 * Show object visibility if it's private
 * @param array $params
 * @param Smarty $smarty
 * @return string
function smarty_function_object_visibility($params, &$smarty)
    static $ids = array();
    $object = array_var($params, 'object');
    if (!instance_of($object, 'ProjectObject')) {
        return new InvalidParamError('object', $object, '$object is not valid instance of ProjectObject class', true);
    // if
    if ($object->getVisibility() > VISIBILITY_PRIVATE) {
        return '';
    // if
    $user = array_var($params, 'user');
    if (!instance_of($user, 'User')) {
        return new InvalidParamError('user', $user, '$user is expected to be an instance of User class', true);
    // if
    if (!$user->canSeePrivate()) {
        return '';
    // if
    $id = array_var($params, 'id');
    if (empty($id)) {
        do {
            $id = 'object_visibility_' . make_string(40);
        } while (in_array($id, $ids));
    // if
    $ids[] = $id;
    return open_html_tag('a', array('href' => assemble_url('project_object_visibility', array('project_id' => $object->getProjectId(), 'object_id' => $object->getId())), 'title' => lang('Private :type', array('type' => Inflector::humanize($object->getType()))), 'class' => 'object_visibility', 'id' => $id)) . '<img src="' . get_image_url('private.gif') . '" alt="" /></a><script type="text/javascript">App.widgets.ObjectVisibility.init("' . $id . '");</script>';
  * Construct company invoices controller
  * @param Request $request
  * @return CompanyInvoicesController
 function __construct($request)
     if (!Invoice::canAccessCompanyInvoices($this->logged_user, $this->active_company)) {
     // if
     $this->wireframe->current_menu_item = 'invoicing';
     $this->wireframe->page_actions = array();
     $this->wireframe->addBreadCrumb(lang('Invoices'), assemble_url('people_company_invoices', array('company_id' => $this->active_company->getId())));
     $invoice_id = $this->request->getId('invoice_id');
     if ($invoice_id) {
         $this->active_invoice = Invoices::findById($invoice_id);
     // if
     if (instance_of($this->active_invoice, 'Invoice')) {
         if ($this->active_invoice->getCompanyId() != $this->active_company->getId()) {
         // if
         $this->wireframe->addBreadCrumb($this->active_invoice->getName(), $this->active_invoice->getCompanyViewUrl());
     } else {
         $this->active_invoice = new Invoice();
     // if
     $this->smarty->assign(array('active_invoice' => $this->active_invoice, 'page_tab' => 'invoices'));
     js_assign('invoicing_precision', INVOICE_PRECISION);
Exemplo n.º 3
 * Build menu
 * @param Menu $menu
 * @param User $user
 * @return array
function incoming_mail_handle_on_build_menu(&$menu, &$user)
    if (($user->isAdministrator() || $user->getSystemPermission('can_use_incoming_mail_frontend')) && ($count_pending = IncomingMails::countPending()) > 0) {
        $menu->addToGroup(array(new MenuItem('incoming_mail', lang('Inbox'), assemble_url('incoming_mail'), get_image_url('icon_menu.gif', INCOMING_MAIL_MODULE), $count_pending)), 'main');
    // if
 * on_time_report_footer_options event handler implementation
 * @param TimeReport $report
 * @param array $options
 * @param Project $project
 * @param User $user
 * @return null
function invoicing_handle_on_time_report_footer_options(&$report, &$options, &$project, &$user)
    if (Invoice::canAdd($user)) {
        $options[] = array('url' => instance_of($project, 'Project') ? assemble_url('invoices_add', array('time_report_id' => $report->getId(), 'project_id' => $project->getId())) : assemble_url('invoices_add', array('time_report_id' => $report->getId())), 'text' => lang('New Invoice'), 'icon' => get_image_url('create-invoice.gif', INVOICING_MODULE));
    // if
Exemplo n.º 5
 * Build menu
 * @param Menu $menu
 * @param User $user
 * @return array
function documents_handle_on_build_menu(&$menu, &$user)
    if ($user->isAdministrator() || $user->getSystemPermission('can_use_documents')) {
        $menu->addToGroup(array(new MenuItem('documents', lang('Docs'), assemble_url('documents'), get_image_url('icon.gif', DOCUMENTS_MODULE))), 'main');
