Exemplo n.º 1
function saveLog($obj, $file)
    if (!file_exists($file)) {
    $obj->useragent = cleanCommas($obj->useragent);
    $newLine = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] . "," . $obj->id . "," . $obj->startTime . "," . $obj->stopTime . "," . $obj->runtime . "," . $obj->url . "," . $obj->useragent . $obj->perceivedTime . "," . $obj->pageRenderTime . "," . $obj->roundTripTime . "," . $obj->tcpConnectionTime . "," . $obj->dnsLookupTime . "," . $obj->cacheTime . "," . $obj->redirectTime;
    appendToFile($newLine, $file);
Exemplo n.º 2
 * insert CodevTT config in Mantis custom files.
 * (add relationships, functions, etc.)
 * Files to update:
 * custom_constants_inc.php
 * custom_strings_inc.php
 * custom_relationships_inc.php
 * NOTE: needs write access in mantis directory
function updateMantisCustomFiles()
    $mantisPath = Constants::$mantisPath;
    $retCode1 = appendToFile($mantisPath . '/custom_constants_inc.php', Install::FILENAME_CUSTOM_CONSTANTS_CODEVTT, 'BUG_CUSTOM_RELATIONSHIP_CONSTRAINED_BY');
    $retCode2 = appendToFile($mantisPath . '/custom_strings_inc.php', Install::FILENAME_CUSTOM_STRINGS_CODEVTT, 's_rel_constrained_by');
    $retCode3 = appendToFile($mantisPath . '/custom_relationships_inc.php', Install::FILENAME_CUSTOM_RELATIONSHIPS_CODEVTT, 'BUG_CUSTOM_RELATIONSHIP_CONSTRAINED_BY');
Exemplo n.º 3
        $errorMsg .= "Passwords does not match.<br>";
    if (!validateCaptcha($form['captchaValue'], $form['captchaId'])) {
        $errorMsg .= "Please check captcha.<br>";
    // Remember selectbox
    for ($i == 1; $i < 4; $i++) {
        if ($form['subject'] == $i) {
            $formHelper['select' . $i] = "selected=selected";
    ## Store if validation was successful
    if (!$errorMsg) {
        // Save in textfile for demo reasons only.
        // Passwords are not filtered and stored in plaintext, hash function with salt and pepper must be used!
        appendToFile("storage", $form);
        $errorMsg = "<div style='color:#24a544'>Form was sent.</div><br>";
        $form = array();
        $formHelper = array();
# Load template files
$entryTemplate = file_GET_contents("entryTemplate.html");
$template = file_GET_contents("template.html");
# Set capatcha
$form['captchaId'] = setCaptcha();
## Output existing data from filestorage
$database = readFileInArray("storage");
if (is_array($database)) {
    foreach ($database as $row) {
        $entryCache = str_replace("{firstname}", $row[0], $entryTemplate);
Exemplo n.º 4
 * insert CodevTT config in Mantis custom files.
 * (add relationships, functions, etc.)
 * Files to update:
 * custom_constants_inc.php
 * custom_strings_inc.php
 * custom_relationships_inc.php
 * NOTE: needs write access in mantis directory
function updateMantisCustomFiles()
    $mantisPath = Constants::$mantisPath;
    // --- check mantis version (config files have been moved in v1.3)
    if (is_dir($mantisPath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'config')) {
        // mantis v1.3 or higher
        $path_mantis_config = $mantisPath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'config';
    } else {
        // mantis 1.2
        $path_mantis_config = $mantisPath;
    if (!is_writable($path_mantis_config)) {
        throw new Exception("Path to mantis config " . $path_mantis_config . " is NOT writable");
    appendToFile($path_mantis_config . '/custom_constants_inc.php', Install::FILENAME_CUSTOM_CONSTANTS_CODEVTT, 'BUG_CUSTOM_RELATIONSHIP_CONSTRAINED_BY');
    appendToFile($path_mantis_config . '/custom_strings_inc.php', Install::FILENAME_CUSTOM_STRINGS_CODEVTT, 's_rel_constrained_by');
    appendToFile($path_mantis_config . '/custom_relationships_inc.php', Install::FILENAME_CUSTOM_RELATIONSHIPS_CODEVTT, 'BUG_CUSTOM_RELATIONSHIP_CONSTRAINED_BY');
    return NULL;
Exemplo n.º 5
function stopThisProcess($stop_message) {
//Graceful Stop

