Exemplo n.º 1
 public static function ToToken($intPromoCodeTypeId)
     switch ($intPromoCodeTypeId) {
         case 0:
             $locale = localeconv();
             return $locale['currency_symbol'];
         case 1:
             return 'Percent';
             throw new QCallerException(sprintf(_sp('Invalid intPromoCodeTypeId') . ': %s', $intPromoCodeTypeId));
Exemplo n.º 2
  * Валидация длины строки
  * @param array $option
  * @return bool
 protected function lenght(array $option)
     if (isset($option['empty']) && $option['empty'] && empty($option['value'])) {
         return true;
     if (isset($option['min']) && mb_strlen($option['value']) < $option['min']) {
         $this->error[] = sprintf(_sp('Min. %d symbol', 'Min. %d symbols', $option['min']), $option['min']);
         return false;
     } elseif (isset($option['max']) && mb_strlen($option['value']) > $option['max']) {
         $this->error[] = sprintf(_sp('Max. %d symbol', 'Max. %d symbols', $option['max']), $option['max']);
         return false;
     return true;
Exemplo n.º 3
 public function run()
     //Load some information we'll use within the loops
     $intStockHandling = _xls_get_conf('INVENTORY_OUT_ALLOW_ADD', 0);
     $strQueryAddl = $intStockHandling == 0 ? " AND inventory_avail > 0" : "";
     header("Content-Type: text/xml;charset=UTF-8");
     $ret = "";
     $strSiteDir = _xls_site_dir();
     $canonicalUrl = Yii::app()->createCanonicalUrl("site/index");
     $strSiteDir = $canonicalUrl;
     echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' . "\n";
     echo '<urlset
     // index page
     echo $this->sitemapXml($strSiteDir);
     // sitemap page
     echo $this->sitemapXml($strSiteDir . "sitemap.xml");
     $categories = Category::model()->findAll();
     foreach ($categories as $category) {
         $ret .= _sp("Generating URL for category ") . $category->label . "\n";
         echo $this->sitemapXml($category->canonicalUrl, date("c", strtotime($category->modified)), 'weekly');
     $arrProducts = Yii::app()->db->createCommand('SELECT * FROM ' . Product::model()->tableName() . ' WHERE current=1 AND web=1 AND parent IS NULL ' . $strQueryAddl . ' ORDER BY id')->query();
     while (($arrItem = $arrProducts->read()) !== false) {
         $objProduct = Product::model()->findByPk($arrItem['id']);
         echo $this->sitemapXml($objProduct->canonicalUrl, date("c", strtotime($objProduct->modified)), 'daily', $objProduct->featured ? '0.8' : '0.5');
     $criteria = new CDbCriteria();
     $criteria->condition = 'tab_position > 0';
     $criteria->order = 'tab_position';
     $pages = CustomPage::model()->findAll($criteria);
     foreach ($pages as $page) {
         $ret .= _sp("Generating url for page ") . $page->title . "\n";
         echo $this->sitemapXml($page->canonicalUrl, date("c", strtotime($page->modified)), 'weekly');
     echo '</urlset>' . "\n";
Exemplo n.º 4
  * Функция пересчета на дни, или часы
  * @param int $var Время в Unix формате
  * @return string
 public static function timeCount($var)
     $var = $var > 0 ? $var : 0;
     $day = ceil($var / 86400);
     if ($var >= 86400) {
         return sprintf(_sp('%d day', '%d days', $day), $day);
     return date("G:i:s", mktime(0, 0, $var));
Exemplo n.º 5
 * For copyright and license information, please see the LICENSE.md
 * Installing the system or redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice.