    // if
 * Handle on_dashboard_important_section event
 * @param NamedList $items
 * @param User $user
 * @return null
function resources_handle_on_dashboard_important_section(&$items, &$user)
    if ($reminders_count = Reminders::countActiveByUser($user)) {
        $items->add('reminders', array('label' => $reminders_count > 1 ? lang('<strong>:count</strong>&nbsp;reminders', array('count' => $reminders_count)) : lang('<strong>:count</strong>&nbsp;reminder', array('count' => $reminders_count)), 'class' => 'reminders', 'icon' => get_image_url('important.gif'), 'url' => assemble_url('reminders')));
    // if
 * Render object assignees list
 * @param array $params
 * @param Smarty $smarty
 * @return string
function smarty_function_object_owner($params, &$smarty)
    $object = array_var($params, 'object');
    if (!instance_of($object, 'ProjectObject')) {
        return new InvalidParamError('object', $object, '$object is expected to be an instance of ProjectObject class', true);
    // if
    $users_table = TABLE_PREFIX . 'users';
    $assignments_table = TABLE_PREFIX . 'assignments';
    $rows = db_execute_all("SELECT {$assignments_table}.is_owner AS is_assignment_owner, {$users_table}.id AS user_id, {$users_table}.company_id, {$users_table}.first_name, {$users_table}.last_name, {$users_table}.email FROM {$users_table}, {$assignments_table} WHERE {$users_table}.id = {$assignments_table}.user_id AND {$assignments_table}.object_id = ? and {$assignments_table}.is_owner='1' ORDER BY {$assignments_table}.is_owner DESC", $object->getId());
    if (is_foreachable($rows)) {
        $owner = null;
        foreach ($rows as $row) {
            if (empty($row['first_name']) && empty($row['last_name'])) {
                $user_link = '<a href="' . assemble_url('people_company', array('company_id' => $row['company_id'])) . '#user' . $row['user_id'] . '">' . clean($row['email']) . '</a>';
            } else {
                $user_link = '<a href="' . assemble_url('people_company', array('company_id' => $row['company_id'])) . '#user' . $row['user_id'] . '">' . clean($row['first_name']) . '</a>';
            // if
            $owner .= $user_link . '&nbsp;';
        // foreach
    // if
    if (empty($owner)) {
        $owner = '--';
    // if
    return $owner;
 * Handle on project options event
 * @param NamedList $options
 * @param Project $project
 * @param User $user
 * @return null
function project_exporter_handle_on_project_options(&$options, $project, $user)
    if ($user->isAdministrator() || $user->isProjectLeader($project) || $user->isProjectManager()) {
        $options->add('export_project', array('url' => assemble_url('project_exporter', array('project_id' => $project->getId())), 'text' => lang('Export Project')));
  * Contruct time report controller
  * @param Request $request
  * @return ProjectTimeReportsController
 function __construct($request)
     if (!$this->logged_user->isAdministrator() && !$this->logged_user->getSystemPermission('use_time_reports')) {
     // if
     $this->wireframe->addBreadCrumb(lang('Reports'), timetracking_module_reports_url($this->active_project));
     $report_id = $this->request->getId('report_id');
     if ($report_id) {
         $this->active_report = TimeReports::findById($report_id);
     // if
     if (instance_of($this->active_report, 'TimeReport')) {
         $this->wireframe->addBreadCrumb($this->active_report->getName(), $this->active_report->getUrl());
     } else {
         $this->active_report = new TimeReport();
     // if
     $this->wireframe->page_actions = array();
     if (TimeReport::canAdd($this->logged_user)) {
         $this->wireframe->addPageAction(lang('New Report'), assemble_url('global_time_report_add', array('project_id' => $this->active_project->getId())));
     // if
     $this->smarty->assign('active_report', $this->active_report);
 * Render object assignees list
 * @param array $params
 * @param Smarty $smarty
 * @return string
function smarty_function_object_departments($params, &$smarty)
