function atw_media_lib_button($fillin = '')
&nbsp;&larr;&nbsp;<a style='text-decoration:none;' href="javascript:atw_media_lib('<?php 
    echo $fillin;
');" ><img src="<?php 
    echo atw_posts_plugins_url('/images/media-button.png');
" title="Select image from Media Library. Click 'Insert into Post' to paste url here." alt="media" /></a>
function atw_posts_help_admin()
    // admin for help
    $t_dir = atw_posts_plugins_url('/help/help.html', '');
    $title = "View Weaver Show Posts ";
    <h2 style="color:blue;font-weight:bold;">Quick Start Help</h2>

<h2 style="color:blue;text-decoration:underline;">Show Posts Quick Start</h2>
<p style="color:green;font-weight:bold;font-size:140%;">
    echo $title;
 <a href="<?php 
    echo $t_dir;
" target="_blank" title="Weaver Plugins Help File">Help Document</a>
    <span style="font-size:80%;margin-left:20px;">Visit the official
    <a href="" target="_blank">help forum.</a></span>
    The Weaver <code>[show_posts]</code> shortcode allows you to display posts on your pages or in a text widget
    in the sidebar. You can specify a large number of filtering options to select a specific set of posts to show.

    The recommended way to display posts is to specify all the filter selection options on the <em>Filter</em> tab, and use the
    <strong>[show_posts filter=filter-name]</strong> form of the shortcode. You can also specify the options manually.
  <li>Open the Filters tab.</li>
  <li>Use a meaningful name and <em>Create New Filter</em> to define a filter. You can define as many filters as you need.</li>
  <li>Set Post Display Options to define how post will be displayed.</li>
  <li>Set options to select which posts will be displayed</li>
  <li>Save Options</li>
  <li>Display posts using <strong>[show_posts filter=filter-name]</strong>. There is an "Add [show_posts]" button on the Page/Post editor.</li>

    if (function_exists('atw_slider_help_admin')) {
function atw_posts_enqueue_scripts()
    // enqueue runtime scripts
    if (function_exists('atw_posts_header')) {
    // add plugin CSS here, too.
    wp_register_style('atw-posts-style-sheet', atw_posts_plugins_url('atw-posts-style', WEAVER_SHOWPOSTS_MINIFY . '.css'), null, WEAVER_SHOWPOSTS_VERSION, 'all');
    /* if ( atw_posts_getopt( 'custom_css' ) != '' ) {
           wp_register_style( 'atw-posts-custom', '/?atwpostscss=1' );
           wp_enqueue_style( 'atw-posts-custom' );
       } */