public function install($tmpfilepath, $updateOnce = false) { // Checks if the given path is a directory. This may happen when not // giving a file to the application installation page. if (is_dir($tmpfilepath)) { return false; } $result = false; $innomatic = $this->container; if ($innomatic->getState() == \Innomatic\Core\InnomaticContainer::STATE_DEBUG) { $innomatic->getLoadTimer()->Mark('applicationinstallstart'); } if (file_exists($tmpfilepath)) { // Moves temp file to applications repository and extracts it // $fname = $this->container->getHome() . 'core/applications/' . basename($tmpfilepath); @copy($tmpfilepath, $fname); $basetmpdir = $tmpdir = $this->container->getHome() . 'core/temp/appinst/' . md5(microtime()); @mkdir($tmpdir, 0755); $olddir = getcwd(); @chdir($tmpdir); if (substr($fname, -4) == '.zip') { } else { try { $appArchive = new \PharData($fname); $tarFileName = substr($fname, 0, strpos($fname, '.')) . '.tar'; if (file_exists($tarFileName)) { unlink($tarFileName); } $appArchive->decompress(); } catch (\BadMethodCallException $e) { } try { $appArchive->extractTo($tmpdir); } catch (Exception $e) { } } // Checks if the files are into a directory instead of the root // if (!@is_dir($tmpdir . '/setup')) { $dhandle = opendir($tmpdir); while (false != ($file = readdir($dhandle))) { if ($file != '.' && $file != '..' && (is_dir($tmpdir . '/' . $file . '/setup') or is_dir($tmpdir . '/' . $file . '/innomatic/setup'))) { if (is_dir($tmpdir . '/' . $file . '/setup')) { $tmpdir = $tmpdir . '/' . $file; } else { $tmpdir = $tmpdir . '/' . $file . '/innomatic'; } break; } } closedir($dhandle); } $this->basedir = $tmpdir; // Checks for definition and structure files // if (file_exists($tmpdir . '/setup/bundle.ini')) { $applicationsArray = file($tmpdir . '/setup/bundle.ini'); $result = true; while (list(, $application) = each($applicationsArray)) { $application = trim($application); if (strlen($application) and file_exists($tmpdir . '/applications/' . $application)) { $tempApplication = new Application($this->rootda); if (!$tempApplication->Install($tmpdir . '/applications/' . $application)) { $result = false; } } } } elseif (file_exists($tmpdir . '/setup/application.xml')) { $genconfig = $this->parseApplicationDefinition($tmpdir . '/setup/application.xml'); $this->appname = $genconfig['ApplicationIdName']; // Checks if the application has been already installed // $tmpquery = $this->rootda->execute('SELECT id,appfile FROM applications WHERE appid=' . $this->rootda->formatText($this->appname)); if (!$tmpquery->getNumberRows()) { // Application is new, so it will be installed // // Dependencies check // $this->unmetdeps = array(); $this->unmetsuggs = array(); $appdeps = new ApplicationDependencies(); $deps = $appdeps->explodeDependencies($genconfig['ApplicationDependencies']); $suggs = $appdeps->explodeDependencies($genconfig['ApplicationSuggestions']); if ($deps != false) { $this->unmetdeps = $appdeps->checkApplicationDependencies(0, '', $deps); } else { $this->unmetdeps = false; } // Suggestions check // if ($suggs != false) { $unmetsuggs = $appdeps->checkApplicationDependencies(0, '', $suggs); if (is_array($unmetsuggs)) { $this->unmetsuggs = $unmetsuggs; } } // If dependencies are ok, go on // if ($this->unmetdeps == false) { // Gets serial number for the application // $this->serial = $this->rootda->getNextSequenceValue('applications_id_seq'); $this->rootda->execute('INSERT INTO applications VALUES ( ' . $this->serial . ',' . $this->rootda->formatText($genconfig['ApplicationIdName']) . ',' . $this->rootda->formatText($genconfig['ApplicationVersion']) . ',' . $this->rootda->formatText($genconfig['ApplicationDate']) . ',' . $this->rootda->formatText($genconfig['ApplicationDescription']) . ',' . $this->rootda->formatText(basename($tmpfilepath)) . ',' . $this->rootda->formatText($this->rootda->fmtfalse) . ',' . $this->rootda->formatText($genconfig['ApplicationAuthor']) . ',' . $this->rootda->formatText($genconfig['ApplicationAuthorEmail']) . ',' . $this->rootda->formatText($genconfig['ApplicationAuthorWeb']) . ',' . $this->rootda->formatText($genconfig['ApplicationSupportEmail']) . ',' . $this->rootda->formatText($genconfig['ApplicationBugsEmail']) . ',' . $this->rootda->formatText($genconfig['ApplicationCopyright']) . ',' . $this->rootda->formatText($genconfig['ApplicationLicense']) . ',' . $this->rootda->formatText($genconfig['ApplicationLicenseFile']) . ',' . $this->rootda->formatText($genconfig['ApplicationChangesFile']) . ',' . $this->rootda->formatText($genconfig['ApplicationMaintainer']) . ',' . $this->rootda->formatText($genconfig['ApplicationMaintainerEmail']) . ',' . $this->rootda->formatText($genconfig['ApplicationCategory']) . ',' . $this->rootda->formatText($genconfig['ApplicationIconFile']) . ')'); // Application dir creation // @mkdir($this->container->getHome() . 'core/applications/' . $genconfig['ApplicationIdName'], 0755); // Defs files // if ($dhandle = @opendir($tmpdir . '/setup')) { while (false != ($file = readdir($dhandle))) { if ($file != '.' && $file != '..' && is_file($tmpdir . '/setup/' . $file)) { @copy($tmpdir . '/setup/' . $file, $this->container->getHome() . 'core/applications/' . $genconfig['ApplicationIdName'] . '/' . $file); } } closedir($dhandle); } // Adds applications dependencies // $appdeps->addDependenciesArray($genconfig['ApplicationIdName'], $deps, ApplicationDependencies::TYPE_DEPENDENCY); $appdeps->addDependenciesArray($genconfig['ApplicationIdName'], $suggs, ApplicationDependencies::TYPE_SUGGESTION); $this->setOptions(explode(',', trim($genconfig['ApplicationOptions'], ' ,'))); $this->HandleStructure($tmpdir . '/setup/application.xml', Application::INSTALL_MODE_INSTALL, $tmpdir); if (strlen($genconfig['ApplicationLicenseFile']) and file_exists($tmpdir . '/setup/' . $genconfig['ApplicationLicenseFile'])) { @copy($tmpdir . '/setup/' . $genconfig['ApplicationLicenseFile'], $this->container->getHome() . 'core/applications/' . $genconfig['ApplicationIdName'] . '/' . $genconfig['ApplicationLicenseFile']); } if (strlen($genconfig['ApplicationChangesFile']) and file_exists($tmpdir . '/setup/' . $genconfig['ApplicationChangesFile'])) { @copy($tmpdir . '/setup/' . $genconfig['ApplicationChangesFile'], $this->container->getHome() . 'core/applications/' . $genconfig['ApplicationIdName'] . '/' . $genconfig['ApplicationChangesFile']); } if (strlen($genconfig['ApplicationIconFile']) and file_exists($tmpdir . '/setup/' . $genconfig['ApplicationIconFile'])) { @copy($tmpdir . '/setup/' . $genconfig['ApplicationIconFile'], $this->container->getHome() . 'core/applications/' . $genconfig['ApplicationIdName'] . '/' . $genconfig['ApplicationIconFile']); } // Checks if it is an extension application // $genconfig = $this->parseApplicationDefinition($tmpdir . '/setup/application.xml'); $ext = $this->rootda->fmtfalse; if ($genconfig['ApplicationIsExtension'] == 'y') { $ext = $this->rootda->fmttrue; $this->onlyextension = true; } elseif ($genconfig['ApplicationIsExtension'] == 'n') { $ext = $this->rootda->fmtfalse; $this->onlyextension = false; } elseif ($this->onlyextension) { $ext = $this->rootda->fmttrue; } $this->rootda->execute('UPDATE applications SET onlyextension=' . $this->rootda->formatText($ext) . ' WHERE appid=' . $this->rootda->formatText($this->appname)); $result = true; if ($this->container->getConfig()->Value('SecurityAlertOnApplicationOperation') == '1') { $innomaticSecurity = new \Innomatic\Security\SecurityManager(); $innomaticSecurity->SendAlert('Application ' . $this->appname . ' has been installed'); unset($innomaticSecurity); } if ($result == true) { if ($this->container->getEdition() == \Innomatic\Core\InnomaticContainer::EDITION_SINGLETENANT and $this->appname != 'innomatic' and $ext != $this->rootda->fmttrue) { $domainsQuery = \Innomatic\Core\InnomaticContainer::instance('\\Innomatic\\Core\\InnomaticContainer')->getDataAccess()->execute('SELECT id FROM domains'); if ($domainsQuery->getNumberRows()) { $this->Enable($domainsQuery->getFields('id')); } } $log = $this->container->getLogger(); $log->logEvent('Innomatic', 'Installed application ' . $this->appname, \Innomatic\Logging\Logger::NOTICE); } } } else { $appdata = $tmpquery->getFields(); $this->serial = $appdata['id']; // Application will be updated // if ($this->serial) { // Dependencies check // $this->unmetdeps = array(); $this->unmetsuggs = array(); $appdeps = new ApplicationDependencies(); $deps = $appdeps->explodeDependencies($genconfig['ApplicationDependencies']); $suggs = $appdeps->explodeDependencies($genconfig['ApplicationSuggestions']); if ($deps != false) { $this->unmetdeps = $appdeps->checkApplicationDependencies(0, '', $deps); } else { $this->unmetdeps = false; } // Suggestions check // if ($suggs != false) { $unmetsuggs = $appdeps->checkApplicationDependencies(0, '', $suggs); if (is_array($unmetsuggs)) { $this->unmetsuggs = $unmetsuggs; } } // If dependencies are ok, go on // if ($this->unmetdeps == false) { // Creates lock file // touch($this->container->getHome() . 'core/temp/upgrading_system_lock'); // :WARNING: evil 20020506: possible problems on Windows systems // It has a 'permission denied'. // Removes old application file // if (basename($fname) != $appdata['appfile'] and file_exists($this->container->getHome() . 'core/applications/' . $appdata['appfile'])) { @unlink($this->container->getHome() . 'core/applications/' . $appdata['appfile']); } // Updates applications table // $this->rootda->execute('UPDATE applications SET appversion=' . $this->rootda->formatText($genconfig['ApplicationVersion']) . ', appdate=' . $this->rootda->formatText($genconfig['ApplicationDate']) . ', appdesc=' . $this->rootda->formatText($genconfig['ApplicationDescription']) . ', appfile=' . $this->rootda->formatText(basename($tmpfilepath)) . ', author=' . $this->rootda->formatText($genconfig['ApplicationAuthor']) . ', authoremail=' . $this->rootda->formatText($genconfig['ApplicationAuthorEmail']) . ', authorsite=' . $this->rootda->formatText($genconfig['ApplicationAuthorWeb']) . ', supportemail=' . $this->rootda->formatText($genconfig['ApplicationSupportEmail']) . ', bugsemail=' . $this->rootda->formatText($genconfig['ApplicationBugsEmail']) . ', copyright=' . $this->rootda->formatText($genconfig['ApplicationCopyright']) . ', license=' . $this->rootda->formatText($genconfig['ApplicationLicense']) . ', licensefile=' . $this->rootda->formatText($genconfig['ApplicationLicenseFile']) . ', changesfile=' . $this->rootda->formatText($genconfig['ApplicationChangesFile']) . ', maintainer=' . $this->rootda->formatText($genconfig['ApplicationMaintainer']) . ', maintaineremail=' . $this->rootda->formatText($genconfig['ApplicationMaintainerEmail']) . ', category=' . $this->rootda->formatText($genconfig['ApplicationCategory']) . ', iconfile=' . $this->rootda->formatText($genconfig['ApplicationIconFile']) . ' WHERE id=' . (int) $this->serial); $genconfig = $this->parseApplicationDefinition($tmpdir . '/setup/application.xml'); // Script files - only before handlestructure // if ($dhandle = @opendir($tmpdir . '/setup')) { while (false != ($file = readdir($dhandle))) { if ($file != '.' and $file != '..' and $file != 'application.xml' and is_file($tmpdir . '/setup/' . $file)) { @copy($tmpdir . '/setup/' . $file, $this->container->getHome() . 