function ajax() { $dir = $this->input->post('dir'); $fieldKey = 'fileajax'; if (!isset($_FILES[$fieldKey]['tmp_name']) || !$_FILES[$fieldKey]['tmp_name']) { return false; } if (!$dir) { $dir = 'uploads'; } $this->load->helper('file'); $dir_full = $this->config->item('resouce_dir') . $dir; if (is_dir($dir_full)) { $config['upload_path'] = $dir_full; } else { $config['upload_path'] = BASEPATH . '../files/' . $dir; } $config['allowed_types'] = 'gif|jpg|png'; $this->load->library('upload', $config); if (!$this->upload->do_upload($fieldKey)) { bug($this->upload->error_msg); die('can not upload'); } else { $newFile = array('name' => $this->upload->file_name, 'size' => $this->upload->file_size); echo json_encode(array('f' => $this->config->item('resouce_url') . $dir . $this->upload->file_name)); } return NULL; }
/** * Get Laporan Dari Datatable */ public function get_laporan_datatable() { $lokasi = decode($this->uri->segment(3)); $tahun = decode($this->uri->segment(4)); $this->load->model('laporan'); $data = $this->laporan->data_pegawai_datatable($lokasi, $tahun); bug($data); }
function update($data) { $data = $this->Common_Model->alias_check($data, 'title'); $existed = false; foreach ($data['alias'] as $alias) { if (!$existed && $alias && $this->item_existed($data['id'], $alias)) { $existed = true; } } if ($existed) { bug($existed); die('exited'); return $data; } if (!$data['img']) { unset($data['img']); } $this->Common_Model->update(0, 'articles', $data, $this->fields_lang); return true; }
private function ajax($limitF = 0, $limitTo = 5, $order = '', $where = '', $table, $select = '*', $returnTableAjax = TRUE) { $dataReturn = array('totalRecords' => 0, 'data' => null); $limitTo = $limitTo ? $limitTo : 10; if (is_array($where)) { foreach ($where as $key => $item) { $this->where[$key] = $item; } } if ($order != '') { $this->order = $order; } // $this->order = ($order !='' )?$order:$orderDefault; $dataReturn['totalRecords'] = $this->pak->from($table)->where($this->where)->count_all_results(); if ($dataReturn['totalRecords'] <= $limitF) { $limitF = 0; } $query = $this->pak->select($select)->from($table)->where($this->where)->order_by($this->order)->limit($limitTo, $limitF)->get(); if (!$query) { bug($this->pak->last_query()); exit('error database'); } $data = $query->result_array(); if ($data) { if ($returnTableAjax === TRUE) { foreach ($data as $key => $v) { $row = array_values($v); $row[] = null; $dataReturn['data'][] = $row; } } else { $dataReturn['data'] = $data; } } return $dataReturn; }
<?php $PHP_SELF = $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]; bug($_POST, "POST"); ?> <h1>TODOS LOS CONTROLES</h1> EN CASO DE ENVIO DE FICHEROS: enctype="multipart/form-data" <form id="frmTest" name="frmTest" method="post" action="<?php echo $PHP_SELF; ?> " enctype="" > <table id="tblTest" style="border: 1px solid #5C9425; width: 70%" > <tr> <td style="border: 1px solid #5C9425" > <label for="botBoton" >botBoton </label> <input type="button" id="botBoton" name="botBoton" value="botBoton" onclick="" /> </td> </tr> <tr style="border: 1px solid #5C9425" > <td style="border: 1px solid #5C9425" > <label for="txtText" >TxtTest</label> <input type="text" id="txtTest" name="txtTest" value="value txttest" /> </td> </tr> <tr style="border: 1px solid #5C9425" > <td style="border: 1px solid #5C9425" > <label for="passTest" >passTest</label> <input type="password" id="passTest" name="passTest" value="value passTest" /> </td> </tr>
