Exemplo n.º 1
function api_graph_tree_item_list($graph_tree_id, $filter_array = "", $limit_sub_tree_id = "", $show_sub_tree_parent = false, $show_sub_tree_children = true, $current_page = 0, $rows_per_page = 0) {
	/* sanity checks */
	validate_id_die($graph_tree_id, "graph_tree_id");

	require_once(CACTI_BASE_PATH . "/lib/graph_tree/graph_tree_form.php");

	$sql_where = "";
	/* validation and setup for the WHERE clause */
	if ((is_array($filter_array)) && (sizeof($filter_array) > 0)) {
		/* validate each field against the known master field list */
		$field_errors = api_graph_tree_item_fields_validate(sql_filter_array_to_field_array($filter_array));

		/* if a field input error has occured, register the error in the session and return */
		if (sizeof($field_errors) > 0) {
			return false;
		/* otherwise, form an SQL WHERE string using the filter fields */
			$sql_where = sql_filter_array_to_where_string($filter_array, api_graph_tree_item_form_list(), false);

	$sql_limit = "";
	/* validation and setup for the LIMIT clause */
	if ((is_numeric($current_page)) && (is_numeric($rows_per_page)) && (!empty($current_page)) && (!empty($rows_per_page))) {
		$sql_limit = "limit " . ($rows_per_page * ($current_page - 1)) . ",$rows_per_page";

	/* only show tree items under this item if specified */
	if (db_integer_validate($limit_sub_tree_id, false, false)) {
		$graph_tree_item = api_graph_tree_item_get($limit_sub_tree_id);
		$search_key = substr($graph_tree_item["order_key"], 0, (api_graph_tree_item_depth_get($graph_tree_item["order_key"]) * CHARS_PER_TIER));

		if ($show_sub_tree_children == true) {
			$sql_where .= "and graph_tree_items.order_key like '$search_key%%'";
			$sql_where .= " and graph_tree_items.order_key like '$search_key" . str_repeat('_', CHARS_PER_TIER) . str_repeat('0', (MAX_TREE_DEPTH * CHARS_PER_TIER) - (strlen($search_key) + CHARS_PER_TIER)) . "'";

		if ($show_sub_tree_parent == false) {
			$sql_where .= "and graph_tree_items.id != $limit_sub_tree_id";

	return db_fetch_assoc("select
		graph.title_cache as graph_title,
		host.description as host_description,
		host.hostname as host_hostname
		from graph_tree_items
		left join graph on (graph_tree_items.item_value = graph.id and graph_tree_items.item_type = " . TREE_ITEM_TYPE_GRAPH . ")
		left join host on (graph_tree_items.item_value = host.id and graph_tree_items.item_type = " . TREE_ITEM_TYPE_HOST . ")
		where graph_tree_items.graph_tree_id = " . sql_sanitize($graph_tree_id) . "
		order by graph_tree_items.order_key
Exemplo n.º 2
function api_graph_tree_item_move($graph_tree_item_id, $direction) {
	require_once(CACTI_BASE_PATH . "/lib/graph_tree/graph_tree_info.php");

	/* sanity checks */
	validate_id_die($graph_tree_item_id, "graph_tree_item_id");

	if (($direction != "up") && ($direction != "down")) {
		return false;

	/* obtain a copy of the current graph tree item */
	$graph_tree_item = api_graph_tree_item_get($graph_tree_item_id);

	/* find out where in the tree this item is located */
	$current_depth = api_graph_tree_item_depth_get($graph_tree_item["order_key"]);

	$displaced_row = db_fetch_row("select
		from graph_tree_items
		where order_key " . ($direction == "up" ? "<" : ">") . " " . sql_sanitize($graph_tree_item["order_key"]) . "
		and order_key like '%" . sql_sanitize(substr($graph_tree_item["order_key"], ($current_depth * CHARS_PER_TIER))) . "'
		and order_key not like '%" . sql_sanitize(str_repeat('0', CHARS_PER_TIER) . substr($graph_tree_item["order_key"], ($current_depth * CHARS_PER_TIER))) . "'
		and graph_tree_id = " . $graph_tree_item["graph_tree_id"] . "
		order by order_key " .  ($direction == "up" ? "DESC" : "ASC"));