'core/applications/' . $genconfig['ApplicationIdName'] . '/' . $file); } } closedir($dhandle); } $this->HandleStructure($tmpdir . '/setup/application.xml', Application::INSTALL_MODE_UPDATE, $tmpdir); if (strlen($genconfig['ApplicationLicenseFile']) and file_exists($tmpdir . '/setup/' . $genconfig['ApplicationLicenseFile'])) { @copy($tmpdir . '/setup/' . $genconfig['ApplicationLicenseFile'], $this->container->getHome() . 'core/applications/' . $genconfig['ApplicationIdName'] . '/' . $genconfig['ApplicationLicenseFile']); } if (strlen($genconfig['ApplicationChangesFile']) and file_exists($tmpdir . '/setup/' . $genconfig['ApplicationChangesFile'])) { @copy($tmpdir . '/setup/' . $genconfig['ApplicationChangesFile'], $this->container->getHome() . 'core/applications/' . $genconfig['ApplicationIdName'] . '/' . $genconfig['ApplicationChangesFile']); } if (strlen($genconfig['ApplicationIconFile']) and file_exists($tmpdir . '/setup/' . $genconfig['ApplicationIconFile'])) { @copy($tmpdir . '/setup/' . $genconfig['ApplicationIconFile'], $this->container->getHome() . 'core/applications/' . $genconfig['ApplicationIdName'] . '/' . $genconfig['ApplicationIconFile']); } // setup files - only after handlestructure // @copy($tmpdir . '/setup/application.xml', $this->container->getHome() . 'core/applications/' . $genconfig['ApplicationIdName'] . '/application.xml'); // Checks if it is an extension application // $ext = $this->rootda->fmtfalse; if ($genconfig['ApplicationIsExtension'] == 'y') { $ext = $this->rootda->fmttrue; $this->onlyextension = true; } elseif ($genconfig['ApplicationIsExtension'] == 'n') { $ext = $this->rootda->fmtfalse; $this->onlyextension = false; } elseif ($this->onlyextension) { $ext = $this->rootda->fmttrue; } $this->rootda->execute('UPDATE applications SET onlyextension=' . $this->rootda->formatText($ext) . ' WHERE appid=' . $this->rootda->formatText($this->appname)); $this->setOptions(explode(',', trim($genconfig['ApplicationOptions'], ' ,'))); if ($this->appname != 'innomatic') { // Remove old dependencies // $appdeps->removeAllDependencies($this->serial); // Adds new Applications dependencies // $appdeps->addDependenciesArray($genconfig['ApplicationIdName'], $deps, ApplicationDependencies::TYPE_DEPENDENCY); $appdeps->addDependenciesArray($genconfig['ApplicationIdName'], $suggs, ApplicationDependencies::TYPE_SUGGESTION); } $result = true; if (function_exists('apc_reset_cache')) { apc_reset_cache(); } if ($updateOnce == false) { $this->Install($tmpfilepath, true); // Removes lock file // unlink($this->container->getHome() . 'core/temp/upgrading_system_lock'); if (\Innomatic\Core\InnomaticContainer::instance('\\Innomatic\\Core\\InnomaticContainer')->getConfig()->Value('SecurityAlertOnApplicationOperation') == '1') { $innomaticSecurity = new \Innomatic\Security\SecurityManager(); $innomaticSecurity->SendAlert('Application ' . $this->appname . ' has been updated'); unset($innomaticSecurity); } if ($result == true) { $log = $this->container->getLogger(); $log->logEvent('Innomatic', 'Updated application ' . $this->appname, \Innomatic\Logging\Logger::NOTICE); } } } /* else $this->mLog->logEvent( 'innomatic.applications.applications.install', 'Structure definition file for application '.