 * @link        http://mobicms.net mobiCMS Project
 * @copyright   Copyright (C) mobiCMS Community
 * @license     LICENSE.md (see attached file)
defined('MOBICMS') or die('Error: restricted access');
use Config\System as Config;
$app = App::getInstance();
$user = $app->user()->get();
$form = new Mobicms\Form\Form(['action' => $app->request()->getUri()]);
if ($user->rights >= 7 || $user->nickChanged < time() - Config::$usrChangeNicknamePeriod * 86400) {
    $form->title(_m('Change Nickname'))->element('text', 'nickname', ['label' => _m('New Nickname'), 'maxlength' => 20, 'required' => true])->element('text', 'repeat', ['label' => _m('Repeat Nickname'), 'maxlength' => 20, 'description' => _s('Min. 2, Max. 20 Characters.<br>Allowed letters are Cyrillic and Latin alphabet, numbers, spaces and punctuation - = @ ! ? ~ . _ ( ) [ ] *') . '<br/>' . _m('Please note that while changing the nickname is changing your Login on the site.<br>The next change of nickname is allowed through') . ' ' . Config::$usrChangeNicknamePeriod . ' ' . _sp('Day', 'Days', Config::$usrChangeNicknamePeriod) . '.', 'required' => true])->element('password', 'password', ['label' => _m('Your Password'), 'required' => true])->divider()->element('submit', 'submit', ['value' => _s('Save'), 'class' => 'btn btn-primary'])->html('<a class="btn btn-link" href="../">' . _s('Back') . '</a>')->validate('nickname', 'lenght', ['min' => 2, 'max' => 20])->validate('repeat', 'compare', ['compare_field' => 'nickname']);
} else {
    $form->html('<div class="alert alert-danger">' . '<strong>' . _m('Nickname can not change more than once a') . ' ' . Config::$usrChangeNicknamePeriod . ' ' . _sp('Day', 'Days', Config::$usrChangeNicknamePeriod) . '</strong><br/><br/>' . _m('You have already changed their nickname:') . ' ' . Includes\Functions::displayDate($user->nickChanged) . '<br/>' . _m('Next time will be able to change:') . ' ' . Includes\Functions::displayDate($user->nickChanged + Config::$usrChangeNicknamePeriod * 86400) . '</div>')->html('<a class="btn btn-primary" href="../">' . _s('Back') . '</a>');
if ($form->process() === true) {
    $valid = $app->user()->validate();
    // Проверяем Ник
    if (!$valid->checkNicknameChars($form->output['nickname'])) {
        // Обнаружены запрещенные символы
        $form->setError('nickname', _s('Invalid characters'));
    } elseif (!$valid->checkNicknameCharsets($form->output['nickname'])) {
        // Обнаружены символы из разных языков
        $form->setError('nickname', _s('It is forbidden to use characters of different languages'));
    } elseif (ctype_digit($form->output['nickname']) && !Config::$usrNicknameDigitsOnly) {
        // Ник состоит только из цифр
        $form->setError('nickname', _s('Nicknames consisting only of numbers are prohibited'));
    } elseif (!$valid->checkNicknameRepeatedChars($form->output['nickname'])) {
        // Обнаружены повторяющиеся символыь (более 3-х подряд)
Exemplo n.º 6
  * The description of this module
  * @return string
 public function info()
     return _sp("This module provides a simple cash on delivery payment method.");
Exemplo n.º 7
 public function __get($strName)
     switch ($strName) {
         case 'Name':
             return $this->Title;
         case 'IsMaster':
             return $this->IsMaster();
         case 'IsChild':
             return $this->IsChild();
         case 'IsIndependent':
             return $this->IsIndependent();
         case 'Slug':
             return $this->GetSlug();
         case 'Code':
             if ($this->IsChild()) {
                 if ($prod = $this->GetMaster()) {
                     return $prod->code;
             return $this->code;
         case 'FkProductMaster':
             return $this->GetMaster();
         case 'InventoryDisplay':
             return $this->InventoryDisplay();
         case 'Family':
             if (isset($this->family)) {
