/** * @return mixed */ public function index() { if (Input::has('folder')) { $username = request('user', auth()->id()); $entity = $this->folders->getByName($username, request('folder')); } else { $groupName = request('group', 'all'); $entity = $this->groups->requireByName($groupName); } $type = request('type', 'all'); $canSortBy = ['comments', 'uv', 'created_at', 'frontpage_at']; $orderBy = in_array(request('sort'), $canSortBy) ? request('sort') : null; $builder = $entity->contents($type, $orderBy)->with('group', 'user'); // Time filter $time = request('time'); if ($time) { $builder->fromDaysAgo($time); } // Domain filter $domain = request('domain'); if ($domain) { $builder->where('domain', $domain); } // User filter if (Input::has('user')) { $user = User::name(request('user'))->firstOrFail(); $builder->where('user_id', $user->getKey()); } $perPage = Input::has('per_page') ? between(request('per_page'), 1, 100) : 20; return $builder->paginate($perPage); }
function time_ago_in_words($time) { $from_time = strtotime($time); $to_time = strtotime(gmd()); $distance_in_minutes = round(($to_time - $from_time) / 60); if ($distance_in_minutes < 0) { return (string) $distance_in_minutes . 'E'; } if (between($distance_in_minutes, 0, 1)) { return '1 minute'; } elseif (between($distance_in_minutes, 2, 44)) { return $distance_in_minutes . ' minutes'; } elseif (between($distance_in_minutes, 45, 89)) { return '1 hour'; } elseif (between($distance_in_minutes, 90, 1439)) { return round($distance_in_minutes / 60) . ' hours'; } elseif (between($distance_in_minutes, 1440, 2879)) { return '1 day'; } elseif (between($distance_in_minutes, 2880, 43199)) { return round($distance_in_minutes / 1440) . ' days'; } elseif (between($distance_in_minutes, 43200, 86399)) { return '1 month'; } elseif (between($distance_in_minutes, 86400, 525959)) { return round($distance_in_minutes / 43200) . ' months'; } elseif ($distance_in_minutes > 525959) { return number_format(round($distance_in_minutes / 525960, 1), 1) . ' years'; } }
public function index() { $folderName = Input::get('folder'); $groupName = Input::has('group') ? shadow(Input::get('group')) : 'all'; $className = 'Strimoid\\Models\\Folders\\' . studly_case($folderName ?: $groupName); if (Input::has('folder') && !class_exists('Folders\\' . studly_case($folderName))) { $user = Input::has('user') ? User::findOrFail(Input::get('user')) : Auth::user(); $folder = Folder::findUserFolderOrFail($user->getKey(), Input::get('folder')); if (!$folder->public && (Auth::guest() || $user->getKey() != Auth::id())) { App::abort(404); } $builder = $folder->entries(); } elseif (class_exists($className)) { $fakeGroup = new $className(); $builder = $fakeGroup->entries(); $builder->orderBy('sticky_global', 'desc'); } else { $group = Group::name($groupName)->firstOrFail(); $group->checkAccess(); $builder = $group->entries(); // Allow group moderators to stick contents $builder->orderBy('sticky_group', 'desc'); } $builder->with(['user', 'group', 'replies', 'replies.user'])->orderBy('created_at', 'desc'); $perPage = Input::has('per_page') ? between(Input::get('per_page'), 1, 100) : 20; return $builder->paginate($perPage); }
public function singleDisplay($name, Request $request) { dd($request->getRequestUri()); $product = between("/", "/", $request->getRequestUri()); $data = Category::getSingleItem($name); // dd($data); return view('product_display.single', ['data' => $data, 'config' => ['route' => "/{$product}/{$name}", 'header' => $name]]); }
function namesArtist($r) { $pubd = array(); foreach ($r['hits']['hits'] as $ev) { array_push($pubd, between('Artiste :', 'Matériaux :', $ev['_source']['pubDate'])); } return $pubd; }
/** * How far to separate the slice from the rest of the pie. * from 0.0 (not at all) to 1.0 (the pie's radius). * * @param float offset * @return \slice */ public function offset($offset) { if (is_float($offset) && between($offset, 0.0, 1.0)) { $this->offset = $offset; } else { $this->type_error(__FUNCTION__, 'float', 'where 0.0 < $offset < 0.1'); } return $this; }
private function index($data, $db, $sdb) { $data = str_get_html($data); foreach ($data->find('.even, .odd') as $result) { $title = $result->find('.cellMainLink', 0)->plaintext; $url = 'https://kat.cr' . $result->find('.cellMainLink', 0)->href; $m = $result->find('div.iaconbox', 0); $hash = strtoupper(between($m, 'magnet:?xt=urn:btih:', '&dn=')); $size = round(strToBytes($result->find('td.nobr', 0)->plaintext) / 1024); $seeds = $result->find('td.green', 0)->plaintext; $peers = $result->find('td.red', 0)->plaintext; $date = strtotime($result->find('td', 3)->title); $uploader = $result->find('a.plain', 1)->plaintext; $files = $result->find('td', 2)->plaintext; if (!