Exemplo n.º 1
  * Query
  * @param array $args
  * @return Doctrine_Query $q
 protected function air_query($args = array())
     $q = Doctrine_Query::create()->from('Tank t');
     $q->leftJoin('t.User u');
     $q->leftJoin('t.TankOrg to');
     $q->leftJoin('to.Organization o');
     $q->leftJoin('t.TankActivity ta');
     $q->leftJoin('ta.Project p');
     $q->leftJoin('ta.ActivityMaster m');
     if (isset($args['type'])) {
         air2_query_in($q, $args['type'], 't.tank_type');
     if (isset($args['status'])) {
         air2_query_in($q, $args['status'], 't.tank_status');
     // add flattened and return
     Tank::add_counts($q, 't');
     TankActivity::add_event_meta($q, 'ta');
     $q->addSelect('u.user_uuid as user_uuid');
     $q->addSelect('o.org_uuid as org_uuid');
     //TODO: not really flat
     $q->addSelect('p.prj_uuid as prj_uuid');
     //TODO: not really flat
     return $q;
  * Query
  * @param array $args
  * @return Doctrine_Query $q
 protected function air_query($args = array())
     $q = Doctrine_Query::create()->from('PreferenceType pt');
     if (isset($args['status'])) {
         air2_query_in($q, $args['status'], 'pt.pt_status');
     if (isset($args['pt_identifier'])) {
         $q->andWhere('pt.pt_identifier = ?', $args['pt_identifier']);
     return $q;
Exemplo n.º 3
  * Query
  * @param array $args
  * @return Doctrine_Query $q
 protected function air_query($args = array())
     $q = Doctrine_Query::create()->from('Fact f');
     if (isset($args['status'])) {
         air2_query_in($q, $args['status'], 'f.fact_status');
     if (isset($args['type'])) {
         air2_query_in($q, $args['type'], 'f.fact_fv_type');
     return $q;
  * Query
  * @param array   $args
  * @return Doctrine_Query $q
 protected function air_query($args = array())
     $q = Doctrine_Query::create()->from('TankSource t');
     $q->where('t.tsrc_tank_id = ?', $this->parent_rec->tank_id);
     $q->leftJoin('t.Source s');
     if (isset($args['status'])) {
         air2_query_in($q, $args['status'], 't.tsrc_status');
     return $q;
  * Query
  * @param array $args
  * @return Doctrine_Query $q
 protected function air_query($args = array())
     $q = Doctrine_Query::create()->from('SrcEmail e');
     // only WRITE-able sources (#4462)
     $q->innerJoin('e.Source s');
     $q->leftJoin('s.SrcOrg so WITH so.so_home_flag = true');
     $q->leftJoin('so.Organization o');
     Source::query_may_write($q, $this->user, 's');
     // status
     if (isset($args['status'])) {
         air2_query_in($q, $args['status'], 'e.sem_status');
     return $q;
  * Query
  * @param array $args
  * @return Doctrine_Query $q
 protected function air_query($args = array())
     $q = Doctrine_Query::create()->from('SrcExport s');
     $q->addWhere('s.se_xid = ?', $this->parent_rec->bin_id);
     $q->addWhere('s.se_ref_type = ?', SrcExport::$REF_TYPE_BIN);
     $q->leftJoin('s.CreUser c');
     $q->leftJoin('s.UpdUser u');
     $q->leftJoin('s.Inquiry i');
     $q->leftJoin('s.Project p');
     $q->leftJoin('s.Email e');
     // type
     if (isset($args['type'])) {
         air2_query_in($q, $args['type'], 's.se_type');
     return $q;
  * Query
  * @param array   $args
  * @return Doctrine_Query $q
 protected function air_query($args = array())
     $q = Doctrine_Query::create()->from('Inquiry i');
     $q->leftJoin('i.CreUser ic');
     $q->leftJoin('i.UpdUser iu');
     $q->leftJoin('i.CacheUser cu');
     $q->leftJoin('i.Locale l');
     $q->leftJoin('i.InqOrg io');
     $q->leftJoin('io.Organization o');
     $q->leftJoin('i.ProjectInquiry pi');
     $q->leftJoin('pi.Project p');
     $q->leftJoin("i.Logo ilg WITH ilg.img_ref_type = ?", 'Q');
     $q->leftJoin("io.OrgLogo iol WITH iol.img_ref_type = ?", 'L');
     Inquiry::add_counts($q, 'i');
     $q->addSelect('(inq_publish_dtim is not null) as ispub');
     // status and type
     if (isset($args['status'])) {