global $log_result;
global $log_result_file;
global $pid;
global $phpcron_off;
global $phpcron_psinfo_file;
global $daemon_mode;
/* Only do this if this process is running as a daemon.
Don't want to log start/stops if only running once */
sendOutput($stop_message."\r\n", true);

if($daemon_mode) {

  $stop_time= date("m/d/Y").":".date("h:i:s:A");

  if ($log_result) {
PHPCRON (DAEMON) $pid Stopped $stop_time

Final Output Message:

  appendToFile("$stop_message", $log_result_file);





Exemplo n.º 6
function sendOutput($output_message, $suppress_override=false) {

global $suppress_output;

global $viewed_by_browser;
global $redirect_output;
global $redirect_file;

      if(!$suppress_output or $suppress_override) {

          //display message
          if (!$viewed_by_browser) {

          if ($redirect_output) {

          $save_results=appendToFile($output_message, $redirect_file);

          if (!$save_results[0]) {
              //echo error messages
              echo "Error: Cannot Append to File $redirect_file.".
				  		 "Check filename and permissions.\r\n";

          } else {

          echo $output_message;

Exemplo n.º 7
 public function appendObj($token, $bucket_name, $object_name, $upload_id, $next_marker, $data)
     $Connection = isset($this->ceph_conn) ? $this->ceph_conn : $this->connectionCeph();
     $part_file_path = session('user_upload_path') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $object_name . '~' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '' . $next_marker;
     appendToFile($part_file_path, $data);
     if (getfilesize($part_file_path) > 5 * 1024 * 1024) {
         $opt['fileUpload'] = $part_file_path;
         $opt['partNumber'] = $next_marker;
         $opt['md5'] = md5_file($part_file_path);
         $res = $Connection->upload_part($bucket_name, $object_name . '~', $upload_id, $opt);
         if ($res->isOK()) {
             $user = new UserService();
             $user->updateUserUploadMarker($token, $object_name, $next_marker + 1);
         } else {
             return false;
     return true;
Exemplo n.º 8
function cpPhpcron ($phpcron_command="default") {
  global $PHP_SELF;

  global $phpcron_file;
  global $phpcron_off;
  global $phpcron_psinfo_file;
  global $assignment_info,$user_config_file, $left_mlc_ch, $right_mlc_ch, $sc_ch, $uc_contents_length;
  global $uc_contents, $uc_contents_length;
  global $cp_left_col;
  global $cp_right_col;
  global $cp_row_title;
  global $cp_title;
  global $status_on;
  global $status_off;
  global $status_venabled;
  global $phpcrontab_filename;
  global $log_result_file;
  global $admin_email_address;
  global $system_name;
  global $daemon_mode;
  global $phpcron_venabled_file;
  global $enable_virtual_daemon;
  global $phpcron_output_file;
  global $admin_email_address;
  global $error_messages;
  global $php_path;

   echo pageTitle("PHPCRON Admin - Control Panel");

  switch ($phpcron_command) {

  case "VStop":

    /* Disable Virtual Daemon */
    if (file_exists($phpcron_venabled_file)) {
PHPCRON Virtual Daemon Stopped ".date("m/d/Y").":".date("h:i:s:A")."
", $log_result_file);


    case "DStop":

    /* Turn off Daemon */
    if(!stopOtherPhpcron()) {
    Error: Cannot Stop Phpcron. Make sure the server process can write to ".dirname($phpron_off)."<BR>";

  case "Start":


	  if ($enable_virtual_daemon) { 

    /*Enable Virtual Daemon */

        /* If no perpetual loop just write "VIRTUAL DAEMON ENABLED" to phpcron_venabled_file. This will
        allow phpcron to be run from the unix crontab with the phpcron_virtuald script. 

