Exemplo n.º 1
        _server_error('Failed to convert file.');
} elseif ($fmt === 'wav-pcm') {
    # signed linear PCM in WAVE container
    $cmd = $sox . ' -q -t al ' . qsa($origfile) . ' -r 8000 -c 1 -s -b 16 -t wav ' . qsa($outfile) . ' 1>>/dev/null';
    $err = 0;
    $out = array();
    @exec($cmd, $out, $err);
    if ($err != 0) {
        gs_log(GS_LOG_WARNING, 'Failed to convert voicemail file to ' . $fmt . '. (' . trim(implode(' - ', $out)) . ')');
        _server_error('Failed to convert file.');
if (!file_exists($outfile)) {
    gs_log(GS_LOG_WARNING, 'Failed to convert voicemail file.');
    _server_error('Failed to convert file.');
@header('Content-Type: ' . $formats[$fmt]['mime']);
$fake_filename = preg_replace('/[^0-9a-z\\-_.]/i', '', 'vm_' . $ext . '_' . date('Ymd_Hi', $info['orig_time']) . '_' . subStr(md5(date('s', $info['orig_time']) . $info['cidnum']), 0, 4) . '.' . $formats[$fmt]['ext']);
@header('Content-Disposition: ' . ($attach ? 'attachment' : 'inline') . '; filename="' . $fake_filename . '"');
@header('ETag: ' . $etag);
# set Content-Length to prevent Apache(/PHP?) from using
# "Transfer-Encoding: chunked" which makes the sound file appear too
# short in QuickTime and maybe other players
@header('Transfer-Encoding: identity');
if ($fmt === 'wav-pcma') {
    @header('Content-Length: ' . ((int) strLen($wav_alaw_header) + (int) @fileSize($origfile)));
    echo $wav_alaw_header;
} else {
    @header('Content-Length: ' . (int) @fileSize($outfile));
Exemplo n.º 2
if ($_SESSION['real_user']['name'] !== 'sysadmin' && !gs_user_is_admin(@$_SESSION['real_user']['name'])) {
if (!array_key_exists('u', $_REQUEST)) {
    _not_found('Username not specified.');
$user = $_REQUEST['u'];
include_once GS_DIR . 'inc/gs-fns/gs_ldap_user_search.php';
$user_info = gs_ldap_user_search($user);
if (isGsError($user_info)) {
if (!is_array($user_info)) {
    _server_error('Failed to look up user "' . $user . '" in LDAP.');
require_once GS_DIR . 'lib/utf8-normalize/gs_utf_normal.php';
@header('Content-Type: application/json');
# RFC 4627
echo "{\n";
$i = 0;
foreach ($user_info as $k => $v) {
    if ($i > 0) {
        echo ",\n";
    echo '"', $k, '": ';
    if ($v === null) {
        echo 'null';
    } else {