	if ((is_array($displaced_row)) && (isset($displaced_row["order_key"]))) {
		$old_root = sql_sanitize(substr($graph_tree_item["order_key"], 0, ($current_depth * CHARS_PER_TIER)));
		$new_root = sql_sanitize(substr($displaced_row["order_key"], 0, ($current_depth * CHARS_PER_TIER)));

		db_execute("UPDATE graph_tree_items SET order_key = CONCAT('" . str_pad('', ($current_depth * CHARS_PER_TIER), 'Z') . "',SUBSTRING(order_key," . (($current_depth * CHARS_PER_TIER) + 1).")) WHERE order_key LIKE '$new_root%' AND graph_tree_id = " . $graph_tree_item["graph_tree_id"]);
		db_execute("UPDATE graph_tree_items SET order_key = CONCAT('$new_root',SUBSTRING(order_key," . (($current_depth * CHARS_PER_TIER) + 1) . ")) WHERE order_key LIKE '$old_root%' AND graph_tree_id = " . $graph_tree_item["graph_tree_id"]);
		db_execute("UPDATE graph_tree_items SET order_key = CONCAT('$old_root',SUBSTRING(order_key," . (($current_depth * CHARS_PER_TIER) + 1) . ")) WHERE order_key LIKE '" . str_pad('', ($current_depth * CHARS_PER_TIER), 'Z') . "%' AND graph_tree_id = " . $graph_tree_item["graph_tree_id"]);
Exemplo n.º 3
function api_graph_tree_item_available_order_key_get($graph_tree_id, $order_key) {
	/* sanity checks */
	validate_id_die($graph_tree_id, "graph_tree_id");

	if (($order_key != "") && (!api_graph_tree_item_order_key_validate($order_key))) {
		die("Invalid order key '$order_key'");

	if (preg_match("/^" . str_repeat('0', CHARS_PER_TIER) . "/", $order_key)) {
		$tier = 0;
		$parent_root = '';
		$tier = api_graph_tree_item_depth_get($order_key);
		$parent_root = substr($order_key, 0, ($tier * CHARS_PER_TIER));

	$order_key = db_fetch_cell("SELECT order_key FROM graph_tree_items WHERE graph_tree_id = $graph_tree_id AND order_key LIKE '$parent_root%' ORDER BY order_key DESC LIMIT 1");

	$complete_root = substr($order_key, 0, ($tier * CHARS_PER_TIER) + CHARS_PER_TIER);
	$order_key_suffix = (substr($complete_root, - CHARS_PER_TIER) + 1);
	$order_key_suffix = str_pad($order_key_suffix, CHARS_PER_TIER, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
	$order_key_suffix = str_pad($parent_root . $order_key_suffix, (MAX_TREE_DEPTH * CHARS_PER_TIER), '0', STR_PAD_RIGHT);

	return $order_key_suffix;
Exemplo n.º 4
function api_tree_item_save($id, $tree_id, $type, $parent_tree_item_id, $title, $local_graph_id, $rra_id,
	$host_id, $host_grouping_type, $sort_children_type, $propagate_changes) {

	require_once(CACTI_BASE_PATH . "/lib/graph_tree/graph_tree_utility.php");

	$parent_order_key = db_fetch_cell("select order_key from graph_tree_items where id=$parent_tree_item_id");

	/* fetch some cache variables */
	if (empty($id)) {
		/* new/save - generate new order key */
		$order_key = api_graph_tree_item_available_order_key_get($parent_order_key, "graph_tree_items", "order_key", "graph_tree_id=$tree_id");
		/* edit/save - use old order_key */
		$order_key = db_fetch_cell("select order_key from graph_tree_items where id=$id");

	/* duplicate graph check */
	$search_key = substr($parent_order_key, 0, (api_graph_tree_item_depth_get($parent_order_key) * CHARS_PER_TIER));
	if (($type == TREE_ITEM_TYPE_GRAPH) && (sizeof(db_fetch_assoc("select id from graph_tree_items where local_graph_id='$local_graph_id' and graph_tree_id='$tree_id' and order_key like '$search_key" . str_repeat('_', CHARS_PER_TIER) . str_repeat('0', (MAX_TREE_DEPTH * CHARS_PER_TIER) - (strlen($search_key) + CHARS_PER_TIER)) . "'")) > 0)) {
		return 0;