    $resp = '--';
    $object = array_var($params, 'object');
    if (!instance_of($object, 'ProjectObject')) {
        return new InvalidParamError('object', $object, '$object is expected to be an instance of ProjectObject class', true);
    // if
    $link = mysql_connect(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASS);
    mysql_select_db(DB_NAME, $link);
    $query = "select a.category_name, a.id from \n\t\t\t healingcrystals_project_milestone_categories a \n\t\t\t inner join healingcrystals_project_object_categories b on b.category_id=a.id \n\t\t\t inner join healingcrystals_project_objects c on c.id=b.object_id where \n\t\t\t c.id='" . $object->getId() . "' order by a.category_name";
    $result = mysql_query($query, $link);
    if (mysql_num_rows($result)) {
        $resp = '';
        while ($info = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
            if (instance_of($object, 'Milestone')) {
                $resp .= '<a href="' . assemble_url('project_milestones', array('project_id' => $object->getProjectId())) . '&category_id=' . $info['id'] . '">' . $info['category_name'] . '</a>, ';
            } elseif (instance_of($object, 'Ticket')) {
                $resp .= '<a href="' . assemble_url('project_tickets', array('project_id' => $object->getProjectId())) . '&department_id=' . $info['id'] . '">' . $info['category_name'] . '</a>, ';
            } elseif (instance_of($object, 'Page')) {
                $resp .= '<a href="' . assemble_url('project_pages', array('project_id' => $object->getProjectId())) . '&category_id=' . $info['id'] . '">' . $info['category_name'] . '</a>, ';
            } else {
                $resp .= $info['category_name'] . ', ';
        $resp = substr($resp, 0, -2);
    return $resp;
  * Settings form
  * @param void
  * @return null
 function index()
     js_assign('test_svn_url', assemble_url('admin_source_test_svn'));
     $source_data = $this->request->post('source');
     if (!is_foreachable($source_data)) {
         $source_data = array('svn_path' => ConfigOptions::getValue('source_svn_path'), 'svn_config_dir' => ConfigOptions::getValue('source_svn_config_dir'), 'source_svn_use_output_redirect' => ConfigOptions::getValue('source_svn_use_output_redirect'), 'source_svn_trust_server_cert' => ConfigOptions::getValue('source_svn_trust_server_cert'));
     // if
     if ($this->request->isSubmitted()) {
         $svn_path = array_var($source_data, 'svn_path', null);
         $svn_path = $svn_path ? with_slash($svn_path) : null;
         ConfigOptions::setValue('source_svn_path', $svn_path);
         $svn_config_dir = array_var($source_data, 'svn_config_dir') == '' ? null : array_var($source_data, 'svn_config_dir');
         ConfigOptions::setValue('source_svn_config_dir', $svn_config_dir);
         $svn_use_output_redirection = array_var($source_data, 'source_svn_use_output_redirect') == "1";
         ConfigOptions::setValue('source_svn_use_output_redirect', $svn_use_output_redirection);
         $svn_trust_server_certificate = array_var($source_data, 'source_svn_trust_server_cert') == "1";
         ConfigOptions::setValue('source_svn_trust_server_cert', $svn_trust_server_certificate);
         flash_success("Source settings successfully saved");
     // if
     if (!RepositoryEngine::executableExists()) {
         $this->wireframe->addPageMessage(lang("SVN executable not found. You won't be able to use this module"), 'error');
     // if
     $this->smarty->assign(array('source_data' => $source_data));
 * Render object subscribers
 * @param array $params
 * @param Smarty $smarty
 * @return string
function smarty_function_object_subscriptions($params, &$smarty)
    $object = array_var($params, 'object');
    if (!instance_of($object, 'ProjectObject')) {
        return new InvalidParamError('object', $object, '$object is expected to be an instance of ProjectObject class', true);
    // if
    js_assign('max_subscribers_count', MAX_SUBSCRIBERS_COUNT);
    require_once SYSTEM_MODULE_PATH . '/helpers/function.user_link.php';
    $subscribers = $object->getSubscribers();