/** * Initialize the database * * @category Database * @author ExpressionEngine Dev Team * @link * @param * string * @param * bool Determines if active record should be used or not */ function &DB($params = '', $active_record_override = NULL) { if (!$params) { $params = 'default'; } // Load the DB config file if a DSN string wasn't passed if (is_string($params) and strpos($params, '://') === FALSE) { include BASEPATH . 'config/database.php'; // Is the config file in the environment folder? if (!defined('ENVIRONMENT') or !file_exists($file_path = APPPATH . 'config/' . ENVIRONMENT . '/database.php')) { if (file_exists($file_path = APPPATH . 'config/database.php')) { // show_error('The configuration file database.php does not exist.'); include $file_path; } } if (!isset($db) or count($db) == 0) { show_error('No database connection settings were found in the database config file.'); } if ($params != '') { $active_group = $params; } if (!isset($active_group) or !isset($db[$active_group])) { bug($active_group); die('no $active_group'); show_error('You have specified an invalid database connection group.'); } $params = $db[$active_group]; } elseif (is_string($params)) { /* * parse the URL from the DSN string * Database settings can be passed as discreet * parameters or as a data source name in the first * parameter. DSNs must have this prototype: * $dsn = 'driver://*****:*****@hostname/database'; */ if (($dns = @parse_url($params)) === FALSE) { show_error('Invalid DB Connection String'); } $params = array('dbdriver' => $dns['scheme'], 'hostname' => isset($dns['host']) ? rawurldecode($dns['host']) : '', 'username' => isset($dns['user']) ? rawurldecode($dns['user']) : '', 'password' => isset($dns['pass']) ? rawurldecode($dns['pass']) : '', 'database' => isset($dns['path']) ? rawurldecode(substr($dns['path'], 1)) : ''); // were additional config items set? if (isset($dns['query'])) { parse_str($dns['query'], $extra); foreach ($extra as $key => $val) { // booleans please if (strtoupper($val) == "TRUE") { $val = TRUE; } elseif (strtoupper($val) == "FALSE") { $val = FALSE; } $params[$key] = $val; } } } // No DB specified yet? Beat them senseless... if (!isset($params['dbdriver']) or $params['dbdriver'] == '') { show_error('You have not selected a database type to connect to.'); } // Load the DB classes. Note: Since the active record class is optional // we need to dynamically create a class that extends proper parent class // based on whether we're using the active record class or not. // Kudos to Paul for discovering this clever use of eval() if ($active_record_override !== NULL) { $active_record = $active_record_override; } require_once BASEPATH . 'database/DB_driver.php'; if (!isset($active_record) or $active_record == TRUE) { require_once BASEPATH . 'database/DB_active_rec.php'; if (!class_exists('CI_DB')) { eval('class CI_DB extends CI_DB_active_record { }'); } } else { if (!class_exists('CI_DB')) { eval('class CI_DB extends CI_DB_driver { }'); } } require_once BASEPATH . 'database/drivers/' . $params['dbdriver'] . '/' . $params['dbdriver'] . '_driver.php'; // Instantiate the DB adapter $driver = 'CI_DB_' . $params['dbdriver'] . '_driver'; $DB = new $driver($params); if ($DB->autoinit == TRUE) { $DB->initialize(); } if (isset($params['stricton']) && $params['stricton'] == TRUE) { $DB->query('SET SESSION sql_mode="STRICT_ALL_TABLES"'); } return $DB; }
function instruction() { bug("This should not happen."); }
<?php Tfw::IMPORT(FOL_PHP_CLASSES, "CGmap"); $oGmap = new CGMap("España", "Madrid", "Carretera de Villaverde a vallecas 46", "28021", "Villaverde bajo"); bug($oGmap->get_xml_status(), "status"); bug($oGmap->get_latitud(), "Latitud"); bug($oGmap->get_longitud(), "Longitud"); bug($oGmap->get_xml_object_responsed(), "object xml");
