Exemplo n.º 1
        $id2 = $row['subID'];
        $titulo2 = bd_getTitle($id2);
        $mquery = "select authorID from subs where subID={$id2} and version>0 order by entryID DESC limit 1";
        $mresult = mysql_query($mquery);
        $author2 = mysql_result($mresult, 0);
        $authorName2 = bd_getUsername($author2);
        $url2 = bd_getUrl($id2);
        $image2 = bd_getIcon($id2);
    if ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($lastedited_result)) {
        $id3 = $row['subID'];
        $titulo3 = bd_getTitle($id3);
        $mquery = "select authorID from subs where subID={$id3} and version>0 order by entryID DESC limit 1";
        $mresult = mysql_query($mquery);
        $author3 = mysql_result($mresult, 0);
        $authorName3 = bd_getUsername($author3);
        $url3 = bd_getUrl($id3);
        $image3 = bd_getIcon($id3);
    echo '<tr>
	    			<td>' . $image1 . '</td>
					<td><big><a href="' . $url1 . '">' . $titulo1 . '</a></big> <small>' . $wikilang_edited_by . ' <strong><a href="/user/' . $author1 . '">' . $authorName1 . '</a></strong></small></td>
		    		<td>' . $image2 . '</td>
					<td><big><a href="' . $url2 . '">' . $titulo2 . '</a></big> <small>' . $wikilang_edited_by . ' <strong><a href="/user/' . $author2 . '">' . $authorName2 . '</a></strong></small></td>
		    		<td>' . $image3 . '</td>
					<td><big><a href="' . $url3 . '">' . $titulo3 . ' </a></big> <small>' . $wikilang_edited_by . ' <strong><a href="/user/' . $author3 . '">' . $authorName3 . '</a></strong></small></td>
Exemplo n.º 2
    if ($linkcount > 0) {
    <td colspan="6"><small class="extra"><strong><?php 
        echo $wikilang_linked_versions;
        while ($linkrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
            echo $linkrow['versionDESC'] . ', ' . $linkrow['versionSize'] . ' MBs';
            echo "{$wikilang_uplodaded_by} <a href='/user/" . $linkrow['author'] . "'>" . bd_getUsername($linkrow['author']) . '</a>';
            echo $linkrow['downloads'] . " {$wikilang_downloads} ";
            if (bd_userIsModerador()) {
                echo "<a href='/dellink.php?linkid=" . $linkrow['linkID'] . "'>" . 'Delete</a>';
            $query = "select distinct(lang_id) from flangs where subID={$myID} and fversion={$v}";
            $lresult = mysql_query($query);
            while ($llrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($lresult)) {
                $llid = $llrow['lang_id'];
                $llname = bd_getLangName($llid);
                $llstate = bd_getLangState($myID, $llid, $v);
Exemplo n.º 3

include 'includes/includes.php';
if (isset($_POST['newcomment'])) {
    $myID = $_POST['id'];
    $newc = addslashes($_POST['newcomment']);
    $uID = $_SESSION['userID'];
    $username = bd_getUsername($uID);
    $query = "insert into comments(subID,userID,username,date,comment) ";
    $query .= "values({$myID}, {$uID}, '{$username}', NOW(),'{$newc}')";
} else {
    $myID = $_GET['id'];
    if (isset($_GET['cid'])) {
        $query = "select subID from comments where commentid=" . $_GET['cid'];
        $result = mysql_query($query);
        $myID = mysql_result($result, 0);

<form action="/ajax_getComments.php" method="post" onsubmit="return enviar();" id="newc">

echo $wikilang_comments;

$query = "select * from comments where subID={$myID} and deleted=0";
$result = mysql_query($query);
Exemplo n.º 4
	<td class="NewsTitle"><?php 
echo $wikilang_date_date;
$query = "select msgID,`to`,date,subject from msgs where `from`={$me} and fromDelete=0 order by DATE DESC";
$result = mysql_query($query);
$nummsgs = mysql_affected_rows();
$tickcount = 0;
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
    $msgID = $row['msgID'];
    $date = obtenerFecha($row['date']);
    $subject = utf8_decode(stripslashes($row['subject']));
    $to = $row['to'];
    $toName = bd_getUsername($to);
    $opened = $row['opened'] == '1';
    echo '<tr><td>';
    echo "<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"tick{$tickcount}\" value=\"{$msgID}\" />";
    if ($opened) {
        echo '<img src="/' . $SCRIPT_PATH . 'email_open.png" /></td>';
    } else {
        echo '<img src="' . $SCRIPT_PATH . 'images/email_go.png" /></td>';
    echo "<td><a href=\"msgcreate.php?to={$to}\">{$toName}</a></td>";
    echo "<td><a href=\"msgview.php?id={$msgID}\">{$subject}</a></td>";
    echo "<td>{$date}</td>";
    echo '</tr>';
Exemplo n.º 5

