Exemplo n.º 1
  * Fixes links to the tours archive page. Filter used by WPML plugin to disaply list of trnslated pages.
  * @param  assoc $languages
  * @return assoc
 public function filter_icl_ls_languages_fix_tours_link($languages)
     static $first_call = true, $tour_page_id;
     if ($first_call) {
         // checking if current page is tours page, if no - removing this filter
         // need improve
         $first_call = false;
         if (!adventure_tours_check('is_tour_search')) {
             remove_filter('icl_ls_languages', array($this, 'filter_icl_ls_languages_fix_tours_link'), 20);
             return $languages;
     if (null === $tour_page_id) {
         $tour_page_id = adventure_tours_get_option('tours_page', '');
     global $sitepress;
     foreach ($languages as $code => $language) {
         // for WPML version prior 3.3.0
         // $languages[$code]['url'] = get_permalink( apply_filters( 'translate_object_id', $tour_page_id, 'page', true, $language['language_code'] ) );
         // for WPML version > 3.3.0
         $languages[$code]['url'] = get_permalink(apply_filters('translate_object_id', $tour_page_id, 'page', true, $language['language_code']));
     return $languages;
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Callback for 'init' action.
  * @return void
 function adventure_tours_action_init()
     if (adventure_tours_check('tour_category_taxonomy_exists')) {
         // Initing services related on images and icons processing for tour_category taxonomy.
         // Init for the tour booking form.
     if (adventure_tours_check('woocommerce_active')) {
     if (is_admin()) {
         // To init shortcodes menu for tinyMCE.
         require 'shortcodes/menu.php';
Exemplo n.º 3

 * Sidebar template used for woocommerce related page.
 * @author    Themedelight
 * @package   Themedelight/AdventureTours
 * @version   1.0.9
$is_tour_query = adventure_tours_check('is_tour_search');
$current_product = is_single() ? wc_get_product() : null;
$is_single_tour = $current_product && $current_product->is_type('tour');
$is_tour_category = is_tax('tour_category');
$show_booking_form = $is_single_tour;
$sidebar_id = $is_tour_query || $is_single_tour || $is_tour_category ? 'tour-sidebar' : 'shop-sidebar';
$show_sidebar = is_active_sidebar($sidebar_id);
$tour_search_form = $is_tour_query && adventure_tours_get_option('tours_archive_show_search_form', 1) ? adventure_tours_render_tour_search_form() : null;
if (!$show_sidebar && !$show_booking_form && !$tour_search_form) {
<aside class="col-md-3 sidebar" role="complementary">
if ($tour_search_form) {
    print adventure_tours_render_tour_search_form();
if ($show_booking_form) {
    echo adventure_tours_render_tour_booking_form($current_product);
if ($show_sidebar) {
Exemplo n.º 4
 * Return list for tour_category selector.
 * @return array
function adventure_tours_vp_get_tour_start_category_list()
    $result = array();
    if (!adventure_tours_check('tour_category_taxonomy_exists')) {
        return $result;
    $list = get_terms('tour_category', array('hierarchical' => true));
    if ($list) {
        $top = array();
        $children = array();
        foreach ($list as $item) {
            $el = array('value' => $item->term_id, 'label' => $item->name . "({$item->count})");
            if ($item->parent) {
                $children[$item->parent][$item->term_id] = $el;
            } else {
                $top[$item->term_id] = $el;
        foreach ($top as $top_id => $el) {
            __at_vp_cat_list_walker($result, $children, $top_id, $el, '');
    return $result;
Exemplo n.º 5
	<div class="form-block__description"><?php 
    echo esc_html($note);

	<form method="get" action="<?php 
echo esc_url(home_url('/'));
		<input type="hidden" name="toursearch" value="1">

if (adventure_tours_check('is_wpml_in_use')) {
		<input type="hidden" name="lang" value="<?php 
    echo esc_attr(ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE);

if (!$hide_text_field) {
		<div class="form-block__item form-block__field-width-icon">
			<input type="text" placeholder="<?php 
    echo esc_attr_x('Search Tour', 'placeholder', 'adventure-tours');
Exemplo n.º 6
 public static function get_tour_base_rewrite_rule($with_front = false, $reset_cache = true)
     static $base_url, $base_full, $is_front_page, $default_lang, $cur_lang;
     if (null === $base_url || $reset_cache) {
         $tours_page_id = adventure_tours_get_option('tours_page');
         // if WPML in use we need ensure that we have page_id in default language
         if (adventure_tours_check('is_wpml_in_use') && !is_admin()) {
             if (null === $cur_lang) {
                 $default_lang = apply_filters('wpml_default_language', '');
                 $cur_lang = defined('ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE') ? ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE : $cur_lang;
             if ($default_lang != $cur_lang) {
                 $page_id_in_default_lang = icl_object_id($tours_page_id, 'page', true, $default_lang);
                 if ($page_id_in_default_lang) {
                     $tours_page_id = $page_id_in_default_lang;
         if ($tours_page_id && 'page' == get_option('show_on_front') && $tours_page_id == get_option('page_on_front')) {
             $base_url = '';
             $is_front_page = true;
         } else {
             $base_url = $tours_page_id ? get_page_uri($tours_page_id) : 'tours';
             if ($base_url) {
                 $base_url .= '/';
     if ($with_front) {
         if (null === $base_full || $reset_cache) {
             $base_full = $base_url || $is_front_page ? $GLOBALS['wp_rewrite']->front . $base_url : '';
         return $base_full;
     return $base_url;
  * Renders Tour Booking management tab on the product management page.
