function bccl_license_image_hyperlink($button = "default") {
    echo bccl_add_placeholders(bccl_get_license_image_hyperlink($button));
 * This function should not be used in template tags.
 * $work: The work that is licensed can be defined by the user.
 * $show_button: (default, yes, no) - no explanation (TODO possibly define icon URL)
 * $button: The user can se the desired button (hidden feature): "0", "1", "2"
function bccl_get_license_block( $work='', $css_class='', $show_button='default', $button='default' ) {
    global $post;

    $cc_block = "LICENSE BLOCK ERROR";
    $cc_settings = get_option("cc_settings");

    // If there is no global license, stop here
    // Since this may be called from the templates, we perform this check here once again.
    if ( empty($cc_settings['license_url']) ) {
        return '';

    // Set CSS class
    if (empty($css_class)) {
        $css_class = 'cc-block';

    // Get content specific license from the custom field
    $bccl_license = get_post_meta( $post->ID, '_bccl_license', true );
    if ( empty( $bccl_license ) ) {
        // Set to default
        $bccl_license = 'default';

    // If no custom license has been set for this content
    if ( $bccl_license == 'default' ) {

        // License button inclusion
        $button_code = '';
        if ($show_button == "default") {
            if ($cc_settings["cc_body_img"]) {
                $button_code = bccl_get_license_image_hyperlink($button) . "<br />";
        } elseif ($show_button == "yes") {
            $button_code = bccl_get_license_image_hyperlink($button) . "<br />";
        } elseif ($show_button == "no") {
            $button_code = "";
        } else {
            $button_code = "ERROR";
        // Work analysis
        if ( empty($work) ) {
            // Proceed only if the user has not defined the work.
            if ( $cc_settings["cc_extended"] == '1' ) {
                $creator = bccl_get_the_creator($cc_settings["cc_creator"]);
                $author_archive_url = get_author_posts_url( get_the_author_meta( 'ID' ) );
                $work = "<em><a href=\"" . get_permalink() . "\">" . get_the_title() . "</a></em>";
                $by = "<em><a href=\"" . $author_archive_url . "\">" . $creator . "</a></em>";
                $work = sprintf("%s %s %s", $work, __("by", 'cc-configurator'), $by);
            } else {
                $work = __('This work', 'cc-configurator');
        $work .= sprintf(", ".__('unless otherwise expressly stated', 'cc-configurator').", ".__('is licensed under a', 'cc-configurator')." %s.", bccl_get_license_text_hyperlink());
        // Additional Permissions
        if ( ! empty( $cc_settings["cc_perm_url"] ) ) {
            $additional_perms = " ".__('Terms and conditions beyond the scope of this license may be available at', 'cc-configurator')." <a href=\"" . $cc_settings["cc_perm_url"] . "\">" . $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . "</a>.";
        } else {
            $additional_perms = "";

        $license_text = $work . $additional_perms;

        // Derivatives 
        // @see:
        if ( ! empty($cc_settings['cc_derivative']) && "1" == $cc_settings['cc_derivative'] ) {
                $orig_title = (empty( $cc_settings['cc_derivative_orig_title'] )) ? '' : 'of <cite>' . $cc_settings['cc_derivative_orig_title'] . '</cite>';
                // hyperlink if both aren't empty
                $orig_title = ( ! empty( $orig_title ) && ! empty( $cc_settings['cc_derivative_orig_src'] )) ? 'of <cite><a href="' . $cc_settings['cc_derivative_orig_src'] . '">' . $cc_settings['cc_derivative_orig_title'] . '</a></cite>' : $orig_title;
                $orig_author = (empty( $cc_settings['cc_derivative_orig_author'] )) ? '' : 'by ' . $cc_settings['cc_derivative_orig_author'];
                $orig_license = (empty( $cc_settings['cc_derivative_orig_lic'] )) ? '' : 'used under ' . $cc_settings['cc_derivative_orig_lic'];

                $derivative_text = sprintf( 'This is a derivative %s %s %s. ', $orig_title, $orig_author, $orig_license );
                $license_text = $derivative_text . $license_text;
        // $pre_text = 'Copyright &copy; ' . get_the_date('Y') . ' - Some Rights Reserved' . '<br />';
        $license_text = apply_filters( 'bccl_cc_license_text', $license_text );

        $cc_block = sprintf( "<p class=\"%s\">%s%s</p>", $css_class, $button_code, $license_text );


    // CC0
    elseif ( $bccl_license == 'cc0' ) {

        $license = bccl_get_license( 'cc0' );

        // License button inclusion
        $button_code = '';
        if ( $cc_settings["cc_body_img"] == '1' ) {
            if (is_ssl()) {
                $license['button_url'] = str_replace('http://', 'https://', $license['button_url']);
            $button_code = sprintf( "<a rel=\"license\" href=\"%s\"><img alt=\"%s\" src=\"%s\" class=\"cc-button\" /></a><br />", $license['url'], 'CC0', $license['button_url'] );

        if ( $cc_settings["cc_extended"] == '1' ) {
            $creator = bccl_get_the_creator($cc_settings["cc_creator"]);
            $author_archive_url = get_author_posts_url( get_the_author_meta( 'ID' ) );
            $creator_link = "<em><a href=\"" . $author_archive_url . "\">" . $creator . "</a></em>";
            $work_link = "<em><a href=\"" . get_permalink() . "\">" . get_the_title() . "</a></em>";
            $license_text = sprintf( $license['extended_text'], $creator_link, $work_link );
        } else {
            $license_text = $license['text'];

        $license_text = apply_filters( 'bccl_cc0_license_text', $license_text );

        $cc_block = sprintf("<p class=\"%s\">%s%s</p>", $css_class, $button_code, $license_text);

    // ARR
    elseif ( $bccl_license == 'arr' ) {

        $license = bccl_get_license( 'arr' );

        $license_text = sprintf( $license['text'], get_the_date('Y') );

        // Additional Permissions
        if ( ! empty( $cc_settings["cc_perm_url"] ) ) {
            $additional_perms = $license['additional_perms_text'] . " <a href=\"" . $cc_settings["cc_perm_url"] . "\">" . $cc_settings["cc_perm_url"] . "</a>.";
        } else {
            $additional_perms = "";

        $license_text = $license_text . $additional_perms;

        $license_text = apply_filters( 'bccl_arr_license_text', $license_text );

        $cc_block = sprintf( "<p class=\"%s\">%s</p>", $css_class, $license_text );

    elseif ( $bccl_license == 'manual' ) {
        $cc_block = '';

    return $cc_block;