include 'includes/includes.php';
$vuser = $_GET['userid'];
$vname = bd_getUsername($vuser);
$query = "select website,joined from users where userID={$vuser}";
$result = mysql_query($query);
$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
$website = stripslashes($row['website']);
$joined = $row['joined'];

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
echo "{$wikilang_user} {$vname} - wikisubtitles.net";


include 'header.php';
<table width="90%" border="0">
<tr><td class="titulo" colspan="4">
Exemplo n.º 6
echo $wikilang_total_lines_current;
echo $wikilang_total_lines_version0;
$query = "select distinct(authorID) from subs where subID={$id} and fversion={$fversion} and lang_id={$lang}";
$result = mysql_query($query);
$contador = 0;
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
    $authorID = $row['authorID'];
    $authorname = bd_getUsername($authorID);
    $totallines = bd_countModificationsByUser($id, $lang, $authorID, $fversion);
    $totalOriginal = bd_countOriginalLinesByUserSub($id, $lang, $fversion, $authorID);
    $totalLast = bd_countLastLinesByUserSub($id, $lang, $fversion, $authorID);
    echo '<tr>';
    echo '<td><input type="radio" name="author" value="' . $authorID . '" /></td>';
    echo '<td><a href="/user/' . $authorID . '">' . $authorname . '</a></td>';
    echo '<td>' . $totallines . '</td>';
    echo '<td><b>' . $totalLast . '</b></td>';
    echo '<td>' . $totalOriginal . '</td>';
    echo '<tr>';
	<td colspan="6" align="center"><input type="checkbox" name="notoriginal" value="true" /> <?php 
echo $wikilang_dont_delete_original;
Exemplo n.º 7
<span id="comments">
<form action="/translate_comments.php" method="post" onsubmit="return enviar();" id="newc">
<table width="90%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2">
    <td colspan="2" class="NewsTitle"><?php 
echo $wikilang_comments;
$query = "select * from transcomments where subID={$id} and fversion={$fversion} and lang_id={$langto}";
$result = mysql_query($query);
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
    $cid = $row['author'];
    $cuser = bd_getUsername($cid);
    $cc = stripslashes($row['text']);
    echo '<tr>
    	<td width="21%"><img src="images/user_comment.png" width="16" height="16" />';
    echo "<a href=\\/user/{$cid}\">{$cuser}</a>";
    echo '</td>';
    echo '<td width="66%">';
    echo $cc;
    echo '</td></tr>';
if (isset($_SESSION['userID'])) {
    echo '<tr>
		<td><div align="right">
		<input name="Submit" type="submit" class="coolBoton" value="' . $wikilang_send_comment . '" />
		<td><textarea name="newcomment" cols="70"></textarea></td>
Exemplo n.º 8
	<td class="NewsTitle"><?php 
echo $wikilang_date_date;
$query = "select msgID,`from`,date,subject,opened from msgs where `to`={$me} and toDelete=0 order by DATE DESC";
$result = mysql_query($query);
$nummsgs = mysql_affected_rows();
$tickcount = 0;
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
    $msgID = $row['msgID'];
    $date = obtenerFecha($row['date']);
    $subject = utf8_decode(stripslashes($row['subject']));
    $from = $row['from'];
    $fromName = bd_getUsername($from);
    $opened = $row['opened'] == '1';
    echo '<tr><td>';
    echo "<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"tick{$tickcount}\" value=\"{$msgID}\" />";
    if ($opened) {
        echo '<img src="' . $SCRIPT_PATH . 'images/email_open.png" /></td>';
    } else {
        echo '<img src="/' . $SCRIPT_PATH . 'mages/email_go.png" /></td>';
    echo "<td><a href=\"msgcreate.php?to={$from}\">{$fromName}</a></td>";
    echo "<td><a href=\"msgview.php?id={$msgID}\">{$subject}</a></td>";
    echo "<td>{$date}</td>";
    echo '</tr>';
Exemplo n.º 9
include 'header.php';
<div align="center" class="titulo"><?php 
echo $wikilang_top_uploaders;
<table align="center"  border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
$query = "select userID,uploads from users order by uploads DESC limit 50";
$result = mysql_query($query);
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
    $uid = $row['userID'];
    $uname = bd_getUsername($uid);
    $uploads = $row['uploads'];
    echo '<tr>';
    echo '<td class="NewsTitle"><a href="/user/' . $uid . '">' . $uname . '</a></td>';
    echo '<td>' . $uploads . ' ' . $wikilang_files . '</td>';
    echo '</tr>';