       $save_results=saveFile("VIRTUAL DAEMON ENABLED", $phpcron_venabled_file);
PHPCRON Virtual Daemon Started ".date("m/d/Y").":".date("h:i:s:A")."
", $log_result_file);

        if(!$save_results[0]) { //if not a successful save get error messages

        while($save_results[$index]) {

"Cannot Enable Virtual Daemon- Must be able to write to ".formatPath($phpcron_venabled_file)." in order for PHPCRON Admin
to control PHPCRON's execution. You will need to fix, and try again for PHPCRON Admin to work properly.<br>\r\n";

        } else {
       $error_messages.="The Virtual Daemon has been enabled. Make sure you place phpcron_virtuald
       on your unix crontab file using crontab -e.\n";


    /* Otherwise Start Up PHPCRON.PHP in either daemon(perpetual) or non-daemon mode) */
     if(isOtherPhpcrond() and $daemon_mode) { 
            $error_messages.="PHPCRON is already running in daemon mode - Cannot start more than one instance<br>";

     } else {

      /*Start phpcron in background. NoHup allows it to continue after logout */

      if ($daemon_mode) {
      $exec_string="nohup $php_path $os_formatted_path -r $phpcron_output_file > /dev/null &";
            } else {
      $exec_string="$php_path $os_formatted_path -r $phpcron_output_file";


      if (!$daemon_mode) {
      $error_messages.="Ran PHPCRON only once. This is usually only 
      done for testing purposes.<br>\n";
          /* Know there's an error somewhere if the output file can't be made */
	    if (!file_exists("$phpcron_output_file")) {

	     $error_messages.= "
        	  Error: Failed to execute $phpcron_file. Check path and permissions. Can't read $phpcron_output_file.


  case "Email_Log":


  $subject="$system_name PHPCRON Log File Attached";
  $body="PHPCRON Log file is attached for $system_name";

if($mailserver_error=mailAttachment($log_email_address, $subject, $body, $attachment, $mimetype)) {

  $error_messages.="Error: Unable to Email Log File:<br>\r\n".$mailserver_error;
  } else {
  $error_messages.="Emailed Log File to $admin_email_address";


 case "Delete_Log":

  case "Save_UC":

    list($uc_contents, $uc_contents_array)=parseUserConfig($user_config_file, $left_mlc_ch, $right_mlc_ch, $sc_ch);

    /* For Debugging (echo to screen instead of save):
    echo "File Rebuilt is: ".nl2br(htmlentities(rebuildUserCfg($assignment_info, $uc_contents_array)))."<br>";


    /* Rebuild User Configuration File, then Save it */

      $save_results=saveFile(rebuildUserCfg($assignment_info, $uc_contents_array), $user_config_file);

        if($save_results[0]) { //this would be successful save
        Options saved with the following settings:
      } else {
        while($save_results[$index]) {
        $error_messages.="Please fix and try again.<br>";



    //Load Newly Saved File

    $uc_contents = addslashes(implode ("", file ($user_config_file)));
    /* Include new values to override old values included at top of file */
  //no break - just let it flow into default


  /* Build Main Control Panel Box */

  $output.=    "
    <!--**********Begin JavaScript*******************-->
    <SCRIPT LANGUAGE=\"JavaScript\" type=\"text/javascript\">

   function isNumber(theField) {
    for (i = 0; i < string.length; i++)   {   
          // Check that each character is number.
          var c = string.charAt(i);
          if (!((c >= \"0\") && (c <= \"9\")))  {
        alert(\"This field requires a number.\");
        return false;
     return true;


    <!--**********End JavaScript*******************-->

  <!--**********Begin Control Panel Table**************-->
  <table align=\"center\" border=\"0\" class=\"control_panel\" cellpadding=\"2\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"600px\" summary=\"Control Panel\">
        <td align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\" colspan=\"2\" style=$cp_title>
                <strong>PHPCRON CONTROL PANEL</strong>
          <td align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\" colspan=\"2\" style=$cp_row_title>
        <td style=$cp_left_col>
          Server OS:
        <td style=$cp_right_col>

  if (isOtherPhpcrond()) {

          <td style=$cp_left_col>
  if ($daemon_mode) {
         <td style=$cp_right_col>
  } else {
   $output.="<td style=$cp_right_col>

