function store() { $msg = $this->check(); if ($msg) { return get_class($this) . "::store-check failed"; } $q = new DBQuery(); if ($this->user_id) { // save the old password $perm_func = "updateLogin"; $q->addTable('users'); $q->addQuery('user_password'); $q->addWhere("user_id = {$this->user_id}"); $pwd = $q->loadResult(); if ($pwd != $this->user_password) { $this->user_password = md5($this->user_password); addHistory($this->_tbl, $this->user_id, 'password changed', 'Password changed from IP ' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); } else { $this->user_password = null; } $ret = db_updateObject('users', $this, 'user_id', false); } else { $perm_func = "addLogin"; $this->user_password = md5($this->user_password); $ret = db_insertObject('users', $this, 'user_id'); } if (!$ret) { return get_class($this) . "::store failed <br />" . db_error(); } else { $acl =& $GLOBALS['AppUI']->acl(); $acl->{$perm_func}($this->user_id, $this->user_username); return NULL; } }
function delete() { $q = new DBQuery(); $q->setDelete('forum_visits'); $q->addWhere('visit_forum = ' . $this->forum_id); $q->exec(); // No error if this fails, it is not important. $q->clear(); $q->setDelete('forums'); $q->addWhere('forum_id = ' . $this->forum_id); if (!$q->exec()) { $q->clear(); return db_error(); } // $sql = "DELETE FROM forum_messages WHERE message_forum = $this->forum_id"; $q->clear(); $q->setDelete('forum_messages'); $q->addWhere('message_forum = ' . $this->forum_id); if (!$q->exec()) { $result = db_error(); } else { addHistory('forums', $this->forum_id, 'delete', $this->forum_name); $result = NULL; } $q->clear(); return $result; }
function delete() { global $dPconfig; $this->_message = "deleted"; addHistory('files', $this->file_id, 'delete', $this->file_name, $this->file_project); // remove the file from the file system @unlink("{$dPconfig['root_dir']}/files/{$this->file_project}/{$this->file_real_filename}"); // delete any index entries $q = new DBQuery(); $q->setDelete('files_index'); $q->addQuery('*'); $q->addWhere("file_id = {$this->file_id}"); if (!$q->exec()) { $q->clear(); return db_error(); } // delete the main table reference $q->clear(); $q->setDelete('files'); $q->addQuery('*'); $q->addWhere("file_id = {$this->file_id}"); if (!$q->exec()) { $q->clear(); return db_error(); } $q->clear(); return NULL; }
function prepareRequestAndAddHistory($PRP) { $defaultPRP = array('doNotExecute' => false, 'exitOnComplete' => false, 'doNotShowUser' => false, 'directExecute' => false, 'signature' => false, 'timeout' => DEFAULT_MAX_CLIENT_REQUEST_TIMEOUT, 'runCondition' => false, 'status' => 'pending', 'isPluginResponse' => 1, 'sendAfterAllLoad' => false, 'callOpt' => array()); $PRP = array_merge($defaultPRP, $PRP); @extract($PRP); if (empty($historyAdditionalData)) { echo 'noHistoryAdditionalData'; return false; } if ($siteData['connectURL'] == 'default' && defined('CONNECT_USING_SITE_URL') && CONNECT_USING_SITE_URL == 1 || $siteData['connectURL'] == 'siteURL') { $URL = $siteData['URL']; } else { //if($siteData['connectURL'] == 'default' || $siteData['connectURL'] == 'adminURL') $URL = $siteData['adminURL']; } $historyData = array('siteID' => $siteData['siteID'], 'actionID' => Reg::get('currentRequest.actionID'), 'userID' => $GLOBALS['userID'], 'type' => $type, 'action' => $action, 'events' => $events, 'URL' => $URL, 'timeout' => $timeout, 'isPluginResponse' => $isPluginResponse); if ($doNotShowUser) { $historyData['showUser'] = '******'; } if ($parentHistoryID) { $historyData['parentHistoryID'] = $parentHistoryID; } if (!empty($siteData['callOpt'])) { $callOpt = @unserialize($siteData['callOpt']); } if (!empty($siteData['httpAuth'])) { $callOpt['httpAuth'] = @unserialize($siteData['httpAuth']); } if (!empty($runCondition)) { $historyData['runCondition'] = $runCondition; } if (!empty($timeScheduled)) { $historyData['timeScheduled'] = $timeScheduled; } $historyData['callOpt'] = serialize($callOpt); $historyID = addHistory($historyData, $historyAdditionalData); if ($signature === false) { $signature = signData($requestAction . $historyID, $siteData['isOpenSSLActive'], $siteData['privateKey'], $siteData['randomSignature']); } $requestParams['username'] = $siteData['adminUsername']; if (isset($requestParams['secure'])) { $requestParams['secure'] = secureData($requestParams['secure'], $siteData['isOpenSSLActive'], $siteData['privateKey'], $siteData['randomSignature']); } if (!empty($requestParams['args'])) { $requestParams['args']['parentHID'] = $historyID; } $requestData = array('iwp_action' => $requestAction, 'params' => $requestParams, 'id' => $historyID, 'signature' => $signature, 'iwp_admin_version' => APP_VERSION); $updateHistoryData = array('status' => $status); updateHistory($updateHistoryData, $historyID); DB::insert("?:history_raw_details", array('historyID' => $historyID, 'request' => base64_encode(serialize($requestData)), 'panelRequest' => serialize($_REQUEST))); if ($directExecute) { set_time_limit(0); echo 'direct_execute<br />'; executeRequest($historyID, $type, $action, $siteData['URL'], $requestData, $timeout, true, $callOpt); } else { echo 'async_call_it_should_be<br />'; if ($exitOnComplete) { set_time_limit(0); echo "async_call_it_should_be_working"; Reg::set('currentRequest.exitOnComplete', true); } elseif ($sendAfterAllLoad) { Reg::set('currentRequest.sendAfterAllLoad', true); } } return $historyID; }
// --- TBL: val foreach ($_REQUEST as $val_name => $value) { if (strpos($val_name, 'input_') !== false) { $value = urldecode($value); $rslt = updVal($db, $file_id, $val_name, $value); if (!$rslt) { \Sop\Log::error(__FILE__, __LINE__, 'Failed to update val.'); $msg012 = "The update failed.: val"; // 更新に失敗しました: val \Sop\Api::exitWithError(array("{$msg012} {$value} (: {$val_name})")); } } } // --- TBL: history $history_id = -1; $rslt = addHistory($db, $history_id, $pj_id, $sop_id, $tpl_id, $schema_id, $file_id, $smpl_given_no, $HISTORY_ACTION_FILE_UPD, $date, $user_id, $user_id_2, null); if (!$rslt) { \Sop\Log::error(__FILE__, __LINE__, 'Failed to add history.'); $msg013 = "The update failed.: history"; // 更新に失敗しました: history \Sop\Api::exitWithError(array($msg013)); } } // --- フォームの最終更新日時の更新。 $rslt = updValLastUpdateTime($db, $file_id, $target_val_name, $update_time); if (!$rslt) { \Sop\Log::error(__FILE__, __LINE__, 'Failed to update last update time.'); $msg014 = "Failed to update last update time.: val"; // フォーム最終更新時刻の更新に失敗しました: val \Sop\Api::exitWithError(array($msg014)); exit;
$r->addOrder('user_access_log_id'); //execute query and fetch results $r->exec(); $boot_query_row = $r->fetchRow(); if ($boot_query_row) { $boot_user_session = $boot_query_row['session_id']; $boot_user_log_id = $boot_query_row['user_access_log_id']; } } } do { if ($boot_user_id == $AppUI->user_id && $boot_user_session == $_COOKIE['PHPSESSID']) { $AppUI->resetPlace(); $AppUI->redirect('logout=-1'); } else { addHistory('login', $boot_user_id, 'logout', $details); w2PsessionDestroy($boot_user_session, $boot_user_log_id); } if ($boot_query_row) { $boot_query_row = $r->fetchRow(); if ($boot_query_row) { $boot_user_session = $boot_query_row['session_id']; $boot_user_log_id = $boot_query_row['user_access_log_id']; } else { $r->clear(); } } } while ($boot_query_row); $msg = $boot_user_name . ' logged out by ' . $AppUI->user_first_name . ' ' . $AppUI->user_last_name; $AppUI->setMsg($msg, UI_MSG_OK); $AppUI->redirect('m=admin&tab=3');
/** * @todo Parent store could be partially used * @todo Can't delete a task with children */ function delete() { if (!$this->task_id) { return 'invalid task id'; } $q = new DBQuery(); if (dPgetConfig('check_task_empty_dynamic') && $this->task_parent != $this->task_id) { //Check that we are not deleting the only child of a dynamic parent task $task_test = new CTask(); $task_test->load($this->task_parent); $siblings = $task_test->getChildren(); if ($task_test->task_dynamic == 1 && count($siblings) <= 1) { return 'BadDyn_NoChild'; } } //load task first because we need info on it to update the parent tasks later $task = new CTask(); $task->load($this->task_id); //get child tasks so we can delete them too (no orphans) $childrenlist = $task->getDeepChildren(); //delete task (if we're actually allowed to delete this task) $err_msg = parent::delete($task->task_id, $task->task_name, $task->task_project); if ($err_msg) { return $err_msg; } $this->_action = 'deleted'; if ($task->task_parent != $task->task_id) { //Has parent, run the update sequence, this child will no longer be in the database $this->updateDynamics(); } $q->clear(); //delete children if (!empty($childrenlist)) { foreach ($childrenlist as $child_id) { $ctask = new CTask(); $ctask->load($child_id); //ignore permissions on child tasks by deleteing task directly from the database $q->setDelete('tasks'); $q->addWhere('task_id=' . $ctask->task_id); if (!