include 'footer.php';
Exemplo n.º 10
while ($numresults > 0) {
    $query = "select entryID,edited_seq,version from subs where subID={$id} and fversion={$fversion} and lang_id={$lang} and authorID={$author} and last=1";
    $result = mysql_query($query);
    $numresults = mysql_affected_rows();
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
        $entry = $row['entryID'];
        $seq = $row['edited_seq'];
        $version = $row['version'];
        if (!$notoriginal) {
            $query = "delete from subs where entryID={$entry}";
        if ($version > 0) {
            if ($notoriginal) {
                $query = "delete from subs where entryID={$entry}";
            $minver = $version - 1;
            $query = "update subs set last=1 where subID={$id} and fversion={$fversion} and lang_id={$lang} and edited_seq={$seq} and version={$minver}";
if (bd_getOriginalLang($id, $fversion) != $lang && !bd_isMerged($id, $fversion, $lang)) {
    tn_check($id, $fversion, bd_getOriginalLang($id, $fversion), $lang);
    bd_confirmTranslated($id, $fversion, $lang);
$authorName = bd_getUsername($authorName);
log_insert(LOG_troll, "User {$authorname}", $_SESSION['userID'], $id, bd_userIsModerador());
Exemplo n.º 11
 echo '</td>';
 echo '<td>';
 $title = bd_getTitle($subID);
 $url = bd_getUrl($subID);
 echo '<a href="' . $url . '">' . $title . '</a>';
 echo '</td>';
 echo '<td>';
 $langname = bd_getLangName($lang);
 $versionDESC = bd_getFVersion($subID, $fversion);
 $versionSize = bd_getFVersionSize($subID, $fversion);
 echo "{$wikilang_version} {$fversion} ({$versionDESC}, {$versionSize} Mbs), {$wikilang_language} {$langname}";
 echo '</td>';
 echo '<td>' . $counter . '</td>';
 echo '<td>';
 if (!$active) {
     echo bd_getUsername($moderator);
 } else {
     echo '&nbsp';
 echo '</td>';
 echo '<td>';
 if (!$active) {
     echo $comment;
 } else {
     echo '<form method="post">';
     hidden('entry', $entry);
     echo '<textarea name="newcomment" cols="40"></textarea>';
     echo '<input type="submit" value="Resolve" class="coolBoton" />';
     echo '</form>';
 echo '</td>';
Exemplo n.º 12
        echo $text;
        echo "</textarea>";
        echo '<input name="Save" type="submit" class="coolBoton" value="' . $wikilang_save . '" />';
        echo '</form>';
    } else {
        $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
        $tokened = $row['tokened'];
        $tokened_user = $row['userID'];
        if (!$tokened || $tokened_user == $_SESSION['userID']) {
            //set token
            $query = "update translating set tokened=1,userID={$userID} where subID={$id} and fversion={$fversion} and lang_id={$langto} and sequence={$seq}";
            echo "<form method=\"post\" onsubmit=\"return update('o', '{$seq}');\" id=\"of{$seq}\">";
            hidden("id", $id);
            hidden("fversion", $fversion);
            hidden("langto", $langto);
            hidden("langfrom", $langfrom);
            hidden("seq", $seq);
            echo '<input type="hidden" name="Cancel" id="Cancel' . $seq . '" value="false">';
            echo "<textarea name=\"ttext\" cols=\"60\">";
            echo "</textarea>";
            echo '<input name="Save" type="submit" class="coolBoton" value="' . $wikilang_save . '" />';
            echo '<input name="Cancel" type="submit" class="coolBoton" value="' . $wikilang_cancel . '" onclick="setCancel(' . "'{$seq}'" . ')"/>';
            echo '</form>';
        } else {
            $myuser = bd_getUsername($tokened_user);
            echo "<a href=\"/user/{$myuserID}\">{$myuser}</a> {$wikilang_currently_translating}";
Exemplo n.º 13
<div id="header">