$result->find('span.block')) { continue; } $cdata = $result->find('span.block', 0)->find('strong', 0)->plaintext; if (strstr($cdata, 'Movies')) { $type = 'movies'; } elseif (strstr($cdata, 'Games')) { $type = 'games'; } elseif (strstr($cdata, 'Music')) { $type = 'music'; } elseif (strstr($cdata, 'Applications')) { $type = 'software'; } elseif (strstr($cdata, 'TV')) { $type = 'tv'; } elseif (strstr($cdata, 'XXX')) { $type = 'p**n'; } elseif (strstr($cdata, 'Anime')) { $type = 'anime'; } elseif (strstr($cdata, 'Books')) { $type = 'books'; } else { $type = 'other'; } $type = Rivr::getType($type); $cdate = time(); $query = $db->query("SELECT id FROM rtindex WHERE url = '{$url}' LIMIT 1;"); if ($query->num_rows) { $this->updated++; $info = $query->fetch_assoc(); Rivr::updateTorrent($db, $sdb, $info['id'], $title, $hash, $this->source_id, $seeds, $peers, $date, $url, $cdate, $type, $size, $files, $uploader); } else { $this->added++; Rivr::addTorrent($db, $sdb, $title, $hash, $this->source_id, $seeds, $peers, $date, $url, $cdate, $type, $size, $files, $uploader); } } $data->clear(); unset($data); }
function organizer_check_collision($frame, $date, $events) { $collidingevents = array(); foreach ($events as $event) { $framefrom = $frame['from'] + $date; $frameto = $frame['to'] + $date; $eventfrom = $event->timestart; $eventto = $eventfrom + $event->timeduration; if (between($framefrom, $eventfrom, $eventto) || between($frameto, $eventfrom, $eventto) || between($eventfrom, $framefrom, $frameto) || between($eventto, $framefrom, $frameto) || $framefrom == $eventfrom || $eventfrom == $eventto) { $collidingevents[] = $event; } } return $collidingevents; }
/** * Present a list of choices to user, return choice * @param Command $command The command requesting input * @param array $choices List of choices * @param int $default Default choice (1-array size), -1 to abort * @param string $abort String to tag on end for aborting selection * @return int -1 if abort selected, otherwise one greater than $choice index * (in other words, choosing $choice[0] returns 1) * @throws InvalidArgumentException If argument is invalid */ function pick_from_list(Command $command, $title, array $choices, $default = 0, $abort = null) { if ($abort) { $choices[] = $abort; } $numChoices = count($choices); if (!$numChoices) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Must have at least one choice"); } if ($default == -1 && empty($abort)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Cannot use default=-1 without $abort option'); } if (!between($default, -1, $numChoices)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Invalid value, default={$default}"); } $question = "Please enter a number between 1-{$numChoices}"; if ($default > 0) { $question .= " (default is {$default})"; } elseif ($default < 0) { $question .= " (enter to abort)"; $default = $numChoices; } $question .= ':'; while (1) { $command->line(''); $command->info($title); $command->line(''); for ($i = 0; $i < $numChoices; $i++) { $command->line($i + 1 . ". " . $choices[$i]); } $command->line(''); $answer = $command->ask($question); if ($answer == '') { $answer = $default; } if (between($answer, 1, $numChoices)) { if ($abort and $answer == $numChoices) { $answer = -1; } return (int) $answer; } // Output wrong choice $command->line(''); $formatter = $command->getHelperSet()->get('formatter'); $block = $formatter->formatBlock('Invalid entry!', 'error', true); $command->line($block); } }
public function index() { if (Input::has('folder')) { $username = request('user', auth()->id()); $entity = $this->folders->getByName($username, request('folder')); } else { $groupName = request('group', 'all'); $entity = $this->groups->getByName($groupName); } $sortBy = in_array(request('sort'), ['uv', 'created_at']) ? request('sort') : 'created_at'; $builder = $entity->comments($sortBy)->with(['user', 'group', 'replies', 'replies.user']); // Time filter if (Input::has('time')) { $builder->fromDaysAgo(request('time')); } $perPage = Input::has('per_page') ? between(request('per_page'), 1, 100) : 20; return $builder->paginate($perPage); }
protected function fetchPPTs($dataTag2, $delimiter1, $delimiter2) { $ppts = []; $i = 0; foreach ($this->rawHtml->find($dataTag2) as $element) { $long_name = $this->textCaptions[$i]; $dimensions = between($delimiter1, $delimiter2, $long_name); $this->_name[$i] = trim(between($delimiter1, $delimiter2, $long_name)); $this->type[$i] = strtoupper($this->_name[$i]); $this->length[$i] = $this->replaceString(trim(str_take(5, $dimensions))); $this->width[$i] = $this->replaceString(trim(str_rtake(6, $dimensions))); $this->thickness[$i] = NULL; $this->_description[$i] = $this->_name[$i] . ' (' . $this->length[$i] . 'X' . $this->width[$i] . ')'; dd($this->_name[$i], $this->length[$i], $this->width[$i], $this->thickness[$i]); $this->remoteImgUrl[$i] = $element->{"data-orig-file"}; $ext = after_last(".", $this->remoteImgUrl[$i]); $this->photoName[$i] = sprintf("%s-%s", time(), create_slug(str_replace(":", "-", $this->_name[$i])) . ".{$ext}"); $this->photoPath[$i] = sprintf("%s/%s", self::imgBasePath, $this->photoName[$i]); $this->photoTPath[$i] = sprintf("%s/tn-%s", self::imgBasePath, $this->photoName[$i]); $i++; } }