    if (count($subscribers) > MAX_SUBSCRIBERS_COUNT) {
        $smarty->assign(array('_object_subscriptions_list_subscribers' => false, '_object_subscriptions_object' => $object, '_object_subscriptions_subscribers_count' => count($subscribers), '_object_subscription_brief' => array_var($params, 'brief', false), '_object_subscriptions_popup_url' => assemble_url('object_subscribers_widget', array('object_id' => $object->getId()))));
    } else {
        $links = null;
        if (is_foreachable($subscribers)) {
            $links = array();
            foreach ($subscribers as $subscriber) {
                $links[] = smarty_function_user_link(array('user' => $subscriber), $smarty);
            // foreach
        // if
        $smarty->assign(array('_object_subscriptions_list_subscribers' => true, '_object_subscriptions' => $subscribers, '_object_subscriptions_object' => $object, '_object_subscription_links' => $links, '_object_subscription_brief' => array_var($params, 'brief', false), '_object_subscriptions_popup_url' => assemble_url('object_subscribers_widget', array('object_id' => $object->getId()))));
    // if
    return $smarty->fetch(get_template_path('_object_subscriptions', 'subscriptions', RESOURCES_MODULE));
 * Handle on_company_options event
 * @param Company $company
 * @param NamedList $options
 * @param User $logged_user
 * @return null
function invoicing_handle_on_company_options(&$company, &$options, &$logged_user)
    if (Invoice::canAccessCompanyInvoices($logged_user, $company)) {
        $options->add('invoices', array('text' => lang('Invoices'), 'url' => assemble_url('people_company_invoices', array('company_id' => $company->getId())), 'icon' => get_image_url('company-invoices.gif', INVOICING_MODULE)));
    // if
 * Render star for a given user page
 * @param array $params
 * @param Smarty $smarty
 * @return string
function smarty_function_object_user_star($params, &$smarty)
    static $ids = array();
    $starred_user_id = array_var($params, 'starred_user_id');
    $starred_page_type = array_var($params, 'starred_page_type');
    $starred_by_user_id = array_var($params, 'starred_by_user_id');
    $project_id = array_var($params, 'project_id');
    $id = array_var($params, 'id');
    if (empty($id)) {
        do {
            $id = 'object_star_' . make_string(40);
        } while (in_array($id, $ids));
    // if
    $ids[] = $id;
    $link = mysql_connect(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASS);
    mysql_select_db(DB_NAME, $link);
    $query = "select * from healingcrystals_starred_user_pages where starred_by_user_id='" . $starred_by_user_id . "' and starred_user_id='" . $starred_user_id . "' and starred_page_type='" . $starred_page_type . "'";
    $result = mysql_query($query);
    $is_starred = false;
    if (mysql_num_rows($result)) {
        $is_starred = true;
    if ($is_starred) {
        $params = array('id' => $id, 'href' => assemble_url('unstar_user_' . $starred_page_type . '_page', array('project_id' => $project_id, 'user_id' => $starred_by_user_id)) . '&starred_user_id=' . $starred_user_id, 'title' => lang('Unstar this object'), 'class' => 'object_star');
        $result = open_html_tag('a', $params) . '<img src="' . get_image_url('icons/star-small.gif') . '" alt="" /></a>';
    } else {
        $params = array('id' => $id, 'href' => assemble_url('star_user_' . $starred_page_type . '_page', array('project_id' => $project_id, 'user_id' => $starred_by_user_id)) . '&starred_user_id=' . $starred_user_id, 'title' => lang('Star this object'), 'class' => 'object_star');
        $result = open_html_tag('a', $params) . '<img src="' . get_image_url('icons/unstar-small.gif') . '" alt="" /></a>';
    // if
    return $result . "\n<script type=\"text/javascript\">App.layout.init_star_unstar_link('" . $id . "')</script>";
Exemplo n.º 15
function system_handle_on_build_menu(&$menu, &$user, &$project = null)
    // ---------------------------------------------------
    //  Tools
    // ---------------------------------------------------
    /*if (is_null($project)){
