set then we truncate the options strings
  * @param array $args -
  * @return integer - the length to shorten to, not including the '...'
 function bw_query_shorten($args = null)
     $shorten = 0;
     if ($args) {
         $shorten = bw_array_get($args, "#length", 0);
     return $shorten;
  * Implement "themes_api_result" filter to add our own themes 
  @return unserialised object $result
     [0] => stdClass Object
             [info] => Array
                     [page] => 1
                     [pages] => 1
                     [results] => 6
            [themes] => Array
                     [0] => stdClass Object
                             [name] => DailyPost
                             [slug] => dailypost
                             [version] => 1.0.5
                             [author] => valeriutihai
                             [preview_url] => http://wp-themes.com/dailypost
                             [screenshot_url] => http://wp-themes.com/wp-content/themes/dailypost/screenshot.png
                             [rating] => 83.4
                             [num_ratings] => 6
                             [homepage] => http://wordpress.org/themes/dailypost
                             [description] => DailyPost is intresting theme ideal for your everyday notes and thoughts, which supports post formats and several customisation options. The theme is a special one because of it's responsive design, thus you will get the pleasure to read the post with your mobile device.
                      one per [results]
 static function oik_lazy_themes_api_result($result, $action, $args)
      * We need to do this for EACH theme that is installed to find which servers to query.
      * http://api.wordpress.org/themes/info/1.0/', array( 'body' => array('action' => $action, 'request' => serialize($args)))
     $url = "http://www.oik-plugins.com";
     //$url = "http://qw/wpit";
     $url .= "/themes/info/";
     $post_args = array('timeout' => 15, 'body' => array('action' => $action, 'request' => serialize($args)));
     $add_result = self::bw_remote_post($url, $post_args);
     if ($add_result) {
         $response = oik_merge_result($result, $add_result);
     } else {
         $response = $result;
     bw_trace2($response, "response", false);
     return $response;
Exemplo n.º 6
  * Determine the file name from the class and path
  * If no file is specified we try to make it up.
  * If no path is specified we assume it's been passed in the file name
  * @param object $class_file
  * @return string fully qualified file name
 function file($class_file)
     bw_trace2(null, null, true, BW_TRACE_DEBUG);
     $file = $class_file->file;
     if (!$file) {
         $file = str_replace("_", "-", $class_file->class);
         $file = strtolower($file);
         $file = "class-{$file}.php";
         if ($class_file->path) {
             $file = $class_file->path . '/' . $file;
     return $file;
Exemplo n.º 7
  * Get the document root suffix
  * This routine finds the subdirectory under which this local version of the website is installed.
  * Sometimes we need to remove this from index lookups but add it to links! 
  * @TODO Shouldn't this function be deprecated?
 function bw_get_docroot_suffix()
     $docroot_suffix = "/";
     if ($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] == bw_get_option("betterbyfar")) {
         $exdr = explode('/', $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]);
         $exsf = explode('/', $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']);
         $docroot_suffix = '/' . $exsf[count($exdr)] . '/';
         // bw_debug( "_SERVER[DOCUMENT_ROOT]: " . $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] );
         // bw_debug( "_SERVER[REQUEST_URI]: " .  $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] );
         // bw_debug( "_SERVER[SCRIPT_FILENAME]: " . $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'] );
         // bw_debug( "docroot_suffix: " . $docroot_suffix );
     return $docroot_suffix;
Exemplo n.º 8
  * Require a library file
  * @param string $library the library name e.g. "oik_boot"
  * @param string $version the required library version e.g "2.5" - with wildcard stuff
  * @return object the lib object loaded
 function require_lib($library, $version = null)
     $lib = $this->determine_lib($library, $version);
     if (!is_wp_error($lib)) {
         if ($lib) {
             if (file_exists($lib->src)) {
                 require_once $lib->src;
             } else {
                 bw_trace2($lib, "Library file missing", true, BW_TRACE_ERROR);
                 $lib = false;
                 $lib = $this->error("missing", "Library file missing", $lib);
         } else {
             bw_trace2($lib, "lib not found for {$library},{$version}", false, BW_TRACE_ERROR);
             $lib = $this->error("not found", "lib not found for {$library},{$version}", "{$library},{$version}");
     return $lib;
  * Require a library
  * @param string $lib library name
  * @param string $version the required minimum version
  * @return bool true if the required version has been loaded
 function require_lib($lib, $version = '*')
     $lib_loaded = oik_require_lib($lib);
     if ($lib_loaded && !is_wp_error($lib_loaded)) {
         $lib_loaded = $this->version_check($lib, $version);
     } else {
         bw_trace2($lib_loaded, "require_lib error", true);
         $this->show_update_nag("Failed to load library: {$lib}. version: {$version} ");
         $lib_loaded = null;
     return $lib_loaded;
Exemplo n.º 10
  * Build path from lib_args
  * $lib_args is a sparse array that may contain the following
  * Key          | Contents
  * ------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  * 'library'    | library name - either a shareable library name or in 'vendor/package' format
  * 'plugin'     |	plugin name - the plugin's folder name 
  * 'theme'      | theme name - the theme's folder
  * 'vendor-dir' | See below
  * 'vendor'     | vendor name for a Composer package
  * 'package'    | package name for a Composer package
  * 'file'       | file name of the main library file in the path. default $library.php for 'libs', $package.php otherwise
  * vendor-dir defaults to "libs" if 'vendor' and 'package' are not defined or 'vendor' if they are.