//Configuramos el zoom $oGoogleMap->set_zoom(7); //Dibujamos las lineas entre los marcadores (pines) //$oGoogleMap->draw_lines(); //Tamaño del mapa $oGoogleMap->set_size_container(500, 500); $oGoogleMap->set_size_unit('pt'); $oGoogleMap->draw_routes(); $oGoogleMap->set_route_color("black"); $oGoogleMap->set_marker_color("green"); $oGoogleMap->set_route_width(2); //No se mostrarán numeros en los pines de googlemaps //$oGoogleMap->set_markers_numbers_off(); //Calcula la distancia entre las chinchetas $fDistancia = $oGoogleMap->sum_distance(); bug($fDistancia, "DISTANCIA"); //muestra 11.1 //$oGoogleMap->draw_map(); ?> <html> <head> <title>Goglemaps API 3 Clase PHP</title> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no"> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <script type="text/javascript" src="html_js/js_google/js_google_maps_3.js"></script> </head> <body> <!--<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo TFW_GOOGLEAPIKEY; ?>
<dd>Added version info to handlers which show in phpinfo() output.</dd> <dd>GDB: Fixed bug with continuing after breakpoint where only 'cont' worked.</dd> <dd>GDB: Fixed bug in deleting absolute breakpoints on Windows.</dd> <dd>Fixed <?php bug(27); ?> : Repeated connect attempts when no debugger is listening.</dd> <dd>Fixed <?php bug(19); ?> : The value of xdebug.output_dir in a .htaccess never takes effect.</dd> <dd>Fixed <?php bug(18); ?> : Mistyped sizeof()'s for array indexes in profiler output.</dd> <dd>Fixed handling stack traces for when display_errors was set to Off.</dd> <dd>Fixed segfault where a function name didn't exist in case of a "call_user_function".</dd> <dd>Fixed reading a filename in case of an callback to a PHP function from an internal function (like "array_map()").</dd> <dt>[2003-09-18]</dt> <dd>Fixed bug with wrong file names for functions called from call_user_*().</dd> <dt>[2003-08-30]</dt> <dd>Added the option "dump_superglobals" to the remote debugger. If you set this option to 0 the "show-local" and similar commands will not return any data
public function instruction() { bug('This should not happen.'); }
function bugcond($var, $isCheckCondition) { //var_dump($isCheckCondition); if ($isCheckCondition) { bug($var); } else { pr("isCheckCondition = FALSE"); } }
<?php function bug($flag) { $tag = ''; if ($flag) { $tag .= 'x'; } $tag = '33'; if ($flag) { } else { var_dump($tag); } } bug(false);
private function read_clobsss($field) { bug($field->load()); }
$imei = "84:85:06:46:f3:c3"; // MAC Address for iOS IMEI for other platform (Android/etc) $countrycode = "34"; $phonenumber = "626963672"; $wa = new WhatsProt($sender, $imei, $nickname, true); $url = "" . $countrycode . "&in=" . $phonenumber . "&udid=" . $wa->encryptPassword(); bug($url, "url"); $content = file_get_contents($url); if (stristr($content, 'status="ok"') === false) { echo "Wrong Password\n"; //exit(0); } $wa->Connect(); $wa->Login(); //bug($$wa); bug($_SERVER, "SERVER"); /* die; bug($_SERVER,"SERVER"); $countrycode = substr($sender, 0, 2); $phonenumber=substr($sender, 2); if ($argc < 2) { echo "USAGE: ".$_SERVER["argv"][0]." [-l] [-s <phone> <message>] [-i <phone>]\n<br>"; echo "\tphone: full number including country code, without '+' or '00'\n<br>"; echo "\t-s: send message\n<br>"; echo "\t-l: listen for new messages\n<br>"; echo "\t-i: interactive conversation with <phone>\n<br>"; exit(1); }