$q->exec()) { return db_error(); } $q->clear(); addHistory('tasks', $ctask->task_id, 'delete', $ctask->task_name, $ctask->task_project); $this->updateDynamics(); //to update after children are deleted (see above) } $this->_action = 'deleted with children'; } //delete affiliated task_logs (overrides any task_log permissions) $q->setDelete('task_log'); if (!empty($childrenlist)) { $q->addWhere('task_log_task IN (' . implode(', ', $childrenlist) . ', ' . $this->task_id . ')'); } else { $q->addWhere('task_log_task=' . $this->task_id); } if (!$q->exec()) { return db_error(); } $q->clear(); //delete affiliated task_dependencies $q->setDelete('task_dependencies'); if (!empty($childrenlist)) { $q->addWhere('dependencies_task_id IN (' . implode(', ', $childrenlist) . ', ' . $task->task_id . ')'); } else { $q->addWhere('dependencies_task_id=' . $task->task_id); } if (!$q->exec()) { return db_error(); } $q->clear(); // delete linked user tasks $q->setDelete('user_tasks'); if (!empty($childrenlist)) { $q->addWhere('task_id IN (' . implode(', ', $childrenlist) . ', ' . $task->task_id . ')'); } else { $q->addWhere('task_id=' . $task->task_id); } if (!$q->exec()) { return db_error(); } $q->clear(); return NULL; }
function store() { $this->dPTrimAll(); $msg = $this->check(); if ($msg) { return get_class($this) . '::store-check failed - ' . $msg; } if ($this->project_id) { $ret = db_updateObject('projects', $this, 'project_id', false); addHistory('projects', $this->project_id, 'update', $this->project_name, $this->project_id); } else { $ret = db_insertObject('projects', $this, 'project_id'); addHistory('projects', $this->project_id, 'add', $this->project_name, $this->project_id); } //split out related departments and store them seperatly. $q = new DBQuery(); $q->setDelete('project_departments'); $q->addWhere('project_id=' . $this->project_id); $q->exec(); $q->clear(); if ($this->project_departments) { $departments = explode(',', $this->project_departments); foreach ($departments as $department) { $q->addTable('project_departments'); $q->addInsert('project_id', $this->project_id); $q->addInsert('department_id', $department); $q->exec(); $q->clear(); } } //split out related contacts and store them seperatly. $q->setDelete('project_contacts'); $q->addWhere('project_id=' . $this->project_id); $q->exec(); $q->clear(); if ($this->project_contacts) { $contacts = explode(',', $this->project_contacts); foreach ($contacts as $contact) { if ($contact) { $q->addTable('project_contacts'); $q->addInsert('project_id', $this->project_id); $q->addInsert('contact_id', $contact); $q->exec(); $q->clear(); } } } return !$ret ? get_class($this) . '::store failed <br />' . db_error() : NULL; }
// and HTTP auth methods now supported. if (isset($_POST['login'])) { $username = w2PgetCleanParam($_POST, 'username', ''); $password = w2PgetCleanParam($_POST, 'password', ''); $redirect = w2PgetCleanParam($_POST, 'redirect', ''); $AppUI->setUserLocale(); @(include_once W2P_BASE_DIR . '/locales/' . $AppUI->user_locale . '/locales.php'); include_once W2P_BASE_DIR . '/locales/core.php'; $ok = $AppUI->login($username, $password); if (!$ok) { $AppUI->setMsg('Login Failed', UI_MSG_ERROR); } else { //Register login in user_acces_log $AppUI->registerLogin(); } addHistory('login', $AppUI->user_id, 'login', $AppUI->user_first_name . ' ' . $AppUI->user_last_name); $AppUI->redirect('' . $redirect); } // set the default ui style $uistyle = $AppUI->getPref('UISTYLE') ? $AppUI->getPref('UISTYLE') : w2PgetConfig('host_style'); // clear out main url parameters $m = ''; $a = ''; $u = ''; // check if we are logged in if ($AppUI->doLogin()) { // load basic locale settings $AppUI->setUserLocale(); @(include_once './locales/' . $AppUI->user_locale . '/locales.php'); include_once './locales/core.php'; setlocale(LC_TIME, $AppUI->user_lang);
public function store(CAppUI $AppUI) { $perms = $AppUI->acl(); $stored = false; $errorMsgArray = $this->check(); if (count($errorMsgArray) > 0) { return $errorMsgArray; } if ($this->link_id && $perms->checkModuleItem('links', 'edit', $this->link_id)) { $q = new DBQuery(); $this->link_date = $q->dbfnNow(); if ($msg = parent::store()) { return $msg; } addHistory('links', $this->link_id, 'update', $this->link_name, $this->link_id); $stored = true; } if (0 == $this->link_id && $perms->checkModuleItem('links', 'add')) { $q = new DBQuery(); $this->link_date = $q->dbfnNow(); if ($msg = parent::store()) { return $msg; } addHistory('links', $this->link_id, 'add', $this->link_name, $this->link_id); $stored = true; } return $stored; }
