<?php $kansoConfig = adminKansoConfig(); ?> <h3>Kanso Settings</h3> <p class="info text-masked" style="margin-bottom:25px;"> These are the settings that make Kanso run. Change with caution. </p> <?php // <!-- KANSO SETTINGS FORM --> ?> <form class="ajax-form js-kanso-settings-form"> <div class="input-wrap"> <label class="bold">Site Title</label> <p class="info text-masked"> The name of your website. This is used by Kanso to stucture page titles. </p> <input class="input-default small" type="text" name="site-title" data-js-required="true" data-js-min-legnth="1" data-js-max-legnth="50" maxlength="50" value="<?php echo $kansoConfig['KANSO_SITE_TITLE']; ?> " placeholder="My Website" autocomplete="off"/> <p class="input-error">* Please enter a site title.</p> </div> <div class="input-wrap"> <label class="bold">Site Description</label>
function adminSettingsStaticPages() { return implode(', ', adminKansoConfig('KANSO_STATIC_PAGES')); }