      	$my_tickets_menu = new MenuItem('today', lang('My Tickets'), assemble_url('user_today_page'), get_image_url('navigation/today.png'));
      } else {
      	$my_tickets_menu = new MenuItem('today', lang('My Tickets'), assemble_url('project_user_today_page', array('project_id' => $project->getId(), 'user_id' => $user->getId())), get_image_url('navigation/today.png'));
    $menu->addToGroup(array(new MenuItem('tasks', lang('My Tasks'), assemble_url('goto_user_task_page', array('project_id' => TASK_LIST_PROJECT_ID)) . '&selected_user_id=' . $user->getId(), get_image_url('navigation/today.png')), new MenuItem('calendar', lang('Calendar'), Calendar::getDashboardCalendarUrl(), get_image_url('navigation/calendar.gif')), new MenuItem('projects', lang('Projects'), assemble_url('projects'), get_image_url('navigation/projects.gif')), new MenuItem('people', lang('People'), assemble_url('people'), get_image_url('navigation/people.gif'))), 'main');
    // ---------------------------------------------------
    //  Folders
    // ---------------------------------------------------
    $folders = array(new MenuItem('search', lang('Search'), assemble_url('quick_search'), get_image_url('navigation/search.gif')), new MenuItem('starred_folder', lang('Starred'), assemble_url('starred'), get_image_url('navigation/starred.gif')));
    if ($user->isAdministrator() || $user->getSystemPermission('manage_trash')) {
        $folders[] = new MenuItem('trash', lang('Trash'), assemble_url('trash'), get_image_url('navigation/trash.gif'));
    // if
    $folders[] = new MenuItem('quick_add', lang('Quick Add'), assemble_url('homepage'), get_image_url('navigation/quick_add.gif'), null, '+');
    $menu->addToGroup($folders, 'folders');
  * Constructor
  * @param Request $request
  * @return CompanyProfileController
 function __construct($request)
     $company_id = $this->request->getId('company_id');
     if ($company_id) {
         $this->active_company = Companies::findById($company_id);
     // if
     if (instance_of($this->active_company, 'Company')) {
         $this->wireframe->page_actions = array();
         if (!$this->active_company->canView($this->logged_user)) {
         // if
         if ($this->active_company->getIsArchived() && $this->logged_user->isPeopleManager()) {
             $this->wireframe->addBreadCrumb(lang('Archive'), assemble_url('people_archive'));
         // if
         $this->wireframe->addBreadCrumb($this->active_company->getName(), $this->active_company->getViewUrl());
         // Collect company tabs
         $tabs = new NamedList();
         $tabs->add('overview', array('text' => str_excerpt($this->active_company->getName(), 25), 'url' => $this->active_company->getViewUrl()));
         $tabs->add('people', array('text' => lang('People'), 'url' => $this->active_company->getViewUrl()));
         $tabs->add('projects', array('text' => lang('Projects'), 'url' => $this->active_company->getViewUrl()));
         event_trigger('on_company_tabs', array(&$tabs, &$this->logged_user, &$this->active_company));
         $this->smarty->assign(array('company_tabs' => $tabs, 'company_tab' => 'overview'));
     } else {
         $this->active_company = new Company();
     // if
     $this->smarty->assign(array('active_company' => $this->active_company));
Exemplo n.º 17
 * Build menu
 * @param Menu $menu
 * @param User $user
 * @return array
function status_handle_on_build_menu(&$menu, &$user)
    if ($user->isAdministrator() || $user->getSystemPermission('can_use_status_updates')) {
        $last_visit = UserConfigOptions::getValue('status_update_last_visited', $user);
        $menu->addToGroup(array(new MenuItem('status', lang('Status'), assemble_url('status_updates'), get_image_url('icon_menu.gif', STATUS_MODULE), StatusUpdates::countNewMessagesForUser($user, $last_visit))), 'main');
    // if
Exemplo n.º 18
 * Handle on prepare project overview event
 * @param NamedList $tabs
 * @param User $logged_user
 * @param Project $project
 * @return null
function files_handle_on_project_tabs(&$tabs, &$logged_user, &$project)