$this->appname. ' does not exists', \Innomatic\Logging\Logger::ERROR ); */ } else { $log = $this->container->getLogger(); $log->logEvent('innomatic.applications.applications.install', 'Empty application serial', \Innomatic\Logging\Logger::ERROR); } } } else { $log = $this->container->getLogger(); if (!file_exists($tmpdir . '/setup/application.xml')) { $log->logEvent('innomatic.applications.applications.install', 'Application structure file ' . $tmpdir . '/setup/application.xml' . ' not found', \Innomatic\Logging\Logger::ERROR); } } // Cleans up temp stuff // @chdir($olddir); \Innomatic\Io\Filesystem\DirectoryUtils::unlinkTree($basetmpdir); if (file_exists($tmpfilepath)) { @unlink($tmpfilepath); } } else { if (!file_exists($tmpfilepath)) { $log = $this->container->getLogger(); $log->logEvent('innomatic.applications.applications.install', 'Temporary application file (' . $tmpfilepath . ') does not exists', \Innomatic\Logging\Logger::ERROR); } } if ($innomatic->getState() == \Innomatic\Core\InnomaticContainer::STATE_DEBUG) { $innomatic->getLoadTimer()->Mark('applicationinstallend'); $log = $this->container->getLogger(); $log->logEvent('innomatic.applications.application.install', 'Application installation load time: ' . $innomatic->getLoadTimer()->getSectionLoad('applicationinstallend'), \Innomatic\Logging\Logger::DEBUG); } return $result; }
function Install($tmpfilepath, $updateOnce = false) { $result = FALSE; import('com.solarix.ampoliros.core.Ampoliros'); $amp = Ampoliros::instance('Ampoliros'); if ($amp->GetState() == Ampoliros::STATE_DEBUG) { $GLOBALS['gEnv']['runtime']['debug']['loadtime']->Mark('moduleinstallstart'); } if (file_exists($tmpfilepath)) { import(''); // Moves temp file to modules repository and extracts it // $fname = MODULE_PATH . basename($tmpfilepath); @copy($tmpfilepath, $fname); $basetmpdir = $tmpdir = TMP_PATH . 'modinst/' . md5(microtime()); @mkdir($tmpdir, 0755); $olddir = getcwd(); @chdir($tmpdir); //@system( escapeshellcmd( 'tar zxf '.$fname ) ); $archive_format = ARCHIVE_TGZ; if (substr($fname, -4) == '.zip') { $archive_format = ARCHIVE_ZIP; } $mod_archive = new Archive($fname, $archive_format); $mod_archive->Extract($tmpdir); // Checks if the files are into a directory instead of the root // if (!@is_dir($tmpdir . '/defs')) { $dhandle = opendir($tmpdir); while (FALSE != ($file = readdir($dhandle))) { if ($file != '.' && $file != '..' && is_dir($tmpdir . '/' . $file . '/defs')) { $tmpdir = $tmpdir . '/' . $file; } } closedir($dhandle); } $this->basedir = $tmpdir; // Checks for definition and structure files // if (file_exists($tmpdir . '/defs/' . Module::BUNDLEDEF_FILE)) { $modules_array = file($tmpdir . '/defs/' . Module::BUNDLEDEF_FILE); $result = TRUE; while (list(, $module) = each($modules_array)) { $module = trim($module); if (strlen($module) and file_exists($tmpdir . '/modules/' . $module)) { $temp_module = new Module($this->ampdb); if (!$temp_module->Install($tmpdir . '/modules/' . $module)) { $result = FALSE; } } } } else { if (file_exists($tmpdir . '/defs/' . Module::STRUCTURE_FILE) and file_exists($tmpdir . '/defs/' . Module::GENERALDEF_FILE)) { $genconfig = new ConfigFile($tmpdir . '/defs/' . Module::GENERALDEF_FILE); $this->modname = $genconfig->Value('MODULEIDNAME'); // Checks if the module has been already installed // $tmpquery = $this->ampdb->Execute('SELECT id,modfile FROM modules WHERE modid=' . $this->ampdb->Format_Text($this->modname)); if (!