	<h1><a href="/index.php">Subtítols</a></h1>
if (isset($_SESSION['userID'])) {
    $meme = $_SESSION['userID'];
    $username = bd_getUsername($_SESSION['userID']);
    $queryheader = "select count(*) from msgs where `to`={$meme} and noticed=0";
    $resultheader = mysql_query($queryheader);
    $noticedcount = mysql_result($resultheader, 0);
    $queryheader = "select count(*) from msgs where `to`={$meme} and opened=0";
    $resultheader = mysql_query($queryheader);
    $openedcount = mysql_result($resultheader, 0);
    if ($noticedcount > 0 && $openedcount > 0 && !isset($_SESSION['msgadvised'])) {
		<script language="javascript">
        echo "var url=\"/msgspopup.php?count={$openedcount}\";";
				editwin = window.open(url, "msgswin", 'height=200,width=350,toolbar=0,location=0,statusbar=0,menubar=0'); 
				if (editwin.focus) {editwin.focus()}
    echo "<dl class=\"country\">\n";
    echo "<dt>" . $wikilang_welkome . ' ';
    echo "<a href=\"/myaccount.php\">{$username}</a></dt>\n";
    echo '<dd><a href="/msginbox.php">' . $openedcount;
    echo ' ' . $wikilang_unread_messages . '</a> · <a href="/newsub.php">' . $wikilang_upload_new . '</a> · <a href="/logout.php">' . $wikilang_logout . '</a></dd>';
Exemplo n.º 14
$last_authorID = 0;
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($finalresult)) {
    if ($row['last'] == '1') {
        $class = 'originalText';
    } else {
        $class = 'quotedText';
    if ($row['lang_id'] != $lang) {
        $class = '';
    if ($row['locked'] && $row['last']) {
        $class = 'lockedText';
    if ($last_authorID != $row['authorID']) {
        $last_authorID = $row['authorID'];
        $myauthor = bd_getUsername($last_authorID);
    echo '<tr class="' . $class . '" valign="top" id="trseq' . $row['edited_seq'] . '">';
    if ($lock) {
        if ($row['last']) {
            if ($row['locked']) {
                echo '<td align="right" id="lock' . $row['edited_seq'] . '"><a href="javascript:lock(true, \'' . $row['edited_seq'] . '\');" ><img src="' . $SCRIPT_PATH . 'images/lock.png" border="0" /></a></td>';
            } else {
                echo '<td align="right" id="lock' . $row['edited_seq'] . '"><a href="javascript:lock(false, \'' . $row['edited_seq'] . '\');" ><img src="' . $SCRIPT_PATH . 'images/lock_open.png" border="0" /></a></td>';
        } else {
            echo '<td>&nbsp;</td>';
    echo '<td>' . $row['edited_seq'] . '</td>';
    echo '<td><div align="center">' . $row['version'] . '</div></td>';
Exemplo n.º 15
    for ($contav = 0; $contav < $nversions; $contav++) {
        $v = $version[$contav]['num'];
        //*************** languages
        $query = "SELECT DISTINCT lang_id from flangs where subID={$myID} and fversion={$v} order by entryID";
        //echo $query;
        $result = mysql_query($query);
        $numlanguages = mysql_affected_rows();
        $version[$v]['numlanguages'] = $numlanguages;
        for ($c = 0; $c < $numlanguages; $c++) {
            $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
            $currentLangID = $row['lang_id'];
            $langs[$v][$c][0] = $currentLangID;
            $langs[$v][$c][1] = bd_getLangName($currentLangID);
            $langs[$v][$c][2] = bd_getLangState($myID, $currentLangID, $v);
            $langs[$v][$c][3] = bd_countLinesEditedByLang($myID, $currentLangID, $v);
            $query = "select count(*) from downloads where subID={$myID} and fversion={$v} and lang={$currentLangID}";
            $dresult = mysql_query($query);
            $langs[$v][$c][4] = mysql_result($dresult, 0);
    $query = "select count(*) from subs where subID={$myID} and version>0";
    $result = mysql_query($query);
    $nummod = mysql_result($result, 0);
    $candel = $nummod < 1 && $nversion == 1;
$meID = $_SESSION['userID'];
if (isset($meID)) {
    $me = bd_getUsername($meID);
$ahora = date("F j, Y, g:i a");