                 return $this->family->family;
             } else {
                 return '';
         case 'Class':
             if (isset($this->class)) {
                 return $this->class->class_name;
             } else {
                 return '';
         case 'Url':
         case 'Link':
             return $this->getUrl();
         case 'SEOName':
             return $this->GetSEOName();
         case 'AbsoluteUrl':
             return $this->GetAbsoluteUrl();
         case 'AddToCartImage':
             return $this->GetImageLink(ImagesType::addtocartmodal);
         case 'ListingImage':
             return $this->GetImageLink(ImagesType::listing);
         case 'ListingImageAbsolute':
             return $this->GetImageLink(ImagesType::listing, true);
         case 'MiniImage':
             return $this->GetImageLink(ImagesType::mini);
         case 'MiniImageAbsolute':
             return $this->GetImageLink(ImagesType::mini, true);
         case 'MiniImageTag':
             return CHtml::image(Images::GetLink($this->image_id, ImagesType::mini));
         case 'PreviewImage':
             return $this->GetImageLink(ImagesType::preview);
         case 'PreviewImageAbsolute':
             return $this->GetImageLink(ImagesType::preview, true);
         case 'PreviewImageTag':
             return CHtml::image(Images::GetLink($this->image_id, ImagesType::preview));
         case 'SliderImage':
             return $this->GetImageLink(ImagesType::slider);
         case 'SliderImageAbsolute':
             return $this->GetImageLink(ImagesType::slider, true);
         case 'SliderImageTag':
             return CHtml::image(Images::GetLink($this->image_id, ImagesType::slider));
         case 'CategoryImage':
             return $this->GetImageLink(ImagesType::category);
         case 'CategoryImageAbsolute':
             return $this->GetImageLink(ImagesType::category, true);
         case 'CategoryImageTag':
             return CHtml::image(Images::GetLink($this->image_id, ImagesType::category));
         case 'PDetailImage':
             return $this->GetImageLink(ImagesType::pdetail);
         case 'PDetailImageAbsolute':
             return $this->GetImageLink(ImagesType::pdetail, true);
         case 'PDetailImageTag':
             return CHtml::image(Images::GetLink($this->image_id, ImagesType::pdetail));
         case 'SmallImage':
             return $this->GetImageLink(ImagesType::small);
         case 'SmallImageAbsolute':
             return $this->GetImageLink(ImagesType::small, true);
         case 'SmallImageTag':
             return CHtml::image(Images::GetLink($this->image_id, ImagesType::small));
         case 'Image':
             return $this->GetImageLink(ImagesType::normal);
         case 'ImageAbsolute':
             return $this->GetImageLink(ImagesType::normal, true);
         case 'ImageTag':
             return CHtml::image(Images::GetLink($this->image_id, ImagesType::normal));
         case 'OriginalCode':
             return $this->code;
         case 'SizeLabel':
             return _xls_get_conf('PRODUCT_SIZE_LABEL', _sp('Size'));
         case 'ColorLabel':
             return _xls_get_conf('PRODUCT_COLOR_LABEL', _sp('Color'));
         case 'PageTitle':
             return _xls_truncate($this->GetPageMeta('SEO_PRODUCT_TITLE'), 70);
         case 'PageDescription':
             return _xls_truncate($this->GetPageMeta('SEO_PRODUCT_DESCRIPTION'), 255);
             return parent::__get($strName);
Exemplo n.º 8

echo $this->pageHeader;

	    <div class="subcategories">
if (isset($this->subcategories) && count($this->subcategories) > 0) {
    echo _sp("Subcategories") . ':';
    foreach ($this->subcategories as $item) {
        echo CHtml::link(trim($item['label']), $item['link']);

if (isset($this->custom_page_content)) {
		    <div id="custom_content">
    echo $this->custom_page_content;
Exemplo n.º 9
  * Short Description.