  * @return void
 public function filter_woocommerce_product_write_panels()
     wp_enqueue_script('theme-tools', PARENT_URL . '/assets/js/ThemeTools.js', array('jquery'), '1.0.0');
     wp_enqueue_script('tour-booking-tab', PARENT_URL . '/assets/js/AdminTourBookingTab.js', array('jquery'), '1.0.0');
     global $post;
     adventure_tours_render_template_part('templates/admin/tour-booking-tab', '', array('periods' => adventure_tours_di('tour_booking_service')->get_rows($post->ID), 'product_translation' => $this->is_product_translation(), 'disable_ajax_saving' => adventure_tours_check('is_wpml_in_use'), 'nonce_field' => array('name' => self::$booking_form_nonce_field_name, 'value' => self::$booking_form_nonce_key)));
Exemplo n.º 8
 protected function check_import_type_requirements($type, $options, $full_check = false)
     $errors = array();
     if (empty($options['enabled'])) {
         $errors[] = 'This option is disabled.';
     } elseif (!in_array($type, $this->types_allowed_for_import)) {
         $errors[] = 'Unknown import type.';
     if (!$errors) {
         $check_keys = array('file', 'file_adventure_addons');
         foreach ($check_keys as $key_name) {
             if (!empty($options[$key_name]) && !file_exists($options[$key_name])) {
                 $errors[] = 'Import file is missed. Please contact support.';
     switch ($type) {
         case 'faq':
         case 'page':
         case 'post':
         case 'product':
             // wordpress-importer plugin check
             $import_plugin_file = 'wordpress-importer/wordpress-importer.php';
             if (!is_plugin_active($import_plugin_file)) {
                 $errors[] = $this->get_missed_plugin_message('WordPress Importer', 'wordpress-importer');
             if ($full_check) {
                 if (!class_exists('WP_Import')) {
                     /*if (!defined('WP_LOAD_IMPORTERS') ) {
                     			define('WP_LOAD_IMPORTERS', true);
                     			include ABSPATH . '/wp-content/plugins/' . $import_plugin_file;
                     if (!class_exists('WP_Import')) {
                         $errors[] = 'Can not load WP_Import class.';
             if ('product' == $type) {
                 if (!class_exists('woocommerce')) {
                     $errors[] = $this->get_missed_plugin_message('Woocommerce', 'woocommerce');
                 if (!adventure_tours_check('tour_category_taxonomy_exists')) {
                     $errors[] = $this->get_missed_plugin_message('Data types for Adventure Tours theme', '');
         case 'configurate_woocommerce':
             if (!class_exists('woocommerce')) {
                 $errors[] = $this->get_missed_plugin_message('Woocommerce', 'woocommerce');
         case 'theme_widgets':
             // widget-importer-exporter plugin check
             $wie_plugin_file = 'widget-importer-exporter/widget-importer-exporter.php';
             if (!is_plugin_active($wie_plugin_file)) {
                 $errors[] = $this->get_missed_plugin_message('Widget Importer & Exporter', 'widget-importer-exporter');
     $result = array('available' => empty($errors));
     if ($errors) {
         $result['errors'] = $errors;
     return $result;
  * Filter for woocommerce bredcrumbs generation function.
