public function submitForm(array &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
    $user = \Drupal::currentUser();
    $validators = array(
      'file_validate_is_image' => array()
    $files_uploaded = array();
    if (\Drupal::config('photos.settings')->get('photos_plupload_status')) {
      $nid = $form_state->getValue('nid');
      $album_uid = db_query("SELECT uid FROM {node_field_data} WHERE nid = :nid", array(':nid' => $nid))->fetchField();
      if (empty($album_uid)) {
        $album_uid = $user->id();
      // \Drupal\user\Entity\User::load($album_uid);
      $account = \Drupal::entityManager()->getStorage('user')->load($album_uid);
      $plupload_files = $form_state->getValue('plupload');
      foreach ($plupload_files as $uploaded_file) {
        if ($uploaded_file['status'] == 'done') {
          // Check for zip files.
          $ext = \Drupal\Component\Utility\Unicode::substr($uploaded_file['name'], -3);
          if ($ext <> 'zip' && $ext <> 'ZIP') {
            $photos_path = photos_check_path('default', '', $account);
            $photos_name = _photos_rename($uploaded_file['name']);
            $file_uri = file_destination($photos_path . '/' . $photos_name, FILE_EXISTS_RENAME);
            if (file_unmanaged_move($uploaded_file['tmppath'], $file_uri)) {
              $path_parts = pathinfo($file_uri);
              $image = \Drupal::service('image.factory')->get($file_uri);
              if ($path_parts['extension'] && $image->getWidth()) {
                // Create a file entity.
                $file = entity_create('file', array(
                  'uri' => $file_uri,
                  'uid' => $user->id(),
                  'status' => FILE_STATUS_PERMANENT,
                  'pid' => $form_state->getValue('pid'),
                  'nid' => $form_state->getValue('nid'),
                  'filename' => $photos_name,
                  'filesize' => $image->getFileSize(),
                  'filemime' => $image->getMimeType()

                if ($file_fid = _photos_save_data($file)) {
                  $files_uploaded[] = photos_image_date($file);
              else {
                \Drupal::logger('photos')->notice('Wrong file type', []);
            else {
              \Drupal::logger('photos')->notice('Upload error. Could not move temp file.', []);
          else {
            if (!\Drupal::config('photos.settings')->get('photos_upzip')) {
              drupal_set_message(t('Please set Album photos to open zip uploads.'), 'error');
            $directory = photos_check_path();
            $zip = file_destination($directory . '/' . $uploaded_file['name'], FILE_EXISTS_RENAME);
            if (file_unmanaged_move($uploaded_file['tmppath'], $zip)) {
              $value = new stdClass();
              $value->pid = $form_state->getValue('pid');
              $value->nid = $form_state->getValue('nid');
              $value->title = $uploaded_file['name'];
              $value->des = '';
              if (!$msg = _photos_unzip($zip, $value)) {
                drupal_set_message(t('Zip upload failed.'), 'error');
        else {
          drupal_set_message(t('Error uploading some photos.'), 'error');
  public function submitForm(array &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
    $user_value = $form_state->getValue('user');
    if ($user_value) {
    else {
      // @todo check if file is already in use before moving?
      // - If in use copy?
      $album = $form_state->getValue('album');
      $directory = $form_state->getValue('directory');
      $user = \Drupal::currentUser();
      $validators = array(
        'file_validate_is_image' => array()
      $count = 0;
      $files_uploaded = array();
      $nid = $album;
      $album_uid = $form_state->getValue('uid');
      // If photos_access is enabled check viewid.
      $scheme = 'default';
      $album_viewid = 0;
      if (\Drupal::moduleHandler()->moduleExists('photos_access')) {
        $node = \Drupal\node\Entity\Node::load($nid);
        if (isset($node->privacy) && isset($node->privacy['viewid'])) {
          $album_viewid = $node->privacy['viewid'];
          if ($album_viewid > 0) {
            // Check for private file path.
            if (PrivateStream::basePath()) {
              $scheme = 'private';
            else {
              // Set warning message.
              drupal_set_message(t('Warning: image files can still be accessed by visiting the direct URL.
                For better security, ask your website admin to setup a private file path.'), 'warning');
      $account = \Drupal::entityManager()->getStorage('user')->load($album_uid);
      // Check if zip is included.
