Exemplo n.º 1
 case 4:
     $tdata = DB::query("SELECT public,locked FROM `" . _mysql_prefix . "-sboxes` WHERE id=" . $posttarget);
     if (DB::size($tdata) != 0) {
         $tdata = DB::row($tdata);
         if (_publicAccess($tdata['public']) and $tdata['locked'] != 1) {
             $continue = true;
     // forum
 // forum
 case 5:
     $tdata = DB::query("SELECT public,var2,var3,level FROM `" . _mysql_prefix . "-root` WHERE id=" . $posttarget . " AND type=8");
     if (DB::size($tdata) != 0) {
         $tdata = DB::row($tdata);
         if (_publicAccess($tdata['public'], $tdata['level']) and _publicAccess($tdata['var3']) and $tdata['var2'] != 1) {
             $continue = true;
     // zprava
 // zprava
 case 6:
     if (_messages && _loginindicator) {
         $tdata = DB::query_row('SELECT sender,receiver FROM `' . _mysql_prefix . '-pm` WHERE id=' . $posttarget . ' AND (sender=' . _loginid . ' OR receiver=' . _loginid . ') AND sender_deleted=0 AND receiver_deleted=0');
         if ($tdata !== false) {
             $continue = true;
             $xhome = $posttarget;
Exemplo n.º 2

// kontrola jadra
if (!defined('_core')) {
// titulek
$title = $query['title'];
if (_template_autoheadings && $query['autotitle']) {
    $content .= "<h1>" . $query['title'] . _linkRSS($id, 3) . "</h1>\n";
_extend('call', 'page.book.aftertitle', $extend_args);
// obsah
_extend('call', 'page.book.content.before', $extend_args);
if ($query['content'] != "") {
    $content .= _parseHCM($query['content']);
_extend('call', 'page.book.content.after', $extend_args);
// prispevky
require_once _indexroot . 'require/functions-posts.php';
$content .= _postsOutput(3, $id, array($query['var2'], _publicAccess($query['var1']), $query['var3']));
Exemplo n.º 3

/* ----  inicializace jadra  ---- */
require './require/load.php';
if (!_printart) {
/* ----  vystup  ---- */
if (_publicAccess(!_notpublicsite) and isset($_GET['id'])) {
    $id = intval($_GET['id']);
    // nacteni dat clanku
    $query = DB::query("SELECT art.*,cat.title_seo AS cat_title_seo FROM `" . _mysql_prefix . "-articles` AS art JOIN `" . _mysql_prefix . "-root` AS cat ON(cat.id=art.home1) WHERE art.id=" . $id);
    if (DB::size($query) != 0) {
        // rozebrani dat, test pristupu
        $query = DB::row($query);
        $access = _articleAccess($query);
        $artlink = _linkArticle($id, $query['title_seo'], $query['cat_title_seo']);
        $url = _url . "/" . $artlink;
        define('_indexOutput_url', $artlink);
        // vypsani obsahu
        if ($access == 1) {
            // vlozeni zacatku hlavicky
            require _indexroot . "require/headstart.php";
<link href="<?php 
            echo _indexroot;
            echo _template;
Exemplo n.º 4
 /* --  stranka  -- */
 // rozebrani dat, test pristupu
 $id = $query['id'];
 define('_indexOutput_url', _linkRoot($id, $query['title_seo']) . (isset($ids[1]) ? '/' . $ids[1] : ''));
 define('_indexOutput_pid', $id);
 // presmerovani na mod_rewrite adresu
 if (_modrewrite && isset($ids) && !$rewritten) {
     $redir_query = $raw_get_data;
     define('_redirect_to', _url . '/' . _addGetToLink(_indexOutput_url, _buildQuery($redir_query), false));
 } elseif (isset($ids) && $id == _index_page_id) {
     // presmerovani hlavni strany (kvuli duplicite)
     define('_redirect_to', _url . '/');
 } else {
     // priprava pro vystup
     if (_publicAccess($query['public'], $query['level'])) {
         // udalosti stranky
         if (null !== $query['events']) {
             $query['events'] = _parseStr($query['events']);
             for ($i = 0; isset($query['events'][$i]); ++$i) {
                 $event = explode(':', $query['events'][$i], 2);
                 _extend('call', 'page.event.' . $event[0], array('arg' => isset($event[1]) ? $event[1] : null, 'query' => &$query));
         // zpetny odkaz
         $backlink = null;
         _extend('call', 'page.backlink', array('backlink' => &$backlink, 'query' => $query));
         if (null === $backlink && isset($query['inter_id']) && $query['visible'] == 1 && _template_intersec_backlink) {
             // odkaz na rozcestnik
             $backlink = _linkRoot($query['inter_id'], $query['inter_title_seo']);
Exemplo n.º 5
                    if ('' !== $author_name['publicname']) {
                        $author_name = $author_name['publicname'];
                    } else {
                        $author_name = $author_name['username'];
                    $avatar = "<img src='" . $avatar . "' alt='" . $author_name . "' class='topic-avatar' />";
        } else {
            $author = "<span class='post-author-guest' title='" . _showIP($query['ip']) . "'>" . $query['guest'] . "</span>";
        // vystup
        $module .= "\n<h2>" . $_lang['posts.topic'] . ": " . $query['subject'] . _linkRSS($id, 6) . "</h2>\n<p><small>" . $_lang['global.postauthor'] . " " . $author . " " . _formatTime($query['time']) . "</small>" . $editlink . "</p>\n<p>" . $avatar . _parsePost($query['text']) . "</p>\n<div class='cleaner'></div>\n";
        // odpovedi