  * @param $strId
  * @return array
 public static function getAdminDropdownOptions($strId)
     switch ($strId) {
         case 'VIEWSET':
             $arr = array();
             $d = dir(YiiBase::getPathOfAlias('application'));
             while (false !== ($filename = $d->read())) {
                 if (substr($filename, 0, 6) == "views-") {
                     $strView = substr($filename, 6, 100);
                     $arr[$strView] = ucfirst($strView);
             return $arr;
         case 'THEME':
             $arr = array();
             $d = dir(YiiBase::getPathOfAlias('webroot') . "/themes");
             while (false !== ($filename = $d->read())) {
                 if ($filename[0] != ".") {
                     $fnOptions = YiiBase::getPathOfAlias('webroot') . "/themes/" . $filename . "/config.xml";
                     if (file_exists($fnOptions)) {
                         $strXml = file_get_contents($fnOptions);
                         $oXML = new SimpleXMLElement($strXml);
                         if ($oXML->viewset) {
                             $arr[$filename] = $oXML->name;
             return $arr;
         case 'CHILD_THEME':
             $fnOptions = YiiBase::getPathOfAlias('webroot') . '/themes/' . _xls_get_conf('THEME') . '/config.xml';
             $arr = array();
             if (file_exists($fnOptions)) {
                 $strXml = file_get_contents($fnOptions);
                 // Parse xml for response values
                 $oXML = new SimpleXMLElement($strXml);
                 if ($oXML->themes) {
                     foreach ($oXML->themes->theme as $item) {
                         $arr[(string) $item->valuestring] = (string) $item->keystring;
                 } else {
                     $arr['webstore'] = 'n/a';
             } else {
                 $arr['webstore'] = 'config.xml missing';
             return $arr;
         case 'COUNTRY':
             return CHtml::listData(Country::model()->findAllByAttributes(array('active' => 1), array('order' => 'sort_order,country')), 'id', 'country');
         case 'STATE':
             return array(0 => '') + CHtml::listData(State::model()->findAllByAttributes(array('active' => 1), array('order' => 'sort_order, state')), 'id', 'state');
         case 'WEIGHT':
             return array('lb' => 'Pound', 'kg' => 'Kilogram');
         case 'DIMENSION':
             return array('in' => 'Inch', 'cm' => 'Centimeter');
         case 'ENCODING':
             return array('ISO-8859-1' => 'ISO-8859-1', 'ISO-8859-15' => 'ISO-8859-15', 'UTF-8' => 'UTF-8', 'cp1251' => 'cp1251', 'cp1252' => 'cp1252', 'KOI8-R' => 'KOI8-R', 'BIG5' => 'BIG5', 'GB2312' => 'GB2312', 'BIG5-HKSCS' => 'BIG5-HKSCS', 'Shift_JIS' => 'Shift_JIS', 'EUC-JP' => 'EUC-JP');
         case 'TIMEZONE':
             $arr = _xls_timezones();
             $arr = _xls_values_as_keys($arr);
             return $arr;
         case 'PRODUCT_SORT':
             return array("title" => _sp("Product Name"), "-id" => _sp("Most Recently Created"), "-modified" => _sp("Most Recently Updated"), "code" => _sp("Product Code"), "sell_web" => _sp("Price"), "-inventory_avail" => _sp("Most Inventory"), "description_short" => _sp("Short Description"));
         case 'ENABLE_FAMILIES':
             return array(0 => _sp("Off"), 1 => _sp("Bottom of Products Menu"), 2 => _sp("Top of Products Menu"), 3 => _sp("Blended into Products Menu"));
             return array(0 => _sp("Autodetect"), 1 => _sp("Force No Security"), 2 => _sp("Force SSL"), 3 => _sp("Force TLS"));
         case 'STORE_IMAGE_LOCATION':
             return array('DB' => 'Database', 'FS' => 'File System');
             return array(1 => _sp("ON for Everyone"), 0 => _sp("OFF for Everyone"));
         case 'CAPTCHA_CONTACTUS':
             return array(2 => _sp("ON for Everyone"), 1 => _sp("OFF for Logged-in Users"), 0 => _sp("OFF for Everyone"));
         case 'CAPTCHA_CHECKOUT':
             return array(2 => _sp("ON for Everyone"), 1 => _sp("OFF for Logged-in Users"), 0 => _sp("OFF for Everyone"));
         case 'CAPTCHA_STYLE':