         air2_query_in($q, $args['status'], 'i.inq_status');
     if (isset($args['type'])) {
         air2_query_in($q, $args['type'], 'i.inq_type');
     // only within a project
     if (isset($args['prj_uuid'])) {
         $q->addWhere('p.prj_uuid = ?', $args['prj_uuid']);
     // exclude project
     if (isset($args['excl_prj'])) {
         $prjq = "select prj_id from project where prj_uuid = ?";
         $excl = "select pinq_inq_id from project_inquiry where pinq_prj_id = ({$prjq})";
         $q->addWhere("i.inq_id NOT IN ({$excl})", $args['excl_prj']);
     // exclude an outcome
     if (isset($args['excl_out'])) {
         $outq = "select out_id from outcome where out_uuid = ?";
         $excl = "select iout_inq_id from inq_outcome where iout_out_id = ({$outq})";
         $q->addWhere("i.inq_id not in ({$excl})", $args['excl_out']);
     // exclude an email
     if (isset($args['excl_eml'])) {
         $emlq = "select email_id from email where email_uuid = ?";
         $excl = "select einq_inq_id from email_inquiry where einq_email_id = ({$emlq})";
         $q->addWhere("i.inq_id not in ({$excl})", $args['excl_eml']);
     return $q;
  * Query
  * @param array $args
  * @return Doctrine_Query $q
 protected function air_query($args = array())
     $q = Doctrine_Query::create()->from('Project p');
     $q->leftJoin('p.ProjectOrg po');
     $q->leftJoin('po.Organization o');
     $q->leftJoin('p.CreUser c');
     $q->leftJoin('p.UpdUser u');
     // status
     if (isset($args['status'])) {
         air2_query_in($q, $args['status'], 'p.prj_status');
     // with a certain member org
     if (isset($args['org_uuid'])) {
         $q->addWhere('o.org_uuid = ?', $args['org_uuid']);
     // exclude an inquiry
     if (isset($args['excl_inq'])) {
         $inqq = "select inq_id from inquiry where inq_uuid = ?";
         $excl = "select pinq_prj_id from project_inquiry where pinq_inq_id = ({$inqq})";
         $q->addWhere("p.prj_id not in ({$excl})", $args['excl_inq']);
     // exclude an organization
     if (isset($args['excl_org'])) {
         $orgq = "select org_id from organization where org_uuid = ?";
         $excl = "select porg_prj_id from project_org where porg_org_id = ({$orgq})";
         $q->addWhere("p.prj_id not in ({$excl})", $args['excl_org']);
     // exclude an outcome
     if (isset($args['excl_out'])) {
         $outq = "select out_id from outcome where out_uuid = ?";
         $excl = "select pout_prj_id from prj_outcome where pout_out_id = ({$outq})";
         $q->addWhere("p.prj_id not in ({$excl})", $args['excl_out']);
     // add query count
     $count = 'select count(*) from project_inquiry';
     $q->addSelect("({$count} where pinq_prj_id = p.prj_id) as inquiry_count");
     return $q;
  * Query
  * @param array   $args
  * @return Doctrine_Query $q
 protected function air_query($args = array())
     $q = Doctrine_Query::create()->from('Email e');
     $q->leftJoin('e.Logo elg WITH elg.img_ref_type = ?', 'E');
     $q->leftJoin('e.Organization org');
     $q->leftJoin('e.UserSignature usig');
     $q->leftJoin('e.CreUser cu');
     $q->leftJoin('e.UpdUser uu');
     $q->leftJoin('e.SrcExport ese');
     // flatten a bit
     $q->addSelect('org.org_uuid as org_uuid');
     $q->addSelect('org.org_name as org_name');
     $q->addSelect('org.org_display_name as org_display_name');
     $q->addSelect('usig.usig_uuid as usig_uuid');
     $q->addSelect('usig.usig_text as usig_text');
     $q->addSelect('cu.user_first_name as owner_first');
     $q->addSelect('(select count(*) from email_inquiry where einq_email_id = e.email_id) as inq_count');
     $q->addSelect('ese.se_cre_dtim as first_exported_dtim');
     // status and type
     if (isset($args['status'])) {
         air2_query_in($q, $args['status'], 'e.email_status');
     if (isset($args['type'])) {
         air2_query_in($q, $args['type'], 'e.email_type');
     // stuff I own