public function store(CAppUI $AppUI) { $perms = $AppUI->acl(); $stored = false; $errorMsgArray = $this->check(); if (count($errorMsgArray) > 0) { return $errorMsgArray; } $this->company_id = (int) $this->company_id; /* * TODO: I don't like the duplication on each of these two branches, but I * don't have a good idea on how to fix it at the moment... */ if ($this->company_id && $perms->checkModuleItem('companies', 'edit', $this->company_id)) { if ($msg = parent::store()) { return $msg; } addHistory('companies', $this->company_id, 'update', $this->company_name, $this->company_id); $stored = true; } if (0 == $this->company_id && $perms->checkModuleItem('companies', 'add')) { if ($msg = parent::store()) { return $msg; } addHistory('companies', $this->company_id, 'add', $this->company_name, $this->company_id); $stored = true; } if ($stored) { $custom_fields = new CustomFields('companies', 'addedit', $this->company_id, 'edit'); $custom_fields->bind($_POST); $sql = $custom_fields->store($this->company_id); // Store Custom Fields } return $stored; }
// --------------------------- // データ登録 // --------------------------- $db->beginTransaction(); $date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); // --- TBL: tpl $rslt = updTplDetail($db, $tpl_id, $tpl_name, $upld_cmnt); if (!$rslt) { \Sop\Log::error(__FILE__, __LINE__, 'Failed to update tpl.'); $msg002 = "The update failed.: tpl"; // 更新に失敗しました: tpl \Sop\Api::exitWithError(array($msg002)); } // --- TBL: history $history_id = -1; $rslt = addHistory($db, $history_id, $pj_id, $sop_id, $tpl_id, $schema_id, null, null, $HISTORY_ACTION_TPL_DETAIL_EDIT, $date, $user_id, null, $upld_cmnt); if (!$rslt) { \Sop\Log::error(__FILE__, __LINE__, 'Failed to add history.'); $msg003 = "The registoration failed: history"; // 登録に失敗しました: history \Sop\Api::exitWithError(array($msg003)); } // --------------------------- // 終了処理 // --------------------------- $db->commit(); $db = null; $msg004 = "The edit complted."; // 編集が完了しました echo json_encode(array('success' => true, 'msg' => \Sop\Api::htmlEncodeLines(array($msg004)), 'role_aprv' => (bool) $role_aprv, 'role_upld' => (bool) $role_upld)); exit;
\Sop\Log::error(__FILE__, __LINE__, 'Failed to delete clmn.'); $msg010 = "The delete failed.: clmn"; // 削除に失敗しました: clmn \Sop\Api::exitWithError(array($msg010)); } // --- TBL: row $rslt = delPjRow($db, $pj_id); if (!$rslt) { \Sop\Log::error(__FILE__, __LINE__, 'Failed to delete row.'); $msg011 = "The delete failed.: row"; // 削除に失敗しました: row \Sop\Api::exitWithError(array(_("削除に失敗しました: row"))); } // --- TBL: history $history_id = -1; $rslt = addHistory($db, $history_id, $pj_id, null, null, null, null, null, $HISTORY_ACTION_PJ_DEL, date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), $user_id, null, null); if (!$rslt) { \Sop\Log::error(__FILE__, __LINE__, 'Failed to delete history.'); $msg012 = "The delete failed.: history"; // 削除に失敗しました: history \Sop\Api::exitWithError(array($msg012)); } // --------------------------- // ファイル削除 // --------------------------- foreach ($file_path_list as $file_path) { if (file_exists($file_path)) { unlink($file_path); } } // ---------------------------
\Sop\Api::exitWithError(array($msg005)); } } if ($div == 'upd') { // --- TBL: sop $rslt = updSop($db, $sop_id, $sop_name, $checker_required_flag); if (!$rslt) { \Sop\Log::error(__FILE__, __LINE__, 'Failed to update sop.'); $msg006 = "The update failed.: sop"; // 更新に失敗しました: sop \Sop\Api::exitWithError(array($msg006)); exit; } // --- TBL: history $history_id = -1; $rslt = addHistory($db, $history_id, $pj_id, $sop_id, null, null, null, null, $HISTORY_ACTION_SOP_UPD, date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), $user_id, null, null); if (!$rslt) { \Sop\Log::error(__FILE__, __LINE__, 'Failed to add history.'); $msg007 = "The update failed.: history"; // 更新に失敗しました: history \Sop\Api::exitWithError(array($msg007)); } } // --------------------------- // 終了処理 // --------------------------- $db->commit(); $db = null; if ($div == 'add') { $msg008 = "The registration completed."; // 登録が完了しました
function add2Room($clientID, $user_id, $room) { global $Server; $mes = 'Приглашен в комнату пользователем ' . $Server->wsClients[$clientID][13]; // sendMess($id, $data); addHistory($user_id, $mes, '000', $room); if (getRoom($room, $user_id)) { updateRoom($room, false, $user_id); } else { updateRoom($room); } foreach ($Server->wsClients as $id => $data) { if ($data[15] != $room) { if ($data[12] == $user_id) { sendMess($id, array('System', $Server->wsClients[$clientID][13] . ' пригласил Вас в чат <a href="index.php?module=kChat&room=' . $room . '">"' . getRoomName($room, $data[12]) . '"</a>', '000;font-weight:bolder')); getRooms($id); } } else { getUsers($id, $room); } } }