             return array(0 => _sp("Google ReCAPTCHA"), 1 => _sp("Integrated Captcha (DEPRECATED)"));
         case 'CAPTCHA_THEME':
             return array('red' => _sp("Red"), 'white' => _sp("White"), 'blackglass' => _sp("Blackglass"), 'clean' => _sp("Clean"));
         case 'ENABLE_SLASHED_PRICES':
             return array(0 => _sp("Off"), 1 => _sp("Only on Details Page"), 2 => _sp("On Grid and Details Pages"));
         case 'IMAGE_FORMAT':
             return array('jpg' => "JPG", 'png' => "PNG");
         case 'LOGGING':
             return array('error' => 'Error Logging', 'info' => 'Troubleshooting Logging', 'trace' => 'Ludicrous Logging');
         case 'INVENTORY_OUT_ALLOW_ADD':
             return array(Product::InventoryAllowBackorders => _sp('Display and Allow backorders'), Product::InventoryDisplayNotOrder => _sp('Display but Do Not Allow ordering'), Product::InventoryMakeDisappear => _sp('Make product disappear'));
         case 'MATRIX_PRICE':
             return array(Product::HIGHEST_PRICE => _sp('Show Highest Price'), Product::PRICE_RANGE => _sp('Show Price Range'), Product::CLICK_FOR_PRICING => _sp('Show "Click for Pricing"'), Product::LOWEST_PRICE => _sp('Show Lowest Price'), Product::MASTER_PRICE => _sp('Show Master Item Price'));
         case 'SSL_NO_NEED_FORWARD':
             return array(1 => _sp('Only when going to Checkout'), 0 => _sp('At all times including browsing product pages'));
         case 'REQUIRE_ACCOUNT':
             return array(1 => _sp('without registering (default)'), 0 => _sp('only after creating an account'));
         case 'AFTER_ADD_CART':
             return array(0 => _sp('Stay on page'), 1 => _sp('Redirect to Edit Cart page'));
         case 'PRODUCTS_PER_ROW':
             return array(1 => 1, 2 => 2, 3 => 3, 4 => 4, 6 => 6);
         case 'HOME_PAGE':
             $arr = array('*products' => _sp('Product grid'));
             if (Yii::app()->params['LIGHTSPEED_MT'] == '1') {
                 if (Yii::app()->theme->info->showCustomIndexOption) {
                     $arr['*index'] = _sp(Yii::app()->theme->info->name . ' home page');
             } else {
                 if (Yii::app()->theme->info->showCustomIndexOption) {
                     $arr['*index'] = _sp(Yii::app()->theme->info->name . ' home page');
                 } else {
                     $arr['*index'] = _sp('site/index.php');
             foreach (CustomPage::model()->findAll(array('order' => 'title')) as $item) {
                 $arr[$item->page_key] = $item->title;
             return $arr;
         case 'CEventPhoto':
             return CHtml::listData(Modules::model()->findAllByAttributes(array('category' => 'CEventPhoto'), array('order' => 'name')), 'module', 'name');
         case 'PROCESSOR_RECOMMEND':
             return array('wsrecommend' => 'Default');
         case 'PROCESSOR_MENU':
             return array('wsmenu' => 'Dropdown Menu');
         case 'PROCESSOR_LANGMENU':
             return array('wslanglinks' => 'Language options as links', 'wslangdropdown' => 'Language options as dropdown', 'wslangflags' => 'Language options as flags');
         case 'EMAIL_TEST':
             return array(1 => 'On', 0 => 'Off');
         case 'AUTO_UPDATE_TRACK':
             return array(0 => 'Release Versions', 1 => 'Beta and Release Versions');
         case 'IMAGE_ZOOM':
             return array('flyout' => 'Flyout', 'inside' => 'Inside');
             return array(1 => 'On', 0 => 'Off');
Exemplo n.º 10

echo $this->pageHeader;

	    <div class="subcategories">
if (isset($this->subcategories) && count($this->subcategories) > 0) {

    echo _sp("Subcategories");
    foreach ($this->subcategories as $item) {
        echo CHtml::link(trim($item['label']), $item['link']);

if (isset($this->custom_page_content)) {
Exemplo n.º 11
  * The run() function is called from Web Store to run the process.
  * The return array should have two elements: the first is true/false if the transaction was successful. The second
  * string is either the successful Transaction ID, or the failure Error String to display to the user.