    $tabs->add('attachments', array('text' => lang('Attachments'), 'url' => assemble_url('attachments_list', array('project_id' => $project->getId()))));
    if ($logged_user->getProjectPermission('file', $project) >= PROJECT_PERMISSION_ACCESS) {
        $tabs->add('files', array('text' => lang('Files'), 'url' => files_module_url($project)));
    // if
Exemplo n.º 19
 * Returns url that toggles object completed state
 * @param ProjectObject $object
 * @return string
function mobile_access_module_get_task_toggle_url(&$object)
    if (!instance_of($object, 'ProjectObject')) {
        return new InvalidParamError('object', $object, '$object is expected to be an instance of ProjectObject class', true);
    // if
    return assemble_url('mobile_access_toggle_object_completed_status', array("project_id" => $object->getProjectId(), "object_id" => $object->getId()));
Exemplo n.º 20
 * Return upload files URL
 * @param Project $project
 * @param Category $category
 * @return string
function files_module_upload_url($project, $additional_params = null)
    $params = array('project_id' => $project->getId());
    if (is_array($additional_params)) {
        $params = array_merge($params, $additional_params);
    // if
    return assemble_url('project_files_upload', $params);
Exemplo n.º 21
 * Return add discussion URL via public portal
 * @param Portal $portal
 * @param Project $project
 * @param array $additional_params
 * @return string
function portal_discussions_module_add_discussion_url($portal, $project, $additional_params = null)
    $params = array('portal_name' => $portal->getSlug());
    if ($additional_params !== null) {
        $params = array_merge($params, $additional_params);
    // if
    return assemble_url('portal_discussions_add', $params);
 * Render snooze task reminder widget
 * @param array $params
 * @param Smarty $smarty
 * @return string
function smarty_function_snooze_task_reminder($params, &$smarty)
    $object = array_var($params, 'object');
    if (!instance_of($object, 'ProjectObject')) {
        return new InvalidParamError('$object', $object, '$object is expected to be a valid instance of ProjectObject class');
    // if
    return '<span class="option"><a href="' . assemble_url('project_task_snoozereminder', array('project_id' => $object->getProjectId(), 'task_id' => $object->getId())) . '" onclick="javascript:return false;"><img id="snooze_' . $object->getId() . '" src="' . get_image_url('gray-clock-small.gif') . '" alt="Snooze Reminder" title="Snooze Reminder" /></a></span>';
Exemplo n.º 23
 * Return add checklist ULRL
 * @param Project $project
 * @param array $additional_params
 * @return string
function checklists_module_add_checklist_url($project, $additional_params = null)
    $params = array('project_id' => $project->getId());
    if ($additional_params !== null) {
        $params = array_merge($params, $additional_params);
    // if
    return assemble_url('project_checklists_add', $params);
 * Render select company box
 * Parameters:
 * - value - Value of selected company
 * - optional - Is value of this field optional or not
 * - exclude - Array of company ID-s that will be excluded
 * - can_create_new - Should this select box offer option to create a new 
 *   company from within the list
 * @param array $params
 * @param Smarty $smarty
 * @return string
function smarty_function_select_company($params, &$smarty)
    static $ids = array();
    $companies = Companies::getIdNameMap(array_var($params, 'companies'));
    $value = array_var($params, 'value', null, true);
    $id = array_var($params, 'id', null, true);
    if (empty($id)) {
        $counter = 1;
        do {
            $id = "select_company_dropdown_{$counter}";
        } while (in_array($id, $ids));
    // if
    $ids[] = $id;
    $params['id'] = $id;
    $optional = array_var($params, 'optional', false, true);
    $exclude = array_var($params, 'exclude', array(), true);
    if (!is_array($exclude)) {
        $exclude = array();
    // if
    $can_create_new = array_var($params, 'can_create_new', true, true);
    if ($optional) {
