<lo> <a href="#tab2">2. ��ª��ͼ����¤�Թԡ����ҹ �����������ͧ��</a> </lo> <lo> <a href="#tab3">3. ��ª��ͼ�������ͧ�ҷ�� �����㹤�Թԡ����ҹ</a> </lo> <lo> <a href="#top-container">��Ѻ��鹴�ҹ��</a> </lo> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="col"> <div class="cell"> <h3>�է�����ҳ <?=ad_to_bc($year_checkup);?></h3> </div> </div> <div class="col" id="tab1"> <div class="cell"> <h3>1. ��ª��ͼ�������ͧ�� ������Ѻ��õ�Ǩ��㹤�Թԡ����ҹ</h3> </div> </div> <div class="col"> <div class="cell"> <table class="width-3of5"> <thead> <tr> <th>�ӴѺ���</th> <th>HN</th> <th>����-ʡ��</th>
<?php include 'menu.php'; $clinics = array( 'A' => 'A ���˵ء�ó������͡�ʷ��������Դ������Ҵ����', 'B' => 'B �Դ������Ҵ����������ѧ���֧��Ǽ�����', 'C' => 'C �Դ������Ҵ�����Ѻ������ ����Դ�ѹ���� ����ա���ѡ��', 'D' => 'D �Դ������Ҵ�����Ѻ������ ��ͧ������ѧ�ҡ���������͡���Դ�ѹ������ ����Դ�ѹ���µ�ͼ�����', 'E' => 'E �Դ������Ҵ�����Ѻ������ ��ͧ������ѡ�������ҡ��鹨ҡ�˵ء�ó��� �Դ�ѹ����/�ԡ����§���Ǥ��ǵ�ͼ�����', 'F' => 'F �Դ������Ҵ�����Ѻ������ ��ͧ������ѡ�� �Դ�ѹ����/�ԡ�� ��§���Ǥ��� �����µ�ͧ���� þ.�ҹ���', 'G' => 'G �Դ������Ҵ�����Ѻ������ ��ͧ������ѡ�� �Դ�����ԡ�ö���', 'H' => 'H �Դ������Ҵ�����Ѻ������ ��ͧ������ѡ�ҷӡ�á����Ե/��ͺ���ª��Ե', 'I' => 'I �Դ������Ҵ�����Ѻ������ ��ͧ������ѡ�Ҷ֧����Ե' ); $date = ad_to_bc(input_get('date')); $group = input_get('group'); $conf = array( 'host' => 'localhost', 'port' => 3306, 'dbname' => 'dbconform', 'user' => 'root', 'pass' => '1234' ); $db = Mysql::load($conf); $sql = "SELECT a.*, b.`name` FROM `ncr2556` AS a LEFT JOIN `departments` AS b ON b.`code` = a.`until` WHERE a.`nonconf_date` LIKE '$date%'
function get_date_bc($format = false){ $format = ( $format !== false ) ? $format : 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ; $date_bc = ad_to_bc(date($format)); return $date_bc; }
<?php include 'bootstrap.php'; include 'templates/classic/header.php'; include 'templates/classic/nav.php'; // DB::load(); $db = Mysql::load(); $default_date = ad_to_bc(date('Y-m')); $date = input('date', $default_date); ?> <style type="text/css"> @media print{ table, table th, table td{ border: 0; } } </style> <div class="cell"> <div class="col"> <h3>��ª��ͼ�����㹤�ҧ��ѵ����§����ѹ���</h3> </div> </div> <div class="cell no-print"> <div class="col"> <form action="ipdcardno.php" method="post"> <div class="cell">
<table width="100%"> <thead> <tr> <th>#</th> <th>HN</th> <th>����ʡ��</th> <th>�շ��ŧ����¹</th> <th>�Ҥ�������ش</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php $i = 1; foreach( $items as $key => $item ){ ?> <tr> <td><?=$i;?></td> <td><?=$item['hn'];?></td> <td><?=$item['yot'].' '.$item['name'].' '.$item['surname'];?></td> <td><?=ad_to_bc($item['regisdate']);?></td> <td><?=$item['lastupdate'];?></td> </tr> <?php $i++; } ?> </tbody> </table>
<th>�ѹ���</th> <th>hn</th> <th>����-ʡ��</th> <th>FBS</th> <th>Hba1c</th> <th>�����˵�</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php $i = 1; foreach( $items as $key => $item ){ ?> <tr> <td><?=$i;?></td> <td><?=ad_to_bc($item['date_eye']);?></td> <td><?=$item['hn'];?></td> <td><?=$item['ptname'];?></td> <td><?=$item['fbs'];?></td> <td><?=$item['hba1c'];?></td> <td><?=$item['comment'];?></td> </tr> <?php $i++; } ?> </tbody> </table> <div class="cell no-print"> <div class="col"> <button onclick="printTable()">�����</button>
if($_POST['m_start']==""){ $day="╩у"; $dateshow = $_POST['y_start']; }else if($_POST['d_start']==""){ $day="Ю╢вм╧"; $dateshow = $printmonth." ".$_POST['y_start']; }else{ $day="гя╧╥уХ"; $dateshow = $_POST['d_start'].' '.$printmonth." ".$_POST['y_start']; } // ╤ИрЮевм║║рцАй╢╖╪е╣ра╩у╖╨╩цпарЁ if( $checkup !== false ){ $thai_year = ad_to_bc(input_post('y_start')); $where = " ( `thidate` >= '".(($thai_year - 1).'-10-01')."' AND `thidate` <= '".($thai_year.'-09-30')."' ) "; $dateshow = "╖╨╩цпарЁ".$thai_year; }else{ $where = "`thidate` LIKE '$date1%' "; } $sql1 = "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE `opday1` SELECT `row_id`,`thidate`,`hn`,`an`,`ptname`,`ptright`,`diag`, TRIM(`icd10`) AS `icd10` FROM `opday` WHERE $where AND ( `doctor` LIKE '%╬тхре%' OR `doctor` LIKE '%Юем╩ця╙╜Л%' )"; $query1 = mysql_query($sql1) or die( mysql_error() );