$tmpquery->NumRows()) { // Module is new, so it will be installed // // Dependencies check // $this->unmetdeps = array(); $this->unmetsuggs = array(); $moddeps = new ModuleDep($this->ampdb); $deps = $moddeps->ExplodeDeps($genconfig->Value('MODULEDEPENDENCIES')); $suggs = $moddeps->ExplodeDeps($genconfig->Value('MODULESUGGESTIONS')); if ($deps != FALSE) { $this->unmetdeps = $moddeps->CheckModuleDeps(0, '', $deps); } else { $this->unmetdeps == FALSE; } // Suggestions check // if ($suggs != FALSE) { $unmetsuggs = $moddeps->CheckModuleDeps(0, '', $suggs); if (is_array($unmetsuggs)) { $this->unmetsuggs = $unmetsuggs; } } // If dependencies are ok, go on // if ($this->unmetdeps == FALSE) { // Gets serial number for the module // $this->serial = $this->ampdb->NextSeqValue('modules_id_seq'); $this->ampdb->Execute('INSERT INTO modules VALUES ( ' . $this->serial . ',' . $this->ampdb->Format_Text($genconfig->Value('MODULEIDNAME')) . ',' . $this->ampdb->Format_Text($genconfig->Value('MODULEVERSION')) . ',' . $this->ampdb->Format_Text($genconfig->Value('MODULEDATE')) . ',' . $this->ampdb->Format_Text($genconfig->Value('MODULEDESCRIPTION')) . ',' . $this->ampdb->Format_Text(basename($tmpfilepath)) . ',' . $this->ampdb->Format_Text($this->ampdb->fmtfalse) . ',' . $this->ampdb->Format_Text($genconfig->Value('MODULE_AUTHOR')) . ',' . $this->ampdb->Format_Text($genconfig->Value('MODULE_AUTHOR_EMAIL')) . ',' . $this->ampdb->Format_Text($genconfig->Value('MODULE_AUTHOR_SITE')) . ',' . $this->ampdb->Format_Text($genconfig->Value('MODULE_SUPPORT_EMAIL')) . ',' . $this->ampdb->Format_Text($genconfig->Value('MODULE_BUGS_EMAIL')) . ',' . $this->ampdb->Format_Text($genconfig->Value('MODULE_COPYRIGHT')) . ',' . $this->ampdb->Format_Text($genconfig->Value('MODULE_LICENSE')) . ',' . $this->ampdb->Format_Text($genconfig->Value('MODULE_LICENSE_FILE')) . ',' . $this->ampdb->Format_Text($genconfig->Value('MODULE_MAINTAINER')) . ',' . $this->ampdb->Format_Text($genconfig->Value('MODULE_MAINTAINER_EMAIL')) . ',' . $this->ampdb->Format_Text($genconfig->Value('MODULE_CATEGORY')) . ')'); // Module dir creation // @mkdir(MODULE_PATH . $genconfig->Value('MODULEIDNAME'), 0755); // Defs files // if ($dhandle = @opendir($tmpdir . '/defs')) { while (FALSE != ($file = readdir($dhandle))) { if ($file != '.' && $file != '..' && is_file($tmpdir . '/defs/' . $file)) { @copy($tmpdir . '/defs/' . $file, MODULE_PATH . $genconfig->Value('MODULEIDNAME') . '/' . $file); } } closedir($dhandle); } // Adds modules dependencies // $moddeps->AddDepsArray($genconfig->Value('MODULEIDNAME'), $deps, DEPTYPE_DEP); $moddeps->AddDepsArray($genconfig->Value('MODULEIDNAME'), $suggs, DEPTYPE_SUGG); $this->SetSubModules(explode(',', trim($genconfig->Value('MODULE_SUBMODULES'), ' ,'))); $this->HandleStructure($tmpdir . '/defs/' . Module::STRUCTURE_FILE, Module::INSTALL_MODE_INSTALL, $tmpdir); if (strlen($genconfig->Value('MODULE_LICENSE_FILE')) and file_exists($tmpdir . '/' . $genconfig->Value('MODULE_LICENSE_FILE'))) { @copy($tmpdir . '/' . $genconfig->Value('MODULE_LICENSE_FILE'), MODULE_PATH . $genconfig->Value('MODULEIDNAME') . '/' . $genconfig->Value('MODULE_LICENSE_FILE')); } // Checks if it is an extension module // $genconfig = new ConfigFile($tmpdir . '/defs/' . Module::GENERALDEF_FILE); $ext = $this->ampdb->fmtfalse; if ($genconfig->Value('ONLYEXTENSION') == 'y') { $ext = $this->ampdb->fmttrue; $this->onlyextension = TRUE; } else { if ($genconfig->Value('ONLYEXTENSION') == 'n') { $ext = $this->ampdb->fmtfalse; $this->onlyextension = FALSE; } else { if ($this->onlyextension) { $ext = $this->ampdb->fmttrue; } } } $this->ampdb->Execute('UPDATE modules SET onlyextension=' . $this->ampdb->Format_Text($ext) . ' WHERE modid=' . $this->ampdb->Format_Text($this->modname)); $result = TRUE; if ($GLOBALS['gEnv']['core']['config']->Value('ALERT_ON_MODULE_OPERATION') == '1') { import(''); $amp_security = new