     if (isset($args['mine']) && $args['mine'] && $args['mine'] !== 'false') {
         $q->addWhere('e.email_cre_user = ?', $this->user->user_id);
     return $q;
Exemplo n.º 10
  * Query
  * @param array $args
  * @return Doctrine_Query $q
 protected function air_query($args = array())
     $q = Doctrine_Query::create()->from('User u');
     $q->leftJoin('u.UserOrg uo WITH uo.uo_home_flag = true');
     $q->leftJoin('uo.Organization o');
     $q->leftJoin('u.UserEmailAddress e with e.uem_primary_flag = true');
     $q->leftJoin('u.UserPhoneNumber p with p.uph_primary_flag = true');
     $q->leftJoin("u.Avatar av WITH av.img_ref_type = ?", 'A');
     $q->leftJoin('u.CreUser cu');
     $q->leftJoin('u.UpdUser uu');
     // flatten
     $q->addSelect('e.uem_address as uem_address');
     $q->addSelect('p.uph_number as uph_number');
     $q->addSelect('p.uph_ext as uph_ext');
     $q->addSelect('uo.uo_user_title as uo_user_title');
     $q->addSelect('o.org_uuid as org_uuid');
     $q->addSelect('o.org_name as org_name');
     $q->addSelect('o.org_display_name as org_display_name');
     $q->addSelect('o.org_html_color as org_html_color');
     // sort by some home_org first
     if (isset($args['sort_home'])) {
         $q->addSelect("(o.org_name = '{$args['sort_home']}') as myhome");
         $q->addOrderBy('myhome desc');
     // restrict to some home_org
     if (isset($args['home_org'])) {
         $q->addWhere("o.org_name = '{$args['home_org']}'");
     // status and type
     if (isset($args['status'])) {
         air2_query_in($q, $args['status'], 'u.user_status');
     if (isset($args['type'])) {
         air2_query_in($q, $args['type'], 'u.user_type');
     // text filter
     $str = isset($args['filter']) ? $args['filter'] : false;
     if ($str && strlen($str) > 0) {
         $usrs = "u.user_username LIKE '{$str}%' OR u.user_first_name " . "LIKE '{$str}%' OR u.user_last_name LIKE '{$str}%'";
         $orgs = "o.org_display_name LIKE '{$str}%' OR o.org_name LIKE '{$str}%'";
         $titles = "uo.uo_user_title LIKE '{$str}%'";
         $emails = "e.uem_address LIKE '{$str}%'";
         $q->addWhere("(({$usrs}) OR ({$orgs}) OR ({$titles}) OR ({$emails}))");
     // exclude users belonging to an organization
     if (isset($args['excl_org'])) {
         $conn = AIR2_DBManager::get_connection();
         $orgq = "select z.org_id from organization z where z.org_uuid = ?";
         $excl = "select uo_user_id from user_org where uo_org_id = ({$orgq})";
         $exclude = $conn->fetchColumn($excl, array($args['excl_org']), 0);
         if (count($exclude) > 0) {
             $q->whereNotIn('u.user_id', $exclude);
     // users that are eligible contacts for an organization
     if (isset($args['incl_contact_org'])) {
         $org = AIR2_Record::find('Organization', $args['incl_contact_org']);
         if (!$org) {
             throw new Rframe_Exception(Rframe::BAD_DATA, 'invalid incl_contact_org');
         $orgids = Organization::get_org_parents($org->org_id);
         $orgids[] = $org->org_id;
         // assemble query
         $orgids = implode(',', $orgids);
         $orgids = "uo_org_id in ({$orgids})";
         $arids = "select ar_id from admin_role where ar_code in ('M','W')";
         $arids = "uo_ar_id in ({$arids})";
         $uids = "select uo_user_id from user_org where {$orgids} and {$arids}";
         $q->addWhere("u.user_id in ({$uids})");
     return $q;
  * Query
  * @param array $args
  * @return Doctrine_Query $q
 protected function air_query($args = array())
     $q = Doctrine_Query::create()->from('Organization o');
     $q->leftJoin('o.DefaultProject def');
     $q->leftJoin('o.ProjectOrg po');
     $q->leftJoin('po.Project p');
     $q->leftJoin('o.parent r');
     $q->leftJoin("o.Logo ilg WITH ilg.img_ref_type = ?", 'L');
     $q->leftJoin("o.Banner ibn WITH ibn.img_ref_type = ?", 'B');
     $q->leftJoin('o.CreUser cu');
     $q->leftJoin('o.UpdUser uu');