	$save["id"] = $id;
	$save["graph_tree_id"] = $tree_id;
	$save["title"] = form_input_validate($title, "title", "", ($type == TREE_ITEM_TYPE_HEADER ? false : true), 3);
	$save["order_key"] = $order_key;
	$save["local_graph_id"] = form_input_validate($local_graph_id, "local_graph_id", "", true, 3);
	$save["rra_id"]	= form_input_validate($rra_id, "rra_id", "", true, 3);
	$save["host_id"] = form_input_validate($host_id, "host_id", "", true, 3);
	$save["host_grouping_type"] = form_input_validate($host_grouping_type, "host_grouping_type", "", true, 3);
	$save["sort_children_type"] = form_input_validate($sort_children_type, "sort_children_type", "", true, 3);

	$tree_item_id = 0;

	if (!is_error_message()) {
		$tree_item_id = sql_save($save, "graph_tree_items");

		if ($tree_item_id) {

			/* re-parent the branch if the parent item has changed */
			if ($parent_tree_item_id != $tree_item_id) {
				reparent_branch($tree_item_id, $parent_tree_item_id);

			$tree_sort_type = db_fetch_cell("select sort_type from graph_tree where id='$tree_id'");

			/* tree item ordering */
			if ($tree_sort_type == TREE_ORDERING_NONE) {
				/* resort our parent */
				$parent_sorting_type = db_fetch_cell("select sort_children_type from graph_tree_items where id=$parent_tree_item_id");
				if ((!empty($parent_tree_item_id)) && ($parent_sorting_type != TREE_ORDERING_NONE)) {
					sort_tree(SORT_TYPE_TREE_ITEM, $parent_tree_item_id, $parent_sorting_type);

				/* if this is a header, sort direct children */
				if (($type == TREE_ITEM_TYPE_HEADER) && ($sort_children_type != TREE_ORDERING_NONE)) {
					sort_tree(SORT_TYPE_TREE_ITEM, $tree_item_id, $sort_children_type);
			/* tree ordering */
				/* potential speed savings for large trees */
				if (api_graph_tree_item_depth_get($save["order_key"]) == 1) {
					sort_tree(SORT_TYPE_TREE, $tree_id, $tree_sort_type);
					sort_tree(SORT_TYPE_TREE_ITEM, $parent_tree_item_id, $tree_sort_type);

			/* if the user checked the 'Propagate Changes' box */
			if (($type == TREE_ITEM_TYPE_HEADER) && ($propagate_changes == true)) {
				$search_key = preg_replace("/0+$/", "", $order_key);

				$tree_items = db_fetch_assoc("select
					from graph_tree_items
					where graph_tree_items.host_id = 0
					and graph_tree_items.local_graph_id = 0
					and graph_tree_items.title != ''
					and graph_tree_items.order_key like '$search_key%%'
					and graph_tree_items.graph_tree_id='$tree_id'");

				if (sizeof($tree_items) > 0) {
					foreach ($tree_items as $item) {
						db_execute("update graph_tree_items set sort_children_type = '$sort_children_type' where id = '" . $item["id"] . "'");

						if ($sort_children_type != TREE_ORDERING_NONE) {
							sort_tree(SORT_TYPE_TREE_ITEM, $item["id"], $sort_children_type);

	return $tree_item_id;
Exemplo n.º 5
function grow_right_pane_tree($tree_id, $leaf_id, $host_group_data) {
	global $current_user, $colors;

	require_once(CACTI_BASE_PATH . "/lib/data_query/data_query_info.php");
	require_once(CACTI_BASE_PATH . "/lib/graph_tree/graph_tree_utility.php");

	if (empty($tree_id)) { return; }

	$sql_where = "";
	$sql_join = "";
	$title = "";
	$title_delimiter = "";
	$search_key = "";

	$leaf = db_fetch_row("select order_key,title,host_id,host_grouping_type from graph_tree_items where id=$leaf_id");
	$leaf_type = get_tree_item_type($leaf_id);

	/* get the "starting leaf" if the user clicked on a specific branch */
	if (!empty($leaf_id)) {
		$search_key = substr($leaf["order_key"], 0, (api_graph_tree_item_depth_get($leaf["order_key"]) * CHARS_PER_TIER));