function fddbSuche($gtin) { //$gtin = "4388844009943"; $gtin = preg_replace('/[^0-9]+/', '', $gtin); $data = curlData("http://fddb.mobi/search/?lang=de&cat=mobile-de&search=" . $gtin); $resultblock = between("<!-- %sresultblock% //-->", "<!-- %eresultblock% //-->", $data); $link = between("window.location.href = '", "';", $data); $area = between("<b>100 g:</b>", "<b>1 Packung:</b>", $data); if ($link != false && strlen($gtin) >= 13) { $werte = array("energy" => preg_replace('/[^0-9,.]+/', '', before("(", $area)), "calories" => preg_replace('/[^0-9,.]+/', '', between("(", ")", $area)), "fat" => preg_replace('/[^0-9,.]+/', '', between("Fett: ", "KH:", $area)), "carbonhydrate" => preg_replace('/[^0-9,.]+/', '', between("KH: ", "<br>", $area))); //$werte = array("Energie", "Energie1", "Fett", "Kohlenhydrate"); $naerhwerte = ""; foreach ($werte as $key => $value) { $naerhwerte[$key]["value"] = preg_replace('/[^0-9]+/', '', $werte[$key]); $naerhwerte[$key]["currencie"] = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z]+/', '', $werte[$key]); } $result = array("sourecName" => "fddb", "link" => $link, "gtin" => $gtin, "nutriTable" => $werte, "titel" => between("<a href='" . $link . "'><b>", '</b></a>', $resultblock)); $graph = new EasyRdf_Graph(); $namespace = new EasyRdf_Namespace(); $namespace->set('rezept', "http://manke-hosting.de/ns-syntax#"); buildTree($graph, $result["link"], $result, 'rezept'); echo $graph->serialise("turtle"); } }
public function testBetweenExceptionel2() { $this->assertEquals("", between("DESCRIPTION:", "ipsum", "")); }
/** * @param int $min * @param int $max * @return \Closure */ function notBetween($min, $max) { return negate(between($min, $max)); }
$options = array('u1' => $u1, 'u2' => $u2, 'type' => $type, 'types' => array('posts', 'comments')); echo '<div id="newswrap"><!-- between.php -->'; Haanga::Load('between.html', compact('options')); if ($id1 > 0 && $id2 > 0) { $all = array(); $to = array(); $sorted = array(); $rows = 0; if (isset($_GET['id']) && !empty($_GET['id'])) { $sorted = explode(',', @gzuncompress(@base64_decode($_GET['id']))); $show_thread = true; } else { $show_thread = false; $rows = -1; $to[0] = between($id1, $id2, $type, $prefix, $page_size, $offset); $to[1] = between($id2, $id1, $type, $prefix, $page_size, $offset); foreach ($to as $e) { foreach ($e as $k => $v) { $all[$k] = $v; } } $keys = array_keys($all); sort($keys, SORT_NUMERIC); foreach ($keys as $k) { $a = $all[$k]; sort($a, SORT_NUMERIC); foreach ($a as $e) { if (!in_array($e, $sorted) && !in_array($e, $keys)) { $sorted[] = $e; } }
private function index($data, $type, $db, $sdb) { $data = str_get_html($data); if (!$data->find('.table2')) { return; } $data = $data->find('.table2', 0); if (!$data->find('tr')) { continue; } foreach ($data->find('tr') as $result) { $tt = $result->find('.tt-name'); if (!$tt) { continue; } $title = $result->find('.tt-name', 0)->find('a', 1)->plaintext; $url = 'https://www.limetorrents.cc' . $result->find('.tt-name', 0)->find('a', 1)->href; $m = $result->find('.tt-name', 0)->find('a', 0)->href; $hash = strtoupper(between($m, 'torrent/', '.torrent')); $size = round(strToBytes($result->find('td', 2)->plaintext) / 1024); $seeds = $result->find('.tdseed', 0)->plaintext; $peers = $result->find('.tdleech', 0)->plaintext; $date = strtotime('-' . str_replace(' ago', '', $result->find('td', 1)->plaintext)); $uploader = ''; $files = 0; $cdate = time(); $query = $db->query("SELECT id FROM rtindex WHERE url = '{$url}' LIMIT 1;"); if ($query->num_rows) { $this->updated++; $info = $query->fetch_assoc(); Rivr::updateTorrent($db, $sdb, $info['id'], $title, $hash, $this->source_id, $seeds, $peers, $date, $url, $cdate, $type, $size, $files, $uploader); } else { $this->added++; Rivr::addTorrent($db, $sdb, $title, $hash, $this->source_id, $seeds, $peers, $date, $url, $cdate, $type, $size, $files, $uploader); } } $data->clear(); unset($data); }
$f = flip('map', [$x, $y]); $c = compose($f, 'plus'); return $c($z) !== [$x + $z, $y + $z]; }, 'compose8' => function ($x, $y) { $c = compose(with($x), 'plus'); return $c($y) !== $x + $y; }, 'sum' => function () { return sum($xs = range(0, mt_rand(1, 100))) !== array_reduce($xs, 'plus', 0); }, 'random1' => function () { return !is_int(random(null)); }, 'mem1' => function () { return mem('true') <= 0; }, 'upto1' => function ($n) { return count(upto($n % 100)) !== $n % 100; }, 'between1' => function () { return between(5, 10) !== [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]; }, 'b_then' => function ($n) { return branch(thunk($n), null, thunk(true), null) !== $n; }, 'b_else' => function ($n) { return branch(null, thunk($n), thunk(false), null) !== $n; }, 'until1' => function ($n) { $x = $n % 8; return until(function ($args) use($x) { list($m, $arr) = $args; return [$m === $x, [$m + 1, snoc($m, $arr)]]; }, [0, []]) !== [$x + 1, upto($x + 1)]; }, 'trampoline1' => function ($n) { $x = $n % 8; return trampoline(y(function ($f, $m, $n, $_) { return $m < $n ? [false, $f($m + 1, $n)] : [true, $m]; }, 0, $x)) !== $x;