public function import($AppUI) { $output = ''; $company_id = (int) w2PgetParam($_POST, 'company_id', 0); if ($company_id == 0) { if (isset($_POST['new_company'])) { $companyName = w2PgetParam($_POST, 'new_company', 'New Company'); $company = new CCompany(); $company->company_name = $companyName; $company->company_owner = $AppUI->user_id; $AppUI->version_major <= 1 && $AppUI->version_minor <= 1 ? $company->store() : $company->store($AppUI); $company_id = $company->company_id; $output .= $AppUI->_('createcomp') . $companyName . '<br>'; echo $output; } else { $error = $AppUI->_('emptycomp'); return $error; } } $result = $this->_processProject($AppUI, $company_id, $_POST); if (is_array($result)) { $AppUI->setMsg($result, UI_MSG_ERROR); $AppUI->redirect('m=importers'); } $this->project_id = $result; $q = new DBQuery(); // Users Setup if (isset($_POST['users']) && is_array($_POST['users']) && $_POST['nouserimport'] != "true") { foreach ($_POST['users'] as $ruid => $r) { $q->clear(); if (!empty($r['user_username'])) { $result = $this->_processContact($AppUI, $r['user_username'], $company_id); if (is_array($result)) { $AppUI->setMsg($result, UI_MSG_ERROR); $AppUI->redirect('m=importers'); } $contact_id = $result; //TODO: Replace with the regular create users functionality $q->addInsert('user_username', $r['user_username']); $q->addInsert('user_contact', $contact_id); $q->addTable('users'); $q->exec(); $insert_id = db_insert_id(); $r['user_id'] = $insert_id; } else { $r['user_id'] = $r['user_userselect']; } if (!empty($r['user_id'])) { $resources[$ruid] = $r; } } } // Tasks Setup foreach ($_POST['tasks'] as $k => $task) { $result = $this->_processTask($AppUI, $this->project_id, $task); if (is_array($result)) { $AppUI->setMsg($result, UI_MSG_ERROR); $AppUI->redirect('m=importers'); } $task_id = $result; // Task Parenthood $outline[$task['OUTLINENUMBER']] = $task_id; $q->clear(); if (!strpos($task['OUTLINENUMBER'], '.')) { $q->addUpdate('task_parent', $task_id); $q->addWhere('task_id = ' . $task_id); $q->addTable('tasks'); } else { $parent_string = substr($task['OUTLINENUMBER'], 0, strrpos($task['OUTLINENUMBER'], '.')); $parent_outline = isset($outline[$parent_string]) ? $outline[$parent_string] : $task_id; $q->addUpdate('task_parent', $parent_outline); $q->addWhere('task_id = ' . $task_id); $q->addTable('tasks'); } $q->exec(); $task['task_id'] = $task_id; $tasks[$task['UID']] = $task; // Resources (Workers) if (count($task['resources']) > 0) { $sql = "DELETE FROM user_tasks WHERE task_id = {$task_id}"; db_exec($sql); $resourceArray = array(); foreach ($task['resources'] as $uk => $user) { $alloc = $task['resources_alloc'][$uk]; if ($alloc > 0 && $resources[$user]['user_id'] > 0) { $q->clear(); if (!in_array($resources[$user]['user_id'], $resourceArray)) { $q->addInsert('user_id', $resources[$user]['user_id']); $q->addInsert('task_id', $task_id); $q->addInsert('perc_assignment', $alloc); $q->addTable('user_tasks'); $q->exec(); } $resourceArray[] = $resources[$user]['user_id']; } } } } //dependencies have to be handled alone after all tasks have been saved since the //predecessor (ms project term) task might come later and the associated task id //is not yet available. foreach ($tasks as $k => $task) { // Task Dependencies if (isset($task['dependencies']) && is_array($task['dependencies'])) { $sql = "DELETE FROM task_dependencies WHERE dependencies_task_id = {$task_id}"; db_exec($sql); $dependencyArray = array(); foreach ($task['dependencies'] as $task_uid) { if ($task_uid > 0 && $tasks[$task_uid]['task_id'] > 0) { $q->clear(); if (!in_array($tasks[$task_uid]['task_id'], $dependencyArray)) { $q->addInsert('dependencies_task_id', $task['task_id']); $q->addInsert('dependencies_req_task_id', $tasks[$task_uid]['task_id']); $q->addTable('task_dependencies'); $q->exec(); } $dependencyTestArray[] = $tasks[$task_uid]['task_id']; } } } } $this->_deDynamicLeafNodes($this->project_id); addHistory('projects', $this->project_id, 'add', $projectName, $this->project_id); return $output; }