  * @return array
 public function run()
     $strCardType = $this->CheckoutForm->cardType;
     if ($strCardType == "AMERICAN_EXPRESS" || $strCardType == "American Express") {
         $strCardType = "Amex";
     $str = "&PAYMENTACTION=" . 'Sale';
     $str .= "&ITEMAMT=" . $this->objCart->subtotal;
     $str .= "&SHIPPINGAMT=" . $this->objCart->shippingCharge;
     $str .= "&AMT=" . round($this->objCart->total, 2);
     $str .= "&TAXAMT=" . $this->objCart->TaxTotal;
     $str .= "&INVNUM=" . $this->objCart->id_str . date('YmdHis');
     // append the datetime to prevent duplicate id error if payment must be re-tried
     $str .= "&CREDITCARDTYPE=" . $strCardType;
     $str .= "&ACCT=" . _xls_number_only($this->CheckoutForm->cardNumber);
     $str .= "&EXPDATE=" . _xls_number_only($this->CheckoutForm->cardExpiryMonth . $this->CheckoutForm->cardExpiryYear);
     $str .= "&CVV2=" . $this->CheckoutForm->cardCVV;
     $str .= "&FIRSTNAME=" . urlencode($this->CheckoutForm->contactFirstName);
     $str .= "&LASTNAME=" . urlencode($this->CheckoutForm->contactLastName);
     $str .= "&STREET=" . urlencode($this->CheckoutForm->billingAddress2 != '' ? $this->CheckoutForm->billingAddress1 . " " . $this->CheckoutForm->billingAddress2 : $this->CheckoutForm->billingAddress1);
     $str .= "&CITY=" . urlencode($this->CheckoutForm->billingCity);
     $str .= "&STATE=" . strtoupper($this->CheckoutForm->billingStateCode);
     $str .= "&ZIP=" . str_replace(" ", "", $this->CheckoutForm->billingPostal);
     $str .= "&COUNTRYCODE=" . strtoupper($this->CheckoutForm->billingCountryCode);
     $str .= "&EMAIL=" . $this->CheckoutForm->contactEmail;
     $str .= "&CURRENCYCODE=" . strtoupper(_xls_get_conf('CURRENCY_DEFAULT', 'USD'));
     //CAD or USD
     $str .= "&IPADDRESS=" . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
     if ($this->config['live'] == 'test') {
         $API_Endpoint = 'https://api-3t.sandbox.paypal.com/nvp';
         $API_UserName = $this->config['api_username_sb'];
         $API_Password = $this->config['api_password_sb'];
         $API_Signature = $this->config['api_signature_sb'];
     } else {
         $API_Endpoint = 'https://api-3t.paypal.com/nvp';
         $API_UserName = $this->config['api_username'];
         $API_Password = $this->config['api_password'];
         $API_Signature = $this->config['api_signature'];
     $version = '57.0';
     $ch = curl_init();
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $API_Endpoint);
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 1);
     // Force the use of TLS instead of SSLv3.
     //  https://ppmts.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/1182/session/L3RpbWUvMTQxNjg0NzY2Mi9zaWQvb0t6Y3llOG0%3D
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSLVERSION, 1);
     // TODO - Verify if this is still the recommended way to connect to paypal (WS-3516)
     // Turn off the server and peer verification (TrustManager Concept).
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE);
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, FALSE);
     // Return response data instead of true(1).
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
     // Do a regular HTTP POST
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
     // Set the API operation, version, and API signature in the request.
     $strPaypalPost = "METHOD=doDirectPayment&VERSION=" . urlencode($version) . "&PWD=" . urlencode($API_Password) . "&USER="******"&SIGNATURE=" . urlencode($API_Signature) . $str;
     if (isset($this->CheckoutForm->debug) && $this->CheckoutForm->debug) {
         return $strPaypalPost;
     // Set the request as a POST FIELD for curl.