	/* graph permissions */
	if (read_config_option("auth_method") != "0") {
		/* get policy information for the sql where clause */
		$sql_where = get_graph_permissions_sql($current_user["policy_graphs"], $current_user["policy_hosts"], $current_user["policy_graph_templates"]);
		$sql_where = (empty($sql_where) ? "" : "and $sql_where");
		$sql_join = "
			left join host on (host.id=graph.host_id)
			left join graph_template on (graph_template.id=graph.graph_template_id)
			left join user_auth_perms on ((graph.id=user_auth_perms.item_id and user_auth_perms.type=1 and user_auth_perms.user_id=" . $_SESSION["sess_user_id"] . ") OR (host.id=user_auth_perms.item_id and user_auth_perms.type=3 and user_auth_perms.user_id=" . $_SESSION["sess_user_id"] . ") OR (graph_template.id=user_auth_perms.item_id and user_auth_perms.type=4 and user_auth_perms.user_id=" . $_SESSION["sess_user_id"] . "))";

	/* get information for the headers */
	if (!empty($tree_id)) { $tree_name = db_fetch_cell("select name from graph_tree where id=$tree_id"); }
	if (!empty($leaf_id)) { $leaf_name = $leaf["title"]; }
	if (!empty($leaf_id)) { $host_name = db_fetch_cell("select host.description from (graph_tree_items,host) where graph_tree_items.host_id=host.id and graph_tree_items.id=$leaf_id"); }

	$host_group_data_array = explode(":", $host_group_data);

	if ($host_group_data_array[0] == "graph_template") {
		$host_group_data_name = "<strong>" . _("Graph Template:") . "</strong> " . db_fetch_cell("select template_name from graph_template where id=" . $host_group_data_array[1]);
		$graph_template_id = $host_group_data_array[1];
	}elseif ($host_group_data_array[0] == "data_query") {
		$host_group_data_name = "<strong>" . _("Data Query:") . "</strong> " . (empty($host_group_data_array[1]) ? _("(Non Indexed)") : db_fetch_cell("select name from snmp_query where id=" . $host_group_data_array[1]));
		$data_query_id = $host_group_data_array[1];
	}elseif ($host_group_data_array[0] == "data_query_index") {
		$host_group_data_name = "<strong>" . _("Data Query:") . "</strong> " . (empty($host_group_data_array[1]) ? _("(Non Indexed)") : db_fetch_cell("select name from snmp_query where id=" . $host_group_data_array[1])) . "-> " . (empty($host_group_data_array[2]) ? "Unknown Index" : get_formatted_data_query_index($leaf["host_id"], $host_group_data_array[1], $host_group_data_array[2]));
		$data_query_id = $host_group_data_array[1];
		$data_query_index = $host_group_data_array[2];

	if (!empty($tree_name)) { $title .= $title_delimiter . "<strong>" . _("Tree:") . "</strong> $tree_name"; $title_delimiter = "-> "; }
	if (!empty($leaf_name)) { $title .= $title_delimiter . "<strong>" . _("Leaf:") . "</strong> $leaf_name"; $title_delimiter = "-> "; }
	if (!empty($host_name)) { $title .= $title_delimiter . "<strong>" . _("Device:") . "</strong> $host_name"; $title_delimiter = "-> "; }
	if (!empty($host_group_data_name)) { $title .= $title_delimiter . " $host_group_data_name"; $title_delimiter = "-> "; }

	print "<table width='98%' align='center' cellpadding='3'>";

	/* include time span selector */
	if (read_graph_config_option("timespan_sel") == "on") {
		html_graph_start_box(3, false);
		require(CACTI_BASE_PATH . "/include/html/inc_timespan_selector.php");
		print "<br>";

