/** * This function is in lib and not in BlogInfo because entries being searched * might be found in any number of blogs rather than just one. * * $@param ... */ function blog_print_html_formatted_entries($postid, $filtertype, $filterselect, $tagid, $tag) { global $CFG, $USER, $OUTPUT; $blogpage = optional_param('blogpage', 0, PARAM_INT); $bloglimit = optional_param('limit', get_user_preferences('blogpagesize', 10), PARAM_INT); $start = $blogpage * $bloglimit; $sitecontext = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM); $morelink = '<br /> '; $totalentries = get_viewable_entry_count($postid, $bloglimit, $start, $filtertype, $filterselect, $tagid, $tag, $sort = 'created DESC'); $blogEntries = blog_fetch_entries($postid, $bloglimit, $start, $filtertype, $filterselect, $tagid, $tag, $sort = 'created DESC', true); $pagingbar = moodle_paging_bar::make($totalentries, $blogpage, $bloglimit, get_baseurl($filtertype, $filterselect)); $pagingbar->pagevar = 'blogpage'; echo $OUTPUT->paging_bar($pagingbar); if ($CFG->enablerssfeeds) { blog_rss_print_link($filtertype, $filterselect, $tag); } if (has_capability('moodle/blog:create', $sitecontext)) { //the user's blog is enabled and they are viewing their own blog $addlink = '<div class="addbloglink">'; $addlink .= '<a href="' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/blog/edit.php?action=add' . '">' . get_string('addnewentry', 'blog') . '</a>'; $addlink .= '</div>'; echo $addlink; } if ($blogEntries) { $count = 0; foreach ($blogEntries as $blogEntry) { blog_print_entry($blogEntry, 'list', $filtertype, $filterselect); //print this entry. $count++; } $pagingbar = moodle_paging_bar::make($totalentries, $blogpage, $bloglimit, get_baseurl($filtertype, $filterselect)); $pagingbar->pagevar = 'blogpage'; echo $OUTPUT->paging_bar($pagingbar); if (!$count) { print '<br /><div style="text-align:center">' . get_string('noentriesyet', 'blog') . '</div><br />'; } print $morelink . '<br />' . "\n"; return; } $output = '<br /><div style="text-align:center">' . get_string('noentriesyet', 'blog') . '</div><br />'; print $output; }
if (!empty($courseid)) { $returnurl .= '&courseid=' . $courseid; } $strblogs = get_string('blogs', 'blog'); if ($action == 'delete') { if (!$existing) { error('Incorrect blog post id'); } if (data_submitted() and $confirm and confirm_sesskey()) { do_delete($existing); redirect($returnurl); } else { $optionsyes = array('id' => $id, 'action' => 'delete', 'confirm' => 1, 'sesskey' => sesskey(), 'courseid' => $courseid); $optionsno = array('userid' => $existing->userid, 'courseid' => $courseid); print_header("{$SITE->shortname}: {$strblogs}", $SITE->fullname); blog_print_entry($existing); echo '<br />'; notice_yesno(get_string('blogdeleteconfirm', 'blog'), 'edit.php', 'index.php', $optionsyes, $optionsno, 'post', 'get'); print_footer(); die; } } require_once 'edit_form.php'; $blogeditform = new blog_edit_form(null, compact('existing', 'sitecontext')); if ($blogeditform->is_cancelled()) { redirect($returnurl); } else { if ($blogeditform->no_submit_button_pressed()) { no_submit_button_actions($blogeditform, $sitecontext); } else { if ($fromform = $blogeditform->get_data()) {