          <td style=$cp_left_col>
            Daemon Running ?
  if($daemon_running) {
          <td style=$status_on>

  } else {
          <td style=$status_off>

  //Echo Process Info if in Unix
  if(!MS_WINDOWS and file_exists($phpcron_psinfo_file)) {


          $output.= "
              <td style=$cp_left_col>
              <td style=$cp_right_col>
              <td style=$cp_left_col>
                 Process Id:
              <td style=$cp_right_col>


        <td valign=\"baseline\" style=$cp_left_col>
          Start/Stop Controls:
  if (MS_WINDOWS){
  if (!$daemon_running) {
     <td style=$cp_right_col>
  Start Control Not Available in Windows
  $end_output .= "Please note that PHPCRON Admin does not allow starting PHPCRON under any Microsoft
  operating system (this may be fixed in a future version).  If using PHPCRON on a remote server, you 
  will need to start PHPCRON through a telnet session. A start control will only appear and work under Unix.
  You can however, enable the Virtual Daemon


  if (!MS_WINDOWS and $daemon_mode and !$daemon_running) {  
      <td style=$cp_right_col>
      <form action=$PHP_SELF method=\"post\">
      <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"phpcron_command\" value=\"Start\">
      <input type=\"submit\" value=\"Start Daemon\">
  } elseif (!MS_WINDOWS and !$daemon_mode and !$daemon_running) {
      <td style=$cp_right_col>
      <form action=$PHP_SELF method=\"post\">
        <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"phpcron_command\" value=\"Start\">
  	<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Run PHPCRON Once\">

 if ($daemon_running) {

         <td style=$cp_right_col>
        <form action=\"$PHP_SELF\" method=\"post\">
        <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"admin_subpage\" value=\"Control_Panel\">
        <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"phpcron_command\" value=\"DStop\">
        <input type=\"submit\" value=\"Stop Daemon\">


          <td align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\" colspan=\"2\" style=$cp_row_title>
              <strong>Virtual Daemon</strong>
          <td style=$cp_left_col>
            Virtual Daemon:
  if (file_exists($phpcron_venabled_file)) {
          <td style=$status_on >
  } else {
          <td style=$status_off >

if (file_exists($phpcron_venabled_file)) {

        <td style=$cp_left_col>
	<td style=$cp_right_col>    
        <form action=\"$PHP_SELF\" method=\"post\">
        <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"admin_subpage\" value=\"Control_Panel\">
        <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"phpcron_command\" value=\"VStop\">
        <input type=\"submit\" value=\"Disable\">

} else {

      <td style=$cp_left_col>
      <td style=$cp_right_col>    
      <form action=$PHP_SELF method=\"post\">
      <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"phpcron_command\" value=\"Start\">       
      <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"enable_virtual_daemon\" value=\"true\">   
      <input type=\"submit\" value=\"Enable\">


  /* Save and Reset of Options */

    //allow to revert to original file

          <td align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\" colspan=\"2\" style=$cp_row_title>
              <strong>Update Status</strong>
                <td style=$cp_left_col>
                <td style=$cp_right_col>
                <form action=\"$PHP_SELF\" method=\"post\">
                <input type=\"submit\" value=\"Update\">
                <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"admin_subpage\" value=\"Control_Panel\">

                <!--************Begin Options Form************ -->




     //Save Options

  /* Build Options Box */

     if($phpcron_command != "Save_UC") {

        Current Settings:
    /*Separate out Multi-Line Comments, Single Line Comments, and Executable Portions of
    file into identifiable arrays stored in $uc_contents_array */
    list($uc_contents, $uc_contents_array)=parseUserConfig($user_config_file, $left_mlc_ch, $right_mlc_ch, $sc_ch);

    //Split up executable string into ordered arrays containing variable, value, and type of variable


          <td align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\" colspan=\"2\" style=$cp_row_title>
              <form action=\"$PHP_SELF\" method=\"post\">
              (Set in ".formatPath($user_config_file).