$_POST["password-login"] = stripslashes(trim($_POST["password-login"])); // test if the password is correct if (check_login($_POST["email-login"], $_POST["password-login"])) { $_SESSION['qcs-isconnect'] = true; // HISTORY ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// require_once("qcs-admin/include/"); require_once("qcs-admin/include/"); $idMember = getIdMemberByEmail($_POST["email-login"]); addHistory($idMember , "connection"); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // COOKIE $_SESSION['email-login'] = $_POST["email-login"]; setcookie('loginQCS' , $_POST["email-login"] , mktime(0,0,0,12,31,2037) , '/'); $qcsType = getMemberTypeById($idMember); setcookie('qcs-type' , $qcsType , mktime(0,0,0,12,31,2037) , '/'); header('Location:http://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].'/member-area-index/'); exit(); } else {
/** * Default delete method * * Can be overloaded/supplemented by the child class * @return null|string null if successful otherwise returns and error message */ function delete($oid = null) { $k = $this->_tbl_key; if ($oid) { $this->{$k} = intval($oid); } if (!$this->canDelete($msg)) { return $msg; } addHistory($this->_tbl, $this->{$k}, 'delete'); $q = new DBQuery(); $q->setDelete($this->_tbl); $q->addWhere("{$this->_tbl_key} = '" . $this->{$k} . "'"); $result = null; if (!$q->exec()) { $result = db_error(); } $q->clear(); return $result; }
/** * Default delete method * * Can be overloaded/supplemented by the child class * @return null|string null if successful otherwise returns and error message */ public function delete($oid = null) { $k = $this->_tbl_key; if ($oid) { $this->{$k} = intval($oid); } if (!$this->canDelete($msg)) { return $msg; } $q = new DBQuery(); $q->setDelete($this->_tbl); $q->addWhere($this->_tbl_key . ' = \'' . $this->{$k} . '\''); $result = !$q->exec() ? db_error() : null; if (!$result) { // only record history if deletion actually occurred addHistory($this->_tbl, $this->{$k}, 'delete'); } $q->clear(); return $result; }
} } if ($div == 'upd') { // --- TBL: form $rslt = updForm($db, $form_id, $pj_id, $sop_id, $tpl_id, $x, $y, $width, $height, $element_type, $default_value); if (!$rslt) { \Sop\Log::error(__FILE__, __LINE__, 'Failed to update form.'); $msg004 = "The update failed."; // 更新に失敗しました: form \Sop\Api::exitWithError(array($msg004)); } } } // --- TBL: history $history_id = -1; $rslt = addHistory($db, $history_id, $pj_id, $sop_id, $tpl_id, null, null, null, $HISTORY_ACTION_TPL_FORM_UPSERT, date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), $user_id, null, null); if (!$rslt) { \Sop\Log::error(__FILE__, __LINE__, 'Failed to update form.'); $msg005 = "The registration and/or update failed.: history"; // 登録・更新に失敗しました: history \Sop\Api::exitWithError(array($msg005)); } // --------------------------- // 終了処理 // --------------------------- $db->commit(); $db = null; if ($div == 'add') { $msg006 = "The registration completed."; echo json_encode(array('success' => true, 'msg' => \Sop\Api::htmlEncodeLines(array($msg006)))); // 登録が完了しました
public function delete() { $q = new DBQuery(); $q->setDelete('forum_visits'); $q->addWhere('visit_forum = ' . (int) $this->forum_id); $q->exec(); // No error if this fails, it is not important. $q->clear(); $q->setDelete('forums'); $q->addWhere('forum_id = ' . (int) $this->forum_id); if (!$q->exec()) { $q->clear(); return db_error(); } $q->clear(); $q->setDelete('forum_messages'); $q->addWhere('message_forum = ' . (int) $this->forum_id); if (!$q->exec()) { $result = db_error(); } else { addHistory('forums', $this->forum_id, 'delete', $this->forum_name); $result = null; } $q->clear(); return $result; }
$params[':grp_id'] = $grp_id; $stmt = $db->prepare($sql); $stmt->execute($params); $cnt = 0; foreach ($stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) as $row) { $cnt = (int) $row['cnt']; } if ($cnt == 0) { \Sop\Log::warning(__FILE__, __LINE__, 'Specified check user does not exist.'); $msg003 = "There is not the inputted user."; // 入力したユーザーは存在しません \Sop\Api::exitWithError(array($msg003)); } // DB更新 (TBL: history) $history_id = -1; $rslt = addHistory($db, $history_id, $pj_id, $sop_id, $tpl_id, $schema_id, $file_id, $smpl_given_no, $HISTORY_ACTION_FILE_ADD_APRV, date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), $user_id, $user_id_2, null); if (!$rslt) { \Sop\Log::error(__FILE__, __LINE__, 'Failed to add history.'); $msg004 = "The update failed.: history"; // 更新に失敗しました: history \Sop\Api::exitWithError(array($msg004)); } } // --------------------------- // ファイル情報取得 // --------------------------- // --- tpl データ存在チェック $sel_sql = getSQLBaseForTplList(); $sel_sql .= " AND tpl.tpl_id = :tpl_id"; $sql = "SELECT count(*) cnt FROM ({$sel_sql}) as tmp"; $params = array();