/** Fonction qui remplis un tableau de cours. * Utilise icalendar. */ public function getCours() { /* Parse l'ics*/ $nb = 0; $tab = array(); $ical = new SG_iCalReader($this->ICS); $query = new SG_iCal_Query(); $evts = $ical->getEvents(); $data = array(); if (!is_array($evts)) { echo "ERREUR, d'initialisation des evenements."; echo '<br>$evts= ' . $evts; } foreach ($evts as $id => $ev) { $jsEvt = array("id" => $id + 1, "title" => $ev->getProperty('summary'), "start" => $ev->getStart(), "end" => $ev->getEnd(), "allDay" => $ev->isWholeDay(), "location" => $ev->getProperty('location'), "description" => $ev->getProperty('description')); if (isset($ev->recurrence)) { $count = 0; $start = $ev->getStart(); $freq = $ev->getFrequency(); if ($freq->firstOccurrence() == $start) { $data[] = $jsEvt; } while (($next = $freq->nextOccurrence($start)) > 0) { if (!$next or $count >= 1000) { break; } $count++; $start = $next; $jsEvt["start"] = $start; $jsEvt["end"] = $start + $ev->getDuration(); $data[] = $jsEvt; } } else { $data[] = $jsEvt; } $String2 = htmlentities($jsEvt["description"], ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8"); $String = nl2br($String2); $sum = htmlentities($jsEvt["title"], ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8"); $sum2 = nl2br($sum); $Matiere = between('Matière : ', '<br />', $String); $prof = between('Personnel : ', '<br />', $String); $promo = between('Groupe : ', 'Groupe ', $String); $tmp = between('Groupe :', 'Salle ', $String); $sous_groupe = rtrim(trim(stripslashes(after('-', $tmp)))); if ($sous_groupe == "") { $sous_groupe = "0"; } $tabGroupe = array(); $promo = trim($promo); $tmp_groupe = between('Groupe :', 'Salle', $String2); //--> 'INFO 2 Groupe 2\, INFO 2 Groupe 3' // echo $tmp.'<br/>'; $tmp_tab = explode(",", $tmp_groupe); foreach ($tmp_tab as $g) { if (strpos($g, 'TP') !== FALSE) { $tmp = between("TP ", "-", $String2); } else { $tmp = after($promo . ' Groupe ', $g); $tmp = trim(stripslashes($tmp)); // Enlève antislash et les espaces if ($tmp == "") { $tmp = "0"; } } array_push($tabGroupe, $tmp); } $type = before(' -', $sum2); $salle = between('Salle : ', '<br />', $String); $date_debut = $jsEvt['start']; $date_fin = $jsEvt['end']; $date = new DateTime('@' . $date_debut); /* Instancie les BEANs*/ $cours = new Cours(); $cours->setDateDebut($date_debut); $cours->setMatiere($Matiere); $cours->setDateFin($date_fin); $cours->setType($type); $cours->setProf($prof); $cours->setSalle($salle); foreach ($tabGroupe as $g) { $Groupe = new Groupe(); $Groupe->setSousGroupe($sous_groupe[0]); $Groupe->setNumero($g); $Groupe->setPromo($promo); $cours->setGroupe($Groupe); } $cours->setId(); $tab[$nb++] = $cours; sort($tab); // Noé array_push($this->tab_cours, $cours); } }
private function AddColumnByDataType($coldata) { $name = $coldata["Field"]; $typedata = $coldata["Type"]; $null = $coldata["Null"]; $key = $coldata["Key"]; $default = $coldata["Default"]; $extra = $coldata["Extra"]; $type = before('(', $typedata); $data = between('(', ')', $typedata); $info = after(')', $typedata); $migrationCall = '$table->'; switch (strtoupper($type)) { // $table->bigIncrements('id'); Incrementing ID (primary key) using a "UNSIGNED BIG INTEGER" equivalent. // $table->bigInteger('votes'); BIGINT equivalent for the database. case 'BIGINT': if (strpos(strtoupper($extra), "AUTO_INCREMENT") > -1) { $migrationCall .= 'bigIncrements(\'' . $name . '\')'; } else { $migrationCall .= 'bigInteger(\'' . $name . '\')'; } break; // $table->binary('data'); BLOB equivalent for the database. // $table->binary('data'); BLOB equivalent for the database. case 'BINARY': $migrationCall .= 'binary(\'' . $name . '\')'; break; case 'BIT': $migrationCall .= 'boolean(\'' . $name . '\')'; if ($default != "") { $default = strpos($default, '0') > -1 ? "0" : "1"; } break; // $table->boolean('confirmed'); BOOLEAN equivalent for the database. // $table->boolean('confirmed'); BOOLEAN equivalent for the database. case 'BOOLEAN': $migrationCall .= 'boolean(\'' . $name . '\')'; break; // $table->char('name', 4); CHAR equivalent with a length. // $table->char('name', 4); CHAR equivalent with a length. case 'CHAR': $migrationCall .= 'char(\'' . $name . '\', ' . $data . ')'; break; // $table->date('created_at'); DATE equivalent for the database. // $table->date('created_at'); DATE equivalent for the database. case 'DATE': $migrationCall .= 'date(\'' . $name . '\')'; break; // $table->dateTime('created_at'); DATETIME equivalent for the database. // $table->dateTime('created_at'); DATETIME equivalent for the database. case 'DATETIME': $migrationCall .= 'dateTime(\'' . $name . '\')'; break; // $table->decimal('amount', 5, 2); DECIMAL equivalent with a precision and scale. // $table->decimal('amount', 5, 2); DECIMAL equivalent with a precision and scale. case 'DECIMAL': $migrationCall .= 'decimal(\'' . $name . '\', ' . $data . ')'; break; // $table->double('column', 15, 8); DOUBLE equivalent with precision, 15 digits in total and 8 after the decimal point. // $table->double('column', 15, 8); DOUBLE equivalent with precision, 15 digits in total and 8 after the decimal point. case 'DOUBLE': $migrationCall .