/** * Display the registered libraries * * Nothing fancy here as we cannot alter the settings * So we just convert each OIK_lib in the OIK_libs class to an array of fields * * We can display $oik_libs->libraries, $oik_libs->loaded_libraries and $oik_libs->checked_libraries * * If deps is an assoc array then we only get the '*' - so we copy the value of args['deps'] * which we know is set * [library] => oik_boot [src] => C:\apache\htdocs\wordpress\wp-content\plugins\oik-bwtrace\libs\oik_boot.php [deps] => [version] => 2.6 [init_function] => [args] => Array * */ function oik_lib_display_libraries() { p("Registered libraries, showing the versions and dependencies."); $oik_libs = oik_libs(); //bw_trace2( $oik_libs, "oik_libs" ); //$oik_libs->display_libs(); $libraries = $oik_libs->libraries; stag("table", "wide-fat"); $labels = bw_as_array(__("Library,Source,Dependencies,Version,Args", 'oik-lib')); bw_tablerow($labels, "tr", "th"); foreach ($libraries as $lib => $data) { //print_r( $lib ); //bw_trace2( $data, "data" ); //$data->deps(); $data->deps = $data->args['deps']; unset($data->error); bw_tablerow($data); } etag("table"); }
/** * Return a select list with the current selection * * The current value may either be a numeric index OR the actual string * It's slightly more efficient when it's the index * * @param string $name - the name for the field * @param string/mixed $value - the key value for the current selection or an array for #multiple selection * @param array $args - containing "#options" which must point to a non empty array * @return $iselect HTML for the select list */ function iselect($name, $value, $args) { //bw_trace2(); $multiple = bw_array_get($args, "#multiple", false); if ($multiple) { $iselect = "<select name=\"{$name}[]\" multiple size=\"{$multiple}\">"; } else { $iselect = "<select name=\"{$name}\">"; } $options = bw_as_array($args['#options']); $optional = bw_array_get($args, "#optional", false); if ($optional) { $options = array(__("None")) + $options; } //bw_trace2( $options, "options" ); $bw_shorten = bw_query_shorten($args); foreach ($options as $option_key => $option_value) { $selected = is_selected($option_key, $option_value, $value); if ($bw_shorten) { $option_value = bw_shorten($option_value, $bw_shorten); } $option = "<option value=\"{$option_key}\" {$selected}>{$option_value}</option>"; $iselect .= $option; } $iselect .= "</select>"; return $iselect; }
/** * Implement [bw_blogs] shortcode to list the blogs on the multisite * * @param array $atts - expected to either contain "blogs" or uses the index 0 values * @param string $content - content to expand for each blog * @param string $tag - the shortcode used * @return string - nothing is generated directly by this shortcode */ function bw_blogs($atts = null, $content = null, $tag = null) { if (is_multisite()) { $blogs = bw_array_get_from($atts, "blogs,0", null); if ($blogs) { $blogs = bw_as_array($blogs); } else { $blogs = bw_get_blog_list(); } bw_display_blogs($blogs, $atts, $content); } else { bw_trace2("bw_blogs shortcode not effective in a non-multisite implementation"); } return bw_ret(); }
//$dates = array( "0501", "0502", "0503", "0504", "0505" ); // , "0426", "0427", "0428", "0429", "0430" ); //$hosts = array( "bobbingwide.org.uk" ); $dates = array(); $startdate = oik_batch_query_value_from_argv(1, null); //echo "Start: $startdate" . PHP_EOL; $startdate = strtotime($startdate); $enddate = oik_batch_query_value_from_argv(2, null); if ($enddate) { $enddate = strtotime($enddate); } else { $enddate = time(); } //echo "End: $enddate" . PHP_EOL; $host = oik_batch_query_value_from_argv("host", null); if ($host) { $hosts = bw_as_array($host); } //$enddate = time(); //$enddate = strtotime( "2016-07-27" ); //$startdate = strtotime( "2015-06-01" ); //$enddate = strtotime( "2015-07-0" ); //echo "start: $startdate" ; //echo "end: $enddate"; for ($thisdate = $startdate; $thisdate <= $enddate; $thisdate += 86400) { $dates[] = date("md", $thisdate); } echo " Start:" . reset($dates) . PHP_EOL; echo "End: " . end($dates) . PHP_EOL; /** * Fetch and save the bwtrace.vt.mmdd file for each of the selected hosts */