public function get_rev_committer($file, $rev) { $entry = $this->get_log_entry($this->get_log($file), $rev); bug($file, $rev, $entry); if (!empty($entry) && preg_match('/author:\\s+(\\w+);/', $entry, $m)) { return $m[1]; } return null; }
static function suitable_delimiter($expression) { foreach (array('/', '%', '#', '=', '!') as $c) { if (strpos($expression, $c) === false) { return $c; } } bug("Can't think of a suitable delimiter for expression: {$expression}"); }
$graphs = "nographs"; } // $routing is populated by $navbar['brand'] = "Routing"; $navbar['class'] = "navbar-narrow"; foreach ($routing as $type => $value) { if ($value['count'] > 0) { if (!$vars['protocol']) { $vars['protocol'] = $type; } if ($vars['protocol'] == $type) { $navbar['options'][$type]['class'] = "active"; } $navbar['options'][$type]['url'] = generate_url(array('page' => 'routing', 'protocol' => $type)); $navbar['options'][$type]['text'] = nicecase($type) . ' (' . $value['count'] . ')'; } } print_navbar($navbar); unset($navbar); switch ($vars['protocol']) { case 'bgp': case 'vrf': case 'cef': case 'ospf': include $config['html_dir'] . '/pages/routing/' . $vars['protocol'] . '.inc.php'; break; default: bug(); break; } // EOF
//$sStringRecibido = curl($sGmapUrlFinal); //$oXml = simplexml_load_string($sStringRecibido); //allow_url_include = On $oXml = simplexml_load_file($sGmapUrlFinal) or die("url not loading"); $sXmlStatus = $oXml->status; //bug($oXml); if (strcmp($sXmlStatus, "OK") == 0) { ##Successful geocode $geocode_pending = false; $fLatitud = $oXml->result->geometry->location->lat; //v3 $fLongitud = $oXml->result->geometry->location->lng; //v3 $ok = 0; bug($fLatitud); bug($fLongitud); if ($fLatitud < 45.18786629495072 && $fLatitud > 24.654534254781115 && $fLongitud > -19.80908203125 && $fLongitud < 4.3828125) { $ok = 1; //Acota direcciones en España y Canarias, revisarlo } $delay = 250; } else { // failure to geocode $geocode_pending = false; echo "Address " . $sDireccion . " failed to geocoded. "; echo "Received status " . $sXmlStatus . "\n"; } usleep($delay); /* * ERRORES: *
<?php class X { } function bug() { if (!$GLOBALS['x']) { return; } return new X(); } var_dump(bug());
public function dbh() { ### Cache if (empty($this->__dbh)) { ### Connect to the tags DB $INIT_DB_NOW = false; if (strpos($this->db_dsn, 'sqlite') !== false && !empty($this->db_file_path)) { if (!file_exists($this->config('db_file_path'))) { $INIT_DB_NOW = true; } ### Get an exclusive File_NFSLock on the DB file... $this->db_file_lock = new File_NFSLock($this->config('db_file_path'), LOCK_EX, 10, 30 * 60); # stale lock timeout after 30 minutes } if (!empty($this->db_dsn)) { $this->__dbh = new PDO($this->config('db_dsn'), $this->config('db_username'), $this->config('db_password')); $GLOBALS['orm_dbh'] = $this->__dbh; $this->__dbh->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); /// HACK : For now, just change the below number to whatever you want to upgrade from /// and run this once, $cur_revision = 0.21; # $cur_revision = 0.20; /// Version 0.1.0 if ($INIT_DB_NOW || $cur_revision < 0.1) { $this->__dbh->exec("CREATE TABLE file_tag (\n \t\t\t\t\t file character varying(1000) NOT NULL,\n \t\t\t\t\t tag character varying(25) NOT NULL,\n \t\t\t\t\t revision int NOT NULL,\n \t\t\t\t\t mass_edit int NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,\n \t\t\t\t\t CONSTRAINT file_tag_pk PRIMARY KEY ( file, tag )\n \t\t\t\t\t )\n \t\t\t\t\t"); } /// UPGRADE from Version 0.1.0 to 0.1.1 if ($cur_revision == 0.1) { $this->__dbh->exec("ALTER TABLE file_tag ADD COLUMN\n\t\t\t\t\t mass_edit int