Exemplo n.º 1
!isset($_SERVER['PATH_INFO']) && ($_SERVER['PATH_INFO'] = null);
// Now - what kind of OAuth interaction are we handling?
if ($_SERVER['PATH_INFO'] == '/request_token') {
} else {
    if ($_SERVER['PATH_INFO'] == '/access_token') {
    } else {
        if ($_SERVER['PATH_INFO'] == '/authorize') {
            # logon
            require_once 'pieforms/pieform.php';
            if (!$USER->is_logged_in()) {
                $form = new Pieform(auth_get_login_form());
                auth_draw_login_page(null, $form);
            $rs = null;
            try {
                $rs = $server->authorizeVerify();
            } catch (OAuthException2 $e) {
                header('HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request');
                header('Content-Type: text/plain');
                echo "Failed OAuth Request: " . $e->getMessage();
            // XXX user must be logged in
            // display what is accessing and ask the user to confirm
            $form = array('renderer' => 'table', 'type' => 'div', 'id' => 'maintable', 'name' => 'authorise', 'jsform' => false, 'successcallback' => 'oauth_authorise_submit', 'elements' => array('application_uri' => array('title' => get_string('application_title', 'auth.webservice'), 'value' => '<a href="' . $rs['application_uri'] . '" target="_blank">' . $rs['application_title'] . '</a>', 'type' => 'html'), 'application_access' => array('value' => get_string('oauth_access', 'auth.webservice'), 'type' => 'html'), 'instructions' => array('value' => get_string('oauth_instructions', 'auth.webservice') . "<br/><br/>", 'type' => 'html'), 'submit' => array('type' => 'submitcancel', 'value' => array(get_string('authorise', 'auth.webservice'), get_string('cancel')), 'goto' => get_config('wwwroot'))));
            $form = pieform($form);
Exemplo n.º 2
 * Handles authentication by setting up a session for a user if they are logged
 * in.
 * This function combined with the Session class is smart - if the user is not
 * logged in then they do not get a session, which prevents simple curl hits
 * or search engine crawls to a page from getting sessions they won't use.
 * Once the user has a session, they keep it even if the log out, so it can
 * be reused. The session does expire, but the expiry time is typically a week
 * or more.
 * If the user is not authenticated for this page, then this function will
 * exit, printing the login page. Therefore, after including init.php, you can
 * be sure that the user is logged in, or has a valid guest key. However, no
 * testing is done to make sure the user has the required permissions to see
 * the page.
function auth_setup()
    global $SESSION, $USER;
    // If the system is not installed, let the user through in the hope that
    // they can fix this little problem :)
    if (!get_config('installed')) {
    // Lock the site until core upgrades are done
    require get_config('libroot') . 'version.php';
    $siteclosed = $config->version > get_config('version');
    $disablelogin = $config->disablelogin;
    if (!$siteclosed && get_config('forcelocalupgrades')) {
        require get_config('docroot') . 'local/version.php';
        $siteclosed = $config->version > get_config('localversion');
    $cfgsiteclosed = get_config('siteclosed');
    if ($siteclosed && !$cfgsiteclosed || !$siteclosed && $cfgsiteclosed) {
        // If the admin closed the site manually, open it automatically
        // when an upgrade is successful.
        if ($cfgsiteclosed && get_config('siteclosedbyadmin')) {
            set_config('siteclosedbyadmin', false);
        set_config('siteclosed', $siteclosed);
        set_config('disablelogin', $disablelogin);
    // Check the time that the session is set to log out. If the user does
    // not have a session, this time will be 0.
    $sessionlogouttime = $USER->get('logout_time');
    // Need to doublecheck that the User's sessionid still has a match the usr_session table
    // It can disappear if the current user has hacked the real user's account and the real user has
    // reset the password clearing the session from usr_session.
