/** * Add reply link below each post * * @param $post_links Array of the links * @param $args Array of args */ function em_reply_link($post_links = array(), $args = array()) { global $em_plugopts; if ($em_plugopts['reply-link'] == 1 && $em_plugopts['reply-text'] && bb_is_topic() && topic_is_open() && (bb_is_user_logged_in() || function_exists('bb_is_login_required') && !bb_is_login_required())) { /* Check if link is needed */ $text = str_replace("%%POSTLINK%%", get_post_link(), str_replace("%%USERNAME%%", get_post_author(), $em_plugopts['reply-text'])); $js = "var ema=document.getElementById('post_content');var emb=ema.value;if(emb!='')emb+='\\n\\n';ema.value=emb+'" . $text . "\\n\\n';ema.focus();void(0);"; $post_links[] = $args['before_each'] . '<a class="reply_link" style="cursor:pointer" onclick="' . $js . '">' . __('Reply', 'easy-mentions') . '</a>' . $args['after_each']; } return $post_links; }
$socialit_plugopts['shortyapi'] = array('snip' => array('user' => '', 'key' => ''), 'bitly' => array('user' => '', 'key' => ''), 'supr' => array('chk' => 0, 'user' => '', 'key' => ''), 'trim' => array('chk' => 0, 'user' => '', 'pass' => ''), 'tinyarrow' => array('chk' => 0, 'user' => ''), 'cligs' => array('chk' => 0, 'key' => '')); bb_update_option(SOCIALIT_OPTIONS, $socialit_plugopts); //update with edited options } if ($socialit_plugopts['shorty'] == 'e7t') { $socialit_plugopts['shorty'] = 'b2l'; //now, no more e7t, instead b2l.me bb_update_option(SOCIALIT_OPTIONS, $socialit_plugopts); //update with edited options } //fix for Social It 1.3, will be removed after the release of 1.5 if (!is_array($socialit_plugopts['bookmark'])) { $socialit_plugopts['bookmark'] = array_keys($socialit_bookmarks_data); bb_update_option(SOCIALIT_OPTIONS, $socialit_plugopts); //update with edited options } //add actions/filters add_action('bb_admin_menu_generator', 'socialit_menu_link', -998); //link in settings add_action('bb_admin_head', 'socialit_admin', 997); //admin css add_action('bb_head', 'socialit_public', 997); //public css if (bb_is_topic() && $_GET['socialit_hide_show'] == "1") { add_action('bb_init', 'socialit_hide_show_do', 997); //do the function of hide/show socialit } add_filter('post_text', 'socialit_insert_in_post', 997); //to insert social it automatically below the first post of every topic add_filter('bb_topic_admin', 'socialit_hide_show', 6); //to show the option to the admin whether to show the bookmark menu on a particular topic
function socialit_insert_in_post($post_content) { global $socialit_plugopts, $bbdb; // decide whether or not to generate the bookmarks. $istopic = bb_is_topic(); if ($istopic && $socialit_plugopts['topic'] == 1 || bb_is_feed() && $socialit_plugopts['feed'] == 1 && bb_get_topicmeta(get_topic_id(), 'hide_socialit') != "true") { //socials should be generated and added $post_id_fc = get_post_id(); //post id for check if (bb_is_first($post_id_fc)) { $post_content .= get_socialit(); } } return $post_content; }
<?php if (!bb_is_topic()) { ?> <input name="topic" type="text" id="topic" maxlength="80" tabindex="1" /> <?php } ?> <?php do_action('post_form_pre_post'); ?> <textarea name="post_content" id="post_content" tabindex="1"></textarea> <input type="submit" id="postformsub" name="Submit" value="<?php echo esc_attr__('Send Post »'); ?> " tabindex="2" />
function is_topic() { bb_log_deprecated('function', __FUNCTION__, 'bb_is_topic'); return bb_is_topic(); }
function bb_template_scripts() { if (bb_is_topic() && bb_is_user_logged_in()) { wp_enqueue_script('topic'); } elseif (bb_is_profile() && bb_is_user_logged_in()) { global $self; if ($self == 'profile-edit.php') { wp_enqueue_script('profile-edit'); } } }
function bb_bozo_post_permalink() { if (bb_is_topic()) { remove_filter('get_topic_where', 'bb_bozo_topics'); } }