/** * @todo Parent store could be partially used * @todo Can't delete a task with children */ public function delete(CAppUI $AppUI = null) { global $AppUI; $q = new DBQuery(); $this->_action = 'deleted'; //load it before deleting it because we need info on it to update the parents later on $this->load($this->task_id); addHistory('tasks', $this->task_id, 'delete', $this->task_name, $this->task_project); // delete children $childrenlist = $this->getChildren(); foreach ($childrenlist as $child) { $task = new CTask(); $task->task_id = $child; $task->delete($AppUI); } $taskList = $childrenlist + array($this->task_id); $implodedTaskList = implode(',', $taskList); // delete linked user tasks $q->setDelete('user_tasks'); $q->addWhere('task_id IN (' . $implodedTaskList . ')'); if (!$q->exec()) { return db_error(); } $q->clear(); $q->setDelete('tasks'); $q->addWhere('task_id=' . (int) $this->task_id); if (!$q->exec()) { return db_error(); } elseif ($this->task_parent != $this->task_id) { // Has parent, run the update sequence, this child will no longer be in the // database $this->updateDynamics(); } $q->clear(); // delete affiliated task_logs $q->setDelete('task_log'); $q->addWhere('task_log_task IN (' . $implodedTaskList . ')'); if (!$q->exec()) { return db_error(); } $q->clear(); // delete affiliated task_dependencies $q->setDelete('task_dependencies'); $q->addWhere('dependencies_task_id IN (' . $implodedTaskList . ') OR dependencies_req_task_id IN (' . $implodedTaskList . ')'); if (!$q->exec()) { return db_error(); } else { $this->_action = 'deleted'; } $q->clear(); CProject::updateTaskCount($this->task_project, $this->getTaskCount($this->task_project)); return null; }
/** * Default delete method * * Can be overloaded/supplemented by the child class * @return null|string null if successful otherwise returns and error message */ function delete($oid = null, $history_desc = '', $history_proj = 0) { $k = $this->_tbl_key; if ($oid) { $this->{$k} = intval($oid); } if (!$this->canDelete($msg)) { return $msg; } $q = new DBQuery(); $q->setDelete($this->_tbl); $q->addWhere($this->_tbl_key . " = '" . $this->{$k} . "'"); $result = !$q->exec() ? db_error() : null; if (!$result) { // only record history if deletion actually occurred addHistory($this->_tbl, $this->{$k}, 'delete', $history_desc, $history_proj); } $q->clear(); return $result; }
public function delete(CAppUI $AppUI = null) { global $AppUI; global $helpdesk_available; if (!$this->canDelete($msg)) { return $msg; } $this->_message = 'deleted'; addHistory('files', $this->file_id, 'delete', $this->file_name, $this->file_project); // remove the file from the file system $this->deleteFile(); // delete any index entries $q = new DBQuery(); $q->setDelete('files_index'); $q->addQuery('*'); $q->addWhere('file_id = ' . (int) $this->file_id); if (!$q->exec()) { $q->clear(); return db_error(); } // delete the main table reference $q->clear(); $q->setDelete('files'); $q->addQuery('*'); $q->addWhere('file_id = ' . (int) $this->file_id); if (!$q->exec()) { $q->clear(); return db_error(); } $q->clear(); if ($helpdesk_available && $this->file_helpdesk_item != 0) { $this->addHelpDeskTaskLog(); } return null; }
echo json_encode('gameid must be set'); } } elseif ($action == 'gameStart') { if (isset($_GET['gameid'])) { $count = getPlayerCount($_GET['gameid']); if ($count > 1) { $resultQuery = mysqli_query($link, "SELECT started FROM gamestatus WHERE gameid = " . mysqli_real_escape_string($link, $_GET['gameid']) . ";"); while ($row = $resultQuery->fetch_object()) { $started = $row->started; } if (!$started) { $resultQuery = mysqli_query($link, "UPDATE gamestatus SET started = true WHERE gameid = " . mysqli_real_escape_string($link, $_GET['gameid']) . ";"); for ($i = 1; $i < 18; $i++) { createCityInstance($_GET['gameid'], $i); } addHistory($_GET['gameid'], 'game started'); echo json_encode('Game Started'); } else { echo json_encode('Game already started'); } } else { echo json_encode('Need at least 2 players to start'); } } else { echo json_encode('gameid must be set'); } } else { echo json_encode("Action " . $action . " not supported."); } closeLink($link); } else {