  * If the library name appears to be in the form of vendor/package then we'll err towards it being a Composer package.
  * @TODO If we need to work with symlinked files we may need to cobble something up from bw_trace_anonymize_symlinked_file()
 function path_from_lib_args()
     $path_array = array();
     $error = null;
     $plugin = bw_array_get($this->args, 'plugin', null);
     if ($plugin) {
         $path_array[] = WP_PLUGIN_DIR;
         $path_array[] = $plugin;
     } elseif ($theme = bw_array_get($this->args, 'theme', null)) {
         $path_array[] = WP_CONTENT_DIR;
         $path_array[] = 'themes';
         $path_array[] = $theme;
     } else {
         $error = $this->error("parameter error", "Missing plugin/theme", $this);
     if (!$error) {
         $vendor = $this->vendor();
         $package = $this->package();
         $vendor_dir = $this->vendor_dir($vendor, $package);
         $path_array[] = $vendor_dir;
         if ($vendor) {
             $path_array[] = $vendor;
         if ($package) {
             $path_array[] = $package;
     $path = implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $path_array);
     return $path;
Exemplo n.º 11
  * Check that the plugins that this plugin is dependent upon are active
  * @param string $plugin - name of the plugin being activated
  * @param string $dependencies - list of plugin dependencies - in whatever order you care
  * @param mixed $callback the callback to invoke when the dependency is not satisfied
  * Notes: 
  * The list of plugins could include oik - which should be loaded UNLESS this file is being
  * loaded by some other mechanism.
 function oik_lazy_depends($plugin = null, $dependencies, $callback = "oik_plugin_inactive")
     $names = bw_get_active_plugins();
     bw_trace2($names, "active plugin names", true, BW_TRACE_DEBUG);
     $depends = explode(",", $dependencies);
     foreach ($depends as $dependcolver) {
         list($depend, $version) = explode(":", $dependcolver . ":");
         //bw_trace2( $dependcolver, "dependcolver" );
         //bw_trace2( $depend, "depend" );
         //bw_trace2( $version, "version" );
         $problem = null;
         $active = bw_array_get($names, $depend, null);
         if ($active) {
             $active = oik_check_version($depend, $version);
             if (!$active) {
                 $problem = "version";
         } else {
             $problem = "missing";
         if (!$active) {
             bw_trace2($depend, "{$plugin} is dependent upon {$depend}, which is not active or is the wrong version", true, BW_TRACE_WARNING);
             if (!is_callable($callback)) {
                 $callback = "oik_plugin_inactive";
             call_user_func($callback, $plugin, $dependcolver, $problem);
             //deactivate_plugins( array( $plugin ) );
Exemplo n.º 12
 * Implement "init" for oik-lib 
 * This will load the translation strings for the plugin but the shared library files may have the wrong domain.
 * @TODO Decide how to deal with the domain for shared libraries
 * Possibly, load each library into "oik-lib" ... but how do we build/deliver the .po and .mo files?
function oik_lib_init()
Exemplo n.º 13
 function oik_require_lib($library, $version = null, $args = null)
     $library_file = null;
     if (function_exists("oik_libs")) {
         $oik_libs = oik_libs();
         $library_file = $oik_libs->require_lib($library, $version, $args);
     } else {
         if ($spos = strpos($library, "/")) {
             $library = substr($library, $spos + 1);
         $library_file = oik_require_lib_fallback($library);
     // We are dependent upon the 'bwtrace' library for these functions. Assume both are defined if bw_trace2() is.
     if (function_exists("bw_trace2")) {
         bw_trace2($library_file, "library_file: {$library}", true, BW_TRACE_VERBOSE);
     return $library_file;
Exemplo n.º 14
 * Implement "auto_update_theme" for oik-fum
 * Return true if you want auto updates to be applied to the theme
 * @param bool $update 
 * @param object $item 
 * @return bool 
function oikf_auto_update_theme($update, $item)
Exemplo n.º 15
 * Implement "set-screen-option" for schunter
 * Note: set-screen-option is called before 'admin_init'
 * so this filter has to be added early on, but probably only when WP_ADMIN is true.
 * @param bool $setit originally false 
 * @param string $option option name to set
 * @param string $value value to be set
 * @return $value if the option is to be set, false otherwise  
function schunter_set_screen_option($setit, $option, $value)
    $isay = $setit;
    if ($option == 'codes_per_page') {
        $value = (int) $value;
        if ($value > 0 && $value <= 999) {
            $isay = $value;
    } else {
    return $isay;