SecurityLayer(); $amp_security->SendAlert('Module ' . $this->modname . ' has been installed'); unset($amp_security); } if ($result == true) { if ($GLOBALS['gEnv']['core']['edition'] == AMP_EDITION_ENTERPRISE and $this->modname != 'ampoliros' and $ext != $this->ampdb->fmttrue) { $sites_query = $GLOBALS['gEnv']['root']['db']->Execute('SELECT id FROM sites'); if ($sites_query->NumRows()) { $this->Enable($sites_query->Fields('id')); } } import(''); $log = new Logger(AMP_LOG); $log->LogEvent('Ampoliros', 'Installed module ' . $this->modname, LOGGER_NOTICE); } } } else { $moddata = $tmpquery->Fields(); $this->serial = $moddata['id']; // Module will be updated // if ($this->serial) { // Dependencies check // $this->unmetdeps = array(); $this->unmetsuggs = array(); $moddeps = new ModuleDep($this->ampdb); $deps = $moddeps->ExplodeDeps($genconfig->Value('MODULEDEPENDENCIES')); $suggs = $moddeps->ExplodeDeps($genconfig->Value('MODULESUGGESTIONS')); if ($deps != FALSE) { $this->unmetdeps = $moddeps->CheckModuleDeps(0, '', $deps); } else { $this->unmetdeps == FALSE; } // Suggestions check // if ($suggs != FALSE) { $unmetsuggs = $moddeps->CheckModuleDeps(0, '', $suggs); if (is_array($unmetsuggs)) { $this->unmetsuggs = $unmetsuggs; } } // If dependencies are ok, go on // if ($this->unmetdeps == FALSE) { // Creates lock file // touch(TMP_PATH . '.upgrading_system'); // :WARNING: evil 20020506: possible problems on Windows systems // It has a 'permission denied'. // Removes old module file // if (basename($fname) != $moddata['modfile'] and file_exists(MODULE_PATH . $moddata['modfile'])) { @unlink(MODULE_PATH . $moddata['modfile']); } // Updates modules table // $this->ampdb->Execute('UPDATE modules SET modversion=' . $this->ampdb->Format_Text($genconfig->Value('MODULEVERSION')) . ', moddate=' . $this->ampdb->Format_Text($genconfig->Value('MODULEDATE')) . ', moddesc=' . $this->ampdb->Format_Text($genconfig->Value('MODULEDESCRIPTION')) . ', modfile=' . $this->ampdb->Format_Text(basename($tmpfilepath)) . ', author=' . $this->ampdb->Format_Text($genconfig->Value('MODULE_AUTHOR')) . ', authoremail=' . $this->ampdb->Format_Text($genconfig->Value('MODULE_AUTHOR_EMAIL')) . ', authorsite=' . $this->ampdb->Format_Text($genconfig->Value('MODULE_AUTHOR_SITE')) . ', supportemail=' . $this->ampdb->Format_Text($genconfig->Value('MODULE_SUPPORT_EMAIL')) . ', bugsemail=' . $this->ampdb->Format_Text($genconfig->Value('MODULE_BUGS_EMAIL')) . ', copyright=' . $this->ampdb->Format_Text($genconfig->Value('MODULE_COPYRIGHT')) . ', license=' . $this->ampdb->Format_Text($genconfig->Value('MODULE_LICENSE')) . ', licensefile=' . $this->ampdb->Format_Text($genconfig->Value('MODULE_LICENSE_FILE')) . ', maintainer=' . $this->ampdb->Format_Text($genconfig->Value('MODULE_MAINTAINER')) . ', maintaineremail=' . $this->ampdb->Format_Text($genconfig->Value('MODULE_MAINTAINER_EMAIL')) . ', category=' . $this->ampdb->Format_Text($genconfig->Value('MODULE_CATEGORY')) . ' WHERE id=' . (int) $this->serial); $genconfig = new ConfigFile($tmpdir . '/defs/' . Module::GENERALDEF_FILE); // Script files - only before handlestructure // if ($dhandle = @opendir($tmpdir . '/defs')) { while (FALSE != ($file = readdir($dhandle))) { if ($file != '.' and $file != '..' and $file != Module::STRUCTURE_FILE and $file != Module::GENERALDEF_FILE and is_file($tmpdir . '/defs/' . $file)) { @copy($tmpdir . '/defs/' . $file, MODULE_PATH . $genconfig->Value('MODULEIDNAME') . '/' . $file); } } closedir($dhandle); } $this->HandleStructure($tmpdir . '/defs/' . Module::STRUCTURE_FILE, Module::INSTALL_MODE_UPDATE, $tmpdir); if (strlen($genconfig->Value('MODULE_LICENSE_FILE')) and file_exists($tmpdir . '/' . $genconfig->Value('MODULE_LICENSE_FILE'))) { @copy($tmpdir . '/' . $genconfig->Value('MODULE_LICENSE_FILE'), MODULE_PATH . $genconfig->Value('MODULEIDNAME') . '/' . $genconfig->Value('MODULE_LICENSE_FILE')); } // Defs files - only after handlestructure // @copy($tmpdir . '/defs/' . Module::STRUCTURE_FILE, MODULE_PATH . $genconfig->Value('MODULEIDNAME') . '/' . Module::STRUCTURE_FILE); @copy($tmpdir . '/defs/' . Module::GENERALDEF_FILE, MODULE_PATH . $genconfig->Value('MODULEIDNAME') . '/' . Module::GENERALDEF_FILE); // Checks if it is an extension module // $ext = $this->ampdb->fmtfalse; if ($genconfig->Value('ONLYEXTENSION') == 'y') { $ext = $this->ampdb->fmttrue; $this->onlyextension = TRUE; } else { if ($genconfig->Value('ONLYEXTENSION') == 'n') { $ext = $this->ampdb->fmtfalse; $this->onlyextension = FALSE; } else { if ($this->onlyextension) { $ext = $this->ampdb->fmttrue; } } } $this->ampdb->Execute('UPDATE modules SET onlyextension=' . $this->ampdb->Format_Text($ext) . ' WHERE modid=' . $this->ampdb->Format_Text($this->modname)); $this->SetSubModules(explode(',', trim($genconfig->Value('MODULE_SUBMODULES'), ' ,'))); if ($this->modname != 'ampoliros') { // Remove old dependencies // $moddeps->RemAllDep($this->serial); // Adds new modules dependencies // $moddeps->AddDepsArray($genconfig->Value('MODULEIDNAME'), $deps, DEPTYPE_DEP); $moddeps->AddDepsArray($genconfig->Value('MODULEIDNAME'), $suggs, DEPTYPE_SUGG); } $result = TRUE; if (function_exists('apc_reset_cache')) { apc_reset_cache(); } if ($updateOnce == FALSE) { $this->Install($tmpfilepath, true); // Removes lock file // unlink(TMP_PATH . '.upgrading_system'); if ($GLOBALS['gEnv']['core']['config']->Value('ALERT_ON_MODULE_OPERATION') == '1') { Carthag::import(''); $amp_security = new SecurityLayer(); $amp_security->SendAlert('Module ' . $this->modname . ' has been updated'); unset($amp_security); } if ($result == TRUE) { import(''); $log = new Logger(AMP_LOG); $log->LogEvent('Ampoliros', 'Updated module ' . $this->modname, LOGGER_NOTICE); } } } /* else $this->mLog->LogEvent( 'ampoliros.modules_library.modules_class.install', 'Structure definition file for module '.$this->modname.' does not exists', LOGGER_ERROR ); */ } else { import(''); $log = new Logger(AMP_LOG); $log->LogEvent('ampoliros.modules_library.modules_class.install', 'Empty module serial', LOGGER_ERROR); } } } else { import(''); $log = new Logger(AMP_LOG); if (!file_exists($tmpdir . '/defs/' . Module::STRUCTURE_FILE)) { $log->LogEvent('ampoliros.modules_library.modules_class.install', 'Module structure file ' . $tmpdir . '/defs/' . Module::STRUCTURE_FILE . ' not found', LOGGER_ERROR); } if (!file_exists($tmpdir . '/defs/' . Module::GENERALDEF_FILE)) { $log->LogEvent('ampoliros.modules_library.modules_class.install', 'Module definition file ' . $tmpdir . '/defs/' . Module::GENERALDEF_FILE . ' not found', LOGGER_ERROR); } } } // Cleans up temp stuff // @chdir($olddir); RecRemoveDir($basetmpdir); if (file_exists($tmpfilepath)) { @unlink($tmpfilepath); } } else { if (!file_exists($tmpfilepath)) { import(''); $log = new Logger(AMP_LOG); $log->LogEvent('ampoliros.modules_library.modules_class.install', 'Temporary module file (' . $tmpfilepath . ') does not exists', LOGGER_ERROR); } } if ($amp->getState() == Ampoliros::STATE_DEBUG) { $GLOBALS['gEnv']['runtime']['debug']['loadtime']->Mark('moduleinstallend'); import(''); $log = new Logger(AMP_LOG); $log->LogEvent('ampoliros.modules_library.module_class.install', 'Module installation load time: ' . $GLOBALS['gEnv']['runtime']['debug']['loadtime']->GetSectionLoad('moduleinstallend'), LOGGER_DEBUG); } return $result; }