      $allow_zip = \Drupal::config('photos.settings')->get('photos_upzip') ? '|zip|ZIP' : '';
      $file_extensions = 'png|PNG|jpg|JPG|jpeg|JPEG|gif|GIF' . $allow_zip;
      $files = file_scan_directory($directory, '/^.*\.(' . $file_extensions . ')$/');
      foreach ($files as $dir_file) {
        $ext = \Drupal\Component\Utility\Unicode::substr($dir_file->uri, -3);
        if ($ext <> 'zip' && $ext <> 'ZIP') {
          // Prepare directory.
          $photos_path = photos_check_path($scheme, '', $account);
          $photos_name = _photos_rename($dir_file->filename);
          $file_uri = file_destination($photos_path . '/' . $photos_name, FILE_EXISTS_RENAME);
          if (file_unmanaged_move($dir_file->uri, $file_uri)) {
            // Save file to album. Include title and description.
            $image = \Drupal::service('image.factory')->get($file_uri);
            if ($image->getWidth()) {
              // Create a file entity.
              $file = entity_create('file', array(
                'uri' => $file_uri,
                'uid' => $user->id(),
                'status' => FILE_STATUS_PERMANENT,
                'pid' => $nid,
                'nid' => $nid,
                'filename' => $photos_name,
                'filesize' => $image->getFileSize(),
                'filemime' => $image->getMimeType()

              if ($file_fid = _photos_save_data($file)) {
                $files_uploaded[] = photos_image_date($file);
        else {
          // Zip upload from manual upload form.
          if (!\Drupal::config('photos.settings')->get('photos_upzip')) {
            return form_set_error('error', t('Please update settings to allow zip uploads.'));
          $directory = photos_check_path();
          $zip = file_destination($directory . '/' . trim(basename($dir_file->uri)), FILE_EXISTS_RENAME);
          if (file_unmanaged_move($dir_file->uri, $zip)) {
            $value = new \stdClass();
            $value->pid = $nid;
            $value->nid = $nid;
            $value->des = '';
            $value->title = $dir_file->filename;
            if (!$file_count = _photos_unzip($zip, $value, $scheme, $account)) {
            $msg = t('Upload failed.');
            else {
              $count = $count+$file_count;
      // Clear node and album page cache.
      Cache::invalidateTags(array('node:' . $nid, 'photos:album:' . $nid));
      $message = \Drupal::translation()->formatPlural($count, '1 image moved to selected album.', '@count images moved to selected album.');
Exemplo n.º 3
  public function submitForm(array &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
    $user = \Drupal::currentUser();
    $validators = array(
      'file_validate_is_image' => array()
    $count = 0;
    $files_uploaded = array();
    $nid = $form_state->getValue('nid');
    $album_uid = db_query("SELECT uid FROM {node_field_data} WHERE nid = :nid", array(':nid' => $nid))->fetchField();
    // If photos_access is enabled check viewid.
    $scheme = 'default';
    $album_viewid = 0;
    if (\Drupal::moduleHandler()->moduleExists('photos_access')) {
      $node = \Drupal\node\Entity\Node::load($nid);
      if (isset($node->privacy) && isset($node->privacy['viewid'])) {
        $album_viewid = $node->privacy['viewid'];
        if ($album_viewid > 0) {
          // Check for private file path.
          if (PrivateStream::basePath()) {
            $scheme = 'private';
          else {
            // Set warning message.
            drupal_set_message(t('Warning: image files can still be accessed by visiting the direct URL.
              For better security, ask your website admin to setup a private file path.'), 'warning');
    if (empty($album_uid)) {
      $album_uid = $user->id();
    // \Drupal\user\Entity\User::load($album_uid);
    $account = \Drupal::entityManager()->getStorage('user')->load($album_uid);
    // Check if plupload is enabled.
    // @todo check for plupload library?
    if (\Drupal::config('photos.settings')->get('photos_plupload_status')) {
      $plupload_files = $form_state->getValue('plupload');
      foreach ($plupload_files as $uploaded_file) {
        if ($uploaded_file['status'] == 'done') {
          // Check for zip files.
          $ext = \Drupal\Component\Utility\Unicode::substr($uploaded_file['name'], -3);
          if ($ext <> 'zip' && $ext <> 'ZIP') {
            // Prepare directory.