      while($horiz_pos<$uc_contents_length) {

        while($assignment_info[$horiz_pos][$i]["variable"]) {

               <td style=$cp_left_col width=\"$cell_width\">".
                " (".$assignment_info[$horiz_pos][$i]["type"].
              <td style=$cp_right_col width=\"$cell_width\" valign=\"middle\">".
                getFormElement($assignment_info[$horiz_pos][$i]["variable"], $assignment_info[$horiz_pos][$i]["value"], $assignment_info[$horiz_pos][$i]["type"], $horiz_pos, $i)."
                <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"assignment_info[$horiz_pos][$i][variable]\" value=\"".$assignment_info[$horiz_pos][$i][variable]."\">
                  <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"assignment_info[$horiz_pos][$i][type]\" value=\"".$assignment_info[$horiz_pos][$i]["type"]."\">



           <!--*****************Begin Submit Buttons *********************-->
              <td style=$cp_left_col>
              <td style=$cp_right_col>

          <td style=$cp_left_col>
          Save Changes To Options:
          <td style=$cp_right_col>

          <input type=\"submit\" value=\"Save\">
          <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"admin_subpage\" value=\"Control_Panel\">
          <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"phpcron_command\" value=\"Save_UC\">

                <td style=$cp_left_col >
                    Reset Options to Values in File:
                <td style=$cp_right_col>
                <form action=\"$PHP_SELF\" method=\"post\">
                <input type=\"submit\" value=\"Reset\">
                <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"admin_subpage\" value=\"Control_Panel\">


          <!--*****************End Submit Buttons *********************-->

         <!--*************************BEGIN PHPCRONTAB DISPLAY IN TEXT AREA*********************-->

               <td align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\" colspan=\"2\" style=$cp_row_title>
              <strong>PHPCRONTAB SCHEDULE </strong>

            <td style=$cp_right_col colspan=\"2\" >
                <form name=\"po_form\">
                  <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"focushere\">
                      <textarea readonly  onFocus=\"this.blur();\" wrap=\"off\" cols=\"80\" rows=\"20\" name=\"command_output_textarea\">";

                      //Read from phpcrontab file
			if ($path_errors) {
//                      $error_messages.="Error: Unable to read file ".formatPath($phpcrontab_filename)."<br>";

                        while ( list($file_or_dir, $error_string) = each($path_errors)) {

                          while (list($each_error)  = each($error_string)) {

                          $tab_output=explode("<br>","ERROR: CANNOT DISPLAY PHPCRONTAB\n ");
                        if (is_readable($phpcrontab_filename)) {


         <!--*************************END PHPCRONTAB DISPLAY IN TEXT AREA*********************-->

           <!--*****************Begin Submit Buttons *********************-->

              <td style=$cp_right_col colspan=\"2\">

                <td style=$cp_left_col >
                    Edit Schedule (Basic):
                <td style=$cp_right_col colspan=\"2\">
                <form action=\"$PHP_SELF\" method=\"post\">
                <input type=\"submit\" value=\"Edit Schedule (Basic)\">
                <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"admin_subpage\" value=\"Edit_Tab_By_Form\">


              <td style=$cp_right_col colspan=\"2\">

          <!--*****************End Submit Buttons *********************-->

    <!--*************************BEGIN PHPCRON OUTPUT DISPLAY IN TEXT AREA*********************-->

               <td align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\" colspan=\"2\" style=$cp_row_title>
              <a name=\"Output_Display\">
              <strong>PHPCRON OUTPUT </strong>

            <td style=$cp_right_col colspan=\"2\" >
                <form name=\"po_form\">
                  <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"focushere\">
                      <textarea readonly  onFocus=\"this.blur();\" wrap=\"off\" cols=\"80\" rows=\"20\" name=\"command_output_textarea\">";

                      //Read from phpcron_output file
                      if ($path_errors=isPathBad("$phpcron_output_file",true,true)) {

                       $error_messages.="Error: Unable to read output file ".formatPath("$phpcron_output_file")."<br>";