NOT NULL DEFAULT 0"); } /// Version 0.1.5 if ($INIT_DB_NOW || $cur_revision < 0.15) { $this->__dbh->exec("CREATE TABLE revision_cache (\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t file character varying(900) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t expire_token character varying(50) NOT NULL,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t revisions text \t\t \t\t NOT NULL,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t committers text \t\t \t\t NOT NULL\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t)"); $this->__dbh->exec("CREATE INDEX expire_token_idx ON revision_cache(expire_token)"); } /// Version 0.2.1 if ($INIT_DB_NOW || $cur_revision < 0.21) { $this->__dbh->exec("CREATE TABLE roll_point (\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t rlpt_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t creation_date INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT (strftime('%s','now')),\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t point_type character(5) NOT NULL,\n created_by NOT NULL\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t)"); $this->__dbh->exec("CREATE INDEX point_type_idx ON roll_point(point_type)"); $this->__dbh->exec("CREATE TABLE rlpt_file (\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t rlpf_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t rlpt_id INTEGER NOT NULL,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t file character varying(900) NOT NULL,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t revision character varying(32) NULL,\n CONSTRAINT rp_file_uk UNIQUE(rlpt_id,file)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t)"); $this->__dbh->exec("CREATE INDEX file_idx ON rlpt_file(file)"); $this->__dbh->exec("CREATE TABLE rlpt_project (\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t rlpp_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t rlpt_id INTEGER NOT NULL,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t project character varying(200) NOT NULL,\n CONSTRAINT rp_file_uk UNIQUE(rlpt_id,project)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t)"); $this->__dbh->exec("CREATE INDEX project_idx ON rlpt_project(project)"); $this->__dbh->exec("CREATE TABLE rlpt_roll (\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t rlpr_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t rlpt_id INTEGER NOT NULL,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t creation_date INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT (strftime('%s','now')),\n created_by NOT NULL,\n cmd text NULL,\n cmd_output text NULL,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t rollback_rlpt_id INTEGER NULL\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t)"); $this->__dbh->exec("CREATE INDEX roll_point_idx ON rlpt_roll(rlpt_id)"); } /// Debugging for the Database $this_debug = 0; if ($this_debug) { /// Show DB Tables: $sth = $this->__dbh->query("SELECT * FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table'"); bug($sth->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)); $sth = $this->__dbh->query("SELECT * FROM rlpt_roll"); bug($sth->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)); } } } return $this->__dbh; }