        require_once _indexroot . 'require/functions-posts.php';
        $module .= _postsOutput(6, $homedata['id'], array(_commentsperpage, _publicAccess($homedata['var3']), $homedata['var2'], $id), $query['locked'] == 1);
    } else {
        $form = _uniForm("notpublic");
        $module .= $form[0];
} else {
    define('_indexOutput_url', "index.php?m=topic");
    if (_template_autoheadings) {
        $module .= "<h1>" . $_lang['global.error404.title'] . "</h1>\n";
    $module .= _formMessage(2, $_lang['posts.topic.notfound']);
    $found = false;
/* ---  titulek  --- */
if ($forumtitle != "" and $topictitle != "") {
    define('_indexOutput_title', $forumtitle . " " . _titleseparator . " " . $topictitle);
Exemplo n.º 6
 * Vyhodnotit pravo aktualniho uzivatele k pristupu ke clanku
 * @param array $res pole s daty clanku (potreba id,time,confirmed,public,home1,home2,home3)
 * @return int 0 - pristup odepren, 1 - pristup povolen, 2 - vyzadovano prihlaseni
function _articleAccess($res)
    // nevydany / neschvaleny clanek
    if (!$res['confirmed'] || $res['time'] > time()) {
        if (_loginright_adminconfirm || $res['author'] == _loginid) {
            return 1;
        return 0;
    // kontrola kategorii
    $homes = array($res['home1']);
    if ($res['home2'] != -1) {
        $homes[] = $res['home2'];
    if ($res['home3'] != -1) {
        $homes[] = $res['home3'];
    $q = DB::query('SELECT public,level FROM `' . _mysql_prefix . '-root` WHERE id IN(' . implode(',', $homes) . ')');
    while ($r = DB::row($q)) {
        if (_publicAccess($r['public'], $r['level'])) {
            // do kategorie je pristup (staci alespon 1)
            return 1;
    return 2;
    // neni pristup
Exemplo n.º 7
function _HCM_sbox($id = null)
    // priprava
    $result = "";
    $id = intval($id);
    // nacteni dat shoutboxu
    $sboxdata = DB::query("SELECT * FROM `" . _mysql_prefix . "-sboxes` WHERE id=" . $id);
    if (DB::size($sboxdata) != 0) {
        $sboxdata = DB::row($sboxdata);
        $rcontinue = true;
    } else {
        $rcontinue = false;
    // sestaveni kodu
    if ($rcontinue) {
        $result = "\n    <div class='anchor'><a name='hcm_sbox_" . SL::$hcmUid . "'></a></div>\n    <div class='sbox'>\n    <div class='sbox-content'>\n    " . ($sboxdata['title'] != "" ? "<div class='sbox-title'>" . $sboxdata['title'] . "</div>" : '') . "<div class='sbox-item'" . ($sboxdata['title'] == "" ? " style='border-top:none;'" : '') . ">";
        // formular na pridani
        if ($sboxdata['locked'] != 1 and _publicAccess($sboxdata['public'])) {
            // priprava bunek
            // $captcha = _captchaInit();
            if (!_loginindicator) {
                $inputs[] = array($GLOBALS['_lang']['posts.guestname'], "<input type='text' name='guest' class='sbox-input' maxlength='22' />");
            $inputs[] = array($GLOBALS['_lang']['posts.text'], "<input type='text' name='text' class='sbox-input' maxlength='255' /><input type='hidden' name='_posttype' value='4' /><input type='hidden' name='_posttarget' value='" . $id . "' />");
            if (!_loginindicator) {
                $inputs[1][2] = true;
                // $inputs[] = $captcha;
            $result .= _formOutput("hcm_sboxform_" . SL::$hcmUid, _indexroot . "remote/post.php?_return=" . urlencode(_indexOutput_url . "#hcm_sbox_" . SL::$hcmUid), $inputs, null, null);
        } else {
            if ($sboxdata['locked'] != 1) {
                $result .= $GLOBALS['_lang']['posts.loginrequired'];
            } else {
                $result .= "<img src='" . _templateImage("icons/lock.png") . "' alt='locked' class='icon' /> " . $GLOBALS['_lang']['posts.locked2'];
        $result .= "\n</div>\n<div class='sbox-posts'>";
        // vypis prispevku
        $sposts = DB::query("SELECT id,text,author,guest,time,ip FROM `" . _mysql_prefix . "-posts` WHERE home=" . $id . " AND type=4 ORDER BY id DESC");
        if (DB::size($sposts) != 0) {
            while ($spost = DB::row($sposts)) {
                // nacteni autora
                if ($spost['author'] != -1) {
                    $author = _linkUser($spost['author'], "post-author' title='" . _formatTime($spost['time']), false, false, 16, ":");
                } else {
                    $author = "<span class='post-author-guest' title='" . _formatTime($spost['time']) . ", ip=" . _showIP($spost['ip']) . "'>" . $spost['guest'] . ":</span>";
                // odkaz na spravu
                if (_postAccess($spost)) {
                    $alink = " <a href='index.php?m=editpost&amp;id=" . $spost['id'] . "'><img src='" . _templateImage("icons/edit.png") . "' alt='edit' class='icon' /></a>";
                } else {
                    $alink = "";
                // kod polozky
                $result .= "<div class='sbox-item'>" . $author . $alink . " " . _parsePost($spost['text'], true, false, false) . "</div>\n";
        } else {
            $result .= "\n<div class='sbox-item'>" . $GLOBALS['_lang']['posts.noposts'] . "</div>\n";
        $result .= "\n  </div>\n  </div>\n  </div>\n  ";
    return $result;