Exemplo n.º 1
if ($rID) {
    $report = get_report_details($rID);
$kFonts = gen_build_pull_down($Fonts);
$kFontSizes = gen_build_pull_down($FontSizes);
$kLineSizes = gen_build_pull_down($LineSizes);
$kFontColors = gen_build_pull_down($FontColors);
$kFontAlign = gen_build_pull_down($FontAlign);
$cFields = CreateCompanyArray();
$fFields = crit_build_pull_down($CritChoices);
$kFields = CreateSpecialDropDown($report);
$kTblFields = CreateFieldTblDropDown($report);
$kTables = CreateTableList($report);
$nyChoice = gen_build_pull_down($NoYesChoice);
$pFields = gen_build_pull_down($FormProcessing);
$tProcessing = gen_build_pull_down($TextProcessing);
if (!$type) {
    // use the first type of the FormEntries array since it will be shown first with a new line
    $temp = array_keys($FormEntries);
    $type = array_shift($temp);
$properties = new objectInfo();
$properties->type = $type;
$output = box_build($properties, $rowID);
$xml .= xmlEntry("rowID", $rowID);
$xml .= xmlEntry("html", $output);
//$xml .= xmlEntry("debug", 'sizeof kFields= ' . sizeof($kFields) . ' and rowID = ' . $rowID);
$xml .= xmlEntry("message", 'Success type = ' . $type . ' and html length = ' . strlen($output));
echo createXmlHeader() . $xml . createXmlFooter();
Exemplo n.º 2
    echo html_input_field('fld_hgt[]', $report->fieldlist[$i]->height, 'size="6" maxlength="4"');
    if ($report->serialform) {
        echo html_pull_down_menu('fld_brk[]', $sel_yes_no, $report->fieldlist[$i]->rowbreak);
    echo html_pull_down_menu('fld_type_' . $i, gen_build_pull_down($FormEntries), $report->fieldlist[$i]->type, 'onchange="boxLoad(this.value, ' . $i . ')"');
    echo html_hidden_field('row_id[]', $i) . chr(10);
    echo html_icon('actions/view-fullscreen.png', TEXT_MOVE, 'small', 'style="cursor:move"', '', '', 'move_fld_' . $i) . chr(10);
    echo html_icon('emblems/emblem-unreadable.png', TEXT_DELETE, 'small', 'class="imgIcon delete"') . chr(10);
    echo html_icon('actions/document-properties.png', TEXT_PROPERTIES, 'small', 'onmouseup="boxProperties(' . $i . ')"') . chr(10);
		  <div id="fld_box_<?php 
    echo $i;
" style="display:none;background-color:#bbd8d8; border:solid 1px #000">
    echo box_build($report->fieldlist[$i], $i);
<td valign="bottom">
echo html_icon('actions/list-add.png', TEXT_ADD, 'small', 'onclick="rowAction(\'field_setup_frm\', \'add\')"');