                        while ( list($file_or_dir, $error_string) = each($path_errors)) {

                          while (list($each_error)  = each($error_string)) {
                          $command_output=explode("<br>","ERROR: CANNOT DISPLAY PHPCRON OUTPUT\r\nCannot Read Output File $phpcron_output_file\n ");
                       } else {


         <!--*************************END PHPCRON OUTPUT DISPLAY IN TEXT AREA*********************-->
         <!--*************************BEGIN SUBMIT BUTTONS ****************************-->
                <td style=$cp_right_col colspan=\"2\">
                <form action=\"$PHP_SELF#Output_Display\" method=\"post\">
                <input type=\"submit\" value=\"Update Display\">
                <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"admin_subpage\" value=\"Control_Panel\">

          <!--*************************END SUBMIT BUTTONS ****************************-->

      <!--*************************BEGIN PHPCRON LOG DISPLAY IN TEXT AREA*********************-->

               <td align=\"center\" valign=\"middle\" colspan=\"2\" style=$cp_row_title>
              <a name=\"log_display\">
              <strong>PHPCRON COMMAND LOG </strong>


            <td style=$cp_right_col colspan=\"2\">

                <form name=\"log_form\" >

                  <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"focuslog\">
                      <textarea readonly  onFocus=\"this.blur();\" wrap=\"off\" cols=\"80\" rows=\"20\" name=\"command_output_textarea\">";

                      //Read from phpcron_output file
                      if ($path_errors=isPathBad($log_result_file,true,true)) {


                        while ( list($file_or_dir, $error_string) = each($path_errors)) {

                          while (list($each_error)  = each($error_string)) {
		       $error_messages.="Error: Unable to read log file ".formatPath($log_result_file)."<br>
		       This will occur if Phpcron has not been run as a Daemon or Virtual Daemon yet, since
		       the log is only created at that point.<br>";

                          $log_output=explode("<br>","ERROR: CANNOT DISPLAY LOG FILE\r\nTo create, run Phpcron in Daemon mode or as a Virtual Daemon.\r\n			  
                       } else {





         <!--*************************END PHPCRON LOG DISPLAY IN TEXT AREA*********************-->
         <!--*************************BEGIN SUBMIT BUTTONS ****************************-->
                <td style=$cp_right_col colspan=\"2\">
                <form action=\"$PHP_SELF#log_display\" method=\"post\" onSubmit=\"document.log_form.scrollIntoView(false);\">
                <input type=\"submit\" value=\"Update Display\">
		<form action=\"$PHP_SELF\" method=\"post\">
                <input type=\"submit\" value=\"Download Log File\">
                <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"admin_subpage\" value=\"Control_Panel\">
                <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"download_log\" value=\"true\">

                <form action=\"$PHP_SELF\" method=\"post\">
                <input type=\"submit\" value=\"Email Log File To:\">
		<input type=\"text\" name=\"log_email_address\" value=\"$admin_email_address\">	
                <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"admin_subpage\" value=\"Control_Panel\">
                <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"phpcron_command\" value=\"Email_Log\">
                <form action=\"$PHP_SELF\" method=\"post\">
                <input type=\"submit\" value=\"Permanently Clear Log File\">
                <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"admin_subpage\" value=\"Control_Panel\">
                <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"phpcron_command\" value=\"Delete_Log\">


          <!--*************************END SUBMIT BUTTONS ****************************-->

            <td align=\"center\" colspan=\"2\" style=$cp_row_title>



       <!--**********End Control Panel Table**************-->

    } else {
        /* Syntax for user config file allows comments but is somewhat strict -stick to 
        assignments only! and no sinqle quoted strings */
        <!--**********End Control Panel Table**************-->
        $error_messages.= "
        <br>Error: Syntax error in user configuration file ".formatPath($user_config_file).". User configuration file should only
    contain variable assignments and comments in proper php syntax - and must include php ending script characters (only &lt?php and ?&gt 
    are supported). No other statements or html should be included. Please edit manually and try again.

  /* Echo to Page */

  echo menuBar()."<br>";
    if ($error_messages) {
  echo $output.
    echo "
    <span class=\"notes\">
  echo "
