Exemplo n.º 1
* Add filter to add embed code
* Filter to add embed to any posts
* @since		1.5
* @uses 	ace_get_embed_paras		Get default options
* @uses		ace_get_embed_code		Get embed code from other posts
* @param	string  $content		Post content without embedded code
* @return	string					Post content with embedded code
function ace_filter($content)
    global $post;
    // Set initial values
    $options = ace_get_embed_paras();
    $found_pos = strpos($content, $options['opening_ident'] . $options['keyword_ident'], 0);
    $prefix_len = strlen($options['opening_ident'] . $options['keyword_ident']);
    // Loop around the post content looking for all requests for code embeds
    while ($found_pos !== false) {
        // Get the position of the closing identifier - ignore if one is not found
        $end_pos = strpos($content, $options['closing_ident'], $found_pos + $prefix_len);
        if ($end_pos !== false) {
            // Extract the suffix
            $suffix_len = $end_pos - ($found_pos + $prefix_len);
            if ($suffix_len == 0) {
                $suffix = '';
            } else {
                $suffix = substr($content, $found_pos + $prefix_len, $suffix_len);
            $full_suffix = $suffix;
            // Check for responsive part of suffix
            $responsive = false;
            $max_width = false;
            $res_pos = false;
            if (strlen($suffix) > 1) {
                $res_pos = strpos($suffix, '_RES', 1);
            if ($res_pos !== false) {
                // If responsive section found, check it's at the end of has an underscore afterwards
                // Otherwise it may be part of something else
                if ($res_pos == strlen($suffix) - 4) {
                    $responsive = true;
                } else {
                    if (substr($suffix, $res_pos + 4, 1) == '_') {
                        $responsive = true;
                        $max_width = substr($suffix, $res_pos + 5);
                        if (!is_numeric($max_width)) {
                            $max_width = '';
                if ($responsive) {
                    $suffix = substr($suffix, 0, $res_pos);
            // Get the custom field data and replace in the post
            $search = $options['opening_ident'] . $options['keyword_ident'] . $suffix . $options['closing_ident'];
            ///////////////////////// Place the following section in a seperate routine - can be shared with new SEO functions
            // Get the meta for the current post
            $post_meta = get_post_meta($post->ID, $options['keyword_ident'] . $suffix, false);
            if (isset($post_meta[0])) {
                $html = $post_meta[0];
            } else {
                // No meta found, so look for it elsewhere
                $html = ace_get_embed_code($options['keyword_ident'], $suffix);
            // Build the string to search for
            $search = $options['opening_ident'] . $options['keyword_ident'] . $full_suffix . $options['closing_ident'];
            // Build the string of code to replace with
            $replace = ace_generate_code($html, 'Artiss Code Embed', $responsive, $max_width);
            // Now modify all references
            $content = str_replace($search, $replace, $content);
        $found_pos = strpos($content, $options['opening_ident'] . $options['keyword_ident'], $found_pos + 1);
    // Loop around the post content looking for HTTP addresses
    $content = ace_quick_replace($content, $options, 'http://');
    // Loop around the post content looking for HTTPS addresses
    $content = ace_quick_replace($content, $options, 'https://');
    return $content;
Exemplo n.º 2
echo plugins_url();
/simple-embed-code/images/screen_icon.png" alt="" title="" height="32px" width="32px"/><br /></div>

_e('Artiss Code Embed Support');

echo sprintf(__('You are using Artiss Code Embed version %s. It was written by David Artiss.'), artiss_code_embed_version);

$options = ace_get_embed_paras();
// How to embed
echo "<h3>" . __('How to Embed') . "</h3>\n";
echo '<p>' . sprintf(__('Based upon your current settings to embed some code simply add a custom field named %s, where %s is any suffix you wish. The code to embed is then added as the field value.'), '<strong>' . $options['keyword_ident'] . 'x</strong>', '<strong>x</strong>') . "</p>\n";
echo '<p>' . sprintf(__('Then, to add the code into your post simple add %s where you wish it to appear. %s is the suffix you used for the custom field name.'), '<strong>' . $options['opening_ident'] . $options['keyword_ident'] . "x" . $options['closing_ident'] . '</strong>', '<strong>x</strong>') . "</p>\n";
echo '<p>' . sprintf(__('For example, I may add a custom field named %s, where the value is the code I wish to embed. I would then in my post add %s where I wish the code to then appear.'), '<strong>' . $options['keyword_ident'] . '1</strong>', '<strong>' . $options['opening_ident'] . $options['keyword_ident'] . "1" . $options['closing_ident'] . '</strong>') . "</p>\n";
echo '<p>' . sprintf(__('To embed the same code but to make it responsive you would use %s. To set a maximum width you would use %s, where %s is the maximum width in pixels.'), '<strong>' . $options['opening_ident'] . $options['keyword_ident'] . "x_RES" . $options['closing_ident'] . '</strong>', '<strong>' . $options['opening_ident'] . $options['keyword_ident'] . "x_RES_y" . $options['closing_ident'] . '</strong>', '<strong>y</strong>') . "</p>\n";
echo '<p>' . sprintf(__('To embed an external URL you would type %s, where %s is the URL.'), '<strong>' . $options['opening_ident'] . 'url' . $options['closing_ident'] . '</strong>', '<strong>url</strong>') . "</p>\n";
// Support information
echo '<h3>' . __('Support Information') . "</h3>\n";
echo '<p><a href="http://www.artiss.co.uk/code-embed">' . __('Artiss Code Embed Plugin Documentation') . "</a></p>\n";
echo '<p><a href="http://www.artiss.co.uk/forum/specific-plugins-group2/artiss-code-embed-forum3">' . __('Artiss Code Embed Support Forum') . "</a></p>\n";
echo '<h4>' . __('This plugin, and all support, is supplied for free, but <a title="Donate" href="http://artiss.co.uk/donate" target="_blank">donations</a> are always welcome.') . "</h4>\n";
// Acknowledgements
echo '<h3>' . __('Acknowledgements') . "</h3>\n";
echo '<p>' . sprintf(__('Images have been compressed with %s.'), '<a href="http://www.smushit.com/ysmush.it/">Smush.it</a>') . "</p>\n";