	/* start graph display */
	html_graph_start_box(3, false);
	print "<tr bgcolor='#" . $colors["header_panel_background"] . "'><td width='390' colspan='3' class='textHeaderDark'>$title</td></tr>";

	if (($leaf_type == "header") || (empty($leaf_id))) {
		$heirarchy = db_fetch_assoc("select
			from (graph_tree_items,graph)
			left join graph on (graph_tree_items.local_graph_id=graph.id)
			where graph_tree_items.graph_tree_id=$tree_id
			and graph_tree_items.order_key like '$search_key" . str_repeat('_', CHARS_PER_TIER) . str_repeat('0', (MAX_TREE_DEPTH * CHARS_PER_TIER) - (strlen($search_key) + CHARS_PER_TIER)) . "'
			and graph_tree_items.local_graph_id>0
			group by graph_tree_items.id
			order by graph_tree_items.order_key");

		if (read_graph_config_option("thumbnail_section_tree_2") == "on") {
			html_graph_thumbnail_area($heirarchy, "", "view_type=tree&graph_start=" . get_current_graph_start() . "&graph_end=" . get_current_graph_end());
			html_graph_area($heirarchy, "", "view_type=tree&graph_start=" . get_current_graph_start() . "&graph_end=" . get_current_graph_end());
	}elseif ($leaf_type == "host") {
		/* graph template grouping */
		if ($leaf["host_grouping_type"] == HOST_GROUPING_GRAPH_TEMPLATE) {
			$graph_templates = db_fetch_assoc("select
				from graph,graph_template
				where graph.graph_template_id=graph_template.id
				and graph.host_id=" . $leaf["host_id"] . "
				" . (empty($graph_template_id) ? "" : "and graph_template.id=$graph_template_id") . "
				group by graph_template.id
				order by graph_template.template_name");

			/* for graphs without a template */
			array_push($graph_templates, array(
				"id" => "0",
				"template_name" => _("(No Graph Template)")

			if (sizeof($graph_templates) > 0) {
				foreach ($graph_templates as $item) {
					$graphs = db_fetch_assoc("select
						graph.id as graph_id
						from graph
						where graph.graph_template_id=" . $item["id"] . "
						and graph.host_id=" . $leaf["host_id"] . "
						order by graph.title_cache");

					if (read_graph_config_option("thumbnail_section_tree_2") == "on") {
						html_graph_thumbnail_area($graphs, "", "view_type=tree&graph_start=" . get_current_graph_start() . "&graph_end=" . get_current_graph_end(), "<tr bgcolor='#" . $colors["graph_type_background"] . "'><td colspan='3' class='textHeaderDark'><strong>" . _("Graph Template:") . "</strong> " . $item["template_name"] . "</td></tr>");
						html_graph_area($graphs, "", "view_type=tree&graph_start=" . get_current_graph_start() . "&graph_end=" . get_current_graph_end(), "<tr bgcolor='#" . $colors["graph_type_background"] . "'><td colspan='3' class='textHeaderDark'><strong>" . _("Graph Template:") . "</strong> " . $item["template_name"] . "</td></tr>");
		/* data query index grouping */
		}elseif ($leaf["host_grouping_type"] == HOST_GROUPING_DATA_QUERY_INDEX) {
			$data_sources = db_fetch_assoc("select
				graph.id as graph_id,
				graph.title_cache as graph_title,
				data_source.id as data_source_id
				from graph,graph_item,data_source_item,data_source
				where graph.id=graph_item.graph_id
				and graph_item.data_source_item_id=data_source_item.id
				and data_source_item.data_source_id=data_source.id
				and graph.host_id = " . $leaf["host_id"] . "");

			$index_list = array();

			if (sizeof($data_sources) > 0) {
				foreach ($data_sources as $item) {
					if ($item["data_input_type"] == DATA_INPUT_TYPE_DATA_QUERY) {
						$field_list = array_rekey(db_fetch_assoc("select name,value from data_source_field where data_source_id = ". $item["data_source_id"] . " and (name = 'data_query_id' or name = 'data_query_index' or name = 'data_query_field_name' or name = 'data_query_field_value')"), "name", "value");

						if ((isset($field_list["data_query_id"])) && (isset($field_list["data_query_index"]))) {
							if ( !(((isset($data_query_id)) && ($data_query_id != $field_list["data_query_id"])) || ((isset($data_query_index)) && ($data_query_index != $field_list["data_query_index"]))) ) {
								$index_list{$field_list["data_query_id"]}{$field_list["data_query_index"]}{$item["graph_id"]} = $item["graph_title"];
						$index_list[0][0]{$item["graph_id"]} = $item["graph_title"];

			while (list($data_query_id, $graph_list) = each($index_list)) {
				if (empty($data_query_id)) {
					print "<tr bgcolor='#" . $colors["graph_type_background"] . "'><td colspan='3' class='textHeaderDark'><strong>" . _("(Non Indexed)") . "</strong></td></tr>";