    $sessionexists = get_record('usr_session', 'usr', $USER->id, 'session', $USER->get('sessionid'));
    $parentuser = $USER->get('parentuser');
    if ($sessionlogouttime && isset($_GET['logout']) || $sessionexists === false && $USER->get('sessionid') != '' && empty($parentuser)) {
        // Call the authinstance' logout hook
        $authinstance = $SESSION->get('authinstance');
        if ($authinstance) {
            $authobj = AuthFactory::create($authinstance);
        } else {
            log_debug("Strange: user " . $USER->get('username') . " had no authinstance set in their session");
        if (function_exists('local_logout')) {
    if ($sessionlogouttime > time()) {
        // The session is still active, so continue it.
        // Make sure that if a user's admin status has changed, they're kicked
        // out of the admin section
        if (in_admin_section()) {
            // Reload site admin/staff permissions
            $realuser = get_record('usr', 'id', $USER->id, null, null, null, null, 'admin,staff');
            if (!$USER->get('admin') && $realuser->admin) {
                // The user has been made into an admin
                $USER->admin = 1;
            } else {
                if ($USER->get('admin') && !$realuser->admin) {
                    // The user's admin rights have been taken away
                    $USER->admin = 0;
            if (!$USER->get('staff') && $realuser->staff) {
                $USER->staff = 1;
            } else {
                if ($USER->get('staff') && !$realuser->staff) {
                    $USER->staff = 0;
            // Reload institutional admin/staff permissions
    } else {
        if ($sessionlogouttime > 0) {
            // The session timed out
            $authinstance = $SESSION->get('authinstance');
            if ($authinstance) {
                $authobj = AuthFactory::create($authinstance);
                $mnetuser = 0;
                if ($SESSION->get('mnetuser') && $authobj->parent) {
                    // We wish to remember that the user is an MNET user - even though
                    // they're using the local login form
                    $mnetuser = $USER->get('id');
                if ($mnetuser != 0) {
                    $SESSION->set('mnetuser', $mnetuser);
                    $SESSION->set('authinstance', $authinstance);
            } else {
                log_debug("Strange: user " . $USER->get('username') . " had no authinstance set in their session");
            if (defined('JSON')) {
                json_reply('global', get_string('sessiontimedoutreload'), 1);
            if (defined('IFRAME')) {
                header('Content-type: text/html');
            // If the page the user is viewing is public, inform them that they can
            // log in again
            if (defined('PUBLIC')) {
                // @todo this links to ?login - later it should do magic to make
                // sure that whatever GET string is made it includes the old data
                // correctly
                $loginurl = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
                $loginurl .= false === strpos($loginurl, '?') ? '?' : '&';
                $loginurl .= 'login';
                $SESSION->add_info_msg(get_string('sessiontimedoutpublic', 'mahara', hsc($loginurl)), false);
        } else {
            // There is no session, so we check to see if one needs to be started.
            // Build login form. If the form is submitted it will be handled here,
            // and set $USER for us (this will happen when users hit a page and
            // specify login data immediately
            require_once 'pieforms/pieform.php';
            $form = new Pieform(auth_get_login_form());
            $SESSION->loginform = $form;
            if ($USER->is_logged_in()) {
            // Check if the page is public or the site is configured to be public.
            if (defined('PUBLIC') && !isset($_GET['login'])) {
                if ($lang = param_alphanumext('lang', null)) {
                    $SESSION->set('lang', $lang);
            // No session and a json request
            if (defined('JSON')) {
                json_reply('global', get_string('nosessionreload'), 1);
            auth_draw_login_page(null, $form);
Exemplo n.º 3
 * Handles authentication by setting up a session for a user if they are logged 
 * in.
 * This function combined with the Session class is smart - if the user is not
 * logged in then they do not get a session, which prevents simple curl hits
 * or search engine crawls to a page from getting sessions they won't use.
 * Once the user has a session, they keep it even if the log out, so it can
 * be reused. The session does expire, but the expiry time is typically a week
 * or more.
