function loadLogos($dir) { if (!is_dir($dir)) { echo "Invalid directory"; } else { global $nbInsert; global $_PATH; if ($handle = opendir($dir)) { while (($file = readdir($handle)) !== false) { ///---Extraction $parts = explode('.', $file); $ext = array_pop($parts); ///---Valid formats if (!($ext == 'gif' || $ext == 'jpg' || $ext == 'png')) { continue; } ///---Name repack $name = join(".", $parts); $name = str_replace('__', '.', $name); $name = str_replace('_', '%', $name); ///---Extra Validations //Check for special caracters not encoded if (strpos($name, '_') !== false || strpos($name, ' ') !== false) { echo "<b>" . $name . " sould be rename to " . str_replace(array('_', ' '), array('+', '+'), $name) . ".</b><br/>"; continue; } else { if (strpos($name, '%') === false) { $nameCheck = urlencode(str_replace(array('+'), array(''), $name)); //Char excludes //Some caracter are not support yet if (strpos($nameCheck, '%') !== false) { echo "<b>" . $name . " is not properly parse.</b><br/>"; continue; } } } $prev = $name; ///---Insert in db if (artistExist($name)) { continue; } echo $name . " - "; $newDate = filemtime(Config::FOLDER_LOGOS . $file); //Date of modification (new file) $newArtist = new Artist($name, $file, "", -1, $newDate); Artists::addArtist($newArtist); $nbInsert++; } closedir($handle); } } }
$fp = fopen($DS_LOGS_DIR . $logFile, "w+"); $warning_count = 0; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // LAST FM API // $var = '#text'; // Artist // // Grabs artist information // $dump = uwe_file_get_contents("" . urlencode($artist) . "&api_key=" . $LASTFM_API_KEY . "&format=json"); if ($dump == NULL) { fprintf($fp, "No internet connection\n"); fclose($fp); echo "Failed connection"; exit; } $artist = json_decode($dump)->artist; $exist = artistExist($dbHandle, addslashes($artist->name)); if ($exist) { fprintf($fp, "DUP artist, skipping artist\n"); $warning_count++; } else { $sql[0] = "INSERT INTO artist_list (artist_name) VALUES ('" . addslashes($artist->name) . "')"; $sql[1] = "SELECT * FROM artist_list WHERE `artist_name`='" . addslashes($artist->name) . "'"; if (!insertQuery($dbHandle, $sql)) { fprintf($fp, "Unable to add artist to database\n"); fclose($fp); echo "Failed adding artist"; exit; } if (!($artistId = getArtistId($dbHandle, addslashes($artist->name)))) { fprintf($fp, "Unable to retrieve artist id\n"); fclose($fp);