= 'double(\'' . $name . '\', ' . $data . ')'; break; // $table->enum('choices', ['foo', 'bar']); ENUM equivalent for the database. // $table->enum('choices', ['foo', 'bar']); ENUM equivalent for the database. case 'ENUM': $migrationCall .= 'enum(\'' . $name . '\', [' . $data . '])'; break; // $table->float('amount'); FLOAT equivalent for the database. // $table->float('amount'); FLOAT equivalent for the database. case 'FLOAT': $migrationCall .= 'float(\'' . $name . '\')'; break; // $table->increments('id'); Incrementing ID (primary key) using a "UNSIGNED INTEGER" equivalent. // $table->integer('votes'); INTEGER equivalent for the database. // $table->increments('id'); Incrementing ID (primary key) using a "UNSIGNED INTEGER" equivalent. // $table->integer('votes'); INTEGER equivalent for the database. case 'INT': if (strpos(strtoupper($extra), "AUTO_INCREMENT") > -1) { $migrationCall .= 'increments(\'' . $name . '\')'; } else { $migrationCall .= 'integer(\'' . $name . '\')'; } break; // $table->json('options'); JSON equivalent for the database. // $table->json('options'); JSON equivalent for the database. case 'JSON': $migrationCall .= 'json(\'' . $name . '\')'; break; // $table->jsonb('options'); JSONB equivalent for the database. // $table->jsonb('options'); JSONB equivalent for the database. case 'JSONB': $migrationCall .= 'jsonb(\'' . $name . '\')'; break; // $table->longText('description'); LONGTEXT equivalent for the database. // $table->longText('description'); LONGTEXT equivalent for the database. case 'LONGTEXT': $migrationCall .= 'longText(\'' . $name . '\')'; break; // $table->mediumInteger('numbers'); MEDIUMINT equivalent for the database. // $table->mediumInteger('numbers'); MEDIUMINT equivalent for the database. case 'MEDIUMINT': $migrationCall .= 'mediumInteger(\'' . $name . '\')'; break; // $table->mediumText('description'); MEDIUMTEXT equivalent for the database. // $table->mediumText('description'); MEDIUMTEXT equivalent for the database. case 'MEDIUMTEXT': $migrationCall .= 'mediumText(\'' . $name . '\')'; break; // $table->morphs('taggable'); Adds INTEGER taggable_id and STRING taggable_type. // $table->morphs('taggable'); Adds INTEGER taggable_id and STRING taggable_type. case 'MORPHS': $migrationCall .= 'morphs(\'' . $name . '\')'; break; // $table->nullableTimestamps(); Same as timestamps(), except allows NULLs. // $table->nullableTimestamps(); Same as timestamps(), except allows NULLs. case 'NULL_TIMESTAMPS': $migrationCall .= 'nullableTimestamps()'; break; // $table->rememberToken(); Adds remember_token as VARCHAR(100) NULL. // $table->rememberToken(); Adds remember_token as VARCHAR(100) NULL. case 'REMEMBER': $migrationCall .= 'rememberToken()'; break; // $table->smallInteger('votes'); SMALLINT equivalent for the database. // $table->smallInteger('votes'); SMALLINT equivalent for the database. case 'SMALLINT': $migrationCall .= 'smallInteger(\'' . $name . '\')'; break; // $table->softDeletes(); Adds deleted_at column for soft deletes. // $table->softDeletes(); Adds deleted_at column for soft deletes. case 'SOFTDELETES': $migrationCall .= 'softDeletes()'; break; // $table->string('email'); VARCHAR equivalent column. // $table->string('name', 100); VARCHAR equivalent with a length. // $table->string('email'); VARCHAR equivalent column. // $table->string('name', 100); VARCHAR equivalent with a length. case 'VARCHAR': if ($data != "") { $migrationCall .= 'string(\'' . $name . '\', ' . $data . ')'; } else { $migrationCall .= 'string(\'' . $name . '\')'; } break; // $table->text('description'); TEXT equivalent for the database. // $table->text('description'); TEXT equivalent for the database. case 'TEXT': $migrationCall .= 'text(\'' . $name . '\')'; break; // $table->time('sunrise'); TIME equivalent for the database. // $table->time('sunrise'); TIME equivalent for the database. case 'TIME': $migrationCall .= 'time(\'' . $name . '\')'; break; // $table->tinyInteger('numbers'); TINYINT equivalent for the database. // $table->tinyInteger('numbers'); TINYINT equivalent for the database. case 'TINYINT': if ($data == 1) { $migrationCall .= 'boolean(\'' . $name . '\')'; } else { $migrationCall .= 'tinyInteger(\'' . $name . '\')'; } break; // $table->timestamp('added_on'); TIMESTAMP equivalent for the database. // $table->timestamp('added_on'); TIMESTAMP equivalent for the database. case 'TIMESTAMP': $migrationCall .= 'timestamp(\'' . $name . '\')'; break; // $table->timestamps(); Adds created_at and updated_at columns. // $table->timestamps(); Adds created_at and updated_at columns. case 'TIMESTAMPS': $migrationCall .= 'timestamps()'; break; // $table->uuid('id'); // $table->uuid('id'); case 'YEAR': $migrationCall .= 'tinyInteger(\'' . $name . '\')'; break; case 'UUID': $migrationCall .= 'uuid(\'' . $name . '\')'; break; default: return false; } if (strpos(strtoupper($info), " UNSIGNED") > -1) { $migrationCall .= "->unsigned()"; } if (strtoupper($null) == "YES") { $migrationCall .= "->nullable()"; } if ($default != "") { if ($default == "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP") { $migrationCall .= "->useCurrent()"; //Needs on update use current_timestamp feature if in extra } else { $migrationCall .= "->default('" . addslashes($default) . "')"; } } return $migrationCall; }
