function au_template_blog_preview() { // Our template needs the big $aulis global $aulis; // Let's make this thing shorter $e = $aulis['blog_entry']; // If our blog has no seperate intro text, it is the same as the whole blog if ($e->blog_intro == '' and $e->blog_content != '') { $e->blog_intro = $e->blog_content; } else { if ($e->blog_intro == '' and $e->blog_content == '') { return au_error_box(BLOG_EMPTY); } } // We might have to highlight stuff if (isset($_GET['search'])) { // Explode the search string, so that we can highlight every word seperatly $exploded_search = explode(' ', $aulis['blog_search']); // Each word needs to be highlighted in blog_name and blog_intro foreach ($exploded_search as $keyword) { $e->blog_name = au_highlight($keyword, $e->blog_name, "<span class='highlight'>", "</span>"); $e->blog_intro = au_highlight($keyword, $e->blog_intro, "<span class='highlight'>", "</span>"); } } // The href to the blog entry page $href = au_blog_url($aulis['blog_url_input']); // The heading au_out("<h1><a href='" . $href . "'>" . $e->blog_name . "</a></h1>", true, 'blog_entries'); // The sub heading with time and catergory au_out("<span class='sub'>" . au_icon('category', 12) . ' ' . sprintf(BLOG_POSTED_IN, "<a href='" . au_blog_url(array('app' => 'blogindex', 'category' => $e->blog_category, 'category_name' => $e->category_name)) . "'>" . $e->category_name . "</a>") . "\n\t\t " . au_icon('clock', 12) . ' ' . au_date($e->blog_date) . "</span>", true, 'blog_entries'); // The content au_out("<p>" . au_parse_blog($e->blog_intro, $e->blog_parse_mode) . "</p>", true, 'blog_entries'); // Comments bar! au_out('<div class="comments_bar"><a href="' . $href . '#comments">' . au_icon('comment', 12) . ' ' . ($aulis['blog_comment_count'] == 0 ? BLOG_NO_COMMENTS : $aulis['blog_comment_count'] . ' ' . ($aulis['blog_comment_count'] > 1 ? BLOG_COMMENTS : BLOG_COMMENT)) . '</a> | <a href="' . $href . '">' . au_icon('lamp', 12) . ' ' . BLOG_READMORE . '</a></div>', $e->blog_can_comment == 1, 'blog_entries'); // We need this for the output $blog_preview = ''; // Finish the output into $aulis['page']['blog_preview'] foreach ($aulis['page']['blog_entries'] as $entry) { $blog_preview .= $entry; } // Transfer the output au_out($blog_preview, true, 'blog_preview'); // Ready for the next one unset($aulis['blog']['entry'], $aulis['page']['blog_entries']); }
function au_show_entry() { // Praise the big $aulis global $aulis; // We can't access this file, if not from index.php, so let's check if (!defined('aulis')) { header("Location: index.php"); } // We need to decrypt the blog id, if numeric if (isset($_GET['id']) and is_numeric($_GET['id'])) { $entry_id = au_decrypt_blog_id($_GET['id']); } else { $entry_id = 0; } // Try to obtain the entry from the big (or small, it all depends) database if ($aulis['blog']['entry'] = au_get_blog_entry($entry_id)) { // Prepare some url inputs $aulis['blog']['url_input'] = array("app" => "blogentry", "id" => $aulis['blog']['entry']->entry_id, "title" => $aulis['blog']['entry']->blog_name); // Load the template au_load_template("blog_entry"); } else { au_error_box(BLOG_NOT_FOUND); } }
function au_template_blog_index() { // Our template needs the big $aulis global $aulis; // What error do we need to show if no entries are found? $no_entries = BLOG_NO_ENTRIES_FOUND; // The sidebar, needs to be on top au_load_template('blog_sidebar'); // If we are searching, we need to have a title and such if (isset($_GET['search']) && !isset($_GET['category'], $_GET['tag']) && ($no_entries = sprintf(BLOG_SEARCH_NO_ENTRIES, $aulis['blog_search']))) { au_out('<div class="blog_preview_page_title"><span class="float-right lowercase">' . sprintf(BLOG_SEARCH_FOUND_HITS, au_format_number($aulis['blog_count'], 0), $aulis['blog_count'] > 1 || $aulis['blog_count'] == 0 ? BLOG_SEARCH_FOUND_HITS_PLURAL : BLOG_SEARCH_FOUND_HITS_SINGULAR) . '</span> <h1>' . sprintf(BLOG_SEARCH_TITLE, '\'' . $aulis['blog_search'] . '\'') . '</h1></div> <div class="blog_preview_page_title_sub"><a class="button" href="' . au_blog_url() . '">' . au_icon('arrow_left', 8) . 'Back to blog</a><br /><br /></div>'); } // If we are in category, the title needs to show that if (isset($_GET['category']) && is_numeric($_GET['category']) && !isset($_GET['search'], $_GET['tag']) and $no_entries = BLOG_CATEGORY_NO_ENTRIES) { au_out('<div class="blog_preview_page_title"><span class="float-right lowercase">' . sprintf(BLOG_FOUND_HITS, au_format_number($aulis['blog_count'], 0), $aulis['blog_count'] > 1 || $aulis['blog_count'] == 0 ? BLOG_FOUND_HITS_PLURAL : BLOG_FOUND_HITS_SINGULAR) . '</span> <h1>' . sprintf(BLOG_CATEGORY_TITLE, '\'' . au_get_blog_category_name($aulis['blog_category']) . '\'') . '</h1></div> <div class="blog_preview_page_title_sub"><a class="button" href="' . au_blog_url() . '">' . au_icon('arrow_left', 8) . 'Back to blog</a><br /><br /></div>'); } // If there are no entries parsed, we need to show that if (!isset($aulis['page']['blog_preview']) || empty($aulis['page']['blog_preview'])) { au_error_box($no_entries, 'blog_preview'); } // Let's output the page links we want into $aulis['blog_preview'], so that it gets parsed in a nice wrapper au_out('<br /><div class="maxwidth">' . au_blog_index_timeline_links() . '</div>', $aulis['blog_count'] != 0 and $aulis['blog_max_offset'] != 0, 'blog_preview'); // Finalize the output; rendering it into nice wrappers. $output = ''; foreach ($aulis['page']['blog_preview'] as $number => $entry) { $output .= '<div class="blog_preview_wrapper w-' . $number . '">' . $entry . '</div>'; } // Wrap it again, for easy jQuery selection of all preview elements au_out('<div class="blog_previews">' . $output . '</div>'); // We want a clean page au_out('<br class="clear" />'); }
<?php /* || Aulis || Organisation: Aulis International || Website: || Developed by: Robert Monden Thomas de Roo || License: MIT || Version: 0.01 || * File information * || -> viewboard.php | -> // This file contains the logic for the board || -> Last change: July, 2015 */ // We can't access this file, if not from index.php, so let's check if (!defined('aulis')) { header("Location: index.php"); } au_error_box("Nothing to see here.");