if (isset($_GET['mid'])) { $meid = $_GET['mid']; $z = mysql_query("SELECT uid,permission FROM `Media` WHERE mid='{$meid}' and `permission`='private'") or die(mysql_error()); $row10 = mysql_fetch_assoc($z); $permission = $row10['permission']; $oid = $row10['uid']; $usersid = $_SESSION['id']; if (strcmp($permission, 'private') == 0) { if ($usersid != $oid) { checkPermissions($meid, $oid); } } $id = $_SESSION["id"]; $mid = $_GET['mid']; if ($_SESSION["id"]) { addHistory($id, $mid); } $ip = getRealIpAddr(); $count = 0; $s = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `IP_Address` WHERE mid='{$mid}'") or die(mysql_error()); while ($row1 = mysql_fetch_assoc($s)) { $ipc = $row1['userIP']; $i = strcmp($ip, $ipc); if ($i == 0) { $count = $count + 1; break; } } if ($count == 0) { addView($mid); }
public static function loadSiteProcessor($siteIDs, $params) { $timeout = DEFAULT_MAX_CLIENT_REQUEST_TIMEOUT; //$siteID = reset($siteIDs); $siteID = $_REQUEST['siteID']; if (empty($siteID)) { echo 'Invalid Site ID'; } //$where = $params['where'] ? $params['where'].".php" : ''; $where = $_REQUEST['where'] ? $_REQUEST['where'] . ".php" : ''; $loadSiteVars = array(); if (isset($_REQUEST['var_0'])) { for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) { if (isset($_REQUEST['var_' . $i]) && strpos($_REQUEST['var_' . $i], '__IWPVAR__') !== false) { $temp = explode('__IWPVAR__', $_REQUEST['var_' . $i]); $loadSiteVars[$temp[0]] = $temp[1]; } } } //if(!empty($params['vars']) && is_array($params['vars'])){ // $loadSiteVars = $params['vars']; // } $siteData = DB::getRow("?:sites", "*", "siteID=" . DB::realEscapeString($siteID)); if (empty($siteData)) { echo 'Invalid Site ID'; } $type = 'site'; $action = 'load'; $events = 1; $historyData = array('siteID' => $siteData['siteID'], 'actionID' => Reg::get('currentRequest.actionID'), 'userID' => $GLOBALS['userID'], 'type' => $type, 'action' => $action, 'events' => $events, 'URL' => $siteData['URL'], 'status' => 'completed', 'timeout' => $timeout); $historyAdditionalData[] = array('detailedAction' => 'loadSite', 'uniqueName' => 'loadSite', 'status' => 'success'); $historyID = addHistory($historyData, $historyAdditionalData); $signature = signData($where . $historyID, $siteData['isOpenSSLActive'], $siteData['privateKey'], $siteData['randomSignature']); $URLQueryArray = array('auto_login' => 1, 'iwp_goto' => $where, 'signature' => base64_encode($signature), 'message_id' => $historyID, 'username' => $siteData['adminUsername']); //signature urlencode will be taken care by httpBuildURLCustom() if (!empty($loadSiteVars) && is_array($loadSiteVars)) { $URLQueryArray = array_merge($URLQueryArray, $loadSiteVars); } $adminURLArray = parse_url($siteData['adminURL']); if (!empty($adminURLArray['query'])) { $parsedQuery = array(); parse_str($adminURLArray['query'], $parsedQuery); if (!empty($parsedQuery) && is_array($parsedQuery)) { $URLQueryArray = array_merge($parsedQuery, $URLQueryArray); } } $adminURLArray['query'] = $URLQueryArray; $adminURLArray['path'] .= $where ? $where : ''; $URL = httpBuildURLCustom($adminURLArray); $argSeparator = ini_get('arg_separator.output'); if ($argSeparator == "&" || $argSeparator == "&") { $URL = str_replace($argSeparator, "&", $URL); } //$URL .='&signature='.$tempSignature; //$URL = $siteData['adminURL'].$where.'?'."auto_login=1&iwp_goto=".$where."&signature=".urlencode(base64_encode($signature))."&message_id=".$historyID."&username="******"Location: " . $URL); exit; }
// --------------------------- // 承認可能状態に変更 // --------------------------- $db->beginTransaction(); $date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); // --- TBL: tpl $rslt = updTplTransitAprv($db, $tpl_id, $new_aprv_flg); if (!$rslt) { \Sop\Log::error(__FILE__, __LINE__, 'Failed to update tpl.'); $msg002 = ""; // 登録に失敗しました: transit_aprv \Sop\Api::exitWithError(array($msg002)); } // --- TBL: history $history_id = -1; $rslt = addHistory($db, $history_id, $pj_id, $sop_id, $tpl_id, null, null, null, $HISTORY_ACTION_TPL_TRANSIT, $date, $user_id, null, null); if (!$rslt) { \Sop\Log::error(__FILE__, __LINE__, 'Failed to add history.'); $msg003 = "The registration failed: history"; // 登録に失敗しました: history \Sop\Api::exitWithError(array($msg003)); } // --------------------------- // 終了処理 // --------------------------- $db->commit(); $db = null; $msg004 = "The data was changed to the acceptance available."; // 承認可能にしました $msg005 = "The data was chaged to the acceptance disable."; // 承認申請を取り消しました
protected function hook_postDelete() { //NOTE: This only happens if the delete was successful. addHistory($this->_tbl, $this->{$this->_tbl_key}, 'delete'); return $this; }