public function profile() { $this->load->library('form_validation'); $text = ''; $this->form_validation->set_rules('avatar_usage', '', 'trim|required'); if ($this->form_validation->run()) { $status = $this->users_global->setAvatarSetting($this->input->post('facebook_profile'), $this->input->post('google_profile'), $this->input->post('twitter_profile'), $this->input->post('avatar_usage'), 'avatar_file'); if ($status['error'] > 0) { $text = '&info=' . translate('Fields succefully updated, error occured during file upload, please check file weight and try again.'); } } $this->load->library('form_validation'); if ($this->input->post('user_name') || $this->input->post('user_surname') || $this->input->post('user_state') || $this->input->post('user_town') || $this->input->post('bio')) { set_user_meta('name', $this->input->post('user_name')); set_user_meta('surname', $this->input->post('user_surname')); set_user_meta('state', $this->input->post('user_state')); set_user_meta('town', $this->input->post('user_town')); set_user_meta('bio', $this->input->post('bio')); $this->url->redirect($this->url->site_url() . '?notice=profile-updated' . $text); } if ($this->input->post('dashboard_theme') || $this->input->post('user_oldpass') || $this->input->post('user_newpass') || $this->input->post('user_confirmnewpass')) { if ($this->input->post('user_oldpass')) { $info = ''; if ($this->input->post('user_newpass') == $this->input->post('user_confirmnewpass')) { $result = current_user()->updainitsword($this->input->post('user_oldpass'), $this->input->post('user_newpass')); if ($result) { $info = '&info=' . __('Password has been changed'); } else { $info = '&info=' . __('Error occured while changing password. Check if your old password doesn\'t match the new one'); } } else { $info = '&info=' . __('Error occured while changing password. The new password and the confirmation doesn\'t match.'); } } set_user_meta('dashboard_theme', between(0, 6, $dashboard_theme = $this->input->post('dashboard_theme')) ? $dashboard_theme : 0); $this->url->redirect($this->url->site_url() . '?notice=profile-updated' . $info); } // Admin Widget Section if (riake('widget_action', $_POST) || riake('widget_namespace', $_POST)) { $this->users_global->setAdminWidgets($_POST); $this->url->redirect(array('admin', 'profile?notice=done')); } if ($this->input->post('reset_account')) { current_user()->reset(); $this->url->redirect(array('admin', 'profile?notice=user-meta-has-been-reset')); } set_page('title', riake('site_name', $this->options) . ' | ' . ucfirst(current_user('PSEUDO')) . ' » ' . translate('My Profile')); set_page('description', translate('My Profile')); $this->load->the_view('admin/profile/body'); }
echo '<li> images : ' . $value['_source']['images'] . '</li></br>'; $imgs = $value['_source']['images']; $img = explode(" ", $imgs); foreach ($img as $i) { echo '<img src=' . $i . '></br>'; } echo '</br>'; echo '<li> pubDate :' . $value['_source']['pubDate'] . '</li></br>'; // '<h1>'.substr($value['_source']['pubDate'],strpos($value['_source']['pubDate'],'Artiste :')+strlen('Artiste :'),strlen($value['_source']['pubDate'])-strlen('Artiste :')-strlen(substr($value['_source']['pubDate'],strpos('Matériaux :')))).'</h1></br>'; echo '<h1>' . between('Artiste :', 'Matériaux :', $value['_source']['pubDate']) . '</h1></br>'; echo '<h1>' . between('Matériaux :', 'Support :', $value['_source']['pubDate']) . '</h1></br>'; echo '<h1>' . between('Support :', 'Format :', $value['_source']['pubDate']) . '</h1></br>'; echo '<h1>' . between('Format :', 'Style :', $value['_source']['pubDate']) . '</h1></br>'; echo '<h1>' . between('Style :', 'Prix :', $value['_source']['pubDate']) . '</h1></br>'; echo '<h1>' . between('Prix :', 'Conversion :', $value['_source']['pubDate']) . '</h1></br>'; echo '<h1>' . between('Conversion :', 'Référence :', $value['_source']['pubDate']) . '</h1></br>'; echo '<h1>' . after('Référence :', $value['_source']['pubDate']) . '</h1></br>'; echo '<li> body :' . $value['_source']['body'] . '</li></br>'; $doc = new DOMDocument(); libxml_use_internal_errors(true); $doc->loadHTML($value['_source']['body']); libxml_clear_errors(); //echo $doc->saveHTML(); $xpath = new DOMXpath($doc); //$elements = $xpath->query("/div[@class='tableau-description-node']"); //if (!is_null($elements)) { title foreach ($xpath->query('//h1[@class="title"]') as $div) { //???? echo '<p>11111111111111111111111111111111111111111</p>'; echo '<p>' . $div->textContent . '</p>'; echo "<br/>";