if (has_dir($sPathDir, $arNotToCountOn, $sDS)) { //bug($sPathDir,"has folders"); $arSubDir = get_folders($sPathDir, $arNotToCountOn, $sDS); //bug($arSubDir,"subdir"); foreach ($arSubDir as $sFolderName) { $sPath = $sPathDir . $sDS . $sFolderName; //$arTree[] = dir_tree($sPath); foreach (dir_tree($sPath, $arNotToCountOn, $sDS) as $sPaths) { $arTree[] = $sPaths; } } } } return $arTree; } function load_recursive_include_path($sPathDir, $arNotToCountOn = array(), $sDS = "/") { //bug($arNotToCountOn);die; $arDirPaths = dir_tree($sPathDir, $arNotToCountOn, $sDS); $sDirPaths = implode(PATH_SEPARATOR, $arDirPaths); if (!empty($sDirPaths)) { $sDirPaths = get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR . $sDirPaths; set_include_path($sDirPaths); } } //bug($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]); //bug(dir_tree($sProjectDir)); load_recursive_include_path($sProjectDir, array(".svn")); bug(get_include_path()); bug(explode(PATH_SEPARATOR, get_include_path())); include "ajax.php";
$arTrazado = $oBD->query($sSQL); /* $arMarcadores[]=array( "title"=>"uno ","content"=>"<b>Content 1</b><input type=\"text\" value=\"marcador uno\">", "latitude"=>"40.5475437","longitude"=>"-3.6420912" );*/ //bug($arTrazado); $arMarkersAndStops = get_markers_and_stops($arTrazado, $i); //bug($arMarkersAndStops); die; $arRuta[$idRevision]["dots"] = $arMarkersAndStops["markers"]; $arRuta[$idRevision]["stops"] = $arMarkersAndStops["stops"]; $arRuta[$idRevision]["pincolor"] = $arColores[$i]; $arRuta[$idRevision]["tracecolor"] = $arColores[$i]; //bug($arRuta); } bug($arRuta); $oGoogleMap = new HelperGoogleMaps3($arRuta); //$oGoogleMap->draw_lines(); //$oGoogleMap->show_js_array_routes(); ?> <html> <head> <title>Goglemaps API 3 Clase PHP</title> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no"> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <script type="text/javascript" src="html_js/js_jquery/js_jquery_v1.7.1.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="html_js/js_google/js_google_maps_3.js"></script> </head> <body> <!--<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php
public function diff_dir_from_tag($tag, $dir = '') { $report = array('files_no_tag' => 0, 'files_behind_tag' => 0, 'files_ahead_of_tag' => 0, 'files_on_tag' => 0, 'files_unknown' => 0); $status = $this->get_dir_status($dir); foreach (preg_split('/\\n/', $status) as $line) { if (preg_match('/^\\s*[A-Z\\?]?\\s*\\d+\\s+(\\d+)\\s+\\S+\\s+(\\S.*)$/', $line, $m)) { $cur_rev = $m[1]; $file = rtrim($m[2], "\n\r"); ### Skip dirs in SVN (for now)... if (is_dir($this->stage->env()->repo_base . '/' . $file)) { continue; } ### See what the tag is... $sth = dbh_query_bind("SELECT revision FROM file_tag WHERE file = ? AND tag = ?", $file, $tag); $tag_rev = $sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM); $sth->closeCursor(); ### Mark the group if (empty($tag_rev)) { $report['files_no_tag']++; continue; } else { $tag_rev = $tag_rev[0]; } if ($cur_rev < $tag_rev) { $report['files_behind_tag']++; } else { if ($cur_rev > $tag_rev) { $report['files_ahead_of_tag']++; } else { if ($cur_rev = $tag_rev) { $report['files_on_tag']++; } } } } else { if (preg_match('/^\\s*[\\?]?\\s+(\\S.*)$/', $line, $m)) { $report['files_unknown']++; } else { if (!empty($line)) { bug("SVN status line didn't match to extract rev for tag diff! (/^\\s*[A-Z\\?]?\\s*\\d+\\s+(\\d+)\\s+\\S+\\s+(\\S.*)\$/ nor /^\\s*[\\?]?\\s+(\\S.*)\$/)", $status, $line); } } } } return $report; }