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $strPaypalPost);
     $resp = curl_exec($ch);
     //converting NVPResponse to an Associative Array
     $nvpResArray = $this->deformatNVP($resp);
     $strPaypalPost = $this->obfuscateStr($strPaypalPost);
     Yii::log(sprintf("%s sending %s for amt %s\nString %s", __CLASS__, $this->objCart->id_str, $this->objCart->total, $strPaypalPost), $this->logLevel, 'application.' . __CLASS__ . '.' . __FUNCTION__);
     Yii::log(sprintf('%s receiving %s', __CLASS__, print_r($nvpResArray, true)), $this->logLevel, 'application.' . __CLASS__ . '.' . __FUNCTION__);
     if (curl_errno($ch)) {
         // moving to display page to display curl errors
         Yii::log("curl_error " . curl_errno($ch), 'error', 'application.' . __CLASS__ . '.' . __FUNCTION__);
         Yii::log("curl_error_msg " . curl_error($ch), 'error', 'application.' . __CLASS__ . '.' . __FUNCTION__);
         $errortext = _sp("There was a PayPal system error. Check error logs.");
         return FALSE;
     } else {
         //closing the curl
         $nvpResArray['ACK'] = strtoupper($nvpResArray['ACK']);
     	Sample returned
     	[TIMESTAMP] => 2009-06-09T22:23:58Z
     	[CORRELATIONID] => aa77bb77aa77
     	[ACK] => SUCCESS
     	[VERSION] => 57.0
     	[BUILD] => 921486
     	[AMT] => 52.49
     	[AVSCODE] => X
     	[CVV2MATCH] => M
     	[TRANSACTIONID] => 2SK51234GE217235G
     	[TIMESTAMP] => 2009-06-09T22:24:03Z
     	[CORRELATIONID] => aa77bb77aa77
     	[ACK] => Failure
     	[VERSION] => 57.0
     	[BUILD] => 921486
     	[L_ERRORCODE0] => 10508
     	[L_SHORTMESSAGE0] => Invalid Data
     	[L_LONGMESSAGE0] => This transaction cannot be processed. Please enter a valid credit card expiration date.
     	[L_SEVERITYCODE0] => Error
     	[AMT] => 52.49
     $arrReturn['jump_url'] = false;
     $arrReturn['api'] = $this->apiVersion;
     $arrReturn['jump_form'] = null;
     if ($nvpResArray['ACK'] != 'SUCCESS') {
         $arrReturn['success'] = false;
         $arrReturn['amount_paid'] = 0;
         $errortext = _sp($nvpResArray['L_SHORTMESSAGE0'] . ": " . $nvpResArray['L_LONGMESSAGE0']);
         $arrReturn['result'] = $errortext;
         Yii::log($errortext, 'error', 'application.' . __CLASS__ . '.' . __FUNCTION__);
     } else {
         //We have success
         $arrReturn['success'] = true;
         $arrReturn['amount_paid'] = $nvpResArray['AMT'];
         $arrReturn['result'] = $nvpResArray['TRANSACTIONID'];
         $arrReturn['payment_date'] = $nvpResArray['TIMESTAMP'];
     return $arrReturn;
Exemplo n.º 12
  * During the Cart completion process, update (decrement) the usage quantity remaining
  * and add the promo code information to the order notes.
  * @return void
 public function completeUpdatePromoCode()
     $objPromo = null;
     if ($this->fk_promo_id > 0) {
         $objPromo = PromoCode::model()->findByPk($this->fk_promo_id);
         $this->printed_notes = implode("\n\n", array($this->printed_notes, sprintf("%s: %s", _sp('Promo Code'), $objPromo->code)));
         foreach ($this->cartItems as $objItem) {
             if ($objItem->discount > 0) {
                 $this->printed_notes = implode("\n", array($this->printed_notes, sprintf("%s discount: %.2f", $objItem->code, $objItem->discount)));
         if ($objPromo->qty_remaining > 0) {
Exemplo n.º 13
function _xls_mail_body_from_template($templatefile, $vars)
    if (!file_exists($templatefile)) {
        _xls_log(_sp("FATAL ERROR : e-mail template file not found") . $templatefile);
        return "";
    try {
    } catch (Exception $exc) {
        _xls_log(_sp("FATAL ERROR : problem extracting e-mail" . " variables in") . " " . print_r($vars, true));
        return "";
    include templateNamed('email_header.tpl.php');
    include $templatefile;
    include templateNamed('email_footer.tpl.php');
    $content = ob_get_contents();
    return $content;