/* 7/28/10 Added inclusion of startup.inc.php for checking of network status and setting of file name variables to support no-maps versions of scripts. */ error_reporting(E_ALL); @session_start(); require_once $_SESSION['fip']; //7/28/10 function between($in_str, $start_str, $end_str, $begin = 0) { // returns string between two given values $temp1 = stripos($in_str, $start_str, $begin); // position of start_str $temp2 = stripos($in_str, $end_str, $temp1); // position of end_str return !$temp1 || !$temp2 ? FALSE : substr($in_str, $temp1 + strlen($start_str), $temp2 - $temp1 - strlen($start_str)); } $note_lhe = "<note>"; $note_rhe = "</note>"; $headline_lhe = "<headline>"; $headline_rhe = "</headline>"; $description_lhe = "<description>"; $description_rhe = "</description>"; $wx_data = file_get_contents('wxalert.xml'); $note = between($wx_data, $note_lhe, $note_rhe); dump($note); $headline = between($wx_data, $headline_lhe, $headline_rhe); $description = between($wx_data, $description_lhe, $description_rhe); dump($description); ?>
include "../include/dictionary2.php"; $_lon1 = getQUERY("lon1"); $_lat1 = getQUERY("lat1"); $_lon2 = getQUERY("lon2"); $_lat2 = getQUERY("lat2"); opendb(); $cntItem = dlookup("select count(*) from line_history_fast where lon1='" . $_lon1 . "' and lat1='" . $_lat1 . "' and lon2='" . $_lon2 . "' and lat2='" . $_lat2 . "'"); if ($cntItem > 0) { $dsLine = query("select id, linestr from line_history_fast where lon1='" . $_lon1 . "' and lat1='" . $_lat1 . "' and lon2='" . $_lon2 . "' and lat2='" . $_lat2 . "'"); print pg_fetch_result($dsLine, 0, "linestr") . '^$' . pg_fetch_result($dsLine, 0, "id"); } else { //$line = getLineCoordsF($_lon1, $_lat1, $_lon2, $_lat2); $url = 'http://open.mapquestapi.com/directions/v2/route?key=Fmjtd%7Cluubn1682g%2C25%3Do5-90as5f&callback=renderAdvancedNarrative&outFormat=json&routeType=fastest&timeType=1&enhancedNarrative=false&maxLinkId=10000&shapeFormat=raw&generalize=0&locale=en_GB&unit=k&drivingStyle=2&highwayEfficiency=21.0&from=' . $_lat1 . ',' . $_lon1 . '&to=' . $_lat2 . ',' . $_lon2; $items = ''; $obj = file_get_contents($url); $json = between('(', ')', $obj); $jsonData = rtrim($json, ""); $results = json_decode($jsonData); $dist = $results->route->distance; $time = $results->route->time; $lonlat = $results->route->shape->shapePoints; for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($lonlat); $i++) { $items .= "%@"; $items .= $lonlat[$i + 1] . "#" . $lonlat[$i]; $i++; } $fin = $items . "^\$" . $dist . "^\$" . $time; $_id = dlookup("insert into line_history_fast (lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2, linestr) values ('" . $_lon1 . "','" . $_lat1 . "','" . $_lon2 . "','" . $_lat2 . "','" . $fin . "') RETURNING id;"); print $fin . '^$' . $_id; } function after($this, $inthat)
include "../infos/config.inc.php"; // on inclu le fichier de config $status = 0; $ping = 0; // on test si google est joignable if (!($sock = @fsockopen('www.google.fr', 80, $num, $error, 5))) { // si non on met $status à 0 echo 'HORS LIGNE</br>'; $status = 0; } else { // si non on met $status à 1 echo 'OK</br>'; $status = 1; // on fait une mesure du ping $ping_res = shell_exec('ping -c 4 www.google.com'); $ping = between('time=', ' ms', $ping_res); echo 'ping= ' . $ping . ' ms'; } // requete MySQL pour stocker les résultats les données de la BDD // echo" </br>$host, $login, $passe, $bdd "; @mysql_connect($host, $login, $passe) or die("Impossible de se connecter à la base de données"); @mysql_select_db("{$bdd}") or die("Impossible de se connecter à la base de données"); //requete pour récupérer la dernière consommation instantanée //Envoie de la requete $SQL = "INSERT INTO `domotique`.`internet_connex` (`id`, `date_time`, `status`, `ping`) VALUES ( NULL , NOW(), '{$status}', '{$ping}') "; //Execution de la requete mysql_query($SQL) or die('Erreur SQL !' . $SQL . '<br>' . mysql_error()); //on quitte la BDD mysql_close(); function after($this, $inthat) {
$answer2 = str_replace('!@#', '(euros)', $answer2); $answer3 = between($html, 'context.jsonArray.popups.pod_0300.push( {"stringified": "', '",'); $answer3 = str_replace("\\'", "'", $answer3); $answer3 = str_replace('\\/', '/', $answer3); $answer4 = between($html, 'context.jsonArray.popups.pod_0700.push( {"stringified": "', '",'); $answer4 = str_replace("\\'", "'", $answer4); $answer4 = str_replace('\\/', '/', $answer4); if (empty($answer2) && empty($answer3) && empty($answer4)) { die; } if (empty($answer1)) { die; } else { echo '<b>Answer:</b> '; echo str_replace('\\n', '<br/>', $answer1); } if (!empty($answer2)) { echo '<div id="pod1">' . str_replace('\\n', '<br/>', $answer2) . '</div>'; } if (!empty($answer3)) { echo '<div id="pod2">' . str_replace('\\n', '<br/>', $answer3) . '</div>'; } if (!empty($answer4)) { echo '<br/><div id="pod3">' . str_replace('\\n', '<br/>', $answer4) . '</div>'; } echo '<br/>'; $answer5 = between($html, 'context.jsonArray.popups.pod_0800.push( {"stringified": "', '",'); if (!empty($answer5)) { echo '<div id="pod4">' . str_replace('\\n', '<br/>', $answer5) . '</div>'; } }