					$index_graph_list = array();

					while (list($graph_id, $graph_title) = each($graph_list[0])) {
						/* reformat the array so it's compatable with the html_graph* area functions */
						array_push($index_graph_list, array("graph_id" => $graph_id, "title_cache" => $graph_title));

					if (read_graph_config_option("thumbnail_section_tree_2") == "on") {
						html_graph_thumbnail_area($index_graph_list, "", "view_type=tree&graph_start=" . get_current_graph_start() . "&graph_end=" . get_current_graph_end(), "");
						html_graph_area($index_graph_list, "", "view_type=tree&graph_start=" . get_current_graph_start() . "&graph_end=" . get_current_graph_end(), "");
					/* fetch a list of field names that are sorted by the preferred sort field */
					$sort_field_data = get_formatted_data_query_indexes($leaf["host_id"], $data_query_id);

					/* re-key the results on data query index */
					if (sizeof($graph_list) > 0) {
						print "<tr bgcolor='#" . $colors["graph_type_background"] . "'><td colspan='3' class='textHeaderDark'><strong>" . _("Data Query:") . "</strong> " . db_fetch_cell("select name from snmp_query where id = $data_query_id") . "</td></tr>";

					/* using the sorted data as they key; grab each snmp index from the master list */
					while (list($data_query_index, $sort_field_value) = each($sort_field_data)) {
						/* render each graph for the current data query index */
						if (isset($graph_list[$data_query_index])) {
							$index_graph_list = array();

							while (list($graph_id, $graph_title) = each($graph_list[$data_query_index])) {
								/* reformat the array so it's compatable with the html_graph* area functions */
								array_push($index_graph_list, array("graph_id" => $graph_id, "title_cache" => $graph_title));

							if (read_graph_config_option("thumbnail_section_tree_2") == "on") {
								html_graph_thumbnail_area($index_graph_list, "", "view_type=tree&graph_start=" . get_current_graph_start() . "&graph_end=" . get_current_graph_end(), "<tr bgcolor='#" . $colors["graph_type_background"] . "'><td colspan='3' class='textHeaderDark'>$sort_field_value</td></tr>");
								html_graph_area($index_graph_list, "", "view_type=tree&graph_start=" . get_current_graph_start() . "&graph_end=" . get_current_graph_end(), "<tr bgcolor='#" . $colors["graph_type_background"] . "'><td colspan='3' class='textHeaderDark'>$sort_field_value</td></tr>");