            $photos_path = photos_check_path($scheme, '', $account);
            $photos_name = _photos_rename($uploaded_file['name']);
            $file_uri = file_destination($photos_path . '/' . $photos_name, FILE_EXISTS_RENAME);
            if (file_unmanaged_move($uploaded_file['tmppath'], $file_uri)) {
              $path_parts = pathinfo($file_uri);
              $image = \Drupal::service('image.factory')->get($file_uri);
              if ($path_parts['extension'] && $image->getWidth()) {
                // Create a file entity.
                $file = entity_create('file', array(
                  'uri' => $file_uri,
                  'uid' => $user->id(),
                  'status' => FILE_STATUS_PERMANENT,
                  'pid' => $form_state->getValue('pid'),
                  'nid' => $form_state->getValue('nid'),
                  'filename' => $photos_name,
                  'filesize' => $image->getFileSize(),
                  'filemime' => $image->getMimeType()

                if ($file_fid = _photos_save_data($file)) {
                  $files_uploaded[] = photos_image_date($file);
              else {
                \Drupal::logger('photos')->notice('Wrong file type');
            else {
              \Drupal::logger('photos')->notice('Upload error. Could not move temp file.');
          else {
            if (!\Drupal::config('photos.settings')->get('photos_upzip')) {
              drupal_set_message(t('Please set Album photos to open zip uploads.'), 'error');
            $directory = photos_check_path();
            $zip = file_destination($directory . '/' . $uploaded_file['name'], FILE_EXISTS_RENAME);
            if (file_unmanaged_move($uploaded_file['tmppath'], $zip)) {
              $value = new \StdClass();
              $value->pid = $form_state->getValue('pid');
              $value->nid = $form_state->getValue('nid');
              $value->title = $uploaded_file['name'];
              $value->des = '';
              // Unzip it.
              if (!$file_count = _photos_unzip($zip, $value, $scheme, $account)) {
                drupal_set_message(t('Zip upload failed.'), 'error');
              else {
                // Update image upload count.
                $count = $count+$file_count;
        else {
          drupal_set_message(t('Error uploading some photos.'), 'error');
    else {
      // Manual upload form.
      $pid = $form_state->getValue('pid');
      $photos_num = \Drupal::config('photos.settings')->get('photos_num');
      for ($i = 0; $i < $photos_num; ++$i) {
        if ($_FILES['files']['name']['images_' . $i]) {
          $ext = \Drupal\Component\Utility\Unicode::substr($_FILES['files']['name']['images_' . $i], -3);
          if ($ext <> 'zip' && $ext <> 'ZIP') {
            // Prepare directory.
            $photos_path = photos_check_path($scheme, '', $account);
            if ($file = file_save_upload('images_' . $i, $validators, $photos_path, 0)) {
              // Save file to album. Include title and description.
              $file->pid = $pid;
              $file->nid = $form_state->getValue('nid');
              $file->des = $form_state->getValue('des_' . $i);
              $file->title = $form_state->getValue('title_' . $i);
              $files_uploaded[] = photos_image_date($file);
          else {
            // Zip upload from manual upload form.
            if (!\Drupal::config('photos.settings')->get('photos_upzip')) {
              return form_set_error('error', t('Please update settings to allow zip uploads.'));
            $directory = photos_check_path();
            $zip = file_destination($directory . '/' . trim(basename($_FILES['files']['name']['images_' . $i])), FILE_EXISTS_RENAME);
            if (file_unmanaged_move($_FILES['files']['tmp_name']['images_' . $i], $zip)) {
              $value = new \stdClass();
              $value->pid = $pid;
              $value->nid = $form_state->getValue('nid') ? $form_state->getValue('nid') : $form_state->getValue('pid');
              $value->des = $form_state->getValue('des_' . $i);
              $value->title = $form_state->getValue('title_' . $i);
              if (!$file_count = _photos_unzip($zip, $value, $scheme, $account)) {
                $msg = t('Upload failed.');
              else {
                $count = $count+$file_count;
    // Clear node and album page cache.
    Cache::invalidateTags(array('node:' . $nid, 'photos:album:' . $nid));
    $message = \Drupal::translation()->formatPlural($count, '1 image uploaded.', '@count images uploaded.');