     // process query args
     if (isset($args['excl_user'])) {
         $usrq = "select user_id from user where user_uuid = ?";
         $excl = "select uo_org_id from user_org where uo_user_id = ({$usrq})";
         $q->addWhere("o.org_id not in ({$excl})", $args['excl_user']);
     if (isset($args['excl_proj'])) {
         $prjq = "select prj_id from project where prj_uuid = ?";
         $excl = "select porg_org_id from project_org where porg_prj_id = ({$prjq})";
         $q->addWhere("o.org_id NOT IN ({$excl})", $args['excl_proj']);
     if (isset($args['excl_src'])) {
         $srcq = "select src_id from source where src_uuid = ?";
         $excl = "select so_org_id from src_org where so_src_id = ({$srcq})";
         $q->addWhere("o.org_id NOT IN ({$excl})", $args['excl_src']);
     if (isset($args['excl_inq'])) {
         $srcq = "select inq_id from inquiry where inq_uuid = ?";
         $excl = "select iorg_org_id from inq_org where iorg_inq_id = ({$srcq})";
         $q->addWhere("o.org_id NOT IN ({$excl})", $args['excl_inq']);
     if (isset($args['role']) && !$this->user->is_system()) {
         // look for valid role string
         $role = strtoupper($args['role']);
         if ($role == 'READER') {
             $role = 'R';
         } elseif ($role == 'READERPLUS' || $role == 'E' || $role == 'EDITOR') {
             $role = 'P';
         } elseif ($role == 'WRITER') {
             $role = 'W';
         } elseif ($role == 'MANAGER') {
             $role = 'M';
         if (!isset(AdminRole::$CODES[$role])) {
             throw new Rframe_Exception(Rframe::BAD_DATA, "Invalid role specified: '{$role}'");
         // check for the specified role OR BETTER
         $role_or_better = array();
         $roles_in_order = array('N', 'X', 'R', 'F', 'P', 'W', 'M');
         foreach ($roles_in_order as $code) {
             if ($role == $code || count($role_or_better)) {
                 if (defined("AIR2_AUTHZ_ROLE_{$code}")) {
                     $role_or_better[] = constant("AIR2_AUTHZ_ROLE_{$code}");
         // check each org in user authz for the role bitmasks
         $role_or_better_orgs = array(0);
         //default - none
         $user_authz = $this->user->get_authz();
         foreach ($user_authz as $orgid => $role) {
             foreach ($role_or_better as $mask) {
                 if ($mask == $role) {
                     $role_or_better_orgs[] = $orgid;
         // add to where
         $q->andWhereIn("o.org_id", $role_or_better_orgs);
     if (isset($args['status'])) {
         air2_query_in($q, $args['status'], 'o.org_status');
     if (isset($args['type'])) {
         air2_query_in($q, $args['type'], 'o.org_type');
     // add user_org count
     Organization::add_counts($q, 'o');
     return $q;
Exemplo n.º 12
  * Query
  * @param  array          $args
  * @return Doctrine_Query $q
 protected function air_query($args = array(), $include_temp = false)
     $q = Doctrine_Query::create()->from('Bin b');
     $q->leftJoin('b.User u');
     // source count
     $src_count = 'select count(*) from bin_source where bsrc_bin_id=b.bin_id';
     $q->addSelect("({$src_count}) as src_count");
     // submission count
     $subm_count = 'select count(*) from bin_src_response_set where bsrs_bin_id=b.bin_id';
     $q->addSelect("({$subm_count}) as subm_count");
     // is user the bin-owner?
     $my_id = $this->user->user_id;
     $q->addSelect("(b.bin_user_id={$my_id}) as owner_flag");
     // skip the temp Bins (print only)
     if (!$include_temp) {
         $q->addWhere("b.bin_type not in ('T')");
     // query args
     if (isset($args['owner']) || isset($args['owner_flag'])) {
         $q->addWhere('b.bin_user_id = ?', $this->user->user_id);
     if (isset($args['status'])) {
         air2_query_in($q, $args['status'], 'b.bin_status');
     if (isset($args['type'])) {
         air2_query_in($q, $args['type'], 'b.bin_type');
     return $q;