/** * dbh_do_bind() - Execute a (possibly write access) SQL query with bound parameters * * @param string $sql The SQL query to run * @param mixed $params this can either be called passing an array of bind params, or just by passing the bind params as args after the SQL arg * @return PDOStatement */ function dbh_do_bind($sql) { $use_dbh = $this->dbh(); if (ORM_SQL_PROFILE) { START_TIMER('dbh_do_bind'); } $bind_params = array_slice(func_get_args(), 1); ### Allow params passed in an array or as args if (is_a($bind_params[count($bind_params) - 1], 'PDO') || is_a($bind_params[count($bind_params) - 1], 'PhoneyPDO')) { $use_dbh = array_pop($bind_params); } if (count($bind_params) == 1 && is_array(array_shift(array_values($bind_params)))) { $bind_params = array_shift(array_values($bind_params)); } $this->reverse_t_bools($bind_params); if (ORM_SQL_DEBUG || ORM_SQL_WRITE_DEBUG) { bug($sql, $bind_params); } $GLOBALS['ORM_SQL_LOG'][] = array(microtime(true), $sql, $bind_params); try { $sth = $use_dbh->prepare($sql); $rv = $sth->execute($bind_params); } catch (PDOException $e) { trace_dump(); $err_msg = 'There was an error running a SQL statement, [' . $sql . '] with (' . join(',', $bind_params) . '): ' . $e->getMessage() . ' in ' . trace_blame_line(); if (strlen($err_msg) > 1024) { bug($err_msg, $sql, $bind_params, $e->getMessage()); $sql = substr($sql, 0, 1020 + strlen($sql) - strlen($err_msg)) . '...'; } trigger_error('There was an error running a SQL statement, [' . $sql . '] with (' . join(',', $bind_params) . '): ' . $e->getMessage() . ' in ' . trace_blame_line(), E_USER_ERROR); return false; } if (ORM_SQL_PROFILE) { END_TIMER('dbh_do_bind'); } return $rv; }
<?php $sTrozoRequest = "acceso_prohibido"; $sTrozoRouter = "acceso"; $sTrozoRequest = "0805"; $sTrozoRouter = "[0-9]{3,4}"; // //preg_match("/[\d]{4}/", $_valor) $sPatronRouter = WS . $sTrozoRouter . WS; bug($sTrozoRequest, "string a comprobar"); bug($sPatronRouter, "patron a cumplir"); //$bCoinciden = preg_match_all($sPatronRouter, $sTrozoRequest, $arCoincidencias); $bCoinciden = preg_match($sPatronRouter, $sTrozoRequest, $arCoincidencias); //$bCoinciden = preg_split($sPatronRouter, $sTrozoRequest); bug($bCoinciden, "coincide?"); bug($arCoincidencias, "array coincidencias");
<?php $sLoquesehace = "\$name = \"nombre_de_una_variable\"<br>"; $sLoquesehace .= "\$\$name = \"contenido para var: nombre_de_una_variable\""; $name = "nombre_de_una_variable"; //$$name = "contenido para var: nombre_de_una_variable"; $loque = ${$name}; bug($sLoquesehace, " asignacion:"); bug($nombre_de_una_variable, "nombre_de_una_variable"); bug($name, "\$name"); bug(${$name}, "\$\$name"); bug($loque, "\$loque"); bug("{$name}{${$name}}", "\$name{\$\$name}");
<?php //$oBD = CBaseDatos::get_instancia(null,null,null,null,"mysql"); /** * @var CBaseDatos */ $oBD = CBaseDatos::get_instancia(); $isConnected = $oBD->conectar(); //bug($isConnected); //bug($oBD); $sSQL = "SELECT * FROM blog_usuario"; $arTabla = $oBD->query($sSQL); bug($arTabla); $sSQL = "INSERT INTO blog_usuario (id_creador)\n VALUES (2)"; $oBD->execute($sSQL); $sSQL = "DELETE FROM blog_usuario WHERE id_creador=2"; $oBD->execute($sSQL); bug($oBD->get_mensaje());
function bugif() { bug(get_included_files(), "included_files"); }
<?php $oLogs = new ComponentFile(); $sLogsPath = TFW_PATH_APPROOTDS . "logs"; /* bug($sLogsPath); bug(is_dir($sLogsPath)); $oLogs->set_path_folder_source($sLogsPath); $oLogs->set_filename_source("milog.txt"); $oLogs->create(); bug($oLogs); bug($oLogs->get_message(),"message"); $oLogs->add_content("Esto es una linea a guardar en el archivo"); $oLogs->add_content("Esto es otra linea se crea en una nueva?"); bug($oLogs->get_message()); $oLogs->set_filename_target("cambiado.txt"); $oLogs->rename(); //$oLogs->set_path_folder_target($sLogsPath.DS."start"); //$oLogs->copy(); * */ $oLogs = new ComponentLogs($sLogsPath); $oLogs->sql_read("user000899_20120501.txt", "01:00:04", "SELECT * FROM core_users"); bug($oLogs->get_message());