 * If the user is not authenticated for this page, then this function will
 * exit, printing the login page. Therefore, after including init.php, you can
 * be sure that the user is logged in, or has a valid guest key. However, no
 * testing is done to make sure the user has the required permissions to see
 * the page.
function auth_setup()
    global $SESSION, $USER;
    // If the system is not installed, let the user through in the hope that
    // they can fix this little problem :)
    if (!get_config('installed')) {
    // Lock the site until core upgrades are done
    require get_config('libroot') . 'version.php';
    $siteclosed = $config->version > get_config('version');
    $cfgsiteclosed = get_config('siteclosed');
    if ($siteclosed && !$cfgsiteclosed || !$siteclosed && $cfgsiteclosed) {
        set_config('siteclosed', $siteclosed);
        if ($config->disablelogin && $siteclosed) {
            set_config('disablelogin', 1);
    // Check the time that the session is set to log out. If the user does
    // not have a session, this time will be 0.
    $sessionlogouttime = $USER->get('logout_time');
    if ($sessionlogouttime && isset($_GET['logout'])) {
        // Call the authinstance' logout hook
        $authinstance = $SESSION->get('authinstance');
        if ($authinstance) {
            $authobj = AuthFactory::create($authinstance);
        } else {
            log_debug("Strange: user " . $USER->get('username') . " had no authinstance set in their session");
    if ($sessionlogouttime > time()) {
        // The session is still active, so continue it.
        // Make sure that if a user's admin status has changed, they're kicked
        // out of the admin section
        if (defined('ADMIN')) {
            $userreallyadmin = get_field('usr', 'admin', 'id', $USER->id);
            if (!$USER->get('admin') && $userreallyadmin) {
                // The user has been made into an admin
                $USER->admin = 1;
            } else {
                if ($USER->get('admin') && !$userreallyadmin) {
                    // The user's admin rights have been taken away
                    $USER->admin = 0;
            if (!$USER->get('admin')) {
        } else {
            if (defined('INSTITUTIONALADMIN') && !$USER->get('admin')) {
                $userreallyadminfor = get_column('usr_institution', 'institution', 'usr', $USER->id, 'admin', 1);
                if (!$USER->is_institutional_admin() && !empty($userreallyadminfor)) {
                } else {
                    if ($USER->is_institutional_admin() && empty($userreallyadminfor)) {
                if (!$USER->is_institutional_admin()) {
    } else {
        if ($sessionlogouttime > 0) {
            // The session timed out
            $authinstance = $SESSION->get('authinstance');
            if ($authinstance) {
                $authobj = AuthFactory::create($authinstance);
                $mnetuser = 0;
                if ($SESSION->get('mnetuser') && $authobj->parent) {
                    // We wish to remember that the user is an MNET user - even though
                    // they're using the local login form
                    $mnetuser = $USER->get('id');
                if ($mnetuser != 0) {
                    $SESSION->set('mnetuser', $mnetuser);
                    $SESSION->set('authinstance', $authinstance);
            } else {
                log_debug("Strange: user " . $USER->get('username') . " had no authinstance set in their session");
            if (defined('JSON')) {
                json_reply('global', get_string('sessiontimedoutreload'), 1);
            if (defined('IFRAME')) {
                $frame = '<html><head></head><body onload="parent.show_login_form(\'ajaxlogin_iframe\')"></body></html>';
                header('Content-type: text/html');
                echo $frame;
            // If the page the user is viewing is public, inform them that they can
            // log in again
            if (defined('PUBLIC')) {
                // @todo this links to ?login - later it should do magic to make
                // sure that whatever GET string is made it includes the old data
                // correctly
                $loginurl = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
                $loginurl .= false === strpos($loginurl, '?') ? '?' : '&';
                $loginurl .= 'login';
                $SESSION->add_info_msg(get_string('sessiontimedoutpublic', 'mahara', hsc($loginurl)), false);
        } else {
            // There is no session, so we check to see if one needs to be started.
            // Build login form. If the form is submitted it will be handled here,
            // and set $USER for us (this will happen when users hit a page and
            // specify login data immediately
            require_once 'pieforms/pieform.php';
            $form = new Pieform(auth_get_login_form());
            if ($USER->is_logged_in()) {
            // Check if the page is public or the site is configured to be public.
            if (defined('PUBLIC') && !isset($_GET['login'])) {
            // No session and a json request
            if (defined('JSON')) {
                json_reply('global', get_string('nosessionreload'), 1);
            auth_draw_login_page(null, $form);