        $options = array(option_tag(lang('-- None --'), ''), option_tag('', ''));
    } else {
        $options = array();
    // if
    foreach ($companies as $company_id => $company_name) {
        if (in_array($company_id, $exclude)) {
        // if
        $option_attributes = array('class' => 'object_option');
        if ($value == $company_id) {
            $option_attributes['selected'] = true;
        // if
        $options[] = option_tag($company_name, $company_id, $option_attributes);
    // if
    if ($can_create_new) {
        $logged_user = get_logged_user();
        if (instance_of($logged_user, 'User') && Company::canAdd($logged_user)) {
            $params['add_object_url'] = assemble_url('people_companies_quick_add');
            $params['object_name'] = 'company';
            $params['add_object_message'] = lang('Please insert new company name');
            $options[] = option_tag('', '');
            $options[] = option_tag(lang('New Company...'), '', array('class' => 'new_object_option'));
        // if
    // if
    return select_box($options, $params) . '<script type="text/javascript">$("#' . $id . '").new_object_from_select();</script>';
 * Invoicing module on_project_object_quick_options event handler
 * @package activeCollab.modules.invoicing
 * @subpackage handlers
 * @param NamedList $options
 * @param ProjectObject $object
 * @param User $user
 * @return null
function invoicing_handle_on_project_object_quick_options(&$options, $object, $user)
     * Add a quick option to create invoice from the ticket
    if (instance_of($object, 'Ticket') && $object->canView($user) && $user->getSystemPermission('can_manage_invoices')) {
        $options->add('make_invoice', array('text' => lang('Create Invoice'), 'url' => assemble_url('invoices_add', array('ticket_id' => $object->getId()))));
    // if
 * System module on_project_object_quick_options event handler
 * @package activeCollab.modules.system
 * @subpackage handlers
 * @param NamedList $options
 * @param ProjectObject $object
 * @param User $user
 * @return null
function system_handle_on_project_object_quick_options(&$options, $object, $user)
     * Add a quick option which links to the list of commits related to the object
    if (instance_of($object, 'ProjectObject') && $object->getState() == STATE_DELETED && ($user->isAdministrator() || $user->getSystemPermission('manage_trash'))) {
        $options->add('project_object_delete', array('text' => lang('Permanently delete'), 'url' => assemble_url('project_object_delete', array('project_id' => $object->getProjectId(), 'object_id' => $object->getId())), 'method' => 'post', 'confirm' => lang('Are you sure that you wish to permanently remove this :type?', array('type' => $object->getVerboseType(true)))));
    // if
 * Handle on_dashboard_important_section event
 * @param NamedList $items
 * @param User $user
 * @return null
function invoicing_handle_on_dashboard_important_section(&$items, &$user)
    $company = $user->getCompany();
    // if user can manage invoices, list overdue invoices for all companies
    if ($user->getSystemPermission('can_manage_invoices')) {
        // if it's administrator list only overdue invoices
        if (($admin_overdue_invoices = Invoices::countOverdue()) > 0) {
            $items->add('admin_overdue_invoices', array('label' => $admin_overdue_invoices > 1 ? lang('<strong>:count</strong> overdue invoices for all companies', array('count' => $admin_overdue_invoices)) : lang('<strong>:count</strong> overdue invoice for all companies', array('count' => $admin_overdue_invoices)), 'class' => 'adminoverdue_invoices', 'icon' => get_image_url('important.gif'), 'url' => assemble_url('invoices')));
        // if
    // if
    // if user is company manager or can manage invoices show outstanding and overdue invoices for his company
    if ($user->isCompanyManager($company) || $user->getSystemPermission('can_manage_invoices')) {
        // Outstanding Invoices
        $issued_invoices_count = Invoices::countOutstanding($company);
        if ($issued_invoices_count > 0) {
            if ($issued_invoices_count == 1) {