  * To fix breadcrumbs for tours and tour categories.
  * @param  array $list
  * @param  array $init_list
  * @return array
 public function filter_woocommerce_get_breadcrumb($list, $init_list)
     $isTourDetails = false;
     if (!empty($GLOBALS['product'])) {
         $p = wc_get_product();
         if ($p && $p->is_type('tour')) {
             $isTourDetails = true;
     $tour_cat_tax_name = 'tour_category';
     $is_set_tour = $isTourDetails || adventure_tours_check('is_tour_search');
     $is_tour_cat = !$is_set_tour ? is_tax($tour_cat_tax_name) : false;
     $tour_element = array();
     if ($is_set_tour || $is_tour_cat) {
         $toursPageId = adventure_tours_get_option('tours_page');
         $toursLink = $toursPageId ? get_permalink($toursPageId) : '';
         if ($toursLink) {
             $tour_element = array(get_the_title($toursPageId), $toursLink);
     if ($is_set_tour) {
         if ($tour_element) {
             $first_element = isset($list[1]) ? $list[1] : null;
             $list[1] = $tour_element;
             // case when init list contatins only Home/ Tour X
             if ($isTourDetails && $first_element && empty($list[2]) && is_single()) {
                 $list[] = $first_element;
         if (adventure_tours_check('is_tour_search')) {
             $last_index = count($list) - 1;
             if (is_search()) {
                 // replacement for breadcrumbs "Search results for ''"
                 if (!get_search_query(false)) {
                     $list[$last_index][0] = esc_html__('Search results', 'adventure-tours');
                     // $list[ $last_index ][0] = str_replace('&ldquo;&rdquo;', '', $list[ $last_index ][0]);
             } elseif (!empty($_REQUEST['tourtax'])) {
                 // adding 'Search results' element to breadcrumbs in case if search in use and last element is "Tours"
                 if ($tour_element == $list[$last_index]) {
                     $list[] = array(esc_html__('Search results', 'adventure-tours'), '');
     } elseif ($is_tour_cat) {
         $new_list = array($list[0], $tour_element);
         $current_term = $GLOBALS['wp_query']->get_queried_object();
         $ancestors = get_ancestors($current_term->term_id, $tour_cat_tax_name);
         $ancestors = array_reverse($ancestors);
         foreach ($ancestors as $ancestor) {
             $ancestor = get_term($ancestor, $tour_cat_tax_name);
             if (!is_wp_error($ancestor) && $ancestor) {
                 $new_list[] = array($ancestor->name, get_term_link($ancestor));
         $new_list[] = array($current_term->name);
         return $new_list;
     return $list;
Exemplo n.º 10
        $result[] = array('name' => "tour_badge_{$bid}_is_active", 'label' => sprintf(esc_html__('Is Active Badge #%d', 'adventure-tours'), $bid), 'type' => 'toggle', 'default' => '0');
        $result[] = array('name' => "tour_badge_{$bid}_title", 'label' => sprintf(esc_html__('Title #%d', 'adventure-tours'), $bid), 'type' => 'textbox', 'default' => '', 'dependency' => array('field' => "tour_badge_{$bid}_is_active", 'function' => 'vp_dep_boolean'));
        $result[] = array('name' => "tour_badge_{$bid}_color", 'label' => sprintf(esc_html__('Color #%d', 'adventure-tours'), $bid), 'type' => 'color', 'default' => '', 'dependency' => array('field' => "tour_badge_{$bid}_is_active", 'function' => 'vp_dep_boolean'));
    return $result;
function _adventure_tours_shop_cart_option()
    $descriptionNoticeText = '';
    if (!class_exists('WooCommerce')) {
        $descriptionNoticeText = esc_html__('Please install and activate the WooCommerce plugin.', 'adventure-tours');
    return array('name' => 'show_header_shop_cart', 'label' => esc_html__('Show Shopping Cart', 'adventure-tours'), 'description' => $descriptionNoticeText ? '<span style="color:#EE0000">' . $descriptionNoticeText . '</span>' : '', 'type' => 'toggle', 'default' => '1');
function _adventure_tours_additional_social_icons($limit = 5)
    $result = array();
    for ($cur_index = 1; $cur_index <= $limit; $cur_index++) {
        $result[] = array('name' => "social_link_{$cur_index}_is_active", 'label' => sprintf(esc_html__('Link #%d', 'adventure-tours'), $cur_index), 'type' => 'toggle', 'default' => '0');
        $result[] = array('name' => "social_link_{$cur_index}_icon", 'label' => sprintf(esc_html__('Icon #%d', 'adventure-tours'), $cur_index), 'type' => 'fontawesome', 'default' => '', 'validation' => 'required', 'dependency' => array('field' => "social_link_{$cur_index}_is_active", 'function' => 'vp_dep_boolean'));
        $result[] = array('name' => "social_link_{$cur_index}_url", 'label' => sprintf(esc_html__('Url #%d', 'adventure-tours'), $cur_index), 'type' => 'textbox', 'default' => '', 'validation' => 'required|url', 'dependency' => array('field' => "social_link_{$cur_index}_is_active", 'function' => 'vp_dep_boolean'));
    return $result;
if (!adventure_tours_check('faq_taxonomies')) {
if (!adventure_tours_check('tours_active')) {
return $full_options_config;
Exemplo n.º 11
  * Tour details page, tab description rendeing function.
