Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: _slot.php Projeto: hashir/UoA
" style="display: <?php 
    echo $showEditor ? "block" : "none";

    include_component($editModule, "editView", array("name" => $name, "type" => $type, "permid" => $permid, "options" => $options, "updating" => $updating, "validationData" => $validationData));

	<ul class="a-ui a-controls">  
    // We need an id, not a name. Fix Jake's "I can't edit anything" bug
    echo a_anchor_submit_button(a_('Save'), array('a-save', 'a-show-busy'), null, 'a-slot-form-submit-' . $id);
    echo a_js_button(a_('Cancel'), array('icon', 'a-cancel', 'alt'), 'a-slot-form-cancel-' . $id);

    a_js_call('apostrophe.slotEnableForm(?)', array('slot-form' => '#a-slot-form-' . $id, 'slot-content' => '#a-slot-content-' . $id, 'url' => url_for($type . 'Slot/edit') . '?' . http_build_query(array('slot' => $name, 'permid' => $permid, 'slug' => $slug))));
Exemplo n.º 2
	<div class="a-form-row title">
		<div class="a-form-field">
echo $form['title']->render(array('class' => 'big'));
echo $form['title']->renderError();
  <div class="a-form-row">
    <ul class="a-ui a-controls">
echo a_anchor_submit_button(a_('Create'), array('a-show-busy'));
echo a_js_button(a_('Cancel'), array('icon', 'a-cancel', 'a-options-cancel', 'alt'));

a_js_call('apostrophe.menuToggle(?)', array('button' => '.a-blog-new-post-button', 'classname' => 'a-options-open', 'overlay' => false, 'focus' => '#a_blog_new_post_title'));
Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: _edit.php Projeto: hashir/UoA
    if ($editVideoSuccess) {
        echo a_button(a_('Cancel'), url_for('aMedia/resume'), array('icon', 'a-cancel', 'big'));
        echo a_anchor_submit_button(a_('Save Media'), array('big'), substr($submitSelector, 1));
    } else {
        echo a_anchor_submit_button(a_('Save'), array(), substr($submitSelector, 1));
        echo a_button(a_('Cancel'), url_for('aMedia/resume'), array('icon', 'a-cancel'));
    if ($item) {
        echo link_to("<span class='icon'></span>" . __("Delete", null, 'apostrophe'), "aMedia/delete?" . http_build_query(array("slug" => $item->slug)), array("confirm" => __("Are you sure you want to delete this item?", null, 'apostrophe'), "class" => "a-btn icon a-delete no-label", 'title' => __('Delete', null, 'apostrophe')), array("target" => "_top"));
Exemplo n.º 4
Arquivo: _form.php Projeto: hashir/UoA
$saveLabels = array('nochange' => a_('Update'), 'draft' => a_('Save'), 'publish' => a_('Publish'), 'schedule' => a_('Update'));
$saveLabel = $saveLabels[$form['publication']->getValue()];
// One tiny difference: if we move from something else *TO* schedule, label it 'Schedule'
$updateLabels = array('nochange' => a_('Update'), 'draft' => a_('Save'), 'publish' => a_('Publish'), 'schedule' => a_('Schedule'));
// Invoked by include_partial in the initial load of the form partial and also directly on AJAX updates of this section
<div class="a-hidden">
echo $form->renderHiddenFields();

<div class="published section a-form-row">
  <div class="post-save clearfix">
echo a_anchor_submit_button($saveLabel, array('a-save', 'a-sidebar-button', 'a-save-blog-main', 'a-show-busy', 'big'));
<div class="status section a-form-row">
echo a_('Status');
	<div class="status-list option">
echo $form['publication']->render();
<div class="a-published-at-container">
Exemplo n.º 5
		<div class="a-form-field">
echo $form['embed']->render(array('class' => 'a-search-video a-search-form', 'id' => 'a-media-video-embed'));

	<div class="a-form-row example">
echo __('Example: %embed%', array('%embed%' => htmlspecialchars('<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" width="437" height="291" ...</object>')), 'apostrophe');
    <input type="hidden" name="first_pass" value="1" class="a-hidden" /> 

	<ul class="a-ui a-controls" id="a-media-video-add-by-embed-form-submit">
echo a_anchor_submit_button(a_('Save Embed'), array('big'));
echo a_js_button(a_('Cancel'), array('icon', 'a-cancel', 'big', 'alt'));


a_js_call('apostrophe.selfLabel(?)', array('selector' => '#a-media-video-embed', 'title' => isset($search) ? $search : '<object>...</object>'));
echo url_for('a_blog_admin_updateSlug', $a_blog_item);
" id="a-blog-item-permalink-interface" class="a-blog-item-permalink-interface a-ui clearfix">
	<div class="a-blog-item-permalink-wrapper url">
echo aTools::urlForPage($a_blog_item->findBestEngine()->getSlug()) . '/';
echo date('Y/m/d/', strtotime($a_blog_item->getPublishedAt()));
	<div class="a-blog-item-permalink-wrapper slug">
		<input type="text" name="slug" class="a-slug" value="<?php 
echo a_entities($a_blog_item->slug);
	  <ul class="a-ui a-controls blog-slug">
echo a_anchor_submit_button(a_('Save'), array('a-save', 'mini'));
	    <li><a href="#" class="a-btn icon a-cancel no-label mini"><span class="icon"></span><?php 
echo a_('Cancel');

Exemplo n.º 7

	  <ul class="a-ui a-controls a-upload-multiple-controls">
	  	<li><a href="#" id="a-media-add-photo" class="a-btn icon a-add lite alt"><span class="icon"></span><?php 
echo a_('Add Multiple Files');

	  <ul class="a-ui a-controls">
echo a_anchor_submit_button(a_('Upload ' . aMediaTools::getBestTypeLabel()), array('big'));
echo a_js_button(a_('Cancel'), array('icon', 'a-cancel', 'big', 'alt'));

// Elements get moved here by jQuery when they are not in use.
// This form is never submitted so file upload elements that are