You can remove other authors here. Their post authorship will be transferred to the user who deletes them. Warning this cannot be undone. </p> <table class="horizontal"> <thead><tr> <th align="left">Name</th> <th align="center">Email</th> <th align="center">Role</th> <th align="center">Status</th> <th align="right"></th> </tr></thead> <?php foreach ($allAuthors as $author) { ?> <?php if ($author['id'] !== adminGetUser()['id'] && (int) $author['id'] !== 1) { ?> <?php $name = $author['name'] === null ? '?' : $author['name']; $slectedAdmin = $author['role'] === 'administrator' ? 'selected' : ''; $slectedWriter = $author['role'] === 'administrator' ? '' : 'selected'; ?> <tr> <td align="left"><?php echo $name; ?> </a></td> <td align="center"><?php echo $author['email']; ?> </td>
?> </title> <!-- FAVICONS --> <?php echo adminFavicons(); ?> <!-- SCRIPTS --> <?php echo adminHeaderScripts(); ?> </head> <body data-user-role="<?php echo adminGetUser('role'); ?> " class="<?php echo adminBodyClass(); ?> "> <!-- SVG SPRITES --> <?php echo adminSvgSprites(); ?> <!-- PAGE WRAPPER --> <div id="wrapper"> <?php
</form> <div class="dz-preview dz-image-preview dz-processing dz-success"> <div class="dz-details"> <?php echo adminSettingsUserImg(); ?> </div> </div> </div> <?php // <!-- AUTHOR SETTINGS FORM --> ?> <?php $adminUser = adminGetUser(); ?> <form class="ajax-form js-author-settings-form"> <div class="input-wrap"> <label class="bold">Name</label> <input class="input-default small" type="text" name="name" data-js-required="true" data-js-validation="name" data-js-min-legnth="5" data-js-max-legnth="50" maxlength="50" value="<?php echo $adminUser['name']; ?> " placeholder="John Appleseed" autocomplete="off"/> <p class="input-error">* Your name needs to be a real name.</p> </div> <div class="input-wrap"> <label class="bold">Slug</label>
function adminSettingsUserImg() { $user = adminGetUser(); $env = \Kanso\Kanso::getInstance()->Environment; if (trim($user['thumbnail']) === '') { return ''; } else { return '<img src="' . $env['KANSO_IMGS_URL'] . $user['thumbnail'] . '" />'; } }