	print "</table>";
Exemplo n.º 6
function tree_edit()
    $menu_items = array("remove" => "Remove");
    $_graph_tree_id = get_get_var_number("id");
    if (empty($_graph_tree_id)) {
        $header_label = "[new]";
    } else {
        $graph_tree = api_graph_tree_get($_graph_tree_id);
        $header_label = "[edit: " . $graph_tree["name"] . "]";
    form_start("graph_trees.php", "form_graph_tree");
    html_start_box("<strong>" . _("Graph Trees") . "</strong> {$header_label}", "");
    _graph_tree_field__name("name", isset($graph_tree["name"]) ? $graph_tree["name"] : "", empty($_graph_tree_id) ? 0 : $_graph_tree_id);
    _graph_tree_field__sort_type("sort_type", isset($graph_tree["sort_type"]) ? $graph_tree["sort_type"] : "", empty($_graph_tree_id) ? 0 : $_graph_tree_id);
    form_hidden_box("id", $_graph_tree_id);
    form_hidden_box("action_post", "graph_tree_edit");
    if (!empty($_graph_tree_id)) {
        echo "<br />\n";
        form_start("graph_trees_items.php", "form_graph_tree_item");
        $box_id = "1";
        html_start_box("<strong>" . _("Tree Items") . "</strong>", "graph_trees_items.php?action=edit&tree_id=" . $_graph_tree_id . "&parent_id=0");
        html_header_checkbox(array(_("Item"), _("Type"), ""), $box_id, "1");
        /* get a sorted list of all graph items inside of this tree */
        $tree_items = api_graph_tree_item_list($_graph_tree_id);
        /* get a list of available types (header, host, graph, etc) */
        $tree_item_types = api_graph_tree_item_type_list();
        if (is_array($tree_items) > 0 && sizeof($tree_items) > 0) {
            foreach ($tree_items as $tree_item) {
                $current_depth = api_graph_tree_item_depth_get($tree_item["order_key"]);
                /* keep track of the current item's sort type so we know whether to display sort
                 * arrays for items children or not */
                $sort_cache[$current_depth] = $tree_item["sort_children_type"];
                $transparent_indent = "";
                if ($tree_item["item_type"] == TREE_ITEM_TYPE_GRAPH) {
                    $item_text = $tree_item["graph_title"];
                } else {
                    if ($tree_item["item_type"] == TREE_ITEM_TYPE_HEADER) {
                        $item_text = "<strong>" . $tree_item["item_value"] . "</strong></a> (<a href='graph_trees_items.php?action=edit&tree_id=" . $_graph_tree_id . "&parent_id=" . $tree_item["id"] . "'>Add</a>)";
                    } else {
                        if ($tree_item["item_type"] == TREE_ITEM_TYPE_HOST) {
                            $item_text = "<strong>Device:</strong> " . $tree_item["host_hostname"];
				<tr class="item" id="box-<?php 
                echo $box_id;
                echo $tree_item["id"];
" onClick="display_row_select('<?php 
                echo $box_id;
                echo $box_id;
                echo $tree_item["id"];
', 'box-<?php 
                echo $box_id;
                echo $tree_item["id"];
')" onMouseOver="display_row_hover('box-<?php 
                echo $box_id;
                echo $tree_item["id"];
')" onMouseOut="display_row_clear('box-<?php 
                echo $box_id;
                echo $tree_item["id"];
					<td class="title">
						<img width="<?php 
                echo ($current_depth - 1) * 20;
" height="1" align="middle" alt="">&nbsp;<a onClick="display_row_block('box-<?php 
                echo $box_id;
                echo $tree_item["id"];
')" href="graph_trees_items.php?action=edit&tree_id=<?php 
                echo $_graph_tree_id;
                echo $tree_item["id"];
"><span id="box-<?php 
                echo $box_id;
                echo $tree_item["id"];
                echo html_highlight_words(get_get_var("search_filter"), $item_text);
                echo $tree_item_types[$tree_item["item_type"]];
                if (isset($sort_cache[$current_depth - 1]) && $sort_cache[$current_depth - 1] != TREE_ORDERING_NONE || $graph_tree["sort_type"] != TREE_ORDERING_NONE) {
					<td width="80">
                } else {
					<td width="80" align="center">
						<a href="graph_trees_items.php?action=movedown&id=<?php 
                    echo $tree_item["id"];
                    echo $_graph_tree_id;
"><img src="<?php 
                    echo html_get_theme_images_path("move_down.gif");
" border="0" alt="Move Down"></a>
						<a href="graph_trees_items.php?action=moveup&id=<?php 
                    echo $tree_item["id"];
                    echo $_graph_tree_id;
"><img src="<?php 
                    echo html_get_theme_images_path("move_up.gif");
" border="0" alt="Move Up"></a>

					<td class="checkbox" align="center">
						<input type='checkbox' name='box-<?php 
                echo $box_id;
                echo $tree_item["id"];
' id='box-<?php 
                echo $box_id;
                echo $tree_item["id"];
' title="<?php 
                echo strip_tags($item_text);
        } else {
			<tr class="empty">
				<td colspan="6">
					No graph tree items found.
        html_box_toolbar_draw($box_id, "1", "3", HTML_BOX_SEARCH_NONE);
        html_box_actions_menu_draw($box_id, "1", $menu_items);
        form_hidden_box("graph_tree_id", $_graph_tree_id);
        form_hidden_box("action", "save");
        form_hidden_box("action_post", "graph_tree_item_list");
		<script language="JavaScript">
		function action_area_handle_type(box_id, type, parent_div, parent_form) {
			if (type == 'remove') {
				parent_div.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Are you sure you want to remove these graph tree items?'));

				action_area_update_header_caption(box_id, 'Remove Graph Tree Item');
				action_area_update_submit_caption(box_id, 'Remove');
				action_area_update_selected_rows(box_id, parent_form);