                // if there is only one outstanding invoice, then link should open that very same invoice
                $issued_invoices = Invoices::findOutstanding($company, array(INVOICE_STATUS_ISSUED));
                $link_url = $issued_invoices[0]->getCompanyViewUrl();
                $label = lang('<strong>1</strong> outstanding invoice for your company');
            } else {
                // if there is multuple outstanding invoices, then link should open company invoices pages
                $link_url = assemble_url('people_company_invoices', array('company_id' => $company->getId()));
                $label = lang('<strong>:count</strong> outstanding invoices for your company', array('count' => $issued_invoices_count));
            // if
            $items->add('issued_invoices', array('label' => $label, 'class' => 'issued_invoices', 'icon' => get_image_url('icon_small.gif', INVOICING_MODULE), 'url' => $link_url));
        // if
        // Overdue Invoices
        $overdue_invoices_count = Invoices::countOverdue($company);
        if ($overdue_invoices_count > 0) {
            if ($overdue_invoices_count == 1) {
                // if there is only one overdue invoice, then link should open that very same invoice
                $overdue_invoices = Invoices::findOverdue($company, array(INVOICE_STATUS_ISSUED));
                $link_url = $overdue_invoices[0]->getCompanyViewUrl();
                $label = lang('<strong>1</strong> overdue invoice for your company');
            } else {
                // if there is multuple overdue invoices, then link should open company invoices pages
                $link_url = assemble_url('people_company_invoices', array('company_id' => $company->getId()));
                $label = lang('<strong>:count</strong> overdue invoices for your company', array('count' => $overdue_invoices));
            // if
            $items->add('overdue_invoices', array('label' => $label, 'class' => 'overdue_invoices', 'icon' => get_image_url('important.gif'), 'url' => $link_url));
        // if
    // if
  * Construct PublicSubmitAdminController
  * @param string $request
  * @return PublicSubmitAdminController
 function __construct($request)
     $this->smarty->assign(array("public_submit_settings_url" => assemble_url('admin_settings_public_submit')));
     if (!(extension_loaded('gd') || extension_loaded('gd2')) || !function_exists('imagefttext')) {
         $this->gd_loaded = false;
     // if
     $this->smarty->assign(array('public_submit_url' => assemble_url('public_submit'), 'public_submit_enabled' => ConfigOptions::getValue('public_submit_enabled'), 'public_submit_captcha_enabled' => ConfigOptions::getValue('public_submit_enable_captcha'), 'public_submit_project' => Projects::findById(ConfigOptions::getValue('public_submit_default_project')), 'gd_loaded' => $this->gd_loaded));
     return $this;
  * Render this item
  * @param void
  * @return null
 function render()
     $q = clean(array_var($_GET, 'q'));
     return '<form action="' . assemble_url('search') . '" method="get" id="searchForm">
     <div class="inner">
       <input type="text" name="q" class="text" value="' . $q . '" />
         <button type="submit"><span><span>' . clean($this->caption) . '</span></span></button>
Exemplo n.º 30
 * Add options to main menu
 * @param Menu $menu
 * @param User $user
 * @return null
function invoicing_handle_on_build_menu(&$menu, &$user)
    $company = $user->getCompany();
    if ($user->getSystemPermission('can_manage_invoices')) {
        $menu->addToGroup(array(new MenuItem('invoicing', lang('Invoices'), assemble_url('invoices'), get_image_url('menu-icon.gif', INVOICING_MODULE), Invoices::countOverdue())), 'main');
    } else {
        if ($user->isCompanyManager($company)) {
            $menu->addToGroup(array(new MenuItem('invoicing', lang('Invoices'), assemble_url('people_company_invoices', array('company_id' => $user->getCompanyId())), get_image_url('menu-icon.gif', INVOICING_MODULE), Invoices::countByCompany($user->getCompany(), array(INVOICE_STATUS_ISSUED)))), 'main');
    // if