echo layout_defaultblock('404, NOT FOUND', '', file_get_contents('./content/404.txt')); break; case 'docs': $text = ''; $file = str_replace(array("/", ".."), "", $_GET["file"]); if ($file == "") { $file = "index.html"; } $text = @file_get_contents('./adminguide/current/doc/adminguide/' . $file); if ($text == '') { header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found"); echo layout_header(); echo layout_defaultblock('404, NOT FOUND', '', file_get_contents('./content/404.txt')); } else { echo layout_header(); $title = between("TITLE\n>", "</TITLE", $text); echo layout_defaultblock($title, $link, $text); } break; case 'download': $version = ""; if ($_GET["version"] == "1.0") { $version = "1.0"; } if ($_GET["version"] == "1.1") { $version = "1.1"; } if ($_GET["version"] == "1.2") { $version = "1.2"; } if ($_GET["version"] == "2.0") {
private function index($data, $db, $sdb) { $data = str_get_html($data); if (!$data->find('#searchResult')) { return; } $data = $data->find('#searchResult', 0); foreach ($data->find('tr') as $result) { if (!$result->find('.detLink')) { continue; } $title = $result->find('.detLink', 0)->plaintext; $url = explode('/', 'https://thepiratebay.se' . $result->find('.detLink', 0)->href); array_pop($url); $url = implode('/', $url); $magnet = $result->find('td', 1); $magnet = $magnet->find('a', 1)->href; $hash = strtoupper(between($magnet, 'magnet:?xt=urn:btih:', '&dn=')); $size = str_replace(' ', ' ', $result->find('.detDesc', 0)->plaintext); $words = mb_split('iB', $size); $words2 = mb_split('\\s', $words[0]); $length = count($words2); $size = $words2[$length - 2] . ' ' . $words2[$length - 1] . 'B'; $size = round(strToBytes($size) / 1024); $seeds = $result->find('td', 2)->plaintext; $peers = $result->find('td', 3)->plaintext; $date = str_replace(' ', ' ', $result->find('.detDesc', 0)->plaintext); $date = str_replace('-', '/', between($date, 'Uploaded ', ', Size')); $date = strtotime($date); $uploader = $result->find('a.detDesc'); if ($uploader) { $uploader = $uploader[0]->plaintext; } $cdata = $result->find('a', 1)->href; $cdata2 = $result->find('a', 0)->href; if (strstr($cdata, 'browse/201') || strstr($cdata, 'browse/207')) { $type = 'movies'; } elseif (strstr($cdata2, 'browse/400')) { $type = 'games'; } elseif (strstr($cdata, 'browse/101')) { $type = 'music'; } elseif (strstr($cdata2, 'browse/300')) { $type = 'software'; } elseif (strstr($cdata, 'browse/205') || strstr($cdata, 'browse/208')) { $type = 'tv'; } elseif (strstr($cdata2, 'browse/500')) { $type = 'p**n'; } else { $type = 'other'; } $type = Rivr::getType($type); $cdate = time(); $query = $db->query("SELECT id FROM rtindex WHERE url = '{$url}' LIMIT 1;"); if ($query->num_rows) { $this->updated++; $info = $query->fetch_assoc(); Rivr::updateTorrent($db, $sdb, $info['id'], $title, $hash, $this->source_id, $seeds, $peers, $date, $url, $cdate, $type, $size, $files, $uploader); } else { $this->added++; Rivr::addTorrent($db, $sdb, $title, $hash, $this->source_id, $seeds, $peers, $date, $url, $cdate, $type, $size, $files, $uploader); } } $data->clear(); unset($data); }
break; case 'YMSG': $user = between($line, 'USER:'******'HASH:'); $password = padpw(between($line, 'HASH: ', ' - ')); $info = between($line, ' - ', false); PrintCapItem($proto, $target, $user, $password, $info); break; case 'DHCP': break; // Just add any other protocols to hide to this list // Just add any other protocols to hide to this list default: if (strpos($line, ' : ') != 0 && strpos($line, 'PASS') != 0) { $target = between($line, ' : ', ' -> USER:'******'USER: '******' PASS:'******'PASS:'******'<TR><TD>' . $proto . '</td><td colspan="3">' . $line . '</TD></TR>'; } } } //Call the PHP script with a ?debug on the end to see the trash lines. if (isset($_GET[debug])) { ?> <tfoot> <tr><th colspan=4>Debug messages</th></tr> <?php echo $trash; ?>
<?php ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL); ini_set('display_errors', 1); ini_set('display_startup_errors', 1); // @mysql_connect("localhost",'root','Mimin0'); // @mysql_select_db("shemale_embeds"); $content = fileGetContentz("http://cart.bilsteinus.com/search/setting=4600%20Series%20(Sport)"); $content = between('<h3 class="productlink">', '<script type="text/javascript">', $content); $items = array(); foreach ($content as $key => $cont) { $pos = strpos($cont, "<a href='"); $pos1 = strpos($cont, "'>"); $text = substr($cont, $pos, $pos1 - $pos); $text = str_replace("<a href='", "", $text); $items[] = "http://cart.bilsteinus.com" . $text; } print_r($items); /*$items = array('24-000321','47-217522','24-001861','24-001960'); */ $array_data = array(); foreach ($items as $key => $item) { $old_number = ""; $content = fileGetContentz($item); $pos = strpos($content, 'b>Part Number:</b>'); $pos1 = strpos($content, '<span style="color: red">Series</span>'); $part_number = substr($content, $pos, $pos1 - $pos); $part_number = str_replace('b>Part Number:</b>', "", $part_number); $part_number = str_replace('<br /><br /><b>', "", $part_number); $old_number = trim(str_replace('<b>Old Part Number</b>: ', "", $part_number)); $part_number = trim(str_replace('<br />', "", $part_number));
public function testBetween() { $this->assertTrue(between(2, 1, 3)); $this->assertTrue(between(2, 1, 2)); $this->assertFalse(between(3, 1, 2)); $this->assertFalse(between(3, 1, 2, true)); $this->assertFalse(between(2, 1, 2, false)); }