  * @return void
 function adventure_tours_render_tab_description()
     global $product;
     if (adventure_tours_check('tour_category_taxonomy_exists')) {
         $taxonomy = 'tour_category';
         $terms = get_the_terms($product->ID, $taxonomy);
         if ($terms) {
             echo '<ul class="list-block list-block--tour-tabs">';
             foreach ($terms as $term) {
                 echo '<li><a href="' . get_term_link($term->slug, $taxonomy) . '">' . $term->name . '</a></li>';
             echo '</ul>';
     if (!empty($GLOBALS['_tour_additional_attributes'])) {
         adventure_tours_render_template_part('templates/tour/additional-attributes', '', array('title' => esc_html__('Additional information', 'adventure-tours'), 'attributes' => $GLOBALS['_tour_additional_attributes']));
Exemplo n.º 12
 * @author    Themedelight
 * @package   Themedelight/AdventureTours
 * @version   1.1.2
$cat_tax_name = 'faq_category';
$mode_all = false;
$cat_taxonomies = array();
TdJsClientScript::addScript('faqAccorsionChagesIconInit', 'Theme.faqAccordionCahgesIcon();');
$is_sidebar = is_active_sidebar('faq-sidebar');
$show_question_form = adventure_tours_get_option('faq_show_question_form');
$is_show_col = $is_sidebar || $show_question_form;
$accordion_id = 1;
$accordion_item_id = 1;
if (adventure_tours_check('faq_taxonomies')) {
    if (is_tax($cat_tax_name)) {
        // query for particular category
        $cur_category = get_queried_object();
        if ($cur_category) {
            $cat_taxonomies[] = $cur_category;
    } elseif (have_posts()) {
        // page template is used
        $mode_all = true;
        $cat_taxonomies = get_terms($cat_tax_name);
    $cat_ids = array();
    if ($cat_taxonomies) {
        foreach ($cat_taxonomies as $category) {
Exemplo n.º 13

 * Sidebar template file.
 * @author    Themedelight
 * @package   Themedelight/AdventureTours
 * @version   1.0.0
$show_sidebar = is_active_sidebar('sidebar');
$tour_search_form = adventure_tours_check('is_tour_search') ? adventure_tours_render_tour_search_form() : null;
if (!$show_sidebar && !$tour_search_form) {
<aside class="col-md-3 sidebar" role="complementary">
if ($tour_search_form) {
    print adventure_tours_render_tour_search_form();
Exemplo n.º 14
 protected function get_section_id_for_archive_page()
     $result = 0;
     if (adventure_tours_check('is_tour_search')) {
         // static page for tours
         $result = adventure_tours_get_option('tours_page');
     } elseif (is_home()) {
         $result = get_option('page_for_posts');
     } elseif (is_post_type_archive('product')) {
         $result = wc_get_page_id('shop');
     } elseif (is_tax('tour_category')) {
         $tour_category = get_queried_object();
         if ($tour_category && isset($tour_category->term_id)) {
             $storage = adventure_tours_di('tour_category_header_sections_storage');
             if ($storage && $storage->is_active()) {
                 $result = $storage->getData($tour_category->term_id);
     return $result;